Straits Echo, 8 October 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1078 1 tiger brand cement. N-258 S' 'b 2* 9XP IN ro BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. A’Boo,ooo X 1,075,000 XBOO.OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Bombay
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    • 16 1 TIANQ LEE A Co BASS'S ALE. OK IS 1 Q m rir> unois s.ssHNNino SOLE ACJE.VTS.
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  • 310 2 Who does not remember Kipling's story of tbe Englishmen in India who insulted a native idol, and who in revenge was obsessed by the spirit of a wolf? It is a weird and horrible picture of the gradual submersion of human characteristics under a filthy
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  • 349 2 balaug grass or iiluk has always beeu regarded us a rne'ess jest p'aut iu the Malay States and Ceylon, and oue which is extremely diflicult and costly to get rid of when once it has occupied any land. It is therefore rather surprising to learn that
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  • 434 2 Aii lit foresting Forecast. It is uot often that imaginary forecasts of the condition of a given city or couutry iu the futuie aie worth serious consideration. But iu The World's Work for •September, Mr. S. P. Verner makes out a strong case for the great
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 41 2 Rheumatism. liy Buffer from this painful malady: Oue a pjmeatmu of Cliamberlaiu’a L*ai u lialin will n-hmo the pain and make rest a „d possible. Malv mi os have beeu effected \*T its continued u.-e. The George Town Vv hotefiale Agsuts.
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    • 549 2 1 Croup. An attack of croup can be warded off bv giving Chamberlain s Cough Remedy promptly at the first indication of the approach of the disease. The George Town Dispeusaiv, Wholesale Agents. NOTICE. a,| d after this date, ill small V_/ advertisements intended for 1 insertion in the Straits
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    • 655 2 GRAMOPHONE NETT SHIPMENT JT7ST UNPACKED. RECORDS. $1 EACH. > PRICES FROM THE ROBINSON PIANO C° L Tl). ...4 THE EDISON’S BIOSCOPE COMPANY. Location .-Corner of Kedah and Transfer Roads. TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT!. GRAND PROGRAMME!!! The EDISON’S BIOSCOPE does not claim to be a new concern, in tact it is the largest
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  • 26 3 r esaeh From Atjfn!*Due Lieuloinoud [joutlou S.B.&Oo. 8:h Ojt. Athall Glasgow S B &Co. 10th G. A pear [Siugapure A.A.AOo, 14th Auteutor W.M.&Co. 19th
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  • 35 3 Ye as eh For A yeuts Lea res 1 BenlomouU Singapore Atball Singapore G-. A pear 'Calcutta An ten tor 'Loudon S.B ACo. Sli &Co. A A A Co. W .M A Co. Oct.
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  • Shipping.
    • 46 3 Av AG tee, Hr. i.H., 247, Buchanan, Bth Oct Deli, 7th Oct., Gen.—K. G Co. Lanokat, Hr, B.s 140, Morris, Ht.h Oct., Teluk Anson, 7th Oct., Gea.—K. G Co' Mary Austin, Br. s s., 121, Campbell! Bth Oct.. Asahau, 7th Oct., Geu K. G. Co.
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    • 29 3 8m October. Van <ler Parra, for Deli. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham S>ugapore. Perak, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Padang, for Batu Bahra.
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    • 240 3 Fob Batu 1 »ahra—Per R. Halewyn, to-morrow, 1 p in. Deli— Ptr Hebe, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. Teluk Auson—Per Langkat, to morrow, 2 p ni. Paugkor—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Laugsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabaug—Per Pegu, to morrow, 3 pm. Pulo Well, Olehleh aud Padang—Per Caen,
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  • 465 3 Per P. and O. s.s. China, connecting with the steamer Arcadia at Colombo, due at Penang ou l(Lh October To Penang (from Marseilles, Sept. ‘JO) Mrs. Fiunis, Mr. W. \V. Pelliug (from Brindisi, Sept. 22) Mr. C. da Pra. To Singapore (from Loudon, Sept. Id) Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 966 3 (S HIP 8. N. Go. s.s. Himalaya s.s. Moldavia s r. India s.s. Many alia Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outwards. 0 x jo s.s. Arcadia connecting with s.s. China •23 s.s. Devanha do v O V. 7 s.s. Malta do s.s. Delta do 4 s.s. Delhi do Homewards.
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    • 478 3 'PIMO.) HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE. By tbe new steamers, Rhenania," Habsburo,” Hohbhstauebn.” These steamers offer to the public the highest comfort yet attained in Ocean Travelling. They have very large cabins, provided with only lower berths. The Cabins are amidships and fitted with fans. Laundry ou board. Doctor and Stewardesses
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  • 97 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice aloue.— Emerson. PnbUstoed daily (except Sundays.) AT 111 CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penaug. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per aunuin OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo— Penang.” 'l'elepbone No. 343 y.B. All busintt» communications should
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  • 723 4 Yesterday’s wires informed us of the huge success of the British airship. We are told that on Saturday morning the airship left Aldershot and proceeded to London. She first of all pioceeded to perform, with the greatest ease, the much-talked-of feat of circling the dome
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  • 43 4 Wanted, Only 111 More Recruits. No more names have beeu received for two days now for the proposed PeuaDgborn Chinese Volunteer Corps, the total standiug at 81. Intending recruits should lose no time iu sending us their names.
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  • 521 4 While our punkah-boy was sauuteriug along ou his wav to office this moruiug ami had arrived iu Beich Street! not a thousand yards from this office, he kicked agaiust a neat little parcel lying ou the ground aud which had evidently been dropped by some one.
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  • 697 4 Committee Meeting. A meeting of the Committee of the Football League Association was held at tbe P. C. C. pavilion last night, when certain amendments were made to tbe existing rules for submission at tbe forthcoming annual general meeting. Among those preseut were: —Mr. 11. 0. Sells
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  • 256 4 The Ko.val. Despite the fact that there *re three Cinematograph Shows in Penang each and all are doing well, though the Rojal, owing to the wet weather, has an advantage, the comforts of the King Street Hall being appreciated when it is wet underfoot. The Royal has a
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  • 324 4 IN CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Kader Burnt vs. Adamjee Shnik Nurbhai. The trial of tbe abovg action was concluded early last week, but judgmeut was reserved till yesterday. The case for tbe plaintiff, who is a familiar figure on the local turf, is as follows
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  • 480 4 (Before Mr. Wolferstan.) Yap Hu aud Ku Bok Seng, two Chinauiou, were this morning charged with selling chaudu by retail without a licence, at No. 90a. Rope Walk. Detective Inspector Sbeedy. who raided the premises, withdrew the charge against the secoud defendant who was treated as a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 338 4 i a t T X i v« i t X Y v 4, Y x T X T X r x. i I I V We Have Just Received SHIPMENT OF THE FOLLOWING: WHISKY, BRANDY WINE BOTTLES A DECANTERS, in Silver and Crystal, ALSO COLQ6NE GLASSES, in Crystal and Silver,
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    • 209 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) rlll s of the Kaid’s Release Reduced. >odoUt 7lb October. —The Morning '/•c Tangier correspondent says that Italics reduced the terms of Kaid Maclean’s Ip to British protection for himself and it aud a ransom of thirty thousaud i*® 1 The British Government is pre«rant Raisuli
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    • 82 5 (Supplied by lleuler.) Labour-Member’s Condemnation. London, 8th October.—The Labour member iu the House of Commons, Mr. Johnson, speakiug at Coventry, depldre«l Keir Hardie’s proceedings and said that it was a pity Hardie bad uot to live with the meu amongst n bom be was preaching his doctrines.
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    • 131 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Obligatory Arbitration Adopted. Loudon, Btb October.— Arbitration Committee at tbe Hague ou Saturday exhaustively debated and adopted the principal poiuts of tbe scheme for obligatory arbitration. On certain specific subjects set forth iu tbe general couveutiou there -eras disagreement, tbe minority consisting of (Jermauy,
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter Satisfactory Figures. Loudon, Btb October.—The increases o“ the September Imports are <£281,441 and o u the Exports ,£4,631,167 whereof one million is ou coal and three million ou manufactured «oods, this latter including one milliou ou textiles.
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    • 113 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Appointed a Justice of the High Court. Loudon, 7th October. Lotd Coleridge has been appointed a Justice of the High Court. Lord Coleridge, the 9nd lJavon. is a son of baron Coleridge, the celebrated Lord Chief Just><*of England from 'BBO to 1894. He was born
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    • 29 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) ctrin Commissioners in LondonLondon, Bth October.—The Paris Municipal Councillors, who are visitiug London y Special invitation, have beeu banqueted a, the Guild hall.
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    • 74 5 (8uj plied by Keu(er.J I lit rod action of (tin Presses. Loudon, (itb Oct. —The Director of the Census Bureau at Washington has forecasted a general introduction of giu presses. Cotton-handlers <*o “Out/’ London, 7th Oct. Owing to a dispute as to the araouui of day work eight
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    • 58 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) To Warn Japan to Check Coolie Emigration. Loudon, 7tli October. —The Moaning J*o*t learns from Washington on good authority that the piiucipal reason for Taft’s visit to Japan is to inform Japan that unless coolie emigration to America is checked an Exclusion Bill will
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    • 79 5 (Supplied by Reuter “A White Man’s Country.” London, Bih Oct. —Reuter’s correspondent at Pretoria reports that Colonial Secretary Smuts, in a speech, said that the situation there is rapidly improving aud he is full of hope for the future but, if the Chi.ese are retained, the Whites would
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  • 569 5 (F rom Our Oien Correspondent.) Taipiug, tith October. Fire at Kota. A eiee broke out on Monday last at Kota, a village two miles out from Taiping. con Burning a whole row of alt ip houses inhabited chiefly by Tamils. On accouuttf the distance from town, it was
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  • 1007 5 WEEK BY WEEK. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Gth October. A Mining; Case. The Supreme Court lias for the past weekbeen occupied iu the hearing of an important civil case for damages against the owners of a large mine at Sungei Puteh for flooding an adjoiuing
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    • 75 5 To inE Edi(Oß of TUB Straits Echo. Dear Mr. Editor, —Thank you much for your paper, aud inier a ia. for Saturday s Leader. Ia there noL- in our glorious English language, a trite utterauce which runs:—“Put (a gentlemau of a fairly union horseback aud he
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    • 1308 5 To tue Editor of tub Straits Echo. Sir,—1 enclose herein for your information and for publication, should you deem it desirable, acuttiug,from the Financial Report for August last, published by a firm of Premium Bond brokers iu Paris. I have seen several booklets published by this firm and
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  • 123 5 To-day. 2nd Day of 9th Moon. Football P. C. C. vs. C. K. C C. lv. C Orouud. Football Moonlight Foot bill leu.n tv Penang National Union, Esplanade. Koval Ciuenratograpb, Kiug S’reet 'llreatie, 9 p m. The Besau Cinematograph Co., Ltd., corner of Peuaug Road and Campbell Street. 9
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  • 19 5 E glish hi t’uditi) ...lOrh Cc China (Delta.) ...12th China (Goehen) ...15lh (jfermau (Pi inz LcDcuj) ...lbth
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  • 18 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service ,IoME'' Atl>^ Arcadia 10 Oct. Delia 11 Oct Dcmnha >3 1 Oceana 36
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 451 5 WANTED a foreman for jetty sheds. Security TJL £5,000. Terms ou application to ALLEN DENNYS Co. 8-10-07 00 A PENANG ST. ANDREW S SOCIETY. r Annual General M o'ing will le JL held iu the Chamber of Commerce, Penaug, ou Weduf s lav, 10th October, at 4 15 p m.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1062 6 Little need to ask what Sage is referred to. Of all the men celebrated for gravity, discernment aud wisdom, for sound judgment and prudence, the Master Rung Ins the pre-eminent right to the title of The Sage. Confucius is the Latinised form of the characters K’uug Fu-tse, the
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  • 120 6 Penang, Bth October. (Hi/ courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank ...2 3^ 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4i* 3 Credit 2/j J-£ 3 Documentary ...2/4\lOalcuttn, Demand Bank Rs 173 j 3 days’ sight Private 175 i Bombay, Demand Bank JsBs Mouimein, Demand Bank 1.2 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 161 6 Gold leaf |65.10 B. Pepper( W.Coast Hlbs.* oi.) l6j. —no stotk White Pepper 21 .-tellers Trang Pepper 17 {.—sellers Cloves (picked) out of seasm Mace 76. —sellers Mace Pickings Mi.—sellers Nutmegs II Os 23.— salts !No. 1 5.30 sales 2 no stock Basket 3 80 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80
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  • 160 6 Penang, 8th October, 1907. Bee*— cte. Soup per cat tv 12 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 10 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail eaeli 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Hea«l 20 Feet n 20 Tongue 32
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  • 796 6 I. s j a s 5 Number of, "5 £> g J I C,.iu-. Share. > 3 Lr.l Dividend. Name. III »f J a «2 1 I t 1907 MJ00 lo j® for year eudiueldi -3 07 Mat Tiy Ll<1 J „4. I 1907 Lo.000 000 *2#» W 10
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 126 6 Prompt Relief for a Sprained Ankle. Some time ago I sprained my ankle very badly ou a loose stone,” says Mr. Geo. Stevens, who lives near Durban, Natal. “A neighbor gave me a botile of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm with which I rubbed my ankle aud then bound it up with
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    • 50 6 A Safe Cough Midicine for Children. lu bimug a cough medicine for children uever be afraid to buy Chamberhiu’s Cough Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. It is especially valuable for colds, croup aud whooping cough. The George Town Dispensary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 108 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL'S BRANDT. Ce/s/ers’ Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Buttery Co BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTSi SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co PE NANO. r jt> U /> > c n X m J o LU < GN WL O'* S-n*u**
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  • 109 7 According to the Japan Adverliier, Japanese papers report that in the forest land of Usui district. Gumma prefecture, an immense number of sparrows, dividing themselves into two parties, are now daily engaged in lighting at about five o’clock in the afternoon, the engagement lasting
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  • 115 7 O.t Friday at Singapore Gaunt aud Salzuiauu met in the final for ihe Tenuis Championship of the Singapore Cricket Club, but raiu interrupted the match. Gaunt won the first sett by six games to two, but the second sett fell to the holder of the
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  • 129 7 The China of corruption, of the luaudariuate, of torture, of Coufueiau philosophy, of pigtails and cripple! feet, of stuuted science, aud of military impotence—th's China is awaking to knowledge, the arts, civilisation, aud a national spirit. Since the rise of ancient Greece no eveut has had
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  • 172 7 On Friday e\eaiug, about -j o’clock, says the Ipoh paper, a teriible accident occurred at the new offices of the Straiis Trading Compauv in Station Hoad, by which a little Chinese girl of about 5 years of age lost her life. The heavy iron gates of the passageway
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  • 322 7 Smoking, when doue by a boy, either mereases bis expeuses, aud stints bis growlb, or stints bis expau&es aud iucreases bis growth. We forget which. At ai.v iaie. Great Britain is apparently one iucobeieut welter of stiutiugs aud increasing*, for uo fewer tbau 15,000,000 cigarettes are consumed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1636 7 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANMI ANHS. BUTTERY Co. John Bazley White Bros/ PORTLAND CEMENT, “UON BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery <5c Co., AG ENTS. PENANG F. M. 8. These tiny Capsules —superior to Copaiba, Cubebs, and Injections—cure the same
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    • 76 7 A Quick and Safe Remedy for Bowel Complaints. Twenty years ago Mr. Geo. W. Brock discoveied that L hamberlaiu’s (Jolic, (Jholera and Diarrhoea li-iuedy was a quick and safe cure for bowl complaints. During all of these years,” he says, I have used it and recommended it many times aud.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1101 8 NOTICE. YIEWS of Ponang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONES, King Street, Penang. Photographer 16c Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPOUTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IRONMONGERY, Which is on sale at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS
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