Straits Echo, 20 March 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1060 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co. r*A 3 r V k V *4. 3&s V SOLE AQENTS. BASS’S ALE. (BANKS. > Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. £1.200.000 .£1,475,000 «£1,200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Office: HATTON
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    • 29 1 Bios '••O V 331 ONVIJ. OJLVOi m V <C/ y: 4</ oE 03 < s <o 2. ,4<S «T, V 6' oGfif MIPPOw USV3 HVJ 3HI NI 3339 1533 3HI
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  • 307 2 For some years,tl experts iu Englaud Lave watched with concern the rapid development of the German Fleet. At first the idea that our supremacy on the seas could he challenged t>y any nation, was laughed to scorn by many. As tune weut on, however, a
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  • 298 2 The White Paper issued yesterday by the Foreign Office relating to tbe sale of opium by British India to China, says the Give of February 28ib, will be a subject of sominterest to many beyond those who have agitated year in, year out, for ihe stoppage ot the trade.
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  • 402 2 Compensation Deiuaixled from Liberia. The British Government is demanding compensation from the negro R«publie oi Liberia for the deaths of two Britons win it is alleged, were slowly poisoned b> Liberians at Gape Palmas. The victims were Mr. E. A. Litchtield, agent for Ditcbfield, Limited, of Liverpool, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 74 2 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This medicine is well kumvu for itt prompt cures of bowel complaint, which it always more or less prevalent at tins tea>o Of the'yeur. An attack of dun bora is liable lo come ou without warning, and if a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
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    • 398 2 II ow Diphtheria is Contracted. Oue often bears the expression, My child caught a severe cold which developed into diphtheria,” when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria gerui. When Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is given it not only cures
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    • 767 2 r The RACHALSAUTOPIANO Enables you to play the piano in the most accomplished manner. No previous knowledge required. g JUST THINK WHAT THIS MEANS. You can perforin the most difficult selections of music, in a manner that will at once surprise and delight you. g Call and hear this Wonderful
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    • 532 2 FOR SikLE. “The Dpheaval IN Far Cathay," BY NG EING SEANG, A Novel of absorbing interest to Chinese and students of Chinese character, manners and custom;'. 188 pp. medium 8vo. Price $1,50, mat be had at the Straits Echo Office. FOR SALE. FOR SALE, The Early History of Penanj, 1592—1827.
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  • 47 3 Vestel t 1 i From Aijenlx t 1 Due C. Apear .Singapore j A.A.A.Co. 20tb Mar. Gbazee Glasgow 8 B JfcCo. 22nd Sib-sia ISuez B M.ACo. 25tb Devanba Colombo A.GACo 26ih Seueiiorabia 1 Hamburg /U.M.»tCo. 27rb Manila Siupapoie A G ACo. i l ird Apr.
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  • 33 3 \r8*elt For A hf'tr.ft C A pea Calcutta A.A *jCo. Mar. Ghaz^e Singapore S.RA(V Silesia J pan B M.&Co IWiniiiH A G &i'r> T S-'neirambw J pan BJdafcCo. MmuIa Colombo j Apr.
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  • Shipping.
    • 177 3 Omafkke, Br. 8.5., 340. Lyons. I9fh Mar., Singapore, 17th Mar., Gen.—E s’ Co.. Ltd. Ncb.a. Br. Bs.. 3 844. Fox, l9fh Mar., Y- kohuma, 25th Fob., Gen.—A. G. Co. Olenoglk, Br. 8 8.. 2 399. Larkin*, 19th Mar., R.ngoon, i6th Mar., Gen.— Chin do Sons Cornelia. Br.. s.s., 194.
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    • 53 3 20th March. Sappho, for Tongkak. Vidir, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. Omapere, for Port Swettenham Singapore. Avagyee, for Tongkak. Hong Moh, for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow an! Amoy. Un Peng, for Pulau Langkawi, Perlis and Setul. Hye L*ong, for Teluk Anson. Pachumba, for Mergui, Tavoy Moulmein. Flying Fish, for Port
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    • 110 3 For Madras taking mails for Europe etc., via Bombay—Per Tara, to-morrow, 8 a.m. Dali—Ber Calypso, to-morrow, noon. PrtUgkalan Braudan—Per Petrel tomorrow, 1 p.m. Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahan—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. TraUi—i er Lcong Hu, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Calcutta—Per C. Apcar, to-morrow, Ipm. Teluk Anson—Per
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  • 347 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mongolia, connecting wi» b the steamer Devanha at Colombo, due at Penan# on 26th March To Penang (from Loudon, Feb. 28) Miss E. M. Simco, Mrs. Gorman, Miss MacCauley, Mr. R. Carswell, Mr. G. L. Bailey, ML* A. H. Orr (from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 831 3 (SHIP PINO.) P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Mar. 26 Devanha connecting with Mongolia Apr. 9 Oceana do India 23 Delta do Victoria May 7 Delhi do Britannia Homeward Foa INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd, Intended to Sail. Steamer. Connecting with S
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    • 348 3 HAMBIRG.AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers, Rhenania,” Habsbubo,” Hoh enbtaufen.” These steamers offer to the public the highest comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doetor anc Stewardesses
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  • 98 4 Justice Batiefles everybody and justice alsne- —JSmertm. Knbllshad daily (except Sunday*.) i. AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Peuaug. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 ..per annual OUTSTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) *l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo— Penang.” Telephone No. 343 M.B.— All business communications
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  • 737 4 That Reuter should thiuk it necessary almost daily to send us wires regarding the state of health of the Prime Minister, who is suffering from an attack of influenza, is evidence, we thiuk, that the condition of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman is most grave. Evidently, even Sir Henry
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  • 469 4 .Mr. Foo Choo Choon Increasing his Lead. Tbe followiug list gives the state of the poll in the Echo's Most Popular Man Competition up to 3 p.m. to-day. There hatbeen no change of position among thleaders, nut Mr.
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  • 211 4 1 Thb following business in tiu has been p done to-day p Singapore r e Straits Trading Co., 2 b buyers, no sellers g Penang J Eastern Smelting Co.,") buyers. u > sellers W|t Straits Trading Co.,") buyers, no sellers a Peuaug Tin Exchange, 25
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  • 1132 4 {Before Messrs. Wolf erst an and Scott Cri initial Breach of Trust. Almost tbe whole of yesterday the Beucb Court was engaged iu trying tbe above case, iu which an elderly Malay married couple were concerned. Osman, tbe husband «ud first accused, was originally charged wi:h dishonestly
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  • 420 4 A social eveniug was held iu the Masonic Hall last night to bid farewell to the Rev R- Y Whitton, Presbvterian Minister, who has been in Penang four years, and to introduce the Rev. Ernest Lawson who succeeds the Rev. Whitton There was a large
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  • 388 4 Mat«uo was as good as his word aud last night every picture exhibited was new to the show whilst one aud all were good. Tbe pictures were all fre«h from Europe and were all taken bv Pathc F wbo*e name alone will stand for thei r excellence. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 433 4 NOTICE. Tift Usual monthly bale of Pawnbrokers’ forfeited pledge* for .sums exceeding •10 will be held punctually at 11 o’clock a.m. on Monday aud Tuesday, the 6th and 7th prouino respectively. The goods uiay be viewed at the sale room from 10-30 o’clock to 2-30 p.ui. ou Friday and
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    • 61 5 Supplied by Reuter.) Laggard Straits Settlement». London. 20th November. —The demand for space necessitates the holding of the Rubber > xhibition at the Olympia. instead of at the Royal Horticultural Hall, as was at first proposed. The exhibition will be opened on the 14'h September. All the
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    • 241 5 {Supplied by Router.) Rumoured Change». London, 20th March.—lt is reported in the Lobby of the House of Commons that Mr. H. H. Asquith wili see the King immediately be returns from Biarritz. Mr. R. B. Haldane (Secretary for War). Mr. Llovd George (President of the Boaid of Trade),
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    • 126 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Our Superiority in 1911. Loudon, 19'h March.—Lord Tweedmoutb First Lord of the Admiralty, speak'ng ii the House of Lords, said that iu the Spring of I‘JII Great Britaiu would have afi et of tirstclasH battleships unequalled by any Power, and he might almost siy, by
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    • 49 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Construction Vote Rejected. London, 19th March. —A telegram from St. Petersburg states that, the Committee of National Defence has rejected the credi» for the new battleships, and has insisted on the reorganisation of the Ministry o* Marine and the legislative determination of Russia’s Naval programme.
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    • 105 5 Supplied by Renter.) Pensions tor Presidents Bteyu aud Reitz. Loudon, «Oth March —lt. is reported iroui Bloerafouteiu that Mr. Abraham hibcher, Premier of the Orange Rive Colouy, auuou>*oetl that a new law wil shortly be patted, conferring on every Bur gl»er the right to carry a guu.
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    • 68 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Several Ladies Present. London, 20th March—The duel at. S*. Petersburg between General Foek and General Smirnoff, iu couuectiou with th* recent Port Arthur court*martial. was yery dramatic. It wu fought in the Horse Guards Riding School end several ladies were present. General Smirnoff's
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    • 76 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Situation Quieter. Loudon, 20th March.—The arrival of the warships at Hayti aqd the permission granted by the Haytian Government to the refugees to depart have considerably quieted the situation at Port-au Prince. fOn tin 17th inst. Renter wired that the British cruisers Creasy and Indefatigable had
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by. Reuter.) Training Students as Officers. London, 19th March.—An Army Order just issued states that it has been decided to foitn officers for a training corps to train students of the Universities aud Public Schools with a view to their becoming Special Reserve or Territorial Army
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Compulsory Eight Honrs Bill. Lon I n, 19 h March.—Mr. J. R. Clynes, Labou* Member for Manchester N. E moved in the House of Commons yesterday the Labou- Party’s Bill for a compulsory eight hours’ woik for all trades. The Bill was talked out. The
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter The Earl of Dudley Appointed Goveruor-General. London, 20 h March.—The Earl of >udley. who was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland from 1902 to 1900. has been appointed Governor-General of Australia in succession to Lord Nortbcote.
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    • 401 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Hr. Drury Sails for Japan. Londoß, 19 h March. —Mr. R. L. Drury, a Member of the British Columbia egislativ» Assembly, who has been appointed C-nadian Immigration Agent in J *pan. sailed for tbai •ountry tv the Empress of Japan ou the 13th
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  • 906 5 (tram Our Oxen Correspondent.) Wednesday, March 18. Suicide of a European. Mr. J C. Dawson, a draughtsman employed at Pulau Bran: by the Strait* Trading ompany, committed suicide in bis quarters on the island on Monday night by firing an expansive bullet into bis right temple with a
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  • 1509 5 A Protest. We hoar that the o'wiier» of property aloug 1 Weld Quay are protesting against the in- tention of Government to carry out the proposed We.ld Quay Reclamation scheme, and that the following pe'i'ion has been forwarded by them to His Excellency the tlovernor
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  • 348 5 lx is reported that when Mr. W. G Maxwell is transferred from Penang to Singapore to act as Attorney General, in tin place of the Hon Mr W. J Nipier, win has gone home on sick leave for six month 6 Mr. W. E. Cleaver will ffijiate as
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  • 80 5 Arrived. Her s s. Kistna. from Singapore Messrs. I Flemin aud H A Sellers. From Port a, n Messrs. Hemray and C. R. Shir* ff. Departed. Per ss. De Kock. for D-li: Mr. Cornelia* e*u and M r A A. J Pederson. Per n s Thomnca for Port Swettenham
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  • 60 5 To-oat. 8 h Dav of 2<d Moon. i <>wn Baud, Esplanade, G to 7 p.m. vlatsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and (!ampb»l| Street. 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. Entirety New Programme. To-morrow. 19 h Day of 2nd Moon. Police Smoking Concert, 9 p.m. Vlatsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penang
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  • 17 5 English (Dtivanlui) ...2fithMar. China (Marmora) ...27th China (Prinz Ludwig) ...3lst German Y rk ...Ist Apr.
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Out w r us. Homkwards. Devanha 2*i Mar. Marmora 27 Mar. Oceana 9 Apr. Be'hi 11 Apr. Lxtra Service. Outwards Homk wards. Javan 31 Mir. I Manila Apr. Sumatra It Apr Borneo 17
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 Riedel’s Gooosan is not. unp'easant to take and is uot attonded by those distressing bv-eff-cts which so often aooorop&ny Uy use of balsams as 1 Santgl oils. It.-has rfscured uapraise from *he leading SigiriiMrf
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    • 77 5 DARRACQ MOTOR-CARS. 1 9 O 8 1 > 9 O S&JJL 8 7-9 H.P. Single Cylinder; 8-10 U. P., (0-12 H. P. Double Cylinder; 14-16 H.P., 18 HP. Four Cylinder; *6-36 H.P. Four Cylinder; bO 11. P. Six Cylinders. Cars complete with High-tension Magneto and Battery (dual ignition), Folding Glass
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  • 86 5 Obituary. (Supplied hv Reuter.) Sir Nicholas 0*Couor. Loudon, 20th varch.—The death is announced of the Rt. Hon. Sir Nicholas Roderick O’Conor. g c b British Ambas sador at. Constantinople. [Sir Nicholas O’Conor was horu in 1843 aud entered the Diplomatic Service in 1866 He was Ambassador a St. Petersburg from
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  • 939 6 The Lenaoii of General Stosael’s Trial. Of all the impulsive actions iu ins bustling life there are few which the Kaiser must more sincerely regret than his decoration of General Stossel with the Prussian Order of Merit. The St. Petersburg Court-martial terminated as it had
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  • 375 6 Mow to Propitiate Him. We take the following curious information from the Ochi Kochi" column in th «Japan Timetz —ln the days gone by, when vaccination was still unkuown in this land, it was customary with Tokyo folk, whenever small-pox was rife, to institute a sort
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  • 255 6 Thu following hues, committed to memory, give au easy method of stating -.ff-h nd the day of tbe week of any date iu .908 Just a mother's arms, my jocund Jean A spell o’er Nature’s dream. The number ot letters in each wovd represents
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  • 234 6 Probably not one persou iu a hundred kuows which is tbe second largest city in ihe British Empire. If tbe question were put to a number of people the majority would most likely say Liverpool, Glasgow, or Manchester, but according to the Statistical Abstract of
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  • 119 6 f PI.VANQ, 20th Mabch (By courtesy o) the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/31 4 months’ sight Bint ...2,4-^ 3 Credit ..2/4X 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 174 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Damaud Bank 173| Moulinein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Madras,
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  • 194 6 Gold leaf $65.40 B. Pepper( W.Coast 31 b«. 5 oz. > no stock White Pepper 18.50 tellers Trang Pepper 13. —buyers Cloves (picked) 31. —buyers Mace 75. —tellers Mace Pickings 57. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 23 —buyers SNo. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Basket 3.52$ sales Tapioca Flour
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  • 202 6 Penang, -Oth March, 1908 Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 2 i Steaks 22 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 22 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue GO Feet 15 Heart 30 Liver per catty 28 Pork Pork per catty 40 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue
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  • 6 6 ANTHONY ANO ANDRBfiON, Vmck'ingf Jf.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 58 6 Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds oi' a protracted cold is almost certain lo eud iu cbrouic catarrab, troui wbicb few persous ever wholly recover. (jivo every cold the atteutiou it deserves aud you luay avoid this disuyieeahle disease. Cbamberlaiu s Couyb Remedy is fatuous for lU cures
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    • 82 6 lv beumatism. No Ptteruil app'ica.ion is equal to Chamberlain's Pa u Balm lor Rheumatism. Prompt, relief follows its use. A trial will couvinca you of its superior merit. The Town l>.*pensirv. Wholesale yrmtB. Gonosan like other preparations of Copaiba aud Sandalwood oil does Dot affect the kidn-vs or disturb the
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  • 134 7 Say* a correspondent to the Daily Hail: I lielievo that few people in the Old Country have heard of Japan’s latest activity iu the Pacific, but it is a matter which has a very lively interest for Australia and the United States. Besides heavily fortifying the
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  • 240 7 Tub term hardly conveys any meauing nowadays, yet there was a time, though it is rapidly passing out of recollection, when almost everybody was a newspaper borrower. iu the days when the "taxes on knowledge” were in force, and a weekly newspaper usually cost sixpence, poor radesineu and
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  • 544 7 Married to the Maharajah of Kapu rthala. Tlu» M-iliarajili of Kapurtbala is almost s well kuowu m Paris as be is in Loudon, a d when the recent story of bis marriage to a poor, but beautiful, Spanish dancer was first published iu the French papers,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 847 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co INSURANCES. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. i VI T K have been appointed Agents for Tv tbe above Company for Penang, I Province Wellesley and tbe State
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    • 47 7 Dangers of Influenza. The great danger from influenza is of ita re-u ting iu pueumouia. This can be obviated bv using Chamberlain's Cough Kerne* •tv. It not only cures influenza but oouuteracts any tendency of the dise&M toward* pneumonia, The George T<»wu Whole**!* Agent* r «ac 4.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 912 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, ‘Late'of Dr. Alien Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. ESI DING AT No. 2 la, Penang Road. A few doors from tbe Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha. JUST RECEIVED. A SHIPMENT OF ALUMINIUM HOLLOW-WARE THE DISPENSARY, PHARMACEUTICAL DISPENSING CHEMISTS. FINEST DRUGS, CHEMICALS PATENT MEDICINES
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