Straits Echo, 28 March 1907

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1286 1 TIGER brand cement. 258 N, CO IN r<? FO B £SJ POP ALL PURPOSES. BANK S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. X BOO,OOO .£975,000 Capital l\iid up Reiervi' Fun<l Rgservp Liability of Proprietors .£BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, TIIREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Bombay Bangkok Batavia
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    • 17 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT TIANG LEE A Co. >3 C 51 1 nr <2 SS&U}® SOLfi AOb'MTS. BASS’S ALE.
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  • 1068 2 Many of our terms for the technicalities of seafaring have long been woven into the speech and thought of the British nation, as it is to be exi ected when there is not a single inhabitant of the British Isles living over a hundred miles from salt water.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1876 2 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenham and Singapore. The above Company’s New Steamer “PERAK” will be despatched from Penaug every Tuesday, at 5 p.m from the Wharf for Port Swettenham and Singapore, arriving at Port Swettenham in time to catch the 830 train for Kwala Lumpur
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  • Shipping.
    • 136 3 Arcadia, Br. s 8 3,514. Hide, 28th Mar., Bombay, 18th Mar.,Gen., —A. G. Co. O.maukrk, Br. ss. 360, Bel 1 28ih Mar, Moulmeiu, 2 st Mar.. Geu K. G. Co. Malaya, Ger. s.s., 348, Loewe, 28th Mar., Deli, 27th Mar., Gen., B. M. Co. Lady Weld, Br. s.s., 215,
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    • 33 3 28th March Pet re!, for Pangkalau B randan. Canton, for Pangkor anti Teluk Anson. Hock Chuan Vn, for Seiu!. Cornelia, for Poll Swettenham A Malacca. Deli, for Asalia n. Lanjkat, for Deli.
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  • 19 3 VtKteh h'rnm A<jful> i I ho* Bingo M aru jsiugapoie B.&Co. It Mar. Trieste jOolouibo S K.&Co. :30th
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  • 16 3 1 esneh For Ajentk Lea ves BiugoMaru Trieste Marseilles Singapore B.&Co. S K &Co. Mar.
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  • 205 3 For Teluk Anson Per Lady Weld, to- morrow, 3 p.m. Ceylon, Australasia, India, Aden, Mauri* tius, Egypt, and via Brindisi, for Europe, etc.—Per Macedonia, tomorrow, 8 p in. Traug—Per Taw Tong, 30th instant, 1 p.m. Negapatani and Madras—Per Tcesta, 30th instant, 1 p u. Tougkah, Kopah, Renong, Victoria
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1622 3 (S HIPPIN G.) P. 4 II at TAI# 0 IS. 11. Co. elni Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Mur >*H 8.8. Arcadia (cnnoctiug with 8.8. Victoria A,,i. 11 s.B. Devanha do 8.8. India 25 8.8. Delhi do H.a. Mongolia MhV. 9 s.s. Oceana do s.s. Britannia Homewards Mar. 29
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    • 95 3 Homeward Passenger Season 1907. P, O» S. N, Co, s.t». MACEDONIA 10,512 TONS. From Penang Direct In Marseilles and London. WITHOUT TRANSHIPMENT. Leave Penang ir. 29 8 I* M Colombo Apl. 3 Leave Bombay Apl. 6 due Marseilles Ap). 20 London Apl. 27 Passengers by this vessel will be afforded
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  • 101 4 Justice -alludes everybody and justice alone.—Smevso" Established June Ist, 1903 Published dally (except Sundays.) CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuang. PRICE JAILT 100 a I »84 p* r annum OUTBTA TIONS Postage Extra. vIAII. BDITION (Poet Free *ls CABLE ADDRESS Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 345.
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  • 1003 4 The periodical wars which break out and are waged between the small Republics of Central and South America do not, as a rule, attract the attention of the whole world, as does a declaration of war between two of the great Powers, like that between Russia and Japan,
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  • 153 4 There will be no issue of the Straits Echo to-morrow (Good Friday) or ou Easter Monday. On Good Friday, the Post Office will open from 2to7p. m. and only the afternoon Express will be issued. On Saturday, the 30th instant, the Post Office and the SubPost Offices
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  • 121 4 The Mauager of the local branch of the Chartered Bank has courteously iuformed us that a telegram has been leeeived from the Head Office iu L >ndon, to the effect that, al the approaching Meeting of Shareholders, the Directors will recommend a dividend
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  • 183 4 Senior and Junior Local Examinations. The following candidates froui Penang, who sat for the Cambridge Local Examination in December, liM)t>, have passed Boys. Senior. Gob Guau Ho ...Anglo-Chinese School. Kanagasabapatby Vauniasingham Lim Swee Poh ...Peuaug Free School. Ifhoo Heng Kok Leoug Yew Koh ...St. Xavier’s Institution. Yeap Tbean
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  • 71 4 We would remind our readers that the London Chronograph Show opens this evening at the King Street Theatre. A specially good programme has been drawn up for the delectation of the audience aud those who call at the King Street Theatre this evening may be certaiu of
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  • 283 4 The Hippodrome is still doing spleudid business, there being auother very good audience last eveuiug when, besides the usual capital programme, there was an extra attraction iu the shape of high-jumping competitions for local horses and ponies. For the horses competition there were four entries:—(1) “Barbette” ridden by
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  • 430 4 Before the Bench Court, yesteiday, two cases of house breaking aud one of robbery were heard. In the first case, Suawi, a Malay, was convicted for bieaking into a house at Bitu Lanchang ou the 17th inst., and sentenced to two years’ rigorous imprisonment. In the other
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  • 53 4 On the conclusion of the trial for charges of gambling and assisting in the management cf a common gaming house yesterday afternoon, Mr. Lemon began the trial of Kui Cheng Chuau and Yio Beng Hi for the charge of furnishing money for the purpose of gambling. The
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  • 41 4 A I’Ai'f.uciiASE has beeu arrange! by the Committee of the Hunt Club for Tuesday, o-d of April Meet at Dato Kramat Gardens at 5 p in. an 1 finish at Thornliebank All friends of the Club are cordially invited.
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    • 94 4 Tennis Championship Echo Specials.) Singapore, 28th March. In the Lawn Tennis Championship tie, which was played off yesterday, F. Salzmann beat the holder, L. E. Gaunt, by ♦>—3, <l—2, An Atrocious Case Singapore, 28th March.— A terrible case of slavery and torture has just been disclosed wherein a Hokkien
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    • 123 4 A Long List of Grievances (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th March.—M. Pichou, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, enumerated in the French Chamber a long list of grievances for which ihere had beeu no reparation. The list included murders, assaults and obstructions to French commerce. France now demanded the exemplary
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    • 69 4 Bitter Adversaries Shake Hands. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 28th March.—Burning, plundering aud rioting still continue in many places in Northern Koumauia. There was an impressive sceue iu the Chamber yesterday wheu bitter adversaries shook hands anil promised to support the Government iu the present crisis. Several Bills for alleviating
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    • 53 4 Discussion in the House of Commons (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 28th March.—A discussion took place iu the House of Commons yesterday with regard to the Hongkong mail contract via Canada. Some Liberals objected to the expense but the Government defended the contract, which was ratified by lfil
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    • 26 4 Several Injured (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 28th March —An explosion occurred ou a torpedo boat at Cherbourg aud several meu were severely injured.
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    • 61 4 Russian Subject Murdered (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 28th March.—The Daily Jfa«/ correspondent at Teheran says that a Russian subject has beeu murdered by the populace at Sahzevar. Cossacks Sent Loudou, 28th March.—The Russian consul at Meshed has seut an official with Cossacks to Sahzevar, where an anti-Russian movement is
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    • 28 4 Commissioner of Lunacy Appointed (liujifjlied by Renter.) Loudon, 28th March.—Tha Court bae appoiutel a Commissioner of Lunacy determine Thaw’s present condition. The trial has been suspended.
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    • 71 4 The Situation in Europe. (Su/>j>lied by Reuter.) London, 28th March.— During a short discussion m the French Chamber jester ay the Socialist. M. Colliard moved that certain troops ba dismissed to their homes be <>re the expiry of their term of servico. Mmenieau firmly declined to do this au
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    • 82 5 Important Changes. (Supplied by Renter.) Ion, h March. —The Daily Te>e~ that Lieut. General Sir Ian S. ri/ },is l>eeu strongly backed for the Command, but states that the Gov'E1 eut prefer Lord Kitchener to continue pie-ent appointmeut for another two T nut jeueral Sir William Gustavus Iim's'U
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    • 26 5 I tgreement Signed. (Supplied by Reuter.) [ondoii. 28tb March. —The Anglo-ltalian •rieweut regulating the reciprocal relations two powers in Sotnalilaud, has been (ouelii'led.
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    • 26 5 Starts for Prance. (.Supplied *y Reuter.) houilou, 2Sth March. —Reuter’s eonespoudeut at Bangkok states ihat the King of Sum has started for France.
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    • 26 5 Settlement Satisfactory. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 28-h March.—Settlement in the Udon stock exchange was very satisfactory. n u |f four small failures are reported.
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    • 65 5 Sails for England. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 28th March.—Geueral Botha has tailed for England to attend the Colonial Conference. He was accorded a great reception at Cape Town and reiterated emphatically bis desire to cooperate with the Imperial Government and the British people for the good of the
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    • 344 5 L V. Harcnurt Admitted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, -Bth March.—Mr. Lewis Vernon Harcourt has been promoted a member of tbe Cabinet although lie still remains the First Commissioner of Works. Sirgeant Uxlev, ot the Pitt Street StatKm, has been raised to the rank of Inspector, and posted to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 401 4 AN OPEN LETTER. \\T E beg to iuform tlio Public <>f Penang generally that we are starting business shortly,at No. 5, China Street, the premises lately occupied by Messrs. Hug -o., under the name and style of The Anglo-Chlnese Store. Our Special lines will be: Provisions, Wines and Spirits. Japanese
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    • 46 4 Neuralgia and Sciatica Cured. The great pain relieving power of Chamberlain's Pain Balm lias been the surprise ami delight of many sufferers from neuralgia and sciatica. The excruciating pains characteristic of tbe-e diseases are quickly allayed by this liniment. For sale uv all Chemists and Storekeepers.
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    • 12 4 The French Confectionery» 17a, Northara Road. Chocolates,. Boubou». Itassert Fondant». At Fticet-
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  • 2664 5 Papbh by >Mt M Hood Treacher, k c.m <j. npaper on the subject of ritish Malaya, with more especial reference to the Federated Malay States,” was read by Sir Wm. Ho d Treacher, k.c m 0.. late Resident-General of the F M S.), before the Colonial Section of
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  • 69 5 Per Arcadia, from London Mr. B. Maliouy, Mr. J. G. Fiuch, Mr. W. F. Clarke. From Malta Mr. H. M Ferrers. From Colombo Mr. R. Coleswortb, Mr. W. i Braitbwaite, M iss Walsh, Mr. aud Mrs.; Sincliir. For Singapore Mr. aud Mis. J. S. Canniughain, Mr. H J. Hoppe,
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  • 96 5 To-day 15th Day of 2nd Moon. Maundy Thursday. Town Baud, Chinese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, comer of Peuaug Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. The Londou Chronograph. King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. Openin j Performance. The Hippodrome, LXito Kramat Gardens, 9 p.m. Chanye of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 58 5 M Rheumatism Can be Cured Bu^e, ©rs from this painful prom,.* U R lr PriKed anl delighted Wli/p ob ai ned bv a PP l in K ,uu A permanent curt v continuing its use for a Vj it T it will cost you but a trifle tc u b
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    • 47 5 TOWN HALL, PENANG. For Three Nights only, commencing April 16th. HE BANDMANN OPEEA Co. By special exclusive arrangement with Mr. George Edwardes and the Principal London Managers. The Company comprises 50 London Artistes, and its OWN FULL ORCHESTRA. plan now opkn at CUNNINGH AM, CLARK A Co.
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    • 715 5 CYCLING, 'V hen you ride a MASSEY-11 ARRIS, is QUITE A DIFFERENT MATTER! :o:—:o:—:o: And more particularly s> when it is fi.tcd with PALMER TYRES. :o:—:o:—:o: Cash or l'erins; old Machines taken in exchange. MASSEY-H ARRIS AGENCY, 2.1 Keith Street, PENANO. THE LONDON CHRONOGRAPH SHOW, The King of the Cinematograith
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  • 856 6 Close up close up cried the Irish drill sergeant to his awkward squad of recruits. How do ye expect the enemy to hit ye if ye go straggling along loike that Salesman Perhaps you would like to see something more expensive, madam Customer: Well not something uioie
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  • 121 6 Penano, 28th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank ---2/4^ 4 months’ sight Bank ...2 4$ 3 Credit 2/4 J 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks 174 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bombay, Demand Bank 173$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175|
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  • 163 6 Gold leaf $54.60 B. Pepper(VV.Coast 31b«.5 oz.) 17. —n0 stock White Pepper 25. fellers Dang Pepper 20 sales Cloves (picked) 42. sales Mace 82.75 sales Mace Pickings 70J sellers Nutmegs 1 ids 30 sellers !No. 1 5 sales 2 no stockBasket 3.15 sales Tapioca Flour 1.80 nominal Copra 11-
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  • 174 6 Penang, 28th March, 1907, Beep— ctt. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat 16 Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 25 Tougue 50 Feet 15 Heart 28 Liver 25 Pokk Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 987 6 o -2 Number of, 2 J B 3 Capital. Shares 1 r- Last Dividend. Name. >• 2. issued. 'Ji K x fc I <y. Mining. 1903 300,000 30.000 10 10 Belat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 19 25 20-1)9.50 1900 175,000 i t" 10 Bersawah Gold Mining Co., Ltd. ...j
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 Whooping Cough in JamaicaDoting the epidemic of whoopiug cough which was pievaleut in Jamaica, Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy was freely used. Mr Riley Reunett, Chemist at Brown’s Town, Jamaica, says of it “I cannot speak too highly of this rente ly. It has never failed 1,1 il case where I have
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    • 265 6 NOTICE. F. M. S. RAILWAYS. On Good Friday, March 29th, 1907, trains will run as on Sundays. E. A. COOK, Traffic Manager, Dist. Traffic Supt., Taiping. 27-3-07 241 BANE HOLIDAYS. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Good Friday, Satur= day Easter Mon= day, 29th and 30th March, and Ist
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    • 119 6 <=> RMnuiftCAl > k 'I if) X J§ n. it m o Mil "M -J /i V" a UJ >5 < 6K G. W c* ■t' RO**° O 'is -»S8^ TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Han Seng Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Heap Lee Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1043 7 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HIjNI 1 MOH <3t Co., 1,4, Heath Street, Penang. importers of all kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 220 Kim Keng Leong Co., 127, BEACH STREET. importers OF SVERY DESCRIPTION ->r IRONMONGERY, Wind' is nn sale at specially advantageous terras. M BO AOENTB FOlt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 3442 8 THE EASTERN TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED CAPITAL $4,004,000.00. The Subscription List will open on Monday, the 11th day of March, 1907, and dose on or* before Tuesday, the 30th day of {April, 1907, for the Colony of the Straits Settlements and t e Federated Malay States, and I rid y, the
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