Straits Echo, 7 February 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1114 1 GUINNESS'S STOUT. TIANQ LEE Co. WiRSj a Or O v L 5 <2 55 <2 V SOLE AQEHTS. BASS’S ALE. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. £l.-200,000 £1,475.000 £1,200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietor!' Head Office:
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    • 25 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE. FAR EAST. .gn N- i o > fc s CD 'l5 91 9> > 'V IPKTO. TIANQ LEE Jk cS., Soh A^mtu
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  • 1083 2 SKETCH OK HIS MAJESTY AND HIS CONSORT. An Accomplished Sportsman, Tub late King oi Portugal was a good shot with a sporting gun, and at the rifD-butts could beat, auy maiksmau iu Portugal. He was a hard rider, and could drive a pair of horses
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 livery Bottle (j imruntccU. lhu is done t li C i.iuiht i lain’* Cough Remedy, ain I ii n ,i>o nut silo tied atic*r Uhiiii; l imm tin ii-i ul i In* bo. It* accoiiimg to diieetions, u u n wiial is lit mid \our mouey will L>n leluuOtd. lli«
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    • 518 2 Something Good. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is good when you first take cold good when your cold is seated and your lungs aie sore; good when you cannot sleep for coughing. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS. “UIIAP 00H MEH.” OWNERS of horses are
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    • 1150 2 PIANOS. The FINEST selection ever seen in Penang. 2 Our Catalogue free. Ask fox* it. I Cash, or OUR EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. $100 down secures u FIRST CLASS |d»iio. TERMS: I HIRE Pianos by day, week, or month. Terms Reasonable. TUNINGS: For a small yearly subscription, jour piano toned periodically.
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  • 43 3 Vessels 1 From 1 Agents Due Nippon Singapore SKACo. |7th Feb. Boo mob r •Loudon 3 B A >. I2tb Patban (JlatSUDW 't.B.A ’o. I3»h P. Ludwig iColouibo B M A '0 9th Palawan Siugaporu A.G&'o 22nd Bendoran London 3B..&Co. 24th 1
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  • 33 3 For A'lmtt L»t < e* Nippou Colombo S K AUo. Feb. Hen mob r Singapore S.B.ACo, Patbau Singapore S B A Co. P. Lu<iwig Singapore B.M &Co. Palawan Colombo lAG&Co. Bendoran China SB.ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 119 3 Pachuajbiir. 8.8., 541, Sirna, 6th Feb., Moulmein, 2nd Beb., Gen.—H. L A Co. Omapeke, Br. s.s-, 340, Lyons, 6th B’eb., Singapore, 4th B’eb., Gen.— E. S. Uo Ltd. Book Sang, Br. s.s., 1 087. Mitchell, 7th B’ob., Hongkong, 28th Jan, Gen.— B. A Co. Manila. Br. s.s., 2,711, Andrew,
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    • 79 3 7th B’ebruary. Vidar, for Port S«vetteuham and MalaccaOmapere, for Port Swcttenham A Singapore. Avagyee, for Tongkah. Sappho, for Tongkah. Fook Sang, for Calcutta. Lai Sang, for Singapore aud Hongkong. Hye Leong, for Teluk Anson. Manila, for Singapore, China aud Japan. Sunda, for Colombo aud Tuticorin. Parhumba, for Mergui, Tavoy
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    • 189 3 B’or Deli—Per Perak, to-morrow, noon. Batu Bahra—Per Padang, to-morrow, uocn. Asabau—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Babra—Per Sree Bangka, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Ausou—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, i 2 p.m. Laugsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang aud Batavia—Per Coen, to-morrow, 3 p m. Port Swe'teuham aud Singapore—Per
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  • 267 3 Per P. ami (J. s.s. China, connecting with the steamer De'hi at Colombo, due at Penang ou 13th February To Penang (trom London, Jan. 17) Mr. and M rs. T. II. Royd and children, Mr. W. Proudlook, inn.; (from Marseil’es, Jan. 24) Mr. E. G. YVilsou.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 926 3 (SHIPPING.) P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. Feb. 13 Delhi connecting with China 27 Marmora do Moldavia M ar. 12 Malta do Himalaya 26 Devanh oi do Mongolia Apr. 9 Oceana do India Homeward THROUGH STEAMER. Mar. 26 s.s. Marmora (calling at Bombay). FAKES
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    • 309 3 HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers, “Rhenania,” Habsburo,” HohENurAtJUK. These steamers offer to the public the highest comfort yet attained in OceaD Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor and Stewardesses carried.
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    • 56 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. ri’lHE s.s. Gltn/alloclt, Captain J.H. Hains--1 worth, is expected to arrive here on Saturday, and will leave for the above port sou Mouday, tbe lUth iust., at 3 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE ĕUAN Co.. Agonts for WEE BIN Co. of
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone-— Emerton ynbllshed dally (except Kaii<lay*.| AT TBI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $34 per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL KIMTION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 N.B. All business communications should be
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  • 637 4 This is a trite topic, but it has been brought to the fore again by the wellknown publicist, Mr. Havelock Ellis, w ho, in the latest number of the Albany Review contributes an excellent article on the Character of the Anglo-Saxon,” au article to which the English
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  • 362 4 The first Ordinary General Meeting of the Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd., was held at the Company’s Offices, Nos. 41 43, Beach Street, yesterday at 2 pm., when the following gentlemen were present Messrs. Kbaw Joo Tok (chairmau), Quah Beng Kee. Lim Eow Hong, Choong Lve
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  • 89 4 Lawn Tenuis Tournament. Following were the results of the ties played yesterday Single Handicap, Class A. W. S. Dunu beat A. F. G. Andersou, 6 5 6—2. Single Handicap, Class B. J. Jenuiugs beat Hou. A. 11. Adams, 7—5 6—4. \V. P. G. Taggart beat D. Duncan,
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  • 371 4 Thk following business in tin has been done to-day Penang Eastern Smelting Co., buyers, no sellers j PenaugTin Exchange, 20 tons at 66j Straits Trading Co., 70 66 Singapore Straits Trading Co., 50 66] Total... 150 tons. Tin is quoted in- Loudon to-day at .£l3O
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  • 210 4 Bf/ure Mr. Justice BraddeU.) Annette Kauft'inann, Plaintij)'. William Me Knight Young, Defendant. The plaintiff s claim was inter alia) for damages for injury by the defendant’s negligence as solicitor to ibe plaintiff in drawing a certain Bill of Sale bv way of mortgage ot the English Hotel. The
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  • 699 4 (Before Mr. Scott.) Quite a number of gambling cases were tried by Mr. Scott in the First Couit this moruing. Small lines were imposed ou the accused persons. G di Toow Keane, a Chinaman, was this morning charged with (1) refusing to pay his rickisha fare and
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    • 120 4 {Supplied by lleuter.) Reduction of Armaments Demanded. London, 6th Ftb.—Sir Henry CampbellBannerman, the Premier, has granted a special day in the House of Commons to discuss the question of the reduction of armaments. This is understood to be owing to pressure from the Radicals. All Explanation. London, 7th
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    • 129 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Manuel’s Concessions. Loudon, 6th Feb.—King Manuel has signed decrees restoring the liberty of the Press and granting Parliamentary immunity. The Adroiuistiative Commissions of the Towns with which Senhor Franco replaced the Municipalities are resigning. Requiem Service in St. Paul’s, Loudon, 7th Feb.—Their Majesties the King and
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    • 34 4 (Supplied ly Reuter.) Anti-Japanese Speeches. Loudon, 7tli Feb.—The Convention of the Asiatic Exclusion Leagues has opened at Seattle. The representative of the American i ederation of Labour made an impassioned anti-Japauese speech.
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    • 40 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) The New French Minister. London, 7th Feb.—Vice-Admiral Toucbard has been appointed Freucb Minister to Russia in place of M. Bom paid, who asked to be recalled on iiuding himself no longer a persona, gmta.
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    • 69 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Bishop of London’s Opinion. Loudon, 6th Feb.—ln convocation yesterday the Bishop of London, in moving a resolution urging the obligation of Groat Britaiu to co-operate with China in restrict* iug the consumption of opium, said that it was a humiliating fact that while
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  • 153 4 The Manchester Guardian aud other Liberal organs hint at difficulties existing between the First Lord of the Admiralty, Lord Tweed mouth, and the Secretary of State for War, Mr. R. B. Haldane, on the one hand, aod the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. H. H. Asquith, on the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 313 4 MATSUO’S JAPANESE OINEMATO3RAPH. NEW PICTURES! NEW PICTURES!! GRAND PROGRAMME TO-NIGHT I!! t location:— Corner of Campbell Street and Penang Road. WE ARE GIVING TWO PERFORMANCES EVERY NIGHT. Second show from 11 to 11-30 p.lll. First show from 7 to S-30 Reserved Seat Ist Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4‘.b
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    • 133 4 How a South African Merchant Warded off an Attack of Pneumonia. i here is always cause for alarm when a severe cold is accompauied by paiu iu the chest. Mr. H. L. 1.6 Grange, who is manaeer of a store at Jansenville, C. C., believes Chamberlain's Remedy is better thau
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  • 991 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, ‘*tb Feb. Chinese New Year. The Chiuese New Year passed off very quietly. For three days every Chinese shop was closed aud everyone was bent on enjoying himself. All the Chinese-owned boats, and there are a good number, were decorated, while uumeious shops
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  • 135 5 (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Ipoh, Gtb Feb. Tin* Chinese New Year. The Chinese New Year passed off very quietly here. From the early morning there were seen Chinese dressed in holiday attire going about visiting friends aud wishing thpm “Kung Hi Fat Choy, but there was no disturbance
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  • 43 5 January Output. The following list gives ttieoutputs of tiuore from some of the principal mines iu the F. M. S. for last month Piculs. Trouoh Mines 3,-3417 Kledang Mine 420 Gopeug Mine bio New Gopeng Mine Kiuta Mines 430 Kedhills -WO
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  • 197 5 Chinese Conservatism Greatly on the Wane. During the Chinese New Year holidays, says the Straits Times, there has been a general tendency on the part of Chinese to depart from the wonted conservatism iu Celestial customs. Imperially in regard to dress has this change been most
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  • 488 5 An American journal is responsible for gl the following Al T r a fa On a. recent vibit to one of tue L oited tc States fleet to Hongkong, one of the coolies fc engaged in passing coal, was accidentally tl caught iu the machinery, and
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  • 1354 5 koine Malay Ghosts and Gho>t {Stories. By Southern Cross A newcomer is not long in Malaya before he hears the above word aud learns its meaning for Malaya teems with U<mtus —at least so the Malavs say. Nursemaids iu the homeland fnghteu their “naughty”!' charges by telling them that
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  • 557 5 A very interesting sign of the times in the East is the vast number of Chinese studeuts I now abroad,” says V. K. Tiug, who obviously writes with special knowledge, iu the Westminster Review. Five years ago, the J most accurate observeis would not dire to
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  • 90 5 Arrived. l» el aS Racltumlm. from Mouluieiu MrJ S. Augustine. p fr 8 8. Kistna. from Singapore Mr. aud Mrs. Hickey aud son, Capt. Neilson. Messis. Firmstone. Gilrov aDd Durword. Per s a. SunJa, from Singapore Miss A. E. Stephen, Mr. G. D «W, Mr. K. <>. Hose, Miss
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  • 61 5 To-uat bth i>av of Ist Moon. P. C. C. Teums Tournament. Town I>aud, Esplanade, ti to 7 A Nicht wi’ Bums,” Town HaH, 9 p.ui. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, coiner of Penaug Hoad and Campbell Street, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. To-morrow 7ih Day of Ist Moou. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner
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  • 18 5 English (D*thi) ...13th Feb. China (Peninsular) ...14th Chiua (Prim Heinrich) ...18th German (Prim Lmhcitj) 19 h
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  • 18 5 First Quarter Feb. 9th O Full Moon 17th Last Quarter 25th 0 New Moon Mar. 3rd
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  • 36 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service Outwards. Hombwards. ljpilti 13 Feb. j Peninsular 11 Feb Marmora 27 |De vault a '*!> Extra Service. Outwards. Homewards Palma 11 Feb. I Palauan 2! Feb Borneo 20 j Nubia 21 Mar
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 143 5 CENTRAL jjALES ROOM. Important Auction Sales. The uudersigued will hold au Auction Sale 01Carriage, Horses, Hacks, Galloways, Ponies, Traps, (Ntc., Ate#, At the Australian Horse Repository, at No. Scotland Road, TO-MORROW, (Sat., Bth February, 1908 AT 5-15 P.M when an exceptionally select assortment will be offeied. Catalogues on application. Usual
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    • 161 5 PENANG ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. ••A NIGHT Wl’ BURNS.” TON N H ALL, T<bu'ujht, at 9 p.m. Tickets from Cunningham, Clark A Co., Price, $l. 24 1-08 42 5 zn gMsB§B W.V4 Fashionable Favorite-Perfume "FT-IE» f. Wolff &SOHN PERFUiMERS l KARLSRUHE (\/\BERLIN VIENNA 03 03 CO 43 O OUR LATEST CREATION.
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  • 148 6 The Timet is informed that "a European, in full orders of the Buddhist priesthood, will leave Rangoon for Londou next March. It is not generally known that there are several Europeans who have entered the Buddhist priesthood from time to time. The
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  • 216 6 The Earl of Limerick's appeal to limerick wioners to band over some part of ibeir earnings to the charities of the city which gives its name to the popular amusement calls attention again to the enormous sums which have cb inged hands siuce the limerick competitions
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  • 475 6 Weird Revelations in His New Hotel. New Yoik, D< c. 20. 'ihe first instalment of Mr. Upton Sinclair’s novel, The Metropolis, which is desigued to iudict the foolish foibles and whimsical extravagances of the Four Hundred,” is a queer production. It will be recalled that
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  • 115 6 Applications from would-be brides and bridegrooms in all parts of England have poured into the London Hippodrome aB the result of an offer by the management of jfclOO to the couple who are willing to be married under the waters of the establishment’s lake. The sum is expected
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  • 288 6 Opening the closed lung cavities of the consumptive is the keynote of the new surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. A well known London surgeon, who has had great success with the new treatment, has explained to an Over-Seas Daily Mail repiesentative tlie method used in operating
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  • 268 6 Cuts, Noises, and Dazzling Lights Fail to Awaken Modern Rip Vau Winkle. Before the German Physiological Society on tbe 10th ult. Prof. Eulenburg, a specialist in nervous diseases, gave a description of the remarkably long sleep of a Government official named Arnbeim. Since June 10, 1904,
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  • 124 6 Pi NANO, 7th FEBRUARY. (By courtesy oj the Chartered, Bank.) London Demand Bank --2/3$ 4 months' sight Bank ...2 4 T 8 Credit ...2/4 3 Documentary .2/4^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 i Bombay. Damand Bank 173§ Moulmein, Demand Bank IT 3$ 3 days’
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  • 166 6 Gold leaf $65.40 B. Pepper(W.Coast 31b«.5 oz.) no stock White Pepper 18.50 sellers Traug Pepper in small supply Cloves (picked) 29. —sales Mace 65. nominal Mace Pickings 55. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 23$ —sellers SNo. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Banket 3.50 buyers Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal Copra
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  • 199 6 Penang, 7th Fibeuart, 1908. J Beef— c ts. i Soup per catty 14 i Roast 22 Steaks 24 i Stew or Curry Meat 16 t Rump Steak 24 1 Ox Tail each 30 r Tongue 50 5 Feet 13 s Heart 30 i Liver per catty 30 Pork
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  • 1023 6 o-- S 5 S D Capital. Number of i Shares issued. Q. Li Last Dividend. Name. .2 1903 1907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1905 1907 1901 1899 1906 1905 1906 1904 1906 9 300.000 300.000 8 600.000 960,000 <£ 4 *o,o<K> 100.000 30.000 400,000 120,000 00.(m 0 ltio.uoo 8
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Absolutely Harmless. h very mother should know that Chainchlhlf'n V ,U I{M,n ,l r H P- wfe tor harmful V °T|,« n ,t fl c ,u! ,n «>»»bios c. e ,wo d pm
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    • 159 6 Pneumonia. Oid people aud those who have weak lungs c.muot be too careful iu guarding against this disease. Pneumonia always results from a cold or au attack of influenza, andean be prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. We have as yet to heir ot au attack
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  • 157 7 Au importaut step has just been taken the Manufacturers’ Association of Great Britain in regard to the development of trad# with the Colonies. In view of the altered conditions of the markets iu Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, through the adoption of new Customs tariffs and the
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  • 224 7 Sa> a a home paper War has been declared against the rat. The animal has been found guilty of the spread of disease aud of destruction all over the civilised world, aud a society has been formed for the purpose of starting an international campaign against
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  • 534 7 The Tragedy Recalled. The story of the tragedy and of the events which led up to it is briefly as follows: Harry Thaw is a young Pittsburg millionaire, aud brother of the Couutess of Yarmouth. lie had married Miss Evelyn Nesbit, a beautiful variety actress, and
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 67 7 MARTIN’S fop Ladies.l A hrB tch ft m»dy for all I rragulartllea. lU uv«r. l% ©f i ,< <>\ t M irt! it I -iu tlie bout on th« ft M ao< Iff irty of lilt* S.stew .111«rl« <fcn«aM)rb« ua I. \.ii i n*r lira» ir mucn I thtin,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 821 8 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. THEAN GHEE Co. Charges Moderate, C( nsultation Free. HKSIOINO AT A 'o. 21a, Penang Road. A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel. 6 mtha. UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. AGENTS, I‘ENANG:
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