Straits Echo, 24 September 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1071 1 tiger brand cement. Mmfes N 258 £y s* O e CkO S IN BEST EUR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED RY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. XBOO,OOO X 1.075,000 XBOO.OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Prcpnetors Head Office: HATTON COURT,
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    • 24 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. Km a 2 i FT 1* o m K 20 i) sS to no<S '3iv s.ssva TIANG. LEE A Co.
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  • 1072 2 A Remarkable Advent lire. p. V. Karpovitcb, who assassinated M. Bogolepoff, the Minister of Education, was confined for a time in the terrible dungeon of Schlusselburg, the little town on the exit of the Neva from Lake Ladoga, 21 miles east of St. Petersburg. From that prison
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 89 2 A Shilling Saved Represents Tne Earned. '1 ho average man does uot save to exceed ten per cent, of his earnings. He must speud nine shillings m living expenses for every ouu saved. Sometimes a few peuce properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will savo several times the
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    • 594 2 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasaut to take and can always be depended upon. The George Town Dispensary,
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  • Shipping.
    • 165 3 Mart Austin. Br. ss, 121, Campbell, 23rd Sept., Asaliau, 22ud Sept., Get», K. G. Co. Ban Wiiatt Soon, Br. s.s., 1 01». Milne, 23rd Sept., Singapore, 21st Sept., Oeu.— Q. B. Kee. Avaoybe, Br. s s ,247, Buchanan, 24th Sept., Deli, 23rd Sept., Gen —K. G. Co. Lanokat, Br.
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    • 55 3 24th September. Van tier Parra, for Deli. Tong Chay Un, for Batu Bahia and Asahan. Hok Canton, for Langsa, T. Serna we, Segli, Olehleh and Sabang. Perak, for Port Swettenham aud Singapore. Lady for Teluk Anson. Japan, for Calcutta. C. Aprar, for Singapore aud Hongkong. Ban Whatt Soon, for
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  • 34 3 Vessels From Aye ill* Due China Trieste 8.K&C0. 2 7 th Sept. Lightning Singapore A. A. A.Co. 27rh Ningchow (Singapore VV.M.&Co 3rd Oct. Telemachus Singapore W.M &Co. 5th G. Apcar Singapore A.A.A.Co. 14th
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  • 32 3 Vessel* For A jents Leaves China Singapore S.IC.ACo Sept. Lightning Calcutta A.A.A Co. Niugchow Marseilles W.M A Co. Oct. Telemachus Loudou* W.M A Co. G. A pear < Calcutta A. A. A.Co
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  • 35 3 For Traug—Per Deli, to-morrow, 1 p m. liatu l>alua—Pei Badang, to-morrow, 1 p.iu. Teluk Ausou—Per Lanrjkaf, to-morrow, 2 p.ui. Paugkor—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, -t pm. Siogajiore, China uu<l Japan—Per Delhi, to-morrow, 5 p.iu.
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  • 361 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mooltan, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, due at Penang on 25th September To Penang (from Loudon, Aug. 30) Mr. C. Drummond (from Marseilles, Sept. 0) Mr. K. Whitlock. To Singapore (from London! Mr. E. C. Ward, Mr. It. L.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1540 3 (SHIPPIN G.) P.&O INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. E-rpeetM Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Sept. 25 s.s. Delhi connecting with Oct. 9 s.s. Arcadia 23 8.8. Devon ha do do 8.8. Mooltan 8.8. China s.8. Himalaya Homewards. Sept. 28 8.8. Malta connectiug with 8.8. Many alia
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone. —Smerttm. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beacb Street, Penaug. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 ..per annum OUTBTATIONS l*ostage KxtraMAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. !f.B. All business communications should be addressed
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  • 665 4 In the House of Lords recently, Lord Elgin made an announcement of coni siderable importance, relating to the promised reorganisation of the Colonial Office. It will be remembered that, in the course of the debates at the last Imperial Conference, the Secretary of 8tate
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  • 736 4 WanLsl, Only 22 More Recruits. No more names have been received, since our last issue, for the proposed Penang-born Chinese Volunteer Corps, the total still standiug at 78. We would draw the attention of intending recruits to Rookie’s letter in the Public Opinion column of
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    • 295 4 To tub Editor or the Straits Echo. Sir. —l am very keen on joining the proposed corps of Chinese Volunteers but have not sent in my name yet as I do not know what rules and regulations pertain to volunteering and if I joined
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    • 274 4 To ike Editor or tut. Straits Echo Sir, You gave the above very appl cible heading to your leader ciuimentiug on the very pernicious remaiks which appeared iu your local contemporary. To an outsider it certaiulv appears that the Pino.nj Gazette never fails to attribute evil motives for everything
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    • 726 4 To hie Editor of the Straits Echo. Sir, Last year, as you will remember, there were several letters in the Public Opioiou column of the Strait >* Echo criticising the wav in which the Penang Fiee School was lieing conducted. Since then there liar been a
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  • 675 4 Penang Cricket Club vs. Chinese Recreation Club. A huge crowd assembled ou the Esplanade yesterday afternoon to see the friendly match between the above teams, and the game, it need hardly be said, was a good deal more interesting than the League matches we have been accustomed to of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 291 4 JUST UNPACKED. v Ex s.s. 4 J Straight from the Factory of the J ANGLO EGYPTIAN CIGARETTE COY., CAIRO, ST I T ARISTOCRATES 1 in full size, specially made to our order. I i. We respectfully beg to draw the attention of the public to the excellent I quality of
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    • 109 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Th? Pretender on the Move. Loudon, 24-tli September.—Sultan Abdul Aziz has arrived at Rabat and the Pretender, Mulai Hafid, left Marrakesh on the I Dr h mstant with six thousaud men and guns iu the direction of Casa Blanca, but it is uncertain whether bis objective
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by Reuter Japanese Miners Ejected. London, 24th Septemlier.—Seveutv-seveu Japanese miners have been arrested at A'liu, in the Yukon district, by three hundred white miners, who forcibly put them on a ship for conveyance to American territory.
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    • 22 5 (Supi Hed by Reuter.) Hal ideations Exchanged. London, 24th September.—Hat ideations of the Anglo-Rus»ian convention have been exchanged to-day.
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    • 65 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Kailwayinen Mean Business. London, 23rd September. Mr. Bell, the Secretary of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants, addressing a meeting of Railwayrneu at Cardiff said that they must show the companies tint they meant business, but even if the ballot favoured a strike
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    • 73 5 (Supplied bfi Re iter Eventual Independence Hoped For. London, 23rd S3ptember. —It is reported from Ctti r o that an Arabic; newspaper states that a meeting of 12b notables, including the Vice President of the Legislative Council, yesterday founded a People’s Party with a programme including the derelopmeut of
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    • 66 5 (Supplied bij Reuter Breaking up a Cotton Trust. London, 23rd September —The Chancellor of the State of Mississippi has declared the Gulf Cotton Compress ornpauy au illegal trust and has given the directors a year to wind up the business aud with draw from the State.
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    • 143 5 (Supp’ied by Benter.) Admiral Dewey oil the Subject. Loudon, 24th September. Dewey strougly condetnus the agitation for the sale of the Philippines and says that if the Philippines passed to Japau the latter would command every gateway of the Orient and completely shut out
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  • 2567 5 CRIMINAL APPEALS. (Before Mr. Justice BraddeU.) Mnlunnod and Ibrahim v The Crown. 1 VtsUrday afternoon, tbe above appeal was argued ly Mr. Nambyar. i The appellants were convicted, by Mr Lemon, of receiving money in respect of a contingency connected with a public lottery,” t aud each was
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  • 105 5 (Before Mr. Woferstan The case against Chelappa, formerly a clerk in the service of Messrs. L gau and Ross, who is charged with cheating in res peet of $6O, was resumed before the First Magistrate yesterday afternoon. Mr. WrightMotiou appeared for tbe prosecution, while the accused was
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  • 324 5 Chinese Coolie Hanged to the Rafters of a Kongsi. A well-to-do towkay, whose name is uot disclosed by the F.M.S. press, has been arrested at Kuala Kangsar on a charge of offering money to coolies iu his employ as an inducement of suppress the news of a
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  • 650 5 We Lave teceived a copy of the prospectus of the proposed Eastern Shipping Co., Ltd. which is as follows: To be incorp rated under the Companies Ordinance 1889 of tin Straits Settlements. Capital $1,800,000. D.vided mto 180.000 shares of $lO each. 65,000 shares are now
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  • 90 5 To-day. I7ili Day of Bili Moon. League Football: G. S. vs G.‘C. A Esplanade. Royal Cinematograph, Kiug St reel Theatre, 9 p in. I’be Besau Cinematograph Co.. Ltd., coiner of Penang lioad aud Campbell Street, 9 p.m. Town Baud, Esplanade, 9 to 11 p.m. To-morrow. 18th Day of B»
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  • 19 5 K glial! (Delhi) ...25 til Sept. China Malta) ...28th China (Prim Heimich) ...Ist Oct. German Itoon ...2ml
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  • 19 5 Last Quarter S»pt. 29th O New Moon Oct. 7th First Quarter ]4th O Full Moon f 21»t
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Set vice. Oiitwakiis 'lomkw a ana. Delhi I.) tjep',. I Ma'ta 28 Sept. *rradio. V Oct. j Delta J 2 o<t. Extra Service. Outwards Homkwards J. Caudia 21 j Namur 19 Oei. Norc l 01. j Muni'a 2 Kim.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 Take the Postmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cberryvale. Indiana, U. S. A keeps also a Block of general merchandise aud patent He savs: Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard here in its line. It never fails to nive satisfaction and we could hardly
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    • 64 5 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. No one need now suffer the agonizing pains of sciatic and acute rheumatism, as quick relief may he had by applying Chamberlain’s Pa n Halm. This fact has been clearly demonatra'ed iu many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and test possible,
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    • 387 5 PENANG SALES ROOM. BY ORDER OK THE MORTGAGEE. The uudersigucd has received instructions to sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, on Saturday, 28th Sept., 1907, IN THE COURTYARD OF LOGAN S BUILDINGS. BEACH STREET, PENANG, AT 1 1-30 A M The undermentioned property belonging to EOONA KACHEE IBRAHIM bin MAHOMED ABOOBAKAR. AH
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 32 5 WEATHER f ur follow Dir report, is kindly supplied by 'lie Signal Director of Fori Cornwallis I lie rainfall <ltom,_. t 2 hours ended *1 3 a. in. to-day was 06 inch.
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  • 1018 6 London, August 30. A Taste of Suminer Wow that the Football Annuals are on salo and the ghoßt stories for the Christina numbers are >ll written, we have been trea e<l to a very fair imitation of summer an I rir a- w “Vt srr. and the
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  • 114 6 Pinang, 24th September. (By courtesy oj the Chartered London Demand Bank 4 months’ sight Bank ..2 4$ a Credit 3 Documentary Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 1^4 4 3 days’ sight Private 1<5* Bombay. Demand Bank l<4j Moulmein, Demand Bank d 3 days’ sight Private Madras, Demand Bank 174 i
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  • 179 6 Jold leaf $65.10 B Pepper( \V.C«*asl Slbs.* oz.) 16f.— no flock White Pepper 21*. tellers Trang Pepper 1 7 4- sellers Clove* piciced) ut of season Mace 7t0.-«rl«r. Mace Pickings ellere Nutmegs lIOs “°a* fia et r jj«. 1 5.40 sales War 2 DO stock l Bankei 3.80 sales
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  • 734 6 1 oe 3 d. I 2 8 .2 .2 Number of. "5 w am "5 5 Capital. Shares > S issued. Of Mining. I oc 1 14, or 1903 S 300.000 30.000 10 10 25 for year ending 31/«/07!Belat Tin Mining Co.. Ltd. $8.25^ ISI I S 222 S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 32 6 AGE AND QVALITY GUARANTEED. W atson s DUNDEE WHISKY, No. 10. THE FINEST OLD SCOTCH. J. WATSON 8 Co M Ltd.» DUNDEE. AGENT, MCALISTER CO., LTD., ingapore, Penang and Federated Malay States
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    • 112 6 MACKAY'S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL’S BRANDY. BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRU EVAPORATED CREAK. Geislers’ Champagne» Absolute Pux4ty THE CELEBRATED Guaranteed, “S. B. Co.” GIN AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY ft Co.. IN RED CASES, A Sancfi/ands, Buttery Cn PENANG. >- CO X O I w < o t|H ■JTW Mini HAW /JE mh ??SrV >2«
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  • 1138 7 Blums I asked, as the steward hauded me a dish heaped up with dark purple globes. No, sir; passion fruit, sir,” replied the steward. I glanced inquiringly at my via-a-vis, au Australian girl. Dou’t you know passion fruit she said then this is one of the great days
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1289 7 John Bazley life Bros, PORTLAND CEMENT “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, buttery Co., AGENTS. PENANG A F. M. 8. NOW _READY! “Ini Panlun Karang-Karangan.” Contknts: Pantun Dagang. Runda Diri. I*nji Pujian. Budi. Kasih. Sambayang. Sindicr. Price 50 cents. OBTAINABLE AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd. FOR SALE. “The Upheaval IN Far Cathay,” BY
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1024 8 NOTICE. TIEWS of Penan", Singapore. Perak. Solaugor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. 'V JONES, King Stroot, Penang. photographer 16c Kim Keng Leong Co., 12/, BEACH STREET. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.S.A I NOTICE. Charges Moderate, Consultation
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