Straits Echo, 22 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1292 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. 1 W N? 258 •b T cjt !r/^ B££ 7 FOI? /li. PURPOSES. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability of Proprietors AJBOO,OOO A.‘975,000 .£BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET,
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    • 22 1 SOLI: AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. 0 0 r-i x 33 CP Co A x Z cv 88 &G NO •MTV S.SSVd QQ n^VIX
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  • 887 2 It li«is, ilie Liverpool Pont correspondent understands, been suggested to the lie should hold a Court at least ouce in three yeais iu Edinburgh. Such a course would l*e very gratifying to national feeling, and would enable many fieople to pay their respects to the Sovereign
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 88 2 Sore Muscles. I roiuiuent athletes throughout tbe eouu“.V tbai the liest I reattneut. for sore muscles alter seveie exercise or bard work of any kiud, is :i but. bath at lied lime, wbicb OJ0U8 (lie pores. 'I bis should immeuiately l.e followed wit I* an applicatiou ofChumberlain s I’•<in Halm
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    • 587 2 CURED. FACE-ACHE CURED. PAIN REMOVED WITH tfiNISIN, Ora hath* s Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN 11N ISIN Graham's FINISIN Neuralgia Cure FiNISIN This stops pain and makes you well. Don’t hesitate, try it. You will be sorry if you don’t. There is nothing so good It. is a certain cure. Finisin removes
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    • 1432 2 f re you ['ou ere ail) uid ckiry all For List or rge tbe ILld ierJtb .ud pal ter Sunlight ■■Soap For XMAS. is due Half the wear of clothes washed with Impure soaps to the rubbing and beating neeoed to remove the dirt. Sunlight Soap does the washing itself,
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  • Shipping.
    • 34 3 Lady W li.u, Ur. s dlo, Treweekw, 22ud Nov Taluk Anson, 2let Nuv., (Jen., —Stiaifs S S. (Jo. Cornki.ia, i>r. s.s.. 104, Reid, 22ud Nov. Port Swettenliaiu, 21st Nov., lieu., k. U. Co.
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    • 68 3 22ni* \oVfcMBE:.'. Van der l*wr*. for Del*. iJnjao, Edie aud T. Semawu. Delhi, for Singapore. Cliiua and Japan. Mary Austin, for Asulian. Avagyee, for Del*. Petrel, for Paugkulan Druudau. Omapere, for Kopali, Rououg, Victoria Point, Margin and Tavov. Canton, for Pangkor and Tehik Anson. Uii Peng, for Perl is
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  • 34 3 Yestth 1 From A yt at* Dh* Benivoii 1 jUlnioll 5>. l>A(Jo. 1st, Dec. Uliiua (yOlolllUu S.K.&Co. 1st Deuca K>u Sing* p« to W.M&Co. 1st Sikli (j S.11.H-. «1. Trieste re 7th
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  • 32 3 1 *>*»*/<< for .1 (t* H M Len ret Beuavuii Singapore jS.H.«fc ?o. 1st l)tc. Sikh Singapore S.B A(J<*. Singapore S. K If ll ClliLkl Implication Loudon W.M itUo. Trieste Trieste S.K.V^o.
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  • 74 3 For Port Swetteunam and Malacca—Par Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 Rangoon—Per SoJ'ond, to-morrow, 3 Teluk Anson—Per Lady Weld, to morrow, o p 111. Singapore and Hongkong— Per C. A pear, to morrow, I Cevlou, Australasia. India, Aden, Mauri* tius, Egypt, and via Urindisi, for Europe, etc.—Per Veit",
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1370 3 (SHIPPING.) tAI# fir. 8. N. Co. Ksfccle'l Arrivals and Departures Mail Sirvie*. Outwards. l)«c. 5 m. SiuU<i connecting 1 with INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Go., Ltd. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS To liOLidou by Sea To Marseilles or GibI at Claa £60 8n4 CIm £40 Smitn. raltar £56 £38
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    • 201 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INIHI-JAVA link A s. N. < 'n.'s Ki.mkt. vice of steamers currying both passengers aud cargo direct from Calcutta aud Rangoon to the following ports in Java:— Batavia Pasoeroean Samara ng Pekalougau Soerahaya Cheriboti Baujoewangi The Company's Steamers also give direct shipment to I’adaug aud
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 WEATHER. Thk follow u/ r»*|H»rt i>kiu<llv supplied bv lit* Kioual Director of Fort Cornwallis j p.n f n. tv v mi «•im ni IVil 1 ho uiiutali dioiuvr tli* l( jl i hi to 'I; l 0.1 lucll. tl> M ‘li. 'I to I III* N.W. Iionrs Miotw'l
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  • 98 4 Jastiw atiRfM sTerybodjandjartice »Iom.— Established Jane 1st, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penan* PRICE DAILY LOCAL W* P* r auiun. OUT8TATION8 Portage Kxtra. VAIL SDITION (Port Free! $15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 M.B.— All business oommunications
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  • 520 4 Our correspondent L. C. T. calls attention to what constitutes a very real dauber in Penang 1 Anyone who will take the trouble to run down to Prangin Road, where the electric trains cross Beach Street, cannot fail to be struck with the danger of this crossing, for
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  • 256 4 borne time ago, when Mr. J W Hallifax was President of the Munnicipal Commission, we were told that n ih Municipality could take the matter up, the old oil lamps in I «each Street would be done a wav wrtji •up! electric lights j ut ;n their place*
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  • 28 4 A RUN will take place ou Sunday uioruiug next to Swimming Club, where breakfast will be provided. The meet at 'I boruliebauk, 6.45 sharp.
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  • 585 4 Abmt half au hour after uoou to-day tire broke out on the upper floor of No. 22 Carnarvon Lane, the family house of Mr. Yap Chin Hiu. Inspector Carroll, from Pitt Street Station, was ou the spot with a hose reel, but the house blazed up like so much
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  • 1417 4 The Assizes. (Bejvre Mr. Jmttire Thornton Badak Mati MI'KOKK. At the Assize Court yesterday afternoon Tell All Ho, a Teochew Chinese, was arraigned on two charges of murder and attempting to murder. On being formally questioned as to what he had to say ou the charges preferred against
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  • 370 4 Before a Bench C urt, eousistiug of Messrs. Howard and Hereford, two Ivlings, Michael aud Raipeu, were charged with kiduappiug Oh Ban Neoh aud Khoo Cliuan Sim, two yoiiQg nouias of Farquhar Street.. Y r itiliugam, auother Kliug, was charged with keeping iu concealment the kidnapped
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    • 215 4 I To TUB KdIIOR OF THU STRAITS fcl-HO. —I shall be much obliged if you can find space in your valuable columns to insert the following complaint with a view of attracting the Municipal Authorities' attention. This morning, while I was going from Beach Street to Suugei
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 267 4 We have just opened out R Large Consignment of Perfumery from the best British Manufacturers. A LARGE VARIETY AT DIFFERENT PRICES. White Rose, Lily of the Valley,.Kssence Bou~ quet. Cashmere Bouquet, Musk Rose, Violet, Wood Violet, Jockey Club etc. All these Perfumes were selected by an in London and they
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    • 51 4 Domestic Occurrence. Marriage. O'Keeffe—Gawthorue. On the -1st instant, at the Mission Chapel. Farquliar Street. Penang, by Herd. William Macdonald. Alfred Joseph O'Keeffe, second sou of the late Surgeon-Captain Daniel T. O'Keeffe of the Madras Fusiliers, to Priscilla, second daughter of the late James Gawthorue of Greeuhall, Penang. Madras papers please
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    • 56 4 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. 11 c Be of lic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy and you will have no need of a doctor. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy <t 'How f Vot
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    • 84 5 Royal Visitors (Echo &i>rci >/* Sings 22i»d November. The Banish K i->t Asiatic steamer lhnsui arrived hem to-day from Kurope with the Princes Wahjemar and (ivorge and the tHrectors of the < oirpany, who are on a tour of the K stei n ports to inspect the Company's extensive
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    • 29 5 Death of Inspector Sullivan. (Echo Special.) Singapore, 22nd November.—lt is reported from Malacca that Inspector Sullivan was found dead there yesterday, the cause of death being heart failure.
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    • 92 5 A Confidential Report. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. 22ud November.—The leakage luto tlie Radical papers of certain statements from the confidential report of Commissioner Sir Thomas Buckuill ou Chinese vice on the Kaud has excited considerable criticism. The Goverumeut has explained that Dr Macnamara, one of the Commissioners, was
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    • 72 5 Great Britain’s Attitude. (Suftp lied by Reuter.) Loudon. 22nd November.—Replyiug to a representative deputation regarding the Congo Free State, Karl Grey said that the Belgian Government had the prior right to mtervene. If it did so it must certaiuly make a complete change m the Cougo regime, otherwise
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    • 130 5 An Agreement Imminent. (Supplied by Reuter.) Louuou, 21st November.— Au Agreement betweeu France and Great Britain is imminent. A Delicate Question. Loudon, 22nd November.—M. Cleuieuveau, replyiug to a qu.~st.iou iu the Fieuoh Chamber, said that, he had not beeu sufficiently long iu office to be able to say whether
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    • 34 5 Spain takes Action. (Supplied by Reuter.) boudou. 21st November. —Spaiu is preparing to land 500 marines iu Morocco. It is belisved i n Madrid that Spain intends to make a demonstration in force.
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    • 38 5 The St. Petersburg Conference. 'Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22ud November.—The Kusso«h'pauese Conference at St. Petersburg is making progress with the Commercial Treaty «md has agreed to articles gr&utiug the most favoured natiou treatuieut and reciprocity.
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    • 31 5 The Australian.” Mails and Specie Saved. I i i by Renter.) London, 22ud No vernier.-The snecie l o t"!? f, °T ,lK! mM ne.t 1 ha., toe,. Uu.leJ at that port.
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  • 824 5 Anv criticism of hist night s peiform me uL^rilv WC t'' dr CWt<//e ,ru almost necessarily, be a comparison with ibr pe.- or, uaUee ot Saturday night a d on lha. *I ,UBt M lbt{ night had I lv! 0 |T J tage
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  • 1217 5 S*COMO CXAR'JK A MENDfcO. (Straitr Times.) Father Couvreur continued his evidence id the Hogan case before Sir W. H. Hyuduiau Jones and the special jurv on Friday afternoon. 3 Referring to the minutes of a meeting of the iloard held on May 27 of last year, he
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  • 77 5 To-day. j 7th Day of lUtb Moon. The Assizes, Supreme Court. i Football Match Y. M. C A. is F. S. Matsuo s Japanese Ginemat<»graph, corner of Penang Road A Campliell Street, <* p in. j To-morrow 1 8i h Dav of loth Moon. The Assizes, Su reme .Court.
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  • 17 5 China (Delta) ...24tli Nov. China (Rvftn) 27th Uerinau (Pr. Kite! Friedrich) 2 V I h
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  • 40 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Hail Service. t»l/I W AKUS. lIoAIM* AKI»S. Hindu 5 P:c. i Pelt" 'H Noe. Delta lit .I la’la ,S Per. I.xira Service. OUTWAKUS. IIuNBWAKDS. Nubia 'it Noe. I Ceylon CO Nov. Pa’enno 4 Dev. Sumatra 14 Dee.
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  • 29 5 First Quarter Nov. 23rd 7.30. 1 am. O Hull Moon Dec. Isl <>.7<l A,.ti. liiUt 9th 845 1. A.M. cl New .Vi<hhi Itith I 54 3. a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 25 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Nofthaui Road. Chocolates, Houbous, Ltessei t Fondants, Ai Ken no lia ble Price*. MATSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH, NO FREE MAUMEE ON SATURDAY.
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    • 186 5 I Do Not Be Influenced. Nevei hesitate to say “No to your dealer if he offers yr>u a* substitute for Chamberlam sCo gh Remedy. It has no equal ou the market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup aud w hooping cough aud you make no mistake in buyiug
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    • 532 5 VICTORPTANOS. VICTOK PIANOS. 1 lie first «ted lait impressions of who inspected (lie sample Model No. N >. OUr r,K>ms were flint it wan an uiiukuullv fine instrument. Tlie KUMj AND MASSIVE TONE. iiKSPONSIVE TOUCH and PERFECT KEPE t’fTlON met with immediate appieciatinn GEORGE TISSINGTON and Co., 23, BEACH
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    • 151 5 AUCTION SALE. I*a vein id with iu»(:(icitous ill»* undersigned wii} sell liv auction At “Burnside,” Taipeng, < »M December Ist, 1906, COMMENCIN') AT 11 A M 411 tli Valuable HouithaM Furniture and o;licr Fftects, '1 iie properl v of E. H. I ill ATT, E»v, Prcceediiuj fj hUt jland. Including
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  • 215 6 Bo'l H geologist* itud anthropologists look with some euspiciou on certain pieces of timber which have just beeu sent home from some Victorian gold mines, three hundred feet below the surface, aud are said to bear traces of the saw. The hasty conclusion was that they were sigus
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  • 821 6 Sin ck the days of Montesquieu aud Goldsmith the writing of imaginary letters from an Eastern staud-poiut by way of satirizing Western civilization has never ceased to be a favourite literary relaxation. Three years ago au Englishman, inspired by some talks with a Chinese friend, wrote
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  • 115 6 I’knanq, 22nd Novemukk. {By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank ...2/B|i 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 1 3 Credit 2/4*% 3 Documentary ...2/4£ Calcutta, Demand Bank Lei 173* 3 days* sight Private 1741 Bombay. lVsfirainl Bank 173& Mouimein, .Demand Bank 171 3 days' sight Private 174$ Madras,
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  • 173 6 Gold leaf 1 65.50 B. Pepper( W.C«»ast Mil**./* oz. $l9 j nominal White Pepper 25 buyers Traug Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) $41.50 business done Mace $BO- seller» Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 28. —sellers f No. 1 5[ ppl Sugar < 2 no stock Basket $3.22
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  • 621 6 S 2 1903 Capital. numuer or Shares issued. Last Dividend. Name. 300,C00 I%'U 175,000 30.000 4 s IO.OOOord 1901 1903 1901 1905 1901 1899 1900 1905 1904 s 090.000 400.000 100,000 30.000 120,000 00,000 109,000 150,000 40,000 1900 1904 1905 1892 1905 250,'‘00 120,000 27,000 200,000 40.000 4,000 def.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 497 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sarufilanris, Buttery Co MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. dealers’ Champagne. M WHAT IS ASAHI It is the BEST BEER in the Far East. Brewed specially for hot climates. Obtainable in ordinary cases of 4* doz. quarts and 8 doz. pints, as well as
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  • 1200 7 Tuesday, 29th January. Thursday, 31st January, •A Saturday, 2nd Fsbruary. 1907. First Day. Tuesday 29th January 1907. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value »600. A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straps or
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  • 953 7 Oue oi the be ie/« most deeply rooted m the civilised humau heart is that tbe possessor thereof is eulitied to a letter. People wbo never by any chance w»i e oue and have consequently very little giound for anticipating »hal they will receive one. ate loudest
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 350 7 “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MINERAL WAT L R MANUFACTURERS. GRAHAM NkHOLSON, Okfick, &a, Beach Street. 149c PENANG. SELECT BOARDING HOUSES. THE PRIORY, 38, Xortham Road. Boardiug House situated at the seaside withiu easy distauce of Town. Terms Moderate. By Day or Month Mrs. W. HODYK. 152c LIVERY BAIT STABLES. ARCHIE
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    • 83 7 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock Always on Hand L ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. 1 HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLUE GUM.» All sizes of Scantlings, Beams, Flanks and Piles in stock. More durable and cheaper than local hard wood. Used in Dover Harbour Works, also by Straits, Indian and South African Governments.
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    • 86 7 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in Old Virginia The IIutchiusou J>»ui£ Company, which it* locttfd at Perry, Oklahoma. I' S. A., ill Bpe.»k'iJif of the rale of Chainletiaiu’ft L’entedv, tt >v» We take pleasure iu recoinmemlinir it to our customers because we believe it honestly made and a meritorious preparation. We sold
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1212 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER VOTICH. Dealer iu Gold and Silver Watches. Graphophones, Records, Pius, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate liepairer of anv description of Musical instruments and (jrapliopbones, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c VIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selaugor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3
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