Straits Echo, 16 September 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. N 258 JSJS&S OH 4i 'b 5? 2*; °e ftSP IN V ro BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANK T(Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. £BOO,OOO 1,075,000 £BOO,OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors Hoad Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET,
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    • 26 1 TIANG LEE A Co. Si o co r—--3» C/0 C/3 c/a vo c/a c/a CP C/3 cka l j--<7 m <2 z AS o SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 1306 2 Siam is not a laud where courtship may le considered as a line art. It has not yet at- 1 tained that proud eminence winch distinguishes the science in Europe and America. It is only recently one hears of lover’s walks, lover’s lanes and special
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 554 2 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. rnilE s.s. Hung Mult, Captain Dawson, 1 is expected to arrive here on tunday. and will leave for the above ports cu Tuesday, the 17th iust., at 3 p.m. For freight or passage applv to KOE EUAN Co., Agents for WEE BIN Co. of
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    • 1332 2 BRINSMEAD PIANOS STILL TO THE FRONT. SPECIAL TROPICAL MODELS. Solid Mahogany' Case, Iron Frame. New BRINSMEAD five-ply wood wrest plank. Front escapement, checK action, $450 LIBERAL discount for cash. $450. SU THE MINSOmNO CO.. L m MOTOR CARS. Don’t buy cheap cars and incur heavy bills for frequent repairs. Get
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  • Shipping.
    • 121 3 Hebe, Ur. s.s., 090, Inkster, 15th Sept., —Singapore, loth- Sept., Gen —W. M. CoV p Ho*jM Motf, Br. 8.8 “2,555, Ihwsou, loth Sept., Rangoon, 12ih Sept., Gen.— K. G. Co. Fitzpatrick, Ur. s.s., 7:30, Williams, 15th Sept., Rangoon, 11th Sept, Gen.— King Bee Co. Hab bcro, Ger. s.s 4
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    • 60 3 10th September. Tony C/iay Un, for Batu Bahra ami Asahan. Rotorua, for Torgkah. Miry Austin, for Asahan. Hun Whatt Hin, for Tongk ill. Canton, for Paugkor and Teiuk Anson. Leing J[/t»,'fo# and Setul. .1 Apcar, fer Singapore, China and Japan, Knot Hang, for Calcutta. Fying Fish, for Port Weld
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  • 28 3 I 4 /•'< >o" < i. Due iJ^nalder Calchas China i i L^re/pool IS u rope Singapore Trieste W.M &Co. S.B.&Co. W.M &Co. S.K.&Co. 19thSept. 20th 21 st, 27th
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  • 25 3 Ml 1 I'SHch For A:pvtx I l.fiires lCpetnun Singapore I VV.M.&Co. Sept. Beualder Singapore s.n.&Co. Ualehas London W.M ACo. China Singapore S.K.ACo. .rr- 1
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  • 96 3 f. a. Fur Pu.ugkul.Lii B randan Per Petrel, torn aci ow r noon. *v' Deii—Per Avagyec, to morrow, 1 p.m. A-eahanufc B itu Bahra—Per K. Halewyn, t*> L-p in. Port Swettenham aud_. Singapore—Per Ban Whsfi Boon, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenbam and Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk
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  • 342 3 Per P. and O. s.s. Mooltan, connecting With the steamer Delhi at Colombo, due at Penang on 25th September To Penang (from London, Aug. 80) Mr. C. Drummond (from Marseilles, Sept. 0) Mr. E. Whitlock. To Singapore (from. London) Mr. E. 0. Ward, Mr. R. FI.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 2027 3 (1, Jlnol I t -*K- 4 IRMrt’l ahismuo F- ~<M r JL ■v •t'lHol'* <,4< mi M» S. N. Co. Expected, Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards I Swpt. 'do 8.8 Delhi connecting' with t*.s. Moult a u 8.8. Oct. 9 B.*. ArrAtHin '4o LB. China US H[i£ Umamha do
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  • 98 4 Justice satisflee everybody and justice aloue.— Kington. Published daily (except Snnday*.) AT Til CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 2*26—232, Beaoh Street, Penang. PRICE: il4 i DAILY LOCAL $24 pet annum OL'TSTATIONS PoMage Kxtra MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—-Penang.” Telephone No. 343. y.n. All basinet communications
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  • 759 4 The Coiiiuiissioners intend socu so to improve Beach Street as to make it unrecognisable to those who have been accustomed to regard it as a thoroughfare, ill-lighted, of varying width, and with tive-foot ways completely blocked up with show cases. For this relief much thanks. More than
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  • 335 4 Wanted, 24 More Recruits. Since our last issue we have received three more names for the proposed Penang-boru Chinese Volunteer Corps, and the total now stauds at 76 1. Lim Chee Saing 39. Ch’ng Keng Le2. Tan Choo Soay ong 3. Tan Hun Eng 40.
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  • 333 4 The B. I. Contract Packet Thongicx, with ihe Outward Mails, is expected to arrive here on Thursday, the 1 Oth iust., at 7 a.m., and is timed to leave for Port Swettenham and Singapore at about 5 p in. on the same day. The N.-D L.
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  • 579 4 THE ASSIZES. (Before Mr. Justice Br.tdde'l Post Office Defalcation Ease. This morning, the above case was tiied. A Malav by the name of Mohauied She riff, ex Clerk of the local Post Office, pleaded not guilty to the charge of using as genuine three forged documents, in respect
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  • 347 4 (te/ofc Mr. Wulferatan For working a bullock while iu au untit state a Hindu bullock-cait driver was this morning given the option of a hue of five dollars or seven days’ imprisonment. Chelappa, tin ex-cletk in the firm of Messrs. Logan and Ross, was this morning arraigned
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  • 565 4 Chinese Recreation u i, vs. Government Clerical As&oeiat^O The chief f»a‘ure of the Leag Ue tI I which was pfaved on the C. R. Q. last Saturday afreruoqn, was the excl'l goal-keeping of Z malabdin, but f or the Clerks would li tve been defeated )B much larger
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  • 81 4 The distribution of prizes to the succei ful competitors of the recent Billiard Tot uainent took place at the Club House _n terday evening. Mr. Liui Eu Tob, who* proposed to the Chair bv the President, lf Ng Pak Hoey, distributed the prizes, af! which ebampague was
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  • 275 4 The funeral of the late Mrs. 'lbs Chong (Nowia Lee Guat Siew), whose a death was announced iu our columns days ago, took place yesterday inorniK The large number of people of all national tus who attended the funeral, which was Ihe
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 565 4 B. L S. N. Coy., Ltd. Htk KIBTXA.” N consequence of tbe above steamer dtydocking this week, she will omit the sailing of 21s* iDstaDt for Port Swettenhain and Singapore. HUTTENBAUH. LI EBERT Co., lb 9-07 640 Agents. UMNO EVENING CONCERT WILL UK OIVKN on Thursday, 19th, September, at9-lspm, AT
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    • 72 5 (Supplied by It, ulcr Hmttli* Between Rival Sultans Imminent. Londbn. Istb Sept.—The Sultan of Morocco has left Fez for Rabat where he is expeofed to arrive ou the 29th instaut It j g reported that Malai Hafid, the Pretender is also proceed mg to Rabat with thirty thJutaua followers.
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    • 64 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) More Troubles Brewing. Loudon, 15th September.—The Dominion labour Congress which meets at Winnipeg will consider the Oriental Labour question Some delegates advocate a general strike in Canada in order to show national antipathy to the Japanese. J The Hindus from the s.s. Monfeajle have
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    • 133 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) The Details. Loudon, I6th Sept. -Mr. Haldane, Secretarj of State for War, detailing the Army Scheme, said that the six divisions of regu,ar* wou,tl he supplemented bv fourteen divisions of territorials which will be combined in six great commands. The infantry battalions will
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    • 44 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Morgan the Suspect Discharged. London, lGth September.—RegaiJiu; the recent capes of cattle-maiming at Great Wyrley tbo butcher’s assistant named Morgan, who was arrested on suspicion on t’ e 7th instant has been discharged owiug to the prosecutiou, having collapsed.
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    • 47 5 (Supplied by Renter Herreshofl’ to Muihi the Defender. Loudon, 15th Sept.—Herreshoff, the famous yacht designer, has completrd the preliminary designs for a ninety-foot vacht to defend the America Cup against Sir Thomas Lipton’s prospective challenger. The extreme features of former challengers will be abandoned.
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  • 196 5 Ou his way to India, Australasia, and South Africa, the well-kuown Libour leader, Mr. Keir Hardie, arrived here ou Saturday morning. He came ou by the P. A. O. mail steamer Marmora, from China. lu Hongkong and Canton he was very busy sight seeing,” and
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  • 99 5 i From an advertisement in to-day’s issue it will be seen that Miss Murkens. the wellknown violinist, and her able pianist, Miss Merry lees, have arrived in Penang and propose giving one of their exquisite little concert. at tbe Masonic Hall ou Thursday night Tbe ladies are
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  • 982 5 WEEK BV WEEK. \i row Our Own Correspondent.) Lumpur, 14th September. The Weather. I hk weather has been delightful for the past few d«v> Hud the back of the diought has been broken, it is generally believed, lhe Waterworks officers must now fed more peaceful iu
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  • 222 5 (From Onr Own Correspondtnt.) Saturday, Sept. 14th. A Tragedy. Quite a tragedy has oc uned here. The >vile of a Tamil coolie deserted him for another man. He brooded over this till he was almost mad. Oo Tuesday he hbd worked himself iuto a frenzy and seizing
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  • 686 5 Crowded House for the >’e»v I'rosraiimie. the Royal Cinematograph has eirned such a good name for itself in Penang by the excellence of its pictures that there was a packed house ou Saturday night, the occasion of the change of programme, amongst the audience being quite a
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  • 1054 5 By a Yictfin. There are several kinds of telephone girls in Penang—the charming, pretty gj r l ve know she is pretty from her swiet voice and oblong ways-and the ugly cross-patch girl for we know she is ugly and a crosspatch the latter to our
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    • 456 5 To TIIE EIHIOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Sir, Under the heading “The Esplanade on Band Eveuings” vour correspomleut “lax” complains that natives are allowe«l to surround the Baud Stand, line up against the railings and actually gaze at the occupants of cani iges.” And why
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  • 130 5 Akrivko Per Tara, from Rangoon Mrs. aud two Mis <s Beutyieo, Mr. aud Mrs. Ong H« ck Thye, Messrs. Ede, N. C. Djtt aud C. j Simeon. Per s.s. Perak, from Tort Swettenliam Mr. H. de Cooke, M>~. Ed ward. From jSiugapoie Oapt. Morrell. Airs. Hooke, Al Perrett. Departed.
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  • 51 5 To- Da i. I» tli Day oi Bth Moou. Lown Baud, Esplauade. 8 to 7 p tu. R >val Cinematograph, King Street Theatre 9 I O-MOK HOW. 10th Day of Bth Moon. League Football Y. M. C. A., vs. Crescent Esplauade. Royal Cinematograph, King Street Theatre 9 p
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  • 20 5 China (Prim Eitel Friedrich)... 17th Sept. German (Klei>t) ...18 h E glish (Delhi) ...25th China (Mad a) ...28th
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  • 20 5 O Full Moon S *pt. 22ml Last Quarter 29th O New Moou Oct. 7 t hirst Quarter |4t|,
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Sevice. Outwards. 110 I* *W Delhi IMa ta 28 Sept. mult a V Oe.t. I Delta J> Qt. Extra Service. Outwards 1 Homewards L'oona 17 I Cey’on 21 Sept. Caudio, 24 Namur 1U Oct
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of ({rest worth and merit. Try it when sou have a couyb or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the quick relief which it affords. It is pleasant 4o take and can always be depended upou. The -George low® Dispensary,
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    • 267 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. Olev/allock, Captaiu J. 11. Hainsworth, is expected to arrive lieie on I hursday. aud will leave for the above ports on Saturday, the 21st instant, at 3 p.m. tor freight or passage, apply to KOE GUAN Co, Aye nf 4 jor WEE BIN of
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  • 681 6 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Miuutes of a Meetiug of the Municipal Commissioners held v>n Friday, the 30th' August, 1907. Present. F. J. Hallifax, Esq. (President) •it 1 Quali Beng Kĕe, Esq. i I». H. Clayton, Esq. Lim Eu Toh, Esq. .»>,*• j. j«. J. W. Hallifax, Esq. m t t
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  • 120 6 Pbnano, Hith SkptkMbkk "(Hi/ bovrtesy of the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bunk '2 4 4 months’ sight Bank Ml Credit ..2 3 m Documentary ...2 1,, Calcutta, Demand Bank., 11?» l«4k j,, 3 days’ sisfdit I’rivipe 1754 Bombay. Demand Bank ;j M/>uiinein, Demand Bank 17-14 3 days’ g’urht- Private
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  • 1060 6 W* M f •lf J c Number of La J-- -2 5 5 GatitU.. Shares [.> _.u;Lqst Dividend. V Name. 5 issued. L'.-a i. oL W 5.1« I- cy 1 :—1 r -4-~ —m trf i Mining. i p 19Q3 300,900 30.000 110 i. 10 2h>%% for year ending
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  • 171 6 Jonl leaf $65.10 B. Pepper(VV.Coast 16y. —no stock White Popper 21|.— tellers Cratig Pepper 17 j. —sellers Jloyes £pioket|) out of season Mace 76. -s<Vers M>m,o 68- —sellers Nhrmegs llOs £3i. —sales No: T h.h sales' V Sugar' JL I'L; 2 po Btock yi’aKU. salts Tapfotsi"Fiour; Copri... .7.99 sales-
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 57 6 Agreeably.iiiif jJfteed. k jVInnv tnitffoivw I'miuWHMW»(iwr„j^iVe• btrii ;i'_'n r;i bl v mu pitied at' ill A prompt relief «Horded bv ;i<pf>]viii£ Cbunberl.iin’s l-Hiu Hahn The Uebfgp'tuwn Wholesale AuenlH. >•'.*. "U, I'AssAiiKstviiwiom via MAOllAS. PASSAGES JiAi booked l>er British India Steam' nation Conipilpm Steamers iroin Penang, V lit Madras, to
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    • 97 6 A -J? I ;0 J yind known all VWv <*'•*' w. si -i of the t. 7 :<.;* theV» f -»u > ASK FOR i. iu.^: vl l OW^-» tf’cuu 1 io <*r‘ &K. .Ei UwU i J jj-tS 7IWJ lt«!> j J«*JW 1 sie anD 1 _J .r 1
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    • 30 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s ««ft SPECIAL RESERVE ,~1 v V *Gi Mw* f O.V.G. Whisky. Cl I r SANDILANDS, BUTTERY C»„ J .tiS'* .’/Jits agents eor PE NASO F. M. S.
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    • 523 6 O MACKAY’S rtJQUOR WHISKY. MARTELL’S BRANDY. LvT Gefslers’ Champagne >_ Cl L> i: 1*1* il .,C i .It J* i. .'I “S. B. Go. 99 5 r j >'J :Bkj j *> j IN RED CASES. ai t-r* »14 Sandifandu, Ruttefy 6t C n V U w BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND
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  • 208 7 Well-dressed Swindler’s Audacious Practical Joke at Sonthend. A trick, at onco unpleasant and audacious in character, has been played upon the undertakers of Southend recently. A lady resident in Co'singtou-road, Westcliff, one day fouud the whole of her time taken up in assuring various representatives of undertaking firms
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  • 616 7 Doctor (lives a Lecture, with Mr. Plowden as ('horns. The different stages of druukenupss were described by a doctor at tbe Marvleboua police-court the other day, when a married woman named Agnes Memige, living at Clarendon-terrace, Maida Vale, who was charged with being drunk and incapable
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2204 7 wonderful, discovery. 7 the aRe ,c,-ear c>> who, all nature,ROtosprnk.isnuinacki fU>vthcsciciiti6c lorthecomfort and hapninesitofman’. Science haa indeed matte «lant stnttesdurinjc thepast century and among the—l>v no means least important discoveries in medicine comes that of Th THERAPION. This preparation is unquestionaWvrv c<-fthe most Renuitie and reliable Patent Medicines cvti intro«luced,
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    • 30 7 3VOTICE ON and after this date, &11 small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****. stli July 1905 Managing Director
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1045 8 NOTICE. YIEWS of Ponang, Singapore, Perak, Solangor, and Sumatra. Photos onlargod, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONEB, King Street, Penang. Photographer. 16c Kim Keng Leong Co*, 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OH EVERY DESCRIPTION or IRONMONGERY, W!licit is on sale at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS
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  • 935 9 1 he man who smokes a pipe aud who takes an artistic intent j u wlia t he smokes and in the method of smoking it will tell you that he is the true smoker, and that those who .Bek happiness with
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  • 1147 9 hi* is in Bangkok. U J'T b e k *7°» or c °°be, the house B t }> Iiin K kok be he Chinese, Tamil. i dL; 1 r i ,rwhiit not cowe8 iu f^»good deal of kl tine. This is either rightly or wroug v —iu many
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  • 763 9 During Journey Through Inkuown e Labrador. B r With Gun and Camera. There has just arrived in London a woman who, when her remarkable story is I told, will, without doubt, be accorded i»y a nahou of explorers a place almost without 1 equal tu the aunals of
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 A Shilling Saved Represents Ten Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend niue shillings in living expenses for every one saved. Sometimes a few pence properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save teveral times the amount
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    • 61 9 Rheumatic Pains Relieved. No oue need now suff-r the agonizing pains of sciatic aud acute rheumatism, as quick relief may lie had bv applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thousands of cases. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and rest posvijpie, jvbich
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    • 63 9 Take the Postmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. llamiltou, postmaster at Cherry vale. Indiana, U. S. A., keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines. He says Chamberlaiu’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard here in its line. It never fails to give satisfaction and we
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    • 211 9 JUST RECEIVED. JOIiJJ PAEEB’S STAUOffEEY Paper Paste 'er.15 cents per 1> x New Flat Reversible Pocket Pencils Nickle-plate 1 Pocket Pencils, Automatic Pocket Pencils 10 to 15 cents each. 30 cents each. UW m T: 30 cents each. Blue Pencils, 60 cents per dozen Diawing Pencils, BB H, 80 cents
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 900 10 FOR SALE. Nos. 2, 3 4 of “THE REVIEW OF THE FAR EAST," EDITED BY A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South China Morn in# Post. Price $1 each number. Guide to Penang, BY THE LAT* E. F. Skertchly, f.e.s. Price 50 cents. Worth it Dollar a copy. WM. ARNOTT CO., •9
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