Straits Echo, 11 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1208 1 tiang LEE CO, ASAHI BEER H 339 IHVSV SOLE AGENTS, BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. incorporated by royal CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Paid-uf-Capital Kkhkkvk Fond— XBOO.OOO A 1975,000 .€BOO,OOO Capital Paid’up Keserve Fund |s«*rve liia-hilitv ’of Proprietors Head Office: IIATTON COURT, THREADNUKI »LK STREET, LONDON. Agencies
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    • 15 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. K-m e s 3c r*» o 'Hiv SiSSva TianG Lee Co
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  • 200 2 During the voyage eastward a gentleman who is proceeding to Negri Sembilan, a rubber planter, had a very unpleasant experience. On boarding the liner his appearance was that of a smart, well-groomed individual. lie is that no longer, and it. will be some time,
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  • 312 2 The past year has been remarkable for the awakening of the East—of that greater East under which we may not unfairly include Russia, and in a sense, the other Slavonic countries of Europe. Following the Duma conies the grant of representative government to Persia and China,
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  • 317 2 TIILKTS FROM RUSSIAN WARSHIPS. Tuk T.ibituJt St. Petersburg Correspou<leut wires on .September sth —I learn tint the naval authorities at Sevastopol are gre.itI/ alarmed «.ver the disapj>ea ranee from a warship, <>t t Inoe cauuous, t wo machine gnus, eight riH-*s, a considerable quantity of shells, and a
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  • 1255 2 Tuesday, 29th January, Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. To be considered at a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 31st October, 1900. Nofire. —No amendments to (bis programme will be considered uuless due notice is given in writing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 64 2 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uniform miccohs of tins remedy l>as made it the most. popular preparation in me lor bowel complaints. It is everywhere recognized as tlie oue remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to la We. For sale by all chemists
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    • 1261 2 FACE ACHE IS CURED WITH FINISIN, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-ache cannot con t nue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you wiil advise others. Finisin is unrivalled for face-ache
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    • 112 2 “Straits Echo” BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MINERAL WATER MANUFACTURERS. GRAHAM NICHOLSON, Office, UsLf Beach Street 1149c PENANG. SELECT BOARDING HOUSES. THE PRIORY, 38, Northam Road, Boarding House situated at the seaside. I within easy distance of Town. Terms Moderate. By Day or Mon th Mrs. W. RODYK. |152c LIVERY BAIT STABLES. ARCHIE
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  • Shipping.
    • 106 3 Silema. Ger 5.8., 3,310, Stabile. lllhOct., Kobe, 14th Sept.. Gen. f -S. K. Co. Kan kk, Ur. s.s., 3,634, Pullen, 11th Oet., Java, Sugar.—A. S. N. Co Delta, Ur. ss. 4,779. Daniel, 11 th Ocl., Bouibav, 2nd Oct., Geu l*. D Lightning, Ur. s.s., 2,122, Spence, 10th Oct.. Hongkong.
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    • 55 3 1 1J H OCTOHB f. Van der Parra, for Doli, Uajau, Edie aud T. Seuiawe. Oinapere, for Tongkah, Kopali, Keuong, Victoria Point, Mergui and Tavoy. Avagyee, for Deli. Petrel, for Paugkalau Uraudau. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Alison. Fitzpatrick, for Kaugoon. Flying Fivlt, for Port Weld and 'l’aipiLg. Sileeia,
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  • 39 3 1 csseis From Agent* Hue Oceana Sin pure 13t h Oe). Deuulder London S.B&Co. 13th Sumatra Sup/ A .G A Co. 161 h Beumolir Loudon S B AC'o. I9ib Deu of lvellv, Loudon S. fj iCo. •JOl h
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  • 32 3 I rxw.'s For j .-1 feutr Lenvea Oceau.i jcolombo A.G&CV 13tli Oct. Beualder S.B.&Co Bill Sumatra Singapore iA.G.&(Jo. Kitli lieumohr Singapore |S.I> 19th I >eu of Ive S BALV i iOth
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  • 89 3 F’or Port S wet toil liain and Malacca—Per Cornelia, to-morrow. 1 A saliau —Per Taw Tong, to morrow, I p.m lelulv Anson Per Laity Weld, te-inor'ow, 3 p in. Ceylou, Australasia, India, Aden. Mautiau 1 via Brindisi, for Kurope, etc.. Per Oceana. I3tli instant, 6 a tn.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1251 3 (SHIPPIN G.) M is. co. peeled Arrivals and Departures Mail Service. Outwards. Oct. 25 Malta 21 s.s. Ueu Homewards. Oct. connecting with s.s. Himalaya 7 8.8. />< vanlta do 8.8. Moldavia 21 8.8. Delhi do s.s. Victoria ];> s.s. Oceana goes direct Home. 07 sB Delhi connecting with s.s. Monyolia
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    • 192 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co Ltd. INIHI JA'A I.INI; The Company u aiutams ,i class service of steamers carrying ls»th passenger* and cargo direct Iron» Calcutta aud (o (lie follow mg polls iii Java Batavia I ’asocroeau Satnaraug IVLalougaii Soerabaya Clieribou Baujoewangi The Oompauv's Steamers also give direct shipment to
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  • 102 4 JnM ice satisfies everybody and justice aloue.-Jsmer v Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) at tb CRITERION PRESS, Llil., I No. 226—232, Roach Street, Penang PRICE: DAILY LOCAL Ul err OUTBTATIONB PWI*K« MAIL KDITION (Poet Free) 515 CAULK AUDHKSS; Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. IBH A.
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  • 1431 4 Mks. Noel Walker, the Honorary Se- j ere hi ry of the Kinta Flower and Plant j Show, to be held on Saturday and Sunday. 27th and 28th October, at Ipoli. j writes to us as follows 1 have read with much iuteie>t the articles in your
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  • 76 4 Mk. Foo Clioo Choou, our local tiu king, accompanied by Mr. Slium Hiu Chun, bis secretary and translator, left for Singapore en mute for China to-day, by the P. O. mail Delta. There were a large number of his friends, over a bundle], to see him off,
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  • 192 4 Accused Discharged The adjourned case against Clioo Bjod Eng. charged with hous°breakiu was resumed before a Bench Court consisting of Messrs. Howard and Hereford this morning. The premises alleged to have been broken into had, since last sittiug, beeu inspected by the Court and Mr. Boss, who defended
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  • 553 4 The Captain of the s.s. Lian Choo apjieared l>efore Mr. J. E. Nathan yesterday afternoon to answer a charge of abetting three Hindu immigrants iu committing the offence of attempting to leave the Settlement of Penang for Kedah, to which couutrv immigration is uot authorised.” The defendant, who claimed
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  • 1061 4 Tci.stoy’s Sevastopol,” perhaps the tiuest psychological study of war that lias been written, inasmuch as the centre of gravity is shifted from the inerG externalities of w,n and the iute>est ceutied ou the mental state of the charac’er described, gives its a curious iusight into what the meu who
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 423 4 NOTICE \N anvJ after this date, all small advertisements intended for UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG *****, 25th July 1905 Managing Direc'or Messrs. Ttk Thye Cathiravaloo, WHOLESALE AGENTS, 34, Bench Street. TO LET Comfortable Compound House (Bungalow), 18, Barrack
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    • 54 4 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Cures Colds. This reinedvacfs ou nature's plan, aliays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opeus the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition It is famous for its cures over a large p.ut of the civilised world. Foi -dn hy all
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    • 87 4 Mistaken Diagnosis There are niauv people who have pains in the back an<l imagine that their kidneys are affected, while their only trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, which can be cured bv a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, or by dampening a piece of Hiunel with the Pain
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    • 193 5 The Fisheries Dispute (Supplied by /tenter.) Loudon, 10th October*.—The agitation over the Newfoundl u<l fisheries question is growing. The clergy of all creeds are urgiug the Government to take vigorous actiou with the object of nullifying the modus vieendi. Two Colonial cruisers have been ordered to the Bay of
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    • 82 5 bngland Isolated at Conference (Supplied by lie tiler.) Loudon. 11th October. the Berlin correspondent of the Daily Mud says that Knglaud was practically isolate 1 at the International Conference on Wireless Te'egrapliy, Italy being the only Power to support Great Britain’s opposition to the G« proposal that the
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    • 44 5 An Amnesty Granted (Supplied by Ueuter.) Loudon, 11th October.—Mr. Taft, the United States Secretary for War, has grant- ed an amnesty to all persons for dimes in connection with the Cuban revolution. This is expected to facilitate Mr. Magoou's work of conciliation. j
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    • 45 5 An Anti-British Notice (Supplied by lie tiler.) London, 1 Ith (‘ctober. —The Prefect of Moscow has intimated that he cauuot permit, a public reception of a British deputation which proposes to pay honour to the ex-Duiuaists, who are accused of crimes against the State.
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    • 40 5 Sleeping Sickness Cured. (Sujijdied by Reuter.) London, lltli October.—lt is auuouuced in Brussels tint a Missionary lias beeu cured of sle-pmg sickness at Leopoidsviile hv a Ire it meut of quinine and atouyl, combined with warm and cold showerbaths.
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    • 41 5 Tenders Called For. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, lltli October. —Invitations for the completion of the Panama Canal have been issued. Bids am not limited to Americans, but all bidders must have a capital of at least five million dollars.
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    • 38 5 More Executions. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 11th October.—Three natives, who were found guilty of murdering members of the Nital Police during February last, have beeu executed at Pietermaritzburg. Ihe Governor id Natal refused to commute tlie sentences.
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    • 51 5 The Cesarewitch. (Supplied by Reuter Loudou 11th October. —The nsult of the Cesarewitch is a<* follows: Miutagou 1 Ribiaui 2 Royal Dream 3 Later.—The lietling at the start of the Cesarewitch was G to 1 again <1 Mintagm, l ,N to 15 ngaiust Bibian* aid PH) (> G against
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    • 35 5 I he Spinners’ Conference. {Snyjdied by Reuter.) London, 11th October.—The private Commission appointed bv the Latc.shire Cottonspinners has reported in favour of .acquiring laud for the growing < f cotton in the American cotton l>el'.
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    • 32 5 The Dreadnought". Another Success. {Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, I0tl> October.—-The eight hour full speed trials ol the Dreadnought have proved most satisfactory, for she developed a speed of 22] knots without vibration.
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    • 27 5 Grand Duke to visit India. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, lltli Octiber. —The Grand Duke Eruest Louis, Landgraf of Hesse, sails for ludu ou the l'.Hli instant.
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  • 2645 5 Finest Cruiser and two Liners Launched. Dr. Jameson at Colonial Office. Lady Gwendolen Cecil’s Libel Action. CLERGYMANS WIFE SENTENCED. America in' Ccbv. (From Our Own Corrc<voudent.) Londou, September 21st -Yesterday wisl a memorable date in the liist >ry of shipbuilding. At Wallseud-on Tyne, the uew i Cunanl
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  • 59 5 To-dav. 2 Lli D.iv of Btb Mo«»n. Football Match: Y. M. C. A. l>. N. I-. Town Band, Chinese Rccreatiou Club, 5 to 7 p.m. Penang Cricket Clut> Meeting, G p.m. To-mok row 25tii D.iv of Btb Moon. Town Band. Esplanade, G to 7 p in. Comedy Indian
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  • 18 5 China (Occam) 13 h Oct. Chiui Qneise au) lGtli German Room) 17th English (Mi ta) 25th
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  • 42 5 P. O. SAILINGS. ff.«i Srvkt. >ll l I' AV. Il- 11 rtl K\\a OM Malta V lJet. i 0< eto i V > .Vi Deranlot < j Delhi ,77 xlr OUTWAKIJS. IIoXIKW i:os Snmotr>i W Oct. I Socotra Oct. Forinoox 23 Manila -7 Nov
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  • 34 5 New Moon Oct, Its li 5 12..7 a m First Quarter 2f'h Sl9 8 i*»i. O Full Moon Nov. Ist II 15. X a m f (~i»t Ooailot t< 9th 44L9 i*.at.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolates, Bonbons, l.HjSHort Fondant, At R*iisonahl* Priest.
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    • 760 5 MASSEY-H ARRIS BICYCLES. “The World’s Best Bicycles.” PERFECTION in Cycles is represeuled 111 :i High Grade MASSEY"HARRIS» fitted with TYKES. If. will outlast a number of any other make aud give complete satisfaction all the time. 7 hey run easy and keep rur.nit g easy.” Full allowance on old machines
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 57 5 WEATHER. Thk following report is kiu<liv supplied lo the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis Th. Wt. Wil 5 V prrfnuj Kill.* X.W. r o a r 79 Fair K. The rainfall during Hie -4 at 9 a in to <lav v. ,»e 0 4~> iucli nooi». I <
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  • 108 6 Under its new proprietorship the Sj/eake will remain a staunch expoueut of Liberalism, but au endeavour will be made to give greater variety to its contents, and to popularise it in certain respects. The new proprietors are understood to include Mr. K. C. Lehmann, m.p., who for a
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  • 108 6 The next Olympian Games are to be held in Loudon! The Olympia councils in Europe have practically come to that decision, the ap proximate date for the international contests being July, 1908. It is stated that the idea of holding the games in England originated from a
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  • 173 6 New York Agitated Over an Exhibit. A great sensation has beon caused at New York by the public exhibition of an African pigmy in the monkey cige in the /.oloogical gardeus in Bronx Park The pigmy is drested in his native costume, and is placed iu
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  • 298 6 Nkw Yni k Man Finds a Use For Insect?. A ykak ago a New York resident, Mr. W. A. Weodtlurv, gained notoriety bv offering a 4:200 prize for a married man who would say lie was contented with his I*o. *Thatpriit'* is still to be won, but
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  • 117 6 Penang, 11th October. (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank ...2/4 T a months’ sight Bank .«.2/4* 3 Credit 2/m 3 Documentary .2/4;, Calcutta, Demand Bank lies. 1 7- 3 days’ sight Private 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 173$ Mouimein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight. Private 175
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  • 182 6 lold leaf > (35 20 B. Pepper(\V.C«*a<i allM*.- s 519.1 re lers White Pepper '27. —rales [Yang Pepper 21.00 nominal Cloven (picked) tin stock Ylaee $7O —rales \lace Pickings 68. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 31. —sellers f No. 1 5 20 ppl Siigo < 2 no stock Itaskfl* $2.90
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  • 874 6 190* 1004 1003 1004 1004 1808 1003 1005 1004 1904 1898 1901 1800 Capital. Number of Shares issued. Issue Value, rn Last Dividend. Name. 1003 1000 soo.roo 175,000 X 1901 1003 1901 1005 1901 1890 j X low 1905 1904 X 000.000 400.000 100,000 30.000 120,000 Co,< 00 100,000
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 206 6 Anhcuser-Busch's Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert Iv Btiasuey, manager Au-beuser-liusch ihewiu:; Association, (Jape 1°""« Alliea, sa\ Jturing my trip in the 1 tansvaal 1 contracted a severe cold, aud am pleaded t<> state that in Chainl'erlain s Cough llemcdv I found prompt relief au«l after eontiiiuing it
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    • 97 6 BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND'Andrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG. 0 illfl •Unu wai r 4 m im X. X X 5 ..*'3 m O r„ J J» ti Lu < GK m CO a i i-it i-. SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co.,
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    • 475 6 MACKAY’S THE CELEBRATED LIQUEUR WHISKY. “S. B. Co.” GIN Giesiets 9 Champagne, IN RED CASES., Huttery Cy GOOD HEALTH preserved l>y drinking FOR IT IS PURE AMD UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A BFFHfSMFR Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. Ask for it
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  • 904 7 Sik Jami s Crichton-Brjwnk’B War mho. Sanitary Inspectors’ Assoc aliou l»el«J (.heir annual congress recently iu the Grand Theatre, Blackpool. The Mat or (Councillor YV. H. Broad head), after welcoming the delegates, introduced Sir Janies UriehlonBrowne, who deiiveied his pi esideuth» l ad- dress. The president said that
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 998 7 P. IVloir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. SaniWands. Huitery A Co. John Bazley White Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Huitery <& Co., HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLUE GUM. WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS. Large Stock Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO., LTD. NOTICE. AGENTS. PENANG A F. M. S. RUBEROID ROOFING. All sizes of
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    • 81 7 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles am] may be cured by apply tug Chamber laiu’s Fain lia'in two or three times a day ami rubbing ti e parts vigorously at. each application. If tins does not afford relief, bin i a piece of flannel
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1292 8 YOON SUN, VOTICB. WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer iu Gold and Silver Watches. Grapbopbones, Records, Pius, Ac., Ac. Prices Very ModerateRepairer of any description of Musical mstrunieuts and Grapliophoues. Ac., Ac. No. !tit. Market Street. 78c \J IEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, j Selangor, and Sumatra. JUST ARRIVED. Photos enlarged, various sizes
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