Straits Echo, 12 November 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1139 1 Tiger brand cement. N: 258 *9 m *e IN r o fOtt /lI.L PURPOSES. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund Reserve Liabilit y|of Proprietors 800,000 .£975,000 Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREAi)NEEI>I,E STREET, LONDON. Agencies and
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    • 22 1 BASS’S ALE. m O V X ■s co «SaCD Qc u o *4? O C 6 2; i •mois s.ssHNNino SOL£ AGENTS.
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  • 971 2 Singapore Chamhkk ok Commerce Examination The examination for the Chamber of Commerce certificates was held on Monday and Tuesday, 24th and 25th September, in the Exchange Room. Twenty-four candidates piesented themselves for examination. Tlie age limit was raised this year to 1 < years, and, f r the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 66 2 Do Not Be Influenced. Never hesitate to say “No” to your dealer if lie offers you a substitute for Chamberlam's Co gh Remedy. It has uo equal on the market for the prompt cures of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cjugh and you make no mistake in buying this medicine.
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    • 447 2 ITEUHALiG-Ij^ CURED. FiLCE-^CHE CURED. PfUN REMOVED WITH FINISIN, Urn hum's Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN FIN I SIN Graham's I* IN ISIN Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN This stops pain and makes you I well. Don’t hesitate, try it. You will be sorry if you don’t. There is nothing so good. It is a
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    • 1974 2 THE FRENCH CONFEGTIONERY, 17a, Northam Road. OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS CAKES 50C| of 2 lbs. each. 5 OF WHICH WILL CONTAIN A SOVEREIGN EACH. Highly Decorated and Richly Iced. AT THE USTTAL PRICE, $1.25 PER lb. To Save Disappointment Early Application should be made. All orders from F.M. States should be
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  • Shipping.
    • 121 3 Mary Austin, Br. s s., 121, Campbell, 12th Nov., P. Kampei, lltli Nov., Gen.,—K. G. Co. Petrel, Br. s.s., 124, Edwards, 11th Nov., Braudau, 10th Nov., Gen.. Iv G Co. Pin Seno, Br. s.s„ 378, Davidson, 12th Nov., Singapore, 10th Nov., Geu., Q. B. Kee. Teesta, Br. 8.5., 3,42',
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    • 26 3 12th November. Teesta, for Negapatain and Madras. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Pentakota, lor Raugoon and Calcutta. flying Dratjon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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  • 652 3 W wn dbif» 1 THE STRAITS ECHO, MONDAY, 12th NOVEMBER, Tlrtrti. 3 l V f (S H IP PIN O.) I 1 I INTENDED SAILINGS. Lt *t t British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Kk Hambnrg-Amerika Linie, Hamburg. s i f- W $am s 1 Cl ARRIVALS. 1 1
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  • 848 3 W v wn HP PRP "i w HI 'YiE Straits echo, mOnoat, 12th novestbeIl t»oo. 3 .te£bufi 1 11 (S H IP PIN O.) I 1 i i At t A V 1 1 f^k INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Hamborg-Amerifca Linie. Hamburg. s i P'
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  • 86 3 For l>eli—Per Acagyee, to-morrow, 1 p.uj. Paugkalau Braudan -Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p ni. Batu Balira—Per Radang, to-morrow, 1 p m Ceylon, Austialasia, India, Aden. Egypt, au 1 via Naples for Europe, etc. —Per Prinzess Alice, to morrow. '1 Port Swetteuliain and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to-morrow,
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  • 64 3 Fei Sima, from Hongkong: Air. Law King Sum, Mr. L m Tse Vuk. From Singapore: Mr. Alertenii. Miss Harding. Per Sim’a, for Colombo Mrs. R. J. C. Jewitt, Mr. A. A. Heuggeler, Mr. G. H. Cater, Mr. W. F. Sfinr 1 Alentetli. For Marseilles Mr. Allen, Mr. S. C.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1010 3 'jrlT i’ ci ft c 0 mj f (S HIPPIN O.) 35 S. N. Co. Mall Service. Outwards. \ov- -1 s.s. Delhi connecting with 8.8. Victoria l)*c. 5 8.8. Arcadia <lo 8.8. China Homewards. \«.v 24 s.B. Delta connecting with 1 8.8. Mooltan Dec. 8 B.s. Malta do 8.8. Himalaya
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    • 202 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INDO-JAVA LINE. A S. N. Co.’s Flkkt. The Company maintains a first. class se« vice of steamers carrying Im>lli passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java 1 tat avia Pasoeroean Sain a rang Pekalougau Soerabaya Cher i bon
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  • 102 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emerto* Established Jane Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH* CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang PRICE DAILY LOCAL «31 per annum OUTSTATIONS Poslage Kitra. VAIL BDITION (Poet Free) «15 u CABLE ADDRESS Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 343 F.A.
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  • 1637 4 At the meeting of the Municipal Commissioners the other day mention was made of the taxation of vacant building sites, but, unfortunately we think, the matter was allowed to drop. For our own part we are of opinion that a fairly high tax upon vacant building lots
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  • 341 4 It goes without saying that theie was a bumper house at Matsuo's'Free Matiuee on' Saturday evening as a matter of fact long before the show started the huge tent was packed to its utmost capacity aud there was quite a crowd of at the gats who were
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  • 686 4 Last Saturday night we again weut to this theatre. The play was “Rideut Adjeut Rohaja" it was, we were assured, founded upon a real storv from Patavia. When the curtain was raised we were introduced to a robber chief, Pali Amsah by name, who, it is
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  • 529 4 The estimated reveuue is made ud of tha following items: ates $314,000 66.200 Licences, 7 7 -<, &>es IotPW» Wafer Supply IIP^OO Conservaucy v <■> 70^384 Abbatoirs ‘> r »ftou Pig Markets Veterinary lutirmary 6*600 Miscellaneous 26*000 Reimbursements ;i6*oC< Electricity Supply, Department 95,000 Electric Tramways Assets 17,000 Total
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 372 4 TOWN HALL, PENANG. Cast of Principals on Saturday, Not. 17th. Cast, of Principals oj ■Wednesday, Nov. 21st 77/e )Ala of 'ornevil'c ‘t'krifa Hie liuxmtril. a Miner (l Shieheu.r tii&ttdjie IJai'ie'n Whitlow V/TrSKt/l" <i ('oil'l The •Shorijf Suzanne (iertrihie •I can n.e Manet!' ■> (lenitainw iSi rfo'i lie, a II itif
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    • 79 5 The Hogan Case (Echo Special.) Singapore, 12 th November.—The Hogatt case was opened sit the Assizes to-day before h special jury, several of the jurymen beiiijy challenged on account of having an interest in Hogan A (Jo. Mr. Hugh Fort has been retained for the defence and -is assisted
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    • 214 5 A Boer Raid. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou, Iltli No-ember.—lt is officially reported iu Cape Town that a l'ransvaaller named Ferreira and several other B< ers hare ecteml the north-west of Cape Colony and aye endeavouring to organise a rebellion. They have already surprised two police camps, seizing the
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    • 266 5 The Speeches (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 10th November.—Mr. Haldane, replying to the toast of The Forces at the Guildhall, said that our Navy was the tiuest iu the world. Why was it not so with our Army. VVe did not want a continental army but we wanted the
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    • 50 5 The Workhouse Scandal. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 12th November. —The report of the Local Government Board Inspector on tbe Poplar Workhouse scandal ascribes the pauperisation of the inhabitants to the deliberate policy of the Labourites, who dominated the Guardians, using the money of the ratepayers to redress social inequalities.
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    • 33 5 Lord Charles Beretford Promoted (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 12th November.—Lord Charles Beresford lias been promoted to the rauk of Admiral and will take supreme command of the Naval manoeuvres in 1967.
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    • 28 5 A Slow Recovery. (Supplied by Reuter.) liOndon, 10th November —The Priucess Royal has not ye* recovered from the effects of tbe operation she underwent two months
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    • 30 5 The Fisheries Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, I2tli November. —The Newfoundland Government has sent a lawyer to the Bay of Islands to pro-ecute Colonial fishermen embarking on AmerKMn vessels.
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    • 26 5 The Trades Disputes Bill. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 10th November. —The Trades Disputes Bill has been read a third time in the House of Commons.
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    • 23 5 Cambridge Defeated (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 12th November.—The S mth African Rugby footballers have beaten Cambridge University by 20 points to nil.
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  • 294 5 Foi.lowino is the Secretary’s report read on the occasion of the celebration of the Second Anniversary of the above Association on Friday last. The Association started with 25 Members at the end of the last year, there have been several resignations etc, 60 were admitted during
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  • 315 5 Thk latest song at home is The Maid of Singapore,” sung by Mr. Edgar Stevens in The Gems entertainment. The words are as follows Iu the island of mv fancies Where the blossoms never fade. Where the summer mver passes Or the trees forget their shade.
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  • 1716 5 My dearest Fauny.—l am so disgusted with that wietched Library, for during th's horrid wet weather I have had to let Tom get my books on the way home from Office. The Library is kept open until half past six aud as it is always close upon
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  • 307 5 The Government Gazette of November 8 coutaius the following items of information Penanh Cats Oko&k 1006. 1. These Regulations may be cited as “The Peuaug Cats Older l!M)6 ’’and shall come iuto foice from this date. 2 Auy diseased cat fouud wauderiug abroad iu any public place may
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  • 198 5 The Free Prest regrets to hear of what appears to have been a truly tragic incideut at Hongkong, Mr. W. E. Craig, of Messrs. Reiss aud Compauv is the ageut there of the New Zealand Insurauce Company. A New Zealand youug lady arrived There tbe other day
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  • 72 5 To- DAT. 26tL Day of 9th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, 4> to 7 p in. Matsuo’s Japauese Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road aud Campbell Street, 9 p m. Comedy ludian Ratoe Theatrical Co. Rossina,” Kiug Street Theatre, 9 p.m. To-mokrow. 27tU l)av of 9th Moon. Matsuo’s Japauese Cinematograph, corner
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  • 16 5 China. (P< inzetas A<ire) 13th Nov. German (P. B. Ln'tpohl) 14'h English (Delhi) 21st
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  • 23 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai! Srvict. OnTWARUK. HoMKWAKOX pelhi HI Nor. j Delta Hi Nov Ai c tiliu. •> Dec. i Ma ti 8 Dec.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Ckocotat*. Bonbon», Iwwort Foud»nl», it Koatonabl* Priest.
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    • 289 5 VICTOR PIANOS. VICTOR PIANOS. The tiist and latt impressions of (hose who inspected tiie sample Model No. '2 Vetor, on viewatour rooms last week, were iliat it was an uuusually fiue instrument. Min' HILL AND MASSIVE TONE, RESPONSIVE TOUCH and PERFECT REPETITION met with immediate appie^iatiou GEORGE TISSINGTON and Co.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 516 6 Extraordinary Eo notions. Divoce parlies hit* no lender rarities in America. Sbey generally take place at some fashionable restaurant, and occasionally a Ist of tlie quests is pimtel in tlie nowspape s. It is cjuestiouable whether greater* publicity lias lieeu givea to any society. fundi >u
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  • 568 6 "Some Lrisli Yesterdays” By K- <E. Somerville and Martin Kojs. London Loug--111(018. tis. The fatuity <»t' generalization is shown m t 1m? <»tt-ropeated savings which suggest that every irishman is a humorist, and that no Scotsman is. < >ue has known true humorists troip North of Tweed;
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  • 414 6 M.UilS’l BAT K S LoVK Oil THK EtKRKAL Stairs.” 'J ilt, thirty fifth anniversary uf tlie death of William Cubitt, of Ipswich, the constructor of the South-Eastern Railway, and alto the inventor of the treadmill, a form of prison punishment by no uteaus long obsolete, occurred
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  • 123 6 Penang, 12th November. By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months’ sight Bank ..2!/4jf 3 Credit 2/4 3 Documentary ...2/4§ Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 173 y 3 days’ sight Private a. 175 B mikv. Demand Bank 1 73J Mouimein. Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight
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  • 163 6 God leaf $65.50 B. I’eppei W,C«>asi -llbs.-s oz., sl9' nomiuql, While Pepper ;25{ sates Traug Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloven (picked) SH.SO business done BBo .—sales Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Nutmeg» lOs 29. —sellers No. 1 5 30 ppl Sugar 2 no stock Basket $3.22’ sales Tapioca Flour I.B sellers
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 132 6 USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS ATKINSON’S MOST REFRESHING. A Luxurious Perfume !n Health. A NECESSARY RESTORATIVE IN S'CKNEIC. Vv Q V' rr*nu wui X o i-ri; M m ;V r.f -1 03 LJ p m OS' < G^r lflO* G o :!ii. v- Far Superior to the German Kinds. Cologne
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    • 298 6 THE CELEffIdTED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sancfilanrfs, Ruttery Sr Co Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. .5 BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, MACKAY’S rwmnl *'f WHISKY. dealers’ Champagne. ASK FOR JAPANESE SAPPARO BEER and also
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  • 234 7 Messrs. Lewis and Peat’s Rubber Report. Pant. —We have had a tinner im.ket dui> iug the past week and a good business Jsft# been done at higher prices for Para sorts. Supplies are small and there are very few sellers. The sales include Fine Hard at ss. 2'd. for
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  • 387 7 Messrs. J. Russell Grant and Co. in their Rubber Share Market Report, dated 18th Octol er, state: The market, for Malay States aud Ceylon Rubber shares has be >n more active and a good trade is passiug especially in the producing Companies. Auglo Malays are firmer, the
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  • 228 7 Torn to Pieces by Lions. Paris, October 14. The Petit Journal learns by a telegram, from llio Janeiro of a case of suicide, which was of a most original character. On Friday eveniug Vicomte Luis Almeida invited several iutimate friends to dine with him. The repast was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1068 7 P. 180/r Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Saru/ilands. Hu ft cry Co. ALE h STOUT. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAN D CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sand Hands, Buttery 6t Co., AGENTS. PENANQ&F M S. RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Oilfillan Co., Ltd. A BROKEN-DOWN SYSTEM. This is a condition (or disease) to which doctor* give
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    • 84 7 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in Old Virginia The Hutchiusou Drug Company, which is located at Perry, Oklahoma, U. S. A., iu speaking of the sale of Chamberlain s Cough Kernel]v, s >ys We lake pleisme in rocoinineudiug il to our customer* because we beliere it honestly made and a meritorious preparation.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1483 8 YOON SXJN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER VOTICB. Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Glaphopliones, Records, Pius, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of any description of Musical instruments and Graphophoties, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c \fIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to 3
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  • 1973 9 BY A HROOK-KEADKR. Author* have related—with humorous appreciation or wrathful denunciation, according to their dispositions how their writings have suffered at the bauds cf the printer, or rather, the mis-priuter, but in such case» the publicitiou of a distorted word or sentence is only possible
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  • 1823 9 Onk day, when l was feeling more than usua ly disposed to cut my throat, I happened to take up a halfpenny newspaper, which professed to have discovered au infallible lemedy against what it was pleased to style 44 The Hump.” After some preliminary patter
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 58 9 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it is a case of colic or cholera morbus give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Dial* rhoea lleinedv aud you will have uo ueed of a doctor. It is pleasant to take aud uevei fail» to give prompt relief. Why uot buy it
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    • 45 9 Happily Surprised. Many suffers froui rheumatism have been surprised and delighted at the prompt relief obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Tain Balm. A permanent cure may be effected bv continuing the use of this liniment for a short time. For sale l\V all chemists and storekeepers.
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    • 84 9 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the country find that the best treatment for sore muscles after severe exercise or hard work of any kind, is a hot bath at bed time, which opeus the pores. This should immediately be followed with an application of Chamberlain’s Pain Palm vigorously rubbed into
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    • 56 9 «JUST OXJX No. I of The Review of (he Far East,” Edited by A. CUNNINGHAM, of the South China Morning Post. Contents. The Education of the Native Tradition. Burmah. The Shi King China for the Chinese. The Beginnings of Chinese History. The War and the People Price #l. TD BE
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    • 397 9 J. R. TENNENTS BOWLINGS: PALE ALE,XXX STOUTMUNICH PILSE NER E EER £«9 is k MS fSSS ESri ■Jzzr. s&s j£->vv r^PN.' Ha RSK HE B «as r’n'i e-if? E9B S)S®S*~ ;:i i#Ea3iß -wTL SOLE AGENTS: GUTHRIE&Cc., Ltd., A Pov/e ft nd A A to a Tonic Nutrition Benefits the Entire
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    • 1176 10 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. First Day. Tuesday, 29th January, 1907. 1. Ihe Maiden Plate. Value $000. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lhs. All animals imported into the StraOs or F.M.S. as Subscription Griffins
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 818 10 IKTSXm.-A.3Xr CES. TIIE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Hongkong Goon On Insurance Company, Ltd. INCORPORATED BY HOY A I. CHARTER A.D. 1720. THE undersigned having l>eeu appointed Ageuts for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. fllHE undersigned having been appointed Agents for the
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