Straits Echo, 3 September 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1097 1 TIGER BRAND CEMhNT, 258 n. l m to <?■ °e tXP IN PEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking; Corporation. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Pr* p-ietors 4!800,000 1.075,000 £BOO,OOO Head Office HATTON COURT, TIIRKADNKKDLE
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    • 23 1 BASS’S ALE. s§ok o 7 ‘S Cr> c 0 UJ Or o :a; X ST «U a e a nfiS h LfiOlS S.SS3NNIH9
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  • 965 2 Cultivate a cheerful manner. A cheery 6inile aud a bright speech is half the way towards success a sullen look and a surly tongue are sure guides to failure. Optimism is 0 er the ace of trumps. Mr \V. 11. Armstrong (deteudiug at Lambeth a prisoner who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 90 2 A Shilling Saved Represents Ten Earned. The average man does uot 6ave to exceed ten per cent, of his tamings. He must spend nine shillings, in living expenses for every one saved. Sonn times a few pence properly invested, like buying seeds for Lis garden, will save several tunes the
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    • 467 2 Take the Postmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Indiana, U. S. A keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines He savsChamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard here in its liue. It never fails to yive satis faction and we could
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    • 807 2 BRINSMEAD PIANOS STILL TO THE FRONT. SPECIAL TROPICAL MODELS. Solid Mahogany Case, Iron Frame. New BRINSMEAD five=ply wood wrest plank. Front escapement, check action $450. LIBERAL discount fob, cash. $450. Sole THE Agents, ROBINSON PIANO 00., L TD. Insist on being supplied with YAFIADIS’ CROWN PRINCE CIGARETTES. Made of Finest
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  • Shipping.
    • 155 3 Ban Whatt Hin, Br. s.s, 19-5, Case, 2ud Sept., Tongkab, Ist kept., Gen.— A. G. Sc Co. Malaya, Get. s s., 348, Doewe, 3rd Sipt., Deli, 2nd Sept, Geu. —B. M. A Co. Coen, Dot. s.s.. 823, Steenborg, 3rd Sept., Oleldeli. Ist Sept Geu. H. L. Co. Van per
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    • 90 3 3hi> September. Vet-rel, for Pangkalan Braudan. Avagyee, for Deli. V. Halewyn for Asaliau. Goeben, for Singapore, China and .Japan Persia, for Singapoie, China and Japan. Coen, for Singapore. Belgravia, for Singapore. Hok Canton,lor Drugsi, T. Setuawe, Segli, Olebleb and Sabaug. Perak, for Port S>vettenbam and Singapore. Ban Whatt Soon,
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  • 33 3 Vessel* A.itttfs DH9 C. Apcar 1 Singapore A.A.A.Co. 1th Sept. Hen moli r Europe W.M.&Co. 6i!i K intuck Sing if ore YV.M.&Co. 7th Chengmai Bremen jB.M.&Co. 7th Austria Singapore S.K A'Jo. 12th
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  • 29 3 I esnelt For Aijen/s Leaves Beumolir Singapore W.M A Co C. A pear Calcutta A A.A Co. Kintuek r.ondon VV.M.&Co. Chengmai Singapore B.M.&Cc. Austria Fiume S K JkCo.
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  • 62 3 For Tongkah— Per Rotorua, to-morrow, Ipm. Teluk Ausou—Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 pm. Rangoon—Per Sol fond, to morrow, 3 p m. Setul—Per Flying Dragon, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore, China Japan—Per Kut Sang, t '-morrow, 3 p m. I'augkor—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Calcutta—Per C. Apca‘, stb instant, 3
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  • 280 3 IVr P. hu«.l O. s.s. Britannia. connecting with (lie kteamer Oceana at C I'ombo, due at, Penang on 11 th September: To Penang: (from London, Aug. I*3) M r. Ciaig. To Singapore (from London,) Mr. XV. B. Campbell. Mr. F. I». Spencer, Mrs. M. M iMoik-,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1614 3 (SHIP PI NO.) A A* Pa SS. N. Co Espeeled Arrivals and Departures Mail Service. Outwards. K*|>t. II Oceana connecting with s.s. Britannia 25 s.s. Delhi <lo s.s. Moyltan Oct. 9s. k. Arcadia do s.s. China 2d 8.8. Dr ran ha do 8.8. Himalaya Homewards. Sept. 14 s.s. Marmora connecting
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  • 98 4 Jut ice gatisflw everybody and justice alone. Enter ton. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 221>—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $24 pel aunum. OI'TSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. S.K, All business communications
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  • 1192 4 There is no doubt that rice is the f staple article of food in this part of the J world and .ts conditions more or less affect the public health. It is unnecesj* 6arj to go into the question as to wlietlii, er beri-beri and its allied
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  • 464 4 Wanted, 34 More Recruits Smce our last issue we have received one more name for tlie proposed Penaug-boru Chinese V iluuteer Corps, and the total now stands at 06 1. Lim Chee Saing 34. Ooi Kkye Chong 2. Tan Choo Soay 35. Chua Teik Choon
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    • 53 4 (Echo Special.) Pirates Kill a Chinaman. Singapore, 3rd September.—Malay pirates near Pulau Damar tired on a sampan containing two Singapore Teocliews, killing one and wounding the other. They then ransacked the boat taking everything of value. [Pulau Damar is an island oft" Pasir Patijaug, near theentiauce to the .Tohore
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    • 332 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Welcomed by tlie Press. Loudon, 2ud September.—The newspapers welcome the Anglo-Russiau Agreement as further securing the peace of the world, though in nowise implyiug au entente like the Anglo-French Agreement. Both Sides Make Concessions. London, 2nd September.—The Standard'» St. Petersburg representative says that Russia’s
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    • 44 4 (Supplied by Renter.) Twenty Passengers Injured. Loudon, 2nd September.—Tweuty passengers w T ere injured iu a railway col ision at Bo’ness. Bo'ness. or Borrowstoumss, is not far from Linlithgow, on the south shore of the F rth of Forth.—-Ed., S.E. 1
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    • 33 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Anonymous Letter to Edalji’s Lather. London, 2ud September.—Another horsemaiming outrage occurred near Walsall on Saturday. An anonymous communication was previously vent to the owner aud to Edaljt’s father.
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    • 21 4 (Supplied by Reuter.) Anchor Cannon Abolished. London, 3rd September.—A special meeting of the Billiard Association has abolished the auchor stroke.
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    • 50 5 (Supjdird Ly Reuter.) Slipping Business Disorganised. London 3rd September.—The ex'ension of tbo dockrV st ik*» Antwerp, which has l>een proceeding f<»r many werks, is disorganising the shipping busiucs*. There have lieen serious dial inlattice* and much damage to probity, whilst many English strike breakets have teen injured.
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    • 39 5 (Supplied by lleuh r.) The Baron Demartino Killed London, 2nd September.—A series of accidents in the motor race for the Florio Cup have occurred at Rrescia, Italy. Baron Item li tiuo has Ireen killed.
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    • 61 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Empress-Dowager Agitated. Loudon, 3rd September.—lt is reported at. Peking that ou the arrival of Viceroy Yuan Shi K’ai the Empress assembled the most, inibieutial of her advisers to discuss the condition of the Empire as the Govern ineut are fearing that the Chinese will overthrow the
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    • 118 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Details of the Premier’s Assassination. Londou, 2nd September.—The London Daily Mail's Teheran correspoudeut says that, ffve shots were tired at the Premier, who died ou the spot. A soldier and a Cossack were also killed. The Deputy Premier was wounded. One of the assassins
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    • 53 5 (Supplied by Reuter) Soldiers Bullied into Desperation. London. 3rd September.—lt i» reported that a field troop of engineers proceeding to Oraugia mutinied owing to their treatment bv an ofti *er. They slashed up the saddlery requisitioned for a troop of the icen s Bays. Thev have been escorted
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 603 4 NOTICE OF SALE PAYING GUEST. r UUNG KNOUSHMAN wishes to stay with private family a'* paying guest. Kepi)', Gating terms, to ENGLISHMAN. o Straits Ei/to. FOR SALS. Guide to Penang, 11Y IHK I,AIR H. F. Skertchly, r. e. s. Price 50 cents. Worth /I Dollar a copy.") LY OKDEIi OF
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    • 351 4 The “Straits Echo's" New Competition. Open Only to Registered Subscribers FIRST PRIZE, $60.00. SECOND PRIZE, $30.00. THIRD PRIZE, $lO.OO. What word or words, to be found in this is«ue of the Straits Echo,” cau you make of each of the following groups of letters 12th List. Name of Competitor Address
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  • 113 4 Obituary. (Supplied by Reuter.) Mr. David Maciver, M.I\ Loudou, 2ud September.—The death of Mr. David Maciver is aunouuced. Mr. David Maciver was M.P. for the Kirk dale division of Liverpool and was senior partner in the sliippiug firm of David Maciver hose ships are in the Ri\er Plate trade, lie
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  • 395 5 Drifted on a Plank for Ten Days. Six Mkn Missing. Saturday’s Free Preen has the following iutercsl iug account of the wreck of tlie Malay fishing prahu, uews of which was wired us by our Singapore correspondent last Saturday A Malay named Mohttnied Noor, a
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  • 1034 5 London, August It, Bank Holiday. Tmk Aui'iet Bank Holiday sets—or should set—l he crown and coping stone of 1 comr»le*e« esa upon the open-air eujoymeu's |of iheturient year. Easter falls tooeaily jteven the Inen*) to inspire much in the English climate, although this j vear’s experience
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  • 1113 5 IN APPELLATE JURISDICTION {Before the Chief Justice, Sir Hindman done», and Justice* Fither and Braddell.) Haji Puteli vs. William Alexander Seaton and Awana Eusoof Gunny. Their Lordships were occupied the whole of yesterday in heiriug the arguments of counsel in the appeal preferred in the above case. Mr.
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  • 154 5 (Before Mr. Wolferstau.) Yesterday afteruoou Charles Arthur Jones was prosecuted by Major H. B. de Hamel, Chief Police Officer, for procuring contributions from the Resident Councillor’s Office, by false pretences, ou the 7th ult. He was convicted aud seuleuced to three weeks’ imprisonment. A raid by E.
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  • 594 5 Penang Crick;! Club vs. Chinese Recreation Club- t An interesting game of football was wit- t nessed ou the C. K. C. grouml yesterday I afteiuoou, wbeu the P. C. C. beat the Heeie- t alienists, who played iu their usual pluekv style, bv two goals to nil. The
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  • 132 5 The Royal Cinematograph Company, which is showing at the comfortable little theatre in Kiug Street, is fast making a reputation for itself, as the full houses of a uigh: show. The management doeverythiug possible to meet the cauvemeuce of their patrons and have now made the reset
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  • 440 5 Statement of Baron Kancko Baron Kaueko, a member of the Privy Council, who has just been appointed Director of the great Exhibition to be held in Tokyo iu 1912, is quoted by the Osaka J.ji as follows “The great Exhibition of 1912 is one of
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  • 127 5 To be Carefully Perused by all Readers of the Echo.’’ How dear to our beait is the s'eady subscriber, Who pays iu advauce wi Imut skipping a year Who I *ys down his money aud ff *rs it gladly, Aud casts Touud the office a halo oi
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  • 96 5 To-UiV. 2ti;h Day of 7ih Moon. League Football A. C. S. vs M. F. T., Esplanade. Royal Ciuematograpb, King .Street Theatre, 9 p in. Edisou Bioscope Show, corner of Transfer and Ivedah Roads, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 27th Day of 7th Moon. League Football C. R. C. vs. G. T.
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  • 19 5 German Gneisenan ...I'll Sept E Oceana) ...lltli China {Maro ora) ...1-ltli China (Prim File! Friedroh ...17th
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  • 17 5 O New Moon Bopt Bth First Quarter 15th O Full Moon 22ml Last Quarter 29th
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  • 47 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service t JUTW A R l‘*i. )|..M K\V A It I IS. O eeana 11 Sept. Mat mora II Se,t llelh i l■> IMa la Xfi Extra Service. O'JTWVRUS lIoMKWAROS Poona 17 S-j 1. I Sundt t 7 Sept, Candia <4 Cetj’on 141
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 54 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth ami merit. Try it when you have a cough or cold and you are certain to be pleafed with the quick relief which it affords. It u pleas tut to take and can always be depended upon. The George Town
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    • 138 5 Agreeably Surprised. M tin t-uiTdrers from i tieuniatisni have Iteeu ;ii»r>eal»ly surprised at the prompt remf afforded* by applying Chamberlain's I’aiii Balm. The George Town Dispeusary, Wholes.le Ageuta. DEWAR’S EXTRA SPECIAL. Can be obtained at Ipo\ Teik Chin Co. Taiping, Taik Ho Co. Kuala Lumpur, J. Marteen and •Sons, Cycle
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 27 5 WEATHER Tiik following report is kindly supplied l»j rhe Signal Director of K«>it Cornwallis The rainfall dnntii> tlie Imurs ended at 9 a. m. to-day was nil.
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  • 1392 6 Sucieti-s for tlie advancement <sf womanhood coul i find abundant w«n k in Belgium. To-day the laud of King Leopold is perhaps further behind the times in its treatment of the gcuilor rex than any other country of Europe. Here woman still does the manual lthour of
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  • 124 6 Penang. 3rd September {By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank. London Demand Sank ...2/4, 1 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 d, 7 3 Credit 2/1- 3 Documentary ...2/4| Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks 174 A 3 days’ sight Pr:-rate 175 J Bombay. Pamand Bank 174$ Moulmein. Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’
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  • 158 6 Gold leaf $65.10 B. Pepperf W Coast 31h#..5 o/. 1 16| —vo stock White Pepper 21 f. sales Trang Pepper 17J. —sain Clove» (picked) out of season Mace 76. sel’ert Mace Picking» 68. —sellers Nutmegs 1 lOb 24.50 gales No. 1 5.40 sales Sugar < 2 no stock Baxke'
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  • 176 6 Texano. 3rd September, 1907. Beep— th. Soup per caltv 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue s'* Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 36 Pig’s Heal 20 Feet 26 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 979 6 o 3 or 1903 1907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1905 1907 1901 1899 1906 1905 1906 1904 1906 loo; 1904 1907 1905 1892 1905 1898 1900 1906 300.000 300,000 600.000 $60,000 400,000 100,000 30.000 400,000 120,000 60,000 100,000 150,000 120.000 40,000 ‘250,000 100,000 120,000 450,000 27,000 200,000 40,000 G
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 16 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Coagents FOR FENANQ A F. fit. S.
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    • 113 6 MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. KARTELL'S BRANDY. Geislers’ Champagne, THE GEIFbRATED “S. B. A IN RED CASES. .S sndi’ands, Ruiiery A Cn. BORDEN’S PEERLESS RRMD EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SAKDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.. PENA NO. t»IF I, .-a ii'r: >.'> ff*TS > 5 C/J X *ii O ■A uU n v
      113 words

  • 411 7 ibe phenomenon ot a shower of fishes which recently c«.u e 1 considerable specula* tiou ’iu tlie Caithmss district is, says the G/atynv Herald, of tnoie cornmou occurrenro flnu is generally supposed. It is undouht.eJly due to some small fiy of fishes having b eu lifted from the
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  • 524 7 Women with Whiskers Prokkssor WiMitsou, heat] of the D*partmeut of Paleontology iu the Uuive si-’y of Ubierego, thinks that the cr. for athletics is making women more masculine. He piedicted befote a c'ass of horror stricken girls that women would wear beards aud inousfacbes iu five or six
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 66 7 Rheumatic Fains Relieved. No ore need unw suffer the ag« niziog pa'us of sc at io and acute rheumatism, as quick relief may e I a 1 by applying Chamberlain’s Fain Balm. This fact has been clearly demonstrated in many thmmwd*of This liniment relieves the pain And makes sleep aud
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1036 8 notice. 'fJ'IEWS uf i’enang, Singapore. I’erak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various si7.os up t« 3 iton Broinido paper. v JONES, rh iographer 16c King Strool, Penang. Kim Keiig Leong Co., 127, UEACH STREET. OU'rntTKKS OF tVERY DESCRIPTION W. MANSON. American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co Pha U.S.A. NOTICE.
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