Straits Echo, 11 May 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1069 1 TIOĕR BRAND CEMENT. f&QMjPCj m 258 N. <ri '(a T jr USP IN V 111;SI FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid i'p Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors 800,000 X 1.075,000 .£BOO,OOO Head Oflico: HATTON
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    • 16 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. ..k. j. m r r is/ ri o k 30 -A Co •mv &ssvq
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  • 996 2 Thk Labour Question in the F. M S Mr. IJ. N. Ridley, Director of llie Siugapore Botanic Gardens, was interviewed by a Time* of Gey on reporter on Ins arrival at Colombo on April 27, and be discussed many problems which have arisen round the great new
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  • 1176 2 Tuesday, 23rd July, 1907, Thursday, 25th July, 1907, and Saturday, 27th July, 1907, To be passed at a General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 14th May, 1907. Notice. —No amendments to this Programme will be considered unless due notice is
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 50 2 Colds and Pneumonia. Thera can be no excuse fej. a man if he allow» a cold to develop into pneuinona. Chamltei lain s CoukJ* Remedy counteracts any tendency tmvarQg this disease and many doctor s bills liive bean saved bv its timely use For sale \y «11 Dispensation aud Deai01#.
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    • 1593 2 Koninklijke Pakelvaart Maatschappij. Penang— Deli— Langsa Line. 12th instant the ss “Van Hogendorp will replace s.s. Brouwer on the above line. HU TTENBACH, LIEBEBT Co., Agents. 10-5 07 340 THE GEORGE TOWN DISPENSARY, LIMITED. XTOT1CE is hereby given that the Annuil General Meeting of the Shareholders of the above Company
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    • 106 2 RUNNYMEDE, 40 NORTH AM ROAD, SEA SIDE. Boarding house, newly furnished and decorated. Telephone No. 543 Terms moderate. By <lav, week or month. C. HOLT HAUSEN, 193 Proprietor for sale. UBBER SEED—from 10 jr.-old trees J-Y Price $4 per 1,000. 10-5 07 *99 MANAGER, Selevsing Estate, Simfnng Raihoay Station, T<rip*vp.
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  • Shipping.
    • 62 3 Kai urthala, Br. 8.8., 721, Learmont, 10th May, Singapore, Bth May, Gen., H. L. A Co. Brouwkr, But. a.»., 545, Hut, 10th Maj, I)eii, Otli May, Gen..—H. L. A Co. Jksukie, Br. 8.8., 3,1)4, Thomson, 11th Mav, Singapore, 9th May, Gen., H. I A Co. Thonhwa, Br. s 8.,
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    • 68 3 1 Ith May. Sanuki Mai n, for Colombo. Brouwer, for Deli ami Laugsa. Thongwa for Negapatatn ami Madras. Ban Whatt Soon, for Laugkat. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Kapurthala, for Port Swetteuham aud Singapore. Flying Dragon, for Setul. Hong Wan for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow aud Amoy. Sree Banka, for Paugkor.
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  • 31 3 Vessels hl'intt Ati* at* 1 Due Braeniar <_il isyow S.B.ACo. 18tiiMav. Socot ra London .G.&Co. 18th '5. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 16th Be uvou Loudon S.BACo. 1 20tli
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  • 27 3 1 rsselfi For A yen ft Lenvet Braeuiar Singapore S.B.&OJo. May. Socot ra Singapore a a &Co. Or A pear l>euavou Calcutta Saiga pore A.A.A.C'o. S.B.&Co.
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  • 150 3 For Port Swetteuham and Rangoon—Per Landaura, 13th instant, 11 a.m. Deli—Per Hebe, 13th iustaut, noon. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, 13th instant, lpm Batu Bahra—Per R Halewyn, 13th iustaut, 1 pin. Batu Bahra —Per Padang, 13th iustaut, 1 p m. Paugkor and Teluk Ausou —Per Canton, 13th instaut, 2 p.ui. Batu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1683 3 (S HIPPIN G.) O' S. N. Co, INTENDED SAILINGS. British Indif Steajm. Navigation Co., Ltd. gsfee ted Arrivals ami Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Through Mail Steamer to London. s..s. I Jem k lia July 6th. Ordinary Mail Steamer fares will be charged. EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. WITH excellent accommodation for
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    • 177 3 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenliain and Singapore. The above Company's New Steamer “PERAK” will be despatched from Peuaug every Tuesday, at 5 p.m., from the Wharf for Port Sivctteuliaui aud Singapore, arriving at Poit Swelteuham iu time to catch the 830 train for Kwala Lumpur
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  • 100 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice akne —Xnurs©» Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TBI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY I/OOAI |24 per annum OUTBTAITONB I'oetage Kx’ra. MAIL BDITION (Poet Free $l5 CABI.K ADDRESS Echc—l’enang.” Telephone No. 343. -V./J.
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  • 534 4 Mr. Asquith's Budget speech in the House of Commons on the 15th April is, we see from the English papers to hand, fairly generally approved. The Chancellor of the Exchequer indicated very forcibly that in his opinion the country could not afford to drift along the stream
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  • 32 4 We would remiud our readers of the grand cbaDge of programme at Matsuo’s Cinematograph Show this evening, wheu some capital pictures will be exhibited. There should be a good audience.
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  • 65 4 Iu spite of the heavy rain last night, Harmstou’s Circus preformed as usual, and gave another most enjoyable entertainment The high-jumpiug competition for local horses and ponies, however, did not come off, several of the entrants having failed to turn up, presumbly on accouut of ihe ram. The
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  • 116 4 At last the galloway griffius for our Autumn race meeting—2o in number—which have beeu delayed ou account of (he accident to the s. s. Fortnn fits iu Flores Straits, have arrived, evideutly none the worse for the steamer’s detent ion. From the cursory inspection we had of them
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  • 563 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. The following tie was played off yesterday:— Men's Singles Handicap. L. E. I’. Wo ferstan beat E. S. Haslam, 6 2, 0—0. The following ties are fixed for to-day:— Ladies' Singles Handicap. (1* inal.) Mrs. Dunu vs. Miss Tozer. Men's Doub es Handicap. L>r.
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  • 701 4 The Assizes. (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Receiving Stolen Property. Tha trial of the Malay named Pacbi biu Haji Mahonied for receiving stolen property, to wit H gold hair-pins set with diamonds, 1 gold bracelet and 1 gold chain, on or about the 12th ultimo, was resumed yesterday afternoon.
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  • 192 4 Li Siu Lai was charged this uiorniug with criminal misappropriation of a sampan and two oars, altogether worth $84. The case was postponed to the 16Hi iust. For working a bullock while in an uufit state Ong Tiang Ho, a Chinaman, got the option of a
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    • 156 4 Drives in State to the Guildhall (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, 11th May.—Prince Fushimi yesterday drove iu state to receive an a dress at the Guildhall, which was festooned with Japanese aud British Hags. The street* were decorated with Japauese Hags and huge crowds liued the streets. The company
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    • 205 4 Great Speech at Manchester. (Supplied by Reuter.) Tiondou, 11th May.—Sir Henry Camp, hell Biunerman, speaking at Manchester regretted that Mr. Balfour has chosen this moment, to come into line with the Tariff Reformers and hoped that the responsible head of a great party will abstain for
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    • 77 4 Troops Ready. (Supplied by Renter London, 11th May. -It is reported from Lahore that the troops are all order d to lie underarms. The Police are marching to Lahore from Mianmir aud preparations are being made for serious eventualities. Revolutionaries Dumfouuded. London, 11th May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Lahore
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    • 22 4 Birth of Heir Apparent. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 11th May.- The Queen of Spain I as given birth to a sou.
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    • 28 4 General Kuroki (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10th May.—General Kuroki, who is in Washington, dined last night with Mr. W. H. Taft, the United States Secretary of War.
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    • 30 4 Slight Fall. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 11th May.—Consols are jth lower, ow ng to the Trausvaal loan and the impending Cape four per cent, loan of two millions sterling.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 444 4 the mmmm store, 5, CHINA STREET. Try John Dewar Son’s (Limited) EXTRA SPECIAL Old Highland Whisky, BLUE LABEL. with your Soda or Mineral Water and convince yourself that this Whisky is superior to any other brands. Used by all the leading Clubs and first-class Hotels. Retailed by us at $1.20
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  • 2961 5 -j H K Usual fort nightly meetiug of the 'Mnuuipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Offices yesterday afteruoou, when folloiviog gentlemen weie present:— p. J 11 alii fax (President). Mr. J. W. jrdhfax. fi 11 CMaylon and Dr. P. V I, 'eke with Dr. O. \V. Park
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  • 553 5 Arrangements for Celebration. A public meeting was held in the Towu Hall, Kuala Lumpur, on the 6th in®t., to discuss I lie celebration of Empire Dav Mr. G. Gumming presided, supported l»v Messrs Hume ami Rankilor. There were about 2 I present, including a deputation
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  • 99 5 Singapore exchanges announce the death of Mr. John Stepheo, for many yesus Manager of the Singapore Slipway aud Engineering Co, Ltd., Tanjoug Riiu, which took place at his residence there on YY'eduesday last. The deceased gentleman, who was about 54 years of age, enjoyel good
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  • 210 5 Kis?ing Festival at Hung*rf;kd Thu old festival known as Kissmg Day was duly observed at Huugerford ou the 13th ultimo. The quiet little Berkshire towu, famous for its trout fishing, has remained faithful to the ancient customs of Hocktide, which have been observed since the
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  • 119 5 Arrived. Per ss. Thongtca, from Singapore Mrs. Mali Clioon Hooi, Mr. and Mrs Cheah Choo Yew, Mr. and Mrs. Klui v Joo Tok, Mr. and Mrs. Quah Beug Kee, Messrs. Walter Dobb, Isaac Little, J. W interscale, F. Wood, Law Hoe Clieu, and Kliaw Joo Ye mg. Per s.s.
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  • 84 5 To-dat 29th Day of 3rd Moon. Football C. R. C. r*. Pritchard's Eleven C. R. C. Ground Football Y. M. C. A. tv. Butterworth Football Team, Butterworth PoloGrouud. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner ot Peuang Road and Campliell Sticet, 1» p in. Grand Chany* »j Programme. Harinston’s Cucns, Dato
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  • 19 5 China Pr. E. F> itih iclt) ...14 h May German Fchar»hortt) ...15 h English Ma la) V3rd
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  • 21 5 O New Moon Ma P2'l. First Quarter 20 h O Full Moon 27'h List Quarter Ju .e 3 d
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  • 19 5 P. O. SAILINGS* Se*vifr "nmiio flo.v» w k’«s Malta May De'hi 3) May. D*'ta <C) O&.nt S J}tn4
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 286 5 REAL ECONOMY. Consists not so much iu using a quantity of Second Rate Articles, because they ate Cheap, but rat bar iu buying a fewer uumier of Superior Quality Goods, as proved especially in the case of PALMER TYRES. And beudes, consider the auuoyanc? aud lost time avoided by the
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  • 2354 6 A Cruise on a Launch. i (From the L. C. Express Correspondent.,) i Astflrtady noted, when I left the Tawao dislWH* ®nftsli Nort h Borneo, I was bound for B<>elougan, in Dutcli Last Borneo. Normally, and as a regular thin*;, there is no communication between «lie two
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  • 388 6 Per Nederland s.s. Koninnin Wilhelmina, due at Singapore on Nth May To Singapore (from Amsterdam, Apr 0) Mr. J. vau Kregten, Mr. E. K de Vries (from Genoa) Mr. W. G. E. Brill, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Kruisbeer, Miss F. \V. Dikkers, Mrs. G. C. van
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  • 121 6 Pbnano, 11th Mat. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand .Hank ...2/4 1 I i 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4-,-« H Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary ...2/4j Calcutta, Demand Bank Ra 173$ 3 days’ sight Pr *n»e 175$ B .Minay. Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’
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  • 190 6 Gold leaf $6t6J B. Pepper( \V.C*»ast Sllw».. 5 0/. 1 16^. —no slock White Pepper 24. —tellers Trane Pepper 18.50 buyers Cloves (picked) 51.— notellers \I ace 81.50 sales Mace Pickings '2. —buyers Nutmegs 110s 26.— layers No. 1 5. —sales 3 u «r ;ir 2 no stock Basket
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  • 184 6 Penang, 11th Mat, 1907. 1 Beef cts. Soup per cat tv 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Moat lt> Ruiup Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 i Pork—- > Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head h 20 Feet
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  • 12 6 t J O f fWV ANTHONY AND ANDERSON, Exchange Share Broker*.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 31 6 tict it To-day. Ciiainlierlam’b Colic. Cholera and Diarlh<iM Remedy cuum «li.mlu.-i aud dysentei v iu all form* ami in nil Mayes. li ui vefai n. tor Hale l>v all and Dealer»
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    • 29 6 Sprains Quickly Cured. Rathe the parts freely with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and give them absolute rest and a quick cure is certain. For sale bt all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 138 6 mm mum > V Eii c n X ;.^Yj m.E m «1 j W# ,34 ra o -J |h Sfe 1 UJ r* *Y < 1 wi ftoH 0 1 o jv ;,Mi i., iW- i ,ii®,3 I f w-M LJ 1 'I' 4.,. TO BE HAD MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1512 7 PHOTOGRAPHERS NOTICE. \7 IEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak. Sclaugor, ami Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3 ft., on Bromide paper. \V. JONES, King Street, Penang. Photographer 16c T. KIYOKAWA, PHOTOCRAPHIC ARTIST, who is touring the world in the interest of his ait, HAS NOW ARRIVED IN PENANG, AND
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    • 84 7 Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A bappy home is the most valuable possession that is wit bin the reach of mankind, but you cannot euj'»y its comforts if you are suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when you enter your home and you can te relieved from those rheumatic
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 957 8 Lim Sura Ho, CHOP HEf.G MOK St Co. i 164, Reach Street, Penang. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and Genera! Commission Agents. 220 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co. Pha. U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT IXO. 2/a, Penang Road. Kim Keng Leong Co.,
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  • 2706 9 (From The Money Market Review, Atril 20th, 1907.) The fifty-third ordiuary general mee‘iug of the shareholders of this company was held on April 17th. at the Cannon Street Hotel, E.C., Sir Montagu Cornish Turner piesidiug>lr Caleb Lewis, manager, read the notice convening
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  • 336 9 Lady who was Turned into a Duck. Marriages between Asiatics and Europeans could not possibly come to any good, said the Willesden magistrate on the 13th ult., and ce tainly a case he had before him lent force to his remaiks. Mac Fee Lung, a Chinaman, well
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  • 1527 9 Strange Story ok a Disguised Scientist’s Suicide London baa beeu deeply stirred this week by a curious suicide around which a good deil of mystery still clings, says Lloyd's Weekly of the 14th ult. Richard Norman Lucas, a Cambridge man, electriciau, journalist, and poet, took prussic acid
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  • 560 9 Lord Cromer Lays Down His Great Charge. His Successor. In the House of Commons on the 1 I'll ult Sir Edward Grev announced that, owing to illliea.ltb v I.ord Cromer had beeu compelled to resign his p sition as British Agent iu Egypt. He is to b) succeeded
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  • 595 9 Delicate in Girlhood, Chronic 11lHealth CONTINUED lO Mar THIS Married Lady’s Life Until Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Were Tried—With Marvellous Results. These Rills have Iteeu a real blessing to me,' was the enthusiastic verdict of Mrs. J. I*. Rosario of Mandalay when relating her experience
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 100 9 “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so likely to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and
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    • 63 9 NOTICE?. ON anil after this date, /.11 small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. MM SENG *****. stli Jul> IyOO Managing Director PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. PASSA(J EH can be booked per British India Steam Navigation Company’s Steamers from Penang, via
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 796 10 FOR SALE. JUST RECEIVED. No. 4 of “The Review of the Far East,” Edited by A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South China Morning Post. The Early History of Penang, THE SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. Contents. China and Hereditary Distinctions, by G M. H. Piayfair. Casting out Devils by the Malarious of Sarawak,
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