Straits Echo, 13 October 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1186 1 ASAHI BEER I 2 UJ r «J ■j o 'Haas ihvsv BANKS* Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYA L CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid*up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability’of Proprietor* JKBOO.OOO .£975,000 £BOO,OOO Head Office: HATTON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Hankow Penang
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    • 21 1 SOLE A VESTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. 081 A <3 <o Pi 2r. ■x O 33 C 0 s**«« o> z TIV ScSSVa
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  • 140 2 American Syndicate Corners the Famous River. With the consent of the Turkish Government the International Jordan Water Company has just been formed. Needless to sav. it is au American institution. Colonel Clifford Covington, of Kentucky, president of the company, has (according to the Alexandria correspondent of the
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  • 296 2 Mk H- 0. Robinson, c m. z.s., of the .Selangor Museum, has presented to the Zoological Society a tine adult male example ot Swetteham’s serow t Neniorhocdnt twetlenha mi), from the Malay Peninsula This species was discovered in 1 Htill. and described bv Mr. A. L. Duller,
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  • 595 2 Remarkable Chanuis in P. kin. A remarkable picture is presented by Dr. A. W. P. Martin, formerly President cf the University of Pekin, to the readers of the World’s Work aud Play.” On his return to Pekiu he find < China transformed.” 'I he streets of Pekin are
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1870 2 FOR. ITEUHALQIA CURED. FACE-ACHE CURED. PAIN REMOVED WITH FINISIN, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It doesn’t pay to allow your linen to bo rubbed and banged to tatters upon rough stones. Insist upon FINISIN tIN IS Graham's FIM I SI N Neuralgia Cure. FiNISIN This stops pain ami makes you well. Don’t
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  • Shipping.
    • 111 3 Cyclops, Hr. s.s 5 784, Pulfonl, loth Oct.» Yokohama, 19th Sept., Geu., —W. Al. Co. Occana, lir. 8 s., 3,507, \V. Hayward, 13th Oct., Yokohama, 25th Sept, Geu, P. A O. Kut Sang, Hr. s.s., 3,110, Bradley, 13th Oct., lloupkoug, 1 t Oct., Gen, B Co. Tkksta, Hr. 8.8..
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    • 61 3 13th October. liinqo Mam, for Colombo. Teetta for Nepapatam aud Madras. Mary Austin, for Kut B>ng, for Calcutta. Langkat, for Teluk Anson. link Canton, for Kdie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh and Sabanp. Tong Cltay Un, for Batu Hah la and Asalian. Ca'y/tto, for Deli. /fork Chuan Un, for
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  • 24 3 Ve**ei* Front Aijtitlr Due Suinat r* Sufz A.G.&Co. Ititli Oo». Beutnohr l>en of London S B <t0o. I9lIi Kelly Loudon S.BACo. 2<>t li
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  • 33 3 Ypgstelp .4 ’fra/» IjPUVP* Sumatra |Siu a pore A .G.&C'o. 1 #>• It (>of. Hen moil r Singapore S B Sir o. I9tli I>eu of i Ke ivjSingapore S B ACo. 20» h
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  • 53 3 For Toil*; kali—Per Rotorua, 15th iustant, 1 p.m. Rangoon and Calcutta—Pli Pentakoia, 15th instaut, 3 p.m. Deli Per Avag'jce, 16th instant., 1 p.m. Paugkalan Braudan—Per Petrel, lOtli instant, 1 p.m. Port Swetteuliain and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, 10th instant, 3 p m. Port, Swettenliam and Singapore Per Perak, 16th
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  • 61 3 Per Tee el a, from Singapore Mr. and Mis. Cu cadet», Mrs. It. J. Kirke, Mr. S. Arooz »o. Mr. Bidder. Per Oceana, from Singapore Mr. and Mrs. Brough, Mr. Munson and child. Mr. G S. Hall. Per Oream, for Colombo Mr G. Alslou Mr. J. Hug. For Aden
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1213 3 —(S hip piar«G.)— XPm IS. N. Co. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Steam**. Hr reded Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards I m 25 Malta Nov h s. ueu Homewards. connecting with s.s. Himalaya 7 s.k. Deoanha do h.b. Moldavia Delhi do 8.8. Victoiia <M. Nov. l;i
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    • 194 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co Ltd. INDO-JAYA LINE. A. S. N. Co.'s Fleet. The Company naiutaius a Hist class service of steamers carrying ln>tli passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports iu Java Batavia Pasoeroeau Samaraiig Pekalongau Soerabaya Cherfbon Banjoewangi Tlie Company’s Steamers also give direct
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  • 102 4 Jurticr jatlsfles everybody and justice alone.— Bmrrmi* Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION PRESS, U»l., No. 22(3 —232, Reach Street. Penang. PRICE: JAILY LOCAL t2l per annum OUTSTATIONB Portage Extra. MAM. EDITION (Port Kiee) «15 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo— Penang.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • 46 4 Marriage. Armstrong—Warham On Octolier J#th. in Dublin. William 11. Armstrong. Esq.. L. L. D.. Barrister-at-Law, Penang. Straits Settlements, fourth son of the late W illiam Armstrong. New Ross. Co. Wexford to Isabel Frances, ehlest daughter of William Warham, Esq Williamstadt. North Circular Road. Dublin.
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  • 522 4 It was on account of the small hawker that we had to make an appeal on Wednesday last and now we find that the Police have turned their attention suddenly to another class of the public, this time the handcart pullers, for last night some two doz a n
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  • 274 4 i D Free Schoolboys will agree when j i ue say that Penang lias never had a moi-e popular teacher than Mr. Har-I greaves, who was also a most successful one and established a record in gaining scholarships for the Free School during‘l In* term as Head Mastei.
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  • 532 4 Penang Cricket Club vs Anglo-Chinese School. Yesterday afternoon the P. C. C. aud the Auglo-Chiuese School met on the Esplanade to play a yame of soccer, and, the weather l>eing tin®, there was a good muster on the field to -li'iie** the match. The rival teams were constituted as
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  • 1307 4 In far off Europe the portals of prince* i ly mansions are as often as not adorned with armorial heariugs which set forth the rank of the owner of the mansion to which they pertaiu. All of us have heard of the I beautiful iron gates of Sandringham
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  • 825 4 The members of the Peuaug Cricket Club are no doubt joyous just uow over the satisfactory financial state of the Club. It was quite the reverse last year, for there were more than a dozeu members who had over the accouuts presen ed It is uot so,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 157 4 Obituary. Mrs. Kam Chew Phoe. We regret to auuouuce the death, which took place yesterday morning at her residence in King Street, of Mrs. Kam Chew Phoe, mother of Messrs. Kam Guan Sean, Kam Teik Seau and Kam Keug Sean. Deceised had beeu laid up for some time as the
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    • 32 5 The luterport Shield. Echo Special.) Singapore, 18th Oct.—Shooting for (lie iliter-port trophy Shanghai made the excellent score of 980 and leads. The only other score to complete the match in Penang’s.
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    • 26 5 The Singapore Championship. (Echo Sped il.) Singapore, 18th October.—ln the Liwn Tennis Championship L. K. Gaunt I toil t F. Salzmann, the holder, by 0-1;
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    • 96 5 Another Outrage. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 12th October.—A crowd yesterday matched to the Fxecution Square at bod/, and exhuine<l the bodies of live Terrorists who were tried by drumhead court martial and shot in the tnoruiug and begau a collection for the purchase of coffius. Cossacks arrived ou the
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    • 83 5 A Warlike Speech. (Supplied by Rente,r.) Loudon, 12th October. —General Pedotti, formerly Italiau Minister of War and now Comtnauder of the Fourth Army Corps, speaking at Turin, said that Italy’s new armameuts are the best guarantee that the integrity of Italy will be maintained from the Alps
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    • 44 5 Accelerated Service to Tokio. (Supplied by Reuter.) houdou, lllth October. —The Tokio correspondent. of the Daily Tcleyrapk wires that Japau is negotiating a treaty with Russia for the establishment of au overland service of mails, bringing Tokio witbin seventeen days of London.
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    • 42 5 A .Monster Meet up (Supplied hy Reuter,) Loudon, 12th October, —The agitation in Malta against Lord Elgin’s despatch proclaiming religious equality is growiug and a monster meeting is beiug convened for Sunday to denounce the cowaidly despotism of the British Government,
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    • 38 5 The Ottawa Conference. (Supp’ied by Reuter.) Loudon. l*J h Oct,. At the Conference at Ottawa it was resolved to favour increased Federal subsidies to all the pioviuces, coupled with special consideration for the claims of particular Provinces.
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    • 37 5 Preference Bill Passed. (Supplied by Renter Londou, 12'h October.--It is reported from Melbourne that both Houses have passed the Preference Bill with the white labour proviso, but the Bill will uot become operative until August, 1907.
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    • 39 5 An Advisory Board Wanted. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 12th Octolier. —The Newfoundlaud difficulty is leading to the revival iu several quarters of a strong advocacy for some form of au advisory board iu Londou tepreseutiug Colonial opinion.
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    • 32 5 Merely a Daily Mailer”! (Supplied by Reuter.) boudou, 12th October.—The Daily Moil's report of the isolation of aud differences with Bteat Britain at the Wireless Telegraphy Conference is officially denied.
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    • 28 5 More Collieries in the Market. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 12th Octolier.—Negotiations are proceeding for the sale of five collieries in •he Swansea Valley to a Freuch syndicate.
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  • 948 5 (From Our Oven Correspondent Wednesday, Oct. 10th 1906. Thk two chief topics of general conversation last week liavi been the Hogan Case, which has created more interest than auv other similar case for a long time, and the great libel action brought by Mr. Montagu Harris against the
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  • 971 5 (From Our Own Cot respondent.) Taiping, Friday, llili. The rainy seisoii proper has at last set. iu and owners of rubber estates are again Lmsy p) ruling A new venture Hidden Streams Rubber Syndicate is now iu full swiug aud will, I understand, for the preseut be under
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  • 1098 5 Sc A BRAT T-15 R UGH. The weddiug of Miss May Scarratt, vouugest daughter of the late Mr. Josiali Scarratt. Il<>ck Ferry, Cheshire, aud sister of Mrs. D Mau, to Mr. She idau T. Brugh, Assistant M uiager of the Straits Trading Co.. Ltd., took place nu the
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  • 50 5 To-DAT. 26ill Day of 8lli Moon. Hunt Club Paperch.ise, 5 p.m. Towu Baud, Golf Club. 6 to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian Ratoe The.mic.l Co.: Vietoriue,” Kiug Sheet Tlieatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 27tli Day of Stb Mo »n. Comedy Indian Ritoe Theatrical Co. Cheloriug Cheloroug,” Kiug Sheet Theatre, 9 p.m.
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  • 13 5 Oil ilia. Gneiserau) ltjih O.t. German Roon 17th English (Malta) 25th
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. .Hail Service. Outwards. Homkwaros. Malta 25 OH. I Delhi 27 Oct. Devanha 7 Nov. j Simla W Nor. |;X«ra Service. Outwards. Hi*-'* A RDs. Suntah IS OH I Maui t Nov b\mno*a 2i -He li
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  • 31 5 \'-vv Moon Oct. 18»h 5427 a m. First. Quarter *24‘h 849 8 pm. j t* ll l .Moon Nov. Ist 1145.8 am 1 '*>i..oi..> 91 li 4 41.9 p.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolates, Bonbons, Dessert Fondant b. At Price».
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    • 65 5 Anheuser-Busch’s Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert R. Stiasnev, manager An-heuser-Busch Brewing Association, Cape Town, Africa, says During my trip in the Transvaal I contrac'ed a. severe cold, aud am pleased to state that iu Chamberlain’s Cough Kernedy found prompt relief aud after coniiuuing it for a few
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    • 69 5 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused liy rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm two or three times a day aud rubbing the parts vigorously a‘ each application. If this doss not afford relief, bin I a piece of tlannel slightly dampened with
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    • 290 5 MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES. “The Worlds Beat Bicycles.” PERFECTION iu Cycles is represented iu a High Grade MASSEY-HARRIS, liHed with PaLMER TYRES. It will outlast a number of auy other make ami give complete satisfaction all the time. They run easy and keep running easy.” Full allowance on old machines iu part
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 41 5 WEATHER. Iiik t.tllowm-,' report it kili-liv Mii|»|i|iol l»v riif* Sii'lial |).re< a lor of Koi I <JoritV\;tiil> Tim »1 A l».H 4 In Tlm-;iU.'iiin-' ►’ii: r x.w. \.\v. 1 iit;»iI <lrrii av i i.h 0 1 ineli. i nil N. .itt
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  • 162 6 Writing to the Manch’ster Gurrdian a correspomh ut remarks:—“You hardly «li<l justice (though indwd uo oue could do adequate justice) to the ingenuity of the Ujv. U. W. L. T«>llemache-Tollemache hi the bestowal of (Jhristiau names on Ins children. Iu the name of the ehlest sou
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  • 288 6 L ueisy lies the head that wears a crown even though the crown be only that of a consort and our Princess Eua finds that the jiositiou of Queeu Victoria of Spain has its troubles. Home of her closest girl frieuds iu England are without
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  • 417 6 Mr. George Meredith a Favourite. This League of Empire, dissenting from a previous verdict ou English girls' reading, lias iBsue«l a summary of answers received t«> a set of questions seut out to girls all over the Hritish Empne. The «leg e*s of
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  • 120 6 Penang, 13th October. fit/ courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/A,„ 4 months’ sight Bank ...2/4 i 3 Credit 2/4 J 3 Documentary ...2/4;,” Calcutta, De:iuiii<l Bank Ics. 173^ 3 days’ sight Private 177» B nniiay. Demand Bank 173j{ Moulmein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 179 6 Gold leaf 65 20 B. Pepfiei W.C*»a.»t :tll»>. r > sl9i t-e lers White Pepper 26J- buyers Trautr Pepper 21.00 nominal Cloves (picked) no ttock Mace $76 —sales Mate Picking* 68. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 31. —sellers No. I 5 35 ppl Siiif.t»- < 2 no stock Basket 53.15
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  • 544 6 UK),» 1905 11*04 1905 1905 1003 1906 1904 1905 1905 1900 1900 1900 1900 S X X X 150,000 200,000 30,000 700,000 44,400 70,000 150,000 12,000 75,000 40,000 X 310,000 1 «.0,000 Rs. 1,200,000 250,000 1906 X 300,000 1903 1904 1904 1898 1903 1905 1904 1904 1898 1865 1901
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 51 6 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uuiform success of tin» remedy has mal«! it the most popu'ar p-eparttion iu use for bowel complaints. It is everywhere r<toKiii/.ed as the one remedy that cau always be depended upon aud that is pleasant to take. For sale by all chemists and
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    • 90 6 Andrew Usher Co. s SPECIAL RESERVE BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND EVAPORATED CREAM. O.V.G. Whisky. Absolute Purity SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co., GUa ’AGENTS^***’ agents fob SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG <t M. .S PENANG. o 4> > T CO X o m j UJ tv& < gk TO. Co JoK® o 5 TO BE
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    • 689 6 THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Sandi/ands, Buttery Cv. C/es lers’ Champagne, GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER. Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. Ask for
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  • 167 7 )|k Williams Symington, managtug «iilector of Messrs. VVilliam Symiugtou aud Co.. Limited, authorises a Press agency to correct certain misstatements wli:ch hare been published to the effect that an American rubber trust has acquired the entire shares of that company with a view to gam control
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  • 282 7 Wk gather from a i Australian exchange that the latest accusation against Chicago is conveyed in a cable stating that the authorities of the great city by the lake have uueartheu a big factory for mixing, rolling, deodorising, and dryiug bad eggs.” Our contemporary kuows that lieu fruit”
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  • 531 7 Tub carter of Mr. Louis Spilzel, an exAustralian, whore death at Carlsbad, iu Germany, was announced recently maket a romantic story. It. is published bv the Argun which tells that about 23 years ago he worked iu the shop of Mr. E Schaefer, a Swauston street manufacturing jeweler,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 58 7 I Chamberlain’s Cou A h Remedy Cures Colds. This lemedvacts on nature's plan, allays the cough, relieve* the lungs, a ids, expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy 'condition. Il is famous for its cures over a large pail of the civil.zed world.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1488 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer in Gold and Silver Watches, Giaphophoues, Records. Pius, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Itepairer of auv description of Musical instruments and Qraphophones. Ac., Ac. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP i(ENP MOH Sc Co., 64, Beach Street, Penang. VOTICB. NOTICE. VIEWS of
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  • 2537 9 RrOSPKCTS <'F THE PROFE; SION. BY 1)R ANNIK PATTERBON. T o profession lias passed—aud, indeed, is till passing through mo inauy vicssi tildes of music. VVlieu, among the uu- i( ul Egyptians aud most primitive uations, t lie art was closely linked with observances I saC ied rites,
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  • 2250 9 1jOS8 ok tue Cmabtkkhouse.” That the end of the tale of the typhoon s toll is uot yet is made Inau iTest by the report of yet another steamer going mto the rapacious maw of the sea, duriug the typhoou 1 which touched these slio es on Saturday
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  • 487 9 Indigestion, Headaches ar.d Disordered L«vcr. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. MvUN«! San Ba, the popular P. NV D. Overseer of Mamlalay, was «?eliglite«l when •called upon at his home iu C. Hoad to ex press his gratitinle Hi»«l thanks for heuefi's derived from I>r. Williams’ Pink Bills for
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  • 151 9 I’kn a no, 13th October, 1906. Beef c Soup per tally 14 Roast Steaks Stew or Curry Meat 18 Rump Steak Ox Tail each 24 Tongue 50 F«*et -5 Heart. -<> Liver |«ei catty 22 Bork Pork Pig’s Head Beet -4 Tongue 3Fown (full grown) each *»0 Smaller
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 88 9 Mistaken Diagnosis '1 heie are many people who have pains in the back aud imagine that their kidneys ate affected, while their ouly trouble is iliemnatimn of tlie muscles, which can be cute*! bv a few applications of Chamberlain s iam Hahn, or by dampening a piece of tianne with
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    • 141 9 mmm go. JUST ARRIVED! NEW REVOLVERS. Colt’s New Service Revolver, Calibre 450, Barrel &|in. long, Full Length lO*|in. Blue 1 Solid Loc c Frame v* itli smultaneous Extractor Doub'e Action (i. e. selfco king Action) Chambers j.Knsures absolutely accurate shooting. Nett Cash $36-35. A COLT’S NtWARMY C&LIBRLO Colt’s New Army
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  • 1273 10 i Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Jk Saturday, 2nd February. 1907. To l e considered at a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 31st Octolier, 1906. j Notice. —No amendments to this programme will l»e considered uuless due notice
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 914 10 r3SrSTTH J A-3V CEB. TII H LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCO It 1*011 AT ED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.I>. 1720. rilHE undersigned having l>een appointed X Agents lor the alxive Corporation, are now prepared to accept MARINE and FIRE risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS Co 12c Commercial Union Assurance Company,
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