Straits Echo, 13 November 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1354 1 TIGER BRAND OEMENT. N?2SB y m 5^ PO ill k BUI FOR ALL PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund Roaerve Liability|of Proprietors Head Oflice HATTON COURT. THREADNBEOLE STREET, LONDON. jt: 800.000 JC975.000 JCBOO.OOO Agencies and
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    • 26 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. $3» 3. <8 fSI x X o lV ?3 tP Co <9 Xx H > 2 O P m m o ’HIV SiSSVR
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  • 1003 2 The Plight of our Indian Empire. Plica for Cheap Oahils (train a Correspond* nl.) “I have long deplored tlio inadequate! cable service to India. 1 did what 1 could in my time to improve matters by I hi g iug about, a reduction iu the cat».e rates,
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  • 1155 2 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. First Day. Tuesday, 29th January, 1907. 1. —The Maiden Plate. V alue $600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Sfra’ts or
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 65 2 Wiiat Co tlo U.itil ch: l) »e:or Arriv.s. It IK 8 P.IM* of <*« :I <t| <•!)(,Id |||n|l ||> fjivfl Olianitx il;im's < I, ,'eiH aud Dim L'linca Kenndv and \< u u jii Law* i u»m1 G f n doctor. If i< s.ini to <;,u an,] 11( V pi
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    • 1742 2 FACE ACHE THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, IS CURED WITH F1NISIN, 17a, North/?/» Ro/td. Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-acne cannot continue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Re advised and you will advise others. Finisin
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    • 237 2 “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 11 MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURERS. t I GRAHAM NICHOLSON, Office, &a, Beach Street, 14: >c PENANG. SELECT BOARDING HOUSES. 1 THE BRIORY, 38, Wortham Rood. I Poardiug House situated at the seiside I within easy distance of Town. Terms: Moderate. By Day or Month Mrs. W. RODYK.
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  • Shipping.
    • 125 3 Van dbr Parra, Dut. s.s, 331, Hu*, 12th Nov., T. Semawe, 12th Nov., Gen., H. L. A Co. Coen, Dut. s.s. 823, Potjewyd, 12»h Nov., Padung, 11 tli Nov., Geu., H L. A Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s., 555, Liugard, 12» h Nov., Tongkah, llth Nov., Geu., K. G. Co.
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    • 70 3 13th Novbmbk f. Petrel, for Paugkulau Brandau aud Laugkat. Avayyee, for Deli. Prinz‘»g Alice, for Cevlon, Australasia, India, Aden, Egypt, ani via Naples for Europe, etc. Pin Seny, for Port Swettenham A Singapore Perak, for Port Swettenham aud Singapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. Coen, for Singapore Hock Chuan
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  • 27 3 I’esitel* From Aijt-ui* Dae Dardauws Singapore VV M &Co. 17th Nov. China CoIoiiiIh» S.K.&Co. 1st Dec. Deucalion Singapore W.M &Co. 1 si Trieste Siugapoie S.K.&Co. 7th
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  • 21 3 1 rggel.Fur Ajeat* Leave» D.irdanus Loudon W.M ACo. China 3ingapo r e S.K&Co. Deucalion Loudon W.M &0o. Trieste Trieste S.K.tCJo.
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  • 74 3 For Singapore, China and Japan—Per Pi inz key. Luitpohl, to-morrow, 10 a in. Asalian —Per Taw Tony, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Tongkah I'er Rotorua, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Bitu Bahra—Per II Halewyn, to morrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Ausou aud Paugkor—Per Lanykal, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Del’, l’ajau, Fdie and T. Seinawe—Per
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  • 79 3 Per Namur, from Loudon Mr. ;iud Mrs. Iv Young, Miss Fairburu, Miss H. Jones, Messrs. A. M. Stevenson, F. A. Loud, A. Kobiusou, 11. B. Owen, \V. G. Scott, A. N. Wvld, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. B. Claytou. Per Perak, from Singapore Mr. and Mrs. MoOrcbv, Messrs. W.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1333 3 (S HIPPIN G.) 8. N. Co. Mr peeled Arrivals and Departures. Mall Service. Outwards Nov- -I H.h. Delhi connecting with 8.8 Victoria 5 ».8. Arcadia do b.s. China Homewards. Nov. 218.8. Delta connecting with 8.8. Mooltan 8 8.8. Malta do h.s. Himalaya Dec. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ut Class 2nd
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    • 192 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co. Ltd. INDO-JAVA LINE A S. N. Co.’s Fleet. The Company u.aiutaius a ti st class service of steamers carrying l>oth passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java Batavia Pasoeroeau Samarau' Pekalongau Soerabaya Cheribon Baujoewangi The Company’s Steamers also give
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  • 100 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emer> on Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Lid., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuau.» PRICE DAILY LOCAL P« r na OUTSTATIONS Postage Kx'ra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Pree) $l3 CARLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 fi.B.
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  • 957 4 The opium question lias been bulking very largely »*f late in Malaya ami from all sides «v have heard of nothin»; but the anti-opium movement and the cures reported to have been effected by the wonderful plant discovered in the Kinta district. To-day. however, we publish a letter which
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  • 48 4 The Postponed Gymkhana We aie iuformed that it has been decided to hold (he postpoued Gymkhana on Saturday, Ist Hecemlier, the day following the St Andrew’s Bali. Entries will be re-open-ed and will close to the Hou Secretary, Mr, J Stark, on Saturday, 24th November.
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  • 464 4 Tiik tiue steamer Hals'nry, of the Hamburg Amerika liuie was inspeefe 1 yesterday by a large number of I’euaug residents. She is a wouderful vessel. 1 eiug au improvement upon the lthenania, which we described a short time ago. As she is as speedy as the mail steamers
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  • 680 4 Magistrates Appeals (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) A Quarantine Camp Case. On the 2nd October last before Mr. J. E. Nathan, Third Magistrate, Sikh Lauce Corporal No. ti7Cheiau Singh, proceeded against twelve Indiins on several charges of voluntarily causing hurt, obstructing public servants iu the execution of their duty,
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  • 273 4 An Inxeukstino Case. A Veky interesting case came up’ before Mr. Julius. E. Nathan, at_the Third Court this niortiug wheu Yeow Ann, a Chinese baba, was charged with akductiug Apsha a married young Malay woman of 17 years of age. Assistant Superiuteudaut Wliitehead appeared for the prosecution, while
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    • 318 4 To Til K EPITOU OF THE STRAITS HO. Sir, —In your issue of the Bth instant you reported a meeting held at the (’liiuese Town Hall on the previous eveuiug aud the formation thereat of an Auti-Opium Association in Peuang, while a great many names of well-known people were
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  • 392 4 The primary inquiry iuto the garg robbery case, reported iu pur issue of last Siturday, was held at the Second Court lefore Air. G. A. Hereford yesterday afternoon. Captain W. L. M. Bower conducted the case on behalf of the Crown, while the 1 five defendants, Lee Oheet,
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  • 222 4 INQUEBT. Mk G. A. Hereford yesterday afternoon held an inquiry into the death of Soinaliugau a Klitig man, who died from the effects of a tramway accideut, which occurred on the Pith ult. Tuspecfor Eugene Carroll watched the case for the prosecution. It was elicited from the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 434 4 We have just opened out A Large Consignment of Perfumery from ilie best British Manufacturers. A LARGE VARIETY AT DIFFERENT PRICES* White Hose, Lily of the Valley, I Essence Bou quet. Cashmere Bouquet, 3lnsk Rose, Voilet, Wood Violet, Jockey Club etc. All these Perfumes were selected by an expert in
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    • 43 4 Happily Surprised. Many suffers from rheumatism have heeu surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. A permanent cure mar be effected by continuing tip? use of thirliniments for a sdjuit time Pol t?a1e by .ill 'chemists and
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    • 87 5 An Episcopal Memorial {Supplied by Renter.) Loudou, I2ih November.— Tlio Archbishop of Cauj.erbury has transmitted to Sir Edward Grey a memorial sicced by ail the Anglican Bishops iu Chiua, protesting agaiust Gient, iintaiu h ludian policy iu reapect to opium. Sir Edward Grey, iu replying, refeired the meinorialiata to
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    • 125 5 The Ferreira Raid {Supplied by lie liter.) Loudon. 18th November.—The Goverror of Cape Colony has* telegraphed to the Governor of German South-west Africa asking hia co-operation iu capturing the freebooters if they recro>a the Ixrrder, with a view to their extradition on charges of theft and murder. Ferreira’s
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    • 56 5 The Congo Atrocities. Supp’ied by Reuter.) Loudou, J2th November. —Lord Ri pen’s pecpli at £be Guildhall banquet aneut tli (Jongo pree State lias impressed the Belgian press, which declares that Great Britaiu evidently expects deeds aud not words. King Ijeopold, although suffering from rheumatism, will temaiu in Brussels uutil
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    • 45 5 Another Earthquake. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 12th November.—A pauic has taken place iu the district around Vesuvius nwiug to an earthquake followed bv detonations and rumblings. Five men were eutoiubed by a mud avalauche. Local experts declare.that a renewal of the disturbance is uulikelv.
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    • 38 5 Self-Government This Month, (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 13th November. —Speaking in the House of Coinmous, Sir Henry CainpbellBauuermau said he expected that letters Patent establishing self-government for the Transvaal would be issued dur*ug the preseut mouth.
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    • 58 5 The New Hebrides Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 13th November. —The Melbourne Aye, referring to the New Hebrides question, says The Commonwealth has experienced a humiliating rebuff, which is likely t materially' affect future relations with the Imperial Government auu will more than ever determine us to withdraw the
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    • 189 5 Unprecedented Complacency. {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 12th November. —The Porte has fully accepted the proposals of the Powers for a three, per ceut. iucrease in the Customs duties. Such complacency is unprecedented. Tin (unrefined) is quoted here to-day at 75, buyers uo sellers aud at Singapore (retiued) at $98.50,
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  • 959 5 Owing to tuy abseuce from the Settlement on Stlurday last my readers must excuse ne for the non-appearance of my notes on that day. Although there is not much to say vet 1 giv,* you what little 1 have, so as to make up for last week’s failure.
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  • 340 5 While in Taiping with some Penang friends last week the presence of an Echo man iu the capital of tin laud was made kuowu to Tow Way Ng 800 Bee, the wealthy miner of Perak, and as our representative longed to visit
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  • 1540 5 Sven Hedin Tibk? Expedition. Simla. 2fth October. On the 18th of September Dr. Sven Hediu, writing from a oainp, three miles west of Lake Yashie Keel on the Aksai Chin, stated that he was moving eastward, having experienced uo serious hardships It is presumed at Srinagar that Sven
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  • 71 5 To-dat. 27tu Day of 9th Moon. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road aud Campbell Street, 9 pm. Comedy Indian Katie Theatrical Co. j Siti Noor Ain.” King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 28th Day of 9th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 6 to 7 p.m. Matsuo’s Japauese Cinematograph, corner
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  • 14 5 German (P. R. LuHpold) 14*h Nov. English (Delhi) 21st Chiua (Delta) 24th
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  • 36 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Tlombwar*"* Delhi 21 Nov. Delta 24 Nov Arcadia 5 Dec. MaUa S Dec. 1 xira Service Outwards. Hum kiv *mis Nubia 27 Nov I Ni<e 17 Nov I Ceylon 30
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  • 29 5 O New Moon Nov. 16ih 33»5 p.m First Quarter 23rd 7.39.4 am. O Full Moou Dec. Ist 6.7 3 a.m. East Quarter 9th 845 1. a.m. j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolate*, Bonbon», Dowert F ondant*. At JRonton.'tb}* Pnm
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    • 85 5 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the country tiud that the best treatment for sore muscles after severe exercise or hard work of any kind, is a hot bath at bed time, which opeus the pores. This should immediately bo followed with an application of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm vigorously rubbed into
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    • 160 5 .yVICTOR PIANOS. VICTOR PIANOS. The tirst and latt iin previous of those who iuspeeted the sample Model No'. Victor, ou viewatour rooms last week, were that if was an nuusually hue instrument. TliH.KUhh AND MASSIVE TONE, RESPONSIVE TOUCH and PERFECT REPETITION met with immediate appreciat on. f GEORGE TISSINGTON and
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    • 124 5 UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. Messrs. Tek Thye Cathiravaloo, WHOLESALE AGENTS, 34, Beach Street.... Retail from.— Penang Commercial GD, Beach Street, and Heap Lee and Company, 00, Reach Street. ALSO ON SALK At all Respectable Hotels. Specialities Lipton’s Special Scotch Whisky, Lipton’s Special Irish Whisky, Crown Standard Invalid Port, Gamier Freres Brandy.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1312 6 (Manchester Guardian Kuala Luinpur is a town u«»t known in the geography of the average Englishman. j Nevertheless it is the chief town of the large and fertile State of Selangor, and also the capital of the Federated Malay States —the general name of the southern
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  • 121 6 Penang, 12tii Novemukk. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank London Demand Hank 2/1 i months’ sight Bank 2/4$ 3 Credit 2/1 Vo 3 Documentary ...2/4$ Calcutta, Demand. Hank- Rs 173 t 3 days’ sigh* Private 1 V*> Bmiuav. Pginaiid Hank 173$ Moulinein, Demand Hank 171 A 3 days’sight Private
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  • 180 6 ioid ieaf S 05 50 Fi Purtiail VV Li i.— eioi nuuitnut White Pepper 25} sales 1’rang Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) $41.50 ‘usiness done Mace $80. —pales Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Nutmegs 11 Os 2 8. —sellers No. 1 5J ppl Sugar no stock C Basket $3.1# I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 65 6 Do Not Be Influenced. $fevor In sit ite to say “No” i u VOi r «lo.lei- if lie t ilers y >ii ;t substitute’ for Cliainbeilam s (Jo. gh Keniedv. It has uo equal OU the maiket foi I he prompt cures ot coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough a»«l
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    • 32 6 Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan. CONSENTS:— I'anUin Dagang, Runda Diri, Ruji Rujian, Hiidi, Kasiti, Sambayang, Sindier. 50 CENTS PER COPY. AT THE CRITERION PRESS, LTD. BAXTER Co ’s BEST NAVY CANVAs. SANDILANDS, iiCTTEWY Co.
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    • 690 6 Andrew Usher Go/s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG Sr F M. S BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS; SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PE NANO > C/5 O W < o i! ti-l -tl m A m H TV\i c° «V 1' -*»88«*- TO
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  • 794 7 “Lancrt” Sounds a Word of Warning. A serious warning is souudcd fo-day with reward to the Soap T»ust now iu proce.s f organisation, says a Mail paper. S» veial times dutiug ll»e discussion which lias accompanied (lie preliminaries denial lias lieeu made of r lie*
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 877 7 P. molt Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. Sanditnnd v Buttery Co. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND." Sand Hands, Cu.tery A Co AGE VIS. r ENANG F M S RUBEROID ROOFING. Mm on, G'l 'Ban Co.. L^. Jeyes’ Purifier, m ELIABLE AND UNIFORM, WORLD RENOWNED ’Hie l)«8t ami most
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    • 76 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Old Virginia. The Hutchinson Drug Company, which is located at Feirv, Oklahoma, U. 8. A., in speaking of the sale of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, says: YVetake pleasuie iu recommending it to our customers because we believe it honestly made and a meritorious preparation. YVe sold it
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1280 8 YOON SXJN, YOTICB. NOTICE. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER VT lEWS of Ueuaug, Singapore. i’erak, Selangor, au«l Sumatra. Dealer in Gold aud Silver Watches. Graphophnttes, Records. Pins, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate, lvepairer of any dc«cription of Musical instruments nml Graphophoucs. Ac., Ac.] No. 21, Mailed Street. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to
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