Straits Echo, 26 February 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1081 1 SOLE AQEfrTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. ft ■X- m 30 i ft JO?S •3iv s,ssva TIANQ LEE A Co. BANKS. > Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. jei .200.000 £1,475.000 £1,200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Rmwtc Liability of Proprietor* Head Office: HATTON
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    • 24 1 HE BEST’BFFR K THE FAR EAST. HQddiN 4 V 1. W5 > a? o 6 AF® 'a Tokyo TIANG LEt A CO., Sob Ago jUi.
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  • 475 2 Attending to KusintwH at the Other End of the World. A Story from Singapore. From time to time si range tales are brought to the uotice of the police, hut on Wednesday last a most utiusucl lequest was made to the Chief Police Officer at Singapore
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  • 537 2 WILL SHORTLY RANK NEXT TO BRITISH. All Expert’s Estimate. Colonel Gii ke, tne wen known military expert, writing in the Berliner Tmjeb> tl, says that, thanks to Hie munificent grains of money by the R-ichsiag, the Geruiau navy is well ou i<s way towards taking the secoud
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 36 2 Cliauihcrl;iin’s Remedy Absolutely Harmless. K»e<v i kuow that Cbamc .u i. i: v is p* r.c iv *,«•> fo 1 leu to nk- HI t contain? uoilmi* Wi| U i b Ueo, e ToWU Dispeusarv, Wtiolebulo Ageiitti.
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    • 809 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. '11HE ppx* O dinary Meeting of the MumL cipal Commission**! s will be held at the Municipal Office at 3-30 p.m. od Thursday, t be 27lii lustaut. L. A. Coutibr BIGGS, Secretary. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NO I ICE is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of Section 19
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    • 1344 2 i A “DELIGHTFUL COMPANION,” “AUTO PIANO.” PUBLIC TELEPHONE EX.HANGE, PENANG. CALL AND SEE IT, HEAR IT PLAYED. subscribers who have not yet signed and returned the new form of agreement sent to them in January last are warned that they are liable to have their telephones disconnected at the end
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  • 52 3 r estel» r I'tiut Atjml% Due Marmora 'olombo 1 a a Co. rt h Feb Benc’eucb Sin*»«n«>re S B 4C<>, 28tb Pe'S'a Jobmibo 5 K A Co t h Mit. P. A ce Colombo ft M &Co. t h Au'tija 'ineapoi* S K &Co 8h Malta Colombo (J
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  • 36 3 1 Fur f tm f V Marr-^ra A G n 't. Feb. llencleucb ll'iudua S B.&tjo. Petsi* ''iayapoie S.K ’o. Mar. P. Alice S ogapore B.M &Co. Austiia Colombo S.K&Oo. Malta Singapore .A G ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 121 3 ilydha, Nor. ss, 831, Kirseborn, 2sth Feb Bangkok, 10th Feb., Teak H. h. Co. Pkinz Ludwig, Ger. s.s., 5,703, Binzer, 2 >»h Feb.. Bremen, 15th Jan., Gen B. M. Co. Jin Ho, Br. k.s, 110, Gleudav, 25th Feb Asahan, 24th Feb., Gen.—E. S. Co.,’ Ltd. IARA. Br. s.s, 3,651,
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    • 64 3 26th Febkuart. Sree Banka, tor Hatu B dira. Oornriia. tor Teltik Anson. t'ntriu. tor Hun Hi lira and Asahau. Ka en/i ma .1/ ru for Madras. Ca'cy-o lot 1) ii. Teest', for Kmgoon and Calcutta. Honj Be, for Singapore, Hongkong, .>wa'..w an Am^y. 7* mum a, for Kango u.
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    • 126 3 For Singapore, China and Japan—Per ba mom, to-morifuv. 1 Asiiian—Per Jin Ho, tomorrow, 1 pm. JMi -Per Pemk. to-morrow, 1 Singapore, Ctima and Japan—Per Fook Sa g. to-morriiw. 2 o in. Luigsa. T. Sonia we, Segli, Olehleh aud 'abuig—Per J*e u, to morrow, 3 p til.
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  • 312 3 Per P. and O s«. Moldavia, connecting with the steimer Marmora at Colombo, due iit Penanir on the 27>h February:— To Pen tttg (from London, Jan. 31) Mr. J. S. II ••ri», Mi. H’ H. Svmonds, Mrs. and Miss, M s. Keuu (from Marseilles, Feb
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  • 254 3 Pe*-s.s De 'anha sj b Fdmnry, 1908, \1 r. G ndi n ti.own, Mr Sperling. P-r *•>. I) h 1 Irh March. 1908, Mrs. J. D. H 1 s-r• Mr. ami Mr<. li ixendale and nl^m, Mr. Pane t, Mr. theater, Mr. E. L. H ij«i*u IVr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 762 3 P.&O. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrival* and Departure*. Mail Service. Outward Feb. 27 Marmora connecting with Moldavia Mar- 12 Malta clo Himalaya 26 Dtvanlui do Monyolia Apr. 9 Oceana do India 23 Delta do Victoria Homeward THROUGH STEAMER. Mar. 27 s.s. Marmora (calling at Bombay). FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st
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    • 362 3 (S HI PPIN O.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers, Rhenania,” Habsburo” Hohbnstaufkn.” These steamers offer to the public the highest comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board.
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  • 96 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alene. —Smertmt, KnbllHned dally (except Sunday*.) AT TBS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd,, No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 per auuum OUTSTATMNs Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) sls CABLE ADDRESS M Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343. H.b. —All business commonicatiaos should
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  • 743 4 We reproduced in our outside pages last Monday a thoughtful article from the Nation entitled The Sex War,” in which the writer, pleading for I Woman’s Suffrage, says that man has not merely formed for himself his conceptions of what women ought to be and to
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  • 491 4 The following list gives the state of the poll in the Echo's Most Popular Man Competition up to 3 to-day. Mr. Foo Cboo Cboon’s position at the top of the list is not vet seriously threatened, and
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  • 120 4 1 The following business in tiu Las been done to-day Penaug Penaug Tin Exchauge,) buyers, no sellers $64} > Eastern Smelting Co., > buyers, no sellers j 65} Straits Trading Co., 200 tons at 65 Singapore Straits Trading Co., loo 65§ Total.„390 tous. o-qa* 18
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  • 369 4 IN APPELLATE JURISDICTION. (Before Justice* Thornton Fisher and Sercombe Smith.) (1) Yelu Pillai, (2) Chellaya and (3) Kathiravelu. Tbe above criminal appeal, whicb was referred to tbe Full Court of Appeal for ruliug on a point of law, was argued on Monday last. Tbe charge preferied by tbe
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  • 1511 4 (Before Mr. Wofeastern.) Perumal, a Hindu youugster, was this morning charged with stealiug a watch from the bouse of one Gopal at Penang Road, on tbe 25th inst. The prisoner pleaded not guilty to the charge and applied for a postponement in order to cite witnesses. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 250 4 MOTOR CARS. NAPIER, SPYKERT 4 6 Cylinders. COVENTRY SIMPLEZ, 2, 4 6 Cylinders. ALL CARS SPECIALLY BUILT FOR THE TROPICS. For full particulars, apply ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD., AGENTS. MATSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH. Grand Change Programme. NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES!! TO-N IGHTTTT Location: -Comer of Campbell Street and Penang Road. we
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    • 151 5 (Echo Special.) Daring Dang Robbery at Tlioiiidnou Road. Sing»pore, 26 th Feb.—A gang of Cantonese, estimated to number forty, armed with knives and carrying torches attacked and looted two of the Opium and Spirit Farm's shops out on the Thompson Road last night. The towkay of one shop was
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    • 78 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Vancouver Arrests. Londou, 26tb Feb.—The Time* Vancouver correspondent states that the Japanese detained for failing to pass the educanon test are still detained. They are likely to be deported as they did not come direct from their own couutry. London, 26th Feb. —The British
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    • 58 5 Sir Henry CampbellBannerman. (Supplied by Reuter.) To Avoid Late Hours. London, 25tb Feb. —The doctors do not consider Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman’s retirement esseutial, but insist that he should avoid late attendance at the House of Commons They hope that Sir Henry will sbonly be able to largely resume in a
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    • 78 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Manila to be Made a Naval Base. London, 26th Feb. —American Naval experts have decided to make Manila the headquarters of a fleet which America will hereafter maiutain in the Far East. Six batteries of 10-incbers will be placed on Corregidar Island, which will
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    • 192 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) An Increase of £900,000. Londou, 25th Feb.—The Navy Estimates show an increase of £900,000. New construction will cost m llious compared with 8 millions for 1907-8. The building programme allows for one improved Dreadnought, one large armoured cruiser, six fast protected cruisers and sixteen
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    • 105 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Debate in Parliament. Loudon, 26' b Feb.—Parliament has held a debate on the sit uation in Macedonia. In the House of Lords Lord Edmond Fiizmaurice admitted that, the situation was disappointing and critical owing to the attitude of the Porte and the disagreement of the PowersGermany's
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    • 63 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Strenuous Opposition by Churchmen and Catholics. Loudon. 26th Feb.—The Education Bill has been r* ad a first time in the House of Commons. It is certain to meet wi h strenuous opposition from Churchmen and Roman Catholics, who are likely to be severely affected
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  • 163 5 Says the Cornish Post: —A very curious revolution has occurred m the relative position of the two districts which are most celebrated in the annal 6 of tin production. We all know how Cornwall, after remaining for some twenty centuries t> e chief source of the world’s supply,
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  • 97 5 Following are the Agenda for to-morrow’s meeting of the Municipal Commission: 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. -I Trade of Market Gardeuers to be licensed. 5. Applications to joiu Provident Fund. 6. Statement
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  • 116 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday:— Profession Pairs. Dr. Jamieson and Dr. Nicholas beat H. C. Sells and W. H. Threlfall. O—2 j 4—b; 4 5. Single Handicap, C f ass AA. G. Anthony beat O. Griffith-Jones, 6—3; I—6 6—3. The
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  • 238 5 A meeting of those interested iu the aiiove fund was held at the Chinese Town Hall vesterday afternoon, when the following gentlemen were present: —Messrs. Cbeab Cboo Yew, Kbaw JooTok. Quah Beng Kee. Lim Eow Hong. Yeoh Boon Swee, Y«ap Swee Lin, Lim Sun Kee, Lim Soo
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  • 1037 5 The Girls of Gottenberg.” Last night in the Town Hall the Bandmanu Opera Company staged The Girls of Gottenberg,” a musical play iu two acts, by George Grossmith,», Jqn.. and L. E. Berman, which is a hit on the wild escapade ,of the (pierman shoemaker Voigt,
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    • 586 5 TO-THE fiDTTOR OV TUB STRAITS ECHO. Sir I request dhat vou will publish this letter in vour esteemed paper. About two or three months ago. a cor respondent called the attention of the Municipal authorities, throu b your paper, to what was an "unmitigated nuisance”
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  • 100 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Pali tana, from Rangoon Mr. and Mrs. Dallas and the Baoduiann Opera Co., Miss G. Corlass, Me-srs. Casey,Ciceron, A. Hainon. C\ Jost and Pylsley. Per ss. Tara, from Sing-pore Madam* Ohasseroau, Mrs. Kwah Min Cbeok aud infant, Messrs. E. Cbassereau, E. Holmberg J. C. Holmheig, I-iuail
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  • 87 5 To-day. 25th Day of Ist Moon. P- C. C. Tennis Tournament. Bandmann Opera Co. Town Hall, 9pm Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p in. Matsuo's Cinematograph, corner of Penan» Road and Campbell Street, 7 p.m. an» 9 pm. Japanese Acrobatic Show, Kuala Kangsai Road Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow
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  • 17 5 English {Marmora) ...2"'bFeb. China {Devanha) ...29ih China (Klevt) ...3»d Mar. German (Printas Alict) ...4 h
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  • 37 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards Homkwakos Marmora 27 Feb. Ibvanha 29 Feb Mai la u Mar Beta 14 Mar. Extra Service. OCTWAHDS IIoMKWARD') Peru 4 Mar I N bia 21 Mar Nore 17 t Mtnthi 4
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 246 5 Che Society or motor manufacturers and traders. Ltd. bjr tne /refteft.»/, < moutage t*nut ana dcvtlofHt<H(oj th' A ntomsbt/t h.UuUry. The Society has organised a TRADE INFORMATION DEPARTMENT which will be pi used, wit! out fee, to direct enquireis to the Traders who can best suppy their needs, whether for
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    • 162 5 Huge Success! Huge Success 1! Hull packed on Saturday and Sunday Nights. JAPANESE ACROBATIC SHOW, Kuala Kangsar Road Theatre. Partial Change of Programme TO- N IGHT. Book your seats early to prevent disappointment Pom s Open at K p.m. Performance at, sharp. Carriages at 11-30 p.m. PW CHS OF
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  • 1845 6 Plea for the Retention of the Towchang. Tbe Straits Times has been asked to publish the following letter, which has been addressed to a young Chinese resident in Singapore by a friend iu Batavia:— With reference to what I wrote you recently about people who are always
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  • 121 6 Pbmajm. 26th Fbbhuahy. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3}£ 4 months* sight Bank ..2/4 w 8 Credit ...2/4-^ 3 Documentary ...2/4} Calcutta, Demaud Bank Its. 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175} Bombay, Damand Bank 173 liouimein, Demand Bank 171} 3 days* sight Private 1751 Madras,
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  • 175 6 Jold leaf 305.40 3. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.50z. no stock White Pepper $lB 50 sellers rrang Pepper 13 sates Cloves (picked) 32 —buyers Mace 75. —sellers Mace Pickings 57. —buyers Nutmegs lIOs 24 —buyers f No. 1 5.30 soles Augar < 2 no stock Basket 3 50 buyers r apioea
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  • 975 6 'z I Number otj :£T f Capital. Shares > Last Dividend. Name. gl '5 -J ued I 5 2 I L=-_ i cy l Milling. 1903 30.01 >0 10 10 J5 for year ending 31,3,07 'Mat Tin Miumg Co., Ltd. MO. 1907 300.0« >0 22.500 10 10 ifruantr
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 48 6 livery Bottle Guaranteed. it* clone wi b Chamberlain's Cough o tin < y, and if you ate not balu-fied alter utnng two-Um.Js of ihe bottle accoidiue to diiet-.ionH re.u,,, what in hft and jour mouoy Wl |l be letunded. The Ueoige T OW n DiHpeuaary, Wholesale Agents 8
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    • 82 6 Pneumonia. Old people and tb se who have weak liintrß cannot he too careful in guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or an attack of influensa, c-io be prevented *y the timely use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. We have as vet to hear of an attack
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    • 439 6 MARTIN’S PILLS A French Rimcdy for all Irraf ularltles. ih> Ladies keep a box of Motiu’s Pills in the hou**. so tha! on the •rst si»;!» of .M»y Irregularity of the System a t uieiy dose may be nsstercwL Those who use :het:i recommend them, hence Ihr.r enormous s-ile. At
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    • 114 6 MACKAY’S LHJUEIffI WHISKY. ■w a •R-XELL’S brandy. Olßslers Champagne. ffROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTHtCS. 8 Stock Alwaiyi on Haml. ADAMSON, CILFILLAN CO., LTD. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PF.NANO F. M. S. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. SmnHUmtuis, Buttery A
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  • 989 7 Allahabad, Feb. 11. The Pioneer says The summoning of the Afridi Jirgahs to Peshawar by the Chief Commissioner of the North-West Frontier Province has been sufficient to indicate locally that tlie continued misconduct of the Z kka Kliel is at last to lie checked by military operations
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 798 8 W. MAN SON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A y Charges Moderate, Cmsultation Free. RBSWING AT (REYNELL’S A r o. 2hi Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Orient? Hotel. 6 inth> UPTON'S TEAS “HI WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAI AT THE PAHIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS,
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