Straits Echo, 4 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1082 1 TIANG LEE CO, ASAHI BEER H339IHVSV SOLE AGENTS. BANKS Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. Capital Paid'up Roserve Fund Ibwerve Liability’of Proprietor»» Head Office: HATTON COURT, THKEADNHFPLK STREET, LONDON. jtBUO,UOO £9 75,000 jCBOO,<X)O Paid-up-Capital Sl‘,ooo Rksekvk Fund— Sterling Reserve I 0,000,0Uu
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    • 21 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. 7IANG LEE A Co rs <o S 3 o s id <2 Nd a ado: SOLE AGENTS. BASS’S ALE.
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  • 1232 2 (Continue 1 from yesterday's issu Yesterday’s Blow. At 2 a.m. yesterday, iust as we were going to press with yesterdays issue, the wind was blowing hard from the NorthEast across ’he harbour, aud the sea was lashed into fury. The force ot the wind increased, aud by tlnee o’clock
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  • 1267 2 Tuesday, 29th January. Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February, 1907. To be considered at a General Met ting to l e held on Wednesday, 31st October, 1900. Notice. —No amendments to this programme. will be considered unless due notice is given
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 63 2 Chamberlain’s Cou;h Remedy Cures Cold-*. Tin» tentedy acts «»u nature's plat-, ul si v&> ilih relieve* iln* aids cxpector at ion. opens t l»t* secretions, and aids nut me hi. restoring the system to a healthy condition. it is famous for its cures over a lurce pa l l of
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    • 550 2 FACE ACHE IS CURED WITH FINISIN, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: elficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-ache cannot continue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you will advise others. Finisin is unrivalled for face-ache and neuralgia.
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    • 131 2 TELEPHONE NO. 372. NOTICE TO MARINERS. T NOTICE!. The Penang Khean Gnan Insurance Coy Ltd. OTICE is hereby given that tlie Tvveuiyi. i first Anuual General Meeting of fiie revolving light at the e Lance to INiket or Totigkah harl>oiir is to la* removed owing to the Light. House requiring
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    • 1273 2 NOTICE VICTOR PETRUS, AN artist from Iudia begs to iuform the public of Penang that he will undertake to paint portraits iu oil or draw them iu crayon to any size required, from nature or from photographs. He begs to add that ho has had the distinguished patronage of li.
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  • Shipping.
    • 69 3 TkKSTA, I» S.S.. 3,i2 I »C?, 81l OcL, AJiid I as, 2otli Sept. Gyl’..— li L A Co. Lady Wkld, 15»*. s s.. 240. Treweeke, 4lli U.t. Telnk Anson, 3d Oct., Gen., —Straits S. S. Co. CottNKi.iA, Br. ss, 194- b’eid. 3;d Oct, Port wetteuliam, 2nd Oct Gen., K.
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    • 51 3 4*h Octoiikk. Van der Parra, for Deli, Bajau, Edie and T. SemaweMary Austin, for Laus*kat. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Seijli, Olelileli and Saba no. Canton, for Panykor and Teluk Anson. Un P<n i, for Perlis and Set ill. Teetiiif for Singapore. Plying Pish, for Port Weld and
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  • 60 3 1 C**l‘.lg Fmui A if e tit* Due Bharata Silica p o' e H.Tj A Co. 5th CM. Kitai Singapore H.M.ACV. h 8» >cot la Singapore \.U AC»*. 5l h Sit lionia Hamburg B.M.&Co. 81. A. Ah ar < 'aleii!'a A.A.Co. 1 Mi llpiiali’er f oikI'H) S. 15 A;(
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  • 47 3 I *>•*<;/* For A'lentg Leaves IHiarata R injjoon AUo. *>>li Oct. Kiliii ()<le S'H P..M. &•>. >th 8 *’o* ra Colnml'o A (i.&Co. 5rli Sitlionia Siugapoie IJ.M A Co. Hrli A. A|>c«r Singapore A A. A Co. lltli t’euaMer Singapore B.&Co. Hli lienniolir Singapore S 15 19th
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  • 52 3 For Belt—Per Ca’y t >«o to morrow, u, on. Port Swettenliani and Malacca —Per Cornelia, to-morrow, 1 p.m Teluk Anson—Per La'ly Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Kaiiooon and Calcutta taking mails for Europe, etc. via Bo* bay—Per liharata, to morrow, 5 p.m. Calcutta—Per Pook Man litli instant, I I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1248 3 (S HIPPING.) p. o. Stmwi i. Co. INTENDED SAIUNCS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Foe Intended to Sail. Steamer. Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards Homewards. let. h.s, Ocmtut goes direct Hoine. 27 s.s. Delhi connecting with s.s. Mongolia ]o Situiu do s.s. Britannia 2ts.s. Delhi do s.s.
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    • 298 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INIIO-JAVA uni: A. S. N. Co.’s Fleet. 'l'li** C nnpauy maintains a Hist class service of htea.ii ers carrying both passengers ami cargo direct from Calcutta aud Rangoon to I lie following ports in Java Batavia Paroeroean Pekalongau Soerabaya Chtriliou 1» i n joe
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  • 104 4 i Justice a&tisfleg everybody and justice alone Emrr «>« Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.! AT TK CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., f o. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL $2l p*r annual OUTSTATIONS Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” ’telephone No.
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  • 758 4 Oil: esteemed contemporary publishes a letter which condemns the action of the Municipality in the construction of tinLogan Road drains out of Municipal revenue. The writer of the letter cites u please in which another road Clove Hall Road) did not net drains because the property holders of the
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  • 853 4 Chinese Recreation Club, vs. Crescent Football Team. The return match between the Crescent n Football Team and the Chinese Recreation Club was played off ou Mr. Gan TeougTat’s greeu yesterday af'eruoun. lu the first mat'll, it will l>e remembered, the Crescents were! beatenby three goals to nil; yesterday they
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  • 216 4 Following are the Ageudafor to morrow's meeting of the Municipal Commission J. Minutes of last meeting to be read and continued. 2. To coutii in By-laws for Electric Tramway. d Auv special business the President may bring forward. 4. Questio-s. 5. Petition from coffee-stall holders along Weld Quay.
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  • 678 4 C. Schmidt alias Goldeuburg, a Russian Jew, was this morniug charged before a Beucb Court, consisting of Messrs. Howard aud Hereford, with steiling *5OO in notes rid a gold necklace from 1 ufke O'dinja of Argyll Lane. Theie was some difficulty in procuring an interpreter, neither the coniplrinaut
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    • 220 4 To run Editor oi hie StiutTs Ecuo P-ar Sir. —1 should certaiulv like to flower show held ou King’s Birthday, HH yon suggest. I am willing to give a'si, u cup tor competition. Yours truly. Begonia. Penaug, 6rd (Jet. To tiik Editor of the Straits Ktiio. Ide
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  • 417 4 A genera I. meeting of the M.dav iViimsula Agricultural Associati »n was held ou Tuesday, October 2ud, 1906, at 5 Weld Quay, the followiu members being preseut: The Hon. John Turner, President, iu the Chair, Messrs. Gilman, Symons, Duncan, Ritchie, Law. Palmer, Maude, Paul, Phillips aud
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  • 216 4 New Gopeno, Ltd. The following are the returns for the above Miue for the month of September Output :»00 piculs Approximate Value #I7,U M > Workiug Expenses I-,- 1 Profit Ml'Jmx» YVe would remind Volunteers of the night march this evening. A waterspout burst over Eilbao ou lUih S*pt.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 331 4 NOTICE. UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. The Penang Volunteers will parade for a Night March on 4th inst., Thursday; fall in at Sepoy Lines at 9 p.m., Field Day Order with caps. Equipment can be obtained from Drill Hall, on Wednesday Thursday from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. W. IJ. It. AHA
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    • 52 4 Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular preparation in ii‘e tor bowe! complaints. It is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant k> take, For stile br all chemists
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    • 95 5 .Mail Steamer Disabled. Stij'p'ied by Renter.) Loudon, 3rd October. —'J'lie IV A O. liner hit lias put in to Ziute, in the louiau Islands, mi a leiky condition and haviug lost her propeller. Loudon. 4-tli October.—The his was carvuig tlie Indian mails and is leaking badly, [’he Captain has
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    • 37 5 Murder of a Vice-Consul. (Supplied by Reuter) London, Ith October.—The Swedish Vice Cuiitiiil at Batoum has been murdered by the Revolutionists, who wounded the President of the Court martial held at Askabad, and killed two officers.
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    • 169 5 The lingineering Trade (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 3rd October. —The engineers of Newcastle. Darlington and Stockton have hold meetings, at which they decided to strike unless they were granted au increase of wages within a fortnight. Loudon, 4th October.—The Conference held at Cardiff rejected the resolution ordering Mr. Dell
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    • 57 5 Germany's Attitude. (Supplied t>!/ Reuter.) London. till October. —'The Cu!oy e hurtle, while asserting the right of German trade to extend its field of operations lu Persia, denies that Germany has any idea of ousting British or Russian influence. The establishment of a German Bank iu Pei mi has
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    • 62 5 A .Motor Car Smash (Supplied by Reuter.) Ijoihloii, Mli < > -toiler.—While the Spanish Miuisle-s of the Marine and Finance Departments wete mo oriug to Lagrange to nee King Alfonso, their car turned over, with the result that the ministers, including a general, were piuued underneath it The Judges
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    • 37 5 The Reciprocity Question. (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, Mh October.—lt, is reported from Welliugtou that the I'arliaineutary Oonnnittee have sent in their repoit agaiust •he rat dilation of the treaty with Australia C'Hiceruing reciprocal preferential treatment.
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    • 57 5 The Egyptian Boundary Dispute (Supplied by Renter.) 1/oudou, 4th October —It is reported from Cairo that the three Egyptian Commissioners have signe 1 the Boundary Agree '•lent, The houudiiry is practically a straight, liue from Kafah to si point, three miles west, "t Nkabih, the only deviation lieiug a
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    • 40 5 Friends or Enemies':' (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 4t.h October. —The International l.iw Conference, which wis opened at Berhii, occasioned several articles in the Gorm;in Picks, reviewing Anglo-German rela'•oiis, :ind hoping that the deliberations will hiing the two nations closer.
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    • 34 5 The New Governo". (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, till < >col>er.— It is understood that President Roosevelt has decided to send Mr. Magoou, the ico-Governor designate of the Philippine to Cuba to telieve Mr. Taft
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    • 284 5 The Gordon Bennett Race 9 i (SU]<pli< d by Reuter.) Loudon, ord Octolier.—Mr. Rolls, the i British balloonist, I.tinted at Saudimg ham, j near the sea. He takes lhe fourth place in the race. The winning balloon covered 400 miles. The Knight Commander Case. The Central News says that
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  • 578 5 Shake Market. Me-srs. J Russel Grant A C<*.. in their Rublier Share Market Report, dated Loudon,! September loth, state- The market for Rubier shares has lire slightly brisker this week, and there are certainly indications of more business doing. l*i ices have kept ti r m in most cases
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  • 434 5 The Oriental career of Sir Koleit Hart is the subject matter of au iuteiestiug article jin the September American Re. etv of Rerietcs. Sir Robert went to China iu 1854 'as a student interpreter in the Hongkong [Consulate. At this time was a teu-vear- dd British
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  • 563 5 Tutine are probably few foreigners iu Hougkoug to-day, says the lionyhony Telci,raph of September 22ud, who ha\e no*, at one time or auother, read some of the effusions of globe-trotters, aud others of that ilk, who, on leach iug Louie, after speudiug au hour in the East aud
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  • 265 5 One of the reforms recommended by 11 I Esher Commission was the creation of a Geueral Staff for the Army, and Mr. llal- da e lias now* decided to carry out this idea. Ihe chief i oiuts iu a reorganisation scheme which has just been issued
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  • 662 5 A.‘2'27,11l- Left bv Temperance Ek former. Ijie great advocate ol' temperance, Sii Wilfrid Lawson, second Baronet, of Braxton, Asputri.i, Cumberland, M B. lor Carlisle 1859-L5, for the Cockenuouth Division ol Cumberland IXGB-1900, afterwards for the Camb rno Division of Cornwall, and again for Cockenuouth. for many
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  • 183 5 Thk Canton Daily Nt ns is pleaded 'o learn that relive steps are beiug taken to I prosecute the construction of the railway from Canton to Whampoa, aud ultimately to extern] it to Amoy. V iceroy Tsen Clnui hsuau has recently issued a proclamation in which
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  • 55 5 To-day 1 Till I Jay of H. h \l« Fool ball Match St. X. tv I*. F. S Town liaud, Chinese Recieatioii Clu'>, •5 to 7 p.m. Penang Voluutiers’ l’aia-'e, 0 pm To-morrow 18th I)av of Sth Moon. Municipal Commission Me ting. 3 30 p.m Town Band, Ksplanade,
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  • 9 5 English (lit?la) 10th Oct. China (Oceana) 13th
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  • 51 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai* Se Vlvt U t 1 W A K lIS. 1 i <\l K W A K Delta l" Oct. 1 Oceana. Oct Malta '*■'> j Delhi I*7 i xtra Service. OUTWARDS. lloilßW V Kill Sumatra 16 Oct j Stouten 6 Oct. Fofir v*a I*3 j Muni
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  • 37 5 i.nsl I**' Oof. Ill'll 10 *JII o I* M. O N«*w M.h.ii IS' Ii 5 4*2 7 a m First Quarter 24h 8 40 8 pm O Fuli Moon Nov. Ist 11 -45.8 a m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 The French Confectionery, 17 a, North am Road. C'bocolttUit, lioubout Detsert Fondant. Ai\W«atonahb Price?-
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    • 67 5 Anheiiser-Tluscli's Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert K. Stiasuev, manager Au-henser-Jlusch Rrewiucr Association, Cape Town, Africa, says During my trip in the Transvaal I contracted a severe cold, and am pleased to state that in Cbamlerlain’s Cough Remedy 1 found prompt relief and aftei continuing it for a
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    • 286 5 «Just ;i M a titer of Proporliour— NO OTHER BICYCLE Can give tile experienced Cyclist liall llie lung and comp ele sat*siaction of a M ASSEY -H A RRIS, m a SSEY-HARRIS, MASSEY-H ARRIS. FOR—NO OTHER IS HALF SO GOOD. 3XTOTICJ3. r are invited for r« -11 i L the
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    • 322 5 Municipal Notice A Special Meet mi; of the M uujcipal jl m_ Commissioners will l>e held »t. thĕ Municipal Office at 5J -JO}» in. on Friday, the •sth instant. Hus ness 1 To couti ui By-laws for E’ectrie Tramway. 2. Any ordinary business. Ii A CoUTIK.K BIGGS, Secretary.. Straits Steamship
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 46 5 WEATHER. Thk follow report is kin 1U •umoli»* H* the Signal l>iiwf<*r of Fort Coruwalli- 5 p.p a.m. tuaiii rii. &v Wr. In r Wd. \.W. Fine K. The raiuf.ill ihoiiij» ih* *1 S> a in In 'lai w o nil. I ine W. linin'* ••li-
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  • 1520 6 He was certainly the most eutertaiumg companion one could have ou a long, tedious railway journey, and if he lacked that iudetiuable something which marks the true gentleman, oue is apt to overlook such little matters in the average racegoer. I am rather inclined to be uncommunicative with
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  • 123 6 Penang, 4th October fly courtesy of the Chartered Bank London Demand Hank ...2/4 4 months’ sitrht Bank 2 14$ 8 Credit 2/H’ 3 Documentary ...2/4-"* Calcutta, Demand Hank lcs 178* 3 davs' sigh? Private 175 Bniibar. Duma ml Bank 178^ Mouiiiiein. Demand Bank 17 2 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 178 6 Gold leaf 4 04 00 B.PepperfW.C ast SIDA re lets White Pepper >a'es [Yamr Pepper 21.G0 nominal j Cloves (picked? 710 stock Vface s>7G —sates Vlace Pickings €8. —sales Mutmegs I lOs 31. —sellers No. 1 5 20 ppl tug.»., < no stock Baske' S 3 20 sa’e< i'aoiocu
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  • 629 6 (Quotations Name Last Dividend. fKitt Development Co. Ltd. for war ending 41 U' 5. Tin Minina Co 10 If 10 I 1 20 I 10 p. c. foi vear ending 40 4 06 10 57' o for 1006 1 2 6 iuteriin for 1006 1 10 20% interim for
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 74 6 Lame Back. This ailment is usuallv caused l v iheiitua tismof I lie muscles and may lie cured i> applying Chamber! tin's l\*in Jii'm Iwo or time times a day and inbbiiitrtle [tarts vii>oiotlslv at each a|i|tlic.tlion. It does not oil inl irelief, bin i a p;e«o of flannel
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    • 81 6 PEERLESS EVAPORATED CREAM. Absolute Parity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY li Co., PENANG. Andrew Usher Co.’s SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENANG F M. .S > CO o -J UJ < o < *W»A 1 <■ <■** m c° mm •■“■lit; TO BE HAD RETAIL FROM Han
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    • 350 6 MACKAY'S THE CELEBRATED LIQUEUR WHISKY. |“S. B. Co.» GIN Gieslers 9 C hampa^ne, IN RE3D CASES. Sanditanrls Buttery <* Co. GOOD HEALTH preserved by drinking 5 FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1126 7 P. /Wo/#- Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sanditnnd'. Buttery <£■ Co. HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLTJE GUM.) John Bazley White Bros.' PORTLAN D CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandilands, Buttery Co., AGENTS. PENANG F M S. Jeyes’ Purifier, All sizes of Scantlings, Beams, Planks and Piles in stock. More durable and cheaper than local hard wood.
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    • 95 7 Mistaken Diagnosis. 'J Ik m‘ ;ir*i ininv penp’e who have pains in ill.* l«a<k and imaeine that their kidneys an* affect'd, while their only trouble is rhen in alisin of i lie muscles, which can be cured by a few application» of Chamberlain's Fain Halm, or b.v danif eniue a
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1295 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER VOTICB. Dealer iu Gold au<l Silver Watches, Graphophoues, Records, Pius, «fee., «fee. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of any description of Musical instruments aud Graphophoues, «fee., «fee. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, chop rfENC 1 MOH Sl Co. lb 4, Beach Street, Penang. V
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