Straits Echo, 30 March 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1101 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. ‘HIV S.SSV9 BANKS. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. -€1,200.000 1.475,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietor» Head Office: HATTON COURT, TIIREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. j€1.200,000 S15.00U.0UU Paid up Capital Rkskrvk Funds Sterling £1 500.UOO at 2
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    • 32 1 1 HE BEST BEERJN THE FAR EAST. 0 I H0 l it 1 'y A N e Xl' i "O V r ;\«i >--■ I v > </ *v TIANQ LEE A Co., So/« Agmati,
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  • 895 2 The Prize List. Following ih tbe Penang Free School Prize List held over from Saturday on account, of pressure of space Centenary Gold Medal. Khoo lieng Kok. Lei Hoon Choe Scholarthi]>e. •S. A. Karim $3O per annum. T. A. White $2O Upper VIII —Head Boy, Klioo lleug
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  • 616 2 Visiting Child’s Sins ou the Parent. The children’s charter, which was recently introduce! to the House of Commons, proposes to abolish the precocious youth’s cigarette and the child’s prison. All parties iu the House received it kindly. It is likely to pass into law speedily. When
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 45 2 Prof. Schmidt pi etui 8 Gou<.sau (SantalKawa Riedel’s) to any oilier preparation of Santalwood oil. Although lie used the drug in moie than 2<> oasis, he I**9 never observed auy sigua of nausea, ilttu!eucy, U*plir itic pains, pi ui it ns nor *kiu empii >tiV
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    • 39 2 Riedel's Gonosan is not unpleasant to take and is n<«t attended by those distressing bveff ets which so often accompany the use of balsams and Suutal oils. It has secured unqualified I.r-tiwtfr.ini the leidiu-r Stpoei »:j s f w
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    • 1406 2 NOTICE. It be underaigued beg to notify to tbe public that tbe Power of Attorney granted to LAU KENG HOI by me on tbe 6th August, 1907, is hereby revoked and cancelled. C3EW SAU NAM. The RACHALS AUTOPIANO Enables yon to play I he piano in the most accomplished manner.
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  • 46 3 front AtJ&nS' Due Yorrk Colombo R M AOo. l«t Apr. P Lu’wip Singapore R M ACo. 2nd Manila Sm ao '»e O ACo. 3-d Cnitia 0 Irinbo 3 K ACo. 4 b Oc°ana Colombo G ACo. Orh Bt-uuvou r, .nJou 3 B ACo 12ib
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  • 35 3 h>.r A'/ent* I.euvet Yorck f pm r*. M AO. A pr l’ Taidvviu I lO'IH K.M &< ’o. MxmU 1 *>lnliilw« .to,.. China S nirnpore K < >C-«tllA ■*'ny*p4>r** a a *o. BbDiVOC Singapore 8.B AOo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 147 3 Perak, Br. s.s., 258, Crichton. 29th Mar Singapore, 27ch Mar., Gen.—E. S Co" Ltd. Oalyp>o, hr. as., 339, Bannatvne, 29th wV, J m a P ore 27th Mar Gen.— \V M Co. Mart Austin. Br s.s, 121, Wright, Mar., Asahsn, 28: h Mar., Gen—E 8 Co .Ltd. Petrel, Id.
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    • 45 3 30th March. Pa Jang, for Batu Bahru. On Sang, for Calcutta. Canton, for Pangkor uml Teluk AnsonPegu, for Lsngsa, T. Seraawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Palitnm, for Singapore. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perl is and Setul. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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    • 86 3 For Deli—Per Perak, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Puekdau Braudan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Tran —P»-r Leung Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuham Siugapore—Per Pi» Seng to-moirow, 3 p m. I'eluk Anson—Per Hye Leong, to-morrow, 3 p m. Po r t Swetteuliam and Singapore—Per Perak, to morrow 4 p m.
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  • 406 3 Per P an 1 O s.s. Jibuti, duo at Pcuaug I *>n 31 March To Singapore (from Loudon, Feb. 29) Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Key and cliild, Mr. tnd M’s. J A. Webb, Mr. J. H. Jainesou, Miss E. B. Smith. Per I. G. M.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 906 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Apr. it Oceana connecting nilh India Delia do Victoria Mny 7 Delhi do Britannia Homeward T cj. Connecting Due Dai*. SUamor. wilh s 8 r on )oD Apr. 11 Delhi 25 M ilia May 9 Devauha 23 Oceana Moldavia
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    • 347 3 (SHIPPING.) HAMBIJRG-AMLRIKA LINE PASSENGER SERVICE. tl,e nrw 8teauier8 “Rhenania,” Habsbuko,” JIoH bkhtaufs.n.” These steamers offer to the public the highest comfort vet attaiLed in Ocean Travelling. They nave very hrge cabins. provided with rulv lower Iierfhs. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor and ou'wardesses
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  • 94 4 Jnutter «iUiefle-i everybody and justice alene-— Emtenr. hibllHhtvl dally (eicf-pt KandmyO At rh CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 232, Beach Street, Penarg. PRICE DAILY LOCAL pi Minim OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $15 OAHI.E ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 if.R— 411 buaines# communications should be
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  • 703 4 Thk artistic soul of Mr. L. H. (JiayEton revolts against the idea of Victoria Pier being utilised as a structure oi; > which to hang advertisements. Al- though he voted in favour of the appliJ cation received by the Municipal Com- > missioners from the Robinson Piano 1 Company,
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  • 461 4 )lr. Foo Clioo Clioon Still Leading Easily. The following list gives the state of the poll in the Echo's Most Popular Mhu Competition up to 3 p m. to-day. No more votes have been received for Mr. Foo
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  • 263 4 The following business in has been done to-day Penang PeuangTin Exchauge, 25 tons at $7l; Straits Trading Co., 25 72^ Eastern Smelting Co., 50 72^ Singapore: Straits Trading Co., 25 72| Total... 125 tous. Opium is quoted bere to-day at $B2O aud Rangoon rice
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  • 188 4 H'jore Mr. Wolf erst an Sdkaieh, Nallegaoui and Kader, three Kling men, were this morning arraigned ou the charge of enticing an immigrant, to wit, a woman named Knvamlia. to a place other thau the Immigrants' Depot on or about the 27th inst. The prisooeis pleaded not
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  • 221 4 jbe “At Hun e of the Sepoy Liues Recreation C!u\ wire') was held last Siturday. was veiy weil attended and proved a most enjoyable affair. The piizas woo in the recent Liwn Tennis Tournament were prps-euted by Mrs. Keun, w fe of Dr. A. H. Keun
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  • 409 4 S»turd.ty night saw a crowded house, or I rather tent, at Matsuo’s well-known show, I the special attraction being that, absolutely new pictures were promised. Matsuo was “a uiau of his word,” as tbe Hon. W Evaus told the Free School boys they should »e in his interesting
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  • 854 4 The Government Gazette of March 27 c <n tains the following items of information -J The 8. s. Profit has been exempted, under the Transit of CatHe and other Liveatod by Sea Ordinance 1901, from the w,i 1908, to the Ist November, 1908. from the operation of Rules
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 147 4 ei THE OLD FAVOURITE, TIIE ROYALCINEMATOGRAPHJ HAS RETURNED! J' U Wednesday /s£ April AT THE PUS! HALL, KUALA KANGSAR ROAD i The Champagne of Table Waters. I SARKIES BROTHERS, j Sole importers, < Penang Singapore Rangoon.] ooooo-_>ooo«.oo voocoooo<k»ooooo<? MOTOR CARS. NAPIE 4 €> Cylinders. COVENTRY SIMPLES, 2, 4 6 Cylinders.
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    • 91 5 (Supplied by Reuter,) iiit* President’s Visit to Loudon. Loudon, 29th March —The French Goverumeut asks the Chamber the extraordinary credit of 130,0 0 francs on l*ebalf of Presi dent Falheres’s visit to Loudon, and says that tho visit will strengthen the AngloFrench entente and develop commercial relations. [On
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    • 163 5 (Supjriied by lteutcr.) Aldrich Currency Hill. Loudon, 29th March. —The Washington Senate has passed the Aldrich Currency Bill. Mr. Aldrich, in explaining his Currency Bill in the Senate recently, said the remedy provided in the Bill would, within 48 hours, if an emergency required it, put $500,000,000
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    • 145 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Hulpirian Railway Project. London, 29 li M^rch.—lt is reported at Sofia that the Porte is inclined to accede to the Bulgarian request to join the SotiiKustendil line with the Kumanovo line. New Russian Scheme of Reform. Londou, 29'h March.— Prince v<*n Buelow, the Prussian Premier,
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    • 88 5 {Supplied by lteuterd A £5,000,000 Loan. London, 30th March.—A Tientsin-Fukow Railway Loan of £5,000,000, bearing in terest at 5 per cent., has been issued at partly in London and partly in Germany. [For some time there has been iu China a violent agitation against foreign loans. It was
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    • 49 5 (Supplied by Renter.) The Governments Protest. Londou, 29th March.—A telegram from I’aris states that the French Chamber has passed extraordinary credits towards the operations in Morocco. The Government indiguantly protested against the accusations of M. Jaures, the Socialist leader, that the French artillery massacred Moorish women and children.
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Go\eriiineiit*B Determination. London, 3 *»b March.—Mr. John Burns. President of the Local Government Board, speaking at Battersea. Raid that the Government, was determined to remain in office for another three sessions and that it in tended to pass the Licensing Bill whatever tho
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    • 167 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Explanation Demanded. London, 30th March.—The United States Minister at La Guayra has demanded from tho Venezuelan Government an explanation for the opening at the L .Guayra Post Office of the official mails for au Americau cru.ser, characterising it as a very
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Tht 1 Immigration Question. Loudon, 29 th March.—The Dominion Government announces that it will coutinue till tbe end of the year the regulation (which expires on April 1) requiring that every immigrant must possess twenty-liva dollars.
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    • 21 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Visit to New Zealand. Loudon, 30th March.—The American Pacific Fleet will visit Auckland. New Zealand.
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  • 165 5 At the last meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners the President sain that the Health Officer had reported two cases of plague. A male Chinese, uuknown, was found at Banda Street and sent to the quarantine station. The other was a corpse touud at 39, Upper Chincbew
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  • 400 5 One of the Gang Shot and Captured. The police authorities have received information of a daring attack that was made on a house at BukitTimah, says the Singapore, Free Prentt. It appears about 2 a.m. ou Wednesday, a Hylam caretaker at a Chinese Towkav’s bouse at
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  • 865 5 (From Our Oxen Correspondent). London, March 6th. Major Venables’ Retirement. Major E F. Venables, the S uior M jor of the 2 id Battalion the Queen’s Own Royal West Kent Regiment, Straits Settlements, has elected to take bis retired pay. and has left the army. Major
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  • 522 5 (F> om Our Own Correspondent Teipincr. 28 h Mireh. Farewell Dinner to the Resident, 'the Ke*id»*ut. Mrs. Bncli ano M 9. B ich left by motor this morning for Kwala Kang* *ar in order to be pre*eot at the farewell dinner given them by ihe Sultan, the K*jas
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  • 370 5 It is with the deepest regret that we record the death of Mr A. H. K chard*. ■ff ictiouately known as Pa,” which occurred at twenty minuses past three this morning. ■»avs Saturd ty’s issue of the Ip<»h paper. Tn* news, though by no means
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  • 673 5 JUDGMENT IN FAVOUR OF THE DOCTOR FOR $2,500. Judge’s Comments on Mr. Darke’s Conduct. Mr Justice Fisher gave a long judgment in the Supreme Court on Thursday hist, in the action b*-ou>'ht l»y Dr Goonetilleke who claimed $lO 000 for allege] m-diciou-* prosecution against th« Opium Farm and
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  • 179 5 Arkivbd. Per s.B. Pahtuia, from Rangoon L‘r. aud Mis. R. P. S'rong. Mr. and Mrs. J. I Phillips aud child, Mr. aud Mrs. E W R >per, Mr and Mrs. R G. Thomas, Misses M. A. Me D «well. E. Smith, M. Tow mend, 'less"'. G. G. Crabber, Fmkler,
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  • 84 5 T«-r»AT. 28 h Day nt 2nd Moon. Penang Chamber of Commerce, Annual Gone'al Meeting, 3 p.m. Hunt Club Arrual Meetiue, 4.30 p.m. Football C. R. C. vs. P. C,*T, Esplanade. P. C. C. Tennis Prize Distribution, 6 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of
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  • 18 5 China (Privz Ludwig) ...3l8t Mar. German Y r/ct ...1st, Apr. English Oceana) ...9th China (Dethi) ...11th
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  • 17 5 O New Moon Apr. Ist First Quarter Bth O Full Moon 16th Last Quarter 24th
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  • 19 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Ootwariim. Ho.UKWa ri*h. Oceana 9 Apr. Delhi 11 Apr. Delta 23 iMa ta 23
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 33 5 Rheumatism. No externil application is equal to Chamberlain’s Pain Balm for Rheumatism. Prompt relief follows its use. A trial will conviuce you of its superior merit. The Oeorpe Town Pispensarv. Wholesale A cents
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    • 50 5 Dangers of Influenza. The great danger from influenza is of i»s r p«n ting in pneumonia. Ttii* can bo obri. a ted bv using Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It not only cures irfluoi za bu’ counter, acts anv tendency of the disease towttdg pneumonia 'I he George Town "DigpeD-ary, ’Wholesale Agents
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    • 74 5 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Tins medicine is welt known for its Prompt ernes of bowel complaint, which is ilwaV' nice or prpvalent at this stM*o i of t,>e year Au attack of d arrboea is liable to come on without warning, and if a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
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    • 223 5 WANTED. Young Englishman seeks room willi private family or mess. Answers to C. Q. X. rHE SERLNDAH IlYORvlJLIC TIN MINING CO., LTD. NOTICE. r pHE Trausfer Books of tbe above Coinl pany will be closed from tbe 4th to 8 h April, both days inclusive. Alex. BUTCHART. 3 ’-3 08
      223 words

  • 1159 6 Sonic More Anecdotes. The Century Magazine is publishing in instalments the metnuirs of L*dy Randolph Churchill, (now Mrs. George Cornwallis West) wife ot the brilliant Lord Randolph and mother of the scarcely less brilliant Winston Churchill, Under-Secretary for the Colonies. Toe chapters so far given describe in
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  • 771 6 No 1 With the Flag in British India. A letiied British soldier, Air. Byron Whitehead of Leicester, has been telling his expei iences wit a the Aimy out Eist” just lately, aud, whilst his enthusiasm for tropical sights and souuds does not equal that of the hero of
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  • 122 6 Ps nano. 30th March. (By courtesy oj tt>* Chartered fiaux. London Diaiaad .Sins ..j 3$ 4 months' sD/hr Bmw ..2 4^ Credit ..2/4, 3 g 3 D ►cumene iry ...214\»»*,, Deium-i Hm-i* It*. 174 3 dais i*rhst- 175* Bombay. Danmint o.ii*k 173* MooJiuein, Demand Rank 171$ 3 lays’
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  • 191 6 Gold leal $65.40 B.Pepper( VV.C»»as' 30»«. no stock White Peppei $lB 50 tellers frang Pepper 13 25 sales Cloves (picked) 31 —buyers Mace 75. —sellers Mace Picking l 57. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 23- —sillers !No. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.70 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal
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  • 217 6 Penang, 30th March 1908. Beef— cts. Soup per call} 14 Bois! 22 Steaks 22 Stew or Curry Mm» 10 Rump Steak 22 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 25 Liver per catty 28 Pork— Pork per catty 34 Pig’s Head 2 r Feet 26 Tongue
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  • 1166 6 I *3 Number of, s Egg [lf; Capita!. Shares Last Dividend. Name. g, Jk '+j i 'I ca 5 3 j I r» Mining. i9(*3 :Uh>.»«»o 30/nmi lo l‘> 25 foryear ending 3l/3/« ‘7 Jelat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 7.25>725 19(7 300/k*o 22.5(H) 10 10 i jilruaug Ltd. »6
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 How Diphtheria is l.ontiacted. One often hears the exj tessi n, My c. il.i caught a severe cold which d« vohj.ed u,i,. diphtheria,'* when the tiuth was that the cold had simply left the little oi.e par ticulu ly susceptible to the wai deiin.; <1 j hthetii germ. When Ohamlie<lam’s
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  • 503 7 Marriage of Miss Shouts. T hcodora Shouts, daughter of the well-known former Government Commissioner in charge of the construction of the Panama Canal, ns the latest American bride to marry a foreigner of title. She is nineteen years old, aud both beautiful and wealthy, aud the bridegroom
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  • 295 7 The Japanese Budget for the coming year has just been issued. According to the statement made by tlie Minister of Finance, the revenue from all sources is a little over sixty•ijo and a-liaU millions the estimated expeniituro amounting to the same sum. As was »o be expected, taxation
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 900 7 INSURANCES. BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, IHJTTEkY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANIHI ANDS BUTTERY Co General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, LION BRAND.” Sand Hands, Buttery <£ Co., AGENJ'8. PENANG F. M. 8. W 7
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    • 117 7 Beware of Frequent Colds. A s>sion of colds or a protracted cold iri a!iiKw>. <s«;rt4iu to eud iu cbionic catarrab, from wb;cfP^ 0 W persons ever wholly recover. «Jive every b« attention it deserves and vou iimV* fbis disagreeable disease. I'bamlierlaio’s CouabJJeiuedjr is fumous for ts cutes Of colds.' r
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 898 8 W. MAN’SON. American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A JUST RECEIVED. Charges Moderate, C( nsultation Free. BKSIDINQ AT A SHIPMENT OF Ao. 2la, Penang Road. A few drors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth«. ALUMINIUM HOLLOW-WARE UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THK GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS
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