Straits Echo, 10 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1312 1 TIGtR BRAND CEMENT. *s 258 A •V °e r#F> IN Vi x <m n« HES 7 /Off /4LL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. >-800,000 X 1,075,000 >BOO,OOO Capital Paid up Keoervo Fund Reserve Liability cd Pronriotor» Head Office:
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    • 19 1 TIANG LEE Co E—i Hi) s m r C/3 > 'S. II uu C O W. SOLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALE.
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  • 540 2 Ip ihk KAKMt.£ ah Ignorant as iik Looks. A correspondent wrote to the Hongkong Telegraph on the 27th ultimo, as follows Those of your readers who have beeu followiuk the numerous cases reported from time to time in your columns in which boarding house ruutiers have b; eu
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  • 408 2 Messrs. J. Russell Grant and Co’s Report. London, April J9tb. There is a steady tr »de passing in the shares of Ceylon aud Malay Rubber Companies. The Selangor report appeared this week, but did not make any appreciable alteration in the price of the shares. Anglo Malays
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 26 2 C»ct it To-day. Cu;tiiilierlam’n Colic. Cholera and Diarrl.cva K»*inc(lj di,urine i and drseu. t«rv id all forms and in ;,l! Ii neve* R 1 and
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    • 1406 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. NOTICE, Ordinary half-yearly General Meeting of Members of the Penang Turf Club will l*e held in the Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, 14th May, 1007, at 4.15 p.m. Business 1. To receive Accounts for the half-year ending 31st March, 1007. 2. To consider and if approved to
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  • Shipping.
    • 64 3 San UK i Maru, Jap. s s.. H,lll, Parsons, 10th May, Singapore, Hth May. Gen., B. A Co. Lai Sang, Hr. s.s., 3,4*'io, Yodd, 10th May, Hongkong. 3Jth Apr., Geu., B. Co. Ban Whatt Soon, Br. s.s., 190, Milne, 10th Mav, Langkat, 9th Mav, Geu., Q B. Kw. Langkat,
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    • 36 3 10th Mat. Hok Canton, for Laogsa, T. Seniawe, Segli, Olehleli and Sabaug. Cornelia, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. La<hj Weld, for Teluk Auson. i fala i/a, for Deli. Fiying Fith, for Port Weld and Taipiug.
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  • 39 3 1 Vl tse/p Frow A <j fnth Due A readia Singapore 6 O d -f* 1 1th May Krapniar Glus^ow 9.B.&C». 13th 1 Apear Smira pore A A.A.Co. 16: li He uvou fioudou S B A Co. 20th
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  • 24 3 f 1 rrzrln For A ten/* Leaver Arcadia Colombo X.G.AUo. lltbMar Braemar Siugapore S. B.«&< -o. GJ. Apcar Calcutta A.A.A.Co. Benavon Siugaporo S.H.&G'o.
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  • 218 3 For Ceylon, Australasia, iudia, Adeu, Mauri* tins, Egypt and via Briudisi, for Europe otc. —Per Arcadia, to-uiorrow, 10 a.m. Calcutta—Per Lai Sang, to-morrow, 11 a in. Colombo -Per Sanuki Mam, to-morrow, 11 am. Deli A Laugsa—Per Brouwer, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Negapatam and Madras—Per Thongwa, to morrow, 1 p
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1668 3 (SHIPPIN G.) p. o S 1 S. I Co, Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. >lav 23 a.». Malta connecting with J June Hum. Delta 20 s.s. China do do k.h. Marmora s.s. Mooltana h s. Macedonia Homewards. >lav II 8.8. Arcadia connecting with 8.8. Victoria do 8.8. India
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    • 178 3 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swcttenhain and Singapore. The above Company’s New Steamer “PEBAZ” will lie despatched from Penaug every Tuesday, at 5 p.m from the Wharf for Port Swetteuham and Singapore, arriving at Port Swetteuham in time to catch the 830 rain for Kwala Lumpur
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  • 101 4 Jo«lice satisfies everybody and Justice alone.— Emtrson Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH B CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 —232. Beach Street, Penang. PRICE JULY LOCAL $24 per arnto OUTBTA NONB Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free $l5 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No.
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  • 1710 4 SHOULD JURORS BE PAID Under the heading, A Lucky Juryman the Hongkong Telegraph of the 29th ultimo says Wheu the names of the jurors were caffe i at tbe Criminal Sessions this inoruiug, there was uo response to the n ime of Leonard Knox. Later Mr. Knox appeared iu Court,
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  • 965 4 Another Capital Programme. Rain affected somewhat the attendance at Harmstou’s Show last night; still there was a very good house aud, considering that Harmstou’s brought the rain with < them, there was very little ground for I compliint. Those who missed the show j last night on aecouut
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  • 734 4 Chinese Kecreation Club vs. Penang Free School As anticipated, the match befweeu the above teams, which was played on the C. R. C. ground yesterday afternoon, ended in a victory for the Chinese Recreation Club by one goal to nil The Free School was beaten but not disgraced;
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  • 163 4 Lawn Tennis Tournament. Men’s Singles Handicap. A. K. Adams beat A. F. G. Anderson, 6—4, 6—S. W. M. L. Bower beat G. H. Stitt, 11-9, o—2. Profession Pairs. C. G. May aud D. Beatty b«at F. G. tlallifax and G. K. K. Muglistou, o—4, o—o, o—y. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 474 4 THE' ANGLO-CHIUESE STORE, 5, CHINA STREET. Try John Dewar Son’s (Limited) EXTRA SPECIAL Old Highland Whisky, -i BLUE LABEL. with your Soda or Mineral Water and convince yourself that this Whisky is superior to any other brands. Used by all the leading Clubs and first-class Hotels, Retailed by us at
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    • 83 5 Echo of the Alsagoff Murder. b’clio Specia’.) Singapore, loth May.—A gharry which had contained Dr. Uulloway was attacked in Orchard Road during th** small hours of yesterday morning. Four Malays, aimed with parangs, "slashed the cushions to pieces. The blows were obviously meant for Dr. Gallowav, and it is
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    • 122 5 Naval Defence. (Supjdied by Reuter.) London, 10th May. —At the sitting of the Colonial Conference yesterday the Naval Defence «juestiou was discussed. Lord Tweediuoutli, the First Lord of the Admiralty. promised help to the Colonies to carry out defence iu their own lines if they would iirst
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    • 121 5 The 4 Times on the New Agreements. (Supplied by lie liter.) London, 10th May.—The Times states that the agreements betweeu Japan and Russia and Japan and France will uphold the Auglo-Japaut as treaty in a manner which renders it unassailable within any number of years. Negotiations with the United
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    • 44 5 Visit to Woolwich Arsenal. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9th May. Woolwich was en fte ou the occasion of I’riuce Fusbimi s visit to the arsenal. Prince Arthur of Con naught dined with the distinguished visitor at the City Hotel iu the eveniug.
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    • 51 5 Rescuers’ Work under Difficulties. (Sujiplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9ih May —A lmudred people perished m the wreck of the Poiton. A heavy sea pievents access to the wieck, to which many are seen clinging. Only Thirteen Perished. Loudon, 10th May. —All ou the Fuilon have beeu saved, except
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    • 37 5 Honours on Arrival. (B' u)))>lied by Reuter.) London, 10th May.— Sir Henry Campbell liannerman, Sir Edward Grey and other Ministers will meet Lord Cromer at Charing Cross Station. He will drive straight to Buckingham yalace.
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    • 43 5 Strike of Skilled Labourers (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 10th May.—A serious strike of the skilled white labourers at the Kami is reported. The men protest against, the im positiou of extra work and, so far, a thousand meu have struck work.
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    • 48 5 I'irst Annual Meeting (Su/‘)>lietl by Reuter.) Loudon, loth Mav. —Sir Frank Swettenham, presiding at the tirst Annual Meeting of the Auglc-Malay Rubber C mpauy, emphasised the- fact that they possessed adequate labour supply, wllich is essential to tire future of rubber in tin; Malay States.
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    • 43 5 Laj Patrai Deported. (Supplied by lleuter.) Loudon, 10th May.-A prominent riugleader of the agitatiou in the Puujaub, named La j Patrai, has been arrest! and ordered to be deported The Police are searching for a secoud ringleader who is iu hidiDg.
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    • 36 5 Committee Appointed (Supplied by Renter.) London, loth May.—A Committee, consisting of Lord Reay, Lord Redesdale, Sir Alfred Lyall aud others, lias been appointed to consider the organisation of Oiiental Studies iu the Loudon University.
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    • 48 5 New Governor. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, lOtli May.—General Josceline Wodeliouse, who served i.i the Soudou (ISHo-04) and was in charge of the Western Command (acting) iu India iu 10 *5, lias been appointed Governor of the Bermudas. in succession to Geueral Sir Robert Macgre o>r Stewart.
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  • 136 5 Gunboat and Junks. {From the China Mail Com- q undent Hoihow, April 25. Tub Chinese gunboat Kwangyii cam down from Canton recently iu quest of pirates who bad for some time been giving trouble ia Haiuau waters. We have received news that she encountered several pirate junks
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  • 391 5 Weighing-in for Events ok the First I>ay. Following are the latest weights for three of the important laces of the opeuiug day:— 2 —The Lawn Stak t s—Value $44. H). A Handicap for all Horses imported as Griflins into the Straits Settlements or Federated Malay States, being Maidens
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  • 647 5 The Assizes (Before Mr. Justice Thornton). Murdbb. was yesterday afternoon tried for the murder of two women, Mangadu aud Yenkitaratuam, at Ciutra Street on the oth March. The following special jury was empauelled Messrs. Jules Martin (foreman), J Stark, A. K. Buttery, G. J Stitt, W. H.
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  • 182 5 Tion Ki Huat, a Chinaman, was this morning charted with (1) personating a public ser vaut, aud (2) extorting money from a Kling who was playing cards with three others in Kimberley Street, lie was found guilty and Mr. Hereford passed on him the sentence of
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  • 1084 5 (From (fur Oven Correspondent Wednesday, May 8th. As this is tl>e last sheaf of notes I shall get to Penaug before the races I suppose I had best commence by giving you some account of the gees and their work, so that Penang spoitsmen coming up for the
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  • 166 5 llon J. Andbk on to Ask Kiktiilk fjl' BSTIOKB. At the meeting of the Legislative Council to-day the llou Johu Anderson will submit the following questions: (I) “Will the Government state what proportion of the loan for Xa O<X) 0 0 just raised in London will lie disbursed
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  • 36 5 Arrived Per s.s. Kaputt'a'a, from Port Svettenham Messrs. T. M. I ittle aud Cheah Leong Keat. From Singapoie: Mr. and Mrs. Ibaxeudale, Bro. James, Messrs. C. Bosauquet, S. M. Giegoty, Luke Ah Kit aud Martin.
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  • 78 5 To-day. 28th Day of 3rd Moon. Municipal Commission, 3.30 p.m. Tenuis Tournament, Golf Club. Town Band, Esplanade, t> to 7 pm. Matsuo’s Japanese Ciuematograph, corner of Road and Campbell Street, 0 p i>'. Hal instou’s Circus, Dato Krainat Garden.», 9-15 p m. To-morrow. 20th Dav of 3rd Moon.
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  • 21 5 China (Arcadia) ...lltli May. China Pr. K. Ft iedrirh) ...l lti Gennan (Feharnkortt) ...15 h English Ma'tx) ,r d
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  • 22 5 P. O. SAILINGS Mait Se»\u.c. Outwards. ILwicw a kos Malta 23 May. Atc aha 11 May De ta 2d June. Delhi 2)
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 47 5 Colds and Pneumonia. There cau be no excuse for a mau if he allows a cold to develop into pneumon.a. Clm.nbe.lams Cou«h Remedy counteracts anv tendency towards this disease and many doctor’s bills have been sared br its timely use. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealete.
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    • 101 5 “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a lesson iu the work of the thrifty farmer. He kuows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so like!y to follow. So it should le with every household. Dysentery, diarrl *ea
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    • 522 5 REAL ECONOMY. Cousists nut S‘> much iu using a quantify uf Second Rate Articles, liecause they aie Cheap, hut rather iu buying a fewer number of Superior Qu&lit]f Goods, as proved esjiecially iu the case of PALMER TYRES. And besides, consider the auuoyauce and lost time avoided by the almost
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  • 2753 6 Female Education in Jatan. A meeting of tile Japan Society iu Loudon was l*eld ou lOih i"«t. at 20, Hanover- square, W., when a piper was read by li,irou D.nrokn Kikucbi on Fema'e Education in Japiu The bight Hon Lord Re- desdale, G.C.V.0., K.C.8., presided. In introducing
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  • 230 6 Per Nederlaud s.s. Koninqin Wilhelmina, due at Singapore on 1 Ith May To Singapore (from Amsterdam, Apr 9) Mr. J. van Kregten, Mr. E. R de Vries (.from Genoa) Mr. W. G. E. Brill, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Kruisheer, Miss F. W. Dikkers, Mrs. G. C.
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  • 117 6 Penang, 10th Mat. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/4, v 6 4 months* sight Hank ...2/4-j 7 Credit 2/4A 3 Documentary ...2/4} Calcutta, Demand Bank Re 173} 3 days’ sight Private 175$ B Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175}
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  • 188 6 Gold leaf B. Peppor( W.Coasi 3lb*.-S oz. 16f. —no stock While Pepper 24,— tellers Trang Pepper 18.50 buyers Cloves (picked 51. no setters \j aco 81.50 sales VI ice Pickings 72.— buyers Nutmegs 110 b -t>. buyers r No. 1 s —sales o no stock lUbwet 3.05 buyeir Tapioca
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  • 178 6 Penang, 10th Mav, 1907. Beef— ctf Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 10 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue **>9 Feet I*s Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue >. 32 Mutton
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  • 1057 6 .si±i g o• Number of, ri o Capital. Shares Last Dividend. Name. —c« Ĕ. i issued. 45 P 3 02 o i i <y i Mining. 1903 S 300,000 i 30,000 10 10 Beiat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 19.25 819.-5 1900 175,000 ***** def Bersawah Gold Mining Co., Ltd
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 122 6 > X. C 0 X O W < o ihvi«r.«s YH i\ vM wmt i m nil! S I ruf G^V'to<^ *r mm Lima I IW itlHll*} i'ij ii TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Han Seng Co., Gim Tek Hee Co., Heap Lee Co,, Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1054 7 FOU SALE THE The Early LONDON DIRECTORY, (Published Annually.) History of Penang, 1592—1827. BY E. G. Cullin and W. F. Zehndcr. enterprising traders throughout i P jm I>* r to keep in close touch with ae trade of the Motherland. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its
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    • 88 7 Klie iiin ulism Makes Life M iserahle. A happy home is the most valuable pus* session that is wit bin the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its comforts if you are suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when you enter vour home and you can be
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 961 8 Lim Sun Mo, CHOP HENG MOK Co 164, Beach Street, Penang. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT I\o. 2la Penang Road. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental General Commission
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