Straits Echo, 9 March 1907

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1243 1 TIGER BRO'OCEMtNT 258 05 r-a S* 3* «o IXO* IN ro 7 /OA> ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. CftPiUI Paid up Jt800,000 Reserve Fund 2975,000 Reserve Liabilitylof Proprietors 2800,000 Hoad Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies
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    • 17 1 STOUT TIArvG LFE A Co. I*s a e?z:mxti Vo« > t* 1 <2 <? £&7IDSS SOLE AuhXlS. BASbS ALK.
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  • 210 2 A wrole to the China Mail from Canton, on the 21st ult., as fol- I lows The Viceroy of the Two Kwaug recently telegraphed to the Viceroy of the eung Kiang. attd r*qu«*s*ed that two miuiug experts, Chih and Ohing Tswen, a« well as some mining students,
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  • 771 2 A young spark, dressed to kill, stuggerec out of a driuking saloou at Kowloou one night, and standing on the footpath scoured t he hoiiz in for a ricksha. Iu sway ing from side to side in his »£forttospoi a vehicle, he < oliided with a passing
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  • 584 2 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Make Pale Girls Rosy, Sad Girls Happy Sickly Girls Strong. This Singai*o»e Lady Tells How They Have Blessed Hm Married Life. My sufferings bogan when 1 was quite a young girl, and although my parents did all they could for me
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 176 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Strahs Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, stli July 1905 Managing D irecoi KINTA TIN MINES LIMITED. DIVIDEND No 23 W. Aluitber dividend of 61. per share lias I eeu dcclired, payable
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    • 1270 2 i l i k WHERE SHALL WE liEEI? MEET ME AT THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a, Northam RoadTelephone No. 527. First Class Bar, Fresh Cakes, and Ices daily. KIM and Co. Why not learn Esperanto? THE IDEAL LANGUAGE OF THE AGE. “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURERS. GRAHAM NICHOLSON, Office,
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  • Shipping.
    • 91 3 Calypso, Hr. 8 s., 339, Lowry. 9tb Mur., Deli, Bdi Mar., Tobacco, —W. M. Co. Cant 'N, Hr. ss., 10', Merican, 9th Mar., Teluk Anson, Bili Mar., Geu^ Ah Hilly. Hok Canton, Hr. s s., 294, Scott, 9th Mar., Acheen, oth Mar., Gpu —Han Ho Hiu. Machaom, Hr. s.s
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    • 66 3 9r« March. Avagyee, tor Deli. Petrel, for Paugkaluu K randan. Mary Austin, for Asahau. Calypso, for Singapore. Kavurthcdo, tor Port Swettenbaui and Singapore. Pc Carpeutier, for Laugsa, T. Seuiawe. Segli, Olehleh, Sabang, Padang and Batavia. tiol/ond, lor Kiiugoon. tiree Banka, for Pauukor. Sam tinny, for Singapore and Hongkong. Machaon,
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  • 31 3 Vessels From A iff, til* Due li**uveuue Nvauza Austria Sado Maru Benalder Loudou Singapore Singapore Siugapore Loudou 9th Mar. VG.&Co. lltli S.K.&Co. 11th B A Co. 15th S.B&Co. 23rd
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  • 31 3 1 essttU For A'jetils Lettvcg Beuvenue* ''ingapore S B.&Co. 9th Mar. Nyanzi Colombo \.G &Co. 11th Austria Colombo S K.&Co. Sado Maru Mai seilles B &Co. Benalder Singapoie S Ii.ACo.
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  • 73 3 Fur S^tul—Per Flyhuj Drayau, lltli iustaut, 3 p.m. Pulo Well, Oleldeh and Padaug—Per Head. 11th instant. 4 p.m. Calcutta—Per hat Ham/, 11th iustaut, 4 p.m. Colombo aud Tutieoriu—Per Nyanza, 11th iustaut, 4 p.m. Deli—Per Van de>- Hurra, *lirh iustaut, 11 Laugkat Per Han Whatl Soon, 12th iustaut,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1012 3 > N M SS. If. Co. Ejprcird Arrivals and iJejmriures. Man Service. Outwards. Mar. 14 Delhi connecting with s 8. Himalaya ‘2B 8.8. Arcadia do s.s. Victoria ll s.s. Devanha do B.B .lndia 25 8.8. Delhi do Homewards Mar. Id s.S .Delhi connecting with 21* 8.8. Macedonia Apl. 13 8.8.
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    • 449 3 HIPPIN G.) IMMBURG-AMERIKA LINE PASSENGER SERVICE. fl V, By the uew steamers, “Rhenania,” Habsbckg,” “Hob KNSiAtTFEN.” and the “Scandia” and “Silesia.” The steameri are especially built for the tropics and have luxurious Passeugei h ir8t-class Cabins ainidsbip, lighted throughout by electricity, cabin* Doctor and Stewardesses carried. Laundry on board. Return
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    • 126 3 To Ordinary and Order Hills of Lading Holders. s.g. ZIETEN has arrived from Bremen via ports. BKHX, MEYER Co., Lm, \q<nig. 8-0 07 18-' Homeward Passenger Season 1907. P. O. S. N. Co. s.fc. MACEDONIA 10,512 TONS. From Penang Direct to Marseilles and London. W ITHoUT fKANbHIFM S NT. Leave
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  • 104 4 Justice Mtlefles everybody an I Inetire alone.—Km^rso" Established June Ist, 1903 Published d*Uy (except unday*.) at ths CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuan». PRICE DAILY I fV’4 T per annaiv OUTST4 HONS Postage Kura. MAIL EDITION (Poet Kree $l5 CAULK ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343
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  • 660 4 The Board of Trade returns for the United Kingdom for the tirst month of the new year, which were issued on the 14th ultimo, should serve to dispel the grave misgivings of the British pessimist, who would have one believe that John Bull’s foreign trade, through lack
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  • 2427 4 The ordinary fortufghtly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners was held at the Municipal Office yesterday afternoon, when the following gentlemen weie present: Mr. F, J. Hallifax (President), Mr. L. H. Clayton, Mr G. H. Lees, Dr. P. V. Locke and Mr. Quah Beug Kee, with Dr. G. W.
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  • 47 4 The enquiry iuto the deaths of Maugadu aud Yenkatarathnain, Koriuggee women, who were murdered at No 8 G’iutra Street, on the tiili iust., reported in our issue of the same date, was held by the Corouers, to-day. The verdict returned was “murder by Sitharamaswamy,”
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  • 96 4 To- hay. Police Constable Ma<, No 200, was placed before Mr. Nathan charged with sleeping wlii’e ou duty The man was placed ou guard over some insane uerso >s uuder observation at the General Hospital, and when tli3 Malay Sergeant visited the place last night,
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  • 108 4 Sramrani’s Circus gave auotber capital show last uight to a fairly good house. The eccentric boxing match and the contortionist turn by Wafts and Lucas, the clog dance. August for rather Ktki) in danger, ai d the elephants, dogs and horses were ali good, whilst the head-balancing teato
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  • 84 4 Lawn Tennis T uknamkm Thk result of the tie played off yes tenia* was:— Simile Handicap.—Claes 1 Final. A.ti. Anthony (acr.) beat E.b. HaslanW 1 The following tie will be played off ou Monday, the 11th iust. Profession Fairs. (J. 0. Rogers and E. S. Haslain vs.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. Treble Rejoicings! Grand Decorations!! AT THE PASSAGES (*<m he booked per British India Steam Navigitioii Company’s Steamers .TO-NIGHT' om Penamr, via Madras, to! Port Said, Genoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and London. KING STREET THEATRE HALL. TO-NIGHT I! WHEN HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT&Co. AfIPHTS MUNICIPAL NOTICE. milE Municipal CouiniHsioner*
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    • 116 5 Suicide at the Adelphi hotel. Echo Specials Sin-MjMUv, 9th March.—A German «•iitleuntn of the name of Philipp, who <t.*vinir at the Adelphi Hotel here, oUJin it*ted suicide yesterday afternoon ri jjis bedroom, with a revolver. He is reported to be wealthy, the cause of his gl, act being put
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    • 219 5 Echo Special.) 1 1 1 '••tli March. —Both the trains bringing tie* delegates from Singapore, Malacca, Penang and Negri Sembilan arrived about I p.m yesterday. They were met at the station by a large force of the Perak members with specially designed anti-opium flags decorating the carriages unl
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    • 74 5 Showing the Flag. {Supplied by Reuter.) Londou. H'h March. —During the discus •ion of the Naval Estimates, Mr. Robertson •aid that the Imiian, Foreigu, and Colonial offices had raised the question of showing; the flag iu uist iul waters. He said that the Admiralty believed that hitherto all
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    • 38 5 Prospectus Issued. {Supplied by Reuter.) buudou, 9th March.—The prospectus of the Japauese loan was issued amid the most animate*] scenes in London at the issuing tanks. The lists c'ose at the latest on the 14th iust.
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    • 19 5 New Commander-iiNChief. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, Hih March.—Admiral Drewrv *>»» l*eu appointed Coumiauder-in Chief of Mediterranean station.
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    • 51 5 A Change for the Better. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9th March.—The 'Times, comp,lu*-’ ul the journey of its correspondent tuui Peking to Southern China, dwells on f**uiai kable evidences of improvement iu feelings of the population towards the weigher auj their eai nest desire for Western w
      51 words
    • 32 5 aspects of Salving Unfavourable. (■Supplied by Htu'er.) tin;' w W arc^- —Prospect* of salving Drn„ Wl t a kota are unlavouiable and a Illln *0 guineas has been paid. Ifc
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    • 95 5 Supplied by Reuter.) London, bth March. —The Admiralty memorandum uuuouuces a series of curtailments iu the schemes provided iu the Naval Works Act of 1905. As ving of j£2,376 000 is effected iu cousequeuce of the reductiou of the fleet iu the Mediterranean. The grant for the Malta
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    • 88 5 (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 9ih March —lt is confirmed that au Anglo-F each syulicate, composed of the Bauk of England aud the OllotnuD Bank, have bought the property of the Constantinople Q lays Company. Sir Edward Fit/, gerald Law is one of the British directors of the Syndicate.
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    • 40 5 t Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, bth March.—The Cey lou Association meets next Tuesday co discuss what steps to with reference to representations to the Cbatnlier of Commerce iu favour of the Katuopura Passara aud Mauuaar Railway Companies.
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    • 41 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 9th March. —The EceniiUj Standard announces that Lord Curzou has declined the proferred chairmanship of the London Couuty Couucil, fearing that this would overtax his strength. Lord Milner has also declined the offer.
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    • 41 5 <Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9tli March —The House of Couimous passed a resolution fixing the strength of the effective navy at 128,000 men. The amendment of i lie Labour party to reduce this number by 8,000 men was withdrawn.
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    • 20 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9tli March. —The case for the defence in the Thaw tual is concluded.
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    • 17 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 9th March. —Two Radicals have beeu appointed ice-Presidents of the Duma.
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    • 312 5 (Supplied l y Reuter.) London, 9th March.—The Reichstag has agreed to vote £9,000 to build a 1 egatiou at Addisabeba. For stealing 20 packets of nails from the godown of Abu Bakar, a Chinaman was today sent to gaol for two weeks. A football match will be
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  • 947 5 Gang Robbkky. Bt/ore Mr. Justice Thornton Yesterday, after the trial of Yap Pong ou a charge of murder, the case of gang- robbery at Ayer Etam, the last case of the Assizes, was taken up aud the following prisoners, viz.:—1. Tell Wan, 2. Ang Tiau Su, 3. Song
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  • 1147 5 (From Our then Correspond'nt Singapore, 7th March. Very lightly the Echo —the people’s paper-has taken up the matter of tLei Penang Fire Brigade and as a lesult of the agitation you are to have Supe.-iutendeut Pett go up to Penang to reorganise vour Brigade (save the mark), Can
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  • 42 5 Per liharu la, from Singapore Messrs A. Fisher. A. Sadler, Lenng Khau aud Dato Hadjee Abdullah. For Kaugoou Mrs. Cbeab Guau Neow, Messrs. S. C. Hosali, Kboo llaiu Twan aud Khoo Sain Po. For Mergui H. K. Harrisou and L. Joel.
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  • 118 5 To-oat. 25th Day ol Ist M •on. Cricket Match P. C. C. H. M. 6. Kent. Peuaug Volunteers Shooting for Hibert Challenge Cup, 3 p.ui. Football Match G. C. A. cm. Y. M. C. A., at the latter’s Ground, 5-15 p.m. Town Baud, Golf Club 6 to 7 p.m.
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  • 18 5 O New M..ou Mar. 14th First Quarter 22nil O Full Moon 30th Last Quarter Apr. 5th
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  • 9 5 English *Deltx) ...14-tli Mar. China Delhi') ...16th
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  • 17 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OtJTWARUS. HollEW'Aßns. Delta 14 Mar. Delhi 16 Mar Arcadia US Macedonia 29
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 French Confectionery, 1'*, Northam Road. OhuooUtes, bouboiis, De»»ert Foud&uta, 1?*nnr>nnble Pricft.
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    • 45 5 Neuralgia and Sciatica CuredThe gieat pain relieving power of Chamberlain's Paiu Hahn has beeu the surprise ami delight of many aufferers from neuralgia and sciatica. The excruciating paint, characteristic of the«e disease* are qm<kljr allayed by tbi» liniment. For sale by all Chemists and Storekeeper*.
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    • 121 5 KTOTICB. lis hereby iriveu that the Ist iuteriui dividend at of the Sereudab Hyd. Till Mi'dinr Ltd. will be paid ou the 20th March, 1907. Traus'er books will le dosed from 12>h to lthb March. L<>KE CHOW THYE, 7-8-07 180 Managing Director. LAST TWO NIGHTS! Entire Change of Programme To-Night!
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    • 260 5 VIOLINS AND MANDOLINS. A Fine Stock of Violins, supplied with linw, Case, Instruction Book, Resin and Extra Strings, packed and delivered Penang Railway free. *9.00, *12 5), $17 50, *22 00, *27 50 and *35 00 GfcOkGE TISSINGTON COY., Victor Piano Agency, BE VCII STREET, PENANG. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. Favouied
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1565 6 Mark Twain’s fame as a raconteur has always kept even pace with, his fame as an author. Little wonder, then, that his Chapters of Autobiography.” appearing iu the A ntih American Review are eagerly •canned for glimpses of those amusing pelsoual experiences wnich have fallen to the great
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  • 419 6 A Love Match.” Few of those who have visited Loudon within the last decade are unacquainted with the name of Edna May, tne charming actress who first made her mark iu London, some ten years ago. iu the principal part iu the Belle of New York.” "Miss
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  • 119 6 Penang, 9th March. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Sank 2/4s' 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/4« 3 Documentary ...2/4J t Calcutta, Demand Bank I*s 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175$ Bomliav. Demand Bank 173$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 171$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 Madras,
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  • 165 6 Gold leaf S 04 60 B. Pepper( W.Coast Slbs.-S oz.) sl7. —no stock White Pepper $24 buyers Trang Pepper slBs buyers Cloves (picked) $42 —sates Mace $B3. —salet Mace Puking* 70 \seVers Nutmegs 11 0k 27J sales {No. 1 520 sales 2 no stock Basket $3.30 sales Tapioca Flour
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  • 176 6 Penano, 9th March, 1907. Beef— ctg. Soup per catty 14 Roast 24 Steaks 24 Stew or Curry Meat lti Rump Steak 24 Ox Tail each 30 Tongue 50 Feet 15 Heart 32 Liver 30 Pork Pork per catty 32 Pig’s Head 20 Feet 24 Tongue 32 Mutton per
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  • 1000 6 a i I a. I i o-2 Number of, p t t 5 5 Capital. Shares I Last Dividend. Name. 2. issued. pq d 5 i i_ <y Milling 1903 300,000 30 000 10 10 jßeiat Tin Mining Co., Ltd. 811». 1900 175,000 14oUo I Bersawab Gold Mining Co.,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 A Good Family Liniment. Fvery family should be supplied with a hot lie of Chambe laiu’s Paiu Balm. For outs, bruises, burus, scalds or similar injuries, which are of almost daily occurrence, there is nothing so good. It cools and soothes the wound and not only gives instant relief but
      65 words
    • 113 6 > X. c n x o UJ < o ro <b 4 *nu ':l <=>* <5 N> r&i G* TO c° O'* S't»**.'*' 1 4' v! -•69«TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Ban Seng Co., Giui Tek Bee Co., Heap Lee Co., Tong Joo Co., Goon Yen Friends, Cbiat Seng Co.,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 3330 7 THE EASTERN TRADING COMPANY, LIMITED. CAPITAL $4,004,000.00. The Subscription List w ll open on Monday, the 11th day of March, 1907, and close on or before Tuesday, the 30th day of April, 1907, for the Colony of the S raits Settlements and the Federated Malay States, and Friday, the 31st
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1058 8 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP TV! OH Ac Co., t>4. Reach Street, Penang. Importers of aM kinds of European doth and General Commission Agents. 220 Kim Kenj? I.eong Co, 127, REACH STREET. IMPORTERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION XOTIOB. 'IEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra Photos-enlarged, various sizes up to 3
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  • 1387 9 Uspkk above title Mr. E. Wrav, the Director of Museums, F. M. S., contributes I lie loll 'wing very interesting article to the Join "‘il <>/ the df. S. Museums: This appropriately named cloth is now unitdi m fashion with the Malays of the Straits and t lie
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  • 1269 9 Lecture by Baron Kikuchi The inaugural lec’ure to the courses ou Japanese educatiou to be delivered uuder the Martiu White beuefactiou iu tbe Uni versify of Loudon by Baron Dairoku Kikucbi during the spring aud summer terms was given ou the 14th ulf. at the University. Sir Edward
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  • 164 9 Alleged Complicity of Foreigners. It is reported that the examination by the Nagasaki police of Kamekichi Tad a, ou a charge of beiug concerned iu the illegal emigration of Japauese women, has resulted iu astouuding disclosures beiug made. It is alleged, according to the Nagasaki
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 70 9 "doping Cough in Jamaica. »|ii c l* 'ho opiUemic of whooping cough W 8 0 H Tr aleUt iu tt,Utt ca Chain ber- Kil. i Ueuie,l y was freely used. Jaiu dl Chemist at Brown’s T«j W f il Mr. 'own, I cauuot speak too iq a s re,nw, iy.
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    • 82 9 Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for Bowel Complaints in Children. Wo Lave used Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for year?,” says Mrs. J. Qoolw. of Neder lauds, Texas, U. S.-A. \Ne have <Mveu it to all of our cliilureu. We have
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    • 57 9 Rheumatism Can be Cured Mauv sufferers from this paiutul disease have Utu surprised au I delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Biilm. A permanent cuie may be effected by continuing its use tor a short time. It will cobt you but a triffe to try it.
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    • 1019 9 orsnt niier riill ter or iai k1. >al be be uat m tif INSURANCES. General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. ~V17E have been appoiuted Agents for P 0o,,, P“ u v ‘or P-uaug.! Proviuc-e Wellesley, aud tbe State of Perak 1 and are to accept risks against
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 466 10 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Large Stock Always on Hand* ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. ASAHI BEER. The Best Beer in the Market. USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. A NECLSSARY RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. Far Superior to the German Kinds. CNL Brewed specially for tropical climates.
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