Straits Echo, 19 September 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1063 1 TlQCft BRAND CEMENT. *v N: 258 r> 3K T A* IN ro BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS Ohart«r«d Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. £800,000 £1,075,000 £800,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reeerre Liability of Prc priotom Head Office: HATTON COURT. THKEADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies end
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    • 23 1 TIANG LEE Co. =3 a o E—' OO V I LT, or or or: 2 cr: >• U <a m z ft SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 958 2 lx tho naturally indeterminate conditions, inseparable from all transition stages, now obtaining in China it is difficult to single out auv oue factor and to claim for it a preponderating influence iu the general lluAt,o It is clear, however, that the traditional hue of cleavage between the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 62 2 lake the Postmaster's Word for It. Mi. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Chorryvale, Indiana, U. S. A keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines. He savs Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard heie in its line. It never fails to give satisl..eimn and wo could
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    • 1737 2 NOTICE. and after this date, *11 a* 11 11 Q N advertVsVment» intended for insertion in the Stnlt* Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG IIOOI. Managing Director. Piano For Your Drawing Room. HAAKE BABY GRAND. PAYING GUEST. 'OUNG ENGLISHMAN wishes to stay un" Reply, stating terms, to
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  • Shipping.
    • 130 3 Cornelia, Br. s s., 194, lleid, 18 b Sept.. Ma'acca, 10th Sept., Geu.—K. G Co. Canton, Br. s s., 105, Mericau. IB.h Sept.. Teluk Anson, 17th Sept Geu Ah Hiug. l3r. s.s.. 120, Mahomed, 18th Sept.. Langkut, 17th Sept, Geu —Katz Bros. Mart Austin, Br. s s., 121, Campbell,
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    • 36 3 19th September. Pegu, for Laugsa.T. Semawe, Segh, Olehleh and Sabang. Van der Parra, for Deli and Laugsa. Canton, fcr Paugkor and Teluk Anson Solfond, for Rangoon. Thongwa, for PortjSwetteuham A Siugaproe. Yeboshi Maru, for Madras.
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  • 28 3 Vegseh From Agent* Due Beualder i Lurope S.B.&C0. 20tbSept. Clencarn Loudon B &Co. 20th Calcbas Singapore 1W.M&C0. 21st C. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.Co. 23rd China Trieste S.K.&Co. 27th
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  • 23 3 Vessels For Ajents Leaves Beualder Singapore S.B.ACo. Sept. GleDearu Singapore B.ACo. Calchas London W.M AOo. C. Apear Singapore China Singapore S.K.ACo. T
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  • 96 3 For Port S.vetteuham and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 pm. Cl rwi Perak, to tnorrow, 1 pm. Asahan—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 Teluk Auson -Per Lady Weld, to-inorrow. 3 p in. Kaugoou and Calcutta taking mails for Europe, etc, via Bombay—Per Tara, to-morrow, G Langkat and Paugkalau
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  • 287 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Moulin a, connecting with the steamer Delhi at Colombo, due at Penang ou 25th September To Penang (from Loudon, Aug. 30) Mr. C. Drummoud j (from Marseilles, Sept. 0) Mr. K. Whitlock. To Singapore (from Loudon) Mr. E. C. Ward, Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1517 3 (SHIPPING,) N. Co. To Loudon by Sea To Marseille» or raltar Gib£6« £61-12 £44 H-16 W EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. ITII excellent accommodation for a limited number of passengers. ft».*. §s.«. Outwards. C 'audio, 24 Sept. Nore 1 Oct. Palermo 15 Ilanca Syria 25* Homewards fs.H. Ceylon 21 Sept. *f’f.s.s.
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    • 37 3 B. I. S. N. Coy., Ltd. S.K. KIBTNA.” IN consequence of the above steamer* <lryd« eking this week, she will pmit the sailing of 21st instant for Port Swettenham and Singapore. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., 16-y.07 640 Agents
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  • 99 4 j apt ice satisfies everybody and justice aloue.— tuterum. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Lit!., No. 220—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAI «24 ..per annum OUTSTATI >NS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang." Telephone No. 343. y.B. All business
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  • 922 4 31 k. Keir Hardie, the Labourite Mernber of Parliament, lias just passed through Penang on bis grand tour round the world and though it is called a health trip” it is really an educational trip” for to Mr. Keir Hardie, as to a huge number of
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  • 620 4 Fhom yesterday’s wires it would appear that the outlook iu Morocco is much improved—indeed so improved that it is hoped that peace between the French and the tribesmen may be shortly arrived at. This is pleasing news for Morocco has of late been the one
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  • 329 4 Wanted, 24 More Recruits. “Buck up” would-Ui Chine e Volunteers No fresh names for three days now. 1. Lim CbeeSaing 39. Ch’ng Keng Le--2. Tan Clioo Soay < ug 8 Tan Hun Eng 40. K> 00. Feng Liang 4. Teo Pin Chong 41. Chau Cheng
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  • 41 4 Th* Royal Mail steamer Tara, of the British India S. N. Co. Ltd., is expected to arrive here to-morrow (Friday) at midnight, and to leave for liaugoou and Calcutta about one hour later with the Homeward Mails.
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  • 61 4 We would remind our readers that, a me?tiug to consider tbo future maintenance of the Town Barn! will take place at- the Town Htll at 4.15 p.tu. to-motrow. Mr. A. R. Adams will take the chair. It is to be hoped that ratepayers will turn up iu full
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  • 314 4 Wk would remind our renders of the concert to be given at toe Masonic Club tonight by Miss Muikens and Miss Merry lees who will be kindb <Vs*isted by several wellknown amateurs. Tbe programme is a new one to Penang a»>d should be a treat to loveis of music.
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    • 61 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Improved Outlook. London, 19th September.—tA patrol of 9JO men of all arms marched four miles to the north-east of C isa Blanca on Monday. Increased numbers of the tribes are desi. rous of peace but General Drude is not relaxing his activity. According to the
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    • 85 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Question of Miiie-L;iyitig. London, l8:h September.—At the Hague for the third time the Committee had a protracted discussion over the projected regulations for mine-laying. The members showed a maiked divergency of views. The general opinion is that agreement is impossible. A Treaty for
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    • 66 4 (Supplied by Reciter Asiatic Exclusion League Threatens. Loudon, 18th September.—The Vancouver Asiatic Exclusion League threatens drastic measures unless the Dominion Government passes a relieving measure in respect to Asiatic Immigration. Au International Exclusionist Convention will be held at Vancouver in October. The Japanese have sent a claim
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    • 98 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) South Africa Politically Dutch. Loudon, 18th September.—lt is reported from Capetown that in consequence of the deadlock between the Legislative Council un<l ibo House of Assembly, tbo formor blocking the supply vote, Dr. Jameson, the Premier of Cape Colony, has advised the Governor to
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    • 40 4 (SuppHed by Reuter.) Japanese Steamer Burned. Loudon, l9tb September.—lt is reported from Shanghai that tbe Japauese steamer Tait'u Afaru has been burned uear ChiugKiang. It is repoited lhat a hundred souls pei ished on the burning steamer.
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    • 34 4 Supplied, by Reuter.) The Strikers Giving In. London, 19th September.—Two thousand strikers have resumed work at Antwerp where 8,000 foreigners, including 4,000 Englishmen supplied by the Shipping Federation, are now eugaged.
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    • 63 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) George Edalji at the Reception. London, I9:h September.—Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the famous novelist, has been married to Miss Joan Leckie in St. Margaret’s, West minster. Mr. Georee Kdalji, who was wrongfully convicted of the cattle-maiming at Great VVyrley and for whose release Sir
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    • 62 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) X Win for German}’. London, 18th September.—Twenty-nine balloons participated in the international race at Brussels. The Germau balloon, winch was the winner, travelled 603 miles, landiug at Bayonne in France. The Swiss balloon was second, going 563 miles. Of the British balloons, Lord
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    • 56 5 (Supplied ly Neuter.) The Standard Oil Coy’s H litre Profits. London, 19;h Septemlier.—fn the New York Government’» tic'iou in (lie Federal Court to auuul the charter of the Standard Oil Conipaoy at New the evidence showed that the profits from 1899 lo 190(5 aggregate J 198.063.187 sterling
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Neuter.) Kaiser Decorates Russian Generals. London, 19th September.—The Kaiser has couferred high decorations ou several prominent Kussiau Geuerals. Amongst these General Kuiopatkiu gels the Grand Cross of the lied Eagle.
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    • 31 5 (SiipjJied by Reuter.) Kestilf of* a Loudon Conference. London, lBih September.—Three branches of Methodists met in conference in Loudon yesterday aud have decided to form a United Methodist Church.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 453 4 ROYAL CINEMATOGRAPH. THIS IS THE SHOW YOU WANT. Every Wednesday Saturday, Change of Programme Roars of laughter every night in a packed Hall. Our pictures are nightly received with great appreciation by the public. Your visit to our show will please you in everyway. pictures absolutely Clear and Steady. Comic,
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  • 684 5 The Chamber of Commerce Meeting. Tub Sinya/iore Free Press wiiting on the receut election meeting of the local Clumber of Commerce says TJte meeting of the Peuaug Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday last to decide who shoo’d be recommended to Governmeut as the representative of the
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  • 645 5 A SAUACIOrS Sl I.TAV. Aml Ollier Topics. (From Our Owu Correspondent.) Alien, 4th September. “Ginger*’ ami Jonah. It is Monday morning, September 2, aud we aie between Colombo aud Aden. The Zieten is laboutiug iu a heavy sea, shipping water, but the deck is dry iu places, at
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  • 233 5 Ipoh, 18th September. Still itary Board. The Kiuta Sanitary Board has suddenly become very strict with bullock-cart drivers conveying timliers over 1(5 ftet long in their vehicles. This rule has uct beeu enforced until recently. House builders and contrac tors suffer severely iu consequence of the
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  • 641 5 Civil Original Jurisdiction. (Before Mr. Justice BriddeH Si in hi «ms cs. Klioo Theau Scow and Others. The above actiou was beard befoie Mr. Justice Braddell yesterday afternoou. The claim was for the rteuvery of ****** cents, betug commisiiou promise I to the plaiutiff by the defendants for
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  • 420 5 (Before Messrs. Wolferstan and Codrington.) Iu connection with the big fight which took place at Tanjoug Tokong on the 20th ult. between the fishermen of Taujong Tokong and Bagau Jermal, Meb, a fisherman of the former village, was this morning sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. He was,
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  • 114 5 Shortly before noon on Monday, says the Free Pi ess, Mr. Fett, Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, received a telephone message from Fort Canning that the Officers’ Me a at Blakang Mali was ou fire. He turned out a detachment of a dozen meu, with Mr. Wilson,
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  • 406 5 The St. Petersburg correspondent of a London morning contemporary states: —I am in a position to mention a most important detail of ihe Kusso-Japauese Treaty which has beeu omitted from the text as officially published. Russia, lam informed ou tbe best authority, has agreed to consider the
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  • 19 5 Arrived Per a.s. Thungwa, from Madras Mrs. Williams and infant, Mr. and Mis. R. Niekelsen, Miss E. Toll.
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  • 107 5 To-dat. 12th Day of Bth Moon. League Football Fiee School vs. Mabonimedans. Esplanade. Murkens-Merrv lees Coueert, Ma ouiu Ilall The Besan Cinematograph A C>. L*d.. corner of Peuaug Road aud Campbel. Street 9 p.m. Royal Cinematograph, King Strret Theatre, 9 p m. To-morrow 13ih Day of Bth Moou. Public
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  • 16 5 tj l/cL*ii (Jhiua (Malta) ...*2Bth Cbiua (Print Ucin'i'h) ...Ist Oct. Uerniau (Iteun) .2 ml
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  • 48 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service (hi’i n Akitv H »mmv n i»s Delhi 1 ,‘t Sep'. I Ma l i 26 Se/t. Arcadia 9 Oct. Delta 11 O I Extra Service. Outwards Homewards Candia 24 8*) f. I Cey'on 21 Sept. Norc 1 OJ. I Namur 19 Oct
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 64 5 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. No one need now suffer the agonizing paius of sciatic aud acute rheumatism, as quick relief mav 1x3 had by applying Chamberlain’s Pa n Balm. 'Ibis fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain aud makes sleep aud rest possible,
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    • 284 5 WAKTTraiD. A .NURSE Probationer for the General Hospital, Penang. Applications should Le forwarded to tho Colonial Surgeon’s OtlL*e, Penang, du.iug < ttice hours, where particulars can l*e obtained. 19-9 07 05* TO LET. CIOMPOUND ROUSE, No. 02, Peiak Road. Rent $lOO per month, partly fu nished. Apply to TAN KANG
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    • 198 5 GRMD EVENING CONCERT will be given TO-NIGHT, at 9-15 p m AT THE MASONIC HALL Br Miss IIENRIETTE MURKENS. VIOLINIST, AN1> Miss EDITH MEURYLEES, PIANIST, Kindly assisted by local amateurs. Prices: Reserved Seats... $3 Uuresei ved Seats 32 Plan ok Hooking AT Messrs. CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Co* 10 9 07 041
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  • 1019 6 Treasure House of the iireat Hebrew i IMscovere»! in Africa. Not for many a day have the world s scientists beeu so fluttered as they are over the newly announced discovery of ‘Ophir, the place where King .'Solomon obtained such fabulous quantities of pure gold for his
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  • 118 6 Penang, 19th September. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/4 ft 4 months’sight Bank ...24^ 8 Credit ...2/-H 3 Documentary ...2/4v„ Calcutta, Demand Bank Its 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 17o} Madias, Demand
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  • 181 6 Gold leaf $65.10 B.Pepper( W .Coast 31b*.5 oz.) 16^. —no slock White Pbpper 2 If.— e^erB Trang Pepper 17}. —sellers Gloves (picked) out of seasjn Mace 76. sel ers Mace Pickings 63. —sellers Nutmegs 11 6 s 23$. —sales No. 1 5.40 sales Sugar 5 2 n<> stock Basket
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  • 148 6 Penang*, 19th September, 1907. Berk— U ct Soup r« r calt J* Koast 24 Steaks Stew or Curry Meal lb Uump Steak Ox Tail ™ch 2o Feet J® Heart Liver 2o P»EK— Pork per catty 3b Pig’s IfeaJ 20 U Tongue Mutton per lb. 30 Head each 30
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  • 1073 6 £3jiX• I 1 ’"c Number of, p 5 Capital. Shares ’<> Last Dividend. Name. >» < I issued. 8 1 A I i J a* I 5 I I Mining l 1903 S 300,000 30.000 10 10 25 for year ending 31/3/07 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 14.25 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 27 6 Agreeably Surprised. Mituv sufferers from rheumatism* have l»eeu agreeably surprise»! at tho prompt re-h*-l afforded by applyiug ChamberUiu’s I’iiin Halm. '1 he Georpe Town Dispensary, Wholennle Agents,
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    • 52 6 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It w pleasant to take and can always be depended upon. The George Town Dispensary,
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    • 120 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL'S BRANDY. Getslers’ Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandi/ands 9 Buttery Cn r <9 > i IWi If Tig I CO ■ru X v Vv. 1 JL jh.l-.. 1 join '“i > o F7XM w < wt gK %ss?&2 Still».'* 6 o
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  • 144 7 Police Search for Owner of Terribly Injured Pony in Past End. A dark browu gelding was found by a constable iu West Ham in the early hours of one morning last mouth and the police are busily eudeavouring to find the owner. The animal had evidently had
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  • 229 7 This Hindu, writing ou the recent cate in which ceitain Missionaries iu India weie charged with harbouring a young Hindu girl against the will of her parents for the purpose ofjcouveitiug her to Christianity, says this action of the Missionaries cauuot, be too strongly condemned. The
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  • 438 7 General Botha's Eloquent Plea for Progress in Noiitli Africa. General, Botha visiteJ Staudertou on August 25th and was welcomed by the M unicipality. In reply General liotha said that he cou’d not adequately express his feelings concerning his receut vij-it to England. In spirit Englishmen meant well to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 88 7 A Shilling Saved Represents Ten Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent.' of his earnings. He must spend nine shillings in living expenses for every oue saved. Sometimes a few peuee properly invested, like buyiug seeds for his garden, will save several times the amount
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1017 8 NOTICE. YIEWS of Penang. Singapore. Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONLb, King Street, Penang. P>>oi jgrapher. 16c Kim Keng Leong Co U 7, BEACH STREET. M IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION or IRONMONGERY, Which is on sale at specially advautageous
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