Straits Echo, 23 March 1908

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1105 1 TIANQ LEE Go. a a 03 is. rSur> V 7. 03 ■S \*r' /V <? C 9 SOLE AGENTS. B I* K S Oharlered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. £1.200,000 £1,475,000 £1,200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietor»
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    • 27 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE FAR EAST. NOddIN 4 ir Cb ■x v» a CO *1 <A 'r M £o TOKWs TIAHQLEE A Co." Sol e Agtats
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  • 132 2 The Manchu-Chinese Distinction. Tbe Empress Dowager lias ordered all the high officials in Peking, both Manctiu aud Chinese, to report tbe number and ages of their sobs and daughters over fifteen years of age, as she is determined to encourage Mauchu and Chiuese intermarriages and proposes to
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  • 221 2 European Soldier’s Agonising Death in Tonkin. Rabies auioug d>>tB 1» nettling uncommon in Touk n, and an outbieik of it was tagiug at Hanoi at the dae f Its advices. AEu ropean Boldier was bn ten bv a mad dog on Decamber 25, and was taken to
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  • 194 2 Mr. Hiram Percy Maxim, sou of Sir Hnam Maxim, has been granted a patent in New York tor a noiseless nHe which will use smokeless powder. He says that tbe uew weapon will revolutionise warfare and sport. Mr. Maxim states that bis discovery of tbe sileut tire-arni was
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  • 433 2 A Chinese Hit?h School to be Opened. 0*>b ot A1 lie<iU S last tticlitl nets «S (joveruoi General of Indo-CKna was Me laying of tlie foundation stone of a PrancoChiuese high school at Cbolon Tbe tnouet for building it was raised by sub*cri »iou among Cbiuese traders and merchants,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 601 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHE Municipal Commissioners of George JL Town, Peuaug, hereby invite tenders for the construction of cement concrete invert to Prangm Ditch. Full particulars can be obtained and plans and specifications inspected at the Municipal Engineer's Office. Tenders, which should be endorsed Invert Praugiu Ditch,” will be received by
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    • 1440 2 rs. 49 t. The Enables yon ilACHALSAUTOFIANQ to play the piano iu the most accomplished maimer. No previous knowledge required. JUST THINK WHAT THIS MEANS. You can perform the most difficult selections of music, in a manner that will at once surprise and delight you. Call and hear this Wonderful
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  • 47 3 1 Vessels Front Ajent* Due Silesia iSutrZ B M.ACo. *c»t b Mar Devanha 'oloinbu VG ACo. .’6»h Kut S-iutf ■■lintfapore >< ACo. >6«b S ‘nei(itnbi» i Hamburg H M XCo 27« h Lai Sam ’alcuUa B A Co >7tb Manila i Singapore G ACo. 3rd Apr.
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  • 44 3 r rHMPtn For A')» m>hn> e* Silt'Hi* 1 p >n f|.M A Co. Mar. >»»V I liltSI or»» A <J Atu*. Ku Sint? Vnjtta B &Co. S-'iie s »ambta J «pan k M ACo. Lai Sac K«»uik ng B <fcC*». Ool'-rtbo S.Q.aOo. Apr.
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  • Shipping.
    • 171 3 Ban W-hatt Soon, Br. s.s., 199, Milne, Mir, Langkat, 20th Mar., Gen.—’ B S Co., Ltd. Qitorra, Br. s s 120. Mahomed, 21st Mar Lam kat. 20th Mar Gen.— Kati Bros.’ BfcNAi.Dßii Br. s 8., 1.9 8., Thornton, 21st Mar, Loudon, 25th Feb., Gon.—S. B. A Co. Banca, Br.
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    • 46 3 23rd March. Padang. for Batu Bahra. Mary Austin, for Asahan. Deli, tor I’rang. Sree Banka, for Batu Bahra. Canton, tor Pangkor and Teluk AuhodPlying Fish, for Port Weld and Taipiug Japara. for Sabang, Olehleh and Padang. A’o fond for Rangoon. Qienoyle, for Singapore and Chiua.
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    • 81 3 For Laugkat—Per Ban Whatt Boon, tomorrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to morr w, 3 pm. leiuk A u6ou —Per Hye Leong, to-morrow, 3 pm. Singapore—Per Itinda, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore, Hougkouc, Swatow and Amoy—Per Clan Macintosh, to-morrow, 3 p m. Port Swe*teuham and Singapore—Per
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  • 343 3 I'er P. ami O. s.s. Mongolia, couuectiug wit b the steamer Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 26th March To Penang (from London, Feb. 28) Mill F. M. Simco, Mrs. Gorman, Min AlacC&uley, Mr. R. Carswell, Mr. G. L. Bailey, Mr. A. H. Orr (from
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  • 36 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwaroh. HoMawaaoe. T)era»ha Afar I Marmora ,77 Mar, Oceana 9 Apr I Delhi JI Apr. Lxtra Service. Ocrwa&ns Hs*«watre Japan 31 Mir. I Manila 3 Apt* ®*io»/»4r<T 14 Apr. J 17
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 894 3 P.&Q. Steam Navigation Coy Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward Mar. 26 Devanlut connecting with Mongolia Apr. 9 do India 23 Delta do Victoria May 7 Delhi do Britannia Homeward THROUGH STEAMER. Mar. 2/ 8.8. Marmora (calling at Bombay). FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. l*t Clnxa 8»d Olaaa To Loudon
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    • 150 3 (SHIPPIN G.) THE EASTERN SHIPPING Co., Ltd. The Undernnted Steamers will bs despatched, if circumstances and weather permit, from I'enang as follows For Freight and Passage or further information apply to TBS EASTERN SHIPPING Co., Ltd., Owners 41 43, Bench Street. Austrian Lloyd Steam Navigation Company. rPHE Company’» 8teamJ.. era
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  • 97 4 JtiHiice satieties everybody aud justice alone— Emerson. Published dally (except Hnnday».) IT TK I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd.. No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penarg. PRTCE DAILY LOCAL *2» per annum OUTSTATION8 Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo— Penang." Telephone No. 343. K.H.— All business communications
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  • 21 4 Birth. On March 23rd. at Maugo Grove,” the wife of Lawrence Aroozoo. of a daughter. Singapore papers please copy.
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  • 634 4 In another column we give the full text of Mr. A. Huttenbach’s letter to the Colonial Secretary with regard to the proposed Weld Reclamation Scheme. While admitting that the Scheme would add considerably to the appearance of the harbour, he points out that there are other
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  • 97 4 Those who take an interest in education will be pleased to hear that the Strait* Echo lias been authorised by Mr. Yeap Keng Teng, acting on behalf of Mr. Khoo Cheow Teong, Captain-China of Asalian, to offer the sum of $l,OOO to each of the
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  • 424 4 Mr. Foo Choo Choon Leading by 1,553 Votes. The following list gives the state of the poll iu the Echo's Most Popular Man Competition up to 3 p.m. to-day. Two hundred and three more votes have been received
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  • 59 4 The following business iu tiu has been done to-day Pepang Penang Tip Exchange, > u buyers, no selleis j Eastern Smelting Co., buyers, no sellers Straits Trading Co., 100 tons at 70 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 5) 7o{ Total... 150 lons. Opium is quoted here
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  • 140 4 The Royal Mail steamer Devanha, having j left Colombo at 10 a. m. yesterday, is exj pected to arrive here at 6 a.’m. on Thursday uex t. and will leave for Singapore and China at 10 a- m. the same day. A friendly game of football was
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  • 584 4 A Pleasant Evening’s Entertainment. Ou Saturday nig t a most enjoyable smoking concert was given by the Police at Fort Cornwallis, the occasion beiug a dual one —the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and the police farewell to Sergeant W. Wells, who retires from Government employ shortly,
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  • 237 4 n Programme for the Week. Following is the pr gramme of the Town a Bind for the current week Monoat, 23rd March, Estlanade. fl 1. Overture. ..“The Children of the Mist” Bishop. jj 2. Polka... Honeymoon ...Thierre. 3. Waltz. Auf Elugelu der Liebe Kriebsteiit. i 4 Gavotte...
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  • 391 4 <Before Mr. Wolferstan.) Lim Seng Huat, a Chinaman, was this morning charged with t>eiug a member of an unlawful society at Kuala Sungei, p eii arg, an offence punishable uuder "section 8 of Ordinance I of 1889. The prisoner pleaded not guilty to the charge. The case
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  • 538 4 We Lave Lad another complaint rwgard- iug the gang of budding hooligans who freI’ quent the junction of liurruah Road aud Anson Road. The gang, we are told, cmij. sists of two Malay boys, a Chinese youth and a Eurasian lad aud our correspondent
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 464 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. THE next Ordinary Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will l>e held at the Municipal Office at 3-30 p.m. u Thursday, the 26th instant. L. A. Coutikk BIGGS, Secretary For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE b.s. Hong Pee, Captain Home. is expected to arrive here on Wednesday, and
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Speedy Improvement Not Anticipated. London, 23rd March.—The Sunday Obnewer states that Sir Henry CampbellBannerman is seriously dropsical. A speedy improvement is not anticipated, and no Minister, except Mr. H. 11. Asquith, has l>eeu permitted to see him since the beginning of his illness.
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    • 70 5 Supplied by Renter.) Stirring Street Scenes. Loudon, 23rd March. —The liye-Election at Peckham is proving a record fight. The most stirriug street scenes are enacted aud Parliamentary speakers, including Cabinet Ministers aud ex-Ministers, are crowding into the constituency. [Mr. Charles Goddard Clark (Liberal) contested Peckham against Sir
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    • 75 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) French Fleet May Visit Portsmouth. London, 23rd March.—The French Northern Squadron will probably visit Portsmouth ou the occasion of President FalliereH’ visit to Eogland. [Ou the 12th ins*. Reuter wired that M. Failures, President of the French Republic, would accompany His Majesty King Edward
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    • 70 5 (Supplied by Renter.) May Visit Yokohama and Shanghai. Loudon, 21st March.—A telegram from Washington states that it is believed the Pacific Fleet will visit Yokohama. An invitation is expected from China, in which event Shaugbai will bo visited. Satisfaction in JapanLondon, 23rd March.—Great satisfaction is expressed iu
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Status of Hindus and Japanese. London, 21st March —It is reported from Ottawa that the Hon. Frank Oliver, Minister of the luterior, speaking iu the House of Commons stated that Japanese and Hindus would be treated alike as regards exclusion and deportation.
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    • 95 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Death Sentences Annouueed Daily. London, 22nd March. —General Stoessel, who was sentenced to death in connection with tbe capitulation of Port Arthur, which sentence was eventually commuted to ten years’ imprisonment in view of lm bravery, has been imprisoned iu the Fortress of St. Peter and
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    • 127 5 -a (Supplied by Reuter.) Senhor Franco. Loudon, 23rd March. —It is persistently reported in Lisbon that Senhor Franco, who was President of Council and Minister of the Interior when Dam Carlos was assassinated, has returned. The Government have taken all steps to cope with any eventuality. On the day
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Remarkable Feat. London, 23rd March—Mr. Farmer has succeeded iu travelling 2,750 yards iu au aeroplane at Paris He turned eight times during the journey.
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  • 406 5 The Government G jzette of March 2U contains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Mr. Allan Woodford Ball Hamilton to l>e a Magistrate for the Settle men* of Penang. It is uotitiel tiiaf, at the Municipal Election held ou the
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  • 158 5 Mr. Sproule’s Appointment. The manv friends iu Singapore and Penang of Mr. P. J. Sproule will learn with pleasure of bis new appointment as Acting SolicitorGeneral, says the Free Pres*. Mr. Sproule will, it is understood, come to Penang to take up his new duties when Mr. W.
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  • 3352 5 >ir. A. Hutteubach’s Objections. The following letter has been addressed bv Mr- A. Hutteubach to the Colonial Secre- tary. Straits Settlements, with reference to the Weld Quay Reclamation Scheme: Penang, lilth March, 1908. Sir, t 1 herewith beg to off< r a tew observations with regard to
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  • 134 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Perak, from Port Swetteubani Messrs. W. R. Armstrong, him Mah Ghye, Ho Tiang Wan, lvillick. From Singapore: Messrs. Watson, J. Wilson, _G. Oscar Blacker, J. Holloway, Dr. and Mrs. Jamieson. Departed. Pei s.s. Tara, for Madras Mr. W. D. Grandjean. Per s.s. Pachumba, for Mergut Messrs.
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  • 64 5 To-oat. 21st, Day of 2nd Moon. Football (Fancy Oostuuio), Esplanade, 5-30 p.m. Town Band, Esplanade, ti to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street. 7 pm. and 9 p.m. To-morrow 22ud Day ot 2nd Moon. Penang Assizas. Penang Golf Club General Meeting, 6 30
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  • 17 5 Ki«t»l isl» < Devanha) ...2GtbMar. China Marmora > ...27tb China (Print Ludwig) ,.31tt German Vorfe) ....1st, Apr.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 43 5 According to all accounts we have the assurance that Gonosan is one of the most valuable discoveriei of modern pharmacology and is far ahead of all preparations of Copaiba, Cubebs, etc. It is the safest aud most successful. At all Chemists and Dealers-
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  • 693 6 Mr. J. Nilsen Laurvik has a beautifully illustrated article (.n the dhw colour-photo* graphy in the January Century. While both monochrome and colour-photography were invented in France,” he says, 41 to America is due in a great measure the credit of having developed the artistic possibility
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  • 338 6 Says the Jai-un Lhronic’e of the 1st iust.:— It was a kindly and hospitable thought which prompted a number of the ladies of Kobe who usually attend the local dances to hold a leap-year dance, to be arrauged entirely by themselves In pievious leap years
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  • 353 6 Some of the Perils of Securing Living Pictures.” Mr F. Mai tin Duncan, the naturalist, who h; s made a special feature of the application of the cinematograph to Dature study, gave a Piess repie»eutative a thrilllug descuption of some of his adventures iu pursuit of uatuie subj-cts at
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  • 392 6 lit Hands of Workmen. The wuia naa Otcu cummeuced on the gieai Culiiuau diamond, Hia Majesty’s gift Hum the irausvial, which was sent receutly luAmsteidam tu be cut betoie taking its K lace auiuug the Ciown jewels of England, the diauiuud will be cut iuto three parts,
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  • 120 6 PiMASo. 23rd March. (By courtesy oj the Charterel Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3} n 4 mouths’ sight Bank 2 8 Credit 3 Documentary ...2 t$ ', I rem ind Bank Its 174 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank 1 73} Mouiinein. Demand Bank 171 J 3 days’
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  • 195 6 Told leaf $35.40 B. Prpper( VV.ooa9t Bibs.s oz.i no stock Pepper $lB 50 eVert Trang Pepper 13 —hoy ere Cloves (picked) 31 —buyers Mace 75 —sellers Maoe Pickiugs 57. buyers Nutmegs 110 s 23 —buyers No. 1 5.30 elites Sugar < 2 no stock Basket 3.52$ safes Tapioca Flour
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  • 1155 6 .*.5 i. =>\5 Numtier of I a x oo I a 5 2 I Capitxl. Snare* I > Laat Dividend. Name i i -2 r I issued 1 a -s "i I i i Hiiung' i 1908 800.‘HX) 3o.<m*o lo |0 J5 for year ending 31 3/07 '(«lat Tin
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  • 210 6, 23rd Makch, 1908. Bkek— eta. Soup per catty 14 Roast 22 Steaks 22 Stew or Curry Aleat Is Rump Steak 22 Ox Tail each 3<t Tongue 60 Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 28 Pork— Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 2 Feet 26 Tongue t
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 35 6 Tb« curative actum ol Gtiuotau btlUul to it h beuig uutifci'D'ic auii hi Mauubcured by J. 1). U ***1*1 Lto uyd ayld iu {t»im of tajj&ules, -to iu is attri03 tlie’i.j. Bwili i, o bottle
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    • 97 6 Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangcr. I7UKST CLASS RETURN TICKETS will l»e granted per s s. Kistna,” timed to leave Peuaue: for Port Swettenbam every SaHuday afternoon available only for return per s s’ “Perak.” or Pin Seng.” due to leave Port Kwetteubam on tbeuext afternoon au i expected to
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    • 1163 6 mackays ffROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FrmNr* LIQUEUR WHISKY. n NTT,NCSKARTELL’S BRANDT. Gfes/ers’ Champagne, ADAMSON, GILFIL.LAN CO., LTD. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL DESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co.. AGENTS EOK PR \A \'fj rf F S. L r^e Al»y* on Bond THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Snnttilrtrul*. Rttlferv
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  • 816 7 The Dyalc Skull Test. A striking reference to the evils of the present marriage system was made by Dr. Edward Westermarck in t»*e course of his address at the opening of the winter session at the London School of Economics. Dr. Westermarck is strougly of opinion
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  • 157 7 Mr. George Meredith, as we kuow, has had 8 "me honest praise to bestow on good beer before now, and it is satisfactory to learn that what is, after all, the British national beverage is not going out of fashion, though it h«s rnanv enemies in
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  • 632 7 1 he boy who does not sbiue very bnlliautly at school may comfort himself with the thought that he may lie a budding novelist, for although a large proportion of our «ost brilliant writers of fiction came from Uie great public schools, such as Eton, M«flborough,
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  • 243 7 In concluding a valuable series of articles •u Kno wled/e on the “Chemistry of the Stars,” Mr. A Fowler writes as follows: Notwithstanding the divergence of opinion in some points, there is a general acquies:euce in the view that the ina ter composing the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1194 7 BAXTER Co s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. INSURANCES. FOR SALE. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. DAVID CORSAH SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. StNnit.ANtlS. BUTTERY CoJjltn Baziey Wine tiros.' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands Hint cry Co,, AOENIS. PENANG A F M. 8. BURRELL
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    • 96 7 How Diphtheria is Contracted. One of on hear* lie expression, Mv child caught. s.evet« cold which developed into 1,>,1i limn. vvlihii i he linth was that the (•nil ►imply l*-f r lie In tin oue particular* v su-cep io:h to the wandering diphtheria veim Wneu ('hamlw iaiu* Cough Remedy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 833 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co. t Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, C( ns ultation Free BBHIDINO AT Wo. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mth» UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS, PENANG: PATERSON, SIMONS
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  • 1281 9 HOW A FORTUNE TELLER’8 PREDICTION CAME TRUE. Miller Klopes with Maid. A Romance of Two 6oMim8tT8HiRt I OV Kh8. From Lloyd's New* Correspondent.) Chard, Feb 22nd. A romantic story of a miller aud a maid, iu which the outstanding feature is said to be the fultilmeut of a
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  • 1752 9 From New Moon to Old Moon. To all who are interested in astronomy Mr. Serviss’s “The Moon” (Appleton; should prove immensely interesting. lh< author gives a complete history of a moot day, commencing with the thin stckie o i the new moon, from thence P a8S,D S to
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  • 1164 9 Sang L«la Mangindra dwells iu the roots, Woe to the robber who steals of its fruits, More cursed be he who strikes at the trunk His body lies scorched and his ftesb is ail shrunk. Malay Folk Lore. Tiie story was told me hv Samudtn
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  • 1121 9 Tbo Government of China is endeavour ing to introduce morality by nn Imperial Edict. The experiment is interesting because although legislation mny do much alter the habits of a p**"ple by put difficulties in the way of vice ud encouraging virtue, it is rarely able bv one simple
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  • 516 9 When We* k. Nervous, Bl iODLK S, AND > Run d >wn,” is Given in Abundance bt Jl)r. Williams' Pink Pills. L How a Rano on Ladt Proved Their Wobth. No medicine m the world has received mote testimonials from women than Dr. Williams’ Pink
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 30 9 Rheumatism. No extern Hpp’ice'ioo is equal to Chamberlain’s Pain for Rheumatism Prompt relief ftflo*» its u«e. A tnal wit convince you of ita superior merit The Q«org« Town Dispensary. Whotaaal»
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    • 59 9 Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold 8 almost certain to end in chronic citarrah. from which few persons over wbo’ly recover Give every cold ihe «Mention it deserves and vou may avo’d this di«ae r eeih’e dispise. >’haml<eilain’s Remedy is fimou* for its cures
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    • 35 9 rp.ii *’02 in pnPiimnnia. 'M i- hp < »>*iRtfd bv U9 D«2 Ch*«in»' or,<,n 1‘PniPHv. I* not onW rurp- influx» »’Ut pou -ter«cl'? anv tendencv of ti)p d etas-» towards pnromonia. Tbe Vr~" Th*t«m»«rr WhnW«!a Afl^nta
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    • 81 9 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. '1 ti's is w<*l 1 known for its f.-omnt cu'»-o of bowel comp 1 i nf, which is «Ivviv-I ido e <>> !c*s p’PTiVot a* his of the Ten- An »ck < f <l'or-liofa 5« liali'e *o c nn** on w th•nit wi ni"P,
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    • 35 9 “DE SUMATRA POST.” Daily Published at Medan-Deli, IS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER OF SUMATRA. MARTIN’S «nf»J0!L&STEEU .i m Sty lor a JEi .tk« •heir.. hr*K« p r r 4 SO i fM «pro n«ir >. IDMI. tlMH
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  • 864 10 Smith is always getting the cart before the horse.” Don't, be archaic; nowadays we say getting the smell before the automobile.” r- 1 presume you call yourself a maddoctor,” said the judge to the medical witness. Ah your lordship would probably describe yourself as a civil judge.”
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 541 10 RANEEGUNGE STONEWARE. MACBETH Ss BAREETT, LOGAN'S BUILDINGS, BEACH STREET, SOLE AGENTS FOE BURN AND CO.. LIMITED, CALCUTTA. JUST RECEIVE!» JOHANS FABER'S STATIOIEEY. NOTICE. r |''HK undersigned >og to inform the public of Penang and the neighbouring Native I States that they have been appointed Agents for Messrs. Ingall Parsons, Clive
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