Straits Echo, 7 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1231 1 TIGcR BRAND CEMENT. 258 N ri <<* 0 T T C*3 pV* IN «£57 £0/? ALL PURPOSES. BANKS', Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paul up Reservo Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors X £975,000 £800.000 Paid-up-Capital *10.000,000 Reserve Fund. Sterling
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  • 763 2 By VValtkk J. Ballard. The largest dock in Japan is at Nagasaki, 728 foot; the next is at Yokohama, 55 -> feet, and the third largest is at Hakodate, 53tfeet The floating dock at Nagasaki is 412 feet long and is capable of floating a dead weight of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 fc> Rheumatism Makes Life iVi iserabio. tioiiiv is he most vuimlle pus-si’.-M' ii that is witluu 1 li*> i*ach of mankind, fill J0»! ranuol enjoy its comforts ii you are from rheumatism. You throw imido business Cares when you enter your home niiiMuii cun he relieved from those i iieuinatic
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    • 1772 2 NOTICE?. ON and after this date, ill small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, 5th July 1905 Managing Director. NOTICE. “VTOTICE is hereby given that the mine JAl at Cbeudariang, Perak, formerly worked by Mr. Ho Nee Seng and
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  • Shipping.
    • 87 3 Ax ten a. Hr. s.s. 8,563, Henham, 6th May, Singapore, 4th May, Geu., —W. M. Co Pin Seng, Hr. >.s 878, Davidson, fth Maj, Singaf>ore, 4th .day, Geu., —Q. H. Kee. Ava«ybk,Br. 8.8., 247, Buchanan, 7th May, Deli, 6th May, Gen., K. G. Co. Lanokat, Br. 8.5., 14'.*, Nielsen,
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    • 38 3 7th May. Brouwer, for Deli. Rotorua, for Tongkah. Taw Tong, for Trang aud Paug Nga. Ban Whatt Soon, for Langkat. Pin Seng, for Port Swettenham Singapore. Perak, for Port Swettenham and Singapore. Lady Weld for Teluk Ausou.
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  • 37 3 1 PtSiU>!st -1 <j* a!» Due Persia Singapore Colombo > K.&Co. 7t li May. Oceana A G.&Co. Oth Brae mar GGsgow S.B.&C0. 13th o. A pear Singapore A. A. A.Co. 16th Be'avou London* S B ACo. 20th
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  • 34 3 T easel* For i Aijenta Leave 1 Oceana Singa pure A.G.&Co. 9th May. Persia Colombo S.K.&Co. Braemar Sintra pore S.B.&Co. G. Ape ir Calcutta A.A.A.Co. Benavon Singapore 1 1 g •A r f>
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  • 90 3 For Hutu Bahia—lVr R. Halewyn, to-iuorrow, 1 Kopali, Bern ug, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Omapere, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lanjkat, to-morrow, 2 p ut. Colombo aud Tuticoriu—Per Pertia, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Singapore—Per Palitana, tomorrow, 3 p.m. Pangkor—Per Sree Banka, to-morrow, 4 p.m. Jlaugoou—Per Ulenoy'r,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1541 3 (S HIPPIN G.) /S greeted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards JAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. I*t 01a«a 2nd Class £6O £4O Gib- £56 £3B >l< INTENDED SAILINGS. British Intlif Htewn Navigation Co., L»td. Fo» Intended to Sail. Steambb. To I,oil«lou by Sea To Marseilles or raltar Through Mail Steamer to
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    • 201 3 To Ordinary and Order Bills of Lading Holders. ss. DUISBURG has arrived from Australia via ports. BEHN, MEYER Co., Ltd., Agents. G 5-0 7 328 Straits Steamship Co. v Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenliam and Singapore. The above Company's New Steamer PERAK” will Ihj despatched from Peuaug every
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  • 103 4 Jof lice ever?body aud iurtifC »lone.— Fm< rrcn Establislied June Ist, 1903. Hnblishod dally (except Sundays.) AT th CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL *2+ per anntn OUTBTALIONS Postage Rxira. SAIT IIHTION (Poet Pree 115 CARLR ADDRESS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 3443
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  • 608 4 Thk reprieve of Rayner had set the Tribune asking the very significant question, whether the infliction of the death penalty serves to deter homicides; and that journal publishes stitistics to prove that capital punishment acts as a deterrent not to the criminal but to the juror who is
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  • 128 4 Hakmston’h Circus had auother good house last night, and should continue to draw big crowds throughout its stay .in Penang. We are informed by the management that the first of their high-jumping coute.-ts for local horses and ponies which have always proved a most popular feature in Harmst
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  • 717 4 Lawn Tennis Toubnamsnt. The followiug were the results of the ties played off vest**idaT: Men's Situjles Handicap. A. R. Adams beat C. G. May, 7 —5, 6 1. V. 1). Parsons beat XV. H. Rose. Men's Doubles Handicap. Dr. Skae and D. Beatty beat D. Fyfe and
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  • 99 4 Messrs. Lim Hua Chiam and Kee Teik Quee, who are on the roster of Official Visitors, inspected the Distiict Hospital this morning aud expressed themselves thoroughly satisfied with all they saw. There are at present 346 inmates, who all appeared to have l>eeu well looked after. A
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  • 275 4 A complimentary dinner was given last night (says Friday’s Pastern Daily Mail at the Railway Refreshment Rooms, to Mr. C. V. Hyson who has been acting Public Prosecutor in Ipoh about a year) by his friends, the occasion therefor being his tiausfer to Penang as Deputy Registrar
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  • 335 4 Negotiations for Termination of Freight War. Since August last, says the Straits Times, there has beeu keen competition on the Siugapove-Penaug run. The rate of freight has gradually dropped to 50 per cent, of the original charges, while passage money has been reduced by over 60 per
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  • 208 4 The Nippon Yu sen Kaislia is reported to have a scheme <ju foot to increase the number of steamers on its Bombay line to ten, for the purpose of bringing into service seven captured steamers placed at the disposal of the company. The ljue will then consist of
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  • 401 4 The Assizes The Assizes opeuel before Mr. .J„ Thornton at 11 a. m. to-dav. The first cise taken was oue ot robbery from Province Wellesley Chinese, named (1) Plioou Gooi, u- u Chow, (3) Chow Cboou, (4) Chan Ah I aud (5) Lai Hiew, were placed in the
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  • 555 4 Clerk Acquitted of Cheating Y'esteiday afternoou Mr. Wolferstau heard the case of cheating, by falsification of accounts, preferred by M r C. E Paterson, contractor, against Ratraudrain, his clerk. BrieHy stated, the story of the prosecution is as follows: Oue of the duties of the defeudaut
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 436 4 B&lismi pianos. SECOND TO NONE. JUST ARRIVED, NEW MODELS. SOLE AGENTS, CASH «H EASV PAYMENTS. THE ROBINSON PIANO CO., LTD., PENANG TO PEKIN. MATSU rs CINEMATOGRAPH. Corner of Penang Road Campbell Street. TO-N/OHT T O-NIGHT l GRAND PROGRAMME! New Films Just Received. Humorous, Pathetic, Mysterious, Sentimental and Sensational. No greater
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    • 185 5 Farewell to Egypt. (Su ft plied by Heftier.) Loudon, fill May. R a uter's correspondent, at Cairo states that Lord Cromer formally Lade farewell to Egypt yesterday eveubefore a brilliant assembly at the Opera House. He reviewed the progress of Egyptaud appealed to the people to repress the
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    • 54 5 An Agreement. (Supplied by Rtuier London, 6th May.—The Mu/in states that the French and Japauese Governments aie negotiating an agreement guaranteeing the inviolability of thell’ respective Far Eastern possessions. This agreement is a corollary to the Anglo Japanese treaty aud is similar to the liusso-Japauese agreement now
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    • 109 5 Muley Hafid Proclaimed Suitan. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 7th May.—The populace of Marrakesh have proclaimed Muley Htfid Sultan aud released the murderers of Dr. Mauchamp. They have also re-instated the Governor of Marrakesh. On the 25tli March Reuter wired that a French doctor, Mauchamp, was shot aud then stoned
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    • 56 5 Sir Henry Cotton Interviewed. (Supplied by lieuter) Loudon, 7th May.— Sir Henry Cotton, Liberal M.r. for Nottingham and Chief Com missioner of Assam from 1896-1902, interviewed as to the troubles in ludia, said that he had the greatest confidence iu Lord Minto, who was a level headed man aud
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    • 42 5 Welcome by the English Press (Supplied y lieuter.) Loudon, 7th May.—The Times, the Ztandard aud the Daily Telegraph have all pub lished leading articles welcoming 1 riuce Fusbimi, whose visit to England, they say, will further consolidate the Anglo-Japauese Alliance.
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    • 150 5 Mr. Robert Yerburgh and Mr. Hayes Fisher. Supplied by lieuter.) Loudon, 7th May.— Mr. Robert Yerburgh, m 11,I 1 for Chester from 1886-1906. aud j”'"' Haves Fisher, m.f. for Fulham from I**s- both Unionist Free-Fooders. write to the 'Times statiug that the Colonial Conference and Mr. Asquith s
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  • 370 5 Sir Alfred Jones, at Liverpool on March ‘2 5, presided over the annual meeting of the Couucil on the Institute of Commercial Research iu the Tropics. Lord MouutmorreB, the Director of the Institute, submitted his first report, which covered a period of 21 months Five
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  • 211 5 Fusing Lama Mines. The output from the Fusing Lama Mines for the month of April was 1,000 piculs of tin ore, of au approximate value of $56,0(0. Pahang’s March Output. Pahang’s output of tm for March was 2,702 70 pikuls, against 2,050.21 pikuls in February. The
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  • 171 5 The following is au authentic ceusus of some of the Chinese provinces compiled by the Board of Finance Fengtieu 5.406,350, Jebol 665.768, Kirin I, Sliangtung 37,952 823. Shauhsi 11. Honan 23,134,124, Sheuhsi 8,702 820. Chekiang 11.997,950, Kiangsi 24,650,157, Hupeh 31,310,431. Huuan 3126 513, Szechuan 77.430 081,
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  • 1146 5 P.v»'i eur Institute OPENING CEREMONY i Madras, 26th April. The opeuiug of the Pasteur lustitute for Southern India took place yesterday eveuiug, the ceremony being performed by His Excellency tiie Governor who. with Ladv Lawley, motored down from Ootacamund The Institute is a magmtieeut building erected at a
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  • 509 5 King Alfonso has obtained tLe Pope’s consent to act as the God-father of his expected child. Kiug Alfonso himself had Pope Leo XIII as God father. The following desci iption of t he eeremoni*s which take place ou the birth of a Spanish Prince or Princess should
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  • 33 5 A KRIVED Per s.s. Palit.m, from Rangoon Miss M. Bitlnsar and Mr. David Haes. Departed. Per s s Ban/ >m, for Olehleh Messrs. A. N. de Jong, A. Oeehsle and J. Z^isler
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  • 88 5 To-day 251 h Dav of 3rd M«*.oi. 'lVnuis Tournament, Golf Club. League Football :G. T. R. R. vs. G. C. A. Matsuo’s Japanese Ciuematograpb, corner of Penang Road and Cam pi tell Stieet. 9 p m. Harmston’s Ciicus, Dato Kramat Gardens, 9-15 p.ui. To -MOBROW 26ih Day of 3rd
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  • 16 5 English (Oceana) ...Dili M iy. China (Arcadia) 111 li China (Pr. E. Friedrich) 14'li
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  • 25 5 P. O. SAILINGS 't.ti' Sriv it OlJl WARItK. 1 1«( h w A l< Oceana 9 May Arcadia II May I Malta X3 Delhi j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 Colds and Pneumonia. I There can be no excuse for a ,nan ,f f lO allows a cold to develop into pneumonia. Chamberlain’* Cough Remedy (>oU ,eract any tendency toward* this diseaM and many doctor’* bill* have been saved bv it* timely use. For *ale by all Dispensaries aud Dealo
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    • 28 5 Sprains Quickly Cured. Uatbe the parts freely with Chamberlains Pain Balm and give them.absolute re»* and a f|uiok cute is certaia. Kor sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers/
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    • 929 5 REAL ECONOMY. Consists not so much <u using a quantity of S*COn4 Rate Articles, iwause they me Cheap, but rather in buying a fewer Minder <>f Superior Quality Goods, as proved especially iu the case of PALMER TYRES. Aud besides, consider tlie* annoyance and lost time avoided bv the alinoat
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 31 5 WEATHER. Ink follow-ug report is kindly supplied Io •he Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 1 C ruilifal! «|i«ri|ii» <)•• 2 4 o II» d at 9 a.m. to-d i\ was 0.03 inch.
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  • 1399 6 PORTRAITS rHOM REAL LIFE. Nobody has a greater sympathy with the gentletnan adventurer than Mr Hicbiird Harding Davis, says T. P.'s Weekly, and in Koal Soldiers of Fortune” (Heinemaun. 65.) we have s'x admirable portraits from real life. First of them is Major General Henry Ronald Douglas Maciver,
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  • 474 6 Per P. <fc O. s.s. Britannia, connecting with the Oceana at Colombo, due at Penang on 9th May To Penang (from Marseilles, Apr. 19) Mr. N. Sheffield. To Singapore (from London, Apr. 12) Mr. and Mrs. W. Rouse and children, Mr. T. Meek. Mr. W. S.
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  • 118 6 Penang, 7th May (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank 2/4,V 4 months’ siglit Bant ..2/4,-‘o 3 Credit 2/4* 3 Documentary ...2/4£ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173=$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ B uiiimy. Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 1751 Madras,
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  • 180 6 Gold leaf 4 t»U B. Pepper( W.C<»asi 3! !»».•> u/.. 16j. —no stock White Pepper 24. —sellers Tracg Pepper 19£ sales Clovi 8 (picked) 51. —buyers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Pickings 72. —sales Nuimegs 110 s 27. sales SNo. 1 s. —sales 2 no StockBasket 3.05 sales Tapioca Flour
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  • 185 6 W Penang, 7th Mat, 1907, Beef cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks ,i 24 Ste»v or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32
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  • 1028 6 n i i d. i o dumber of. p g g a Capital. Shares r- Last Dividend. Name. J "*jj 1 issued. 1 2 pq <8 **L_ I i i c?_ Mining. 1903 300,000! 30.000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 19.*****.25 1900 175,000 i 4000 def Bersawab
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 »(ict it To-day. Ciiaiuherlaiu s Colic, Cholera and Diarilntt H medy cu es durrln-i and dysentery in n I torma aud in all btut/es. Ii uevo:' fai.*. tor sain i v all ensarien and Don lei
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    • 134 6 m if. ijj Vi j > K C/D X w •i v 41 n s/d ?i >5’ H Kr'IBFii IfPSl'ill |i>« o I,*9 -J LU < wt S C,ot*° 0^7 V‘* U :'J :S mgt ill ■#»$11 S ill! i o !!l TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Ban Seng Co.,
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  • 599 7 The following interesting account of tbe camphor industry is taken from Mr. George Brailliwaite’a tlaudation of Yosabu'i Takekoslii’s “Japmese Rule in Formosa As the camphor lauiel grows wild in the mountainous districts of Formosa, many pe“p!e naturally coLc’ude that these trees could easily lie chopped up aud
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1117 7 it FOR SALE. JUST RECEIVED. No. 4 of The Review of the Far Oast,” Edited by A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South China Morning Post Contents. China and Hereditary Distinctions, by G. M. H Playfair, tasting out Devils by the Malanous of Sarawak, by Charles Hose. D. Sc The Ruby Mines
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    • 445 7 “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a lessou iu the work of the thrifty fanner. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which arc so likely to f I low. So it should 1.0 with every household. Dysentery,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 979 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HEWG MOH 3c Co. 164, Beach Street, Penang. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT IS'o. 2la, Penang Road. Importers of all kinds of European Cloth and A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental Hotel.
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