Straits Echo, 14 October 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1111 1 TIQER BRAND CEMENT. /***** PA 'b y* P&* IN BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY IIOYAL CHARTER. Capital Paul up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietor»! Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. J:800,000 1,075,000 jCBOO,OOO Agencies and Branches. Bombay Bangkok Batavia Calcutta
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    • 16 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. 2 9) o Co s. v ‘3l v s.ssva TIANQ LEE Co
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  • 2347 2  -  By W-R. Hok. THK .«IMSTKV. Campbell-Bannerman, The Ritflit Hon. Nir Henry, Prhue Minister of Kurland N i and First Lord of the Treasury. Thb tiuest example iu Parliament of tbfl Hpn it of genmi domination. Seldom of □ever annoys anybody, and baa a knack of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 345 2 V* L GRAMOPHONE > A EACH. > THE ROBINSON PIANO C° L T t PME2TT m UNPA rvar PRICES FROM \j WV. tw v ■e—— USE ONLY a»d USE ALWAYS jfITKINSON’S A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. MOST REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NECESSARY RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. Eau
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    • 578 2 NOTICE. MESSRS. GRAHAM CO., LTD. OTICE is hereby given that the under- mentioned Scrips of Shares in the above Company belonging to Mr. DAVID GRAHAM are alleged to have been lost and such loss is veptied by a Statutory Declaration dated the 20th dav of September, 1907, made by the
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    • 748 2 > I > TENDERS INYITED. TENDERS are hereby invited for the purcl»ase of the sole right to cut and remove Bakau (Mangrove) and all other trees growing on the areas mentioned hereunder for a period extending from January Ut, 1908, to 31st December, 1908. The tenders will be received in
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  • 28 3 Vpftnclf from Due Lightning Antentor Ben led i C. A pear Calcutta Singapore Londou Singapore A A A.Co. VV.lf.ACo. S.B.ACo. A.A.A.Co 18rh Oof. 19th 20th 24th
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  • 28 3 1 tUbtlD for A'jentn Leaves Lightning Anteutor lieu led i C. Apear Singapore Loudon ISiugapure [CaleulU A. A. A.Co. W.M ACu. U&Co. A. A. A. Co. Oct.
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  • Shipping.
    • 101 3 ARRIVAL S. Delta, Ur. s.s, 4,78<), Dauiel, 12th Oct., Shanghai, Ist Oc*\, Geu.—A. G. Co. Taroba, Dr. s.s.. 3,657, Swanson, 13th Oct., Rangoon, lOih Oct., Gen.—H. L. Co. Avagyee, Hr. s s., 247, Huchauan, 13th Oct., Deli, 12th Oct, Gen—K. G. Co. Lady Weld, Hr. ss, 245, Treweeke, 13th Oct.,
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    • 27 3 14th October. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Ban Whatt Boon, for Langkat. Omfa, for Singapore, Chiua and Japan. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taipitg.
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    • 123 3 For Paugkalau Brandan—Per Petrel, tomorrow, uccu. Deli—Per Avayyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asahau—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p in. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Pin Beng, to-iuorrow, 3 p.m. Laugsa, T. Serna we, Segli, O.ohleh and Sabaug—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 3 p.m. 'leluk Auson—Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port
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  • 517 3 5 Per P. and O. s.s. Himalaya, connecting w 'th the steamer Devanha at due at Penang ou 23rd October:— To Penang (from Londou, Sept. 27) Miss 'l’horitou, Mr. R. F. Spaull (from i Marseilles, Oct. 4) Mr. G. W. Talbot, Hon. Justice and Mrs. Law,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 798 3 Kspeeled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Oct. -3 s.s. Devanha connecting with Homewards. Oct. 1 i s.s. Delta connecting with Nov. tf Dec. To lamdon by Se* To Marseilles or raltar Giblst Cla«s £66 Slid Class £44 £6l-1-. £ll-16 EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. w ITII excellent accommodation for Fob
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    • 575 3 (SHIPPING.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE PASSENGER SERVICE. By the new steamers, Rhenania," Habsburq,’’ Hoh*NBtaufen. m These steamers offer to the public the highest comfoit yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Lauudry on board. Doctor and
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  • 96 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emerson. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penaug. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum OUTBTATIONS Postage Kxtra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Te’ephone No. 343 y,B. All business communications should
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  • 798 4 When the first Duma was elected there were some who thought that Russia would begin a new political chapter, but after-events showed that the Ministers of the Tsar lacked sufficient experience to be experts in the manipulation of the organization of democracy. Already they have twice failed
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  • 207 4 We publish in another column a telegram from our Kuala Lumpur correspondent with respect to the crisis in the Tin Market. There can be no doubt that the situation is very grave indeed, and we would urge upon the F. M. S. Government the necessity of taking
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  • 212 4 A Most Successful Eiitertaiuineut. The attendance at the Kiug Street Theatre on Saturday night, when a performance was given by the Royal Cinematograph Company iu aid of the Band Fund, showed that after all interest iu Penang’s Baud is far from being dead yet, for the house
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  • 230 4 Ibe L. I, Contract Packet Thou .m\i, with the English Outward Mails, is expected to arrive hero from Negapataui on Thursday uext, at 7 a.ui., aud is iutendel to leave for Port Swetteuham and Singapore at about 5 pm. on the same day. Singapore is not
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  • 215 4 Individual Scores. To day we give the individual scores of Penang’s team iu tbe Interport Shoot, the total of which was published on Saturday. Tlie light was good when firing commenced and remained so during the firiug at the short range, but at the longer ranges the
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  • 169 4 Manoeuvres at Kampong Balmt. A week-end volunteer camp took place on Saturday and Suuday last at Kampong Bahru The men “fell iu” at the Racecourse at 4-30 o’clock on Saturday afternoon aud marched out to Kampong Bahru, where-they weut under canvas. The plan of the operations ou Suuday
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  • 41 4 Wanted, Only 18 More Recruits. No more names have been received, for two days now, for tbe proposed Penangborn Cbine-e Volunteer Corps, tbe total standiug at 82. luteudiug recruits should send us their names without delay.
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  • 316 4 Yesterday’s Ride. The Penang Hunt Club bad an enjoyable ride yesterday morning. The meet was at the Parade Grouud. where, about 7 a m a large uuralrer of well-mouuted riders appeared eager to attack anything that a good run could afford. A few minutes later, the field
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    • 459 4 To the Editor or the Straus Echo. Sir, —Your correspondent C. J. K. asks If there be justice iu the system of adun! niatration in India why should there be any dissatisfaction The merest tyro iu the study of Government and peoples should know that dissatig.
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  • 140 4 Spontaneous Combustion at Suugei Pinang. Shortly after 7 o’clock this moruiug tbe Brigade received a call to a tire at Sungei Pinaug, and, on hastening to this was found that a large stack of coalestimated at 5,000 tous —stored in one of Messrs. Huttenbach Bros.’ godowns
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  • 283 4 Rival Boatmen Join Issue. A serious affray occurred at Weld Quay* early this morning, between Malay and Kling sampanwallas. It lasted over an hour. Stones aud cudgels were freely used. One of the Malay combatants was aimed with a knife, but he was pluckily disarmed by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 78 5 [Echo Special.) A Very Grave Outlook. Kuala Lumpur, 14th October.—The miners are viewing with the greatest concern the present low price of tin. There is talk of calling a meeting to discuss the situallon, which is considered very grave. I We hear that the Perak Tin-mining and
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    • 122 5 (Supplied by Renter.) (Generous Compensation to be Made. London, 12th October.—lt is announced from Ottawa that Mr. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Deputy Minister of Labour. Canada, proceeds immediately to Vancouver to settle the iiot claims. It is stated that all sufferers will be dealt with generous]v. Mission
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    • 63 5 (Sujiplied by Reuter.) Cruisers Nent Round the Horn. London, 14th October.—The U. 8 cruisers Tenuetsee aud Washington have left Hampton, the naval station in Virginia, for the Paeitic in the inaugurated battleship cruise. J hey will sail round the coast of South America to Magdalena Hay, where
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    • 38 5 f Supplied by Reuter Many Drowned: Railways Interrupted. Loudon, 14th October.—Severe floods still continue iu the South of Frauce aud Spain. Many people beeu drowned and the floods have interrupted railway communication.
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Miluu and Bologna Labourers Go Out Loudon, 14th October.—Teu thousand Milan strikers yesterday uiarcbed to tbe Labour Exchange skoutiug and singing, A general strike has been proclaimed. Tbe Bologna labourers are in sympathy with those of Milan.
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    • 33 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Condition Not Unfavourable. London, 14th October. —It is officially stated that the Emperor Francis Joseph passed a very good night. His general condition is not unfavourable.
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    • 72 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Duke of York Stakes. London. 13th October. —The race for the Luke of York Stakes has been won by Tirara, with All Black second, and Dinneford third. There were twelve starters and Tirara wou by four leugtbs, three lengths separating the seccud and
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    • 56 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Entertained by Russian Officers. London, 14th October. It is reported from St. Petersburg that General Sir John French, who is on au unofficial visit to Russia, lunched at the mess of the officers °f the Horse Guards. He visited many high military
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  • 132 5 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION. R“fo e Mr. Justice RraddeU.) Klioo Thean Scow vs. Look Choc. On Frd.y list the hearing of the above actiou was concluded 1 he plaiutiff claimed $399-68 cents, being principal aud interest due on a pro-note made by tie defendant in favour of the
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  • 260 5 B-Jore Mr. Codringtou.) Poh Ah Li, a Chiuamou, to-day pleaded not guilty to the charge of cbeatiug. The facts of the case are as follows: Yesterday the complainant, a Chinaman named Yio Bok, went to the Railway Station to purchase a ticket for Nibong Tebal The accused,
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  • 340 5 The Government G,z*'tte of October 11 coutuius the following items of information A list of the Degrees, Diplomas and Liceices which shall eutitle the holders to registration under the Medic il Registration Ordinance is published for general information, as are also the rules made bv the Governor in
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  • 826 5 S.S. “Kinta” Arrives at Penang. The crack steamer Kin'a, the latest addition to the Straits Steamship Co.’s fleet of comfortable steamers, arrived lieie this j morning from Singapore, haviug temporarily taken the run of the s. s. Perak, which is in dock at Singapore. As
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  • 713 5 WEEK BY' WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Luuipur, 12th Oct. The Medical Department i has recently had the misfortune of receiving a veiy unpleasant circular iu connection with the private practice of medical men generally. l'be circul tr, it is said, has been issued 1 by
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  • 122 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Km r a, from Siugapore Hon. A. R. Adams, lion. A.aud Mrs. Huttenbach, Messrs. H. Welham, W. Roberts, J Dinger, K. d« li. Hordern, J. C. Luttrell, Smith, W. 11. Rose, J. 11. Meiklejou. From Port bwettenhain Messrs. Parque, Cathervalo, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Darby,
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  • 57 5 To-DAT Bth Day of 9ib Moou. P. C. C. Annual Meeting, 5 45 p m. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Royal Cinematograph, King Street Theatre, 9 p in. The Besau Cinematograph Co.. Ltd., corner of Peuaug Road aud Campbell Street,. 9 p.m. The Edison Bioscope, corner of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 552 5 STRAITS STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Ud. Company's new steamer KINTA” X- will be opeu for inspection on Tues day, the 15th instant, alongside Swetteuham Pier, from 3 to 5 o’clock in the afternoon. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN Co Ltd 14-10-07 701 Agents For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. 8.8. Hong Moh, Copt ain Dawson.
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  • 1871 6 OKIIINAKY XKKTINtt, OCT. 11. PRESENT. His Excellency the (Governor (Sir Johu Anderson, K.C.M.0.). lion. A. H. Young 1 (Col. Secretary), lion. W J. Napier (Attorney-General). Hon. A. T. Bryant (Act. Col. Treasurer). Hon. G. A. Hall (Act. Auditor-General). Hun. F. J Pigott, c.b. (Ag. Col. Engineer), lion. H.
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  • 381 6 11*00 1905 1903 1906 1006 1904 1898 1906 1903 1905 1907 1904 1904 18^8 1901 1865 11*05 I 1883 1901 1899 1903 1907 1907 1890 1887 300,000 10« >.OOO 30,000 75,000 250,000 10J.0O0 30.0C0 175,0« 0 100,060 1 «>0.0(0 100/ 00 50,000 6),000 1 9 215.0(0 47,000 „15.00>,0C0 2,4*0.600
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 NOTICE ON and after this date, ill small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, sth Julv 1905 Managing Director. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOE PENA NO F. M. S.
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    • 101 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL’S BRANDY. Ce/s/ers 9 Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Buttery Cn BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRMO EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Gua AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY A Co.. PENANQ. 9 V* >- m* CO X A o UJ < gk TOt c®. vv St»*'-'** 6
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  • 863 7 His Strenuous Courtship of an Americon Belle. Tbe American Press bus unanimously bestowed tbe title of "Champion Lover of the World on James Peyton, at preseut of Lies Aloiues, lowa, but an Englishman com* ing of a good old family in the West country. Little, red-headed, but
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 764 7 #PASSA«KB to EUROPE, via MADRAS. i V2'dl!l\n\ IMI TV J I I can be booked W per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, (jenoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBAOH, LIEBERT a Co. 4 (IB NTS THE EDM’S ThtrEDISON it* the hir<. v in
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    • 766 7 INSURANCES. ir v snrrw 1 General AccldenfTire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. it WE have been appointed Agents for ;the above .Company for Penang, Province Wellesley, and tbe State of Perak, and are prepared to accept risks against fire on tbe usual terms. DAVID BROWN Co: 4b, Logan'# ilyilding#. j
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    • 120 7 Commercial Union Assurance Company, Ltd. Head Offices:—LONDON. Capital, ±*2,950,000 divided into 295.000 shares of Jfc'tOeacli 1 paid FIRE—LIFE-MARINE. Invested Funds exceeds Twelve Millions. Total Annual Income exceeds...‘±3,ooo,ooo unifttintmifi i ji 1111 vs!» a *\A mm i 3 I V a A. A. ANTHONY A Co., 20-8-06 52c Penang Age'ticy. THE
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    • 122 7 Prompt Relief for a Sprained Ankle. Some time ago I sprained my aukie very badly ou a loose stone.” says Mr. Geo. Steveus, who lives uear Duibau, Natal. A ueiubbor cave me a bottle of Chamberlain’» Pain Balm with which I rubbed my aukie and then bound ii up with
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1057 8 NOTICE. YIEVVS of Penang, Singapore, Perak Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos on larged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street, Penang. Phot'tgraphsr. IM Kim Keng Leong Co. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. THE WELL-KNOWN COACH BUILDERS, 127, BEACH STREET.
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  • 4898 9 THE GOVERNOR AND THE OUTLOOK. Tbe following is tbe address of His Excellency the Governor at last Friday’s meet* mg of the Legislative Council: Hon’ble Mkmb..« of'the Legislative Council, The first reading of tbe Auuuat Supply Bill will be moved to-day and 1 desire, according to
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  • 127 9 Penang, 14th Octohkr. (By courtesy oj the Chartered I'ank.) London Demand Bank ...2 d{j? 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 J 8 Credit ...2/4 3 Documentary ...2/4, 7 a 'aletitta, Demand Bank Us. 1< 3 i 3 days’ sight Private 1751 Bombay, Demand Bank 1 Vloulmein, Demand Bank 172 3
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 49 9 A Safe Comgli Midicine for Children. Iu baying a cough medicine for children uater Walk'd to buy Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy.' There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for coble, croup and whooping cdugh. The Oeorge Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents,
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    • 31 9 Croup. Au attack of croup can be warded off by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promptly at the first indication of the approach of the disease. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 38 9 Rheumatism. Why suffer from this painful malady? (Joe applicatiou of Chamberlain's Paiu Balm will relieve the paiu and make rest anJ sleep possible. Many cures lr*.ve been effected by its coutinued use. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 74 9 A and Safe Denied y tor Bowel Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discovered that Cii&nibe-Iain’s Colic, fcbolera and Diarrhoea K-‘triedy was a quick and safe cure for bowl complaints. During all of these years,” he says, I have used it and recommended it many times and the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1435 10 FOR SALE. Nos. 2, 3 4 of “THE REVIEW OF THE FAR EAST,” Guide to Penaod, BY THE LATE E. F. Skertchly, f.e.s. EDITED BY A. CUNNINGHAM, of I he bou tli China Morn inf: Post. Price 50 cents. Worth a Dollars copy.”) WM. ARNOTT CO., COATBRIDGE, N.B., CONTRACTORS TO
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