Straits Echo, 5 September 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1166 1 tiger brand cement. A 1258 «9 5* (M /GSj IN ro HES 7 /Off /ILL PURPOSES. BANKS. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking: Corporation. BOO,OOO X 1,075,000 XBOO.OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Pr< prietors Head Office: HATTON COURT,
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    • 34 1 TIANG LEE Co o 47^ GC f CO <2 sw. s --s^VYyK o O' cn i i oo am :c CO 1 w ft: «2 A. S w C 3 SOLE AGEtSTS. S ALE,
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  • 916 2 Customer —“Look here, waiter I found a button in my salad.” Waiter—“Yes, sir; that’s part of the dressing.” He hasn’t got that pretty typist auv more, has he No, she’s got him now they were married last week.” Magistrate The evidence shows, Mrs. Mulcoliey, that you threw
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 59 2 Rheumatic Rains Relieved. No one weed now suffer the agonizing pains of sciatic and acute rheumatism, 'iuwk relief may be had by applying ChamIhsilain s Ram Balm. Tbis fact lias leea deaily demonstrated iu many thousands of canes. This liniment relieves the pain and makes sleep and rest possible, which
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    • 573 2 A Shilling Saved Represents Ten Earned. The average man does not save to exceed ten per cent, of his earnings. He must spend nine shillings iu living expenses for every one saved. Sometimes a few pence properly invested, like buying seeds for his garden, will save several times the amount
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    • 1179 2 BRINSMEAD PIANOS STILL TO THE FRONT. SPECIAL TROPICAL MODELS. Solid Mahogany Case, Iron Frame. New BRINSMEAD five-ply wood wrest plank. Front escapement, check action, $450, LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH- $450. SU THE ROBINSOfPIANO CO., L ro THE PENANG FOUNDRY. COICHUL OFDEFS d* 81 Btrbrd B r W' winrrOy 1,1141 the
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  • Shipping.
    • 72 3 Teesta, Br. s s Willi.s, stb Sept. Madras, 2»>th Aug, Geu.— 11. Ij. Sl Co. Cornelia, Br. s.s., 194, Keid, 4tb Sept., Port Swettenbaui, 3rd Sept., Gen.— K. G. Co. Pegu, Br. s.s., 294, Cojsb, sth Sept., Acbeen, 2nd Sept., Gen.—Ban 110 Hiu. Yunnon, Fr. s.s., 4,213, Bru, stb
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    • 30 3 stii September. Padang, for Batu Balira. Van der Parra, for l)eli and Langsa. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Teeeta, for Port Swetteuham and Singapore, Flying Dragon, for Setul.
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  • 34 3 Vessels From Agents Due Beumobr Europe S.B&Co. Gtb Sept Kiutuck Singapore W.M.&Co. 7th Cbengmai Bremen B.M.&Co. 7th Oceana Colombo A .G <tC.o 11th Austria Singapore S.K &Co. 12th Benalder Europe S.B &Co. 20tk
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  • 27 3 I easel» For Aijents Leaves Benmoiir Singapore S.B.&Co. Sept. I\ intuck London W.M.&Co. Cheugimii Singapore B.M.&Co. Oceana Singapore A.G.&Co. Austria Fiume S.K &Co. Benalder Singapore S.B.&Uo.
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  • 134 3 For Port Swettenham and Malacca —Per Cornelia, to-inorrow, 1 pm. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 1 p m. Calcutta—Per Austria, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to morrow, 3 p.m. Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmein—Per Pachumba, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Calcutta—Per C. A pear, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Rangoon
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  • 328 3 Per P. ami O. s.s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, due at Penaug ou 11th September:— To Penang (from London, Aug. Id) Mr. Craig (from Marseilles, Aug. 23) Mr. C. Adeney. To Singapore (from London,) Mr. W. B. Campbell. Mr. F. L>. Spencer,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 958 3 ,ss. H. Co Krpecled Arrivals and Departures Mail Service. OutwardsSept. 11 8.8. Oceana connecting with 8.8. Britanniu 25 8.8. Delhi do do do 8.8. Mooltan 8.8. China 8.8. Himalaya Oct. 98.8. Arcadia 23 8.8. Devanha Homewards. Sept. 14 s.B. Marmara connecting 1 with 8.8. India do 8.8. Mongolia do 8
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    • 485 3 PING.) IMMBURG-AMERIKA LINE. PASSENGER SERVICE, By the new steamers, Rhenania,” Habsburo,” Hoh enbtaufen,” and the “oCandia” and Silkma.” The steaineri are especially built for the tropics and have luxurious Passengei accommodation. First-class Cabins ainidship, lighted throughout by electricity, cabim fitted with fans. Doctor and Stewardesses carried. Laundry on board. Return
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  • 95 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Eiuerton. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THB CRITERION TRESS, Ltd., No. 22b—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 per annum. OUTBTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. y.B. All business communications should be
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  • 888 4 Only the other day Mr. Taft publicly denied the rumour that negociations for the sale of the Philippines to Japan were proceeding, but yesterday’s wire regaiding the Islands gives one food for thought. Does America want to part with them or does she not The American press is
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  • 224 4 The Royal Mail steamer Taroba, of the British India S. N. Co. Ltd., being timed to leave Singapore to-day at 5 p.m., is expected to arrive here to-morrow at ti p.m., and to leave for Rangoon and Calcutta about two hours later with the Homeward Mails.
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  • 455 4 Wanted, 34 More Recruits The list of recruits for the proposed Pen-ang-born Chinese Volunteer Corps to-day still stands at 66. Who will be the next to send in his name as a citizen-soldier r 1. Lim Chee Saing 34. Ooi Khve Chong 2. Tan Clioo
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  • 991 4 {Before Messrs. Wolferetan and Codrinyton.) Two Klings, Shenee Maideen Pakir aud Slienee, were this morning tried for robbing a compatriot, Shenee Varusai, of $19 7.5 cents. The complainant stated that, early in the evening of the 13th ultimo, he went to Penang Hoad to collect some money
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 352 4 X JUST LANDED. Folding Camp Furniture, Complete Camp Beds, with mosquito frames and nets. Porch Chairs, Tables with shelf, Comfort Swing Chairs, Racein Washstands etc., etc. All these articles can b> folded, and occupy a limited space in packing Indispensable in camps and up-country. ALSO Gents’ Straw anil Felt hats,
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    • 351 4 The “Straits Echo's” New Competition. Open Only to Registered Subscribers• FIRST PRIZE, $60.00. SECOND PRIZE, $30.00. THIRD PRIZE, $lO.OO. Wliat word or words, to be found in this issue of tho “Straits Echo,” can you make of each of the following groups of letters 14th List. Name of Competitor Address
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    • 128 5 (Echo Specials.) Death of ('apt. IVlers Singapore, 6th September.—Captain Peters, master of the local steamer Houy Ilee and who is well known and popular amongst the shipping community here, died from apoplexy yesterday on the arrival of the vessel. Engineer Suffocated by Foul La». Singapore, 6th September.—Mr. Seed, the
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    • 56 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Fighting outside Cm*» Itlanea. Loudon, stb September.—The garrisou of Casa Blanca made a strong reconnaissance on Tuesday, Sept. 3id, aud were heavily attacked on all sides by the Moors when six miles out from the town. Several hours’ iightiug took place before the enemy were tiually
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    • 90 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) John Burns **a Lost Soul." London, 4th September.—Mr. Alfred Heury Gill, Labour member for Boltou sinee 190 b, iu his presidential address to the Trades Umou Congress which has met at Bath, said that universal non-contributory age peusions must be the first plank
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    • 37 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Combination to Oppose Strikes. London. sth Sept—An international conference of British aud Coutiueutal shipping federations is to be held iu London in October with a view to eombiued resistance to strikes.
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    • 59 5 (Supplied by lientir.) Women and Children Killed. London, 4th September. —Six persons, including women and children, were shot by the Police during the strike riots at Antwerp. Twenty-five policemen were wounded. The piles of the timber quays were soaked in parafiiu and then fired by the strikers.
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    • 26 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Three Conspirators Hanged. Loudon. 4-th September.—The three conspirators who were sentenced to death for couspiring to kill the Tsar weie hanged yesterday.
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    • 24 5 (Supplied by Renter Another Railwa) Accident. London, 4th September.—A CanadianPacific train going to Toronto was derailed Five persons were killed aud several injured.
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  • 123 5 On the 14th ultimo the P. aud O. Company considered the tenders sent iu for two new steamers required for its mail service.aud accepted one from Laird and Co., Limited, Greenock, aud the other from Barclay, Curie aud Co., Limited, Glasgow, these being the lowest
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  • 137 5 In the House of Commons, on the 12th ultimo, Mr. Harold C<»x asked whether the Truusvaal Government had introduced a Bill to prolong the restrictions of the Chinese Labour Ordinance after tint Ordinance expired iu March next. Mr. Churchill said that he understood the policy of
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  • 159 5 The King of Siam arrived at Wilhelmshdlie on the 9th ult., aud was received at the station by the German Emperor, with whom he proceeded by motor-car to Wilhelmsbohe Castle. A dinner in honour of the King of Siam was given at the Castle of Wilhelmshdhe
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  • 390 5 According to a correspondent of the London and China Express, orders have lieen issued for the re-commissioning of the firstclass cruiser K*nt for a further spell of service with the China Squadron. The coming one will be the Kent's third rommiseion. She was oiiginally commissioned iu
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  • 608 5 Chine*»* Recreation Club v$. George Town Rending Room. A fairly large number of people journeyed down to Pangkor Road yesterday afternoon to see the above teams play off th**ir League fixture. Although they put their opponents on the defensive almost the whole lime the C.R C. only succeeded
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  • 342 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Owing to a mistake which occuned in the odds of the third set iu the fiual of the Mixed Double Handicap, Mrs. Dunn and G. R. K Mugliston vs. Miss Jones and W. J. Hodge, Mr. Hodge lodged a protest and it was decided
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  • 136 5 The following information ou Malayan mining aud planting companies is taken fiom the Mouetary and Commercial ’’column of the London and China Express Straits Plantations Ltd., London, E.C. Lieu registeiel Aug. 2, for 1,200 six per cent, second debentures, part of ,£lO,OOO amount previously issued,
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  • 412 5 Messrs. 4. Russell («rant t’o.’s Report. London, 15th August, 1907 The market for Malay aud Ceylon Rubber Shares is very strong, with an advancing tendency many substantial rises are to be noted. The public seem to be turning their attention to many of the lesser known Companies.
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  • 332 5 Patriotism writes to the Straiti Timet as follows In your Editorial of the 31st August, you dealt with the question of Straits-born Chinese, and contended that they should be contented with the British rule uuder which they are allowed equal footiug with the Europeans, and
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  • 236 5 Says the London and China Ezines of the 1 t>th ultimo A number of metnl>er.s of Parliament aud others iuteres'ed iu the suppression of the opium traffic had au luterview ou the 14th August, at the Colonial Office, with tie Under-Secretary for the Co!oni®s and Sir Francis
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  • 25 5 Arrived. Per s.s. Teestx, from Madras Me. E. J. D'Ciuz. From Negapatam Mr. aud Mrs. S. Pilla Mr. and Mrs. T. A. 11. Iyer.
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  • 71 5 To-day. 28th Day of Tib Moou. Meeting of Clinch Work Association, Residency. League Football Butteiflies rs. G. C. A., Esplaua 'e. Roval Ciuematogr.iph, King Street Theatre, 1* p m. Edisou Bioscop? Show, coiner of Transfer aud Kedah Roads, p.m. To-morrow. 29th Day of 7th Moou. Town Baud, Esplauade, H
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  • 18 5 E glish (Oceana) ...lltli Sept China {Mam.ora) ...14th China (Prim Eitel Fritdri<h) ...l7tli German (K/ritt) ...]B'h
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  • 18 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OUTWAKIiJ). iItIMXWARUb. Ocearui 11 I Marmora 14 tiept Delhi <-5 j Malta 26’
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Rented}'. This is a medicine of great worth aud merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleased with the fjuicic relief which it affords. It is pleasant, to take and can always lie depended upon. The Qeorgo Town Dispensary,
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    • 314 5 To Ordinary and Order Bills of Lading Holders. s.s. GOEBEN has arrived from Bremen via ports. BEHN, MEYER Co., Ltd., Agents. 5 9-07 623 To Ordinary and Order Bills of Lading Holders. s.s. “PR. REGENT LUITPOLD” has j arrived from Japan via ports. BEHN, MEYER Co., Ltd., Agents. 5 9-07
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 32 5 WEATHER, Thk following report is kindly supplied In the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis |mih H iitmii. The rainfall during the 21 hours ended at 9 a. m. to-day was nil.
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  • 56 5 Obituary. (Supplied by Reuter.) Kilniinl Hacentp Creig. Loudon, 5‘h Sept. Edward Ilager op Grieg, the composer, is dead. [The late Edward Ha imp Grieg was born at ter en. Norway, on .Due .5th, 1843. He was of Scotch ancestry. He receiver! his musical education at the Leipzic Conservatoire under Moscheles
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  • 177 6 Tlie time has perhaps now come when there should he a decided aud uniform quotation for tin throughout Malaya. The controlling price should ba a uniform one, aud Singapore, Penang, Selangor or Perak prices should bo so assimilated, that one daily quotation should sullice for the whole of
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  • 283 6 lieaaing the description of the new Cunarder, which is to recover for England the Championship of the Atlantic, one inevitably asks where this marvellous development will end Here is a palace, roughly speikiug, as long as the Terrace of the Houses of Parliament, wider than Northumberland- avenue,
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  • 466 6 Learned .Mohammedan Tells a Woman Her Place in Life. There is only oue God, and Mohammed is His prophet.*' That, according to Mohammedans, is all men aud women, especially women, need I kuow about this or any other life. What good followers of the prophet
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  • 120 6 Pi NANO, 6TH SEPTEMBER (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) LondonDemanu Bank ...2/4/„ 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 x 7 s 8 Credit ••2/4,*# J 3 Documentary -2/4 f Calcutta, Demand Bank Its 174$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 174$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’
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  • 175 6 Gold leaf $65.10 B. Pep per (W.Coast Stfii.S oz.) 16f. —no slock White Pepper 211.- sales Trang Pepper 17j- —sales Cloves (picked) out of season Mace 76.— stl'ers Mace Pickings 68. —sellers Nutmegs llOs 24.50 sales SNo. 1 5.40 sales 2 no stock Basket 3 55 tales Tapioca Flour
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  • 153 6 Penang, 5th September, 1907. Beef— Soup p® r catty iEoast Steaks f4 Stew or Curry Meat Rump Steak Ox Tail eac1 I Tongue Feet Jjj Heart Liver Zb Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head Feet 26 Tongue 32 Mutton P©r lb. 28 Head each 30 Feet the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 61 6 Take tlie l’ostmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, po>tmafeter at Cberryvale, Indiana, U. S. A keeps also a stock of geteral merchandise ami patent medicines, lie eavs Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard heie in its line. It never fails to give satisfaction and we could
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    • 684 6 BAXTER Co.’s BEST NAVY CANVAS. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co. DAVID CORSAR SON’S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA NAVY CANVAS, No. 0. SANOII.ANDS. BUTTERY Co. La si Dividend. Name. a> ►> 3 PS eg o 3 ol 25 for year ending 31/3/07 20 p.c. for year ending 30/4/07 4/6 interim for 1907. 1906. 57| p
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    • 111 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL'S BE ANDY. Gelslers’ Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN PEERLESS EVAPORATED CREAM. IN RED CASES, Sandilands Buttery Cn. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SAND1LANDS, BUTTERY 4 Co.. PEN/KNO. \<V C f o i SAW > 1 i. (jj i X Is o r* -j LU v*
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  • 960 7 Thkrk are many pretty places on the shores of the Gulf of Siam. These can only be visi'ed by steamer. They are charmingly picturesque, the bathing is excellent, and tho fish are delicious, so that they form very desirable resting-places for those seeking a quiet holiday
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 646 7 < JOHN MARTIN, MINER. < i A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA. I l.Y I I I OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF Tale* of Hie Fen,” Chronicle of the Carburettor Club,” In Peril t in Penang,” etc. PRICE 50 CENTS. CAN «E HAD AT if THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd.J 226, 232, Beach
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    • 52 7 Agcrcably Surprised. IVIauy sufferers from iheiimatiom have l>eeu ajjrieably surprised at the prompt relief afforded by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. The George Town Dispeusary, Wholesale Agent a. 10,000 Teaspoons given away, to introduce our Crown Silver plate to leddeuts abroad. Send 3 stamps (postage) for free sample to Masters Ltd.,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 995 8 NOTICE. •y'lEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizos up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. W. JONES, Phot igrapher. 16c King Street, Penang. Kim Keng Leong Co., ur, BEACH STREET. I VIFORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha,
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