Straits Echo, 13 May 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1096 1 TlGtlR BRAND CEMENT. m X 25<S S’ *0 0 IN Z> ro ULST I OR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Raul >'P Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of ProT'rietors 4:800,000 1,075,000 £800,000 Hoad Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE
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    • 17 1 BASS’S ALE. OK O. CO n UJ y L'i Y1 Hj Jm 8> 0 fiO •inois s.ssHKNino
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  • 1185 2 Of the ninny not* and distuiLances which have takeq place iu China during tlie last half ceutury or more, it would lie safe to ‘assume that the secret societies with which the country is honeycombed aie more or less responsible for most. It is questionable whether
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  • 1191 2 Tuesday, 23rd July, 1907, Thursday, 25th July, 1907, and Saturday, 27th July, 1907. To be passed at a General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, l^tli May, 1907. Notice— No amendments to this Programme will be considered uuless due notice is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 33 2 Sprains Ouicklv Cured. Hatl.e U,« p ;i t 8 f.eely with Cbainbeilaiu’s raiu lidlin fuel Rive lliem absolute rest aud a qm.-k cu ia certain. For sale bv all Dispouhttri 8 Deult-m.
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    • 553 2 NOTICE. \N and after this date, /.11 small j advertisements intended for s insertion in the Straits Echo must f be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****. sth July 1905 Managing Director The Serendah Hydraulic Tin Mining Company, Limited NOTICE. 1 company will be closed from the 21st to
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    • 1065 2 BEIUSMEAD PIANOS. SECOND TO NONE. diJUST ARRIVED, NEW MODELS SOLE AGENTS, CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. PENANG THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., »ek.~. THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, LIMITED. NOTICK is hereby given that the Annul 1 General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company will lie held at the Office
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    • 113 2 Koninklijke Paketvaart Maatschapp j Penang- Deli—Langsa Line. 12th njbtiiiii tilt; s s Van dorp will replace s.s. “Brouwer” on the above line. H U TTENBAOH, LIE BERT Co., Agent». 10-5 07 340 for sale. for I'k 1 BBER SEED—from 10 yr.-old trees 1 Price $4 per 1,000. MANAGER, SeJeveirig
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  • Shipping.
    • 337 3 Pasha, lJr. s s.. 3.839, Elliot, Iltli Mat, Calcutta, 27th Apr (Jen —A. G Co. Par Br. s.s. 3 051, llacbesou, 12th May, Calcutta, 3i<l May, (ten., P«. Co. Byculi.a, Ur. s.s, 1,(.1*5, Robius, 12th May, Calcutta, 1 11 May, Coal.—H. L Co. Braemar, Hr. s s 2,316, faxbv,
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    • 62 3 IWth Mat. Landau ra, for Port Swetieuiiam Rangoon. Hebe, tor I>eli. Rotorua, for Tougkah. R Halewyn, for ltatu Bahia. Padang, for Batu Bahru. Canton, for I’author and Teluk Anson. Tong Chay Un, for Batu Bahruaud Asalian. Socotra, for Siugapoie. China aud Japan. Tara, for Singapore. Rinjun \faru, for Madias
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  • 20 3 I easels h'rtiut Agmlx Put J. A pear Singapore A.A.A Co. lGihMav. Be avou fjoudou S 1» &Co. 20th
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  • 18 3 1 <*kkW> For .1 -/e/t/x Leave* G A pear Beuav<>u ’alcutti Siugapoi* 4 V.A.A Co. S.B.&C'. May.
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  • 212 3 Fob Paugkalau Brandau —Per Pelre>, tomorio.v, doou. Deli— Per Avigyee, to-morrow, 1 p m. Asaliau—Per Miry Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. I'm up—Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore. China and Jipiu—P«-r Japan, to-moirow, 3 p.m. port Swettenliam and Singapore—Per Pin Seay, to morrow, 3 p in. poi t
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1597 3 (S HIPPIN G.) Hrjtded Arrivals and Departures. Man Service. Outwards. Ma\ 23 Matt* connecting with, Juu** t> n.s. Delta Ml s S ('III lilt 8.8. Marmora 8 s. Mooltana 8 s. Macedonia M»y juu,. H 8.8. Oceana do do Homewards. Delhi connecting with 8.8. India lo 8.8. Mongolia Malta JAKES
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  • 104 4 JaUice mUhAm everybody and lust ice alone. —Emerson Established June Ist, 1903. Publiahed daily (except Sundays.) at tbb CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penant. PRICE DAILY LOCAL *24 per anr.u» OUTBTA TIONS Postage Kx:ra. V Alt. EDITION (Poet Free $l5 CAB LB ADDRESS Echc —Penang.”
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  • 1183 4 To th"Se who have the b st interests of the Chinese Empire sincerely at heait, the news telegraphed by Reuter on Thursday last of the impeachment of T’ang Shao Yi, in conjunction with Prince Ching and Yuan Shi Kai, must have come as very bad tidings. It
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  • 354 4 Tweuly-oue gay ai d gallaut Volunteers marched into Camp on Siturday afternoon. At 9 p in. they set out to attack the Malay States Guides at the r he id quirters at the Sepoy Lines. Colour Sergeant Ogle au 1 four men were sent out to make a
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  • 617 4 The Clerk of the Weather, probably learning from the columns of the Erho how angry the circus loving public had been with him for sending the raiu ou the two previous nights, dated not increase its wrath on Saturday evening and, accordingly, there was a bumper house at
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  • 273 4 Everyone nowadays seeking to he amused, requires to lip made to laugh we all get so much of the e’ioiis si le introduced into the ordinary rou'iue of lite, that it sometime* becomes au essential to good health that all should occasionally enjoy some harmless merriment. The
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  • 71 4 Law* Tennis Tournament. The following tie* were played off at the Golf Club on Si nrday; L 'dies' St»(/leg Handicap. (Final Mrs. Dunn b nt Miss Tozer, 6 -3 6-0. Men» Double* Hand'cap. J. W. Barrett and D D mean had a walk over from D Skae
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    • 364 4 To xuk Kditok of iue Straits Echo. Sir, —Your leading article of yesterday under the heading of Should Jurors be Paid incidentally opens up for discussion the questiou whether or no the preseut iuteilec'ual qualification of a common juryman—especially the non-European—is above criticism. As
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  • 90 4 For selling fish unfit for human consumption at the Uhowrasta Market, Penang Road, Ahmad and Tan Yu Hu at. two tishmo gers, were this morning fined SlO each. Ratanam i, a Kliug, who was charged with dish mostly retaining stolen property, to wit a silver chain
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  • 400 4 The Government Gazette of May 10 contains the following items of information: His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right Hou’ble the Secretary of State for the Colonies, has been pleased to make the following appointment with effect from the 17th February last: Mr. L E.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 461 4 THE ANGLO-CHINESE STORE, 5, CHINA STREET. Try John Dewar Sen’s (Limited) EXTRA SPECIAL. Old Highland Whisky, RI.I1E LABEL. with your Soda or Mineral Water and convince yourself that this Whisky is superior to any other brands. Used by all the leading: Clubs and first-class Hotels, Retailed by us at S!
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    • 167 5 Banquet at the Foreign Office. (Supplied by Rt-ul r.) London, 12th 31av. Sir Edward Grey fa ve a banquet at the Foreigu Office in honour of Prince I' usliitni yesterday. There was a distinguished gatbeiing present and Ijjr Edward, in toasting Prince Kusbimi, ~raised Japanese patriotism and public
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    • 56 5 Spaniards Delighted. (Supplied by lieuter.) Loudon, 12th May.—Both the Queen of Sprui aurl her baby are making splendid progress. The Spaniards are delighted with the resolve to nurse the baby herself. Alfonso Eduardo Loudon, Pith May.—At Madrid tlie Civil Registration of the royal infant took place this moruiug. He
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    • 47 5 Departure from London (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, loth May.—General Poth.i left London on Saturday afternoon, after having had a private audieuce in the moruiug with the Kiug, who wished him bon voyage There were great valedictory ovations at Waterloo aud Southampton for the Transvaal Premier.
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    • 42 5 Mr. Taft’s Hope. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 12th May.—At the dinner given iu liouour of Geueral Kuroki by Mr Taft the latter expressed the hope that the pre.-eut cordial relations between the Americans and the Japanese will always exist.
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    • 35 5 I.ord Curzon Installed as Chancellor. (Supplied ly Reuter.) London, 13th May.—Lord Cuizou has hern installed Chaucellor of the Oxford L uiversity, and afterwards tlie degree of Doctoi of Laws was conferred on him.
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    • 37 5 Government Notification (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 13th May —A Siuda Gazi te Extraordinary contains a notification prohibiting public meetings within certain areas of Bengal, Assam aud t ie l'unjaub without a week’s written notice.
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    • 115 5 Cricket. (Supplied by Reu'er.) Loudon, 13th May.— The following is the result of the Couut.y Cricket Matches p av ed last week Lancashire lieat Leicestershire bv eight wickets; Sussex beat Warwickshire ol wickets; Yorkshire beat Somerset by wickets Surrey beat Essex by an iuuni-8 and 102 runs; Kent beat
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  • 1957 5 Ai last Friday’s meeting of Council, says the Free Pres*, the members present were Hon. Cant. A. H. Young (Col. Secretary), lion. W. J. Napier (Attorney-General), lion. A. f. Bryant (Act. Auditor-General). Bon. J. <>_ Autlionisz (Act. Col. Treasurer). Hon. F. .J. Piggot, C.K. (Ag. Col. Engineer) Hon.
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  • 248 5 The following are the scores of the Malay States Guides in the matches arranged versus the Ist Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment and the South London R H-* Club.— M S. Guides v Ist Bat. Gi.ouces -ku Regiment. Fired Ist May. 1907. Name 200 500 000 Ti. Subadar Jewala Siugh
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  • 255 5 London, 16th April. The marke 1 hasagtiu assumed a firmer tendency, and alter tailing to £lB4 ss. for cish, aud £lB2 lOs. for three months, we close at £lB5 for cash, and £lB3 for three mouths. Not much new business has been done, but very large quantities
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  • 210 5 A volume lias ju>t been published by the Victoria Press. Loudon, under the title of 'I e Malay Tin Mines. It, is, says the L C. Express, a useful hand book, containing pirtieulars of the various tin mining companies woik'Ug m the Federated Malay States M»\ W.
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  • 377 5 Active preparations are beiug unde for the gieit Peking to Paris automobile drive At first it hal b en proposed to selec* a route through Central Asia, but tha* idea has now been abandoned, and the route chosen will lie through Mongo’i i. i. and
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  • 144 5 Arrived Per s.s Feral, from Port Swetieaham Mr and Mrs Neal. Mister Neal and 2 children, Messrs. F. Holley, See Ke v Lye, KhooTiau Bcng. E. B. Prior, Z .charms, K .bertson, R. W. Harrison, 11. M. D.irbv, one Chinese Lady. From S na»pore H H. Donaldson. Per Palitana,
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  • 79 5 To-day. 2 'd Dav of lh Moon. r„wu Bind, Esplanade, to 7 in .Tennis Tournament. G df Club. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner ol Peuaug R >ad and Campliell Stieet. it p in Harmston’s Ciicus, Dato Kramat Gardens lt-15 p.m. To-morrow :{rd Day of Ith Moon. Peni is Tournament, Golf
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  • 19 5 Chiua (Pr. E. Fiivthuh) •••'Lh May Geruiau Schar.thorrt) ...l-o li English (Mata) *:drd Chiua (Delhi > ...25 h
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 301 5 REAL ECONOMY. Cousisls not so much iu usin_r quantity of SOCOnd Rate Articles, because they aie Cheap, but rat liar iu buviug a fewer number of Superior Goods, as proved especially iu the case of PALMER TYRES. And besides, consider the aiiuoyacca and lost time avoided by the almost total
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER. TllK follow no report is kiu-li\ nupi>lie.U>; the Sisual Director of Foil Ornvallis The rainfall «luring tli»* 21 l-ours **inUd at P H.m. »*u tin» 12tH nut 0.t>3 inch.
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  • 836 6 Official Minutes. Minutes of a Special Meeting of tlie M umcipal held ou hriday, the 26tb April, 1907. Present. F J. Hallifax, Esq. (President). L. 11. Cl *vton, Esq. Lim Eu Toll, Esq. J. W. Hallifax, Esq. Dr. P. V. Locke. Absent. Quail lieug Kee, Esq. 1. The
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  • 338 6 Per P. A O. s.B. Marmora, connecting with the Malta at Colombo, due at Penang on 23rd May To Penang (from Londou, Apr. 26 Miss Frost (from Marseilles, May 3) Mr. G. A. Millington, Dr. A. T. Stanton. To Singapore (from London) Dr. and Mrs. A.
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  • 117 6 Penang, 13th Mat. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London^imand Hank ...2/4,*« 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4,- 7 4 8 Credit 2/1 3 Documentary -2/4^ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173 J 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay. Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 185 6 iold leaf $6160 B. Pepper( W .Coast o/..; 16jj. —no stock White Pepper 24. —sellers Traug Pepper 18.50 buyers Cloves (picked) 51. no sellers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Picking* 72. —buyers Nutmegs 1106 26. —buyers !No. I 5. —sales 2 no stock Basket 3.05 buyers Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal
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  • 185 6 Penang, 13th Mat, 1907. Beef— eft Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Poke Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 924 6 o 3 <y 1907 1901 1907 1903 1901 1905 1907 1901 1899 1900 1905 1900 1904 1900 >1 1901 1905 1892 1905 1898 1900 1900 1900 300.0: 0 000.000 80O.0' >0 400.000 100,000 30.000 8 400.000 120,000 00,000 100,000 150,000 120.000 I 40,000 250,000 120,000 27,000 200.000 40,000 a
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 211 6 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSAGES can be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via Madras, to Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co. 4 OF NTS Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenham and Singapore. The above Company’s New
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    • 122 6 V* ft Run* MtM >• CO X o -J ft tu SI i ,o V Tttt G^hsjS* «ft < I •V o ffcs.J ii T '‘I ‘:::«k i SSp* I m TO BE MAD RETAIL FROM Han Seng Co., Oim Tek Hee Co., Heap Lee Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon
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  • 1098 7 I Their Curious and Erratic Influences. Ak a nation we consider ourselves w-»|l removed from lire weakness of supei* iiiou,” a word which 1 bud iu the dictionary thus defined “Anxious religious creiuii v wliich manifests itself iu a fat e faith iu certain charms or a false
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1578 7 pHOTCGJhf A PHERS. NOTICE. IKWS ut Peuaug, Singapore. Perak. y Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos on larged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. \V. JUNES, Kiug Streot, Penang. Photographer. 16c USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS T. KIYOKAWA, r; Luxurious Perfume Health MOST REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German
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    • 33 7 Get it To>day. Ciiaml urluiu's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cuies diarrhoea uud dysentery iu all forms ami iu all Mayes*. It never fai a. For sale l>v all Dinpeusane* ai d Dealers.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 970 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HENO MOH &> Co. 164, Reach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 220 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha U.S.A. NOTICE. Khoo Buan Phuan Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT No. 21a Penang Road Kim
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  • 994 9 Astonishing Life of an Adventurer. A Qu ken’s Sympathy. The story of a geutltmau swindler whose doings have won infamy all over the world 1S now being uufolded in the little Bavaruu town of Kempten during divor.e proceedings against Georges Mauolescu. ot bei wise Duke 0 f
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  • 1317 9 Coming down to breakfast, Eva discovered Lei t ie takiug au interest in public affairs. She was not aware of it till he told her. He broke the news in this way. My dear, he said, I am takiug au interest in public affairs. t Ch
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  • 407 9 Arc bi>ing *0:1 writer in the F-oThKf utter Z Hung. Dr. Tuful, a G*-iinin Asiatic explore'', has had iho iuteustiug experience of be;ug t lie fbst Europe in to have au audience of ti e Dalai Lima. T e event took place ou Jan 11. in the
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  • 963 9 Du Sven Hedin’s Latest Explorations. Interesting details concerning Dr. Sven Hedin’s progress in unknown Tibet have b eu received in London. Wiieu las f heard of, says the Times, the intrepid explorer was at Shigatse, where he had received a visit from two officials from Lhasa, who
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  • 859 9 Elizabethan Si*ook Pays an E\stek Visit. Quite a romautie ghost is reported from the City. The other evening a well-known! merchant, whose business premises are in Fiusbury-st., was walking home dowu Loudou-wall, when, as he passed by the old piece of the wall which is railed off from
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  • 1176 9 An Important but Much-nboiact*.!» Aki (By Robert Bril. 3JI>.) The importance of the art of di inking be comes appirent when we a e reminded tin* more than two-thirds of ihe weight of the j humau frame is made up of water, and ilia' life is dependent
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 101 9 Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a less >u in the work of the thrifty farmer. He kn s that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so likely to follow. So it should 1 e with every bouteholJ.
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    • 48 9 Colds and Pneumonia. There can be no excuse for a man if I e allows a cold to develop into pneumonia. Chamberlain’s Coueh Remedy counteracts any tendency towards this disease and many doctor’s bills have been saved by its timely use. For sale bv all Dispensaries and Deal-
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    • 110 9 U lieu mu imu .Mukes Life M i sc ruble. 1 1 11 >. V lltHIIM islln IllOdt valu »1*1« poB.(>vk|oii tt'-il i» wiihiu tli** i* ilfli of inankiud, i |ji iilit*1 i j >\ it.» <• *iiifoi! h if you tire sri ff,tH in iLi'umatitiii. You throw .is ile
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 826 10 FOR SALE. JUST RECEIVED. No. 4 of “The Review of the Far East,” Edited by A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South China Morning Post Contents.. China and Herediiary Distinctions, by G M H. Piayf nr. Casting out Devils by the Malanous of Sarawak, by Charles H»se D. Sc. The Ruby Mines
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