Straits Echo, 29 June 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 989 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. mm3 Nl 58 sa s- Of IN <P Vi &E kZ VEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. Ohartered Bank of India, Australia and Ohina. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid up Reeerve Fund Reeerve Liability of Proprietors jK800,000 1,075,000 -£800,000 Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Hongkong A
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    • 23 1 TIAWG LEE Co. HE t—z=> Cl o C/3 w> tr. d C/3 > 5*» C/3 KaJ Z m <2 z /'.V SOL£? AGENTS. BASS’S
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  • 306 2 Loudon, June l. The statistics for end of May show an lucrease of 1.600 tons as compared with end of April, and a decrease of about 1,900 tons as compared with last year. The shipments from the Straits for the twelve mouths show a decrease of 3,150
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  • 434 2 (By a Banker). Pbodably the most strikingly situated city in the whole world is Constantine, an mlaud town of North Africa. Perched, at an elevation of rnorethau two thousand feet, on the summit of a vast toweriug block of limestone rock, it is almost completely encircled by
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  • 241 2 IVr I*. «fc O. s.s. H>ma J aya, couneetiug with tlie Delhi at Colombo, due at Peuaug on 4lh July To Singapore (from London, Juue7) Mr J. Robertson, Mis. E. F. Elliot, Dr. J. D. Gimlet to, Mr, Vickers (from Marseilles, June 14) Mr. C. F.
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  • 1115 2 Tuesday, 30th July, 1907, Thursday, Ist August, 1907, and Saturday, 3rd August, 1907. FIRST DAY. Tuesday, 30th July, 1907. I.—The Maiden Plate. Value $6OO. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits or F.M.S.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 577 2 ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI. sth July 1905 Managing Director For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. THE Hony Bee, Captain Peters, is expected to arrive here on Friday, the 28tb inst.,
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    • 376 2 CHINESE RECORDS. IN SETS UNPACKED =<£ IN SETS TO-DAY. ROBINSON FUND COMPANY, LTD. NOTICE. We beg to inform our customers that we have just received for sale /11 PENHARD LEVASSOR &Co. (Straits Model; Specially Designed.) For farther particulars apply to H. SCHAEFER CO., Singapore, Sole Agents FOR Straits Settlements, Federated
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    • 356 2 NOTICE OF SALE. BY ORDER OF THE SHERIFF, PENANG, The uudersigued is instructed to Lake possession of aud put up for sale bv PUBLIC AUCTION, to the highest bidders, on Monday, 1st July, 1907, AT 11 A.M., at the archway of Logan’s Buildings, Beach Street. The undermentioned property belonging to
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  • Shipping.
    • 135 3 Bhakata, Br. s.s, 1,957, Neilson, 28th June, Siugnpoie, 2‘jtli Juue, Gen.,-— H l. A Co. Calyp’o, Br s>., 339, Bannaivne, 29th Juue, Deli, 28ili Gen., W. MA Co. Petrel, Br. s.s., 124, Edwards, 28tb June, Brandau, 27tli June. Gen —K. G. Co. A. Apcar, Br s.s., 2,9 >l, Stewart,
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    • 62 3 29th June. Petre l for Paugkalau Brandau. Avagyee, for Deli. Taw Tong, for Traug and Pang Nga. Mary Austin, for Asaban. Langkat, for Teluk Auson. Calypso, for Singapore. Kistna, for Port Swettenbain and Singapore. Van Di'iuen. for Laugsa, T. Semawe, Segli, Pulo Web, Olebleb. Padang and Batavia. Sree Banka,
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  • 42 3 1 ettteh From AiJUll* Due Piug Suey Singapore W.M.&Co. 3rd July. Nubia Singapore A..G.&C0. 3rd Altyauax Liverpool \V M A (Jo. 3rd Japan Singapore A.A A.Co. Ph Delhi Colombo A/1.4Co. 4th Gleulochy Loudon 11 A Co 5th Hvbou Singapore W.Al.&Co. 13th
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  • 43 3 Vet»el» 1 tor i .1 ini/* 1 weaves Ping Suey 1 Geuoa W M &Co. July. Nubia Colombo A.G &0o. Altyanax Singapore W.M &\>. Japan Calcutta A A.A Co. Delhi Singapore A.G &0o. Gleul jcliy Singapore B &Co. Hyson iLoudon W.M. A Co.
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  • 66 3 For Singapore, Hougkoug, Swatow and Amoy—Per Hong Bee, Ist proximo, 3 p.m. Laugaa, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabaug—Per Hole Canton, Ist proximo, 3 p m. Langkat —Per Ban Whatt Soon, 2nd proximo, 2 p.m. Port Swettenhaui and Singapore —Per Pin Seng, 2nd proximo, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1398 3 II» PING.) tad iis. It. Co. K spec led Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. July 4 s.8. Delhi connecting' with, 8.8. Himalaya do do do s.g. Moldavia 8.8. India 8.8. Mongolia 18 s.8. Arcadia Aug. 1 8.H. Marmora 15 s.8. Malta Homewards. July 8 8.8. Dcvanha 20 8.8. China
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    • 185 3 Straits Steamship Co.» Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenham and Singapore. The above Company’s New Steamer “PEKAK” will be despatched from Penang every Tuesday, at 5 p.m from the Wharf for Port Swettenham and Singapore, arriving at. Porj j Swettenham in time to catch tlie 8 30 train for
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  • 103 4 Ju«tK» MtUflM ery body and 1 untie* alooe.-Emnrso* Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, li St rwi, Pnnan rucE: DAILY LOCAL «*4 per auna.* OUTSTAITONB Fom*k* Kitra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Pree «15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo— Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 658 4 At the Municipal meeting yesterdiv afternoon the President said that he was not prepared to make any remarks on the report of Mr. Pett, who was specially commissioned to inquire into the working of the Penang Fire Brigade. The question, Mr. F. J. Hallifax thought, would naturally
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  • 64 4 1 he Eutry List for a Bowls Touruameut, under the auspices of the Penang Cricket Club, is now open. The following events are included:— 1. Championship. 2. Handicap Siugles. o. Haudicap Doubles. In event No. 3, partners will be drawn for. The entry fee is SI each
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  • 302 4 t Wayahg Kassim. 5 Ah Baba” drew a very good house to Tek r Soon’s Theatre last night and both the plav aud the extra turns by the Do-Re-Mi Trio and pretty Miss Lolita were very well I received. r To-night, the Company will stage a uew play
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  • 522 4 (lie/ore Mr. W'jlfergtan.) A Klino named Peruiual threw himself into the sea from the Swetteuham Wharf on the 6th ultimo. A PoliceuiaD, who was standing by, rescued him. The man was found to be of unsound miud, and the Magistrate to-day ordered him to be contiued
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  • 991 4 The usual fortnightly meeting of tj,« Municipal Commissioners was held at tI J( Municipal Offices yesterday afteruoou, wli fc! the following gentlemen were present: Mr F. J. Hallifax (President), Mr J. VV. H a N fax, and Mr. L. H. Clayton, with Dr. G. \V Park (Health Officer),
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 253 4 m ANOLO-CMISI STORE 5, CHINA STREET. JUST U N PACKED. Stengah Registers (liquid measures). These automatic measures register accurately tiie number of stengahs in a bottle. Hotel-keepers and t>lubs, by their use, are able to check any irregularities on the part of Bar boys. Also A collection of OXIDISED ELECTROPLATED
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    • 343 4 The “Straits Echo’s” New Competition. A PRIZE OF $lOO.OO will be awarded to the competitor who obtains the highest total of marks in this, THE SIMPLEST COMPETITION IN EXISTENCE. Where will the following words be found in this issue of the 41 Straits Echo”? 24th and Last List. Name of
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    • 71 5 (Sujiplied by Reuter.) Submarine Mines. Loudon, 29 tb June.—Tile liritisb delegates proposed at the Hague Conference the prohibition of the employment of submarine mines, or mines liable to drift, aud the restriction of the use of mines to territorial waters adjoining the naval bases aud fortified ports.
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    • 57 5 (Sullied by Reuter.) Dr. Posadowsky to Represent I’rince Von Buclow. Loudon, 29th June.—lt i 9 auuouuced today that Herr vou Betbmaun-Hollweg, who succeeded Or. Graf von Posadowsky-NVehuer as Imperial Secretary of State for the Interior, has beeu appointed generally to represent Prince von Bueluw until further notice. The significance
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    • 35 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Fifty Million Roubles Wanted. Loudon, S9th June. —A ukase of the Tsar directs the issue of fifty milliou roubles 4 reute to assist iu defray mg the expenditure of 19b 7.
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    • 176 5 Supp'ied by Reuter.) Eleven Baronets Created. London, 29th June. —The list of Birthday Honours include: Peerages.--Mr. Alexander Peckover, who lias beeu Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire since 1893, tbe lit. Hon. Sir James Kitson. who was Lord Mayor of Leeds from 1896-7, Sir James Blylh, Governor of St. Bartholomew’s
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    • 65 5 (Supplied I y Reuter.) Vote of Confidence in the Government. Loudon, 29th June. —The French Chaintier passed a vote of confidence iu the Government’s conduct duriug tiie N tne-growers agitation by 323 votes to 233. M. Cleineuceau declared that the royalists weie conducting au insurrectionary campaign in the south
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    • 48 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Prince Borghese Stopped by Insurmountable Obstacles. Loudon, 29tb June.-— Prince Borghese, who was the first to arrive at Krachta iu the motor race from Peking to Paris, has been stopped by insurmountable obstacles south of Lake Baikal aud lias returned to Misovik
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  • 205 5 Another Successful Year. Admiral Sir John Dalrymple Hay presided at the anuual general meeting o Reuter's Telegram Company, held on z9t May. He said that he had not many noC able successes from a journalistic point o riew to record on that occasion. On th* last
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    • 932 5 ro TllS l-.IHIOR of TUB STRAITS KcHOw SiR, ()u Wednesday morning, at about o clock, six of niv friends on bikes and myself aud another friend iu a rick came down to town from Taujong Buugha It was a moonlight morning aud the cyclists had
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  • 1099 5 (I'roMi Our Otvn (Jttrr.spuß lent Wednesday, 26th June. I hi most iinportaut item of news duriug the week was the appointm-mt of Air. T. de M. Braddell as a Puisne Judge of the Supreme Court. Tbe appointment is verypopular. The Braddells are a very well known Singapore family,
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  • 610 5 Leader of ths Movement in Singapore 'I here arrived by the Arratoon A pear from Hougkomr, yesterday, says Thursday's Straits Ton*», Tang Chu-yew, a leading Chinese reformer, .for whom Cbowfu, the Viceroy of Canton, sometime ago offered a reward of a hundred thousand dollars, laug, who is
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  • 13 5 DEPARTED. l*er s.H. JJItarata, for Rangoon Messrs. C. Aruot aud R Tovev-Oezeus.
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  • 112 5 To-DaV 19th Dav of stli Football': C. R. C. r*. Y. M. C. A., C. K. C. Ground. Football Corintlliad F. T. vs G. C. A., Y. M. C. A. Ground. Town Band, Golf Club, 0 to 7 p iu. Matsuo’s Japauese Ciuein.itog-aph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 816 5 FREE SCHOOL SPORTS. MASSEY-HARRIS RID E R S AGAIN IN FRONT. sciatcli iac-*s, the Old aud Present Boy*’ Race were certainties for M s»oys' Oh] Bays’ IltCe 1 V. (i. Luuberg. 2. S. E Mathieu. 3. C. MiTuivre. Present Boys’ Rice 1 K**ng Cbeow. All on Massev-llarris lticvclcs and
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  • 1733 6 INsuranch of Postal Parcels to China. On the 30th ult. Colonel Loekwoo<l asked whether, under present arrangements for sending parcels l>y parcel post to China from England, they can only be insured as far as Shanghai unless forwarded by a German boat; and, if so,
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  • 119 6 Penang, 29th June. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4$ 4 months’ tight Bank ...2/4y 7 3 Credit ...2/<li 3 Documentary ...2/4s-} Calcutta, Demand Bank Rp 174$ 3 days’ sight Private l7s|“ Bomiiay. Demand Bank 174 Mouhnein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 j
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  • 182 6 Gold leaf $64.00 B. Pepper( W.Coast <»/..) 16$. —no stock White Pepper 21$. sales Trane Pepper 17J. sale* Cloves (picked) 51. no sellers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Pickings 71. —sales Nutmegs 110 s ss.— poles SNo. 1 5.35 sales i no stock Baske' 2 90 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80
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  • 181 6 Penang, 29th June, 1907. Beef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast > 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton
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  • 986 6 a I J oj Number of, -3 fa o 5 Capital. Shares I t> 1 Last Dividend. Name. ’5 dS r .j©.S ©"©5 S 188Ued S J? PQ Mining. 1903 300,000 30,000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. $16. 1907 300,000 22.500 10 10 Bruang Ltd. $9}. 1901
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 Chamberlain's l'ain Balm. It is an antiseptic liniment :uiu prevents blood poisoning resulting horn a cut or bi un-e. It alt..» causes the parts to heal without maturation aiul in much less time than wtieu the usit «1 treatment is employed. A^eru* e Tow, D «P«*n*ary Wholesale.
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    • 122 6 Lingering Colds. The louger a cold bangs on, the more it weakens the system. Do not run the risk of au attack of pneumonia by neglecting it. Chamberlaiu’s Cough Remedy will cure your cold and all danger from this disease will be avoided. The George Town Dispen sary, Wholesale Agents.
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    • 132 6 V* rrr tWM KJ > i c n x V• i Il' lit' j|*ij ,l'!: fli'l J LiJi U!U. 4, i >hH I ys!j; IHB- irl o j Wi 1,3 LU < P*J,' S-n*'.'" O Ji i- 'i.iffl ift 1 r 5^ -»80«TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Ban Seng Co.,
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  • 299 7 Warned Nor to Take “Old Nick to Shanghai. The Shanghai 8atn r daif Review has lieeu poking a little fun at “General” Booth. Says our northern contemporary in a recent is»ue:— In au address delivered iu Yokohama General Booth said Persons who do not believe in the existence
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  • 579 7 His Remains Bound for Honokono. Nobody —that is, uo press agent —knows when anybody worth an obituary dies iu Chinatown uutil carriages gather iu Mott street aud yellow joss papers hegiu to flutter in the air. Mr. Lee I’ow Wong, a great Chinaman according
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1337 7 rtUJAUD’i iMfl b p xtKact5\ "ROM V FLOWERS THE FRAGRANCE CAM IA distinguishes the Parisian Smart Set RIGAUD'S PERFUMES arc the strongest, most resisting and sweetest. White Violet, White Rose, Jasmin and Bocool are standard Extracts tor the handkerchief. WR0UGHT-1R0N TUBES AND FITTINGS. Li&rge S toe at Always on Hand
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    • 96 7 Something Every Family Should Keep. Mr. L. I*. Turue", of Qrayrille. Nutal, ha» used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy su cessfuWy in bis home aud write» the manufacturer* of this medicine a» follow»: We are never without this remedy iu our houses aud it certainly deserve* success as it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 970 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO XVIOH Sc Co., 164, Bench Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 22c Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, PEACH STREET. IMPOHTEKS "I EVERY DESCRIPTION ironmongery, wind, is on Halo at specially advantageous terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR Cock Brand KeroseneOII
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