Straits Echo, 17 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1057 1 SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER U 338 IHVSV TIANQ LtE CO, RANK S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital PaiiTup Reserve Fund Ueservo Liability!of Proprietors £BOO,OOO £975.000 £BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Bombay Bangkok Batavia Calcutta Colombo Cebu Foochow
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  • 1709 2 (Fr»„i the Japan Chronicle.) Jjv kry public man must on occasion deplore the shocking lack of privacy for which modem newspapers are responsible. So great, is the eagerness of the public to know its p*ib|ic men —what they eat or drink, wherewithal they are clothed,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 627 2 2TETJE.AL.G-I .A. CURED. FACE-ACHE CURED. PfllN REMOVED WITH FINISIN, Ur'’ham’s Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN FIX I SIN Graham’s FIJNISIN Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN This sto|)s pain and makes you well. Don’t hesitate, try it. You will be sorry if you don’t. There is nothing so good It is a certain cure. Finisin
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    • 1951 2 «a*' m sToilet Soap Made from fhe products of FRUIT and FLOWERS contains NO ANIMAL FAT and sensitive skin. May safely be used cn the most delicate A TOILET LUXURY OF THE HIGHEST PURITY. THE LONDON DIRECTORY, (Published Annually.) ENABLES enterprising traders throughout the Empire to keep in close touch
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  • Shipping.
    • 44 3 GneiBlNau, Ger. s.f., 5,083, Belte, lOtli Oct., Singapore, 15tb Oct., Gen., B.M. Si 00. Kum Sang, Br. s.s., 2,077, Bulier, 17tb Oct., Calcutta, 11th Oct., Gen., —B. Co. Cant jn, Br. s.s., 105, Merieau, 17th (Jet., Teluk Ausou, ltJtli Oct., Gen., Ab Hiug.
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    • 23 3 17th Octobb*. Malaya, for Deli. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. Flying Dragon, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Boon, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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  • 20 3 Vessel» From A tie ii fs Due Beuinohr Loudon S.B&Co 19th Oct. Den of Kellv Loudon S.B.ACo. 20 th
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  • 20 3 1 f’gsels h'nr A-jeut# Leaves Beuinohr Singapore S.B&f’o 19th Oct. J)eu of lie lv Singapore S. B &Co. 20th
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  • 79 3 For Batu Bill)ra and Asaliau—Per Tong C/tay Un, 10-inowow, 2 p in Langkat—Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 2 Edie, r J’. Semawe, Segli, Olebleli aud Sabang—Per P<gn, to-morrow, 2 pm. Calcutta—Per Sui Sang, tomorrow, 3 Singapore and llougkoug—Per Kum Sang, to morrow, 3 p.m. Calcutta —Per G.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1369 3 (SHIPPING.) —at ft N. Co, Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Oct. 25 B.**. Malta connecting with 8.8. Himalaya fc'ov. 7 8.8. Devanha do s.s. Moldavia 21 8.8. Delhi do h.s, Victoria Homewards. Ocl. 27 8.8. Delhi connecting with 8.8. Mongolia Nov. I*' 8.8. Simla do 8.8. Britannia *24
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    • 330 3 Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettcnham and Singapore. The above Company's New Steamer “PERAK” will be despatched from l’euaug every Tuesday, at 4 pm, for Port Swetteuliam and Singapore, arriving at Port Swetteuham in tune to catch the 8.80 train for Kwala Lumpur on Wednesday uioruiug,
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  • 92 4 Jnetice satisfice everybody and jurtice alone.-Rmerson Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.! AT THI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No 226 —232. Beach St reel. Pmiang PRICE: daily local >3* r* r OUTBTATIONB Postage Bxtr*. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) CABLE ADDRESS: Echc —Penang.” Telephone No. 188. .V.S.-All
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  • 462 4 i Wt fancy that the present year wil be passed down to posterity as one marked bv great catastrophies the w«>rld over. We have had the tremendous earthquakes at San Francisco and Valparaiso, tiie disastrous typhoon in H«)ngkeng, and scarcely a week passes without the casualty
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  • 362 4 We are always being tohl that business is business and that no business man can have any consideration for anybody so long as he is acting up to the strict letter of the law and business methods in his dealings. But that there is an exception to every rule
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  • 661 4 Penang Cricket Cluh t vs. I St. Xavier's Institution. Both the above teams brought their 1 Le «gue fixtures to a close yesterday afteiuoou, when P.C.C. beat Sr. Xavier’s by three go-jls to oue The Cricketers put a strong team on the field, as will be sem below
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  • 292 4 (Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) y The Ritrial. c It will be remembered that Lim Kong Thuau, late semo” partner of the now defunct firm of Hiu Dee aud Co., was charged at the instance of the Attorney General I with iuteudiug to defraud one A. RA. R
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  • 623 4 The a-ljourned case against 'lau Choo Hong, broker, wis resumed before Mr. E C.C. Howard yesterday afternoon. The accused, who reserved his defence, was committed to the Assizes on the first charge, ie criminal bieich of trust iu respect of jewellery valued at §lO,lOO, the property
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  • 1026 4 My dearest Fanny.— Pity our p<„ jr Volunteer! They have been subsidised bv our City Father dear, not as defenders of our heirths (by the way we have no hearths here) aud homes, but as raiu makers! J lls t think of it! Why even the heavens weep
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 543 4 kmm, .i NOTICE. rpENHERS are invited for the removal of 1 the present, porch aud gateway at the, old Hindu Burial Ground at Macalister Hoad aud their re-erection at the new Gr und at Batu Lauchaug Lane. Tender» should b« sent on or liefore the 27th iustaut to the Secretary
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    • 52 4 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kem:dy. The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular preparation in use for bowel complaints. It is every where recognized as the one remedy that can always he depended upon and that is pleasant to take. For sale by all chemist*
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    • 84 4 Mistaken Diagnosis. There are many people wlio have pains in the back an<l imagine that their kidneys are affected, while their only trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, which can be cured by a few applications of Chamberlain’s Paiu Balm, or by dampening a piece of flannel with the Pain
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    • 62 4 Lame Back. This aihneut is usually caused l»y tism of the muscles and may l*> cured 'J applying GMiamberlaiu’s Paiu Balm ,w three times a day aud rubbing the P* vigorously at each application. If j*“' i not afford relief, bini a piece of slightly dampened with Pain quick relief
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    • 535 5 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. First Day. 16th October. (Echo Special.) Singapore. —Yesterday's racing took place in splendid weather, there were no scratchings and no accidents. Following are full particulars of the racing 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value $*»00. A Race for Maideu Horses. Weight 9st. 31b. Entrance 320. Distance, K.
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    • 91 5 The Punishment Roll (Supplied by Renter.) London, 17th October.—A War Office communique says that the consideration of the War Store* Report has been completed aud it lias beeu decided that there is no ground of action against any of the General officers. It mentions tweuty-four officers aud
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    • 45 5 The Sikh Police Strike. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 17th October.—Reuter’s Shanghai correspondent wires that consequent upon tlie strike of the Sikh police a new urgent regulation lias b?en promulgated for the enforcement of disciplinary measures in case of a similar oecuneuce in the future.
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    • 23 5 Entombed Miners Rescued (<Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 17th Octolier. —All the miners entombed by the Wingate colliery disaster have beeu rescued.
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    • 30 5 Promntiou for Russian Minister. (Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 1 7» h October —M. Clarovsky. the Russian Minister Re-ideut to Siam, lias been promoted to the rauk of Miuister Plenipotentiary.
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    • 60 5 The Governorship of New York (Supplied by Renter.) Loudou, 17th Octolier.—The electoral ••ampaigu for the Governorship of New York is lieiag pursued with extraordinary vigour. Mr. Heirst, the Democratic candidate, is straiirng every nerve to ensure success, while President Roosevelt lias sent Mr. Root aud others to stump
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    • 86 5 The Mayoral Visit (Supplied by Reuter-) Loudon, 16th October. —The L >rd Mayoi and Ahleriiieu weut hi state processioD through the principal stieets of Paris to the Hotel de Ville aud were rapturously wel coined by densely massed crowds. The weather was magnificent and the Pansians were delighted by
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    • 131 5 The Krupp We 'ding. (Supplied by Reu'er.) Loudon, 1 Gt.ii Octolier. —Miss Bertha Ivrupp. the richest German Heiress hasmarried the diplomat von Bohlenhatbach, who becomes bend of the Krupp firm. The Kaiser was present at the wedding. Loudon, 17tli October. Ou the occasion of the Krupp welding the sum
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    • 34 5 Ominous Preparations. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 17tli October.—The Italian newspapers indicate that the Government is resolved to expend large sums on the Army aud Navy, especially iu purchasing new field artillery from lvrupp’s.
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    • 79 5 Turkish Protests. (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 16th October.—Owing to tlie frequeut murders of Bulgarians by Greeks iu the districts of Drama and Kavala, iu European Tuikey, which are within the supervision of the British Geudarmerie, the Giaud Vizier has made strong complaints to the Helleuic Miuister of
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    • 45 5 The Navy. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 16th October —Reuter’s Tokio eonespondeut wires that a special committee has beeu appoiutei to investigate the newest designs for warships, aud it is consequently expected that the completion of the Japanese warships uow building will le considerably delayed.
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  • 1789 5 Thu Beachcomber is not, as the uninitiated might imagine, any sort of wave, eith°r tidal or wind-driven, nor is lie a geftthmm who spends his time iu raking over the j *tsain cast up by the set —in fact he ha s verv little to do with water
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  • 64 5 To-day. :> h l>.iv of Bth Moon. Foothill Match V. M.C- A eg. N. D. Town Baud, Ksplauade, ♦> to 7 lieneral Mietiug, St. Andrew’s Society, 4.'5 p.m. Comedy ludian lta'oe 'I heatrical Co.: lUmbaugau Chahva,” King Stieet Theatre, ft p.m. To-morrow. Ist Day of ftth Moon. Football
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  • 15 5 tier man (Boon) 17th 001. Kngligli (Malta) 2511 i Cb na (Delhi) 27ih
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  • 37 5 P. O.SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards. Homewards. Jf« Ha 23 Oct. I Delhi 27 Oct. Devanha 7 N<>r. Simla 10 Nor. Extra Service. Outvards. Homewards. Sumitri 16 O t. I Mania 3 N>v. For mo-a 23 Nile 17
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  • 31 5 O N«*v\ Oct. 18 li .> 42. am. First Quarter 24 h 8 49 8. pm. O Full Moon Nov. Ist 11 45.8 am. Last Quailer 9tli 4 41..9. P.M.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 93 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Nortliam Road. Chocolates, Bonbons, Dessert Fondants, At Reasonable Price». HKKK WE ARK AGAIN! MATSUO’S JAPANESE CINEMATOGRAPH, THE BARNUM OF CINEMATOGRAPHS. THE LARGEST SHOW OF THE KIND TRAVELLING EAST. We promised to return here with a huge stock of the best and latest films, and so here
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    • 300 5 MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES. “The World’s Best Bicycle*.’’ PERFECTION in Cycles is represented in n High drade MASSEY-HARRIS Ikied will. PALMER TYRES. Jt will outlast a number of any other make, aud give complete satisfaction all the time. They run easy and keep running easy.” Full allowance on old machines in part
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 47 5 WEATHER. Thk following report is kiudly supplie 1 l>» l.e Sijrual Director of Fort Cornwallis fia.m. noon. Vpiton ay To <l?jr To-day «4. s-j- W Wt. 'I lirt-.Ll**uin« Kin»* KimWd. K. N.W. X.W. The raiufall di'niig the -4 hours ended it 0 in today was nil.
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  • 271 6 The French Dr. Biussou gives a description of a Lateral way of curing this terrible illness. In his opinion the only thing the affected person ought to do, is to take as soon as possible a damp bath—perhaps here, iu this warm couutry, even a
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  • 116 6 Pknano, 17th October (By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4** 4 months' sight Bank ...2/4j| 3 Credit 2/4 J 3 Documentary ...2/4’* Calcutta, Demand Bank L'S. 173§ 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 173* Moulinein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private 175 Madras,
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  • 182 6 Gold leaf 65.50 B. Pepper( \V.Coast Jibs.oz. t sl9s se lers White Pepper 1 26$ sales Trang Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) no stock Mace $76. —sales Mace Pickings 67. —buyers Nutmegs 110 s 9. —buyers r No. 1 5 35 ppl Sugar 2 uo stock Basks» $3.35 salei
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  • 860 6 g M dor Number of T P I Capital. Shares Last Dividend. j Name. Quotations. ’r issued. a U6 1 ‘5 j 1 J Mining. 1903 300,000 :>O.OtH) 10 10 Beiat Tin Mining Co. Ltd. $15. —tellers 11*00 175,000 L> Bersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. 510. 19ul 000.000 60.000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 54 6 Chamberlain’s Con li Remedy Cures Colds. Tilth lerr.edyacth nu nature’* plan, aliavh tlte ivl'evas ilie ai«ih expectoratiou, op« its tl e sterol ions, and aids uatme in the system 1« a healthy condition. li ;k fatnoufl for ila cure* over a larvo part of tin civilised world. For sale by
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    • 358 6 ID IL THE CELEBRATED MACKAY’S “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. SandUands, Buttery Co. LIQUEUR WHISKY. G/es/ers C hflfn 0 nsfnc GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking FOtf /T AS P£//?£ A/VD UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER. Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4
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  • 73 7 Question Paraphrase the following Things base aud vile, holding no qu 'ty, Love can transpose to form aud dignity.— “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.”—Act 1., Scene 1. Answer: Love is so strong that ve*y often a poor woman marries an Earl, and it is only love which b»ing
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  • 141 7 Notwi i hstandino the frequency of serious accideuts of the ice, which are real'y much more numerous than was formerly the, it is comfortiug to know that the increase is only apparent and not real. Estimated in proportion to the enormously increased uumber of tourists, the number
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  • 151 7 Aptkk lyiug iu the ol i tower in Hackney Churchyard for a cent urv, the ancient stocks aud whipping post, which were iu use in the parish iu the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, have l eeu brought to light. They l ave beeu elected ou a concrete
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  • 185 7 Back to tiie laud summarises a problem that is becoming as uri/eut iu Frauce as iu England. The accounts given iu French papers of the comp’ete divorce that seems to have taken place between the working population aud the laud almost read like the jeremiads with which we
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  • 130 7 Mark him! the Russian buieaucrat, to danger seemiug blind, Watch how his chariot of Power he drives o’er liumau kind His wits awiy, his heir, grown cold, He id less he of the imssageold—- Thou art weighed aud wanting found." Crack crack he lashes I i« horses,
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  • 214 7 Ayr’s Auld Brig. The test of fame lies, as do most other tests of sincerity, iu tlie pccket, and no better test could b) devised for the reality of the hold still possessed ly Burns upon Scottish feeling, than the proposal for preserving the Auld Brig” of Ayr. The sum
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 932 7 p, /Wo/r Cranes 9 CYLINDER OIL. Satulilnnds. Buttery Sr Co. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND." Sandilands, Buttery Co., AGENTS. PENANG F. M S WOiD ROOFING. Adamson, Oilfillan Co., Ltd Jeyes’ Purifier, .4 > it m ELIABLE AND UNIFORM, WORLD RENOWNED '1 he best and most powerful disinfectant
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1574 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer iu Gold and Silver Watches, Graphophoues, Records, Pins, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderateliepairer of any description of Musical instruments and Grapliopbones, Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP HIBNC MOH Sc Co., .6 4, Beach Street, Penang. importers of all kinds
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