Straits Echo, 21 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1037 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. N?258 <r> £*y Q5 ,-3 -b ft»* IN <? FO 0£S7 £0* v4LL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong A Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid’up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability!of Proprietor* JtBoo,ooo £975,000 £BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT. THREADNEEDLE STREET.
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    • 18 1 tiamg lee Co BASS’S ALK. m sss CD UJ a S' sa fiwj a •IflOlS S.SSHNNIflO SOLE AGENTS.
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  • 1925 2 Tm* Manocuvkbs Ckiticisul». SrcciAL interest attached lo this year’s military manoeuvres iu the province of liouau. When iu 1905 Viceroy Y'uau Shilik'ai invited foreign officers and correspemdeuts to bo present at the first Chinese manoeuvres, his guests appear to have made up their miuds that they were being
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 688 2 FINISIN FINISIN FINISIN NEURALGIA NEURALGIA cured. NEURALGIA FINISIN (iruham's Neuralgia Cure The most distressing paiD is re jlieved with this remedy, and oftei so quickly, as to be remarkable After Go years’ experience, we un hesitatingly say you will derive th< greatest benefit from its use. W« believe it to
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    • 1529 2 TO arc; THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, f7a, North/im Roro. OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS CAKES 500 of 3 lbs. each. 5 OF WHICH WILL CONTAIN A SOVEREIGN EACH. Highly Decorated and Kichlv Iced. AT THE USUAL PRICE, $1.25 PER lb. To Save Disappointment Early Application should be made. All orders from F M.
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  • Shipping.
    • 67 3 Kkkmum. Dr. s.s., 5,734, t ouradj, liOtii Nov.. Divei-p >ol, 4tli Got. Gen., W. M. A Co. Makv Austin, Dr. s s.. 121, Campbell, 21st, No\.. Laugkut, 20tll Not., Gen K. G. Co. Cant >n, Dr. s.s., 10', Meiicnu, 21st Nov., Teluk Anson, 20tli Nov., Geu., Ah lliug. Bolton
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    • 21 3 2lsT NOVKMHKK. Tjtiutjkat, for Teluk Anson. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon F H'tleveyn, for Paugkor. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug
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  • 29 3 Vessele fretii 1 Due Benuvou 1 Loudon S.B.vtCV*. 1st. Dec. Cliiuu Holoinhu S K.ttCo 1st. Deucalion Singapere WM &Co. 1st. Sikh 'Q|»s2i»w S 4th L'riesle Singapore SK1C-. 7th
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  • 32 3 1 t i-r A-irn/n hfi.iver Beiluvon L Singapore .S.H.&Co. 1st Dec. Sikh Singapore jS.P» AC<>. Hi* China Singapore S. If A:.Co. Deucalion London 'VV.M A Co. Trieste I'riesie S If.A ’o.
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  • 93 3 For Singapore, China aud Japan—Per DeHi to-morrow, 10 a in. Deli, Dajau, Edie aud T. Seuiuwe—Per Van tier Parra, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Deli—Per Avagyee, to morrow, 1 p in. Paugkalau Brunduu—Per Petrel, tomorrow, 1 pin. Kopali, lieuoug, Victoria Point., Mergui and Tavoy—Per Otnapere, to-morrow. 1 p ui. Calcutta
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  • 42 3 Pet' I'vinL, ftitti c-'iuj.Hpoie Uou’ble J. R. limes. From Po t StveMeuliaiu Messrs. Leon Weil. Leon Coeu, K. A. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Low Lvong Gau. Per Pt>\ik, lor Port Sneiteuhiim Rev. F. P. Fislnr. Fo Singapore: Mr. Chan Thing Ghee
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1221 3 (S HIPPIN G.) S. N. Co. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist CIIN 2nd CUM To London by Sea £6O £4O To Marteilies or Gibraltar hi £56 £3B Through Mail Steamer to LondoiiT riIHE ».>•. Macedonia (10,500 Tons) will 1_ leave Peuaug direct for
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    • 230 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INDO-JAVA I.INI: A S. N. Co.’s FijBKi'. vice of summ ers carrying both passenger* and cargo dintct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java:— Batavia Pasoeroeau Samara no Pekalougau Soerabaya Clieribou Banjoewangi The Company’s Steamers also give direct shipment to Padaug and
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  • 102 4 Justice «tief m everybody and justice alone.—Xmersee Established Jane Ist, 1903 Published dally (except Sundays.) AT THU CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL »2» P« r n,,Q OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL IDITION (Poet Free) «15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 r
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  • 20 4 Birth. On the 17th November, at Kuala Lumpur the wife of J. R. O. Aldwortb, of a son.
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  • 790 4 There are few places in the F..r East, we imagine, with poorer lauding accommodation for passengers than Penang. We have launches constantly plying between Penang and the Province and to and from the shipping, to sav nothing of the large numbers of sampans always landing and embarking passengers,
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  • 44 4 The booking for Les Cloches de Uorueville” at the Town Hall this eveniug is quite a record for Penang. We understand that the tneu of the Company are entertaining the ladies at supper at the E. A O. after the perfot mauce.
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  • 683 4 The near approach of Christmas is brought to mind by an advertisement of the B. I.'8. N. Co M appearing elsewhere iu this rssue, announcing the issue of cherp return trckets betweeu 15th December and 15th January 1907 to various ports. Those who wish for a holiday at
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  • 686 4 The Assizes (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Another Attempt to Murder. The next case disposed of yesterday afternoon was that against two Cliiuese charged with attempting to murder a couple of Police officers and a Revenue officer at Kuala Bruas on 9tb September last. The Acting Solicitor General found
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  • 310 4 Ihe Suppression of Gaining Enact meut has made iis appearance in the Negri Sembt/an Gazette. According to the Enactment it shall be lawful for the Kesideut by notification iu the Government Gazette to bring it into force, on auv date not less than one month after the date of
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    • 54 4 To iue Editor ok tiie Slums Kcau Dear Sir, —I shall be much obliged if you will iusert iu vour to day’s issue that I have resigned the office of Hon. Physician to the Hospital of the Penang Anti-Opium Association. Yours etc, K L. Ten a. Heap Chay
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  • 150 4 It is reported that a well-known aud wealthy Malay resident of Penang apparently died on Monday eveuiug. At all events, he appeared to be so aggressively dead that his relatives called iu a couple of m°dical men and, so report savs, they also pronounced life to be
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  • 206 4 We Lave received the first issue of a very interesting majjHziue entitled “The Review of the Far East,” edite I by that well kuowu Eastern journalist Mr. Alfred Cuuuiugham and published in Hougkoug. This number contains The Education of the Native aud Tradition,” by Mous.
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  • 490 4 i A COKKESPONDENf who signs hi ***** f “Kepala Augiu,” an appropriate euougli name, cousideiiug his storv, writes:—lt may interest your readers to hear further particulars of the merbok lielongiug to Mr. Jacob Jalleh of Lutterworth. On a Fridav iu October last, while Mr. Jalleh was at
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 292 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel. Special Supper, TO-NIGHT, After the Performance at the Town Hall. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors /V./*. To avoid Disappointment, please engage your seats Previously. We have just opened out R Large Consignment of Perfumery from the best British Manufacturers. A LARGE VARIETY AT DIFFERENT PRICES. White Rose, Lily of
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    • 54 5 I.»».S' of ihs Australian." i Supplied by Heater.\ Lou-lo", 2l«t November.— Ihe Kigteru hiiJ Ao4r*lun 8 earn Navigation Compaujr’s liuer A tulralhin. bound from Australian polls 1 »i Chiu a and J pan, lias gone ashore urar I Nut Darwin and will probably become a wreck Her pa«s
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    • 87 5 Interview with the Kaiser. (Supplied by Reuter lioudou, 20th November.—The Kaiser lias authorised the publication of the acccuut of au interview he recently granted to the Bavarian poet Gangbofer, in which he (the Kaiser) declares himself to be an optimist and to be working his hardest for Germany’s future.
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  • 257 5 (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 21»t November. —The King and yueen of Deumark have arrived in Berlin ou a visit to the Kaiser. The German and Banish papers attach much political importance to the visit as healiug the wouuds of the Prusso-Dauisb w.%r. London, 21st November.—The Liberal papers are
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  • 292 5 Admiral Nebouatofe’s Explanation. The Central News St. Petersburg correspondent says the iuterest surrounding the Court-martial on Rear*Admiral Nebogatoff aud his officers is likely to lie enhanced as the result of the publication of an official report ou the incidents leading to his surrender at Tsushima. It appears
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  • 165 5 Ootohek Output. Ike output of tiu was 6,786.07 pikuls against 5.04-5 pikuls iu September. The value of th** metal is returned at $661.166 81 on w hich dutv amounting to $91.942 97 was eolbcWd. The average pi ice of tiu was *97.43 per pikul, with duty at
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  • 523 5 Malay Lepers. The following appears m the minutes of a meeting of the State Couueil" held at Kuala Kaugsar on 15lh ult:— The British Resident draws the attention of the Council to the fact that there are now as many as 37 Maiay lepers on Pulau Pangkor
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  • 527 5 Relief. Simla, 4th November. Corrected figures of the number of persons in receipt of relief show that the numbers for the whole country have diminished j since the previous week by 34,605 to 63,397. Crop Prospects. Simla, 4th November. Prospects iu the Gorakhpur district, except of the rice
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  • 216 5 The successful launching of the Drcad-\ nought, which marks a new period in the history of naval construction, is looked upon by the Nichi Nichi as the begiuuiug of a series of large warship building that, is contemplated by England, The fact is that the
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  • 152 5 M. Maurice Cbauiiu, of Paris, has declared war, electrically, ou mosquitoes aud gnats He proposes to replace the old methods by electrocution, thanks to an apparatus which he has iuveuted aud pateu- ted A cylindrical lauteru is coustructel of i two rings suspended one above the other
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  • 292 5 1« an goon Disappearing Mystery. Ud 3rd mstaut Mr. Jordan, of Messrs. Bulloch Bros., made a report to the Rangoon Port Police of the loss of a case said to contaiu property worth .£17.000. It appears that a Mrs. Macdouald, residing at Hastings. Calcutta, despatched a ease
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  • 77 5 To-day. 6th Day of 10th Moou. Tlie Assizes, Supreme Court. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, coiner of Peuaug Road A. Campbell Street, 0 p in Grand Chamje •>/ Vruyramme. Comedy ludiau Ratoc Theatrical Co. Sbapari Laita Birabi,” Kiug >t. Theatre, 0 p.ui. lies Cloches de Oorneville," Town Hall. 0 p.ui. S|*ecial
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  • 16 5 bullish (Delhi} ...21et Nov. (,'liiua (Delta) ...24th Chiua (Ituon) 27th Qermau (Pr. A'iiW Priedrieh')...'26\h
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  • 39 5 P. O. SAILINGS Mail Service. Outwards. IIomkwar'm*. Delhi Hi Noe. j Delta HI Nov Arcadia •> Dec. j Malta S Dec. hxira Service. Outwards. IIom k wards. Nubia* ‘17 Noe. I Ceylon LO Noo. Palermo 4 Dec. Sumatra 14 Dtc
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  • 30 5 First Quarter Nov. 23rd 7.39.4 a m. O Full Moon Oeo. 1st 0.7 3 a m. [j;w>t Quarter 9tli 8 451. A.M. O New M<kiii lOtli 1.54*1. a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 24 5 The French Confectionery, 17a. Nurtham Road. Chocolates, Bonbous, teasert fondants, H*a»onahl* Prirtr. rSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH Grand New Change of Programme EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY,
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    • 56 5 l)o Not Be Influenced. hesitate to say No to your Jealer if be offers you a substitute for Chamber lam’s Co- gb Kemedy. It bas uo equal ou the market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup aud whooping couch and you make no mistake in buying this medicine.
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    • 45 5 Happily Surprised. Mauv suffers from rheuiuatisip have i«eu surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtaiued by applying Chamberlain s Pain Bairn. A permanent cure mav be effected by continuing the usje of liuimenU for a short time. For sale by all chemists and storekeepers.
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    • 90 5 rpUE usual monthly sale of Pawnbrokers’ J. forfeited Pledges for sums cyceediutf $10 will lx; held punctually at U o'clock a in. ou Wednesday and Thursday, the «VI» and 0th proximo, respectively at No. 12, Peach Street. The goods may bo viewed at the tale room o*i Monday and Tuesday,
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    • 444 5 VICTOR PIANOS. VICTOR PIANOS. 'I he first aud latt impressions of those who inspected the sample Model No. 2 •••'•■r, on view *t our roorns'last week, were that, it was an unusually hue instrument. '1 he E Uhh AND MA881VE TONE, RESPONSIVE TOUCH aud PERFECT REPEITTION met with immediate appreciation.
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  • 117 6 pBNAKG, 21ST NoVKMBKK. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ..2^3}^ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4§ 3 Credit 8/4* 3 Documentary a. 2/41 Calcutta,'Demand Bank l*s 173$ H days’ sight Private 174$ Bombay l'jiimiitl Bank 1 73-| Mouimein. Demand Bank 171 3 days’ sight Private 174£ Madras,
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  • 169 6 Gold leaf 05.50 B. Pepper( W.Coast 3UwJ»ox..rsl9£ nominal White Pepper 25 Luyers Trane Pepper 21.60 ttowis'il Cloves (picked) $41.50 Ln*iness done Mace $BO. —sellers Mace Pickings 07. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 28. —sellers !No. 1 ppl 2 n<* stock Basket $8.22 sal's Tapioca Flour 1 82£ sellers Copra $ll.
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  • 863 6 a I v i 2 c-| Number of -3 2 .0 I Capital. Shares Last Dividend. Name. >. o issued. 3 x £Q g js g? Mining. 1903 300,000 30.000 10 10 Beiat Tin Mining Co Ltd. 14- *14.76 $14.50 1900 175,000 10 10 Bersawali Gold Mining Co., Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 91 6 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout, tbe country tind that the best treatment for sore muscles utter seWie exeiiise or bard work of any kind, is a hot batli at led lime, wiiicb o|.ens the poies. Tins should immediately Ik* followed with hi» application of Chamberhill’s Pain Hilm ml died into
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    • 93 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.. AGENTS FOE PENA NO <*• F. M. .S BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANQ. > 1* c n x o -j o joS QJ G^r < m s'Sn*'-'*' Mali.,' <pi o m am
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    • 146 6 MACKAY’S “MONK” BRAND. We have this day been appointed AGENTS FOR Messrs. Wm. YOUNGER Co., Ltd., GLASGOW. WELL-KNOWN ALE STOUT, both in bulk and bottle. For prices apply to C. S. SENG Co Agents, Penang, F. in. S. and SumatraV Ml These tiny Capsules superior to Copaiba, Cubcbs, and Injections—cure
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  • 136 7 That the Medical Department iu Kedah is putting iu some good work rnav be judged by tho following Vaccination Ketu'i-* f.>r the 4*h, stli and 6th mouths t the 1 Mohammedan yerr 1324. courteously forwarded bv the State Surgeon:-|-j 2 3 sS <*> i Station. Vaccinator. 3.3 —t, U*
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  • 545 7 ludia has apparently not yet given up (lie prod etiou of occult manifestations. Our exchanges from time to lime tell us of some demons!iatien of wonderful power ou tie part of natives that baffles any explanation. I’wo of these are repotted in the Advocate of India. Muhammad Cl
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 989 7 P' Moir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. r1f Co. John Bazley White Bros,' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery <£• Co.. AGENTS. PENANG F M S RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gilfillan Co., Ltd. The NEW FRENCH REMEDY MARK. Ini-, mhi fS»(ul and highly popular remedy, used in the t.ont nental Hospitals by Ricord,
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    • 148 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy In Old Virginia The II utchiusou ])ni j Company, which is located at P**rrv f Oklahoma, U 8 A., iu i speaknjj of 1 he gal** of Chainl et lain’» Cough Bemedv, says: W'etake p'ersme in recommending it to our customers heciyse we believe it honestly m
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1433 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER VOTICB. Dealer iu Gold aud Silver Watches. Graphopboues, Records, Pius, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Itepairer of auv description of Musical iDstruineuts aud Graphopboues, Ac., Ac. No. '2l, Market Street. 78c VIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3
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