Straits Echo, 5 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1069 1 SOLH \an XT. ASAHI BEER H33Q IHVSV TIANQ LtE St CO JB A K K S Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Bankings Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Capital Paid’up Reserve Fund Reserve Liability.of Proprietors X800.000 .£975,000 Paid-up-Capital Rkhekvk Fund— Sterling Reserve 10,000,00u Mo.000.000 I owning ueserve
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    • 25 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. (AixG LEE A Co a o. 36 0 Sr o n 2 m to <2 <2 <T SOLE A a EATS. BASS’S ALK
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  • 1901 2 Hill's Fikst-Shork Jon Md. A. J. Dawson writes —The evening was full of still August lieat, ami the promise of thunder. My frieud the uighlwatchman had forsaken his customary stronghold, the galley, ami received me, with meditative affability, upon the locale head. He seemed effected by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2252 2 FINISIN FiNISIN FINISIN NEURALGIA NEURALGIA cured. NEURALGIA FINISIN Urnluim's Neuralgia Cure. The most distressing pain is relieved with this remedy, and often so quickly, as to be remarkable. After oU years’ experience, we unhesitatingly say you will derive the greatest benefit from its use. We believe it to be unequalled
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  • Shipping.
    • 113 3 Taw 'Tung, Hr s s., 105, Hassau. 4-’li Sept., As Jiao, 3rd Sept, Gen., —K Cl Co. Avagyeb, l»r. s k., 217, Pallet, sth Sept., Deli, 4th Sept Gen K. G. Co. La no k at. I3r. s.r.. 140. "Nielsen, s*li Sept.. Teluk Ans >n, PL Sept., Geu, K.
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    • 54 3 5.H OCTUBBK. Ca for Deli. Cornelia, for Port Swelteuliani and Malacca. Taw Tony, lor Traug aud Pauo Nga. Tony Clou/ Un, for 13atu 13alira aud Asalian. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson. liharata, for Uaugoou aud Calcutta takiuo mails for Europe, etc via 13oi.Lav. FL/ny Dragon, for Port YVeld aud
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  • 44 3 I ‘‘HHpl* i /■<•#»» A ;/*■*</» />«« K itai Silica pure jB.M.&Co. 7~ '.Hi <jjt. Sii ljti uia Hamburg B.M AOo. 8 1. A. A pear Calcutta A. A.(Jo. 1 I'll IJenaMer r .OU«loll S. II At Jo. loti. Beuinohr boiuluii S. B A Co j19tli
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  • 37 3 I enxeh For A l,raven 1 Kitai i Odessa i li.M.A/,V. "»tli Oct. Sit lioiiiit 'Siiiga pose ACo. 8di A. A pear piugapore A A A C'o. Iltli I’enaMer Siiiya |H»ie S.B.ACo jldli JVmnolir :SiuoKj ore
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  • 82 3 1(1» Calcutta lei Foot; San', to morrow 11 a.m. Deli Per Acagyee, to-morrow, 1 p.m. PaUukalan Uraiidan Per tomorrow, 1 p.m. Merjiui, T.ivov and Moulmeiu Per Am a. to-yiorrow. 1 p.m. leiuk A usou Per Langkat, to morrow, 2 p.m. Port Svveltenliam. K uala l.uni} ur aud Singapore—Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1279 3 (SHIPPIN G.) P. 0. t n 8. N. Co. Drpected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. (_>H. I" s.s. Delta 25 ».8. Malta connecting with s Mooltau do 8.«. Himalaya y, ov 7 8.8. Devon ha do s.s. Moldavia 21 8. Delhi do B.s Victoria Homewards. Orb |;j Oceana goes
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    • 191 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIG VftON Co, Ltd. INI)0-JAVA LINE A S. N. Co.’s Flkkt. viii l of gleaners carrying both passengers aud cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon to the following ports in Java.: liatavia Pasoeroean Samara uo I Vk« lonian Soerahaya CheriUm llaiijoewaugi The Company’s Steamers also give direct shipment
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 46 3 WEATHER. Thk foJlowiug report is kiwllv xup|»lh*.lhv the Signal Director of Fort t’onrualli' a p.ii. Vri'O'MIiO Th. tV Wr. Fina T'd. tf.X.W. a.m. I< “S* Clanriy: fcu£ry r*„ iJ F.L. >• W. TUo the -4 hour. 1*11 V i at 9 a.m todav «a« G’6* iocii.
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  • 103 4 Justice -tatipfles every body and justice alone.- Krr..i <>• Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TH CRITERION PRESS, 1.1*1., No 226 —232, Beach St reel, Penan.» PRICE: DAILY LOCAL P«*f OUTSTATIONS Portage Kx:ia. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free! fli CABLE ADDRESS. Echo— Penang.*’ Telephone No.
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  • 757 4 Only the other day we were all congratulating ourselves on the fact that our locally owned ships had escaped the disastrous typhoon of 18th September which swept Hongkong, But now we have to deplore the lors of the steamer t 'harttrltoiw, owin-d in Singaj pore, with
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  • 99 4 September Monthly Medal. Mr. A. F. Goodrich 4l-r42=3G —12 —74 G. Mugliston 37+ 41-—78 S.*i =78 A. H. Ferguson 45 39=84 4 80 F. J. Pigott 45 53=98 15 =83 F. M Key worth 48 47=9-5 10 -85 Mr. Goodr ch wius sweep, 42 0=3 Mr. Ferguson
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  • 754 4 St. Xavier's Institution vs. Penang Free Schcol Thekc. was a wild sceue of enthusiasm on tlie Esplauade yesterday afternoon when the above teams met to p!uv off tlieir League fixture. It will lie reniemlered that in the •last match between the two schools the Saints won by three
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  • 1270 4 (Front Our Own Correspondent.) Wednesday, October 3rd, 11K1G During the week we have heard two fur- ther chapters of tint imiiu celebre the Hogan Case, aud Mr. George Smellie, one of 1 the ex secretaries ol the Compauv, has made some decide«lly grave statements io the witness box
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  • 771 4 Choo Boon Eng, a Chinese baba, was charged before a Bench Court yesterday ■> with breaking into the premises < f Tau Eng 1 Chin, of Ceylon Lane. It appears from the prosecutiou that the defeudact was once a lodger in the house of the complainant. On the moruiug
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 420 4 UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenliam and Singapore. Messrs. Tek Thye Cathiravaloo, WHOLESALE AGENTS, 34. Beach Street. Retail from Penang Commercial Company, CD, Beach Street, and Heap Lee and Company, Go, Beach Street. ALSO ON SSALB At all Respectable Hotels. Specialities Liptou’s Special
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    • 58 4 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cures Colds* This remedy acts on nature’s plan, "I il vs the coupb, relieves the lungs, aids exprctnrat ion, opeus the secret ions, and aids nature in rostering the system to a healthy condition. It is fatuous for its cures over a large part of th« civilised
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    • 104 5 LOSS Oi' A LOCAL STKAMKIL Huge Death Noll. (Echo Special.) Singapore, -~»th October.—Tlie steamer i ImrterhousCf owned by Messrs. Wee Hin A Co., bouml from Singapore for Hongkon g, foundered in Hainan Straits on Saturday during a typhoon. Captain Clifton, Mr. Far(juharson, chief officer, Mr. Gregor, second officer, Mr.
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    • 172 5 The Labour Par y. (Snpjdied by lleuler I, indi>ll. F.h October.—'i'be conference of Unlwaymeu at Cardiff lias rejected a rcsolu turn for the withdrawal of the Railway S iciety from the Kier Hardie paity. It is lielieved that the rejection of this resolution and the adoption of a resolution
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    • 111 5 More Lawlessness {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, jth October. —The prevalence of lawlessness in St. Petersburg is further evidenced by au atte.n t to waylay a Governiu'iit messenger carrying a large sum of inoicy near the Bourse. The police were ioiewa'ued and watched over the messenger. A regular pitched battle
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    • 87 5 The Indian Question. (Supp ied by Renter.) L u«]«)u 4*li October.—A deputation of I (Mils viui I Indians has stilted for Loudou to submit to Lnd Elgin their gr:evauces •Uidei the new Asiatic Ordinance and to 'leiulud to lie placol oil the same footing as Indians in Cape
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    • 82 5 A Bid for Home Rule. (Supplied hi/ Iteuler.) Ijoinlon, Ph Oct alter. The Ir'sli League <'invention, at present sittiug in Philadelphia, hag cabled to Mr. Joliu Redmond promising 1 eartv support aud announcing 1 *it upwards of #70,000 lias already been s **ut to sustaiu the Nationalist war chest.
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    • 42 5 The Zulu Rising. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4Mi Octolier.—A missiouarv who J*as Jiavelled through Ibe territory affected rising iu Natal dewcrilies the "ii as desolate, the bo«lie* of the ieb o ls '""g iiiilnirieil, fo<i.) lieing scarce aml tlie l"‘"pl«‘ starving.
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    • 30 5 General Fuiiston Arrives. (Stif/died by Renter.) Loudon, 4‘b October.—General Fuustou has arrived at Havana and has l>eeu formally appointed »o the command of the Army of occupation iu Cuba.
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    • 54 5 The D sablcd Isis 'Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, kli Oclolre-. —The cruiser Suffolk has left Malta to go to the assistance of the disabled liner /*i*. Londo jth < October.—Tlie I tie has left X mte with her mills and pa seiigeis for l ort Slid, wheie she is
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    • 32 5 Hurricanes and Rain Storms (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon. 4th October.—Furious hurricanes aud rainstorms have done immense damtge in the west and south of Great Britaiu and outdoor employment has beeu suspended.
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    • 56 5 Football. (Supplied by Heater.) L >u«]ou, 4*.h Ootul er. The South Africau Rugby footballers have beaten Kent bv iJl points to nil. Shooing. Lou.loi). otli October. '1 lie Seven! Ii New Yosk Militia have beaten lhe( t > ie?n’s West miusters by sixty paints in a nH match at
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  • 464 5 Lawy K 3 Discover that it is li.l-oal Chicago, Sept. Bfh. Mr. Timothy Healv, M. P., duriug an interview he e, declare 1 that he ccild not find words st ioug enough to express his approval of President Roosevelt's official advocacy of spelling reform. He pronounced it
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    • 77 5 To the Editor ov the Strath Eko I>r Sr, If u want yur papr 2 b red hi al; ivy «lotit n adopt the uu speliug It is grand and h wil liud it usful as it wil sav tqe. Dout tji lo spel or korekf yur koinpositms.
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  • 944 5 We Ii ive iruch pleasure, says the Times •<f Malaga, in extending a welcome to the Chinese Cousu'-Geueral for llie Straits Settlements, resident at Singapore, Mr. Suu Tze Ting, who anived on a visit to I poll on the 2nd iusf aud it is not
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  • 1197 5 Not so very long since, Frofessor Fen v had some hard tbiugs to tell us uh.uit the unsatisfactory state of our e lucatioual »vslein —or what passes for a system among us and lie might very well have gone <»n from I lie
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  • 218 5 Ljkctkn.w’t If. I>. Macgregor, I. M. S'., I contributes to the current number of the hi'l hii \h <inti Cazette an interestingaccount lof a case of cobra bite, t reated bv per* mniiganate auliveneue, aud a tight ligature retail cl for several hours. ll r covery lasted four days,
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  • 635 5 Four Cliiuameu appeared before M r Mead at iheTliames Police Court on 11th ult. were R*ate.l by tire interpreter to; hive u> religious belief whatever, and m! consequence could take no oath. Two of the Chinamen Ia I attacked a third, who brought a friend as a
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  • 65 5 To-uat lBlh Dav of Htb Moon. Municipal Commission Special Meeting, 3 3d p.m Town Band. Esplanade, G to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian lialoe Thealrcal Co. Khobiat Shalinal,” King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. To* MORROW. 19-h Dav of .Sth M<«or. i ’l’oyvn Baud. Golf Club, (j to 7 p.m j
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  • 10 5 Kuglish Ut'la Oof. Cliin;i (Ore-ma) 18 h
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  • 40 5 P. O. SAILINGS. M.ii' '•e'viit. Ot»TWA KlH>i,t|KWAR" v hc.'i't to o, i. I Ocaui i:: Oct. Malta :>:> i Delhi Ut I xir;i service. OltTH'ARUS l|o\|KW.t KIIK Sumatra 16 Qrl. I Sorolra 6 Ort. j Forma a 1V> I Maul'a Not).
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  • 34 5 1.. i-i t/uarioi Oct. lO’li 10 39 3 I'.u, •> Ww VI ••on 18 h 542. 7a m. First Quarter 24 h 849 8» pm. O f »iM Moon Nov. Ist 1145.8 a.m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 Hie French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Roa'l. Cliocollltef», Ronltnitp, Dessert FodJhu*, At fonabl* Pricft
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    • 88 5 Mistaken Diagnosis. Tlieie ill mauv peope who have pains in the haek and imagine that their kidneys are affect*<l, while tlieir only trouble is rheuma* I ism of the muscles, winch can be cured by a few applicitions of Chamberlain’s Cain Halm. *>r by dampening a piece of flanucl with
      88 words
    • 153 5 MASSEY-HA KRIS BICYCLES. The World’s Beat Bicycles.” PcRFECTIQN in Cycles is represented iu a High Grade MASSEY-HARRIS, titled With Palmer TYKES It will outlast a uuinber of any other make and give complete satisfaction all the time. They run easy ami keep runnirg easy.” Full allowance on old machines iu
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    • 132 5 Comfortable Compound House (Bungalow), 18, Barrack Road, entry November Ist, good situation, rent moderate. Apply to Mr. YOUNG, e’«> Katz Brothers 1-IU-OG GIG Dnit ritehiri 4 Co. JUST ARRIVED! NEW 6RAPHOPHONES! Type A. J. jGraplioph ne. Spring Motor, Haiidsont•» New Design Cabinet. Analyzing Reproducer, Black and Brass Bell, with 100
      132 words

  • 379 6 Prick to hr Raised to Fivepescb per Quart. The I ondou milk i'amiue becomes more serious daily. says a mail pap j r. For oue hundred nii'es round Loudou them is a >ue of withered grass, and in Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, Heits, Surrey aud Keut, ami neighbouring
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  • 117 6 Pknanq, 5th Octobkk. (Hi/ courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Hank ...2/4Vo 4 months’sifflit Bank 2/4* 3 Credit 2/4 \J. 3 Documentary ...2/4-JJ Calculi*. Demand Bank lcs 173* 3 days’ sigh? Prwute 175 B mibay. Demand Bank 173] Moulmein, Demand Bank 172 3 days’ sight Private 175 Moiras,
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  • 178 6 {old*leaf 05 20 B. Pepper( W.C-*a*i $l9? >e lers White Pepper ‘27.— sa'es Trauir Pep{>er 21.00 nominal Cloves (picked) no stock Mace 870 —safes Mace Pickings t-B. —sales Muim»*gs 110 s 31. —sellers r No. I 5 20 ppl 2 no stock Basko* $3 20 sale* I’anioca Flour
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  • 262 6 1904 181*8 1903 11*05 11*04 1904 100,000 X 30,000 100,000 100,000 X 50,033 I 00,000 1898 225,000 47.000 1805 „10.01*0,003 11*01 181*0 11*01 1891* 1903 1890 1887 2.400.000 1.000.000 S 1,000.000 in. 350,0 0 70,000 875,0 70,000 500,000 3.* *OO,OOO 850 20.300 1.000 8.800 0,1*20 35.000 50,010 4.500 188
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 104 6 BORDEN'S PEERLESS RRMBUndrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAK. L Absolute I»i*rlty U.V.U. W IUSKy. Guaranteed, SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENA NO. AGENTS FOE I'ENANO A F. M. .S > c n x o -j UJ < o r o n AM ■M: 1 i *Bh,i m n w.
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    • 770 6 MACKAY’S THE CELEBRATED LIQUEUR WHISKY. |“S. B. Go.'* GIN IN RED CASES. Gieslers’ Champagne. findilmuts, Buttery «5* Co. GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER l i ~I Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen
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  • 226 7 In a Government i>|»ort for the ye ar uu t he Made uf l lie consular disliicts ut Tainan (South Formosa) Mr. Con u! Wlihiimii stales that Jajjiiu monopoliz'd 80 per rent, of tl;e *otal trade, as against 78 per cen*. in 1904. the remaining percentage I eiug
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  • 818 7 Ca cui.vtion ok the Oke lii seuves. For some time p st an animated discussion has been proceeding on 1 lie question of the futuie supply of i.ou oie, and among business men generally pessimistic opinions have beeu expressed c*>nce r uiug tl.e comparatively sp>eedy exhaustion of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 888 7 P$ /Wo/i* Cranes’ CYLINDER OIL. Sandi/andßuttery cfr Co. DIYINIA PERFUME WROUCHT ,RON tubes and fittincs, John Bazley White Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandi/ands, Buttery Co.. AGENTS. PENANG F. M S. Jeyes’ Purifier, i»-. 7* Our Latest Creation. DIVINIA PERFUME combines the finest qualities by its delicacy and strength, which
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1280 8 YOON SUN, WATCIIMAKEK JEWELLER Dealer iu Gold and Silver Walclten, Graplioplioue», Records, I’ius, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of any description of Musical instruments and Orapliopbones, Ac., Ac No. 21, Market Street. 780 Lim Sun Ho, CHOP ritfc'NO MOH Sc Co., It 4, Peach Street, Penang. VOTICB. VTIEWS of
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