Straits Echo, 20 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1266 1 TIOER BRAND OEMENT. 258 M T IT 114 r o 0/£7 ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. OharterecJ Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital PaidTup Reserve Fund Reserve Liability!of Proprietors XBOO.UOO X 975,000 XBOO.OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches.
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    • 25 1 SOLE AQENIS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. <2 <0 .■5» X f O' rr, 30 CP o> O lv. /V, A vs < No<i§ HIV S.SSVB TfAftG LEE Co
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  • 3101 2 Mk. Fort (Continu'd fnun y*t.firdo ft im"-.) Mr. Fort object stre utnislv to tin* admission of the lists e e•■■nh*n”e, hot t 1 ey went in, his objectioi.s leugti-eel* ie>»*o The thiee cliung- a it"* S' 1 made on his own m 'i «iive, ii-oii.h In*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2466 2 FACE ACHE IS CURED U ITII FINISIN, Until “/n > Neu rn 'gin ure. It acts splendidly: promptly: effi cieiiily In p i t t.Vs: instead tf agony —ease am: relief. everyonesiy* so: won’t you try it Face-ac ieeair otcont l.ue with ora ham’s Neuralgia Cure. I Re :n.used and
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  • Shipping.
    • 160 3 SABINE BICH.MEKM, Br. S.S., 690, .J,.cLsuU 19th Nov., Puugkalan Soeeoe, Nov.. Geu., B «k Co. Perak, Br. s.s.. .519, Ohteu, 19th Nov., Singapore, 17th Nov., Geu., —S. S. S. Co. P*n Senu, Br. s '676, Garni sou, I9di Nov., Singapoie, 17th Nov., Geii, Q. B. Kee. Qeokka, Ur. s
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    • 45 3 20th Novembk Kerman., for Singapore, China and -Japan, Rotor ua, for Tour kali. P*n Seng, for Port Swetlnuliaui A Singapore. Perak, tor Port Swetieuham au<l SitHMpoie. Lady Weld, for 'l’elu k Auson. Mu aya, for Beli F ying Fish, for Port VVel.l ami Taipng.
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  • 48 3 I'wwelt i h r< m i Atff.utf I)ut B j uh vou 1 <on<)>>n I ■>. B.A Co. 1st. Dec. ClHUl ’oh-iipo S K.AC<> 1 st B-iiCii’iou |'»i «r«p<>re |V\ M A Co. 1 st. Sikh i Fi (Jo. 1th Trieste Silly ij>>re S.K A Co. I 7th
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  • 30 3 1 tumult Fur Ajeni* litfitre* Keuavou L Siusf«i(M>re S.KA'V 1st Dec. Sikh Siuunpoie S.L* \0. Mh Ulituu S.K &.C». iMicnlion 1 Ion VV M &Co. Trieste l’i icsie S.K.4.V
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  • 101 3 Tor Pa lira -Per Pvulanij, to-morrow, 1 p.ui. lj-iui'kut—Pet Mu II/ Ai'nttn, to morrow, 1 p.tu. ioiuL Ausou Per LiuiiiluO, to-morrow, 2 p u>. Uiiugo.'u Per Fits'll• irk, to morrow, 4 t».m. Pa> c»kor Per h‘. H iUh'i/ii to-morrow, i p.Ui. Singapore, Coiu.i uuti J.ipuu -Pei />*'//# 22ml
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1163 3 (SHIPPING.) lr IS. HI. Co. hjJipccle </ Arrivals and iJejmrtures. Mail Service. Outwards. Nov. -I Delin' connecting with 8.8. Victoiia Dec. 5 8.8. Simla <lo 8.8. China 19 8.8. Della do h.i, India Jau. 8.8. Arcadia do 8.8. Mongolia Homewards. Nov. Doc. Jau. 24 8.8. Delta couuectiug with 8.8. Mooltun
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    • 229 3 ASIA 11C STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INIMMAVA LINK A S. N. Co.’s Pi,Khr. Keg. Tons, sa Naming 28*52 ms Nuraui 2870 ss 1 jput :JGI. r ms R*iifu 2634 3« K jali 3634 ss l*uo<]it 3832 ms Pasha 3H30 The C’oiupauy maintains a tirsl class amvice of ai<u crs carrying
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  • 103 4 Janice -aUh? «a ire» jbody and jaftice Alone.— Kmer^o* Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TBS CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Peuang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL 12* P«r annow M OUTSTATIONB Poetage Extra. HAIL IDITION (Post Free) »15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang." Telephone No.
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  • 491 4 Pknaxgitks are beginning to womler whether the Municipal water carts have been thrown upon the scrap heap duriug the recent rains, for since the dr? weather has returned our roads have been in a shocking state from dust. Take Nortliam Road, for instance, which is the principal
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  • 344 4 It. the Suffragettes were not such a horrid nuisance they would be most amusing and the introduction of a few of them would give quite a zest to life 1:1 sleepy old Penang, but, thank goodness, we have not vet developed the breed. e fancy that the Suffragette must
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  • 626 4 I hast night the dress rehearsal for the second cast of principals iu Les Cloches <le Cornet ille” took place, aud we hear that all points to a very successful performance ou Wednesday eveuiug. '1 he booking is quite a record for Penang and another bumper
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  • 988 4 The Assizes. (Be/ore Mr. Justice Thornton.) Attempt to Murlmsk. The last Assize of the year opened in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Thornton this moruiug. The first case on 'he list was that ag-<inst Velaugauni, who was charged on two couuts of attempting to murder. Hon. J.
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  • 456 4 P. C. C. P. R. C. The match betweeu the P. C. C aud the P. R. C., which was keenly contested on the Esplanade yesterday afteruoou, resulted in a victory for the former team by two goals to nil. The spectators did not muster iu great force, probably
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  • 106 4 A uuuiber of Hokkieus took it iuto their heads to tight iu Me Nair Street at half past eight last night, and broken bottles, brick**, firewood aud rickislja shafts—anything, iu short, that came haudy—were used iu the combat, Wheu Sergeant Kiliourv arrived on the seeue with a posse
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  • 349 4 In our issue of the 12th inst. we reported that a man, name»] Yeap Neow, was arreste«l at the Railway Jetty ou the previous Jay f»»r beiug iu possession of fifteen tahils of illicit chaudu, cunningly concealed iu a durian. This morning the culprit appeared
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 291 4 NOTICE. A shipment of several of the latest creations in perfumes from the well-known Perfumers: Pinand. Huger mid Pallet, Oiraud Fils, Rigaud, Lnndborg, Piesse and Lubin* AtklllSOll and Colgate, tna<Je up in beaiitiiul boxes of bottle» suitable for presentations and wedumg gifts, also in 1.2, 4 ami Boz. tattles is
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    • 46 4 Happily Surprised. Mauy suffers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A permanent cure mav be effects! by continuing the use of this liniments for £$rt tune Fo* dale by all chemist* an if' tfekeepeir A
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    • 57 4 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. It it is a case of colic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reinedv and you will have no need of a doctor. It is pleasant to take and never fails to «ive pniuipt relief. Why uut huv *t now
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    • 51 5 Ihe Hogan Case. Special».) or-. l’j.ejury Bto|*|H.,l flu, Hogan ClBc to-il. lv and ucquiite.l the accuwd or. the ground t j mt tire charges of cheating brought by My St. Vincent Down could not stand. The Rots Ended. Singapore, 19th November.—The riotbetween the Teochews and Ilokiens has been completely
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    • 57 5 Hard-hearted London Police. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 20th November.—Forty Suffragettes, headed by Mrs Despard. the sister of Geueral French, made a fresh demonstration in Palace ard. Mrs. Despard aud another mounted the pedestal of a statue and the latter, who harangued the meeting, was arrested. The police refused
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    • 35 5 Twenty-seven Days to Hongkong. (Supplied by lleulcr.) Loudon, Ifftb November.—The Canadian Pacific Kailway Couipauy lias shortened the land trausit of the English mails aud hopes to reach Hongkoug 27 iu davs.
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    • 58 5 General Dissatisfaction. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 19th November.—Tue German papers, including the Conservative organs, coutiuue to beiuteusely dissatisfied with the situation at home and abroad, which they attribute largely to the Kaiser’s personal intervention aud strougly urge the necessity of a remedy being applied. Prince Billow’s speeches hava uot
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    • 55 5 Intervention Imminent. (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, 201 h November.—The condition ot Morocco is going from bad to worse aud the Europeans in the country are looking forward to the intervention of France aud Spaiu. It is understood that both countries are making preparations to avoid beiug taken unawares when
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    • 51 5 The Insurance Scandals- (Supplied by Reuter.) houdou, 20th November.—Tb*i first report of Mr. Jerome, the New York District Attorney, ou the American I usurauct scandals, ilnalH with the Mutual Life Assurance Society au<l declares that there are no State laws uuder which the officials oau be prosecuted ciiuiiua.ll
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    • 48 5 A Fatal Collision. (Supplied by Reuter.) boudou. 20th November.—The steamer Jeuine rammed aud sauk the steamer Di.< iu I’ujjet Sound last night. Forty-one persons were drowned and the Jeuine rescued thirty* nine. Mauy women aud childreu were 'rapped iu their cabius and there was a terrible panic.
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    • 190 5 The Boer Raid. (Supplied by Reuter.) r.ondon, 20th November.—The Ferreira 'and of raiders were woru out aud disheartened aud made no resistance. The trouble they have caused is altogether diNproportiouate to their strength. The troops formed a cordon for a huudred and Uttv miles, from the Orauge River
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  • 1251 5 Mr dearest 1 auny.—Of course you will be wanting to know how Leg Cloches” went ofl on Saturday evening, for vou were j €r Pmnttwtie al/olit it and sajd. i rememl*er, that you didn’t tci where the audience wa B to come fro.., with a double cagt and.
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  • 845 5 Capital $1,200,000 divided iuto 24.000 Shires of $5O each, I-sued 16,970 shares. Called up *2O pe share. Total amount of Capital paid up $33,940'». At the Tweuty-First Auuual Geueral Meetiug of the above Company held on j Friday, the 16th November, 1906, the
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  • 233 5 A* Co HD NO to well fouuded reports amongst the poorer classes of B ruiese, I Raugoou appears to be on the eve of grei' distiess amongst that couiin unity. This unfavourably prospect is threatened by the rise iu the price of rice, the staple production
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  • 59 5 Never hesitate to say No to your dealer if he offers you a substitute for Chamber la in’s Co gh Remedy. It has no equal ou the market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough aud you make no uiistike in buying
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  • 93 5 To-dat. 5tL Day ot 10th Moon. Opeuiug of the Assizes, Supreme Couit, 11 a.ui. Matsuo s Japauese (-luematograph, corner of Peuaug Road A Campbell Street, 9 pin Comedy ludiau Ratoe Theatric il Co.: Lakuau Barduau,” King St. Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 6th Dav of loth Moou. The Assizes, Supreme
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  • 17 5 English (Delhi) ...21etNov.| Cljiua (Delta) 2Fh China (Kmm) 27i1i Germ an Pr. h'itel b'ri(dr'uh\. 28th
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  • 51 5 P. O. SAILINGS. '1 it Seniu ‘|i I'W A H l»v I i < >M E IV AM"* Delhi V/ Nor. j Della A uc j Atcxdia -j D‘c. J J/aV-.t 6 hec t:\ir.i Service ‘"iWARI.v IL.VIS.W i»i,- Subia xVoc. I Ceylon W 5,,0 I Ri’enuv I hie. Sum jho
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 12 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Otweolntes, Houboufc, t BouJanU, UatcnalU Price*.
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    • 81 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Old Virginia. The Hutcliiusou Drug Company, which is j located at Perry, Oklahoma. U S. A., iu speaking of the sale of Chamberlaju’s Cough Remedy, says: We take pleasure in reconi* mending it to our customers liecause we believe it bonesflv made and a meritorious preparation.
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    • 405 5 VICTOR PIANOS. VICTOR PIANOS. I Lit) tirs* :ilid lii-U, iuiprebsioßS of tliwSO «Ik j aspects] the Simple Model Nl*. V rlul', ou View at our r«H»ms last, week, were that it was an unusually tin» iiwlruin >ni. The KULI. AND MASSIVE TONP, U RPONSIVE TOUCH ami' PERFECT REPETITION uiet with
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    • 139 5 VICTOR TALKING MACHINES. Have you hrard them iThey Surpass All Others. NICKEL TONE ARM. Concert Sound Box. Nate the pric*. Only *5O. «0« PMIO CO., LTD., BE'CH STpt'ET, MATSUO'S JAPANESE* 1 jIMATOORAPE. Grand New Change of Programme TO-NGOT! TO NIGHT!! DO NOT HESITATE. All Penang will be there. Come and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 30 5 WEATHER. Thk followup report is kiinllv bupi*ii«.l b the Signal Director of l’ori Cornwallis* '1 lie rainfall vii a > iu</ iIih .'4 Imm*» «*u*h* •»1 9 v wa»; ui|.
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  • 120 6 I’BSANO, 20th November (fitj courtesy of the Chartered Ban fc.) London Demand Bank ...2/3x2 4 months’ sight Bank .2 4g 3 Credit 2/1 A* 3 Documentary —2/4 Calcutta. Bank I<B LoJ 3 davs’ sigh* l'rwa»e Ir4v B miiiav. 1 Vina ml Bank !<»>£ Mouiiiiein. IViiimiil Bank 171 •5 days'
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  • 172 6 dnld leaf 65 50 B. Pepperf W.C‘*asi xllw.rtoz. 8194 nominal White Pepper 25 buyers Tram.' Pepper '2\,bo no initial Clove- picked $4l 50 1u<iness done BBO —sellers VI ice Pickings s7—buyers f No. 1 5} ppl Sii'-'.ir 2 no stock Basket $3.22 J sales I’aoioea Flour 1 821 sellers
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  • 915 6 a. s Number of P -2 S Capital. Shares > Last Dividend. Name. £> a# t issued. s ‘5 CQ co l_i “Lj Mining 1 1903 300,000 30.000 10 10 Beiat Tin Miuiug Co., Ltd. S 14— $14.75j$14.25 1900 j 175,000 J 4ooOde? 10 10 Bersawali Gold MiuingCo., Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 92 6 Undrew Usher Co.’s BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDIUNDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F M. .S EIIAPORAIED CREAM. Absolute Parity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Go., PENANG. trunk MCA) > CO X m o s>* UJ m < GK G» TY\t c° S-n*o.w» c O ■I TO BE
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    • 393 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandflands, Buttery Cn MACKAY’S LIQUOR WHISKY. Gieslers’ Champagne. WHAT IS ASAHI It is the BEST BEER in the Far East. Brewed specially for hot climates. Obtainable in ordinary cases of 4 doz. quarts and 8 doz. pints, as well as half
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1601 7 P, IV! 0 ft 0 Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sa rtf it/; inf's lift fieri f'n John fiazley While Grof.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sand Hands Buttery S' Co.. AGENTS. PENANG F M S Jeyes’ Puri/ier, 7,y ELIABLt AND UNIFORM, WORLD RENOWNED Hie best and most powerful disinfectant extant. In 1
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    • 93 7 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes thi'-u.lx n f fie I'tiuuj trv timl timt the l est tieaitmif hr '■ore muscles alter severe oxm"s«' <" ha id work of an v LiuJ, is a hot bafli .il ltd lime, uInch ‘oieusthe pores. Tliis should immediately l.e followed with .111 application o!'Clia uiber-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1273 8 YOON SO N, VOTICB. NOTICE. WATCHMAKFF JE'VfcLLER of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Dealer iu Gold <md Silver Watches. Graphophuues. l’ecords. Pin- Ac., Ac Prices Very Moderate. Itepairer of imv de-cru»t«n«» ,»f Musical instruments and G'apli<»phon**>, Ac, A»* No. 21. M<i}ki t Sti vi’t 76c Selangor, and Sumatra Photos enlarged, various sizes
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