Straits Echo, 4 January 1908

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1100 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. S 3 r SS ft <s> c* r*» T. O itl CP v •aiv s.ssva TIANG LEE Co. BANKS. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and Chir.a. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. 1.200,000 £1,475.000 1,200,000 Paid up Capital Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors
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    • 30 1 si 'T. 1 tU 02 or X I o ~o 4 UJ w Ul £C 3 CP\THEDAI NIPPON $< c« LID 4 V«s TOKYO.JAPAN. /jKi 'y/ OO w □a s H
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  • 272 2 •Singapore, it appears from the columns of the Singapore pipe-s, is much agitated over the outbteak of rabies there. “Old Singaporean,” writing to the Free Pr**» regarding the pariah dogs which swarm iu the country districts, advocates their extermination. He says Very few dogs aie shot, partly
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  • 335 2 Many people attribute their freedom from sundry minor d seises to a libera! use of tobacco, the smoke of which they declare i»n powerful destroyer of genus. Tins view i> supported by the Lane t, which says thu’ the property iu the smoke which h s
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  • 568 2 The Story of a Troubled State. For some tune past the attention ot the world has been fixed upon Morocco. Tue troubles wb ch culminated amidst tbe bloodstained ruins of Casa Blai ci ire of u recent growth. To discover their origin wi unis' look far back
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  • 468 2 Cannot Live When the Blood is Made I'ckk and Strong nr Or. Williams’ Fink Pills. More i rovf Fr m Java- About a yeir ago I tixk ill with Malana,” said Mr Henry M. K* as; errv, of Bitavia, J iva. The Fever used to come
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 55 2 From a Nova Scotia Publisher. Mr H. U- Hhihh, publisher «<!' 'lie Advertiser, Keutv.lle, N n.:.k-« Hie following statement: «1 I. .vh used erl-m Cough Remedy h r myself aud f“i»ih and find it to be one of Hit* b st med•clues tor roughs and colds that I ever tried.
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    • 129 2 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES can be booked per British India Steam Navigation (ompan.v's Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and Loudon. huttenbach, LIEBERT &C 9 ,nv\i s Cheap Week End Excursions to Selang r. liirst class return tickets will be <?ranted per Bs.
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    • 1305 2 ;iEE£22SESZZ€ ■370 LET. PIANOS by all the LEADING makers in stock. I Inspection invited, Satisfaction guaranteed. Any PIANO can be purchased on Easy Terms INo one need be without a really first class piano. I Our instruments are specially built for this climate. See our stock, the finest in the
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  • 38 3 Veaaela From I Atje/t/» Due Socotra Colombo A.G ACo. 7th Jan. Bengloe Londou S B ACo. loth Peninsular Colombo A.G.&Co. I61I1 A. Apear Singapore A.A.A.Co. 18th Nfibia Colombo A.G. ACo. 21st Kleist 'Colombo B.M.ACo •22 d
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  • 33 3 Vessel* For 1 1 Ay* at# Lear* > i Socot ra SlDuapolf,. A.G><fcCo. Jan. B^ugloe Singapore ACo. I Peninsfelar Singapore ,A.C AC<>. A. A pear Calcutta iA.A.A.Co. Nubia Singapore Ia.G.&Co. Xleist iSingapora B.M.ACo.
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  • Shipping.
    • 43 3 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s.s., 100, Milne. 4th Jan., Langkat, 3rd Jan., E. S. Co., Ltd. Canton, Br. s.s., 105, Gillies, 4th Jan., Teluk Anson, 3rd Jan., Gen.—Ah Hing. Teesta, Br. s.s., 3,428. Willis, 4tb Jan., Singapore, 2ud Jan Gen.—H. L. Co.
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    • 90 3 4th January. Teesta, for Negapatam and Madras. Kanagaiva, for Colombo. Van der Lijn, for Deli and Langsa. Padang, for Ba»u Bahra. Austria, for Singapore, China and Japan. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat. Lanqkat, for Teluk Anson. Delta, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt and via Brindisi for
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    • 144 3 Fob Rangoon aud Calcutta—Per Putiala, Gth instant, 3 p.m. Langsa, T. Seuiawe, Segli, Olebleh aud Sabang—Per Pegu, t>th instant, 3 p.m. On Week Days. Taipmg, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Kuala Kubu, Kuala Lumpur, Seremban and Malacca, at 1 p.m. aud 5-30 p.m. Kedah, at 7 a m. Butterworth, at
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  • 341 3 Per P. aud O. p.s. llrilannia, connecting with the steamer Peninsular at Colombo, due at Penang on 18th January:— To Penang: (from London, Dec. 20) Mr. H- Wilson, Mr. R. C. Western (from Brindisi. Dec. 29) Mr. N. R. Crum Ewing. To Singapore: (from London) Mr.
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  • 35 3 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. 0UTWARI>8. HoMBWABDS. Peineular 10 Jan. I Delta l Jan. De'ta •JO I Delhi 1H Extra Service. Out wauds. Homewards. Socotra 7 Jan. I Nyanza 11 Jan. Nubia 21 Nile 25
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 893 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Kxuected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outward16 Peninsular connecting with Britannia 30 Delta do Mooltan 13 Delhi do China 27 Marmora do Moldavia Homeward Jan Feb Mar. 28 s.s. Marmora (easing at Bombay). fakes by mail steamers. 1st Cl*«t 2ud Claw To bond on by
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    • 366 3 (S HIPPI NO.) v Norddentscber Lloyd, Bremen. OUTWARDS: IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. TIIHE fast and well-known mad Bt?amers of this L Compauv sail fortnightly f r oui Bremen. Hamburg via Roiieidam, p, Sou. hampton, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nap'ei, (conoec.’on Naples, Alexandria and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Penang, Singapore,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 33 3 WEATHER. Th* following report is kindlf aura lied hj the Signal Director of Fort Cornijjltjjidd—ft n aft. m The ram fell during the 24 hour* aided et 8 a.03. to- da/ wa» nil.
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  • 96 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emcr*>n Published dally (except Mondays.) AT TBS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTSTATIONM Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 348. S.B. All business communications should be
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  • Article, Illustration
    942 4 The lit. Hon. Walter Long, late Chief Secretary for Ireland, has contributed to the London Daily Mail an interesting and instructive article ou the disorder in Ireland. He writes with a knowledge of the subject which few other men can have, and in a spirit of true friendship to
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  • 134 4 Seroiid Nuuday After Christmas. ">th January. St. George’s Church. The Lord of the D»< is expected to celebrate the Holy Communion at 8-30 a.m. and preach at Even-O’ig. Methodist Episcopal English Church. 74. Maxwell Koad. 8-30 a.m.—Sunday School. 0 p m. Evening Service. Preacher, Rev. L>k. Lubkino.
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  • 293 4 Tin (unrefined) is tjuoted here to-dav at 159. buyers no sellers at Singapore (retined) at >59-75. buyers no sellers, and in Londou at «£118 5s. cash and «£119 5s three mouths’ sight. Raugoou rice is quoted to-day at 8167 per coyanThe Earl of Crawford’s tiae yacht
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  • 921 4 (Before Mr. Wolferula».) Kkajah Maidiu, Sultan, and Mabomed Maidin were this morning placed in the dock charged with voluntarily causing hurt to a compatriot in December last. The case tor the prosecution had been partly heard on the 31st ult. His Worship discharged the second aud third
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  • 972 4 A Successful Concert. The Penang Choral Society gave a very successful concert in the Town Hall last uigut. There was quite a large audieuee present and those who attended heard some really fine music. The programme was iu two parts, the first consisting of musical items aud
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 •JUST UNPACKED. Xiras Sweets, Bonbons, Chocolate, Nuts, Handpicked Soft-shell Almonds, Cakes, Puddings, Dolls, Dried Peaches and a long line of other Xmas requirements. CROSSE BLACKWELLS, MORTON’S k FRENCH PROVISIONS. ALL BEAUTIFULLY FRESH!!! We buy as low as we can That’s business sense, We sell as low as we can That’s
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    • 60 5 (Supplied by It eider.) Di#affriH»nient Over Iniou. London, 3rd January. —The negotiations lietweeu Mr. John Redmond, m r leader of the Irish Nationalists, and Mr. O’Brien, mp, founder of the Uuited Irish League, for the union of the Irish party have resulted in a deadlock owing to the O’Brieuites
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    • 71 5 (Supplied by lteuler.) Herr Harden Sent to Gaol. London. 4‘b Jan —Herr Harden, Editor of the Zukunft, who was prosecuted for uiakiug certain extremely grave charges against Count von Moltke aud Prince Euleuberg. has beeu seuteuced to four months’ lmprisomneut. The whole case has constituted a reversal
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Evading the Immigration LawsLondon, 3rd Jan. —The Daily Chronicle's Melbourne correspondent reports that the Commonwealth Immigration Commissioner has unearthed a huge conspiracy to evade the Keitiiction Act by smuggling in Chiuese The Whites coucarueJ reap immense profits.
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    • 94 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Trouble with Japauese. LouJou, 4th Jan.—lt is reported from Vancouver that whilst three Japanese firemen were walking along a street one stumbled aud broke the glass window of a Japanese shop- A mob of Japanese immediately surroundel and overpowered the firemen, who were badly wounded with
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    • 72 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Keeu Frost aud Fierce East IViuds. London, 4th Jan—There is keen frost throughout the United Kingdom and fierce east winds. There have beeu many deaths from cold. [Most of the weather prophets some time ago prophesied a very hard winter saoli a winter as
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    • 53 5 (Supplied by Reder.) Phthisis Being Stamped Out. London, 4th Jan —As the outcome of an investigation by the Local Government Board it is stated that consumption is being slowly but surely stamped out iu Great Britaiu. This result is ascrilied to improved public health administration aud a higher
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    • 24 5 (Supplied by lieuter.) German “Breadnought’* Nearly Beady London, 3rd Jau.—The first German Ureadnouykt will be launched at the end of February.
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    • 69 5 (Supplied by Reuter Sir Frank Lascelles to Retire. London, 4tb Jan.—Tbe Kt. Hon. Sir Frank Cavepdisb Lascelles, a c ocm o o.c v. 0., British Ambassador at Berlin since 1895 is about to retire. [Sir Frank Lascelles is a \ery able diplomatist. He joined the Diplomatic
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Reuter The Nimrod Sails. London, 3rd Jan.— I Tbe British Antarctic Expedition under Shackleton bas left Lyttelton for the .Antarctic-
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    • 37 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) II litrliing's Grand Score. London, 4th Jau.— IheM.C. C. team are all out for 382. Hutchings nude 126 runs. Australia is now batting and has scored 96 iuus for uo wickets.
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  • 185 5 Loudon, 10th Dec. Tin was steady at the beginning of the week, but has shown Hatuess duriug the last day or two. prices receding to j£l29 for cash and jEI3O for three months. Importers have been selling more freely, while Chinese speculators seem to have ceased their
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  • 670 5 The output of tiu-uie from the Trouoh Miues for the m u h of December last was Piculs 8,657 77. At the meeting of the St. Andrew s Society vesterday eveuiug it was decided to hold a promenade concert in the Town Hall on the 25th lustant.
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  • 946 5 (From Our Oven Correspondent.) Thursday, Jau. 2ud. Babies Scare. After the strenuous denial by certain officials that rabies had broken out in Singapore, the notice published in the Government Gaxeite Extraordinary came as a surprise. Mr. balshaw, the Government Veterinary Surgeon, discovered rabijes iu a pariah dog which
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  • 1184 5 (Fioiti Our Own CorrenfU/udeut.) Loudon, 13th Dec. The Paris Salon. The Paris Salon Motor Exhibition was brought to a successful close ou Sunday last, the 1st inst. Tbe success of this, the tenth, exh'bitiou of its kind augurs well for the future. As an additional attraction,
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  • 89 5 Arrived. Per ss. Tee4a, from Singapore Mr. aud Mrs. Fenu and child, Mr. and Mrs. Shearwood, Mrs. Oog Ciioou Neo and child, Messrs. V. G. Ezekiel. E. Feuck, C Heiuoldt, F. H. Use, H. Kirwa»*, Khoo Kheug Pun. Klioo Hock Soo, Khoo Sim Eang, F. C. P. Use. M.
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  • 63 5 To-dat. l*t Day of 12th Moon. Eclipse of the Sun. Football P. C. C. vi. Peiak, Esp'anade. Matsuo’» Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road and Campbell Street,! 1 Grand Change of Progntninie. To-morrow. 2nd Day of 12th Moou. Matsuo's Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road and Campbell Street. 9 p.m.
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  • 15 5 China (D*lta) ...4'h Jau China Yorrk German (Prim Hcinrirh) ...fe'h English (Peninsular) fith
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 NOTICE undersigned beys to inform the I geueral public of Peuaug ami eisewheie that he Ins this dav mutually terminated his engagement with Mkssrs. THE AN CHEG Co and has established himself as a gentleman’s tailor at the upper fi >or of Messrs. THE AN CHEE Co., No. 14 Bishop
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    • 147 5 SALAMANDER FIRE INSURANCE CO.; OF AMSTERDAM. LONDON AGENCY. r undersized, haviug been appointed A Agents for above Company, are ready to accept tire risks at current rates. H L T G Co., -1 1-08 5 Aqente. PENANG BAR, No. 92, Brick Kiln Road, PENANG. NEW MANAGEMENT, Cask Beer Stout, Brandy,
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  • 588 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 19th December, 1907. Present. F. J. Hallifax, E»q- (President.) Quah Beug Kee, Esq. Dr. P. V. Locke. J. W. Hallifax, Esq. Absent. L. H. Clayton, E-q. Lim Eu Toh, Esq. 1. The Minutes of
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  • 501 6 (By a Bunker Although not so gorgeous or so sublime as the fiery, many-hued gloiy of the west, yet most lovely aud most fair is the first taint blush of early dawn, when the giett luminary, though not yet risen upon the plains, is
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  • 117 6 Pbmano, 4th Januakt. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/3{f 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit ...2/4$ 3 Documentary ...2/4,% Calcutta, Demand Bank Its. 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Damand Bank 173| Mouimein, Demand Bank 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175} Madras, Demand
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  • 179 6 Gold leaf $65.50 B. Pepper(W .Coast 31b*.5 oz.) no stuck White Pepper 19.— eel'ers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) 32. sales Vlace 65. nominal Mace Pickings 55. —sates Mutmegs lids 25. —sellers f No. 1 5.30 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket 3 50 sales Tapioca Flour
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  • 1164 6 2 I fl. j x o-i Number of. is p 2 o Capital. Shares I►> Last Dividend. Name. >, -2 -5 issued. a ,5 -2 o li jlm j r!_J! i Milling. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 25 for year ending 31 3/07 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. SB.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 An Indian Nobleman Uses Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. You will see by the foliowiug that Chamberlain’s Cout;h Remedy is a favouiite in the palace as well as with the humbler people in India: "For the past four years I have been getting large supplies of Chambeilain’s Cough Remedy, not only for
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    • 46 6 Croup is Imminent. No matter bow well your childieu may appear to be, you are Dever safe without a bott'eof Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu the Imuse. It never fails to relieve and is perfectly safe to give the little ones. The George Town Dispeusary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 137 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL’S BRANDY. Ce/s/ers’ Champagne. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Huiit-ry Co BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: BANDILANDS, BUTTERY A Co.. PENANG. c 0 <b LI MAUI m -B l j 4 ‘2 w y/ J) X 1 .H
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  • 819 7 The Telephone Girl Superseded. Canadians aie justly proud of the fact (bat a Cmadian citizen, Prof. Alexander Graham Hell, invented his system of telephonic comniunication at Brantford, Ontario, a iittle more than thirty years ago, and it is gratifying to know that the Board of Trade of what has come
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  • 210 7 Iu spite of the fact that many of his political friends have advised him to withdraw his proposed Bill for the < f Chinese into the Philippines as agricultural labourers, it is slated in the Cablen in-American that t'ateruo insists on defending his p-oject. He explaii
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1401 7 PENANG BAND. $60 $60 hour 01 \T 0T10E is hereby given that the charges for the services of the Band will be as follows: Dances, 9 p ni. to 2 a.m Chinese Fuuerals, 11 to 4 AOer the above hours, $15 per part of an liour. Dinners, 8
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 805 8 WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANMMNnS. BUTTERY Co BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON'S W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. KBSIDINO AT Ao. 21a, Penang Road. A lew doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel.
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  • 1558 9  - DOREEN,” OR THE CONFESSIONS OF AN ADVENTURESS, BY VIOLA GRAEME, AUTHOR OF The Child of Sorrow,” The Treacher of Lorraine,” The Hand of God.*' Love’s Loyalty,” “-4 M»y/// Hebei,” Her Soldier Sweetheart,” 17/s Beauty of the Be iron*’ 77/e Tea eh op Girl,” “A Scotch Marriage,” 77/e Milliner’s Model,” i
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  • 2921 9  -  A MALAY STORY. ecially contributed to tin Ceylon Morning Leader.) By the lion. Mr. Hugh Clifford. This is the tale Mat Arif, the outlaw, told me the night before he died. I sat with him in the condemned cell, for I had brought him comfort in
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  • 898 9 Hank .M«iusurer. Lady, and a Yacht Vanish. Loudon, Nov. 20. Even Sherlock Holmes would have been b;>ffl*l by au amszug story related ia the Probate Court yesterday of a bank nnuager’s sudden disappearance aud death ou board a woman’s yacht. In romance and mystery it equalled the
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  • 185 9 Penang. 4th January, 190 Celi cts% Soup per catty 12 lfoast n 22 Steaks 22 Stew or Currv Meat 16 Bump Steak 24 Ox Taii each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart per catty. 25 Liver iso jPork Pork per catty 32 j Pig s Head tt 22
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 39 9 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds. Tbis rt-mei? acts ou natures plan, allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids xpectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 40 9 No Poison. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been declared absolutely free from any injurious substance by Governmeat and expeit chemists, aud mothers need have no hesitancy in giving it to ihe sn allest iufaut. The George Town Di-pens uy, Wholesale Agents.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1094 10 JOHN IKARTIN, MINHR A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. BY OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF Tales of the Fen," Chronicles of tht Carburettor Club," In in Penanrj," etc. PRICE 50 CENTS. CAN BE HAD AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Lit., 226, 2.12. Hench Street, Penang. NOTICE. uudersignytl bog to intorui the public of
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