Straits Echo, 3 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 989 1 TIANG LtE CO. ASAHI BEER U339IHVSV SOLE A GEMS BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. X800,000 X975.000 X800,000 Capita 1’atd,up Resorve Fund Roservo F.ia.hilit.y. of Proprietor» Head Office: HA'ITON COURT, THREADNEEDLE STREET, LONDON. Agencies and Branches. Bombay Haukow Penang Bangkok
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    • 21 1 SOLE A GEM S. GUINNESS’S STOUT. Hi a <o jb o m B O? 'G aiv s,ssva TIANtt i-tt a Co
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  • 3045 2 (Continued front yetttrdaf* i‘«u Sympathy. Mr. Kuinabe, Imperial Japanese Consul, leceived I lie following message yesterday afternoon after tlie meeting of Cuuucil from Viscount Hayushi, former Japanese Ambassador at Loudon and now Minister for Foieigu Affairs at Tokio “Convey to Sir Matthew Nathan expression of my si ucere
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2651 2 ITEITHALG-lA. CURED. Fjfi.OE--A.OKE! CURED. r/ZIN REMOVED WITH FINISIN, Or»ham's Neuralgia Cure. FINISIN FI N ISIN Grahams I 1 IJN ISI N Neuralgia Cure. FiNISIN Price 50 cts. Municipal Notice. T MUNICIPAL NOTICE. V IMPLICATIONS are invited for the appointment of Overseer of Markets at a salary <>f 850 p~r montb.
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  • Shipping.
    • 31 3 Jabaua, Dr. ss., 747. S'eeuborg. 2n«l Oct Sabaug, Ist Oct.. «Inn. —11. fi. A (Jo. Canton, l>r. s.s., 105, Metican, r« 1 Oct Teluk Anson, 2nd Ojt.. Gen., —All King.
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    • 39 3 3b o October. Itotorna, for Tongkali Trieste, for Singapore, Hongkong, Sliaugliai and Japan. Lanqkat, for Teluk Anson. K Halrwyn, for Pangkor. Ft ij ny Dray on, for l’ort Weld and Taipiup. Malaya, for Deli. Padang, for Datu Dalira.
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  • 27 3 1 1'xneiti r A *j+ tit > Pu* A. A pear Calcutta A A.A.Co. 1 Mi Oct W-nal.lor LoildoU S.B&CV. 13th lieumohr Loudon S. 1 ACo mi»
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  • 33 3 1 «'JO***/* I'nr .1 #*«/> I.l’ll A. April •Sill t;ii pole A A A Co. 1 hi) < ).;t 1 Vualiler Silica pore S.II.AAJo 1 Ml 1 iemiKilir Singapore Si» A 1 ’o. iinii
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  • 78 3 For Deli, Dajau, Kdie and T. Seinawe Per Van der Parra, to mr.rrow, noon.—Per Mary Austin, to-moirow, 1 f ,n Ktlie, T. Seinawe, Segli, Olelileh ami Sabang—Per llok Canton, to- morrow, 2 p m. Singapore—Per Teesta, to-nmrow, 4 pm. Port Swot ten liani am] Malacca Per Cornelia,
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  • 54 3 Par Perak, from Siugap >re Mr A. «le Kogario, Mr 11. Beige, Mr A. M.S'ewart. Prom Poit Sweitenliam Sir \V. Tavlor ami Miss 'jaylor. Air Shellv, Mr. ami Mrs. Cooke, Air. Oh lieng Ling Per Perak, for Siugap re Mr. J. D. Kemp, Mr C. Matthew, Mr. -ami Mrs.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1277 3 (SHIPPIN G.) 1. 1 o. i 3* N. Co, Expected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards l>ct. |0 s.s. Delta connecting with INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., .Ltd. NovHomewards. Oct. I.S s.s. Oceana goes direct Hume. 27 Delhi connecting with s.s. Mongolia \i,\. ]t) H.n. ‘Simla do s.s.
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    • 282 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co Ltd. INDO-JAVA LINL, A. S. N. C. Reg. Tous. ss Main rani 1»»47 S 8 Bli ih j-diau 1403 ss Shahz ida 14* »4 ss Kohiimr 1404 s> Mill, ra j i I 115 ss Na \v 1 1 > 2041 ss N-nlir 2< 1 H
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 49 3 WEATHER. Thk following report iskimll v supplied l>v fhe Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis 3 '1 noon, T<* To-iUv Miiw itrccghas*- CJcudv l. .N.vr. y.w. Tun 7 lie niaiali datiug the Iiout* errle-l »t m to ds? ww* o lucli 3 Vr»r»ri|)tJ Til. S3*r. tail JC.W
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  • 100 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone Know o' Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.» AT Tilt CRITERION TRESS, 1.1i1., No. 226—232, Reach St.ree», Ponaii PRICE: DAILY LOCAL P* r nni OUTBTATIONB Foel-mce K*rr». MAIL IDITIOM (Poet Free» $l5 CABLR ADDKKSS: Echo—Penang." 'telephone No. 18X. if.
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  • 451 4 Tin* general complaint in Penang is that we have nothing to do outside our business ami our sport, that life i> deadly dull to those who have no business and who do not play games and that holidays, as s|»ent in Penang, are periods of slow torture. We
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  • 1046 4 A thoughtful correspondent appears to have l>een reading and pondering; over Gilah’s” effusion upon the* bullfrog, which appears in lasi Saturday’s issue, for he comes forward with a suggestion for lie* extermination of that noisy batracian. This correspondent has evidently studied the bullfrog, for lie says that he
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  • 414 4 Last night the Wayaug Coinedy Indian Ritoe staged a Malay version of Dr. Faust,” and proved that our faith in their ability to do justice to Goethe’s innn rtal tragedy was not misplaced. There was a very good house for a Tuesday night, end if one
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  • 29 4 Wb are asked to remind members of the chorus aud orchestra of the Les Cloches da Corueville Company” of the full rehearsal to-morrow at 5.30 p m.
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  • 551 4 Y. M. C. A. re. A. C. S. Another large crowd of spectators mustered on the Esplanade to witness the l.eigue match between the above teams yesterday afternoon. And they did not go away disappointed, for the game was keenly contested throughout, the Christians winning just upon call
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  • 944 4 It was Charles Lamb who suggested that, we should say grace before reading a plav of Shakespeare, liefore reading a page (it Milton, aud, lie might well have added, before enjoying an Elian essay, for there are many to whom roast pig is never so palatable as
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 319 4 UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. Straits Steamship Co., Ltd. New Service between Penang, Port Swettenhain and Singapore. Messrs. Tek Thye Cathiravaloo, WHOLESALE AGENTS, 34. tieacb Street. Retail from Penang Commercial Company, till, Beach Street, ami Heap Lee and Company, bo, Beach Street. ALSO ON SALK At all Respectable Hotels. Specialities Lipton’s Special
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    • 54 4 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ar.d Diarrhoea Rtniedy. The Uniform success of tins retuedv has male it the most popu'ar preparation in u*e for bowel complaints. It is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that cau always b* dope tided upou aud that ii> pleasant to take, f 1 or *1« l*y
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    • 68 4 Lame Back. This ailineut is usually caused by rlieuma* tisui of the muscles aud may be cured by applying Chamberlain’s Pain Balm two or three times a day aud rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If thi** does not afford relief, bin! a piece of tliuuel slightly dampened rcith
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    • 94 5 Mr. Ha'dane's Views. Vhhi/ Reuter.) I «til don, 2nd October.—Mr. Haldane, speakiug at Laslliutoii, said that the people ,n« as keen about the Army as the Naw It was the business of the civilian War Seciefary to consult the Yeomanry and VolunI,•(*i s m additiou to the Regulars.
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    • 103 5 The (iordon Bennett Race. (Supplied hi/ Jieuter.) Loudon, 2nd Octolrer.—The competitors in the balloon race were scattered far and wide and several came down in France near the Channel. M. Santos Dumont injured Ins arm aud gave up. Other balloons are passing over Kuglaod going northwards, including the Britisher
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    • 52 5 More Revelations. (Su/i/ilied l>if Reuter.) Loudon, did October. —At the trial at Kherson, in Russia, of 97 peasants charged with destroying au estate, it transpired that "2d peasants were Ireateu to death by the Cossacks aud 130 terribly in jured, although they were all iuuocent men, the real culprits
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    • 380 5 Entire Armament Salved (Supplied In/ Reuter.) London, 2nd < fetolier.—The eutire armament of the Minif'iijue has been salved. Latest News. (Supplied Uij Reuter.) London, drd October. —The British Knt African Association has be«u f >rnrillv constituted with I onl H indlip as President aud Mr George Eliot as
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  • 2195 5 f tiff <t New Comer.) It is a matter of ditlicully—one might eveu say of dauger— to attempt criticism of a place with wh cli one is practically uuac < plain led. But then again, there is the old adage of li el impressions, etc.” and
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    • 138 5 lo ins hoii.'U or rut mkaiis lAiio. I)SAR Sir, I shall be much obliged if you will allow me a little spice iu vour valuible columns to ask why a representative from that well known institution called the Peuaug Free School did not go
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  • 128 5 Janu ry to July. The following statistics are published by ihe Mines Department Output. 1905 B*o«5 Pikuls Pikuls Perak ..258 277.75 250,(Hit) 34 Selangor ...170,214 95 154.004.05 N. Seml iian 18,742 0« 44,79« 08 Pahang 18.801.01 19 320.8« Duty. 19 5 190«. 8 Perak 2,751.95« «2
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  • 621 5 Tlie opium trade is generally defended on grounds of commercial expediency by tlmse who take up the cudgels on its iadiilf. N<»t often is anyone found with the courage to base Ins arguments in favour of the u<ug on its inherent merits. Such a one has risen,
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  • 64 5 To-day. 10th Day of 8tli Moou. St. Andrew's Society Aumnl Meeting. Chamber of Commerce. 4 p.m. 1’own Baud. Esplanade, 0 to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian Ritoe Tbeatricil Co.: “Sribmun,” King Street Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. 17th I>..v of 8th M non. Football Match St. X. eg. I\ F. S.
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  • 6 5 English (I)e‘ta)’ Oct.
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. 'I ii ‘ie* viie. IliiMKVVAKH Delhi Vi Get. Ocean-i Hi Oct. Malta Vo j Delhi '£7 tvir.i Service. >|!TIV «Kl» llo.M KW A KI>S. Simwtri 16 Get Socotra 6 Get. Fornnua L’3 Mani'a li N<.v.
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  • 35 5 l.a-t O":-"**» Oct. 10 I. 10 39 3. 1\M. O V 'v M... 18' li 5 42 7 a m First Quarter 24lh 8 40 8. pm. O Full M«mhi Nov. 1st 1145.8am.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 11 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolates, Bonbons, Itauaeit Fondant At
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    • 66 5 Anheuser-Busch’s Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert K. Stiasney, manager Au-lieuser-Busch Brewiug Association, Cape Town, Africa, says During my trip iu the 'l'rausvaal I contracted a severe cold, aud am pleased to state that iu Chtmlieriain’s Cough Remedy I found prompt relief aud after couiiuuini; it. for a
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    • 87 5 Mistaken Diagnosis. Theie are many people who have pains in the hack au<l imauuie that their kidneys are affected, while their only trouble is rheuiuatisui of the muscles, which cau be cured I»v a few applicatious of Chamberlain's I’ain Balm, or by dampening a piece of flannel with the Pain
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    • 489 5 Just u .Matt ter of Proportion. NO OTHliK BICYCLli tan give the experienced Cyclist hail ihe lung and coinp'ctc sit'sfaciion of a IVIASSEY-H ARRIS, M R SSEY -HARRIS, IVIASSEY-H ARRIS. FOR-NO OTHER IS HALF SO GOOD. NOTICE. The Penang Volunteers will parade for a Night March on 4th -;inst M
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  • 123 6 Penang, 3rd October. (By courtesy oj the Chartered Hank London Demand Bank ...2/4i' M 4 months’ si"ht Bank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2 j \\l 3 Documentary ...2/4J* Calcutta, Demand Bank Ks loir 3 davs’ sight Private 17*5 B »ini»ay. Demand Bank 173 j( Mouiinein. Demand Bank I<2 3 davs’
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  • 178 6 Gold leaf 5 0490 B. Pepper(W.Coasi Hlb>.-W 819.1 te lers White Pepper '27.— sa'cs Trane Pepper 21.60 nominal Cloves (picked I*o stock Mace 876 —sates Mace Pickings 68. —sales Nutmegs 1103 31. —sellers r No. j 5 20 ppl Sugar 2 no stock Baske: 83 20 sa'e< Tapioca Flour
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  • 881 6 Number or Issue Value. Quotations Name. Last Dn idend Capital. Snares x s r issued. 190 1900 300/ 00 175.000 1901 1903 1901 1905 I 1901 3 1899 i X l9ot> 1905 i 8 1904 000.000 400.000 100 000 30 000 12( >,OOO 60/ 00 100/MX) 150,000 4>.000 190*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 87 6 BURDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND Andrew Usher Co.'s EVAPORATED CREA1. v bsolute Purity U.V.U. WnlSKy. Guaranteed. SANDILANDS. BUTTF.KY Co., SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., A0Efns F0K PENANG. PENANG <f F- M. .S K «»A > c n x V, o -j S' 1 UJ < I ns. £5:5? o H TO BE HAD RETAIL
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    • 705 6 MACKAY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. C ieslers’ Champagne, THE CELEBRATED “S. B. Co. GIN IN RED CASES. <, Buttery Co. GOOD HEALTH is preserved by drinking FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFHFSHFR Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. Ask for
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1169 7 P. lYlolr Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. DIVINIA PERFUME Sandi/and<. Buttery Co. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT “LION BRAND.” Sandi/ands, Buttery Co.. AGENTS. PENANG F M S Jeyes’ Pari/ier, Vt i *4l rraiw WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINCS Large Stock Always on Hand Our Latest Creation. DIVINIA PERFUME combines the finest qualities
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    • 8 7 IWXrtR Cr.’s BEST NAVY CANVAa. sandilands, nnTrrrj Co.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1257 8 YOON SXJN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer iu Gold aud Silver Watches, Grapliophoues, Records, Pius, &c., &c. Prices Very Moderate. Repairer of auy description of Musical justruineuts and Grapbopliones, &c. f &c. No. 21, Market Street. 7He VOTICE. VTIEWS of Peuaug, Singapore. Perak, Selaugor, aud Sumatra. •5« CHIN joo CO., Photos enlarged,
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