Straits Echo, 24 March 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1102 1 SOLE Ad ENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. IS U a r <z\ V, is o b v>v^s ■> O N. Qt N0?E TIANQ LEE Co. BANKS. > Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. XI,200,000 XI,475,000 XI,200,000 Paid up Capital Resorve Fund Rrnorva Liability of Proprietor» Hoad Office:
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    • 40 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. tlOddlN im Si <$/ o y h i VS 'p i A 05 fie o ae *i 3 •Si >m “O 2 Vi ‘Zm V^f* y 'r Tour TIAMQ LEE A Cm., S«/« i/uu.
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  • 276 2 The preposterous claim put forward t>v the Argentine Republic to the Falkland Islands had only to be made to be repudiated. Tire islands belong to Kngland by the double right of possession and colonisation and though it is a principle of our law that discovery does not
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  • 741 2 Disastrous Results. "I consider these police-court mamages not only ill-advised, but disgraceful,” said Mr. Thomas Holmes, Secretary of the Howard Association, and for many years the best known of the London police-court missionaries. Mr. Holmes placed at the disposal of a press repiesentative some material iu support
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 117 2 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine is well known for its prompt cures of bowel complaint, which is always more or less prevalent at this s-eason of the year. An attack of diarrhoea is liable to come on without waruiug, and if a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera
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    • 494 2 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. T THE ss. llong Bee, Captaiu Hurue, is expected to arrive here on Wednesday, and will leave for the above ports on Friday, the 27th lust., at 3 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co.. Ay tuts jor WEE BIN of
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    • 1293 2 he to >W The Enables yon RACHALS AUTOPIANO •v r TO RP PURI KHP to play the piano in the most accomplished No previous knowledge required. manner. TO BE PUBLISHED IN A DAYS. FEW JUST THINK WHAT THIS MEANS. You can perform the most difficult selections of music, in a
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  • 41 3 Vessels From A ijenht Due Silesia Suez IBM. ACo. 25th Mar. Pevauba Colombo A.G &Co. 26th Kut Sing Singapore B.&Co. 26tb Seuegauibia Hamburg B.M.ACo. 27th Lai Sal g Calcutta B ACo. 37th Manila Siugapoie A G ACo. :jrd Apr.
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  • 38 3 1 r'ltmlg Pur A'jeutt Leave > 1 Silesia 1 Japm B.M&Co. Mar. I>mt;i nhn Si nenporo A O AC». Kut Siui; Calcutta B.&Co. S?DC£ambia Jap iu B.M.ACo. Lai Sang Huuekoug B.&Co. Maui 1 Columbu 1 A-.G.ACo j A.px.
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  • Shipping.
    • 42 3 Babalan, Dut. b. 8.. 331), Smith, 23rd Mar., H. Soeaoe, 22nd Mar., Oil -3vine A Co. Br. s.s., 3.432, Cane, 23rd Mar, Birkenhead, 10th Feb., Gen.— Itinda, Br. a s., 3,398, Alton, 24th Mar., Calcutta, 20th Mar., Gen.—H. I*. A Co.
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    • 48 3 24th March. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat. L)* Kock, for Deli. Pin Seng, for Port Swetteuham A Singapore. Hge Leong, for Teiuk Anson. Itinda, for Singapore. Clan Macintosh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Plying Dragon, for Pulau Laugkawi and Setul. Perak, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore
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    • 223 3 For Negapatam and Madras—Per Thongwa t to-morrow, 10 a.m. Teiuk Anson—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 2 p.m Laugsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Oiehleh and Sabang—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Paugkor—Per Tong Chay Un, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Singapore, Chiua A Japau—Per l>tvanha, 20th instant, 9 a.m. Port Swetteuham anl Malacca—Per
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  • 408 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mongolia, connecting with the steamer Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 26th March To Penang (from London, Feb. 28) Miss E. M. Simco, Mrs. Gorman, Miss MacCaulej, Mr. R. Carswell, Mr. G. L. Bailey (from Marseilles, March 6) Mr. Loonhardt,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 711 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Mar. 26 Devanha connect in# with Mongolia Apr. 0 Oceana do India 2It Delta do Victoria Mav 7 Delhi do Britannia Homeward THROUGH STEAMER Mar. 2/ 8.8. Marmora (calling at Bombay). FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. in CIa»$ Sod
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    • 361 3 (SHIPPING.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE PASSENGER SERVICE. Bv the new steamers, Rhenania,” II absbueo,’* Hoh ekstaufen These steamers oflFer to the public the highest comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor
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  • 97 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone A n>*rt*n. Published dally (except Hnnriay*.t »1 IK CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penarg. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per an.-nm OUTSTATION8 Postage Extra. M AIL EDITION (Poet Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. N.S.—AU business communication* should
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  • 758 4 On the first of next month the new Courts Ordinance comes into force and the District Courts, which it will he remembered were discussed in the Legis- lative Council some time ago, will be inaugurated, thus relieving the other departments of a heavy burden of minor
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  • 32 4 Special Services. Wednesday, March 25. (Annunciation B.V.M 7-30 —Holy Communion. 8 a.m. —Matius. Friday, March 27. y 30 a m.— Matins and Litany. 5-33 p.m. —Evensong Sermon (Choral).
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  • 668 4 The following business iu tin lias been i done to-day Penang Penang Tin Exchange, *7i)& buyers, no selle. s <i r Eastern Smelling Co., 25 tons at 71 Straits Tiadiug Co, 25 71 Singapore: Straits Trading Co, 75 71 Total... 125 tons. r Tin is
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  • 409 4 Mr. Foo (.’lioo Choon Leading Easily. The following list gives the stale of the poll in the Echo's Most Popular Man Competition up to 3 p.m. to-day. Most of the voters are, evidently, resting from their labours for
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  • 435 4 We are informed that no special invitations are being issued for the Penane Volunteers’ Presentation of Prizes and Smoker which will take place at 9.15 p m. next Thursday, but everyone who is in- terested in volunteering iu general or Sergeant Wells in particular is heartily
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    • 106 4 (Echo Special.) The s-s. Sri Muar upsizes. Singapore, 24th March.—The local steamer Sri Muar y which ruus between Singapore and Muar, capsized whilst lying at the wharf in the Muar River yesterday. No details of the accident are yet to hand. [The Sri Muar is a small steamer of
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    • 156 4 (Supplied by Renter.) Railways and National Refence. London, 23rd March.—M. Kokovtsov, the Russian Miuister of Finance, iu a speech to the Budget Committee of the Duma urged the pressing political necessity 0 f a second Trans-Siberian line and Amur railway, both of which could not be postponed and must
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    • 167 4 (Supplied hy Reuter.) Civil Service PeiiHioii. Loudou, 24th March.—A Civil Service Peusion of 120 guineas per annum has beeu granted to l>r. Hall Edwards, who lost one arm aud seriously endangered the second through constantly conducting Routgeu Ray operations. Dr. Hall Edwards, of Birmingham. Lad his
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    • 51 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) May be Purchased by the Board of Trade. Londou, 24th March.—The Directors of the London East India Docks recommend the acceptance of the offer of the Board of Trade to purchase the docks as part of tbe Board of Trade’s Port of London
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    • 42 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Stations Along Arabian Coast. London, 24th March. —Some Italiaus have decided to establish powerful wireless telegraphy stations along the Beoadir Coast The chief station will bo at Mogadoro, which may even be able to communicate with India.
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    • 29 4 (Supplied by Renter.) Railway from Larissa to Salonika. London, 24th March.—Greece has formally applied to the Porte for the «auction of a railway line linking Larissa with Salonika.
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    • 33 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Several Tribes Negotiating for Submission. Loudon, 24th March.—RoinforcoiDeiiiare arriving at Casablanca, and it is reported that several tribes iu the interior are nogoti fttirrg with a viev- t-> submission
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by lteuler.) The “Matsu Marti” Sunk in a Collision. Loudon, 24» h March.—Reuter’s eorres poudent nt Tokio states tliut the coasting steamer, Matsu Maru. has sunk iu acollisiou ue.ii Hakodate. The captain, forty-three of the crew and the majority of the 234 passeugers have perished.
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    • 25 5 (Supplied by lleuter.) U liarf Strike. lioudou, 2t h March. —The whirf strike at Sydney threatens to extend to all the other Australian ports.
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    • 17 5 (Supplied by lleuter A Itise in Stocks. Condon, 24’h March.—Stocks rose three points to-day.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 509 4 CENTRAL SALES ROOM.' Important Auction Sales. On Thur., 26th March, 1908, AT 11 A M AT 8, PENANG STREET, PENANG, All the Bentwood and Rattan Furniture, Bedsteads, Almeirahs, Wash Stands, <fcc., Ac, Ac., Ac. IT. K AND A OF OSAKA, JAPAN. No. 8, Church Street, Penang. IMPORTER OF HIGH-CLASS ANTIQUE
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    • 32 4 Gonosan is a happy combination of Kawa Resins with Oleum Santali iu the proportion of 1 part Kawa Kawa to 4 parts Oleum. Sautai cures easily, no complications All ebemists anfl dealers
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  • 304 5 A ROYAL COMMISSION. Materials and Processes. A Royal Commission, with Lord James of Hereford as Chairman, has been appointed to inquire into the subject of whisky manufacture. The order of reference to the Commissioners is to inquire and report 1. Whether, in the general interest of the consumer, or
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  • 403 5 Opium or Alcohol Says the Perak Pioneer It mav be a moot question whether of the two vices opium or alcohol be the greater evil, or which may iDtiict the largest amount of suffering aud degradation upon humanity, but to any casual observer it is a well known fact that
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  • 572 5 Fun on the Esplanade. The fancy dress football match played on the Esplanade yesterday evening between taro teams from the Penang Cricket Club attracted a large crowd and was productive of much fun aud laughter. Tbe match was taiher late iu commencing as the teams took some
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  • 191 5 Neusational Developments Expected. A special wire, dated March 18th, to tbe Free P ess says The Chinese warships salute the Japanese flig to-morrow, as a reparation for tbe seizure of the Tatsu Marti. The vessel has now bsen re'eised. The commandbr of the Chinese cruiser has
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  • 753 5 THE ASSIZES (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) A Juror Excused. The sitting of the March Assizes began this forenoon. Before the commencement of the regular proceedings, a common juror. Mr. R Scully, a Municipal Servant, was called up and was informed that, in view of the representation made by
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  • 374 5 (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) The Solicitor-General vs. Li Ah Knan and Others. Thu above appeal, which was lodged by tbe Solicitor-General, on behalf of the Crown, against the order recorded by Mr. Langbani Carter, discharging the respond ente. six Chinese named (1) Li Ah Kuan (2)
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  • 701 5 (Before Mr. Scott.) Yesterday a Malay named Mat Esa. who pleaded guilty to the charge of theft of 1 $23 5cts. ou board the s s. Tong Chuan, got fourteen days’ hard labour. A Europem by the name of E. Hausen whs yesterday placed in the dock
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  • 880 5 Tbe proposal made a week ago lo the Singapore Comiirssioners by Mr. Cogblan, to establish a Municipal Banking and Loan Fuud, has, says the Free Frew, beeu relegated to the Finance and General Purposes Committee, who will, we suppose, give the scheme full
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  • 13 5 Arrived. IVr s.6. Hindi, from Rangoon Colonel Lambtou, Messrs. Campbell and Ruez.
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  • 72 5 To-dat. 22nd Day ot 2nd Moon. Peuaug Assizes. Town Baud, Golf Club, ti to 7 p.ui. Penang Golf Club General Meeting, 6 80 P in. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road and Campliell Street, 7 p.m. and 9 pm. To-morrow 28rd Day of 2nd Moon. Town Baud, Esplauado, 0
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  • 17 5 English (De canfiu) ...26thMar. China Marmora ...27th China (Prina Ludwig) ...31st tiernian York) ...1st Apr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 90 5 How Diphtheria is Contracted. Oue of'en bears the expression, Mv child caught a seve-e cold which developed into diphthe»ia.” when the tru*h was that, the cold had s mply left the little one particular, lv susceptible to the wandering diphtheria cernt. When Chamberlain’s Couch Remedy is given it not onlv
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    • 164 5 BRITISH INDIA STEAM NAVI6ATI0I Co.. Ltd. As 8 >. “KISTNA” is laying up for boiler cleaning this week, the sailing to Port Swetteuham aud Singapore ou Saturday next, Ibe28th instaut, lapse?, but she will resume her run on the 4th proximo. S S. TARO BA (0,300 tons) is timed to
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  • 1548 6 A LADY’S ADVENIURES. The Paradise of Adam. Women seem to be writing all tbe b.niks nowadays, even tbe books of travel, or of residence in foreign lauds, says tbe fl'obe Ceylon, tbe Paradise of Adam,” bv Caroline Corner (Joliu Lane), ia tbe record of seven years in
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  • 187 6 Queeu Alexandra is the first Queeu Consort wbo has accompanied the Sovereign in State to open a British Parliament, and when the King, shortly after his accession, declared bis intention to his Ministers of taking the Queeu with him in the famous gilded
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  • 119 6, 24th March {By courtesy oj the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank ..2/3J t montns’ sight Bins 3 Credit w ...2/4A 3 Documentary -2/4 A Calcutta, Demand Batik It*. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombav. Demand Bank 173} Mouunein, Demand Ban V.. 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175|
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  • 188 6 Gold ieal f (55.40 B. Pepper( W.Coast 31b*.•*> oz.) no stock White Pepper $lB 50 seller» Trang Pepper 13. —buyers Cloves (picked) 31.— buyer Mace 75. —tellers Mace Pickings 57. —buyers Nutmegs 11 Os 23 —buyers No. 1 5.30 solet Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 3.52} sales Tapioca
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  • 189 6 Penang, 24th March, 1908. Bbef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 22 Steaks 22 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 22 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 30 Pork— Pork per catty 34 Pig’s Head 2j Feet 26 Tongue 34
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  • 902 6 o Laat Dividend. Name Shares z Capital. a issued. Mining. 1906 1905 1903 1906 1904 1905 1906 1905 800,000 600.000 401 M »00 100,000 400,000 120,000 60,000 100.000 150,000 120.000 40,000 250.000 J 100,000 100.000 120.000 S 450.000 27.000 20« *.OOO 40.000 G 2,O<M.(X>O 110.000 500 000 80,000 850,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 45 6 Dangers of Influenza. The great danger from influenza is of its resulting in pneumonia. This can be obviated by usiug Chanibet lain’s Cough Kernedy. It not only cun*;» influenza but counteracts any tendency of the disease towards pneumonia. ‘1 he Goorgo Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agent
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    • 49 6 R heiimat ism. No application is equal to Cbarnbe> iain’s Paiu Balui for Rheumatism. Prompt relief follows its use. A trial will convince you of its superior merit. The CJnorge Town "Otnponaary. Whnlnajila Agents “DE SUMATRA POST.” Daily Published at Medun*Deli, IS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER 01' SUMATRA. t>13o
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  • 1096 7 A VERY OPEN RACE. The Horses, Captaiu Coe writes id the Sketch: Evidently the bookmakers think that the Derby is a very open race this year. Lesbia. who is engaged in both Derby and Oaks,' will, it is understood, be specially prepared’ tor the blue ribbon of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 751 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANIHUNDS. BUTTERY Co John Bailey White Bros,’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND." Sandilands. Buttery Co., AUKN18. PENANG F. M. 8. INSURANCES, General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 924 8 W. MANSON. American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha U.S. A. Charges Moderate, (k nsultation Free. RB8IDING AT No. 2!a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth». UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS PENANG: 1 PATERSON, SIMONS
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