Straits Echo, 6 May 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1071 1 TIGcR BRAND CEMENT. t/!258 <r> ss «9 t o e IN V best for all purposes. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid up Rosorvo Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors £BOO,OOO A"075,000 £BOO,OOO Head Oflice: HATTON COURT, THEEADNEEDLK STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches.
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    • 23 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. m K*/ i i r--7 Af 3: ft O rn 3 00 V' v y Sv V 03 *m y s.ssva
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  • 193 2 Hymnal Advertisement. Referring to tbe late Mr. lieecbaui and bis gift for advertising, the Asian records the following which may be old, but seems worth repeating: Mr. Beecbam was a man beloved of newspaper proprietors He bad tbe American genius for advertising and made about the biggest
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  • 183 2 The Siam Observer understands that Luang Sanphskitcb Preecha has been appointed First Secretary to the Siamese legation in London. Luang Sanphakitch, who was called to the Bar in London in 1899, served for some time after his return as private secretary to the late Prince
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  • 584 2 o~ Adventure. WHICH IWU ircmi a ship’s deck to a church pulpit cauie end last mouth at Kew with the death of the Rev. Jacob Thompson, at the age of 69. Until his retirement a few years ago, the reverend gentleman was chaplain to the Medway Mission
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  • 1173 2 Tuesday, 23rd July, 1907, Thursday, 25th July, 1907, and Saturday, 27th July, 1907, To be passed at a General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, 14th May, 1907. Notice—No amendments to this Programme will be considered uuless due notice is given
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 495 2 PENANG TURF CLUB. notice. rpHE Ordinary half-yearly General Meeti ing of Members of the Penang Turf Club will be held in tbe Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, 14th May, at 4.15 p.m. Butsinesi 1 t 0 receive Accounts for the half-year ending 31st March, 1907. •1. To consider and if
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    • 750 2 PREMIER BRITISH PIANO BRPTSMF.AD.” Built expressly for this climate and carries A FIYE YEARS WARRANTY. BRINSMEAD PIANOS a» noted for RICHNESS of TONE ft EXCELLENT 'WORKMANSHIP. Prices from $USO. Hire Purchase. Sole Agents, THE ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LTD., 11:3c BEACH STREET MARIANO’S BAND, The Best Musicians in Penang. Charges (Transport
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    • 85 2 I RUNNYMEOE, 40 NORTHAM ROAD, SEA SIDE. BOARDING HOUSE, newly furnished and decorated. Telephone No. 543 Terms moderate. By day, week or mouth. C. HGLTHAUSEN, 193 Proprietor. TO LHT. PREMISES No. 52, LARUT RCAD. Entry 1st March. Apply to KHOO HOCK SEONG. > -No. 45, Tier eh Street. Young para
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  • Shipping.
    • 191 3 Hebe. Br. s.s, 346, Inkster, sth May. Singapore, 3rd May, Gen.,—W. M. A Co. Cardiganshire, Br. s.s, 2.695, Jeyer», sth Mav, London, 29th Mar Gen.,—. B. Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s., 555, Lingard, 6th May, Tongkah, 4th May, Geu.,—K. O. Co. Omauere, Br. s.s., 340, Ball, sth May, Rmgoon, 28th
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    • 42 3 6th Mat. E E. Ferdinand, for Biugapore, China and Japan. ifa'aya, for Deli. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Auson. Bantam, for Pulo Well. Olehlwh A I’ajang. Flying Fiek, for Port Weld and Taipitg. Lightning, for Calcutta. A«ka, for Colombo and Tuticorin.
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  • 30 3 Vessels From 1 Aijeat* Due Benlomoud Loudon S.B.ACo. 6th Maj. Persia Singapore SK&Co. 7th »m 'Colombo A G.&Co. 9th bi c*i.. *OW S.B.itCo. 13th Beoavou t ordinary Qinmj.ssioilHJLSii 20th
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  • 33 3 I rxxelit For A'jenfx Lentet 1 1 Benlomoml Singapore S.B.&Co. 1 May. Oceana Singapore A.G.&Co. '9th Persia Colombo S.K.&Co. j Braemar Singapore |S.B&n 0 Ben a v< »n Singapore IS. B.ACo. j
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  • 83 3 For Deli—Per Brouwer, to-morrow, 11 »,m. Tongkah—Per Rotorua, to-morrow, Ip.m. Kopali, Renoug, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy—Per Omapere, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat—Per Ban Whatt Soon, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Port Swetteuliam aud Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Port Swettenham aud Singapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore—Per Palitana, to-morrow,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1384 3 (SHIPPIN G.) TAB m \8 8. N. Co. tJrvecled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. May 9 B.H. Oceana connecting with s.B. Britannia aw. Malta do «.s. Marmara June 6 8.8. Delta do s.B. Muoltanu 20 8.8. China do h h. Macedonia Homewards. Mav II 8-8. it media connecting with
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    • 179 3 Straits Steamship Co*, Ltd. New Service between Penang» Port Swettenliam and Singapore. The above Company’s New Steamer “PERAK” will l)e despatched from Penaug every Tuesday, at 5 p.m from the Wharf for Port Swettenliam and Singapore, arriving at Port Swettenliam in time to catch the 830 train for Kwala Lumpur
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  • 102 4 Justice satisfies ever;body and Justice alone.— Emerson Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (exoept Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penan 3 PRICE DAILY LOOAI 124 per annair OUTBTA TIONB Poet Age Kxir.i. MAIL IDITION (Poet Free $l5 CABLB ADDRESS Echo— Penang.” Telephone
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  • 651 4 It seems as if, at last, the bitter hatred entertained by Uncle Sam for the yellow races is subsiding, for from various quarters come news that the majority of the A merican people are beginning to see that, in shutting the Chinaman and the Chinaman only—out
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  • 793 4 Bio as the crowd at Harmston’s was on the opeuing night, there was even a bigger crowd on Saturday evening, when the huge tent at I)ato Ivramat Gardens was tilled to its utmost capacity. The previous evening’s programme was repeated and proved as popular as ever, especially the
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  • 270 4 The Penang Cricket Club held their Annual Gymkhana last Saturday, and, despite the weather, a very large crowd assembled on the Esplanade to witness the sports. On the whole it was a very successful meeting, the most exciting race being perhaps the Obstacle Race, which was
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  • 382 4 The cricket match betweeu the Crescant Football Club aud the 2ud eleven of the Chinese Recreation Club, which was played on the latter’s ground yesterday, ended in a victory for the Recreutionists by an innings and 59 runs. luthe tirst innings Mahomed Sahat was the only one of the
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  • 154 4 Calendar of persons to l>e tried at the Assizes beginning to-morrow 1. P. W., Phoou Gooi, WoDg Chow, Chow Choon, Chau Ah Looi, aud Lai Hiew Gang robbery. 2. P. W., Liin Ah Lev, Lim Ah Sim, Tan Neo Choon, Lim Ah Suan, Tan Ah' Chim, Hiah Ah
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  • 269 4 Kulip, a Bengalee, stood charged, to-dav, with refusing to pay rickisha hire ami assaulting the puller. The case was adjourned to the Btli inst. Before Mr. Wolferstau to-day a Chinaman was arraigned on a charge of assaulting another Chinaman with a knife. The case was postponed
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  • 420 4 The Government Gazette of May 3 contains the following items of information Mr. Edward D. Bowman, of Baddegama Estate, Biddegama, Ceylon, has tiled a specification for a knife to tap rubber aud other trees.” His Excellency the Governor, with the approval of the Right Hon’ble the Secretary of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 263 4 TEE ANGLO-CHINESE STDfifi, 5, CHINA STREET. DOUROS’ HIGH CLASS EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES, The only smoke lhat can satisfy a connoisseur. Bayern. $1.80 per 1 1 50 1.50 1.20 I 20 1.50 1.50 90 Just landed ex s s Aristocrats, Dames, Pacha, Khedive, Extra fine quality, Extra fine, gold tipped, Special Mouth
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    • 78 5 Programme Definitely Fixed. (Supplied bp Reuter.) London, st|. May.—The programme for Priuce Fushinii'g reception has l*en deti uitelv lixed. Tlie Prince of Wales, the Duke of Connaught., the Duke of Argyll, the Duke of Fife, Lord Roberts, Admiral Seymour, Sir Heuiy Campbell Baunennan and Sir Kdward Grey wiil
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    • 99 5 Mr. Archibald Little’s Views. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Oth May.—Mr. Archibald Little, who has just arrived in Eoglaud from China, was interviewed by Reute ’s correspondent, and said that for China to request India to reduce her shipments of opium is force. ludian opium is but a drop in
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    • 63 5 Britain’s Warning Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 6th May.—Owing to the formation of a new Belgian Ministry M. de Trooz who is considered a partisau of King Leop old’s absolutist policy in the Congo, the English papers warn King Leopold that Britain would intervene unless matters mend soon. Euglaud cannot
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    • 25 5 Independent Ministry for the Colonies. (Supplied by Reuter.) lioudou, sth May.—The Reichstag has voted for the establishment of an independent Ministry for the Colonies.
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    • 26 5 Russo-Japanese Fisheries Convention. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, Oth M*y.—lt is reported at St. Petersburg hat the protocol of the RussoJapauese Fisheries Couventiou has beeu sigued.
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    • 54 5 East Asiatic Company. (Supplied by Renter Loudon, sth May.— A Swedish East Asiatic Company, with a capital of £337.000 aud subsidised by Government, has been formed to run a steamer service to the Far East aud subsequently to pursue commercial and industrial undertakings. It acts in conjunction with the
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    • 48 5 £170,000 Lost. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 6th May.—The Silverslip which was lost through an explosion in the Bay ot Biscay was the first to carry iu bulk a cargo of benzine through the canal since the regulations were relaxed Tlip underwriters lose £170,000 by her loss.
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    • 27 5 Opening by the Lord Lieutenant(Supplied by Reuter.) London, «th May. -The Karl of Ab rJ Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, opened the Irish International Exhibition.
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    • 21 5 Arrives in London. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou 6tli May.— King Edward has arrived in Loudon after his Mediterranean trip.
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    • 19 5 Eustace Miles Beaten. (Supplied by Reuter.) piousbip J»J OouU Ixwt Lu.taoe by three setts to two.
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    • 26 5 Refund of Mr. Abbott's Ransom. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 6th May.—The British Embassy has applied to the Porte for a refund of Mr. Abbott’s ransom.
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  • 2768 5 Questions on the Loan. A Lack of Information. The Military' Contribution. REPRESENTATIONS AT FRKBENT USELESS. At last Friday’s] meeting of Council the members present were: His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Andersou. k.c.M.g.). His Excellency Major-Gen. 'l'. Perrot, G.O.C. Hon. Capt. A. H. Young (Col. Secretary). Hon. W.
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  • 113 5 April Output. The output from theTronoli Miues,_ for the month ot April, was Piculs 2,1»* t 75 of dressed ore, valued at $132,507.63. The output from the Sereudah Hydraulic Mine for the same month was Piculs 654. Messrs. Paris and Thomson are walking round the world.
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  • 100 5 Arrived Per s.s. Perok, from Port Swttteuhain Mr. Cboo Cbea g Kay, Mr. and Mrs Skinner Suuifr, Mr. J. C. Martiu. Por Singapore Messrs. W. J. Thorne, T. R Kemp, Capt. Vaz Departed. Per s.s. Kapnithala for Port Swet'enbam Messrs. \V. S O. Richard and Loke Ah Kit. For
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  • 86 5 To-day. 24th Day of 3rd Moon. Tenuis Tournament, Golf Club. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p tn. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Camplioll Street, 0 p m Harmstou’s Circus, DitoKT.imat Gardens 0-15 p.m._ To-morrow 25th Day of 3rd Moon. Tenuis Tourn un> n‘, G<»lf Club.
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  • 17 5 English Oceana) ...0 li May China (Arcadia) 1 1*1» China Pr. E. Frieih ic'i) ...14Ti
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  • 20 5 O New Moon May. 12th First Quarter 20 h O Full Moon 27'h Last Quarter Ju ie. 3rd
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  • 20 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Hail Service. Outwards Homewards Oceana .V May. I A read a 11 May. V'fta 23 Delhi 26
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 Colds and Pneumonia. There can be no excuse for a uian if he allows a cold to develop into pneumonia. Chamberlain’s Cout»b Remedy counteracts auy teudeuey towards this disease aud many doctor’s bills have been saved by its timely use. For sale by all Dispensaries and DealOt s.
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    • 29 5 Sprains Quickly Cured. Bathe the parts freely with Chamberlain's Pain Balui and give them absolute rest and a quick cure is certain. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers.
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    • 438 5 REAL ECONOMY. Soeond Cousists not B<> much in using a quantity of Rate Articles, because they aie Cheap, but rath»r iu buying a fewer mini ter of Superior Quality GocdS, as proved especially iu the case of PALMER TYRES. And besides, consider the auuoyacce aud lost time avoided by the
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 51 5 3 WEATHER Thk following report is kindly supplied by die Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 5 k a.m. i mimiih) I o-<t»y ru. si* fk* Fine Fine N.W. N. noon. To-day M Fine N.W. i Ti e rainfall during the 2t hours ended at It to-day was 0.42
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  • 1234 6 Nrkp kor Local Legislation. W» have verv frequently called attention to the utter want of supervision exercised over the nulk supply of Penang, so it may interest our readers to hear how matters stand in the Sister Settlement. The Straits Times is now publishing special articles upon the food
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  • 320 6 Per M. M. s.s. Oceanien, due at Singapore on 6th May To Singapore (from Marseilles, Apr. 14) Mr. VV. S. Gibson, Sir C. Brook, Mr. C. S. Pearse, Mr. Saintbois, Mr. J. H. D. Jones. Per P. O. s.s. Britannia, connecting with the Oceana at Colombo,
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  • 118 6, 6th May. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank 2/4,*« 4 months* sight Bank 2/4y 7 0 3 Credit 2/4t*» 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 173$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$
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  • 180 6 Gold leaf $6169 B. Pepper( W.Coast 3lbs.-> o/..y 10^. —no stock White Pepper 24 sellers Trang Pepper 19$ sales Cloves (picked) 51. —buyers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Pickings 70$ sellers Nutmegs llOs 29 —sellers SNo. 1 s. —sales 2 no stock P.a-ket 3.10 buyers Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal Copra
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  • 178 6 Penang, 6th Mat, 1907, Bbef— cts. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 597 6 1901 1899 1900 1905 1906 1904 1906 1904 1905 1892 1905 1898 L9OO 60,000 100,000 150.000 120,000 40,000 250,000 120,000 27,000 200,000 40,000 G 2,000,000 1906 8 110,000 80,000 850,0('0 1899 230,000 1907 i 90,000 1902 160,000 12,000 60,000 90,000 9,900 12» ',000 40,000 600,000 100,000 98,000 21,750 200,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 85 6 FOR SALE. GOOD STRONG IRON SAFES. Trade A Mark. Prices on application to SCUIFFNARR.HEER&Co., Sole Importers, 4, Weld Quay Penang. 2f>H These tiny Capsules superior to Crp.iiba, Cubebs, and Injections—cure the same diseases as these drugs in forty-eight hours without inconvenience. Each Capsule bear* the same (inlDY] f FOR DISEA8E8
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    • 114 6 s ha mmum > (f) X 2 f i u -J LU II If < g* ■\v\i c° aoHO^V'Sl lCV'* C o -*88«TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Han Seng &Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Heap Lee Co,, Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Chiat Seng Co., Teik Chin Co., Ipoh,
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  • 218 7 Tne number of Chinese students ccming to this country lias notably increase 1 t-ioco the Russo-Japanese, says the .7» <*»>, Chronicle. In cousequenoe of the agitatiou made by the studeuts some time ago against the Regulations adopted by the Department of Education for tlie control
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  • 264 7 2,000 Love Letters in a Queer Cask. It is alleged against James Marshall, a 61-year-old man, of New York, that he possesses 100 wives scattered about America. This was the charge b'ought against him by Marjorie Friel, who has had him arrested for obtaining all her goods
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  • 498 7 Borough Council s Quaint Dilemma. VY’omkn’s Obstinacy. Two women, who live in th« same house hut never speak as they pass by, have managed to laud the Maiylebone Borough Council in a laughable dikmma with much dust about it. Having failed to hud a way out for themselves
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 626 7 Lim Sum Ho, chop jjeng mom Co., 4 He tic h Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 22o Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION or ironmongery, Wliicl- in on sale at specially advauUgeou» terms. ALSO AGENTS FOR Cock
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 3407 8 THE EASTERN TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED CAPITAL $4,004,000.00. PROSPECTUS AND MEMORANDUM OP ASSOCIATION The Subscription List will Open on Monday, the llth day of March, 1907, and close on or before Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, for the Colony of the Slraits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, and
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  • 1620 9 Visitor» to \Vi«niiwoo'l-Bciuhs yes’ertlay afternoon, siys IJ ot,>l, n Werhly of the 7tb ultimo, were treated to an extraordinary spectacle. For nearly five boors they watched tin* autics of one of the couvictN who bad eaca|M*<l to the roof of Wormwood-scrubs prison. They beard him shout
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  • 1225 9 Should Like Wed Like? Science and Love. Should like marry like, or unlike r That is the interesting question raised by Dr. Angelo S. liuppoport at a meeting of the New Era Sociological Society in London. In a paper on Marriage as a Social Factor he condemned
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 85 9 Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its comforts if )ou are suffering from rheumatism. \ou t irow aside business cares when you enter voui home and you can lie relieve»! from lose rheumatic
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    • 30 9 Get it To-day. ChainlHJrlain’s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy cures diarrhea and dysenterv in all forms and iu all stages. It never fails. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers
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    • 99 9 “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so likely to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrtxea and
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    • 947 9 HONG BEE ft Co., General Store and Commission Agents, 83, MAIN ROAD. TAI PI NO. 3£>c Ng 800 Bee, Chop Swee Bee, Miners and Contractor’s, 81, Kota Rood, Talplng. Fox* Sale, Flooring Roofing Tiles OF VARIOUS SIZES ALSO Timber, etc. og* TAIK HO Co., 82, MAIN ROAD, TAIPINQ, FERAK (Established
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 582 10 WROUCHT-iRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. I 4 i tocit Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS t\ A Luxurious Pekfumh !n Health. A NECLSSAHV RESTORATIVEIN SICKNESS. MOST REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German Kinds. V e s mm STERILIZED MILE. •:o:IN CASES OF 48 1-lb. Tins
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