Straits Echo, 15 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1293 1 TIGER BRAND CEMENT. 258 AS OS r m mm 'O Bt±T FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Noderlandschs Handel INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paul'iip Reserve Fund Reserve Liability! of Proprietors £800,000 £975,000 Paid-ui'-Capital Reserve Funi»— »10.000,000 Sterling Reaerve »l0,000,00o i
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    • 22 1 SOLI: AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. a 9 c* a .30 C 3 <o C? x Z &G 0$ •tiv s^sva TIANO LEE CO
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  • 1116 2 A Study o* tick Native Pulss ui J >dia. Tub other day au iunocent little cuttiu: from a Beulah newspaper found its wav lutotlie English Press. It brought a smile to the face of many a reader whose knowledge of ludiauud Indian journalism is not considerable. Tlie paragraph
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 85 2 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Old Virginia The HutcliiuM.u Drug |>a t>\ which is located at Deny, Oklahoma, V S. A., iu speaking of the sale of CbamlerJaiu’s Cough I ’emetic, any a Weinke pleasure in iccoiiimeuding il to our cuatomers because we believe it honestly made ai.d a meritorious preparation.
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    • 415 2 c- a UEUEALGIA CURED. Fj^CE-jfLCHE CURED. 'R1N REMOVED WITH FINISIN, 1} Ur#ham's Neuralgia Cure. 1 FINISIN FINISIN Urahams M N ISIN Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN 1 This stops pain and makes you 1 "'ell. Don't hesitate, try it. You ill be sorry if you don't. There is nothing so good It,
      415 words
    • 1631 2 till' »f a is' rie» 1 ns, led W- 1 tii 11 :ies ibu lid Lite of I vc jat ils j i lie me Lulo ive Iu. j in- ,Uj I ts, it v of THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a, North*im Ro/?d, OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS CAKES 500 of 2
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  • Shipping.
    • 65 3 Kum Sanu, Br. 8.8., -.078, I>u Her, 15th Nov., Singapore. loth Nov., Geu., B. Co. Thonowa, Br. 8 8., 3,428, Whitehead, lotli Nov.. Madia stb Nov.. Geu., H. L. Co. I'ekkikk, Nor. s.s 1,008, Williamson, loth Nov.. Tuticorin, 7c h Nov.. Salt. H. B. Co. Lauy W ei,i>, Br.
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    • 58 3 15th Novembkk. \an dar Parra, for Del', Bajau, Edie aud T. Semawe. llok Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sahang. Taw Tony, for Trang. Canton, for Paugkor aud Teluk Ausou. Tony Chay Uu, for Batu Bahraaud Asalian. Kum Sat y, for Calcutta. Thonywa, for Port, Swetteuham A
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  • 49 3 1 I V r /'Mu A'/*!/ 1 > Dut DanJauus Sin ;i|H)i*e W M it (Jo. 1 7« li Nov. Bella vau Loudon S.B.XOo. dutli Ob in a Oo1oiiiIr> S. K.&Co 1st life. Deucalion Singapore VV. M &(Ju. 1st Sikh Glasgow S 1». Ct'. <;tb Trieste Singapore S.K.&Oo. 7th
    49 words
  • 37 3 1 rxxel* Fur .1 tenth Le< ives ]>ai(lamis Loudon W.M A (Jo Beaavan Siupi pore S.K.A 'Jo CbiUii Singapore S.K A.(Jo. Deucalion London W .M A Co. Sikh Singapore A Co. l’rieate Trieste r S.hMCfo.
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  • 123 3 For Port Sweltenham aud Malacca—lVr Cornelia, to-iuorrow, I p.ui. Colombo and T* ticoriu -Per Nile, tomorrow, l p.ui. Teluk Ausou Per Lady Weld, to-morrow, 53 p.m. Perlis A Setul—Per Un Penj, to morrow, 8 p m. Kaugoon and Calcutta takiug mails for Europe, etc. via Bo i bav—Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1377 3 (BHIPPIN G.) •iiT Aft 18. N. Co. Uspecled Arrivals and Departures. Mail B«rvica. Outwards. Nov* -l Delhi with h.B Victoria Deo. 5 8.8. Arcadia do 8.8. China Homewards. Nov. 24 8.8. Delta connecting with 8.8. Mooltau Dec. 8 8.8. Malta do ».8. Himalaya FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. M CIIM 2nd
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    • 256 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., lid. INDO-JAVA I.INi: A 6s. N. Co.’s Fi.kbt. Keg. lous. Keg. Tons. ss Malriraiii It >47 ss Sli ahjehau 1402 ss Shalizada I K>4 ss Kohiuur 1 KM ss Maharaja 1415 ss Nawab 2041 ss Nadir 20 41 ss Niz im 2041 ss Naming 2H02 ss
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  • 99 4 Justice satisfies everybody and jurtice alone. v Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.l XT TUB CRITERION TRESS, Ltd.. No 226 —232, lleouli Street. IVuanj PRICE: DAILY LOCAL per vm* OUTBTATIONB Foetaue Kxtra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free! *l5 CAULK ADDRESS. Echo Penang." Telephone No. 343 X.B.
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  • 405 4 The led horse nuisance in Penang has often bee*i referred to in these columns and, instead of growing better, matters seem to be gradually becoming worse. It was only the other day that we saw a rikisha smashed by one of these led horses and the occupant of
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  • 265 4 iiILKK does not appeal to l*e any re:isoii to attach very much importance to the Ferreira raid on Cape Col«»nv, tor I a force of twenty men cannot d much •except harry a few outlying homesteads and make matters unpleasant for the time being. Still, we hope
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  • 172 4 AciokuiNii to our Singapore correspondent the Junior Settlement appears to have been having a rather lively time during the past two days, owing to the differences between the Teochews and Hokiens. Whit tliese people are quarrelling about we do not as yet know, [and when the whole matter is
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  • 134 4 The new Government Oce-iioliar Currency Notes are now to l>e seen iu the Settlement, says the Slraih Tune They are t; inches long, and 2‘. iuches broad of a delicate pink colour; and of the same sort of paper with almost the same wording and picturing,
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  • 508 4 Following are the Agenda for to-mor-row s Meeting of the Municipal Commission. 1. Minutes of last meet mg to be read i aud confirmed 2. Auv special buiiuess the President may bring forward. !l. tyuestious. 1 Appointment “of Sub-Overseer of i Scavengers. j■ Tenders for Praugm bath house.
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    • 635 4 To iut l.iiiiuii of mi: Vrs. 11s Kiho. Site, —Mv first thought ou reading your babyish leading article appearing in your j issue of the loth instant was to iguore it entirely, but, Kst the public, whom you acknowledge to be like a flock of sheep, may be misled
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  • 342 4 i »ES BN HANTS ACQUITTED 1 he adjourned inquiry iuto the gaug robliery case was resumed before Mr. G. A. Hereford at. th*i Second Court yesterday afternoon. Tan Cheng Koh, a sugar-cane seller, der posed that, ab>ut noun ou the 9th mst., he was selling sugar-cane opposite the
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    • 82 4 The Teochew-Hokien Riots (Echo Special.) Singapore, loth November.—There was further rioting between the Teoehews and Hokiens last night and the Hokien silk and opium shops were looted as also was the Teochews’ Temple. A large number of arrests were made and the pi isonerssentenced tosix months’ hard labour at
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    • 189 4 Prince Buelow nil Foreign Relations. (Supplied by lleuter.) Loudon, 15tli December—Prince Buelow, speakiug iu the Reichstag, quoted Germany’s abstention from obstructing Great Britain in Egypt as an example of her unreserved recoguit'on of Great Britain’s positiou in the world. The establishment of friendly relations would require time aud patience,
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    • 119 4 The Land Tenure Bill. (Supplied by lleuter.) Loudon, 14tli November. —The debate on the Land Tenure Bill was resumed in the House of Commons at 2 45 p.m. Tl)6 Unionist papers are jubilant at the Opposition defeating the Government’s attempt to force through the f and Tenure Bill aud
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    • 70 4 Rights nf the Japanese. {Supplied by Renter.) London. 15th November.—The Hon. Victor H. Metcalf, Uuited States Secretary of Labour aud Commerce, in the course of an interview, opiued that the Treaty with Japan guaranteed to Japauese children the right, to receive their education ou an equal footing with
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    • 42 4 Church and State. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, loth November.— lu the French Chamber the Extreme Radicals violently attacked M. Clemenoeau’s milder lemporiziug policy towards the Church. The Chamber eventually carried a vote of confidence iu the Coverumeut by HO to 1(»3.
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    • 52 4 King Hakon and Queen Maude {Svyydied by Reuter Loudon, 15th November.—King Uakou bas lieen invested with the Older of the Garter at, Windsor Castle King Hakon and Queen Maud paid a visit to the Citv and w r ere entertained at luucheou at the Guildhall. They rcc*ived a
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    • 38 4 The Boer Raid. (Supfdied by Reuter.) Loudon, 14t.h Novemlier. —A detachment police had half an hour's tight with Ferreira s raiders, who retreated iuto the bush. Two in* re bauds of raiders have eutered Cape Colony.
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    • 40 4 A Baseless Report. (Sitfiplied by Reuter.) London, I4tli November.—lt is officially stated that there is no question of the Atlantic Fleet making a demonstration off the coast of Morocco, as it is merely going up oll a prescribed cruise.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 232 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel. Special Supper, Saturday, the 7th November, After the Performance at the Town Hall. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors We have just opened out R Large Consignment of Perfumery from the best British Manufacturers. A LARGE VARIETY AT DIFFERENT PRICES. White Hose, Lily of the Valley, Essence Bouquet, Cashmere Bouquet,
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    • 15 4 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolate*. Bonbons, t KoU'Jiiut^, At K* t tsuhaW*' rririi.
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  • 2001 5 |‘t' '<'l'llKit Kv||)KN<!K kuk thk Prosecution. (straits Tiiti n Ihk e\mmialion of Mr. O K <>«lell in ilim lieaiiug <t the llolmii c;se. was coutat S.ngapoit* oil Monday Hfteruoou. Ityfoie ihe heatiug«.t the evidence, His It'll«lship enquired whether there was auy .lei*, o l*n a change «4 i
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  • 153 5 A serious disturbaucs took place at Boat about 8 o’clock this morning betweeu Hokieus aud Teochews, says Tuesday's i Strait* Timet Two twakows manned by Hokiens aud Teochews were being moored at the quay, wheu the crews quarrelled as to which boat was to have the liest
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  • 160 5 For taking a leading part iu agitatiug f«>r a movement to give Viceroy Shum C un Hun a send-off by the Chinese in Hougkoug and for despatching a telegram to the Viceroy to the effect that the Chiuese of that Colony were «leeply indebted
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  • 226 5 The horror of imprisonment iq a suukqu submarine, vyhicli so powerfully impressed the public miud at a time when theve was a series of accideuts to thp uew enyft, lias le«l the British Admiralty to make experiments, which, it is hoped, will ultimately yield valuable results; aud the
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  • 617 5 Mr. Bernari* Shaw says they ark Dangerous. Lectori v g to a crowded meeting j called by the Ancoats Brotherhood, a engaged oil s«*eial work in a «lenselvpnpuiated pirt of Manchester. Mr. Peruard Shaw chose as his subj-'ct the “len Commandments.” He had, he said, l*een
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  • 67 5 To-uat. 39tu Day of full Moon. Football Matvdi l 1 F- S, r#. A.-C. 8., Ksplauade, Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Penang 11 ad .ind Campbell Street, 9 p in. To-morrow. 1st Day of lOtli Moon. Municipal Commission, 3-30 p in. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Peuaug Road aud
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  • 16 5 Fnglisli (De'hi) ...21st Nov. Cliiua 24th Cliiua Ifuon) 27ili German (Pr I'-ilel Friidrir/i).. 2’3tli
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. U.iii Scvut. OlITWAHIlV UoM*W»*fi.* Delhi 21 Nov. j DeUa 'J4 Nor Arcadia ■'> Use. j Ma'tt 6 Dec. hira Seo'iu. OOTWAKDS Ho.UK** Nubia 47 Non. j Ni 17 Nov j Ceylon 10
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  • 32 5 O New Mo«»n Nov. 16'li 3 3 p m First Quarter 23rd 7.39.4 a m. O Full Moon l>ec. 1st b./ 3am t t.»n' Qtli 8 451. A M
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 57 5 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. It it, in a case of colic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kernedv and you will have no need of a doctor. It is pleasant to take and never fails to oive prompt relief. Why not buy it uow
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    • 57 5 Do Not Be Influenced. Never hesitate to say No to your dealer if he offers you a substitute for Chamberlain’s Co«'gh Remedy. It has no equal on the market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough aud you make no mistake io buying this median»* F
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    • 264 5 Happily Surprised. Many suffers from rheumatism have 1 eeu surprised ami Jelmlned at the prompt relief obtained by upplviug Chamberiaiu’s I'aiu Balm. A permanent cuie mav be effected bv continuing the use of this liuimeuts for a short time. For sale by ali chemists and storekeepers. HOUSE No i, Cbiua
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    • 477 5 VICTOR PIANOS. VICTOR PIANOS. Tl»e first ami latt iinpressiuus of those who inspected the sample Model j\ letor, ou view at our rooms last week, were that if was an unusually tiu** instrument. 'I lie I' LLL AND MASSIVE TONE. RESPONSIVE TOUCH and PERFECT REPETITION uiet with immediate app-edatiou CEORGE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 26 5 WEATHER. Th* follow u.r report iskin*llv snmilie-l V> the Signal Thrector of Fort Cornwallis The rainfall th** -I hour» »t 9 mu to-‘ls v »1» nil.
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  • 1235 6 After tiie receut, great scare iu American 1 iusuiauee circles owing to tlie exposures by the press of grave scandals iu connection with the working of some uf the companies i iu the Land of the Stars and Stripes, the follow ing extracts
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  • 118 6 Pksanq, 15th Novdmuku. (Hy courtesy oj the Chartered Hank.) London (remain! Hank 2y :>J 4 months’ sight Hank 2/4^ 3 Credit -/Co 3 Documentary ...2/4£ Calcutta. Demand Hank lies 173{ 3 «lays’ sigh? Pi*.'ate 174* B*mii-.»v. Pjiimud Hank 173' Moulmein. Demand Haul IT I 3 days’sight Private 171 Madras,
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  • 115 6 i• »i• I 05 50 B. IVpjiei W .(.'■•a»t .-vli»..» <»/ Slib* nonnnn’ White Pepper '251 sj/es I' rang Pepper 21.00 nominal Cloves (picked •''ll .50 in<ine»s doue Mace sBo. —sales Vlace Pickings 67. —buyers Nui ni“gs 110 s 23. —sellers No. 1 5{ ppl 3ug.«« 2 u«* stock
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  • 908 6 Number of ~z Capital. Shares Last Dividend. Nauie. £> -i -5 *J I a 3 1 t Mining. 1903 ‘300,000 30.000 j 10 10 Beiat Tin Mining Co.. Ltd. «13.50 I4r-'»13.75 j 1900 1 1 5,000 f 4. (XK) «Jef *9 10 Bersawah Cold Milling Co., Ltd. ,«l0 I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 89 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECUL RESERVE BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. O.V.G. Whisky.; Absolute Purity Guaranteed, SANMLANOS, BUTTERY Co.. AGENTS: agents foe SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG <* F. iff. .S PENANG. ■Mr»* > c n x o m UJ 5* < tuc w o SfcriKHH !-S jGg TO BE HAD RETAIL
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    • 246 6 MACKAY’S THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Go GIN LIQUOR WHISKY. IN RED CASES. Ruttery Co Gieslers’ Champagne. WHAT IS ASAHI It is the BEST BEER in the Far East. Brewed specially for hot climates. Obtainable in ordinary cases of 4 doz. quarts and 8 doz. pints, as well as half cases
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  • 2095 7 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February. 1907. First Day. Tuesday, 29th January, 1907. 1. 'Ihk Maiden Plate. Value #G0O. A Race ft*r Maiden Homes. I Weiylit as |>er scale ledmel 14 lb*-. All animals impelled into ilie Sira Is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 294 7 P. tftotr Cranes' CYLINDER OILSamlilands. Buttm S Co. John Bazley White Bro?.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION lIKAND.” Sandilands, Buttery Sr Cn.. AGENTS r ENANG A F M S RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, G'lfillan Co., L'r’. Jeyes’ Purifier, W>i v; M m -a r A -41 I r^4 CO ca o a O)
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    • 77 7 WROUGHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Stock Always on Hand ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLUE QTJM. All sizes of Scantlings, Beams, Planks and Piles in stock. More durable and cheaper than local hard wood. Used in Dover Harbour Works, also by Straits, Indian and South African Governments. Especially suited to
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    • 94 7 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the country find that the best treatment for sore muscles alter severe exercise or hard work of any kind, is a iiot bath at l>ed time, which I opeus the pores. This should immediately lie followed with an application of Chamberlain’s I’aiu Balm vigorously rubbed
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1289 8 VOON SUN, VOTICB. NOTICE. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER \']EWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 5 ft., ui Bromide paper. W. JONES, k'iug St vtvt, Penally. Photographer. ’0; \)< aler in Gold and Silver Watches. Gr«phophoues. Ifccords. Pius, «£c.. Ax. Price;» Very Moderate. Kopinrer of
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