Straits Echo, 2 September 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1116 1 tiger brand cement. 258 A ri Hr iAA. °e 'mm <? fo RES 1 EOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. X 800,000 X 1,075,000 XBOO.OOO Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Pr< p -ietors Hoad
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    • 33 1 TIANG LEE A Co. SISSS* W rD OL o F—DO Or LT> a* c n O oo oo 7" CO oo I* 1 u-: <2 25 m <2 25 Q\ o SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 1044 2 The Amazing Riches of Rockefeller. Mu John I). Rockefeller, the wealthiest man who ever lived, made a net profit from his various enterprises last year of twelve milliou pounds sterling. Ilis regular income, year in and year out, is estimated at £20,000 a day, or nearly «£30
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 485 2 Cheap Week End Excursions to Selangor. IjMRST CLASS RETURN TICKETS will be granted per ss. Kistna,” timed to leave Penang for Port Swettenham every Saturday afternoon available onh/ for return per s s. Perak.” or Pin Seng.” due to leave Port Swettenbam on the next afternoon and expected to arrive
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    • 1509 2 BRINSMEAD PIANOS STILL TO THE FRONT. SPECIAL TROPICAL MODELS, Solid Mahogany Case, Iron Frame. New BRINSMEAD five-ply wood wrest plank. Front escapement, chock action, $450. LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOB CASH- $450. It. E ROBINSONMOCO.. L™I PHOTOGRAPHIC GOODS. KoJak Csmerns, fr m 835 Kodak Daylight Devei i ng Machines. Kodak Bay light
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  • Shipping.
    • 132 3 ARRIVAL S. Tud>r Prince, Br. ss, 2 767, McDougall, 31st Aug., Singapore, 29th Aug., Geu.— H. L Si Co. Tydeus, Br. s.s 4,800. Campbell, Ist. Sept, Liverpool, 4li Aug., Gen. —W. M. Co.* Lorn ko, Ur. ss., 2,044, Gordou, 2ud Sep!., London, d-d Aug., Gen.—A. G. Co. Rotorua, Br. s
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    • 53 3 2nd September. Tong Chay Un, for Batu Bah ra and Asalian Borneo, for Singapore, China and Japan. Calypso, for I)eli. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Tydeus, Singapore. Flying Fish, for Port Weld and Taipitg. Deli, for Traug. Padang, for Batu Bahra. Palitana, for Rangoon and Calcutta. Mary Austin,
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  • 42 3 Vessel f Fro». A,j> ,n Due Persia Colombo S K &Co. 3rd Sept. J a pa u Singapore A .A. A Co. C. A pear Singa pore A.A Co. 4’h lieu molt r Kurope W.M.&Co. <3 li Kiutuck Singapore W.M.ACo. 7rb
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  • 32 3 ntttplii For Aijrutt I.('oven Persia Singapore S.K ACo. Sept. Japan Calcutta A.A.A Co. Pen moli r Siuga pore VV.M A Co. (J. A pear Calcutta A.A Co. Kiutuck Loudon W.M ACo.
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  • 126 3 For Paugkalau Rraudau—Per Petrel, tomorrow, noon. Deli—Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 1 p ni. Asahan —Per R,. Halewyn, to morrow, 1 pin. Singapore, China aud Japan—Per Persia, to-morrow, 2 pm. Lmgsa, T. Sernawp, Segli, Okhleli and Sabaug—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 3 p in. Port Swettenham and Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 3
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  • 281 3 Per P. aud O. s.s. Britannia, connecting with the steamer Oceana at Colombo, due at Peuaug ou lltli September: To Penang (from Londou, Aug. 16) Mr. Craig. ToSirgipore (from LoudoD,) Mr. W. IJ. Cam pi* II. Mr. F. J). Spencer. Mrs. M. Middocks, Mr. W. Cainpb
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1705 3 (S HIPPING.) ifi m I S. If. Co. E*peeled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards 8*pt. 11«.». Oman* i connecting 1 with s.s. Hritann in 2"» k.s. Delhi <lo i*,8. Moulin* Oct. !>h.s. Arcadia <lo China 2.1 Dcvanli i do Himalaya Homewards. Sopt. 14».». Marmora connecting with do do do
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  • 96 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Euu-rton. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., Fo. 220 232, Beach Street, Peuaug. PRICE: DAILV LOCAL $2l per annum. OL'TSTATIOXS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. y.B. All business communications should
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  • 733 4 The kite is in and marbles and tops are, for the time being, out of season. Indeed, the prayer of the average boy is that every evening there may be a fair wind blowing, and plenty of other kites to t( tight with. Far be it from
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  • 327 4 Wanled, 35 More Recruits Sixty- five of our Chinese Babas have now signitied their readitess to enlist in the proposed Penang-born Chinese Voluuteer Corps on its formation aud, as the complement of the Corps is proposed to be one hundred, only thirtv-tive more names are
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  • 405 4 Thk B. I. Contract Packet T»e.tu, with the Outward Mails, is expected to arrive here on Thursday next at 7, aud is iuteuded to leave for Port Swetteuham Singapore at about 5 p. in. ou the same day. Thk steamer Fortunatus had 750,(XHJ lbs. of
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  • 575 4 j (Before Mr. Wotferstan.) k l ast Saturday European Sergeant T. G. Hawkins laided premises No. 105, McAlister Road, and arrested a Chinaman, Chin Ivi, and three nonias who were playing clubi. His Worship convicted all the accused and ini- posed a hue $l5 on each of
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  • 501 4 The Gvorrnment Gazette of August 30 contains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right Hou. the Secretary of State for the Colouies, has been pleased to appoint Major H. H. de Hamel, Assistant Superintendent of Police, to be Superintendent of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 495 4 A T i r .4, T k T X y A y 4_ v A y A y A T y i, y A y f y A V X JUST LANDED. A Folding Camp Furniture, Complete Camp Beds, -with mosquito frames and nets. Porch Chairs, Tables with shelf, Comfort
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    • 304 4 The “Straits Echo’s” New Competition. Open Only to Registered Subscribers FIRST PRIZE, $60.00. SECOND PRIZE, $3O 00 THIRD PRIZE, $lO.OO. What word or words, to be found iu this issuj of the “Straits Echo,” can voi make of each of the following groups of letters 11th List. Name of Competitor
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    • 40 5 (Stippled by lieu ter To Vigil Alexandria in October London, 2ud Sept —it is reported from Al<ilf;i tho Mediterranean Fleet proceeds to Alexaudria in October to participate in the festivities at tbe opening of the docks.
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    • 40 5 (Supplied by lleuter.) Armed Moonlighters Attack a House. London, 31st August.—Armed moonlighters attacked the house of Mr. Athenry Y Heurv) aud tired through 1 lie windows. A police patrol returned the tire but no arlests were made.
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    • 36 5 (Supplied by Renter.) The Agreement Signed. Loudon, Ist Sept.—The Auglo- Russian Agreement was s'gued at Sr. Petersburg today. The ratifications will In exchanged shortly wlieu the terms of the agreement will be published.
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    • 32 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Five to Four on Woolwinder, Loudon, 2nd September.—The betting on the St. larger is 5 to 4 on Wool winder aud 8 to 1 agst. Roiherode.
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    • 42 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Tsar’s Surprise Visit to the Capital. Loudon, 2nd September.—The Tsar paid a surprise visit to St Petersburg to-day. He attended the dedication of a Church erected on the site where the assassination of Alexander II took pi ice.
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    • 33 5 <Supplied by Renter.) A Panic at Tangier Loudon, 2ud Septemlier.—A panic reigns at Tangier. A special steamer to-dav conveys many families to Algeciras. Manv Europeans ate seudiug their families away next week.
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    • 32 5 {Supplied by Reuter The Premier Assassinated Loudon, 2nd September.— Reuter’s Teliereu correspondent wires tint Atabeg Aram, the Persiau Premier, was shot dead yesterday evening as he was leaving Parliament.
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    • 32 5 The Accident to the Commonwealth." (Supplied by Venter.) Repairs to Occupy Three Months. Loudon, 31st August.—The repairs to tbe battleship ComnwnweaHk, which stranded whilst entering Lam lash Bay, will occupy three mouths.
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    • 65 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Marquis of Allancino Killed. Loudon, 2nd Sept.—The Marquess Allanciuo aud aliwyer uaine<l Malvauo, whilst motoring at Momenta, dashed into the drawn barrier of a railway crossing. The car collided with au approaching goods train. The petrol exploded and both the occupauts iu the car
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    • 27 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) George of Greece Betrothed to Marie Bonaparte. London, Hist August.—Priuce George of Greece is betrothed to Princess Marie Bud* pa it*.
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  • 109 5 Lawn Tennis Tournament. 1.1 t or Winnkrs. C ''Dtpioiuhip. V. D. Parsous. H ntjlr. It m icap Clafri A. I*i. .1 imieson. Single H tud CJp, Class B W. S. L>unu. Profession Pairs. E. S. Uaslam aud C. C. Rogers. Double Handicap. L. E I*. Wolfei*Btau aud
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  • 708 5 Billiard Tournament. The penultimiie iu the Chinese Cycliug Club’s Billiard Tournament were decided on Saturday list, resulting as follows \eob Seng Chong beat Khoo Hung Eu>» 250-232. Khoo Chin 800 bent Ng Pak Hoev 250 228 The tiual tie, between Yeob Seug Choug and Khoo Chiu 800,
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  • 860 5 Week bv Week (Fiom Our Own Correspondent Kuala Lumpur, 29'h August. The Drought. VVa have lieeu feeling generally parched aud dried during the week owing to lack of rain, which is verv badly needed. It is also I rumoured that the Municipal Waterworks [officers are slightly anxious
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  • 90 5 Another opium cure is reported from Burma. Like the Mtlayan cure, it was discovered by a Chinaman, and the cure is a Burmese jungle plant, which sometimes grows into a big tree, but does not flower. The leaves and the main stem are deadly po sous, even
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    • 143 5 To tub Editor nu Straits Echo Peas Sir. Can you tell me why the bw.turning Bith at the Waterfall Gardeus has beeu allowed to get info the disgraceful coudiiion it is iu now r Some six rears ago when I passed through Penang, the bath was’
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  • 152 5 In a case at Singapore iu which Captain W r Dawson, master of the s. s. Hong Wan, was sunimoued before Mr. Michell, the Senior Magistrate, at the instigation of Dr. McDowell, the Principal Civil M dical Officer, for having an unqualified medical practitioner on board
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  • 253 5 On Monday last Mr. John A Browu was charged at the Ip.di Police Court with criminal bieach of trust in respect of a pouv—aa ex gnffiu named Roy—entrusted to him by Air. E 'l. C. Garland for sale by auction Mr. Garlaud was iu Japan when the
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  • 215 5 On Thursday afternoon a hurricane, accompanied by heavy thunder aud lightuing, visited Ipoh aud neighbourhood, savs the I poll piper, recalling that of April last, which created such widespread havoc amongst the lighter class of buildings betweeu Xpoh and Labat. Thursday’s storm was of shorter duration, though
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  • 89 5 Arrived Per s.s. Borneo, from Loudon Mr. an! Mrs. Holden and infant, Mr. T. Coggin, Mr Darcy. Mr. J. Holliugwrol, Mr. G. S Crosham, Mr. F. Thome, Mi.-s Su’tou. Per ss. Taroabz, from Raugoou Sir Cbas Elliot, Rev. S. K. Chiu aud Mr. Kipling. Departed. Per s s Tar>A)
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  • 90 5 ■»’o.n at. 20th Day ot 7i\t Moon. If. M. C. A. L°cture. Foothill G. R. C rj P. C. C-, C R. C. Grouuil. Town Hind, Esplanade, ti to 7 p m. Royal Cinematograph, King Street re, 9 p m. Edison Bioscope Show, coruei of Trausfer and Kedah
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  • 19 5 Rliiua (Prim Ji-j. Lnitpohl) ...3rd Sep*. German Oneieenau ...4*b E glisb (Oc*na) 1 lib China Marniora ...14th
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  • 19 5 East Quarter Aug. 31st O New Moon Sep*. 8 b First Quarter sth O Full Moon 22ad
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service OcTffARDS. ImiKW kiin. Oceana 11 Soft. I Marmora 14 Sc /4. Delhi :I Ma’ta 28 Extra Se-vrc Outwards Homewards. Bern'o S*>pf. J Sundi 7 S<pt. Poona 17 Cey'on 21
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 53 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is a medicine of great worth and me-it. T'-y it when you baTe a cough or cold aud you are certain to be pleaded with the quick relief which it affords. It ja pleasant to take and can always he depended uiop. Tha George To.tvu Di*peusary,
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    • 29 5 Agreeably Surprised. Many sufferers from i hen mutism have brap agreeably surprised at the prompt re!lef afforded by applying CbamberUin’ij Balm. ihe George Towu LMspeusarv, Wholesale A cent a.
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  • 368 6 Adsetts Landed from the American r Cruiser. Telegrapiling from Chefoo ou August —l, tho correspondent of llie China thnt Adsetts was landed at 10 o’clock that morning from the Galveston, under a gua'd. He remains under the protection of the American authorities, but is confined in specially rented
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  • 637 6 Pertinent Reply to Mother Tongue’s” Letter. The following letter, signed "Patriot,” has been received by the Straits Tunes in reply to that from Mother Tongue,” in reference to the education of Straits-born Chinese girls One deeply interested iu the education of the Chiuese young people of this
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  • 118 6 Penang, 2nd September By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4,5, 4 nsont.ilB* sight Bank ...2.4/* 3 Credit 2/4/, 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Cah-utta. Demand Bank Rs 174$ 3 days’ sisrht Private 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank 174$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 1714 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Madras, Demand
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  • 182 6 Jold leaf $65.10 B. poppo!*( VY.CNmmO <»7. 1 —no slvch White Pepper 21J. sales Trang Pepper 17J- —sales Cloves pi< n«d) out of season Mice 76. —seVert Mace Picking» 6S.— sellers Nutmegs 1 lOs 24.50 sales i No. 1 5.40 sales Sugar 2 no stock Basket 3 20 luyers
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  • 160 6 Penang. 2nd September, 1907. Beef— ft Soup re r cu' 1 14 Roast Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 1^ Rump Steak Ox Tail «“«I* Tongue K«>t «a Heart J? Liver Pork— Pork per catty 38 Pig’s Ileal 20 Feet Tongue 42 Mutton per lb. 28 Head Feet ,l)e
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  • 982 6 a i d. i a c■- Number of -5 tD .2 5 Cai ital. Shares n Last Dividend. Name. "3 i issued. '5 p; &< js i <y Mining. 1903 S 3XOOO 10 10 >5 for year ending 31/3/07 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. ...I 11.50 {511.50 1907 300,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 A Shilling Saved Represents Ten Earned. The average man does not save to exceed t«u jer cent, of his eaimugs. He must speud uiue shillings in liviug txpensesfor every oue saved. Sometimes a few pence propeily invested, like buying seeds for bis garden, will save several times the amount later
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    • 64 6 Take the Postmaster’s Word for It. Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at Cherry vale. Indiana, U. S. A keeps also a stock of general merchandise and patent medicines He says Chamberlain s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is standard heie in its line. It never fails to give satisfaction and
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  • 89 7 The Imperial Astrouomoi at l’ekiug having report* d the appearance of the comet, the Emperor and Empress Dowager are feeling very much concerned, and hare decided upon the issue of an edict ackuovv’eugiug their faults, which if is supposed have beeu responsible for tie evil omens
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  • 231 7 Sold for $1,5C0 At the Auction Mart at Singapore on Wednesday afternoon the Government leasehold mining lands, the property of t v e Bukif Ladang Tin Mining Company, Ltd., (in liquidation) were sold by auction by Mr. H. L. Coghlan. Only some “JO pe. pie were
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  • 202 7 Curious Sikh Ceremony Described in the Loudon Divorce Court. A Sikh native in image was described in the Loudon Divorce court on the olst. ultimo. Miss Maria Carolina Birch was granted a decieo of nullity of !er marriage ou the ground that Khan Smgli Grewal had already
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  • 412 7 An unusual au<] one might sav interest* ing sight, bearing iu mind ti e circum-fauces, can now he seen at the foot of Tanjong Ha gar Koad at iv r eta Aver, whoie in pursuance of the resolution recently passed :n the Legis'ativo Council the graves of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1612 7 FOR SALE, RUBBER SEEB from 10 year old trees, $2 per thousand. MANAGER, Sclcnsing Estate Taiping. USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS MOST REFRESH TNG. 17 8-07 582 r A 'Y. /t ii N RiC-AUD S nanga <»F JA 1* A TOILET WATER. -i'. Unaiiga Wa-t'-l i..- t!. sweet psifuti.e tic
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1052 8 NOTICE. \riEVVS of Pen ing, Singapore. Perak. Selangor, au«l Sumatra. Photos eu larged, various «izos up to -i ft.. on iiromide paper. W. JONES, King stroll, Penang. Vi iographer. IGc Kim Keng Leong Co., U 7, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION W. MANSON. American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen
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  • 2572 9 Meetings A Special Meeting wmi held ou the E-th Julv. at which Supplemental Budget No. 2 of P.HR was passed for *18 404 Ordinary Meetings were held on 12ih July aud 2/tli July. Kevenue and Expenditure lh H r, *i l1 »evonue for the
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  • 736 9 OFFICIAL MINUTES. Minutes of a Meeting of the Muuicinal «TiST b w ou Fr ,,v Pieeen/. F. J Hallifax. Esq. (President) Q»ah Beug Kee, Eso. J Liui Eu Toh, Es«j. Absent. L. H. Clavtou, Esti. J- W. Hallifax, Eso. 1 I>r P- V. Locke. ■'-d.„ 1 d 0
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  • 492 9 Co-suit ng the Wiz ird. I Hleu a Chinaman has decided to build b n,B f ,f 11 'be «»*1 person he consults This iM “"I l 6 bU a B rt f I his ludividu i examines the site and marks he exact spot for the
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 44 9 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Hus *g a mpdicino of great worth an.] merit, l.yitwheo you have a cough o* cold and you are certain to 1« please 1 with the fjuick relief which it hfTords Jt is pleaflant to take and can always he depended
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    • 817 9 Rieuuiatic Pains Relieved. No ae uee<l uow suffer the a-mniziu* pains „f sciatic aud acute rheum uism as PaTn Jr R e ,a<i '7 a P^ I<l,u Bll, n- This fact has l*>eu maf-!s 1 relieves the pain aud s,ee P an l ,est possible, which is alone worth many
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 837 10 FOR SALE. FOR Guide to Penand, WM. ARNOTT CO., FOR. SA.LE. NOW READY! It Nos. 2, 3 4 of THE REVIEW OF THE FAR EAST,” BY TilK I.ATE E. F. Skertchly, p. e.s. COATBRIDGE, N. 8., CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERNMENT. LANCASHIRE CORNISH STEEL BOILERS, Up to 200 lbs. daily working
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