Straits Echo, 29 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1130 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. s N?2SS •r >-B o e po> I.M ro bl h 7 /X//? >UL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid'up Keeervo Fund Knserve Liability! of Proprietors 4800.000 4975,000 4800,000 Head Office: HATTON COURT,
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    • 26 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. 1 a 3 fi c* > o 3* CD Co Ĕ O x, V N O<S to s^svfl TiAf C LEE A. t
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  • 208 2 W men. the other dav, Mr. Arthur Collin* was bluntly asked by au interviewer how he would ileline Tho Boudma',” he replied, I call it a play you may call it melodrama, if you like.’’ The wisest and one of the wittiest of dramatic critics, M. Lemaitre,
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  • 560 2 Father Heknarh Vauohan’s Appeai, TO JoURNAlISTW. Over two hundred journalists aud a uumber of their guests who assembled at the twenty fifth aunual dinner of the Loudon Press Club at the Criterion Kestauraut on Oct. 2‘) hau the pleasure of listening to a genial discourse by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 92 2 Sore Muscles. I'lomiueut athletes throughout the couu liml tlicit tin 1 best treatment fur sure muscles alli'i stvcm exercise ui bard work ul ;inv kind, is a iiul. balli at Itfd time, which uj.on.slLe pores, 'ibis should immediate!v lx* followed with an application of Chamber*, lain s l’ain Halm vigorously
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    • 728 2 Municipal Notice rpilE next ordinary meeting of the MuniJL cipal Cominissiouers will be held at the Muuicipal Office at 8 30 p.m. on Friday, the 30th instant. L. A. (/OUT! kr BIGGS, Secretary. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. rpHE Mfuuicipal Commissioners of George X. Town. I'eming, invite tenders for the supply of galvauised
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    • 1607 2 iniat lay, >. rry. >rge the aud derlUth and ipal ater iemIT. 706 joks is of aud r of 907, vers reek aud to aud >.m. fter All ore11 y the I Bouquet. Natural Bouq Uet Pi etSoap Made from the products of F RUIT an.d TLQW E RS contains»
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  • Shipping.
    • 83 3 Glknoole, Hr. s.s.. 2,399, Lukins, 29tli Nov.. Amoy, ***** Nov., Geu., C. Ho Sous Lady Weld, Hr. s s., 24.'», Treweeke, 29tli Nov Teluk Anson, 28tli Nov., Geu., —Stiaits S. S. Co. Teesta, Hr. s.s., 3,42', Lee, 29tli Nov, Ma lms, 1 Gtli Nov., Geu., H. L. <t Co.
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    • 36 3 29th November. Van der Parra, for Dei Hajan, Kdie aud T. Seuiawe. Padang, for Batu Hahra. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Ttcxla, for Port Swettenliain and Singapore. Flying Fi*h, for Port Weld and TaipiLg.
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  • 47 3 Vowel* h'mw Due IVuavuu (iOlxlon S. li.AUo. 1st l>ec. China Colombo S. K.AC'o. 1 at I >eucalion Sintra pore W.M ACo. 1st < A fx-a r Sirgapo e A A A.&Co (3th A. Apear Calcutta A.A.A.ACo Oth Sikh Glasgow S.B.JCn. 1-th Trieste Singapore S K.&Co. 7th ff
    47 words
  • 43 3 1 rg&vl* Fur AjPut* 1.eaves Beuavou Singapore 1st Dec. Sikli Singapore •S. 1? AC". Mil (i. A [car Calcutta A.A. A .ACo 7ili A. Apear Singapore A.A A.ACVIltli Cinua Singapore S.K A.Co. Deucalion IjOIkIoII w M ACo. Trieste Trieste S K.A?o.
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  • 92 3 For Halu B.ilira and Asalian Pe. Tong C/nty Un, tc-morrcw, 11 Port Swettenliain aud Malacca—Per Cornelia, to morrow, 1 p.m. Traug aud Pang Ngi—Per Tow Tung, to-morrow, 1 pm. Langkat—Per Miry Auxtin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Asaliau—Per li. Holewnn, to morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Lad;/ Weld, to-morrow,
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  • 38 3 IVr (rlenojle, from Amoy Mrs. Larkins, Mr. A. It Ma"e anil Mr. K. Snow. Per Nubiit, from Colombo Mis. YY r i'soii, Mr. J. Ivyihl, Mr J. S. Kerjuiso». Per Nubia, for Siu.apore Rev. P. G. Graham.
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  • 252 3 INDO-JAVA LINE. A S. N. Co.’s Flkkt. lons. Reg. Tons, ss Mail irani 1047 ssNaiiuug 2862 ss Sliahjflian 1402 ss Ninam 2870 ss Shahzada 1404 ss Rajput 3615 ss Koliinur 1404 ss Ranee 3634 ss Maharaja 1 115 ss R jah 3634 ss Nawab 2041
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1398 3 (SHIPPIN G.) is. i Co. Hspccted Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Dec. 5 s.s. Simla connecting with JS* Delta Jan. s.B. Arcadia do do 8.8. China B.s. India 8.8. Mongolia. INTENDED SAILINCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Fob Intended to Sail. Steam*». Negapatam, Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddaiore ami Karri
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  • 98 4 Justice «ftUtifle* everybody and justice alone.— Kmer sc* Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL s** P* r OUTBTATIONB Kxtr*. MAIL EDITION (Poet Pree) $l5 CABLK ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 .v.fl.—All business
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  • 833 4 It is to be hoped that the appeal being issued to Europe suid America by tlie International Committee at Shanghai on behalf of the stirving folk of Northern Kiangsu will not fall upon deaf ears, for the distress occasioned from time to time by these disastrous Hoods
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  • 640 4 E>t bi.oheu 1899. Mk. Liui Seng Hoo>, the loctl Hon. Treasurer of the above institution, begs to acknowledge receipt of the following douatious:— Mr. Liin Kek Cbu iu 3100 Chung Thve Pliiu 100 Liin Mali Chve l»Xt Lini Huali Cbiaui 50 Ung Bok Hoey 10 Wk
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  • 1110 4 Mr dearest Fanny. —Tom has been quite cross and nasty ever since the last pei foruiance of" Les Cloches” because he lias a grievance, as usual. He says that they put the chairs too near together and as Mrs. X sat on his right and Mrs. Z. on
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    • 329 4 To tub Kbitok or tiis Straits Kiho Dear Sir,— May I crave asn all portion of your valuable space to enquire if anybody can inform me as to what has become of the Penang Literary and Debating Society, which was formed about a couple of vears ago,
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  • 115 4 In Appellate Jurisdiction. (Bcjure Mr. Justice Thu uton.) Theft ok Kke This was a case in which one How ter, a tougkaug coolie of Titt Line, was charged liefore Mr. Hereford on the iMth of September last for the theft of four bags of rice valued at the
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  • 247 4 Following are the Ageuda for to-mor-row s Meeting of the Municipal Commission. 1. Miuutes of last meeting to be read aud con tinned. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Queslious. 4. Letter from Mr. Thomas re his salary. 5. Letter from Government re gratuity
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 223 4 JAYA-BENGAL LINE. lor Sabang, Rangoon and Calcutta. The s.s. Hengalen 2,060 tons, Capt. Adam, is expected to arrive here on 4th December from Singapore and to leave the same day for above-named ports. For freight, etc., apply to G. H. SLOT CO., Agents. BROOKE, BOND S TEA. The best and
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    • 58 4 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives* If it is a case of colic or cholera morbus tfive Chamberlain’s Colic. Hulera and Diarrhoea Remedy aud you will have do need of a doctor It is pleasant to take and uevei tails to «ire pr.-mpl relief Why uot buv it now
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    • 46 4 Happily Surprised Many suffers from rheumatism have I surprise»] ami deliirhlel at the prompt obtained lv applying Cham her la in’s I >i4111 Ihilm. A peimaueui ctiio uwr I*** by coiitiuuiug the u_e of this liuimeut» I 1 short time. Fur sale by all chemists •tc»w4eepera.
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  • 90 4 Obituary. YVe regret to record the death of Mrs. Smith, the wife of Dr. Emil Smith, of Bishop Street. 'I he deceased, who had been ailiug for the last two aud a half mouths, succumbed from cardiac failure at ten o’clock this moruiug. The fuueral will take place at G-dU
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    • 73 5 I in ne and Flood. (Supplied by Urut-r.j London. 1i9.1i Nov lifter's Shanghai correspondent wiies that the International Committee is issuing an appeal Jo Europe and Ante ica for relief for tlie distress in North Kiaugsu, where floods have devastated over forty thousand squire miles of country Ten inilliou
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    • 200 5 The Education Bill. {Supplied by R^ut^r.) Loudon, 28th Novemlier—A letter from Sir Henry Campbell-Bauuermati says that the Education Hill is a me e travesty upou its origiual form and that Government cannot have any tampering with its main principle. Failing an arrangement which will not prejudice the cause of
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    • 65 5 A New System {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 29th November. —Sir William lTcece, presiding iu Loudou at a demonstration of the Dauisli iuventor Poulseu’s new system of wireless telegraphy by continuous electric waves, said that the iuveutiou meant the death knell of the preseut system of wireless te’egraphy. Mr.
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    • 66 5 The Cost of Arbitration (Supjilied by Reuter.) London, 29th November. —Iu the House of Commons, Mr. Wiuslon Churchill, in replying to a question put by Mr. Wedgwood, said that the cost of the 'J aujoug I’agar award would largely exceed forty thousand sterliug, but he was unable at
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    • 54 5 U. S A. Japan. President Roosevelt’s Attitude. [Supplied by Reuter. London, 29th November. —The Washington correspondent of the Times wires that it is believed that Piesident Roosevelt, in his forthcoming Message to Congress, will slio.v little sympathy with the actiou taken by California aud will favour the naturalisation of those
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    • 23 5 Famine. >'iu)>i>lied by Rente»'.) London, 29th November.—Frtiniue is ragiug iu several of the Volga Provinces "1 Russia and the distress is terrible.
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    • 18 5 Naval Demonstration. (Sujiplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 28tii November. —A reucb s'|Uiidron has sailed from Toulon for laugier.
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  • 2062 5 Lords and Education. Drastic Alterations in the Bill. The Progressive Defeat in London Navai. DISORDERS AT PORTSMOUTH. {I 1 1 util Our Own (Jorrespoudent London, BtL November.—The Liberal hopes that the Hou*e of I ords would prove conciliatory on the Education Bill have not been realised. The
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  • 137 5 A young girl of Norristown, Pennsylvania, has just beaten all records iu the matter of divorce, says the Sketch Accompanied bv her fiieuds aud witne.-ses, she was married to a young man of the town before the Mayor, aud a» soon as the ceremony was
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  • 288 5 The Bystander to hand has an account of a most amazing Royal intrigue. Priuce Joachim Albrecht, a second cous’u of the Kaiser aud a first cousin of the Duchess of Conuaught. was very much iu love with Marie Sulzer, a German actress of no very considerable talent.
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  • 100 5 To-day. 14th Day of 10th Moon. Football Match A.-C. S. ve. V M-|C. A. 2nd XL, Y. M. C. A. Grouud. Town Baud, Chinese Keci eat ion Club, 5 to 7 p m. Matsuo’s Japanese Ciuematograpb, corner of Penang Road A Campliell Sheet, 0 p in To-morkow. Lslti Dav
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  • 34 5 O Full Moon Dec. Ist O.r 3 a.m. Litsi Quarter 9th 8 4-5 1. am. O New Moon 16th 1 54 3. a m First Quarter 22nd 9 47 -5. r m.
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  • 19 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. OITWARUS. Homs varus. Simla 5 Dec. I Malta 8 Dec. Delta 19 Devanhi 22
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  • 8 5 English (Simla) 5»li China (Malta) Hili
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Nortliam Road. Chocolates, Boubons, Dessert Fondants, At Reasonnble Price*. THIS SPACE!
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    • 724 5 A UNIQUE MUSICAL PRESENT. Complete Edition (Yoc. Scores) of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Comic Operas, as follow The Mikado, Gondoliers, Yeoman of the Guard, Patience, lolauthe, Princess Ida, Pirates of Penzance, Pinafore. Ruddigore, Utopia Limited, The Grand Duke, Tiia by Jury and The Sorcerer. Bound in Twelve Volumes, Scarlet Cloth and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 27 5 WEATHER. The following report iskimliv supplied b the Sigual Director of Fort Cornwallis TIm* rainfall ili*nu<; i'4 tn>ur» fii'lfi < 9 n in 'n •!> v w.iv o.t*0 inch.
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  • 1215 6 To a certain class of visitor all puts ot India are more or less alike—such as th globe-trotter of tradition who is content to “do the Hast,” as lie expresses it, in the stereotyped tourist manner —the see-all-India iu-a-mouth individual, aud the politician with au axe
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  • 119 6 Penanq. 29th November. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/31 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 2/Tn, 3 Documentary ...2/4| Calcutta, Demand Bank Tcs. lroj 3 days’ sight Prvate 174$ Bmi bay. IVniaiid Bank 173$ Moulmein, Remand Bank 171 3 days’ sight Private 174j* Madras,
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  • 173 6 Jold loaf 5 07» 50 B.Pepper(\V.Costs*! tflbs.- 5 »0z.)519$ nominal White Pepper .*23 buyers Traug Pepper 21.00 nominal Cloves (picked) $41.50 business done \laee $BO. —sellers Ylace Pickings 07. —buyers Mutmegs 11 Os 28. —sellers No. 1 5J ppl Sugar 2 no stock Basket $3.20 sal's l’apioca Flour 1.82.1
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  • 189 6 2 11)00 100 l 1903 1901 1905 1901 1899 1906 1905 1904 1906 1904 1905 1892 1905 1898 1900 1899 1902 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1906 1905 1906 1906 l!*06 I'.Nit. 1903 1904 1904 IxoB 1906 1903 1905 1904 1904 1865 1991 1800 f 1,000.000 1,000.000 ■Tie.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 63 6 Do Not Be Influenced. Nt-ver hesitate to say No to y«ui dealer it he “lTeis you a substitute lot diuinbei laiu s (J.* Remedy. It ha* uo t > «|U&l ou the maiket for the piompt cures «»t oou K l» cold*, croup aitd wh«K>piu« coujfb aud you make uo
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    • 88 6 Andrew Usher Ce.’s BORDEN'S PEERLESS special deserve EVAPORATED CREAM. O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR FENANG F. M. .5 Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PE NANO. > t c n x o -J Li, UJ A*. < m mL i O TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Ban
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    • 776 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandiiatuis, Buttery s- Co Gieslers’ Champagne. MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. WHATJS ASAHI It is the BEST BEER in the Far East. Brewed specially for hot climates. Obtainable in ordinary cases of 4 doz. quarts and 8 doz. pints, as well as half
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  • 210 7 Some sensation was caused l>y the dismissal from the Army of an officer and several non-commissioned officers in connection with the South African stores scandal. Highly coloured accounts appeared of the proceedings which were supposed to have taken place but what would have l>eeu said if the ceremony
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  • 396 7 Impressions of his Visit to the States and Canada. Interviewed l.v a rep:eseutat i\e of the Tribuna on his return from 1 lie United Sta'es, Mr. O'Connor said that his trip had l>eeu in every wav a sticcist. There is a revival in the United St;.te< of the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 706 7 P IVlofr Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. <#i7. and*. Huttfry ,<■ Co. Mu Bazley life Bros.’ g FOR (WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. PLUS Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. POKTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery Co.. AGENTS. i*s> NON «OLB MEDALS PACKED IV /PARH f PH ILIP W.
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    • 92 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Old Virginia. The Hutchinson Drug Company, which is located at Perrv, Oklahoma, U. S. A., in speaking of the sale of Chamberlain's Cough Kennedy, says We take pleasuie in recommending it to our customers breauso we tielieve it .honestly made and a meritorious prenaratiou. We sold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1191 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Graphophones, Records, Pius, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. hepairer of any description of Musical instruments and GraphopboneB, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rffeiNC 1 MOH 6b Co. i .64, Iteach Street, Penang. Importers of
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