Straits Echo, 26 October 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1101 1 TIQER BRAND CEMENT. 258 K. Vi 4* IN v> ilEtf HEST hOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, 1 Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Jt800,000 XI.075,000 XF 00,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Raaorro Liability of Proprietors Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEKDLE STREET,
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  • 786 2 A Nyonyu Writes to the Press. Thk follqwiug interesting letter has been sent to the Straits Times by a Ciiiue-e lady. It dots not need comment. SSir, —*1 need no apology for breakiug through the barriers of the seclusion assigned, by custom, to the woineu of our
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  • 318 2 Pin-Prick Policy of tlie Boer Government. Tlie plan of the Boer Government of the Transvaal to get rid of all the Englishmen in tlie South African Constabulary and replace them by Boers is causing great indignation among tlie men at home on leave, who have been warned
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 722 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE r|M!E Municipal Comm sdoners of George Town, Penang, hereby invite tenders for the privilege of collecting fees for the sale of fowls anil (lucks at Central Market, for oue vear from the Ist day of January, 1908. Full particulars can b<i obtained at the M>'uicipal Office. Tenders will
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    • 403 2 Grand Success Grand Success THE VELODROME. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!! Third Grand Performance, Location Compound of Kllng Mosque, Chulia Street. SPLENDID PROGRAMME. Latest Dances and Cake Walks, Marvellous Chair Balancing, The Human Anvil, Fun on a Billiard Table, The Midget Hercules, Clowns, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Jugglers, Balancers, Performing Ponies, Dogs, Monkeys, etc., etc.,
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  • 31 3 Vessels From I Agents Due Deucalion Singapore W M &Go. Jnn Nov. Antilochus Singapore W.M &Co. 3d Benavou London S.B&Co. 5tb Malta ColomVo lA.G.&Go. 17th Erroll Glasgow IS.B.&Co. 9tb
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  • 25 3 Vessels For Agents J Lean 4 Deucalion Antiloclius Benavou Malta Erroll Condon 'W M.ACo. Marseilles W.M &(Jf. Singapore jS.B.&Co. Siugapuie A.G.ACo. Singapore S.B.&Oo. Nov.
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  • Shipping.
    • 94 3 Oceana, Br. ss, (i.tJlO, Hayward, 20ih Oct., Singapore, 24tb Oct Geu.— A. G. A Co. Thongwa, Br. s.s 3,428. Herrington, 2tsih Oct.. Siu o apore, 24 h Oct., Geu.— H. L A Co. Nam Seng, Br. s s., 2.591, Wheeler, 2Gtb Oct., Hongkong, 17th Oct., Geu.— B. A Co.
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    • 78 3 2*sth October. Atm Muru, for Colombo. Thongwa, for Negapatam and Madras. Ban Whatt Soon, for Laugkat. Lanqlcat, for Teluk Auson. Kitstna, for Port Swetleabam aud Singapore. Putiala, for Rangoon aud Calcutta. Nam Sang, for Singapore, China aud Japan. Bharat a, for Siugapore. Oceana, for Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauritius,
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    • 81 3 For Traug—Per Deli, 28th iustaut, 1 p.m. Topgkali—Per Rotorua, 28th iustaut, 1 p in. Tougkah—Per Sappho, 28th instant, 1 p in. Dali Per Calypso, 28th instant, 2 p ni. Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy—Per Cheang Chew, 28fh iustaut, o p.m. Calcutta—Per Kut Sang, 28th iustaut, 3 p in.
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  • 393 3 IVr P. and O. s.s. Syria, due at Penang on 29th October To Penang (from Loudon, Sept. 28) Mr. May, Mr. A. Mowiu, Mr. A. I. U. Burgess, Miss M. L. Parkin. Miss P. Stringer, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stokes, Mrs. Wickett and child, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 926 3 P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. KxyeftMl Arrivals and Departures. Mfeil Service. Outward. Nov. 7 Malta connecting with Moldavia 20 Delta do India Dec. 4 Delhi do Mongolia 18 Arcadia do Victoria Homeward THROUGH STEAMER Mur. 28 s.s. Marmora (calling at Bombay). FARES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st CU«i Slid Clart To
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    • 486 3 («H IPPIN G.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE PASSENGER SERVICE. By tbe new steamers, Rhenania,” Habsburo,” Hohenstattfen.” Tbete steamers offer to tbe public the highest comfort jĕt attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry on board. Doctor
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    • 34 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES can be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. I HUTTENBAOH, HEBERT 00. I AOSSTS
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  • 98 4 Jnotir Mttefle* everybody and justice alone.— Published dally (except Sunday*.) AT THI CRITERION TRESS, Lttl., No. ‘226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE; DAILY LOCAL ?'24 per anuum OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) 515 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 A.B. All business communications should be address
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  • 667 4 N On Friday, September 27th, an edict was issued from the Imperial Palace at Peking which will have vast effect on the future of China and which may re- > act on the rest of Asia. In the edict it v was notified that henceforth the Manchu garrisons
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  • 391 4 Wanted, Only 11 More Recruits! Oue more name has been received, since our last issue, for the proposed Penangborn Obiueee Volunteer Corps, the total now standing at Bft. Intending recruits should send us their names without delay. 1 Lim Chee Saing 45 Tan Teik o«>h
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  • 522 4 e The Band Benefit at the Edison. 'l’he public are reminded that to-night the f Edison Bioscope Company gives its benefit to I lie Penaug Band. The programme for s to-uiiibt is an exceedingly attractive one aud j we can guarantee that it is one of the best,
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  • 744 4 Season 19(K»-19(H. The following notice of U»e next Annual General Meet ug of the Penang Football League has been issuod To the Members of the League. Gentlemen, The Annual General Meeting of the League will be held on November sth, 9 p.m., at the P.C C.
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  • 568 4 Before Mr. Wolferstan.) Yesterday afternoon a young baba, nam*,| I Tan Han Cheong, was charged with the I theft of jewellery worth $125. The complainant, Ui Kim Lud, a nonia residing at No. 102, Rope Walk, stated that, on the afternoon of the 14th instant, the defendant,
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  • 338 4 A* about 2 p.m. on the 24th inst, a fight I occurred at the Straits J'rading Company’s works at Butterwortb between the Chinese coolies employed there and gome of tbe crew of tbe s.s. Lady Weld. The fight lasted over an hour. Stones and cudgels were
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 8 iO; s i s 8 1 TO-NIGHT IS 8 !i y ENEFIT NIGHT! y s HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING y LIKE TIIE FOLLOWING STUPENDOUS PROGRAMME KVKRY ITEM is, M: Si' Comical accident» in ice skating. Phantom Guards. «»V d. Madame wears the breeches. T. The Poll s Theatre.
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    • 243 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) mm Pierpont Mor can to t lie Rescue. Loudon, £sth Oct.— was a violent «lump on the New York market this afternoon at 2 o'clock, but a feverish rsllv followed an announcement that a pool had been formed at the instance of Mr.
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    • 126 5 (Supplied. by Reuter.) A Town Completely Destroyed. Loudon, 25th Oct. —The damage caused Irp the earthquake iu Galabiia is widespread. Ferruzzino is completely destroyed and two huudred hare beeu killed. The Government are hurrying on the work of relief. More Shocks Felt. Loudon, 26th October.—The raius are
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    • 80 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) A Famine Imminent. Loudon, 2t> Oct.—The Earl of Minto, Viceroy of India, reports that the agricultural situation in nothern aud central India is worse, aud that the outlook is growing increasingly serious. A Terminological Inexactitude.” London, 2tith Oct.—The India Office contradicts iu the most emphatic manuer
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    • 45 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Average of 23 01 Knots in Bail Weather. London, 25th October. —The new Cunard er Lufitania has just crossed from Study Hook to,Queenstown in 4days, 22 horns and 53 seconds. She averaged 23 t>.l knots an hour despite bad weather.
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    • 62 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Conciliatory Suggestions from Lloyd(ieorge. London', 26th Oct. —At a conference of the chairmgp of the various railway companies, Mr. Llbyd-Ueorge. President of the lioard of Trade, spoke for an hour and a half. He made several conciliatory suggestions and the conference adjourned in order
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Cambridgeshire Betting. London, 26tU,October.—The following is the latest Cambridgeshire betting Malua 6to 1 against. Dean'Swift t% VS M »1 Land League...’ 100 to 14 Andover *lO to 1 Gold Riaoli 14 to 1 Stick Up 10 to 1 Hasty Retort
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    • 73 5 [Su plied by Reuter.) Luitclies niMi the Lords Lieutenant. Loudon, 2-> b O.t —’The King luuches on Saturday (♦o-dav) with tiie Lords Lieutenant. [of the Counties who will lie iu full uoitorm. It is ex pic ted that His Majesty will make an address ou the Territorial Army
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    • 790 5 BIRTHDAY BANQUET. Scenes in Honiburg. In honour of the Kijng of Siam's birthday Sept. 21 was a gala day at Ilomburg and the town was as crowded as in the height of the 1 season. Through richly decorated streets crowds thronged in the morning
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  • 144 5 Sundat, 27th OcroBKK. St. George’s Church. 8 a m.— Matins (Choral). 8 30 Communion (Plain). 10 a.m.—Matins (Chinese;. 5 p.m.—Sunday School. 6 p m.—Evensong Sermou. Presbyterian Church. Skbvicks will b conducted by tfießev R- Y. Wbitton, m. a., at Prye Dock at 9-15 a.m aud iu the Church,
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  • 102 5 At the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Hill Street, Singapore, ou Monday morning an interesting ceremony took place. About twenty of the leading Chiuese merchants, attired iu mandarin clothes, and wearing round feather hat*», assembled for the purpose of we'coming Mr. Tso Ping Lung, the new Chinese Gousul
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  • 116 5 The kidnapping of chillreu and young women is common on the coast of Aunam, iu ludo China. The pareuts contribute to it by allowing children to roam about the neighbourhood at will. The result is that Chiuese robbers make it a practice to sail along the coast, and
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  • 341 5 Mr. Taft, the American Secretary for War, speaking at a banquet at Tokio on Oct. 1, said:—“ There is only a little cloud over our frindship of fifty years, and the greatest earthquake of the century could not shake our amity.” Mr. Taft declared that
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  • 79 5 Arrived. Per s.B Thongiea, from Singapore Mrs. Khoo Tiang Aun, Messrs. S. Bernard, F. Dennys. J. Orejshaw, Khoo G'beug Q.:ee, J. A. Salomon and Traub. Per ss. Oc aiia, from Ilougkoug Mr. Chan Pak Mun. From Siug<pore Mr. S. B. Archdeacon, Mr. H. E. Somerville. Departed. Per s.s Oceana,
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  • 106 5 To-day. 20th Day of 9th Moon. The Edison Bioscope, coruer of Transfer and Kedab Roads, 9 p in. Penang Band Benefit. Royal Cinematograph, King Street Theatre, 9 pm. Grand Change of Programme. Matsuo's Ciueinatograpb, coruer of Penaug Road aud Campbell Street, 9 p.m. Gran l Change r.f Programme. The
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  • 17 5 Chiua (Kleist) ...20th (Jet. Germau P. Alice ...30th English (Malta) ...7th Nov. China (Delhi) ...Oh
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  • 18 5 Last Quarter (Jot. 29th O New Moon Nov. 6th First Quarter 13th O Full Moon 20ih
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  • 33 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service OcTWAKOS. HoMKWARDS. Malta 7 Nov. I Pe/hi l) Nov. Delta I Arcadia 23 Extra Service. OOTWAKDl HoMK WARDS Banco. Oct. I Manila 2 Nov. ■Syria 20 Borneo 16
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 123 5 Prompt Relief for a Sprained Ankle. Some time ago I sprained mv ankle very badly on a loose stone,” says Mr. Geo. Stevens, who lives near Durban, Natal. A neighbor cave me a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Halm with which I rubbed my ankle and then bound it up with
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    • 407 5 NOTICE OF SALE. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. jBY ORDER OF THE MORTGAGEE, PUBLIC AUCTION, On Sat., 2nd November, 1907. At 11-30 AM. IN THE ARCHWAY OF LOGAN’S BUILDINGS. BEACH STREET, PENANG, All the interest of PAKIER MD. ROWTER, the Mortgagor in the undermentioned property, namely Lot 1. All that one 1)
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    • 526 5 To Ordinary and Order Bills of Lading Holders. S.S. LEVANZO has arrived from Hongk--ng via ports. BBHN, MEYER Co., Ltd., Agents. NOTICE. DON’ 1’ FORGE T to look for (be name “ROYAL” Motel, which is situated *1 184, Kimberley Street, whenever you feel the need of a drink to refresh
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  • 1067 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners held on Thursday, the 10th October, 11*07. Present. F. J. Hallifax, Esq. (President). Ouah Beug Kee. Esq. L. H. Claytou, Esq. Lilli Eu Toh, Esq. J. \V. Hallifax, Esq A bseut. |)r. I*. V r Locke. 1. The
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  • 120 6 Penang, 26th October. (lit/ courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2 3£ 4 months’sight Bank ...2/4 3 Credit ...2/L,* 3 Documentary ...2/4% Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173) 3 days’ sight Private 175 j Bombay, Demand Bank 173§ Mouiinein, Demand Bank 17 2 3 days’ sight Private 1751
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  • 163 6 Gold leaf $65.50 B.Pepper(W.Coast 31b5.50z.) 16f. no stuck White Pepper 19.50 buyers Trang Pepper out of season Cloves (picked) out of eeasm Mace 76. —sellers Mace Pickings 63. —sellers VutmegsllOs 21. —buyers !No. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Bask*» 3.50 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal Copra 8.10 sales
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  • 143 6 Penang. 26th October, 1907. Bn*;?— Soup per cutty 12 Roast -4 Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue Feet 15 Heart 28 1 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 26 Tongue 32 Fowl (full growu) each
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  • 749 6 a Six Number of 75 •3 2 Capital. Shares Last Dividend. Name jE ‘3 5 issued. s '3 3 5 1 iwll mSSS' Mso IS j 512 50 !007 WOOOO' 000 10 !n 30 p.c. for year ending 3 V4/o?|Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Minmg Co.,Ltd |]s 1903 i 400.000 j
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 135 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL’S BRANDY. Gelslers’ Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. SandHands, Buttery Cn BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAK. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS; SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY ft Co. PENANd. r*» tarn »cm > fti'" If. Skim x Wwi- M y rmk Si mi:! 1'“.— i mmm
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  • 801 7 Tuesday, the 14th, Thursday, the 16th, and Saturday, the 18th January, 1908. PROPOSED PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 14th January, /906. 1.—The Maiden Plate. Value $000 A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits or
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  • 109 7 The l wo Japauese mea-of-war, the Tsukulm aud Vhit out, arrived at Colombo ou Octolier I I trom Tiieste via Adeu ou their way home. Thev left Japan ou a cruise to Jamestown Kxhib.tiou by way t f the Cape aud are uow returning to Japan,
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  • 830 7 The Bookie Question. Singapore Press Opinion. This Straits Timex, writing ou the above subject, says The resort of those speculative gentlemen whose knowledge of the field before it weighs out seems so remarkably accurate iu gauging the possibilities of wius was conspicuously deserted at the Singapore Autumu Meetiug of last
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 543 7 “Nikko” Photographic Studio. K. S. OKANIWA, Japanese Artist, from Tokio, Japan, A r o. Venanj ltoad (oj) Noit/uim Ko<id) Highclass Photography in all its Branches. A NEW SHIPMENT JUST RECEIVED OK CARD MOUNTS of all sizes for photographs. Enlargements up to any size artistically executed from any Plate or Photograph,
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    • 306 7 NOTICE. No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is giveu in writ ing to t Lie Secretary at Jeist ten days before the day of Meeting. 1 be notice must give full details of tbe proposed amendments. Entries Close at noon on Thursday, 2nd January. Handicaps
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    • 824 7 INSURANCES General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. WE have been appointed Agents for the above Company lor Penang, Province Wellesley, aud the State of Perak, and are prepared to accept risks against tire on the usual terms. Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. Head Offices LONDON. DAVID BROWN Co.
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    • 42 7 Rheumatism. Why buffer from this painful malady? ()i e application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm will relieve the pain and make rest ani sleep possible. Many cures have been effe* J by its continued use. The Ueorge Town i Dispensary, Wholesale Agents b
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1225 8 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPOUTERS 0l EVERY DESCRIPTION IRONMONGERY, Which in ou Bale at apociail) advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS FOIt Cock Brand Kerosene Oil 29c UPTON’S TEAS WEEK AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.S.A.
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  • 2534 9 Meeting. 1. Ordinary Meetiugs of the Commissioners were held on the 13th aud *27ih of the month aud a Special Meetiug on the 9th at which By-laws to regulate the storage of goods on Weld Qa«y were discussed aud pasted! Revenue and Expenditure. 2.
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  • 505 9 (By a Hanker) The twilight has faded away, and uigbt has asserted her sway. Dense masses of black cloud drive swiftly across the heavens, from time to time obscuring the stars, which ever and. auon, as the passing clouds come and go, again and again scintillate
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  • 650 9 of Ceylon Tells How a Severe Stomach Complaint Which Doctors and I’ ospital Treatsient Had Failed to L’emedy for Six Years Was Completely Cured By Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Two points in particular stand out iu connection with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 73 9 A Quick and Safe Remedy for Bowel Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. lirock discovered that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Jiemedy was a quick and safe cure* for bowl complaints. “During all of years,” he says, “I have used it ami recommended it many times aud the results
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    • 52 9 A Safe Cough Midicine for Children. Iu buying a ooagh medicine for children uever be afraid to buy Chamber! iin’B Cough Remedy. Tbere is no dangoT from it and relief is always sure to foUow. It is especially ralu ible for colds, «roup and whooping cough. The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 31 9 Croup. Au attack of croup cau be warded off by giving Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy promptly at the tirat indicition of the approach of the disease. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1250 10 NOW READY! FOR SALE. Nos. 2, 3 4 of “THE REVIEW OF THE FAR EAST,” Guide to Penang, HT THK LATK E. F. Skertchly, r.E.s. KIUTKI) BY Price 50 cents. A. CUNNINGHAM, s Worth a Dollar a copy. of the South China Morning THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. TBS ONLY MACHINE
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