Straits Echo, 19 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1179 1 ASAHI BEER C/3 rrtj m [r, r IT» n o o U 338 IHVSV BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paidjup Reserve Fund Reserve Liabilit v|of Proprietors £800,000 £975,000 £800,000 Head Office: HATTON COURT, TIIREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Bombay Hankow Penang
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  • 876 2 Pan-Ihlamism and Moslem Misrule. How able a diplomatist is Abdul Humid, how complete his mastery of the art of pitting possible enemies against each other, is shown in a lengthy and able paper in Blackw toil's Maijazine. lu the early years of his reign the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 Chamberlain's Cou£h Remedy Cures Colds. Thu 10 nedyacts on uature’s plan, allays the oougli, relieves llie lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, aud aids nature in reslcriug tie system to a healthy condition. It is famous for its cures over a laice |>ait of tin civilized world. For sale hy
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    • 2160 2 FINISIN FiNISiN FINISIN NEURALGIA NEURALGIA cured. NEURALGIA FINISIN tiraham's Neuralgia Cure. The most distressing pain is relieved with this remedy, and often so quickly, as to be remarkable. After 30 years’ experience, we unhesitatingly say you will derive the greatest benefit from its use. We believe it to be unequalled
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  • Shipping.
    • 104 3 Vanoalia, tier. 5.«., 4,*78, Frauk, lHth Oct., New York, slh Sept, Petroleum, —l3. M. Co. Kistna, Br. 8.8., 524, Learmout, Id.l) Oct., Singapore, 17th Oct, Geu 11. E- Co. G. Apcab. Ur. s.s ,2.961, lielsor, IHi 1j Oct., l2tli Oct., Geu., A A. A. Co. Amka, Ur. s s.,
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    • 42 3 19th October. Cornelia, for Port Swetteuliam am] Malacca. Lady Weld, for Teluk Ausou. Hock Chuan Uh, for Setul. Bharata, for Rangoon and Calcutta taking mails for Europe, etc via Bombay. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Cr. Apcar, for Calcutta.
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  • 25 3 I c*sel* From Aijeht* Due 1 Boumohr Loudon 3 B&Co I9tli Oct. Don of Kellv London S.B&Co. 20th Beulomoud London 1 SB&Co. 5rd Nov.
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  • 25 3 1 ~e»»el* For Ajentn Leave» Hen moli r Deu of Singapore S.B.&Ho. 19th Oct. Ke lv Singapore B.&Co. 20th Beulomoml Singapore S.B.ACo. ir«] Nov.
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  • 92 3 For Mergui, Tavovaud Mouliuein—Per Anira, 10-morrow, 1 p.m. l>eli—Per Avagyee, to morrow, 1 p.m. Paugkalan Bruudan —Per Petrel, to* morrow, 1 p in. Jiatu Babra—Per Padang, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan—Per Yandalia, to-morrow, 2 p.m. i’eluk Anson--Per Langkat, to-morrow, 2 p in. Port Swelter.liam, Kuala
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  • 44 3 I’er G. Aj'Car fi\.m Hongkong Messrs. Chong Tai, Clioj She» 1 lain Sliee ami Mis. liagroui. From Singapore: Messrs. Kliaw Sim Ike, G. Mamoli, \V. L. Palmer. Per Ami a from Moulmeiu: Messrs. VViliis ami Ong IVkii*. Per Kutna from Singapore: Mr. Tickle.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1319 3 (S HIPPI MO.) f Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. 2nd Clan £4O lei Clan To I joudou by Sea £6O To Marseilles or Gibraltar £66 £3B extra steamers Intermediate Service. excelleut accommodation for a limit* ed number of passengers. Outwards. Homewards *t s.s. Manila
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    • 192 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INDO-AAVA LINE. A S. N. Co.'s Fleet. The Company naiutaius a first class service of steamers carrying both passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java Batavia Pasoeroeau Samara ng Pekalongan Soerabaya Cher i bon Banjoewangi The Company’s Steamers
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  • 106 4 Justice atififles everybody and justice alone.— Rmcr o* Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH I CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Batch St root. Peuang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL 18» per annnn OUTBTATIGNB Postage Extra. MAIL BDITION (Poet Free) fli CABLE A DDRKSS Echo—Penang.” Telephone
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  • 1561 4 Whatever doubts may be cast upon the bona tides of the Chinese Government with regard to tlie Imperial Edict doing away with the opium traffic and opium smoking within ten years, there can be no possible room for doubt that the anti-opium movement is particularly strong in Malaya just
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  • 557 4 Chinese Recreation Club vs Penang Free School. The C. R. C. brought their League engagements to a dose yesterday afternoon, wheu they played the Penaug Free School aud beat them by one goal to ail. It cannot be said that the School put a representative team on the
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  • 427 4 The annuil prize meeting of the M. S. V. R. Ritle < lub will lie held on Oct. 27, and 28 aud Nov. 3 at Kuala Lumpur. The open events include the High Commissioner’s Prize for 200, 500, 000, 800 aggregate ope-> to all S S. and F. M.
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  • 208 4 (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) The trial of Lim Kong Thuan, late senior partner of the now defunct firm of Hiu bee and Co., was resumed this morning. After Mr. Wreford, counsel for the defence, had addressed the jury aud Mr. Adams replied on behalf of the Crown,
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  • 564 4 In the small hours of Tuesday morning, says the Free Press, Mr. S. Haskins, hviug iu Fort Cauning road, heard a noise. He got cautiously out of bed aud saw a Chinaman, who was stark naked, make a dash for the verandah Mr. Haskins followed the intruder
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 351 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel. SPECIAL SUPPER, To-night, AFTER TEE DRAMATIC SOCIETY’S ENTERTAINMENT. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT. OCT. 19 20. TOWN HALL, Penang, oct 19&20 Under the Distinguished Patronage and in the Presence of The Hon. RESIDENT COUNCILLOR and Mrs. BIRCH, WILL BE PRODUCED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE auitiii k
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    • 51 4 Chamberlain's Colic, Cho’era and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uuifonn success of this remedy has made it tlie most popular preparation in me for Itowel complaintr. It is everywhere -eenguized as the one remedy that can always Ur depended upon and that is pleasant »o take. For sale by »11 chemists .and
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  • 112 4 Obituary. Mrs. Sim Hoot San. Wk regret to auuouuce the death, which took place at her resideuce, No. 2 Che Kin Laue, this morning, of Mrs. Sim Hoot Samother of Mr. Sim Swee Ee, late Manager of Messrs. Theau Chee Co. Deceased, who was in her 67th year had beeu
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    • 443 5 SINGAPORE CLUB. Second Day, 18th October. (Kcho Special.) Singapore, 18th October.—Rain early in the morning made the course very heavy and this no doubt accounts for lhe many surprises and, of course, good dividends. Following are the results of the day’s racing I—The First Griffin Handicap— Value $4OO, aud
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    • 258 5 l.’Entente Cordiale. (Supplied by Reuter.) boudon, 19th October.—Reports from Paris state that the Lord Mayor aud the boudon Corporation drove to the Central Market and met|witli a reception of the most, enthusiastic description. Bouquets were pieseuted to the Lord Mayor, who hanked aud kissed the Market Queen. A reception
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    • 154 5 Militarism Ridiculed. {Supplied by Heater.) Loudon, 19th October.—The Koepeuick hoax is the engrossing topic of convention in Germany. 'The police are iu possession of a photograph of the bogus captain, win. is a clever swindler aud has already server! a year’s peual servitude. The uuiform he wore lias been
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    • 96 5 The Yemen Expedition. (Supplied by lieuter.) London. 19th October.—Sickness aud privation lias alarmiuglv reduced the Turkish troops returning from Yemen. It is abeged that the force of twelve battalions landed at Alexandrietta varied from forty to two hundred aud that some of the men were too weak to coutiuue
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    • 43 5 Indian Immigratioa. (Supplied by Houter. Loudon, 19th October —It is announce 1 iu Vancouver that the Dominion Govern ment, will introduce legislation next session to restrict, the immigration of Indiaus, of whom 1,400 have arrived iu British Columbia siuce Ist January last.
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    • 28 5 A Tour of Inspection (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 19th October.—General Sir William Manning sails ou a six months’ tour of inspection of Somalilaud, East Africa aud Uganda.
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    • 29 5 A Holy War Brewing (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 19th October.—The auti-Freueh agitation iu Morocco continues unabated. General Liantey, coinmaudiug iu Algeria, telegraphs that a Holy war is preparing.
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    • 23 5 Devonshire Defeated. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 19th October. —The South Afr cau Rugby footballers have beaten Pevorshire by 22 points to 6
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  • 1083 5 t Our Own Correspondent p Wednesday, Oct. I7tli, Ij e There lias beeu nothing of exceptional iutereit siuce mv last letter and the most important occurieuce was the eud of the j preliminary st i ge of the Hogan Case. This, to the surprise of most people, saw
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  • 177 5 R The Hankow Disaster. Hongkong. October. s 1 he s. s. Hankow reached Hongkoug at 1 y o clock this morning and, minutes j later, tire burst out on board, 1,,i8 is 8U P posed to have been caused by smoking ueasjsome deck-cargo of cotloii waste. The
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  • 423 5 Allahabad. 7th Oct. During the Durbar at Agra the Viceroy will hold Chapters of the Star of India aud the Indiin Empire. The Ruling Chiefs of Central India, Rajputaua and the United Provinces will lie invited to the Durbar, aud it is probable that some
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  • 106 5 To-dat 2nd Day of 9th Moon. Municipal Commission, 3.30 p.m. Football League Meeting. Town Band, Esplanade, G to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian Kaloe Theatrical Co. Abdcella,” King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. Dramatic Entertainment, Town Hall. 9 15 p m. Special Supper, E. O. Hotel. To-morrow. 3rd Duty of 9th
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  • 9 5 Knglish (Malta) 25th Oct. China (I)ethi) 27th
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  • 43 5 P. O. SAILINGS. M.iil Service. Outwards. 11 omk w a r »*s. Malta 2d Oct. I Delhi 27 Oct Dcvanha 7 N»c. I Simla 10 Nov l.xtra Serxice. Ootxvari»s. Mojikwards. Formosa 20 Oct Manila 0 Nov Penh a tear ijf) jNi e 17
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  • 30 5 First Quarter Ocf. ‘24 li 849 8 rm. J Full Moon N«>v. Ist 1145.8 am I*:• Quarter 9th 441.9 P.M. O NVw .Moon 1H li 3o» 5. p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 477 5 1 MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES. “The World’s Best Bicycles.” PERFECTION in Cycles is represented iu a High Grade MASSEY •IIARKI»''. tilted With PALMED TYRES. It will outlast a number of any oilier make and give complete satisfaction ail the time. They run easy and keep runn/rg easy.” Full allowance on old machiues
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    • 149 5 PRITCHARD CO. JUST ARRIVED! NEW REVOLVERS. Colt s New Service Revolver, Calibre 400, Barrel 5Mn. long", Full Length 10£in. Bluet Solid Ijo<* c trame with s multaneous Extractor Douh’c Action (i. e. selfco.king Action) Chambers; Ensures absolutely accurate shooting. Nett Cash $36-35. COLT'S NEW ARMY jB&ML CALIBRES. Colt’s New Army
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 49 5 WEATHER Thk following report iskiiellv supplied lo fhe Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 5 P.e. *i a.m. To il iy tb. e :t Showery Kin** Wd X.W. N.W. The rainfall ilermo t 4 t P am lo ilav w.i*. (t.4 inch. r.-* *r S I inc K. hours mu’e
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  • 231 6 The object of the game is to do uuto other» as they would do uuto you. It’a a game you can lose your money at; also vour temper. The game goes by tricks; some people are full of them. Honours count in the game, but not always
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  • 536 6 Threat to me Even with Hek Enemies. i £4 I'KISON EAKNINGB. Paris, Thursday, Sept. 13. I,a Grande Therese” aud her husbaud, Frederic Humbert, are free, aud they will sleep to-night iu a little Hat kept for them for the last three years by Frederic’s aged met her,
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  • 118 6 Penang, 19th October. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4jf 3 Credit 2/H| 3 Documentary ...2/4->-f Calcutta, Demand Bank lcs 173£ 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bombay. Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 172 w 3 days’ sight Private 175 Madras,
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  • 191 6 Gold leaf Go.50 B. Pepper( W.Coast 3lbs.5 oz.) te lets White Pepper 20.40 tale» Trang Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) uo stock Mace $70. —tales Mace Pickings 07. —buyers Nutmegs 110s *9- —buyers No. 1 5.35 ppl Sugar < 2 uo stock Basket $3.35 sale* Tapioca Flour 1.82s sellers
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  • 514 6 Last Dividend. Name. Mining lJeiat Tin Miuiug Co. Ltd. Quotations. $l5. sellers jßersawali Gold Mining Co. Ltd. $lO. Uruseh HydraulicTiu Mining Co. Ltd $19.50 sellers 3 for year ending 31/10/5. c. for vear endiug 30/4/06 for 1903 Duff Development Co. Ltd. jGopeug Tiu Mining Co. Ltd. Jelier Hydraulic Tiu
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 80 6 Anheuser-Busch’s Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert I'J. Stiasnev, manager An-heuser-Busch Brewiug Association, Cape Town, Africa, save During my trip iu the Transvaal I contracted a severe cold, and am pleated to state that iu Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I found prompt relief aud after continuing it, for a
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    • 110 6 Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE SOU'S PEERLESS BRAID EVAPORATED CREAM. O.V.G. Whisky. Absolute F»«rity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG. SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Coagents FOE PENANG F. M. .S >■ c n V;W;i fl wKISm X "4» 7rht\i mum] i m f f*i| M At!: j t&miu O m 11 ms
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    • 474 6 MACKAY’S THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands Buttery Sr Co. LIQUEUR WHISKY. Gieslers 9 Champagne. GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking FOR IT IS PURE AMD UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS REFRESHER. Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. Ask for
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  • 815 7 Some nterert will be aroused by Mr, Barrett Smith’s article iu the Enyineevm Magazine upon Chinese labour. writer sp aks from personal having been occupied for more than a yeti? on work connected with a large industrial establishment in China. '1 he natives employed included stokers, eugiuemen, electricians,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 864 7 P. JVfo/r Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands. Buttery Sr Co. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” EAROIAIS ©«onus. Sandilands, Buttery Sr Co.. AGENTS. PENANG F. M 8. RUBEROID ROOFING. KAISER WATER. A NATURAL MINERAL WATER FROM THE FAMOUS SPRIN6S OF AIX-LA-CHAPELLE. t uan- olign nOGm srjnn~ RasnLiS W In
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    • 94 7 Mistaken Diagnosis. llieie are mauy people who have paius iu the back au<l iinagiue that their kidneys are affectfd, while their only trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, which cau be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, or by dainpeuiug a piece of flannel with the Pain
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1498 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer iu Gold un<l Silver Watches, Graphophones, Rwords, Pins, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Itepairer of any description of Musical instruments and Graphophones, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rtKNC 1 MOH Sc Co., C 4, Beach Street, Penang. importers of
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