Straits Echo, 10 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1110 1 ASAH 1 BEER tiang lee CO., SOLE AGENTS. ASAHI BEER BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED by royal CHARTER. Paid-up-Capital Reserve Fund— J 10.000,000 Capital Paid-up Reserve Knud IJflwrve Liability! of Proprietors Jt800,000 X975.000 £800,000 Head Office: 11aTT<)N COU1 IT, TilRKAJ>NFELLE STREET, LONDON.
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    • 16 1 SOLE A OEM S. GUINNESS’S STOUT. ss 2ft X •a <o s* V 2 tnv s.ssvg.
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  • 284 2 Months cn Antarctic Island?. Ln the edge of Antarctica, and almost due south of Bom ha y, lies the desolate and nuinhabited island of Kerguelen, where sea elephants disport themselves and adventurous whalers come m quest of blubber. In a lew days a joung taxidermist, who is
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  • 701 2 Some Punjab Incidents. The following interesting particulars of the thefts of arms in the Punjab during 1905-0 G are taken from the Punjab Police Report:—The following losses of aims occurred during.the year —l4 Lee-Metford, t> Lee-Eu field, 7 Martini Met ford, 3 Martini Henry, aud 2 Snider
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 8 2 P. ttlolr Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. ZiaintiUmds. Huttcry Co
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    • 2687 2 FOR SALE HEUHALaiA CURRD. FACE-ACHE CURED. PAIN REMOVED WITH FINISH*, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. F1NISIN UN I Si N Graham s FINISIN Neura 'gia C u re. FiNISIN This stops pain ami makes you well. Don’t hesitate, try it. You will be sony it’ you Won’t. There is nothin»' so good
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  • Shipping.
    • 41 3 Pbtkki,, Hr. s.s., 124. Edwards, Hruudan, Htli Oct, Cfcu.. K G Co. Cant -n, Hr. 105, Mfrirau, 10th Teluk Anson. IHli Oil-. Gen., All llin}'. Soco ka, Hr. s.s 3,800, Huk**y. iOtli Ocl., Singapore, Btli Oo‘.. let I* &O.
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    • 36 3 10 II OcTOIIK'f. Si'etin, for Calcutta. Langkat, for Teltik Anson. So fond, for itangoou. Uv P( »7. for Perl is and Selul. So-otra, for Colombo aud Tiiliconu. Fly ng Dragon, for Port Weld aud Taipiug,
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  • 25 3 1 enneie i rum /!</*«/> Due A. A pea r Calcutta A.A.Co. 111li Oct. l>t*n;ilder koixlon S. 1» V. lath Beuiuolir (joihIoii S 1» AiCo
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  • 30 3 1 t itself for 1 jent* Leave» A. Apeu Beualder Bemnolir Singapore A A.A Co. Singapore jS.B.&CV Singapore S. B.A f, o 11 tli Oct. 1 Ml 19th -T-
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  • 102 3 For Singapore. China ami Japan Per Della, to-morrow, 8 Deli, llajau, Edie and T. Symawe—Per Van der Parra, to-morrow, 11 a in Tougkili, Kopali, llenong. Victoria Point, Mergui aud Tavov Per Omaj>ere, tomorrow. 1 p.m. Deli Per Acagyee, t. -morrow. 1 p.m. Paugkalau Hraudan— Per Petrel, tomorrow,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1216 3 (S HIPPING.) f Mr JK IS. N. Co. Effected Arrivals andl Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. Oct. lOs.s. Delta connecting with 8 8 Mooltilll 25 x.s. Malta do *.x. Himalaya Nov- 7 s.s. Devon lot do s.s. Moldavia 21 s.s. Delhi do s.s Victoiia Homewards. OH. l:; s.s .Oceana goes direct
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    • 246 3 Koninkiijke Pukdvairt Maatschappij. ss VAN DKIi PARRA” alnive Kt'iiiiiHr will lay up here for L boiler c'eaning ou 1 5t li i »1, but will lemme her usuil ilia to De’i. B.jip, Ivli and Telok Selnawe on 25tli ilist. iii itenbacii, i.ikbert a r„, A i nti*. ‘•-lo m; i;.;o
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  • 103 4 Jus! ice everybody and justice aloue -JKmcr o' Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.» AT THB CRITERION PRESS, 1.M., No. 226—232, Beach Street. Penang. PRICE DAILY LOCAL »21 P** r *nnu OUTSTATIONS Postage Kxira. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free» $l5 CARLE ADDRESS; Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 18S.
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  • 29 4 Bikth. Lint Ckenjr Law. —At 40 Love Lane. this morning', the beloved wife of Mr. Lint Cheng Law (only «laughter of Towkav Kltoo Biau of a sou.
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  • 1058 4 A correspondent points out t<> ns that he frequently notices hawkers’ j baskets being' conveyed from the enri- j ous police the Police Court< j and later on finds from bi> newspaper 1 that a number of hawkers have been arrested for obstruction and have
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  • 523 4 Meeting at Chinese Town Ham. lu respouse to notices issued by Messrs. Foo Hi-o Clioon and Lim Ewe 'J'oli, a meet ini; of 1 lie Chiuese community was held yesterday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, at the Chinese Town Hall, when the folowiug, among others, we e
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  • 196 4 P. R C is C. R. C. As anticipated, the Chinese Recreation Club bad a tralk-over from the Penang Recreation Club yesterday afteruoou, the latter lieiug unable to raise a team. The P. R. C. have completed their round of League matches, aud out of fourteen they have
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  • 845 4 An Assize Case. Bkfobe Mr. E C. C. Howard at the First Court xeste-day afternoon Tan Choo Hong, a Cliiuese broker, was brought up on thre- charge*, which, at I lie .request of Mr. I a. R. Adams win appeared for the prosecution,. were heird separately.
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  • 870 4 In Appellate Jurisdiction {Before Mr. Justice Thornton.) Appeal ebon Bkpas. 'J'his was a cise iu which a Malay Mohatued Arshad, a native of v uujei J;, t fn Bruas. Bindings, was charged before M r Valentine Hill, District. Officer of that Island in June last, with assaultiug a
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 435 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. OTICE is heieby given that revised lists of persons entitled to vote Municipal elections, and of persons qualified to l>e elected as Commissioners, have Leeu forwarded for publication iu tlie Goverumeut Gazette. These lists are now open to public inspection daily at the Municipal Office, between tire hours
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    • 63 4 Anheiiser-Busch's Manager Cured of a Heavy ColdAir. Albert E. Stiasuev, manager An-lieuser-Busch Brewimr Association, bap** Town, Africi, says During inv trip 1,1 ie Transvaal I contrac'ed a severe cold, and a» 1 pleased to state that in Chuiul*erlan s Oust* 1 Remedy I found prompt relief and after comiihi iny
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    • 47 5 The Hogan Case Hr It 6 Sjtecial.) Singapoie, lOtli October.—The evidence tor tlie prosecution in the Hogan «•;ise has closed. On Saturday Mr. Robertson will give evidence on hi* own behalf. It is expected here that both accused will be committed for trial at the Assizes.
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    • 240 5 Reign of Terror Spreading. (Supplied by Keuter London, 9th October. —The entinued activity of the St. Petersburg police is resulting almost daily m discoveries of bombs and dynamite. Five bombs aud ten pounds i*|' dynamite have been found in the possession of a girl student. The President of the
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    • 49 5 Strike Expected to Collapse (iS'm pplied by Keuter.) London, oth October. —The Clyde slop builders have ordered American pneumatic riveters, w ich can l»e h imPed by unskilled labour and will do the work of three men. It is believed that the Civile strike will soon end.
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    • 39 5 The Panama Canal. (Supplied by lteuter Loudon, 9th October.—lt is reported from Washington that it has Iteen finally decided that the Panama Canal will l»e completed by contract. This will uot affect the employment of Chiuese labour.
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    • 21 5 Mr. Evans Returned (Sap plictl by Kĕuter.) London, 9th October —Mr. Evans has lieen returned unopposel for Mid Glamorgan.
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    • 25 5 The Norc Command (Supplied by Keuter Loudon, 9th Octobei. —Admiral Sir Gerard Noel, k. c. b has been appointed to the Nore Command.
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    • 371 5 (Supplied Inf lie liter.) London, 10th October. —The latest betting on theCesarewitch is as follows 11 to 2 ngst.. Feather Bed 8 1 Miutagon 10 1 Noctiform I'* 1 Mauaton and Bihiani Id 1 Spate and Koval Dream. London, loth October. —The German Foreign Minister is about to
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  • 644 5 Thk s s. Kitai ”Sakk Tut Russian steamer Kit ii w;s eiglu days overdue and grave fears were enter;ailied as to her safety. She left Hongkong on Sept. 24tli, and should have got iu t<i Singapore by the end «f last month. The local Agents of the vessel,
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    • 105 5 T<« nu: i.ciioi: or thk Straits Bi 110. Dear Sir, —If not too much tr idde and as it is not eveiv one who kuow* vdiat the “water spouts” are which are sceu at sea, like those mentioned as seen by the I passengers of the Perak, perhaps
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  • 106 5 To mu Kimtok u* nit. sievtis Echo. Dear Sir, —Would you l*e kind euough to inform me through the medium of your paper why it is that all sell ols iu British India aud the Straits S ttlemeuts close ou Sit unlays ami Sundays, with the exception of the
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  • 185 5 To lufi Enii.»K or run Steaits Biiio. IMR Sir. Having seen in your issue of August 25th, a list of subscribers to the Amoy Girls’ High School, will you be so good as to spare me a little space in vour columns to ex press 111
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  • 127 5 We learn that the s>. Zaida, is to le hrokeu up at Bombay. She was launched about 23 <>r 24 veils ago, aud was formerly one of the “clippers” on the New Z j alfinl aud Auslmli n run. She is still a beautiful model of the
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  • 292 5 The i*lea is prevalent, sivs the Corui-h P<»t, that tiu ore is in Bolivia mily time will prove or «lisp ove the. coriect ress of that ide\ lu m tnv up t«> the present such is in>t true. Be that as it may, if there is uo
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  • 312 5 In p»e*euce of the importance which th--»! disease of leprosy still has in certain pai ls I nf the British dominions, as shown bv the! striking letters uhlicsed to The Timex J some months ago by Dr Jonathan llutchiu-j son, a statement l>y Dr Dasprez, iu
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  • 55 5 Per Perak, for Port. Svvetteuham Mr. an 1 Mrs J. Rdieitsou, i?o«>u Si Thing, Loke Chow Tiiye, Yew I,eng. Law Boou Kim. For Singapore Messrs. Teo Yee Sw«e, Kee Tek K wee, M. A. Blass, Bagulev. Miss Burke, Master Burke, Miss Chill. Mrs. Burke, Mr. aud Mrs. Khoo K'iii
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  • 56 5 To-uay. 23id Day ol Bth Moon. r«*wn Band, Esplauade, to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian Riloc Co. Bispoe Rulja,” King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 21 h Dav ol Bth Moon. Football* Match: Y. M. C. A. tv. N. L. Town Baud, Chiuese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p.n».
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  • 9 5 English De'ta) licit Oct China Oceana 13'It
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  • 39 5 Mail Se«viec. Orrwotiis. llomkwaroh Delta II Oet j Oceana Hi Oct. Malta 25 Delhi 27 iiia Net v ice. O|«TW*KI»S. l|l.MKVV*«|»v Santa!r\ Id th f j Sorttlra 11 Oct. Forint) a Hi I Mani'a 5’ Nov.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam OliocolntoH, Boubou**, Povlunt, /,i
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    • 53 5 Chamberlain’s Cou.h Remedy Cures Cold-. This rented wets on nature’» plan, allays the cough, relieve» the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. It is famous for Its cures over a laile |>:«• t the eivih/ed weiM I'Vm sale I»y
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    • 88 5 Mistaken Diagnosis. r i heie are many people who have pains in the hark aud imagiue that their kidneys are affect*<l. while their oulv trouble is rheumatism of the muscles, which can be cured by a few applications of Chamberiaiu’s Pain Balm, or by dampening a piece of flannel with
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    • 130 5 Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain’» Pain lU'in two or three times a day and rubbing ti e parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief, bin 1 a piece of ilaunel aluhtiy dampened
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    • 1212 5 MASSEY-HARRIS BICYCLES. “The Worlds Beat Bicycles.” PERFECTION iu Cycles is represented iu a High Grade MASSEY-HARRIS, fitted with PALMER TYRES It will outlast a number of miv ofher uwke and give complete satisfaction all the time. 7 hey run easy and keep running easy.” Full allowance ou old machines in
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 49 5 WEATHER. Thk follow ii_'rop'*n isi k• ti«l Iv**. lln flip Signal I>irwtor o; Foil Cornwallis •> *.n«. noon. > WW.Ul rr>. 5 p.n PI s;j It aia WM. X.W. K. '|'l»e rainfall ilrrmo 11»«> l it 0 a in Io -l:iV inrli. RS* I in? X W. linin'-
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  • 820 6 Mortality from Wild Animals ai*d Snakks. Simla, 28th Sept» in her. The usual statistics relating to ti e desImotion of wild animal# and snakes iu 1905 are published iu the Gazette of Mia. 2,054 human beings, against 2 157 in the pievious year, are reported to have beeu kil.ed
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  • 115 6 Fbnano, 10th Octoubk. By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4'£ 3 Credit 2/m 3 Docuineutary ...2/4j,“ Calcutta, Demand Bank Ls 173 j 3 days’ sight Prwate 175 Bombay, Demand Bank 173 i Moulmein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private 175
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  • 183 6 Gold leaf 5 < 5 20 B.Pepper(\V.C<*a»i all»*.- 5 $19i te for* VVliite Pepper 27.— ta'es Traui' Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked) wo stock \I ;lce S76 —tales Mace Pickim;* 68. —sales Nutmegs 11 Os 31. —tellers No. 1 5 20 ppl Sugar < 2 no stock Basket $2.90
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  • 921 6 x s si r 1903 1900 1901 1903 1901 1905 1901 1899 j 1900 1905 I 11*04 1900 J j 1904 1905 1892 I 1905 1898 1901* 1899 1902 1905 1905 1904 1905 1905 1903 1906 1904 1905 1905 Capital. i 300/ 00 8 175,000 0*50.000 X 400.000 100
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 92 6 BORDEN’S PEERLESS BRAND Andrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Parity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENA NO SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERV Coagents FOB PEN ANO F M. .S 4 V' > C/) A X Vt O -J ■-e.' UJ ■I tv& < gN Hi 0° ■O Bo»*®' o
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    • 720 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. G/es/ers 9 C hampagn e, THE CELEBRATED M S. B. Co,” GIN IN RED CASES. SnmtHnnels, Buttery c. GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking ASAHI BEER, FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE US A REFRESHER. Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or
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  • 269 7 I NCRKASING STRINGENCY. S.ML.A, September 25th. In the course of a circular letter to the Local Governments and Administrations, Mr. G. H. Bell. C. S., Uuder-Secretary, Home Office, writes under date 11th September I am directed to forward for informat ion a copy of notification No. 2165,
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  • 768 7 Ko.mance of Ancient Relic-'. Simla, September 25th. Mr. Marshall, Hi lector General of Archie dogy, lias given an admirable account of the work done by his department, the full details of which are not available. The gieater part of them belong to the exteu ive s hemes of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1272 8 yOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER NOTICE. Dealer iu Gold and Silver Watches, Graphophoues, Records, Pius, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate, kepairer of auv description of Musical instruments and Graphopliones, Ac Ac. No. 21, Market Street. "He Lim Sun Ho, CHOP KKNO MOH Sc Co., 164, Beach Street, Penang. VIEWS of Penang,
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