Straits Echo, 3 May 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1179 1 TIG£R BRAMD CEMENT. 5s 258 N m T T >~a IN r o BEST FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid-up-Capital *10.000,000 Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors -t: .£975,000 .£800,000 Head Office:
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    • 29 1 Tl A ft G LEE CO. BASS’S ALE. Or 9 V m Co cJ w Vcc a g k <y. SJL V. a 1 IIIOIS c g SOLE AOEMTS.
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  • 125 2 Thk scientific expedition, conducted by Madame Seleuka, which proposes to search for remains of foßsil man in Java, a'ouses interest th re in minv ways. As far back as 1892. in the Triuil district there, remains of fossil man attracted the attention of Dr. Dubois, a scientist,
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  • 167 2 Mr. Choo Cheng Kbav, the well-known miner, who first introduced the Biondin apparatus in his mines at Sungei Krayong, is proceeding to China in the course oS a few weeks on a pleasure trip, says the Malay Mail. Mr. Cheng Kh&y proposes to visit, among other
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  • 196 2 The New Japanese Warship— An Improved “Dreadnought." 'l’hb Japanese Government mteud to have a new battleship buiit in Englaud witli the displacement of 21,< 00 tons, and a commis- sion are now on the way to England with the object of getting arrangements and cou- tracts completed with one or
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  • 342 2 A MABKiAGi: ceren o.y that is causing great inteieH among the Mai ty c immunity is being celebrated in I poh jusi umv, says the local paper. The contracting parties aie Che ."epiah, a daughter of the late Ditoh Panglima Kinta Mahomed Yousof, and Abatned, the
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  • 119 2 The doctrine of vegetarianism appears to be slightly shaken bv the result of au invest igatiou made into the subject of the longevity of birds. With one notable exception the carrion, or meat-eating birds, are the longest lived. The exception is the swan. The average ages of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 Rheumatism Makes Life M iserahlc. A liiip; v home is llie most valuible possession that is williiu the reach of mankind, but you caunot enjoy its comforts if you are suffering from rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when you enter your home ami you can be relieved from those
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    • 329 2 Get it To-day. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy cures diarrhoea and dysentery in all forms and in all stages. D never fails. For sale by all Dispensaries and Dealers. NOTICE. ON and after this date, jlI 1 small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid
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    • 932 2 ft, PREMIER BRITISH PIANO BEINSMEAD.” Built expressly for this climate and carries A FIYE YEARS WARRANTY. BRINSMEAD PIANOS are noted for RICHNESS of TONE EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP. Prices from SUSO Hire Purchase W.^XTBD. A CLERK with a knowledge of English who understands shipping works balary *25, to betriu with. Apply to
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  • Shipping.
    • 91 3 Avagykb, Br. s.s., 247. Buchanan. 3rd May, I>eli. 2nd May, Geo., K. G. Co. Eanokat, Br. s.«. t 149, Nielsen, 3rd May, Teluk Anson, 2nd May, Gen., K. G. Co, I* itzpatkic'S, Br. s 730, Williams, 2nd May, Rangoon, 28th Apr., Gen., Hong Bee Katurthala, Br. s.s., 721, Leariuout,
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    • 62 3 3ri> May. T»mj Cluii/ Un. for Batu Balm and A saltan. Cornelia, for Port Swetteuham and Malacca. Padany, for Batu Bahra. Taw Tony, for Traug. R. Halewyn, for Batu Bahra. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Un Peng, for Perlis and Setul. Taroba, for Rangoon and Calcutta taking mails for
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  • 30 3 Vessels Front 1 Agents Due l Lightning Singapore E. F. FerA. A. A.Co. 3rd May. dit and Colombo S.K &Co. 5th Beulomoud (London S.B.&Co. tith Braemar Glasgow S.B.&Co. 13th
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  • 23 3 1 I’ggeh For Ajentg Leave t Light mug E. F. Ferdinand Beulomond Braemar Calcutta Singapore Singapore Singapore A.A.A.Co. S.K.&Co. S.B.ACo. S.B.&Co. May.
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  • 99 3 For Mergui, Tavoy and Moulmeiu—Per Atka, to morrow, 11 a.m. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Petre l tomorrow, boou. I^eli—Per Avagyee, to morrow, 1 p.m. Asalian—Per Miry Austin to morrow, 1 p.m. leluk Anson Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p m. Port Swettenliain and Singapore—Per Kavurthala, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Caugsa, T. Seinawe,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1708 3 (SH IPPING.) ft I S. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Man Service. Outwards. Mhv 9 h.«i. Oceana connecting with Si as. Malta June 6 #.d. Delta 20 m.k. ('In'a a do do do H.H. H.K. H.H. Homewards May II Atvatiia connecting with J5 h.h. Delhi June H h.h. Oceana
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    • 181 3 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. Mew Service between Penang» Port Swcttcnliani and Singapore. The above Company’s New Steamer “PEBAZ” will l*> despatched from Penaug every Tuesday, at p.w from the Wharf for Port Swetteuham and Singapore, arriving at Port Swettenbaui in tune to catch the 8 30 train for Kwala Lumpur
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  • 97 4 Justice sattsllm everybody and Justice alone.—Emerson Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226 —232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL «2* per annan> OUTBT.UTONB Poet Age Extra. MAIL EDITION (Post Pree «15 CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343. .v./J. All business
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  • 21 4 Bikths. Boyes. —At Auiarauth. Cavanagh Rood. Singapore, on April 2!*, the wife of John A. Boves. of a son.
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  • 609 4 The fuss which is apparently being made just now in the home papers over the refusal of the Lord Chamberlain to grant licences for performances of Gilbert and Sullivan's opera The Mikado, culminating even in a question upon the subject being put in the House of Commons, might
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  • 258 4 Prince You Buelow’s recent speech in tlie Reichstag must have come as a great blow to Mr. Stead and the other advocates of peace at any price,” as also to those who were looking forward to the result of the Hague Conference being a general reduction of armaments all
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  • 592 4 The preseut programme at Matsuo’s is a rattling good one and those who have not yet seen it should not miss this evening’s show, as to-morrow will see another comi plete change of programme. Mahomed, a Kling, to-day pleaded guilty” to gambling and was fined $l. The Penang
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  • 1026 4 Chinese Recreation Club vs. Government Service. Almost every one who takes any interest iu football journeyed down to Pangkor Road yesterday afternoon to witness the playing off of the League fixture between the above teams. The Town Band was in attendance and the weather delightful; superadded there was
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  • 145 4 Yesterday aflernoou, Mr. Codringt on resumed the hearing of the case agai n8 t Sikh Lance Corporal Hari Singh, who stool charged with the theft of four tins of condensed milk and two tins of sardines, or, in the alternative, fraudulent possession of the same.
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  • 282 4 A Wat Thiy Havk in Saigon. A correspondent sends us the following letter from a resident of Saigon, which we hope will not attract the attention of the Municipal President or any other Government official Saigon, 22nd April, 1907. Dear—,i am sending you a few French
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  • 355 4 1 Last Night’s Concert. Last evening a very enjoyable concert was given at the Town Hall by local amateurs iu aid of the Province Wellesley Mission Institution. There was a large and appreciative audience and we feel sure that the fund iu aid of which the concert was
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 THE ANSLQ-CHIKESE STORE, 5, CHINA STREET. DOUROS' HIGH CLASS EGYPTIAN CIGARETTES, The only smoke that can satisfy a connoisseur. Just landed ex s. s. “Bayern.” Aristocrats, §l.BO per l(>a. Any orders for samples will be promptly attended to. Money will be refunded in full if the customer is not satisfied.
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  • 27 4 Death. Gone to be witli Jesus." Os April Jotli. at Nederlaudia." Kampoug Java-rd, Singapore. Eudora. aged 12, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Leicester.
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    • 114 5 More Preference Speeches. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 3rd V ay.— Piefereuce wan the text of the speeches of the Colonial Premiers at the bacquet given in their honour by the I. union Cliamlier of Commerce. Sir Wilfrid Laurier said that it would uot affect Canada's loyalty oue iota
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    • 95 5 President and King. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 3rd May.--King Edward yesterday visited President Fallieres and stayed for forty tire minutes. The French President returned the King’s visit. A Quiet May Day. laiudou, 3rd May.—May Day in France was generally quiet, despite the labour agitation in Paris and several other
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    • 70 5 The Chinese Question. (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 3 r d May.—Reuter’s correspondent at Pretoria states that Mr. Smuts, the Transvaal Colouial Secretary, replying to a labour deputation, said that his Government were determined to repatriate the Chinese at the earliest possible opportunity, thus leading to the absorption of
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    • 49 5 New Treaties Prepared (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 3rd May.—Reuter’s St. Petersburg correspondent wires that the Japanese aud Russian plenipotentiaries yesterday agreed upon the text of a commercial treaty and also a protocol and diplomatic notes with reference to special concessions and formal signature will shortly follow.
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    • 61 5 Question in Parliament. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 3rd May. —Sir Edward Grey, replying to Mr. Viuceut Kennedy iu the House of Commons, said that the Lord Cliamberlaiu acted on his own responsibility in withdrawing the licence for producing The Mikado.’' If his (Sir Edward’s) advice bad been asked,
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    • 44 5 In Want of Funds. (Supplied bp Reuter.) London, 3rd May.—Lord Curzou has lulled au appeal to assist Oxford University, which is iu urgent need of money for the promotion of the teaching of modern languages and aud the maintenance of the Bodleian library.
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    • 31 5 French Press Opinion. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 3rd May.—The Paris uewspapers oouiineud Priuce von Buelow’s plaiu speak■ug which is calculated to check progress iu direction of a species of hysteria.
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    • 29 5 Reception in British Columbia. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3rd May.—General Kuroki aud ier Japanese visitors for the Jamestown ihitioti have arrived iu British Columbia were cordially received.
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    • 21 5 Prince Edward. (Supplied by Renter Loudop, 3rd May.—Priuce Edward, eldest <)f the Print# of Wales, has entered Thorne Naval,Col lege.
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    • 18 5 South Africans in England {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 3rd May.—The South African Cricketers havu arrived in England.
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  • 143 5 Chandu Shops to hr Closed at 11 p.m. We understand, says the Times of Malaya, (hat at a meeting of the chaudu-shopkeeper* held at the hiuese Protectorate this afte--uoou, the keepers were warned bv the Protector of Chinese (Mr. W. Cowan) that on the completion of the new row
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  • 729 5 Interesting Interview. In the course of au interview accorded a representative of the Times uj Malaya this morning, says Wednesday's issue of that paper, Mr. C. Kiugman, Chinese Trade Commissioner, who is staying at the Chinese Hotel here, kindly vouchsafed a deal of interesting information respecting his
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  • 1136 5 A Verdict or Wilful Murder Returned. The Coroner’s inquest into the death of the late Syed Abdul Kader was held at the Coroner’s courtroom, General Hospital, Singapore, on Monday afternoon, Mr. Alexander Gentle, the Coroner, occupying the bench. Syed Ali bin Sahib was sworn and said that
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  • 492 5 Alleged Breach or Agreement. An important case involving au alleged i breach of agreement was to have come on i for hearing before the Chief Justice, Sir W. > H. Hvndmau Jones, iu the Supreme Court yesterday, savs Wednesday’s Free Free*, in i which J. M Lyon
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  • 74 5 Arrived Per ss. Kapurthala, from Siugapore Messrs. G. H. Scales, Myler aud Khoo Seek Leng. From Port Swetteuhain Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ilighett aud Mr. Tau Lean Clive. Departed. Per s.s. Thougica, for Port, Swetteuhain Messrs. C. K. Jocbim and Laedema. For Singapore Mr.
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  • 59 5 To-dat 21st Day of 3rd Moon. Tenuis Tournament, Golf Club. Town Band, Esplanade, 6 to 7 pm. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 22ud Day of 3rd Moon. P. C. C. Gymkhana, Esplanade, 2 p.ui. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Penaug Road
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  • 21 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Serv ice. Outwards. Homewards. Oceana 9 May. I Arcadia 11 Majj, Malta VJ i, I Delhi Vo
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 100 5 “Make Hay While the Sun Shines.” There is a lesson in the work of (lie thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright suusbine may last but a day and he prepares for the showers which are so likely to f Jlow. Sa it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrbtea
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    • 663 5 REAL ECONOMY. Consists not so much >u using a quality of StCOnd Rate Articles. because they aie Cheap, but rather in buying a fewer number of Superior Quality Goods, as proved especially iu the case of PALMEK TYKES. And besides, consider the annoyauce and lost time avoided bv the almost
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 49 5 WEATHER. Til it fol.'owing report is kindly supplied 1m the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 5 p.m. S a.m. noon. I Pftwdii) r f.-mi rn. 84 8» Wi. Fine Fine line Wd. N.E. N. S.K. Tie rainfall during the 2 4 lours ended at 9 a.m. to-dav was nil.
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  • 1413 6 A Book on a Pestiferous Ideal. Any fool can earn a dollar, but it take? a wise man to save it. J saved the first dollar I ever earned.” And The holiday habit is business gone astray.” '1 hose are two of the aphorisms of Russell
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  • 506 6 Per M. M. s.s. Oceanien, due at Singapore on 6th May To Singapore (from Marseilles, Apr. 14) Mr. W. S. Gibson, Sir C. Brook, Mr. C. S. Pearse, Mr. Saintbois, Mr. J. H. D. Jones. Per P. O. s.s. Britannia, connecting with the Oceana at Colombo,
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  • 122 6 Pknang, 3rd May (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ...2/4,’« 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4/* 3 Credit 2/4 f 3 Documentary ...2 /4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ B mibay, Demand Bank 178$ Moulmein, Demand Bonk 171$ 3 days’ sight P.ivate
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  • 165 6 Jold leaf S6I6J B. Pepper( W.Coast 31b5.0 at.., 16j. —no slock White Pepper 24. —fellers Trane Pepper 19$ sales Cloves (picked) 51. —buyers Mace 81.50 sales Mace Picking? 70J sellers Nutmegs 110 s '2.9—sell tin No. 1 s.— sales sugar 2 no stock Baske* 3.10 layers Tapioca Flour 80
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  • 185 6 r i j Penang, Vni> Mav, 1007. Beef— cte. Soup per cal tv 14 Roast *24 Steaks *24 Stew or Curry Meat Id Ruiup Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pork— Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet *24
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  • 338 6 1906 1904 1904 1898 1906 1903 1905 1904 1904 X *5,000 ‘JOO,OOO 100,000 X 30,000 1 75,0« >0 8 100,000 100,000 X 50,000 60,000 75.< 0 > 1,350 850 26,300 175,000 1,000 8,800 6,9*20 35,000 50,000 1898 ‘2 '5,000 17 000 1865 ,”10,000,’ 000 1901 ‘2,100,000 4,500 188 80,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 32 6 Sprains Quickly Cured. Mat he the pails freely with Chamberlain’* 1 aiu llalm aud give them absolute rest and a quick cure is certain. For sale by all Dispensaries H ud Dealers
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    • 123 6 fcxnu«U) > (J) X *V\ I til. J sy'i vr//j »*10 81 fc o a 9 —I -T’ 1 UJ < GK G» m or c® v fcOH®' %«o* G O I t: t! 1i TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Kan Seng Co., Gini Tek Kee Co., Heap Lee Co.,
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  • 331 7 Women who Bring Discrkdii on a Noble Calling. The honest, geuuine, professional nu w is naturally a little nettled by the doings of those whom she would describe as wolves in sheep’s clothing, or adventuresses posing as nurses. Unfortunately there is at present no help for it. As
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  • 565 7 Fortune Founded on a Phrase. Mr. '1 liomas Beecfcam, the founder of the famous pill-tranuf icturing firm, died jon ili9 Gih u!t. at Sunhport. Mr. Beecham hi d b en ill a fortnight, but nothing serious was ai ti'ipa'ed until two or time hours before his
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 978 7 FOR SALE. The Early THE LONDON UIRLOTORy, IWSUKANCES (Publishkd Annually.) History of Penang, I J7*N ABLEK enterprising traders throughout The Empire to keep in close touch with the trade of the Motherland. Besides being a j complete commercial guide to London and its Suburbs, the Directory contains lists of:— 1592—1827.
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    • 52 7 «'olds and Pneumonia. 1 here cun be uo excuse fur a mau if he allows a col<l to develop iuto pneumonia. Chamberlain s Couyh Kemedy counteracts any tendency towards this disease and many doctoi s bills have beeu saved by its timely use. Fo'- sale by all Disj eu»arief» and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 935 8 Lim Sun Mo, chop heng Mom Go /64. Beach Street, Penang. W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha. U.S.A. NOTICE. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. i RBSIDING AT Importers of all kinds ot European Cloth No 2la Penan Road and A few doors from the Eastern and Oriental
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