Straits Echo, 21 October 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 tiger brand cement. S' IN V «£ST FO/? ALL PURPOSES. Oharlered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. .£BOO,OOO j£ 1,075,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors £BOO,OOO Heed Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE '■STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Botnbay llaukow Penang Bangkok Ipoli Rangoon
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    • 27 1 TIANG LEE A Co. B£SS7N, =3 <2 o E <r O on o oo 1 oo oo <2 z; <2 z SA O SOLE AOENTS. c*i BASS'S
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  • 1118 2 Vigorous Comments in the Calcutta Asian.” Mr. Keir Hardie still continues to occupy the stage in this part of tlie gorgeous East, to th& almost complete exclusion of all other forms of entertainment though wo have had a riot aud a cab strike, tin litter now happily
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 35 2 i-roiip. An attack of croup can be warded off '7 “‘''I 1 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly at the first iud cition of the approach of the disease. The George Town I l>l«feusa.y, Wholesale Agents. 1
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    • 713 2 A Quick and Safe Remedy for Bowel Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discovered that Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was a quick and safe cure for bowl complaints. During all of thete years,” he says, I have used it and recommended it many times and the
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    • 759 2 TENDERS INYITED. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TENDERS are hereby invited for the purchase of the sole right to cut and remove Bakau (Mangrove) and all other trees growing on the areas mentioned here under for a period extending from January Ist, 1908, to 31st December, 1908. The tenders will
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  • Shipping.
    • 136 3 Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s s., 199, Milne, 21st Oct., Langkat, 20th Oct Gen. Q B. Kee. Van her Parka. Dut. ss, 331, Hut, 20th Oct., Deli, 17th Oct, Pepper —H. L. A Co. Calyp.'o, Hr. s.s., 339, Bannatyue, 21 »t Oct., Singapore, 19th Oct., Gen. W. M. A
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    • 41 3 21st October. Calypso, tor Deli. Deli, for Trang auJ Paug Nga. Padang, for Batu Balira. R. Halewyn, for Batu Bahra. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Aiisod. Bantam, for Pulo Well, Olehleh A Padaug. Flying Fish, for Port Weld aud TaipiLg.
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    • 83 3 For Smgapore, China and Japan—Per Prim Lh 7 trig, to-morrow, 9 a.m. Torgkah—Per Raw Whatt Hin, to-morrow, J p m. Poit Swettenham aud Singapore —Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Rangoon Per Glenigle, to morrow, 3 p m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady IPWrf, to morrow, 3 p m. Singapore,
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  • 470 3 Per P. aud O. s.s. Himalaya, conueetiug with the steamer Devanha at Colombo, due at Penang on 23rd October: To Penang (fro.n London, Sept. 27) Miss Tboriton, Mr. R. F. Spaull (from Marseilles, Oct. 4) Mr. G. W. Talbot, Hon. Justice and Mrs. Law, Misses Law,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1518 3 (S HIPPING.) P. 0. Steam Navigation Coy. Expect wl Arrivals and Departures. Mali Service. Outward Oct. “it Dc tankrn connecting with Himalaya Nov. 7 Malta do Moldavia 20 Delta do India Dec. 4 Delhi do Many alia Homeward. THROUGH STEAMER Mar. 28 s.s. Marmara (calling at Bombay). FARES BY MAIL
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    • 32 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRASPASSAGES can be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers Penang, via Madras, to Port SaUl, Genoa* Marseilles, Plymouth and Condon. huttsnbach, liebert a Go, A QMNTS.
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  • 95 4 Jostle satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emerson, Published dally (except Sundays.) at thb CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuaug. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL per anuuui OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Pott Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. A. A. All business communications should be
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  • 478 4 To-dav is the anniversary of the most glorious and most mournful of victories ever won by England on the sea. Ulin and Austerlitz killed Pitt; we are quite sure that if Napoleon had been on the defensive instead of being thu aggressor, he would have been killed by
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  • 612 4 .•To-day* too, is the one hundred and thirteenth anniversary of the death of Captain Francis Light, the founder of i enang. Here, again, is another man who made history, though in a different way. It was due to his foresight that Penam* became a British colony. Francis
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  • 42 4 Wanted, Only 14 More Recruits. No more uatnes have beeu received, siuee our last issue, for the proposed Peuaug born Chinese Voluuteer Corps, the total stundiug at 86. luteudiDg recruits should send us their names without delay.
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  • 191 4 I Ihe Koyal Mail steamer Devanha, Laving left Colombo at 6 p.m. on Saturday last, is expected to arrive here at 6 p m. on WeJuesday next, and will leave for Singapore aud Ciiiua at p.tu. tLe same day. Opium is «juoted here to dav at $793
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    • 226 4 To TII h CDIIOB OF TUB SIKAIIS £C&O* Sib, —I have read with very great surprise Rebel’s letter published iu your issue of the 19tli instant. It' I am not mistaken “Rebel” is my old friend “Justice” iu disguise. Whether it be so or not, his
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  • 621 4 j Before Mr. Wolfe retail Tan Hong, a Hailam youth, was to day charged with stealing two gold rings, valued at $38, the property of a Chiuese womau. 1 oue Houg Ah Ti. The magistrate adjourned J the case, iu order to enable the Police to make
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    • 160 4 [Echo Special.) Explosion ou the Pocohonta».” Singapore, 21st Oct.—Au explosion occurred oil board the steamer Pocohunta# y lying in harbour here, on Saturday morning. Messrs. F. W. Webb aud A. K itching, who were ins|*ecting the vessel, were seriously burned, the latter so badly that he had to be
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    • 72 4 (Supplied by lleuler.) I44MHMI Kail nay men Agree to Strike. London, 21st October.—Au important slage in the railway light was reached ou Saturday eveuiug, when the conference at Manchester of six Uuions of Riilwav Work ers. representing 140,000 people, agreed to join forc3s and support the Amalgamate!
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    • 70 5 {Supplied by Reiter.) Atlantic Service in Full Saint;. London, 20th Oct. Fourteen thousand words were transmitted across the Atlautic on the tirst day of “wirelessing.” Karl Grey, Governor-General of Canada, and His Majesty Kiug Edward VII have exchanged wireless messages. The lviug is delighted with the establishment of wiietess
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Vessels Kiinning for Shelter. Loudon, 21st October.—The Eugiish Channel is being swept by a hurricaue, the wind sometimes blowing at the rate of sixty miles an hour. Vessels are everywhere runuiug into shelter.
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    • 30 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Altogether Satisfactory. Loudon. 21st Oct.—The condition of the Emperor Fraucis Joseph is altogether satisfactory. He passed his best night for the week last night.
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    • 53 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Warning: the Cotton Growers. Loudon, 20th Oct.—At a banquet given at Chicago to the Europeau delegates of the Cotton Convention Mr. Macara warned the American cotton growers that high prices would cripple the country’s exports and force England, Frauc« aud other countries to
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    • 56 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Work of Thieves. Loudon, 21st October. —The bust surmouutiug the grave of the late President Kruger, which Reuter reported was torn off and badly chipped, is now fouud to be practically uuiujured. The geueril belief is that the desecration was the
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    • 50 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Another Strike Expected. London, 21st Oct.—It is reported from Rome that the State Railways administration has dismissed fifteen ringleaders of the recent strike at Turiu aud degraded three thousaud others. If the Government ratifies this, another general strike in retaliation is expected.
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    • 25 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Poseidon Wins the ('nulflehi up. Loudon, 20th October. —The Caulfield Cup has been won by roeeidon, with Apologue second.
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    • 30 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The (liolera Increasing. Loudon, 21st Oct.—Tlieie were 8 2t*y cases of cholera in Russia between July ltith and October 10th and of these 3,995 proved fatal.
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    • 54 5 (Supplied by lieu ter.) Declaration by Mr. AsquithLoudou, 21st Oct.—Mr. Asquith, Chancellor of tbe Exchequer, speaking at Ladybank, denied that the Socialists have captured the Liberal party which always offered uncompromising opposition to Socialism. He contended that the Government’s financial aud land policies showed careful regard for
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    • 53 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Redaction of the Army. London, 20th October. —The Standard unlerstands that the Cabinet will shortly oiscuss the question of the strength of the Army in Inuia, as the ratification of the Anglo-Russian Treaty has led to the belief that a further reduction of the land
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    • 66 5 (•S' in> i d bj Router Storing Electricity ill Hulk. London, 21st October.—lt is reported from Sew York that Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the great inventor, has anuouuced that he lias peifected an electric storage battery whereby it is possible to store electricity in bulk without excessive
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    • 51 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Mercantile National Hank Loudon, 21st Oct—lt is reported from New Yo>k that the clearing house committee has at ranged to pay the deficiency of the Mercantile National Hank, though the queBtiou of further assistance depends on the attitude of some of the
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  • 535 4 Third Day, Saturday, llrth Oct. {Echo Special.) Singapore, 20th Oct.—Brilliant weather also favoured the concluding day's racing of the Singapore Autumn Race Meeting when, again, there was a large attendance. The going was very good and times were fast. Lady Brockleigh’s time, 1 min. 52 sec., in the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 391 4 (SAUSAGES! SAUSAGES!! SAUSAGES!!!; JUST ARRIVED. 1 Westphalia Cervelat.s I j; Salami, Tongue, Tru/Jle, Delekalessi, Liver, l Frank/orl Sausages, j I, also j German Sourkrouf. f THE ANGLO=CHINESE STORE, 5, CHINA STREET. TO=NIGHT TO=NIGHT CAPITAL PROGRAMME!!! JR* l Royal a show is the Royal.” every night the House is full, oung
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  • 769 5 The Ma'ay Mail returned to the subject of the Tin Slump on Friday with the following editorial. It will be seeu that our Kuala Lumpur contemporary, like the Strait* Echo, is of opinion that Government should come forward without delay to save the small miuers from tuin,
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    • 1913 5 No. 4. The Big Bank Robbery. i By Southern Cross.} Chapter I. Would you care to bear the story of the big bank robbery at Siugapore said my friend Kirktou. It created a tremeudous sensation iu Singapore, as you cau well imagine the vanishing of
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  • 90 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Patiala. from Riugoou Mr. aud Mrs. Khoo Soo Tat and iufi ut, Mrs. Yeo Eng Hock, Mrs. Yeo Eug Chiu, Mrs. hoo Swee Khain, Miss Khoo lviu. Miss Yeo Eug Byau, Mr. Khoo Haiu Twau aud 3 cluldreu, Mr. Chee Cbuan Soo. Departed. Per s.s, De
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  • 85 5 To-dat Isib Day of 9th Moou. 113th Auuiversarv of Captain Eight's Death 01st Anuiversaiy of the Fouudiog of the Pen mu Free School. Town Baud, Esplanade. 0 to 1 p in. Royal Cinematograph, King Sheet le, 9 p in. The Edison’s Bioscope, corner of Transfer and Kedah Roads,
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  • 13 5 English (Decaitha) ...23rd Oct. China (Oceana) ...20 li China (Kleist) ...21Uh
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 A Safe Cougli Midicine for Children. Iu buying a cough medicine for children uever be afraid to buy Chamlterl «in’s Cough Remedy. There is no d ingtir from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup aud whooping cough. The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 369 5 Municipal Notice. rilHE uext Ordiuaiy Meeting of the Municipal Commissioners will be held at tbe Municipal Office at 3-30 ou Thursday, the -4th instant. L. A. Coctier BIGGS, Secritary. Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschappij. Penang—Deli—Langsa Line, P.S. VAN DER PARRA” has lieen replaced ou the above line bv S S. VAN
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    • 257 5 NOTICE. HMIK usual monthly sale by Public I Auction of Pawnbrokers’ forfeited pledges for sums exceeding $lO will be held punctually at 11 o'clock ou Wednesday and Thursday, tbe orli and 7th iustaut, respectively, at No. 42, liaacli Street. The pledges may be viewed at tbe auction room ou
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  • 1187 6 Oil Id NAIt V MKETIMi, OAT. I*. Present. His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Anderson, k.c.m.g.). Hon. Capt. A. H. Young (Col. Secretary). Hon. W. J. Napier (Attorney-General). Hon. A. T. Bryant (Act. Col. Treasurer). Hon. G. A. Hall (Act. Auditor-General). Hon. F. J. Pigott, c.K. (Ag. Col.
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  • 120 6 Penang, 21st October. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2,3$ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit ...2 /4 t 3 Documentary ...2/4 j; Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank Kog Monlmein, Demand Bank (72 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 135 6 lold leaf $65.50 B. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.5 oz.) 16$. no slock White Pepper 20.50 sellers lYang Pepper 17$. sellers Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 76. —sellers Mace Pickings 63.— sellers Nutmegs 110 s 21. —buyers f No. 1 5.30 sales Sugar < 2 no stock Banket 3.80 sellers
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  • 148 6 Psnano. 218 t October, 1907. Beek— c*s- Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks > 24 Stew or Curry Meal 18 Rump Steak 24 Oi Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Fee” 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Head 20 Feet n 26 Tongue
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  • 895 6 gld. I a? vs Number of. p g Capital. Shares Last Divide id. Nam*. J s issued. o 'a 1 s'®*» 3 ft- 1 2L_ ion” -wl’UX 5 for year ending 31/3/07 Belat Tin Miui?g n Co g Ltd. si3. 1907 300,000 22.500 10 10 Bruan* Ltd 58 75
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 114 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL’S BRANDY. Geislers’ Champagne. THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandi lands, Ruttery Cn BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRUNO EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY 4 Co PENANQ. Vs 'jr «its >- 1 CO X o -J m LU OS’ < 1« VSL 1«
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  • 797 7 Tuesday, the 14th, Thursday, the 16th, and Saturday, the 18th January, 1906. PROPOSED PROGRAMME. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 14th January, 190 s. I.—The Maiden Plate. Value $OOO A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scile reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits
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  • 276 7 King Leopold’s latest move bas aroused vehement criticism iu Belgium, as in the English Liberal Press. Early one week it was officially annouuc d that domain in the Congo State had been made over to a company lor the development of the territories iu the basiu of
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  • 619 7 Convention and Civilisation. Clothks, like everything else, have succumbed to the democracy of the age. Once people dressed according to their trade or their rank, but iu these days (says a writer in Putnam's Monthly) (hat ;.]i disappeared, except iu legends and I lie Earl’a Court
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 529 7 'W Photographic Studio. K S. OKANIWA, Japanese Artist, from Tokio, Japan, No. 2la, retianj Road (<>Jf Northam Road). Highdass Photography in all its Branches. a shipment just received r OK CARD MOUNTS of all sizes for photographs. Enlargements up to any size artisticaUy executed from any Plate or Photograph, however
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    • 304 7 NOTICE. —No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is giveu in writing to tbe Secretary at least teu days before the day of Meeting. The notice must give full details of tbe proposed amendments. I Entries Close at noon on Thursday, 2nd January. Handicaps for First
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    • 826 7 INSURANCES. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. have been appointed Agents for Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. the above Company lor Penang, Province Wellesley, and the State of Perak, and are prepared to accept risks against fire on the usual terms. IIe»d OfficesLONDON.. DAVID BROWN Co. 4b, Logan’s
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    • 123 7 Prompt Relief for a Sprained Ankle. Same time ago I sprained my aukle very badly ou a loose stonp,” says Mr. Geo. Stevens, who lives neat’ Durban, Natal. “A neighbor yave me a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm with which I rubbed my ankle and then bound it up with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1166 8 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IRONMONGERY, Wliicl> is on sale at spociall) advantageou* Urms. ALBO AGENTS FOR Cock Brand KeroseneOll 29c UPTON’S TEAS WERE AWARDED THE GOLD MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXHIBITION. W. MANSON, American Denti*t t Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A.
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  • 896 9 A very promising young French officer, Lieut, i’illot, of the Foreign Legion, has lost his life under except ioually sid circumstances at 'Casa Bianca. The meu of his company were having their morning hath when one got washed far into deep water. The lieutenant plunged in aud
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  • 501 9 Higher Metropolitan anil Provincial Personnel. In view of the recent political upheavals and Ministerial changes in Peking, the following data aie of interest G and (Councillors—Prince Chiug, President 3Vi Liauir. N i Tiiug, Sliih Hsu (Manchus) Lu (Jnuii ling Suu Chia-nai. Chang Chih-iung, Yuan Sliili
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  • 304 9 An instructive table, published by the financial Revieic of Jleti'ice shows how enormous has been the fall in borne railwav stock during the past week, owing to tlie labour troubles. Ordinary capital value has depreciated £6,852 792. Preference shares have lalleu <£2,3X1,000. If Guaranteed and Debenture stocks
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  • 158 9 In Singapore, the Federated Malay States», and in the islands of Sumatra, Java, aud Borneo, the motor-car trade is yet iu its infancy, says tbe Journal of the Sociity of Arte. In Singapore there are at present about sixty passenger cars, and some fifteen
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  • 609 9 Tlie 4X00,000 dol. four-hack bridge across the St. Lawreuce River.about eight miles west of Quebec, which recently collapsed, is, says Engineering, in leugth of span aud dimensions of unit members comparable with ouly the five greatest of spans of all types yet built iu the thirty
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  • 371 9 Au amusing letter from a Cape ua five to a trader is sent by Mr. Godfrey Logdou to the Spectator. The letter runs November 4. 1906. Dear Sir, —i receiv de bicykel witch Iby from you alrite. But whv you dout sent no saddel. Wat
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 212 9 JUST RECEIVED. MAIN FABER'S milOmi New Flat Reversible Rocket Pencils Paper Fasteners 15 ce m. per o°x 10 to 15 cents each. Niekle-plate 1 Pocket Pencils, Automatic Pocket Pencils X JOHANN FABER 5 30 cents each. 30 cents each. Blue Pencils, 60 cents per dozen. mrn Drawing Pencils, B B
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1155 10 FOR SALE. Guide to Penang, Nos. 2, 3 4 of "THE REVIEW OF THE EAR EAST,” EDITED BY A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South Chinn Morn in# Post. Price $1 each number. BY THK LATB E. F. Skertchly, f. e.s. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollar a copy.") TO BE HAD
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