Straits Echo, 5 November 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1163 1 TIANQ LfcE CO ASAHI BEER uaaa ihvsv SOLE AGENTS, BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid'up Reaorve Fund Rnaervo Liability| of Proprietors -£BOO,OOO A'975,000 Paid-up-Capital 510.000,000 Rkhervic Fond—i Sterling Reserve $10,000,000 Silver Reserve... 10,250,000 j W25J.000 Reserve Liability of
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    • 19 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. saw a M m X O 3D CP Co Sv *HTV s,ssvg TIAfVG lee Co
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  • 1121 2 Neglected, Lost and Found Again. In no other country but Euglaud, it is safe to assert, would it be possible for Hags, which regiments have fought under on many a sternly contested field, and in whose defence the lives of many men have been laid down,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 526 2 FACE ACHE IS CURED WITH FINISIN, Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-ache cannot continue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you will advise others. Finisin is unrivalled for face-ache and neuralgia.
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    • 2108 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a, Northam Road. BREAD TO LEX. 1 1 1 Please register your name as a regular customer for bread daily to avoid disappoint* ment, as only a limited quantity will be baked daily. lIYROM the First of April next, ou a long lease, furnished or otherwise, to
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  • Shipping.
    • 165 3 Manila, Br. s.s., 2.711, Jenkins, 4th Nov., Yokohama, 9th Oct., Gen., —I*. A O. Pkntakota, Br. s.s., 2,209, Thomson, 4th Nov, Rangoon, Ist Nov., Gen., H. L. A Co. Pundit, Br. s.s. 0/82, McLennan, 4th Nov Batavia, 30th Oct., Sugar.—A. G. A Co. Helios, N r. s.s., 800, Kuudseu,
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    • 41 3 sth November. Ca'ypeo, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor and Teluk Anson. Kut Sam jf, for Singapore and Hongkong. Pentakota, for Singapore. Japara, for Polo Well, Olehleh and Padang Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping Mani'a, for Colombo and Tuticoriu.
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  • 25 3 Vessels Front Ayeii'* Due Dardauus China Deucalion Trieste Singapore Colombo Singapore Singapore W M &Co. 17th Nov. S.K.&Oo. 1st Dec. W.M.&Co. list S.K.ACo. 7th
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  • 30 3 1 esfiel* m Far A •/eu/s Leaves Persia Trie te 8 Iv.&Co. l>ardanus Undou VV M &Co. China Singapore S.K.&.Co. Deuealiou London VV.M &0o. Trieste Trieste •v K.A'Jo. i:
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  • 91 3 For Singapore, llongk >n Shanghai asd Japan—Per TJ P. Ferd Hand, to-morrow, ]1 a in. Paugkat—Per Petrel, to-morrow, *2 Port Swetteuhaui and Siugapore—Per Pin Seng, to morrow, 3 p in. Port Swetteuhaui and Siugapore—Per Perak, to-morrow, 3 r.*n. Deli—Per Ma'aya to-morrow, 3 p.m. Teluk Ansou —Per La
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1418 3 (S HI P PIN G.) m l Co. Effected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Fob Intended to Sail. Madras, and| $}°*-f Karrical. 6,11 24,h Nov 2 p “>• Rangoon A Calcutta, [Moulmein and Burmese Ports.] Port Swettenliam and Singapore. FAKES BY
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    • 193 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INDO-JAVA LINE. The Company maintains a first class scivice of steamers carrying both passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java Batavia Pasoeroean Samaraug Pekalongan Soerabaya Cher i bon Banjoewangi The Company's Steamers also give direct shipment to Padang
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  • 99 4 Justice Aatisfle* everybody and justice alone.—JEmert on Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE OAILT LOCAL I U per annum OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. VAIL EDITION (Poet Free) »15 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo— Penang.” Telephone No. 188. If.R.— All
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  • 878 4 Speaking oil the subject of the Queen’s Scholarships tit the meeting of the Legislative Council on 26th ultimo, the Hon. H. Fort said that “on these at present a sum of $26,000 was yearly spent, and whilst of course it could not be reduced immediately, owing to those who
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  • 714 4 Wk are asked to remind members of both orchestra aud chorus of the full rehearsal to-uiglit at 8.15. Members are requested to be in their places and ready to beyin at 8 45 sharp. The “Christian ’’name of one of the voters whose name came up at Southport
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  • 2272 4 My dearest Fanny, —l am writing this in my very blackest ink and upon silurian grey paper with a deep black border, while the various smudges are caused by my tears, for I always get depressed by bad weather, and life in Penang during the past week has
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 435 4 KING STREET THEATRE. To-night! To-night!! THE COMEDY INDIAN RATOE THEATRICAL CO. WILL STAGE THE CHARMING OPERA, BAUMAN PABWESH Charming: Actresses! New Dresses! New Scenery Bewitching Music!!! To-morrow {Tuesday) Ni^ht, SHAMSHTTL NAHAR.” PRICES OF ADMISSION Reserved !2-00 2ud Class 50cts. 1st Class 1 00 I 3rd 30 TUNGKU SJAINOE, P,oprietur.\
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    • 229 5 The Borough Counci's Elections. (Supplied by Renter.) London, 4th November—The elections for the Borough Councils in Eugland have resulted in a sweeping victory for the Moderates. In London the Progressives and Labourites were routed everywhere. London, stb November.—Mr. Balfour, in the course of a spe-cli delivered in London, said
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    • 121 5 The Convention Signed. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth Novemlier.—The Wireless Telegraphic Convention has beeu si.ned. It is understood that the British delegate is satisfied with its results and believes that the iuteiests of the Navy are fully safeguarded. Loudon, sth Novemlier.—Great Britain carried die day at the Wireless
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    • 119 5 The New York Governorship. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4th November. —The cunpa'gn for the Governorship of New York surpasses all previous elections iu America for its passiou aud vehemence. Loudon, sth Nov.—President Roosevelt is uuable personally to participate iu the electiou campaign for the Governorship of New York,
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    • 86 5 The Peary Expedition. (Supplied by Reuler.) Loudon, 4th November. —Advices have reached Hopedale, ou the East coast of Labrador, that Commauder Peary is returning from his Arctic expedition, having reached 87 c 6 aud thus attained furthost North. Loudon, sth November. —Commander Peary’s homeward voyage was an incessant
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    • 62 5 International Amenities. (Supplied by Reuter.) London. sth November.—A semi-official statement has been published simultaneously m Rome and Vienna to tbe effect that Baron Aehrenthal and Signor Tittoui have exchanged friendly declarations, resulting in au agreement, and will proceed with full accord for the purpose of rendering even
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    • 38 5 A Destructive Storm (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 4th November.—Great, damage lias lieen doue by a storm, accompanied by a tidal wave, iu the Riviera. Nine destroyers have been wrecked at Toulon aud the shipping suffered severely.
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    • 33 5 Mr. George Herring (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, sth November.—The death is announced of Mr. George Herriug, the celebrated Loudon philanthropist. Archduke Otto The death is anuouuced of the Archduke Otto of Austria.
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    • 40 5 Association. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, sth November.- England has beaten France at Association football by sixteen goals to nil. The match was played iu Paris. Rugby. The South African Rugby team has beaten Gloucester by twenty-three points to nil.
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  • 112 5 This Hougkong correspondent, of the Singapore Free Pre s telegraphed the following Hougkong, Nov. 2. Mr. Alexander Hone has arrived in Shanghai. He declares that Manchuria will become tl.e most prosperous province of the Chinese Empire. The natives have pleuty of mouey. China will establish customs
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  • 514 5 For a Portuguese priest, Mauuel Himalaya, is claimed the credit of haviug invented a new explosive, which is destined to supplant dynamite and other explosives used for mining aud other purposes. Hvuialayite, as the explosive is called, is made chiefly from chlo ate of potash, aud there is no
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  • 1097 5 Ordinary Meeting, Friday. 2nd November (Free Press.) Present. B His Excellency the Governor, Sir John Amlersou. K.c.M.O. His Excellency the General Officer Commanil8 injr the Troops (Major-General R. Inigo Jones, c.v.o., C.B.). Hon. Capt. A. H. Young (Col. Secretary). Hon. J. It. Innes (Act. Attorney-General). Hon. A. T.
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  • 345 5 The Government Gazette of November 2 contains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor lias appointed the Hou’lle Captain Arthur Young, c M.G., to be his Deputy duiiug his absence in the Federated Malay States, whither I e proceeded ou the 2nd iustaut. Mr. W. G.
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  • 28 5 Per Peiitnkoti, from Rangoon Messrs. Goou Hiu, Ali Hain, Tan Gyu, Giu Leoug, Tau Kee Jee. Ah Kuui, C. Palmer. Per Betilomond, from London Mr. Wm. Noble.
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  • 74 5 To-day. 19th Day of 9th Moon. Town Baud, Esplauade, 6 to 7 p in. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinem itograph, comer of Peuang Road aud Campbell Stieet, 9 p in. Comedy Indian liatoe Theitrical Co. Bahman aud I’arwesh.” King street Theatre, 9 p.m. a To-morrow. 20lh Day of 9th M«*<>n. Matsuo’s
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  • 17 5 English (Devanha) 7th Nov. Cbiua (P* inzees Alice) 13th German (P. R Luitpold) 14 h
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  • 34 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Devanha 7 Nov. Simla 10 Nov. Delhi 21 Delta 24 burn Service. Outwards. Homewards. Namur l.'i Noe. INi e 1 1 Nov Nubia 27 I Ceylon 30
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  • 30 5 Last Quarter Nov. 9th 4.41. 9 r.ii. O New Moon 16th 3.36.5. p m First. Quarter 23rd 7.39.4 a m. O Full Moon Dec. Ist 6.7 3a m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. .Clioeototes, Bonbons, IJouhoil Foiklhulk, At tbiwnabl* Pric*.
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    • 686 5 -3*5”1 VICTOR PIANOS. > We take pleasure in announcing to Enquirers that supplies of VICTOR PIANOS are now regularly arriving. Models just unshipped are on view and examination is cordially invited. Full particulars on application. It is worth your while to inspect VICTOR PIANOSIT WILL PRY YOU TO DO SO
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1684 6  -  By F. L. Pollock. San Sebastian village is meiely an appendage to the big coffee plantation, and in its thirty or torty mud and grass huts dwell the cultivators with their families. It stands near the river and upon the gria*. trail thit runs clear to
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  • 116 6 Penang, sth November. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months* sight Bank ...2/4jj 3 Credit ..2/4* 3 ‘Documentary ...2/4§ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ivs 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 173$ Moulmein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private 175 Madras, Demand
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  • 175 6 Gold leaf 65.50 B. Pepper( \V r .Coast 31h5.50x.)519$ nominal While Pepper 26.30 sales Traug Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) $41.50 bu*iuete done Mace $76 —sales Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 29. —sellers C No. 1 5 30 ppl Sugar 2 no stock Basket $3.25 Sill'* Tapioca
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  • 270 6 a Cm C o s a a 1903 1900 1901 1903 1901 1905 1901 1899 1906 1905 1904 1906 1904 1905 1892 1905 1898 1900 1899 1902 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1906 1904 1905 1905 IJHJO 1906 I!KH> 1906 1906 1903 1904 1904 1898 11*06 1903 1905
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F. M. .S BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Go.. PENANQ. >- (f) J i. X o a -J .y,' DJ iv'r < GK m V' 0 O -»89«~ TO BE HAD
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  • 162 7 Thk Intei port Mato Thk following are tl.e individual scores of (lie members of the Shanghai Interport team 200 vds. V. VV. Mackintosh *****45 34 A W. Studd *****55 34 C Richards *****44 3i A. Gibson *****45 31 J. Bourke *****53 31 W. Brand *****54 31 J. Christie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1392 7 P, ttlolr Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Santlilnnd Huitery A Co. CL6ANSE YOUR BLOOD WITH GRIMAULT U C-» SARSAPARILLA m Izl J r I 15 z The original sarsaparilla, recommended for the last 40 years for lymphatic diseases, eruptions, boils, and all disorders of the skin. CMMAULT 4 C‘ I, me Tiviense,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1477 8 YOON SUB, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Giaphophones, Records, Pius, Ac., &c. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of any description of Musical .niitrunients and Grapliophones, Ac., &c No. 21, Market Street. 78c YOTXOB. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. NOTICE. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to
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  • 1786 9 Publishers and the “Times.” London, 11th Oct. The struggle between the Publishers Association aud the Time Book Club, of which there have been something more than whispers for some time past, formally began yesterday, when the publishers held a meeting iu private and substqueutly issued
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  • 415 9 Will Buy the Cradle ok British Christianity. The report that Glastonbury Abbey is in the market is confirmed by an advertisement in a contemporary to the following effect Preliminary Notice. —lo l»e sold by public auction (unless previously disposed of l.v private treaty), ou or about .the Glastonbury
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  • 410 9 There appears to be considerable discussion just now about tlie position of Italy iu the Triple Alliance, which, if not denounced next year, will ruu ou till 1914. Relations between Italy aud her neighbour, Austria, have been, aud still are, somewhat strained owing to oue or
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  • 438 9 Reasons for the Rise. It is of interest, says the Sydney Morniuj Herald, to review the caus s that have operated iu the direction of hardening silver values- Tliere is no doubt that the course of events since 1902, therefore, has negatived the belief, then generally held,
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  • 354 9 The dispatches dealing with President. Koosevelt’s order in regard to the adoption of the Carnegie reformed spelling iu the papers aud records of the govern meut, have Oeen reiterated with so much show of seriousness, that-what at first seemed a rather dubious joke begins to assume the guise
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  • 518 9 The Craigellachie-Gleulivefc Company is establishing itself as a 10 per cent, dividend paying investment, haviug distribute that rate for each of the past three years. The progress made by the company siuce incorporation is comprehensively seen iu a profit for each of the past four years
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 81 9 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in Old Virginia. The Hutchinson Drug Company, which is located at Perry, Oklahoma, U. S. A., in speaking of the sale of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, says: We lake pleasure iu recommending it to our customers because we believe it honestly made and a meritorious preparation. We sold
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    • 55 9 What to do Until the Doctor Arrives. If it, is a case of colic or cholera morbus Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and you will have no need of a doctor. It’is pleasant to take and never sails to give prompt relief. .Why not buy it now For sale
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    • 84 9 Sore Muscles. Prominent athletes throughout the country fiml that the best treatment for sore muscles after severe exercise or hard work of any kind, is a hot bath at bed time, which opens the pores. This should immediately lie follower! with an application of Chamberlain’s Pain Palm vigorously rubbed into
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    • 56 9 Do Not Be Influenced. Never hesitate to say No to your dealer if he offers you a substitute for Chamberlain’s Co<gh Remedy. It has uo equal on the market for the prompt cures ot coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough aud you make no mistake in buying this medicine. Far
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    • 377 9 J. R. TENNENT’S BOTTLINGS: PALE ALE,XXX STOUT,MUNICH &PILSENER BEER k i k GUTHRIE SOLE AGENTS: Co., Ltd., THe Doctor and the Mwse a WILL tell you why Stearns’ Wina is so highly endorsed The reason Stearns’ Wine is so far superior to all other Tonics and Cod Liver Oil preparations
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  • 1175 10 i Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Ml Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. First Day. i < Tuesday, 29th January, 1907. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 790 10 ixsxjr .-A.nar cbs. THE LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. Hongkong Goon On Insurance Company, Ltd. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 1720. THE undersigned having l>een appointed Agents for the above Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at curreut rates. PATERSON. SIMONS Co. 12c rpHE undersigned having been appointed
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