Straits Echo, 25 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1157 1 V) r* m m 5 ASAHI BEER. 1 aaaa ihvsv BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paiu-oi’-Caimtal Rrskrvk Fund—*10.000,000 Capital Paid’up Keserve Fund Riwerve Liabilityfof Proprietors 800,000 X975.000 jC800,000 Head Office: IIA1TON COURT, THREADNEEDLK STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Bombay
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  • 2792 2 Hand Facts Presented. Following is the letter despatched by the above Association to the Colonial Secretary, ►Siugapore THE PENANG ASSOCIATION, Penang. ‘l2nd Oi-tjbtr 19VH. Sir. The Committee of the above Association have the honour to submit the following Memorandum of facts and representations for the consideration of His
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  • 1243 2 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, A Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. 9 To be considered at a General Meeting to be lield on Wednesday, 31st October, 1906. Notice. —No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is given
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 69 2 I.anie Hack This ailment is iisiiii 11 v caused l» v rhoumatism of the muscles am] may be cured b> Chamberlains Pain Halm two or llm-o times a Jay an«l rabbin? the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not. afford relief, hiu 1 a piece* of flannel slightij
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    • 433 2 FACE ACHE IS CURED WITH FINISIN, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony —ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-ache cannotcontinue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you will advise others. Finisin is unrivalled for face-ache and neuralgia.
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    • 962 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a, No RTH/fIH Rot ID. BREAD! BREAD BREAD Please register your name as a regular customer for bread daily to avoid disappoint" ment as only a limited quantity will be baked daily. NOTICE. "II beg to inform our customers that Tf on and after the Ist November,
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    • 110 2 “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURERS. GRAHAM NICHOLSON, Office, 6a, Beach Street 149c PENANG. SELECT BOARDING HOUSES. THE PRIORY, 38, Northam Road. Boarding House situated at the seaside withiu easy distance of Town. Terms Moderate. By Day or Month Mrs. W. RODYK. 152c LIVERY BAIT STABLES. ARCHIE CAMPBELL, The
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  • Shipping.
    • 123 3 Formosa, Br. s.s., 4,044, Suow, 25th Get., London, 22nd Sept., Gen —P. A O. Capri, Br. 8.8., 2,717, Belsito, 25th Oct., Hongkong, 13tb Oct., Gen., —B. M. A Co. Hebe. Br. s.s., 445, Inkster, 25th Oct., Singapore, 22ud Oct., Ger., —W. M. A Co. Canton, Br. s.s., 105, M*
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    • 83 3 25th Cctobbr. Van der Parra, for Deli, Bajau, Elie and T. Semawe. Aeagyee, for Deli. O may ere, for Kopa’i, Ken .mg, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavov. Canton, for Paugkor aud Teluk Anson. Hebe, for Deli. Hark Chuan Un, for Set id. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon. Haifa, for Singapore, China
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  • 31 3 1 e*seU Fro to Dun C. A pear Siuijapore A. A.A.Co 29th Oct, A. A pear Calcutta V.A.\.Co. :30th Ijightuiog (Calcutta .A.Co. 31st Bculotnond fjoudou i SB «fcCo. Ird Nov.
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  • 36 3 1 ettSel* For A-lent* Leaves 1 C. A pear A. A pear Lightning Beulonioud Calcut t;i A A A .Co. 30th Oct. Singapore IA A.A.Uo. 30th Singapore |A.A.A.Co 1st Nov. Singapore a .B.ACo. '3rd i
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  • 68 3 For Port «Swel teuliain and Malacca—Pet Gin'HcliOf to-morrow, I pm. Teluk Ansou Per Lo ly Weld to-morrow, •> p in. Cevlou, Auslralasi.i, Imlia, Aden. Minitius, Kijvpt, and via Prinisi, for Jiurope, etc.—Per Delhi, 27tli ins'ant, tj a in. Traug and Pane Nga —Per Tow T<»»j, -7(1» iustaut, 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1207 3 18. 11. Co. A,' r peeled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. Ist (Mas* To London by Sea £6O To Marseilles or Gib* raltar 2nd Class £4O £66 £3B extra steamers Intermediate Service. ITH excellent accommodation for a limit* WITH ed number of passengers. OUTWABDB. HOM*
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    • 197 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INIIO-JAVA LINE. Keg. Ton*. *862 2870 3615 3634 3634 3832 3839 The Cotnpauy n aiutaius a tirst class service of steamers carrying both passenger a and cargo direct from Calcutta aud Rangoon to the following ports in Java Batavia Pasoeroeau Sauiaraug Pekalougau Soerabaya Chen bon
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  • 101 4 Juatice satlsflM everybody and justice alone.— Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226 —232, Beach Street, IVnan g. PRICE OAILT LOCAL (21 per annua* m OUTBTATIONB Postage Kxfra. WAIL EDITION (Post Pree) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • 486 4 On another page we publish a long letter addressed by the Committee of the Penang Association to the Colonial Secretary, Singapore, asking for the appointment of a Lieutenant-Governor for Penang, for the granting to him of lowers not possessed by our Resident Councillor and also asking that
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  • 1009 4 T<>_ morrow the anti-opium crusade is to commence in Penang, for a great meeting is to be held at the Chinese I own Hall and will be addressed by Mr. Alexander, the Hon. Secretary of the Society for the Suppression of the Opium Traffic, who, all being well with
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    • 600 4 To the. Emior of xiie Straus Echo. Sir, —As a Chinese Riba, I feel it my duty to protest against your leader of last Saturday, in which you committed not only rash and sweepiu but also vulgar aud uucalled-for remarks. H< d you kuown the history of our people
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  • 97 4 A meeting of the Plante s aud Mining Association will be held at Ipoli to-day for the purpose of arranging what preparations are to be made for the fitting reception of Mr. J. G. Alexander, LL 8., who is expected there shortly, and who will deliver
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  • 259 4 Pbkak Government Assists. The Auti-Opium Crusade, which has lieen making such progress throughout Malava. has received a great fillip in its good work from Mr. William Cowan, Protector of Chiuese, Perak. We learn that strict orders have l>een issued by the Perak Government
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    • 146 4 The Home Fleet. (Supplied by lleutcr Loudon, 25th Oct.—TbeAdmiraltv liasde cided to constitute a distinct fleet to i>e Ct ,u e ,j the Home Fleet with headquarters at Sheer ness. The fleet is to be constituted from ships in com mission and in reserve aud thedistributiou of ships
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    • 178 4 The Suffragettes Again. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 24th October.—A large number of Ministerialists atteuded the reassemblin"■ of Parliament. A body of thirty suffragettes invaded the ceutral hall and started to make a demonstration. The police were «juicklv on the scene aud removed them one by one screaming and struggling.
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    • 50 4 The Persian Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, 25th October. —The Novae Vreuiya, referring to the projected Anglo-Rus-siau entente with regard to Persia, discusses the railway projects and concludes that. Russia must abaudou all hopes of obtaiuiug a port on the Persiau Gulf and renouuce her ambitious in Southern Persia.
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    • 25 4 Another Promotion. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 25th October. —Lieut-General Sir W. G. Nicholson has beeu promoted General iu succession to Sir Redvers Buller.
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    • 261 4 The Cambridgeshire. (Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 2oth October. —The Cambridgeshire resulted as follows Polvmelus 1 Kaffir Chief 2 Malua 3 There were twenty-time starters aud the race was won by a ueck. President Roosevelt has met his first official defeat in his spelling reform campaign. The Comptroller of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 434 4 CENTRAL SALES ROOM. UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. TO UK SOLI» BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ox Saturday, 27th October, 1906. AT 1 1-30 A.M., At 410 Dato gram at Road, (Corner of Joliore Road), Valuable Household Furniture. comprising Double and Single Iron Bedsteads compltle, Dinging Table», Dinner Waggons, Handsome Dressing Table, Marble Top
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    • 51 4 Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uuiform success of this remedy has made it the most popular preparation in use for bowel complaints It is everywhere recognized as the one that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take*, ior sale by all cliemibtb aud
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    • 13 4 The French Confectionery, 1.7a, Northam Roa<l. Chocolates, Boultons, Dessert Foudunts, At Kfatonubh Priret.
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  • 3815 5 Ordinary Meeting, Monday, Oct. 22nd. (Free Prett.) Present. Uih Excellency the Governor, Sir John Anderson, K.0.M.0. jjis Excellency the Genera! Officer Cmnmand:n,r the Troops (Major-General R. Inigo jJU. C.T.0., O.B.). Hen. Cant. A. H. Yeffing (Col. Secretary). ll.»u. J It. lnnes (Act. Attorney-General). H«n. A. Murray, c.E., m.i.c.e.
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  • 80 5 To-day. B'h Dav of 9th M Mill. Football Match: Y. M. C. A. vr. F. S. Town Baud, Chiuese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p in. Matsuo’s Japauese Cinematograph, corner of Penang Road and Campbell S reel, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 9th Dav of 9th Moon. Town Ban-1, Esplanade. 6
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  • 11 5 English (Malta) 25» li Oct. Chin (Delhi) 27th t
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  • 40 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Se»vicc Outwards. H-imkw arms Malta S> (Jet. I Pel lit '37 Oil Devauha 7 Nor. Simla 10 Nov l-.xira Sf-vo e Outwards Homkw«im»« Peshawar 30 Ort 1 Manila it Nov Namur 13 Nor. I Nie 17
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 156 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE OTICE is hereby iriveu that the book» rs containing lb*.* Auuual Valuations uf j ami rates imposed <>u all buildings aud lauds situated within the Muuicipalil v of George Town, Tenantf, for the vear j a e opeu to the inspection of Ratepayers at the Municipal Office dailv
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    • 761 5 PALMER T Y K c 9 PALMER TYRES claimed to 1* now the most superior Tyres manufactured IS aud Motors, for the following reasons: uiLr than The Quality of the Rubber is of the purest, ami will therefoie iesis inferior mixtures, which are liable to crack and crumble away. 2.
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  • 121 6 Penang, 25th October. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4 T 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4j{ 3 Credit 2/l£ 3 Documentary 2/4-1 Calcutta, Demand Bank i*s 173$ 3 days’ sight Private 175 B nnimy. Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Rank ..172 3 days' sight Private 175
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  • 182 6 Gold leaf 65 50 B. Pcpper(\V.C<»ast sl9£ re lera White Pepper 20.30 rules Trane Pepper 21.60 nominal Gloves (picked) $4150 twiners done Mace s7o —pales Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Mu t megs 1 10s 29.— se'lers f No. 1 5 40 ppl < 2 no stock Basket
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  • 374 6 Last Dividend. Name. Quotations. Mining Beiat Tin Mining Co. Ltd. 514.50 rellers 10 3 for year ending 31/10/5. c. for year ending 30 4 00 for 1903 Bersawab Gold Mining Co. Ltd. $lO. Bruseh Hydraulic Tin Mining Co. sales Duff Development Co. Ltd. Gopeug Tin Mining Co. Ltd.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 Anheuser-Busch'* Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert K. Stiasuev, manager Au lie user-Busch Brewing Association, Cape [own, Africa, save During mv t, j p j u t e Irausvaal 1 contracted a severe cold, and am pleased to state that in Chainl et lain's Cough Itemedy I found
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    • 406 6 D THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Snni/ilanr/s, Hultery Co. MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. G testers Champa£n< GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking 9 *9 FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 824 7 P, Niolr Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands. Buttery <Sr Cn. John Bazley White Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery 6c Co., AGENTS. PENANG F M S RUBEROID ROOFING. Adamson, Gitfitlan Co., Ltd Jeyes’ Purifier, X MAP or SCOTLAND <£> L-rccoELLi WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON,
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    • 87 7 Mistaken Diagnosis. Theie ary many peop'e wlio lm»« pains in tlie back au<l imagine that. their kidneys are affected, while their only trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, which cau be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain’» Pain Balm, or by dampeuing a piece of flannel with the Pain
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1489 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, GrapliophoneB, Records, Pics, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of anv description of Musical instruments and Grapliopbones, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP tf&NC 3 MOH Sc Co., .64, Beach Street, Penang. importers of all
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