Straits Echo, 3 January 1908

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1120 1 tiang LEE Co. r?s7 m t 9 T o <2 Or ■S-. V. c/c a -I OO vc X •IT 'VC <2 S'. m a z ?C\ C 9 SOLE AGENTS. BANKS. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid up Capita!
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    • 25 1 THE BEST BEER IN THE EAR EAST. m sT •T A 6 > -a CD ft 'r Tom o TIAWG LEE A Cc. t Sole Agents,
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  • 703 2 Here is a set of simple rules to be observer! by youug people contemplating matrimony. The advice they contain is as easily remembered as that given by Mr. Punch,” and is much more easily followed. A person born in January canuot agree with ore
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 144 2 An Indian Nobleman Uses Cliauiherlain's Cough Remedy. You will see by the following that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a favourite iu the palace as well as with the humbler people iu I mb*: For the past four years 1 have lieeu uniting large supplies of Chamlierlaiu s ('out'll Remedy. not.
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    • 666 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. DOGS. r IIHE following order lias been issued bv JL llis Excelleucy the Governor: 1 Additional Regulation made by the Governor in Council in respect of Dogs in Penang under the provisions of .Section 4 of the (Quarantine Prevention of Diseases i Ordinance 188»*. 1. I his regulation
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    • 1171 2 r j Pianos by all the LEADING makers stock I Inspection invited, Satisf aCtion guaranteed. Any PIANO can be purchased on Easy Terms. I No one need be without a realty first class piano. I instruments are specially Ouilt for this climate. I See our stock, he finest in the
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  • 37 3 Vesseh From Age nls Due Austria Trieste 3 K &Co. 4th Jan Delta Singapore G.&Co. 4th E P. Ferdinand Ivobe 3 K.ACo. 3th Socotra Colombo A G.&Co. 7th Bengloe Loudon 3 B A Co. loth
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  • 29 3 1 eisselt- For j Ajent* Lrm a Austria Singapore ,S K' &Co. Jan. Delta Colombo Ja.G &Co. E.F. Ferdiuaud L'riesle p.K.&Go. Socotra Singapore A.G.&Oo. Beugloe [Singapore S.B&Co. 1
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  • Shipping.
    • 120 3 Devanha, Br. s s., 4.785, Hide. 2nd Jan-, Colombo, 29 th Dec., Geu.—A. G. A Co. Kanagawa Maku, Jap. s s., 6 300, Obun, 2ud Jau., Singapore, 31st Dec., Gen.— B Co. Saxonia, Ger. s s 2,782, Stebr, 3rd Jan Hamburg,. 22ud Nov., Gen.—B. M. Co. Flintshire, Br. ss,
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    • 45 3 3rd January. baity, for Langkat. Malay a, for Deli. ktdrr, for Port Sjvetteubam and Malacca. Perak, for Port Swettenbam aud Singapore. Oniapere, lor Tongkab, Kopab, Reuoug, v ictoria Point, Mergui and Tavov. Hye Leon,i, for Teluk Auson. Flying Fish, for Port Weld aud Taipitg.
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    • 204 3 For Negapataiu aud Madras—Per Teesta, to-morrow, noon. Deli and Langsa—Per Van der Lijn, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Batu Bahra—Per Padang, to-morrow, lpm. Singapore, China A Japan—Per Austria, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Langkat—Per Ban Whatl Soon, tomorrow, 2 p.m. leluk Auson—Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p-m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius, Egypt,
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  • 339 3 Per P. and O. f.s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer Peninsular at Colombo, due at Penang on Ifith January To Penang: (from Loudon, Dec. 20) Mr. H. Wilson, Mr. R. C. Western (from Brindisi, Dec. 29) Mr. N. R. Crum Ewing. To Singapore (from London) Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 855 3 P, 0, Steam Navigation Coy. Kxweelwl Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outward. j aU 1*» l‘< uinmdar connecting- with Britannia 30 Delta <lo Mooltan j’ei,. 13 Delhi do China 27 Marmora do Moldavia Homeward Jau. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Mar. 28 s.s. Marmora (calling at Bombav). FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS.
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    • 392 3 (SH IPPIN G.) '>T Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. IMPERIAL GERMAN MAIL LINE. r fast and well-known mail steamers of this Compauy sail fortnightly from Bremen, Hamburg via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Southampton, Gibraltar, Geuoa, Naples, (connection Marseilles, Naples, AlexX andna. and vice versa) Port Said, Suez, Aden, Colombo, Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai, Nagasaki ami
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice uloue i te,t< Knbllshed dally (except Sunday*.! AT THX CRITERION PRESS, LU., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penaug. PRICE DAILY LOCAL P«r aunuui OUTSTATIONS Extra MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE AUDREY Echo— Penang.” Telephone No. 343. .v.A. All business communicatioiw should be
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  • 890 4 Penang, we must admit, is a little too apt to grumble. She grumbles because she cannot have a little Lieutenant-Governor of her very own; she grumbles because she has no adequate wharf accommodation; she grumbles (and rightly too) because she has no voice in the
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  • 472 4 Banquet at the Chinese Town Hall. Thk dinner given by the Chinese Chamber of Commerce to H E. the Chinese Imperial High Commissioner, at the Chinese Town Hall last night, was a most successful function. Besides llis Excelieucy there were ueirly thirty of his suite preseut,
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  • 68 4 Thk following business iu tiu has been done to-day:— Penang Straits Tradiug Co., 200 tons at s6o} Penaug Tin Exchange, 4 buyers, no sellers Singapore Straits Trading Co., 275 Go| lotal 475 tons. liu is quote*] iu Loudon to-day at *l2O 15s. cash and .£l2l
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  • 62 4 i e o E M*'! steamer Delta, having j left Singapore at 8 a.m. to-day, is expend to arrive here at 11 a.m to-morrow, and will eave lor Colombo and Bombay at 4 p.m. on the same day. Wk would remind our readers of the coucertto be
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  • 1088 4 lIKIIINAIt V MEETING. Tbe ut-uil fortnightly intetiug of the MuuicipJ Commissioners was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afternoon, wheu the following gentlemen were present:—Mr. F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr. J. W. Hallifax and Mr. Lin Eu Toll, with Dr. G. W. Paik (Health Officer), Mr. VV. S.
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  • 435 4 (lie/ore Mr. Wolfergtan.) One Siamese aud six Malays—four meu aud two women—were yesterday charged with gaming at blaukas in a Kampong off Perak Road on the Ist instant. All tbe prisoners but one, who was discharged, were fined three dollars each. A further fine of fweuty dollars
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  • 44 4 1 he Lord Bishop of the Diocese will hold a continuation at St. George’s Church at 5-3 )p m. to-morrow, Saturday. IDs Lordship is expected to celebrate the Holy Commuuiou ou Sunday morniug at 8 30 am. aud preach at evensong.
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  • 207 4 At the Annual Geueral Meeting of the l euang Hindu Association held yesterday, the following were appointed Office-bearers tor tbeensuiug year: President V Krisbnasamy Vice-Presi-dent, U Shunker Pilla y Hon. Secretary, G Ponuoosamy; A**t. Hon-Secretary, P. Kaliuiutboo; Hon. Treasurer, V. Sarnu P' lay Auditor, S. Tiiutnbusamy Comnidtee
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 378 4 JUST UNPACKED Xirus Sweets, Bonbons, Chocolate, Nuts, Handpicked Soft-shell Almonds, Cakes, Puddings, Dolls, Dried Peaches and a long line of other requirements. CROSSE A BLACKWELL’S, MORTON’S A FRENCH PROVISIONS. ALL BEAUTIFULLY FRESH!!! Wc buy as low as we can That’s business sense, We sell as low as we can That’s
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    • 41 5 Supplied by Reuter.) The List of Failures. Loudon. 3rd Jau. —At Richmond, Virginia, receivers have been appointed for the Seaboard Airline Railway, which hail a capital of $70,000. The Hank Kate. The Bank rate to day is 6 per cent.
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    • 38 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The ton naughts Leave for Malta. Loudou, 3rd Jan.—The Duke of Connaught and party have left Marseilles for Malta, where the Duke takes up the appointment of Commauder-in Chief of the Mediterranean.
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    • 56 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The “Mount Royal” Overdue. London, 3rd Jan. —Much anxiety is being felt regarding the Oauadiau Pacific liuer Mount Royal which is now overdue at her destination. The Mount Royal left Antwerp on December 7th for St. John, New Brunswick. She had 230 passengers and
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Times Representative Wounded. London, 2nd Jau.—Mr. Johu Fraser, the 'nines' correspondent, was proceeding to Bagdad unescorted wheu he was attacked, wounded and robbed by Kurds near Lrfa. Troops are pursuing the assailants on the energetic representations of Sir Nicholas O’Couor, His Majesty’s Ambassador at Constantinople.
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    • 48 5 (Sujn>lied by Reuter.) English Team in Form. Loudon, 3rd January.—ln the Test Match the Australian team are all out for 200. The M. C. C. team have made 240 for 3 wickets. Hobbs contributed S 3 runs and Hutchings 117 ruus. The match is unfinished.
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  • 254 5 For tbe year euded June 30, 1907, a total "1 2.270.27 piculs, or 130-g tons, of Flack tin, I dresred aud ready for sale on the local j market, have beeu produced by the monitors working on the company’s laud. The ore has beeu sold for £l4
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  • 238 5 Mr. Osborne stud Government. Ar the last meeting of the Perak State Council Mr. Osborne requested leave to address the Council on the subject of tlie present depression iu the tin industry. The price had fallen rapidly of late, and it was very difficult for miners to
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  • 1003 5 (From Our Cot respondent.) London, Dec. 13th. Admiral Lamblon to Command the China Squadron It has just been officially announced that iu March next Admiral Sir Aithur \V. Mooie, k.c b k cv o c M.o will vacate the command of toe China Squadron and the
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  • 954 5 The Military Contribution. At recent meetings of theLegislativeCouucil of the Co'ouv, says the London and China Espres* of the 13th ult, attention was drawn to the unsatisfactory nature of the financial outlook, and it was suggested that the Home Government should be approached with a view to
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    • 538 5 To iuc toifon. or ihe Straits Echo. Bir, —1 shall teel obliged if you will allow me a little spaee to bring to the notice of the Authorities the treatment that some unfortunate hand-cart pullers experience at the bauds of the Revenue Officers. For some time pm reports
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    • 107 5 Sir, It is said that the un«-e*t in ludia is due to the reluctance of Euglard to grant, Indians self-government ou the principle iu vogue iu Cauada aud Australia. Reuter’s wire of the 31st ultimo aneut tiie geutlemauly behaviour of a sectiou of the Congressmen, gives
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  • 106 5 The first annual inspection of the Tronoh Free School was held on Mouday last aud was conductel by M*\ W. M. Philipps. Assistant Inspector of Schools, Lower Perak, whose report is as follows Register 30, Present 30. Mr. Goon Siah Sen iu charge Standards I-IV. The School
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  • 210 5 In the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hi/giene Dr. F. M. Sandwith contributes an interesting report on Hill Stations and other Health Resorts in tbe British Tropics. In the course of it be writes as follows wi b regard to ihe Malay Peninsula Invalids
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  • 69 5 Arrived. ler ss. Kistna, from Singapore Mrs. r isber and infaut, Mrs. Gieeu and iufant, Messrs Ed. Brown and J. Richards. From Port Swettenliam Mess s., W. Biilev, D. Orandjeiu, Hariner, B Maciu'vre. U lali beng Keat and T. Southall aad Makers O Hara (3), DEPARTED. m F r
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  • 69 5 To-day. •>otb Day of lltb Moou. St. Andrew’s Society Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, 5 p.m. Matsuo’s Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road and Campbell Street. 9 p.m. Penang Choral Society The Erl King’s Daughier.” Town Hall, 9 15 p.m. To-morrow Ist Day of 12th Moou. Eclipse of the Suu. Football
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  • 16 5 China (DJta) ...4th Jau China (Yore/;) ...7th German (Prim Heinrich) ...B'h English (Peninsular) ...16th
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  • 20 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Set vice Outwakh*. Momkwariv Peimular JO Jan. j Delta l Jan. De fa HO Delhi IS
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 37 5 No Poison. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been declared absolutely free from any injurious substance by Government and expert chemists, and motherEne3d have no hesitancy in giving it to the smallest infant. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agent*.
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    • 328 5 TO LET. 66 A LDEN.” No. 43. WORTHAM ROAD, Partly Furnished. Eutiy from Ist February uext. Apply to P. J. DUVAL, 3 1-08 4 o o W. Man*Jield Co PENANG BAR, No. V 2, Brick Kiln Road PENANG. NEW MAN \GEMENT, Cask Beer Stout, Brandy, Whisky, eto., ALL THE BEST
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  • 313 6 2nd January, 1968. Since my. last report attention has been mostly devoted to the end of >ear settlement, and not without reason, as the accounts ail round ‘have been extremely heavy. On many occasions stocks have beeu ou the market at panic prices with iluctuatious so frequent
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  • 282 6 Messrs. J. Russell Grant A; Co.'s Report. «T 4 Loudon, 12th Dec., 1907. We have to report a quiet but steady market for Malay Rubber Shares. Some Borneo issues have been attracting attention lately. Anglo-Malays are stealy at to for the part-paid, uud 4] for the fully-paid,
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  • 491 6 A Paris dramatic critic has had an interview with the Japanese actress, Mine. SadaYacco, who with her husband, the tiagediau Kawakami, has been staying for two months in that city- By the aid of M Sabmi, a secretary of the Japanese Embassy, Mme. Sada-Yacco,
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  • 112 6 Prnano, 3rd January. (By courtety oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2,3 4 months’ sight Barn-- 2,4^ t, 3 Credit 2/ 4 4 3 Documentary ...2/4 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173) 3 days’ sight Private 175 i Bombay. Ditnand Bank I”3| Moulmein, Demand Bank 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 174 6 $65.50 lold ieaf -16 f. no stock B.Pepper(WAoasi 19 sel'ers White Pepper out of teuton rrang Pepper ‘32-sales gloves (p.cKed> to.-nominal iltw PI ckings 55.— sales 1,09 25.—sellers f No. 1 5.30 sales s e .ir < 2 no stork Basket 3 50 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal Copra
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  • 646 6 1904 1905 11 >O3 1900 1901 1905 1900 1905 1900 1900 1900 1900 1906 1907 1906 £30.00l S 150.000 70,000 150,000 12,000 75,000 35,000 40,000 310,( 00 3 150,000 Rs 1.200.000 Tis. 700,000 180,t00 £'320,000 S 250,000 1900 300,000 1905 1 19< »6 1900 1901 181*3 1900 1903 1905
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 From a Nova Scotia Publisher. Mr. H. G. Harris, publisher of «lie Advertiser, Keutviile. N S.. makes the following statement: 1 have used Chamberlain's Gough Uemedv for myself and family anil find it to bCone of the Lest medicines for nougha aud colds that I over tried.” The (Jeorge Town
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    • 47 6 Croup is Imminent. No 111a*ter bow well your eluldieu uiay appear to be. you are never safe without a buttle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in the house. It never fails to relieve and is perfectly safe to give the little ones. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 32 6 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES can be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co *nbxts
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    • 146 6 MAC KAY’S LIQUOfTWHiSKY. KARTELL'S BRANDY. Ce/s/ers' Champagne, THE GELEIiRATED “S. B. IN RED CASES. Sandilamls, Huttt ry Co > c n S* TNROph if m •j» A®. V- k V v£ »1 Vl 'I- 3.. fjS?!:'i o m «A I J UJ < o ;f 1 c" >. i i>
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  • 947 7 Reason for its Omission from Now American Coins. Washington, Nov. 18. Iu answer to one of the numerous protests which have been received at the White House against tlie new gold coins which hivel»eeu coined without the words “In God WeTrus',” President Roosevelt lias written a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 863 7 PENANG CONFECTIONERY, 22a, Leith Street INSURANCES, Cakes, Comfits, American Cold Drinks, Ice Jellies, Puddings Ice Creams, PREPARED L>AltY. BUY 44 General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. 99 CATERING FOR ENTERTAINMENTS A SPECIALITY. 717 WILLIAM NEWMAN. “Nikko” Photographic Studio. BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR GENTS, LADIES, VOUTHS INFANTS. K S.
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    • 41 7 Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy Cures Colds. This remedy acts ou nature’» plan, allays the cough. relieves the lungs, aids* xpactor* utiou, opens the sroretious, aud aids uature iu restoriiiL’ tb® si steiu to a bealth) erudition. The G*oige Town l>i-|sus-uy, Wholesale Ag*ntv.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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