Straits Echo, 2 October 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1186 1 ASAH1 BEER TIANO LtE CO., > (0 > X 00 m m x SOLE AGENTS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. INCORPORATED by royal CHARTER. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. XBOO,OOO X 975.000 X l BOO,OOO I’ Paid,up Hesorve Fund Itanerve Liabili»y|of Proprietors Head Ollice: HATTON COURT, TH UK
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    • 19 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT m -o SS7 X I* m c; 30 03 to N ft &G N •yrv s.ssm TIANO
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  • 3059 2 The Typhoon. Furthbk Detail*. (.S. C. M. 1* Xl* l September.) Message from the King to Hougkoug, through Lord Eight: am command"! by His Mo jetty the King expre s the Jeep r egret teiih which Hie Uniethl hoe iearnt of the great ca'amitg which has befallen the Colony
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  • 1274 2 Tuesday, 29th January. Thursday, 31st January, Saturday, 2nd February. 1907. To be considered at a General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 31st Octolier, 1900. Notice —No amendments to this programme will be considered unless due notice is «given iu writing
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 535 2 FINISIN FiNISIN FINISIN NEURALGIA NEURALGIA cured. NEURALGIA FINISIN Uraham* s Neuralgia Cure The most distressing pain is re- j lieved with this remedy, and often j so quickly, as to he remarkable. After oU years’ experience, we unhesitatingly say you will derive the greatest benefit from its use. We believe
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    • 129 2 TELEPHONE NO. 372. NOTICE TO MARINERS. WOTICB i TITHE revolving light at the entrance to A- I uket or 'I ougkali harbour is to be removed owing to the Light House requiring repairs; iu the meauvvhile a white light will 1« hoisted on the ilagstaff adjoining the Light House until
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    • 1187 2 NOTICE. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. IN' OTICB. VICTOR PETRUS, LIM SENG HOOI, 25th July 1905 Managing Direcor PENANG ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY. rjAHE Annual Geueral Meeting will l»e held in the (Jiiainl>er of Commerce,
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  • Shipping.
    • 99 3 Pbinzuss Aucr, Ger. s.s., 0 t»S6. Poiach. 2ml Oct, Bremen, 2Jtfh Au:., Geu., B. M. Co Mauv Austin, Br. s.s., 121, Canipliell, 2ml Oct., Baugk it, Ist Oct., Geu K. G. Co. Lanukat, Br. s.s.. 141*. N eßeii. 2ii*l Oct Teluk Anson, Ist Oct., Gen K. G. Co. Rotokua,
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    • 80 3 2ni> Octoiikk. .1 tag gee, for Deli. Petrel, for Paugkalan Brundan. Pi imn, for Singapore. Pin Sem/, for Port Swetteniiam A Singapore. Perak, for Pori Swetteuliain ami Singapore. Lit ill/ Weld, tor Teluk Anson. Ja/ara, for Siuyapore. Flying Fish, for Port Welti ami Titipn. Prinz Heinrirh, for Cevlou, Australasia,
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  • 22 3 1 csset* I'tim A'jtti/n i Due A. A pear •Jilculla VA.A.Oo. IMi Oe’. Iteualiler UikIoii ■>. B.tfcCV. Beuinohr fjomlon B ACo. I'.Mi
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  • 28 3 For A 'tents Leiives A. Apctr Silica por«* A. A. A.Co. lllli OcC lieuulder Si i) _m pore s.r>.\(v 1 It llenmnlir Sitii'aptu'o S. 1 »>. 1!»: Ii
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  • 87 3 For loii^kali —lVr liatornu, to-morrow. 1 p m. Batu Balira—Per Padang, tomorrow, 1 p in. Singapore, lloiiokonc, Slianoliai ami Japan Per Trieste, te-uioi row, 2 pm. Teluk Austin—Per Langkat, to tncrrow, 2 Panel, r Per 11 Hahwun, tomorrow, 4 p.m. Deli, B jm, Kdie anil T. Setnawe—Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1470 3 fiO.!iß ti/f ecled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards htfc.s .Delta connecting with s 8. MoolUiu BS Malta <i<> 8.«. Himalaya \,,v 7 8.8. Decanha do h.h. Moldavia >| SH jjilhi do 8.8 Victoiia Homewards. s |lt oy s.s. Decanha connecting witli 8.8. China iB.B. (Jccaua goes direct Home. •J
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    • 193 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co.. Lid. I NIKI-J.UA LINE. A. S. N. Co.'s Fi.ekt. vice ui steal* era carrying liotli passengers and cargo direct from Calcutta and Rangoon lo the following ports in Java IVitavia Pasoeroeau Sa uiara no 1 Vka longau Soerabaya Cheriboti Ranjoewangi The Company’s Steamers also give direct
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 57 3 WEATHER. '1 UK follow.u* 9 r report is kimllv suppliedby the Sijriiiil Director of Fort Cornwallis ap.n. sa.m. main. I »»i»niai lv>-"l »v To-ilay r». ts- K4‘ 83« M 't r.i f u Kin» T d K. K.VV. y,E. I he rauilali dlM'JU*' the ~4 hours en le i rt
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  • 104 4 Justice everybody and justice alone Ktn-r Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) it tii CRITERION PRESS, 1.L1., No 228—2-12, Beach St root. I‘oiling PRICE: DAILY LOCAL it) per min i OUTBTATIONS Kxir». VAIL EDITION (Poet Free* ?I5 CAKI.K ADDRESS. Echo —Penang.” Telephone No. 188. V
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  • 1574 4 The amateur legislators of Australia, for u lioin our correspondent K in expressed such a very healthy contempt in his series of articles upon tiie Chinese Question in Queensland, are, indeed, past understanding. As our contributor pointed out, they seem to lock upon their Parliaments as l»eing merely so
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  • 51 4 Au advertisement appearing elsewhere announces that, the Peuaug Voluut< era will parade for a night march ou 4th i'i:t., Thursday, fall in at Sepov Lines at It p.m.. held day order with caps. Equipment can be obtained from Drill Hall, on Wednesday and Thursday from 10 a.m. till 4
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  • 149 4 Following is the balance sheet of the St. Georoe’s School Eutertaiumeu*. held ou 15th August last Sale of Tickets ...5372.00 Sale of Programmes and Refreshments !H).45 Sale of One Costume 2.00 $464,45 Cost of Costumes... #96.04 Cost of Shoes 5.50 Hire of Town Hall 25.00 lighting
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  • 660 4 The Primes s Alice arrived iu port this morning at 5.30 o'clock bringing amongst other passengers Mr. Yeoh Guau Seok our uewiv qualified lawyer. A large er< wd of old Free School boys assembled at Victoria Pier, and about a dozen gentlemen, including representatives of the
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    • 342 4 To Tiih Editor of thk stk ii- K. ho. it (.trikes me. aud I have no doubt a m, v "f vonr readers as veil, as inojt (extraordinary that a newspaper of the i Echos standing should have published j such a sere Ml as that which appeared in
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  • 510 4 The experiment, to determine the cap- abilities of an all-Canadian route to the Far 1 East is being watched with Hindi interest. The Hit U/ tress of Ireland beat the record 1 voyage from Liverpool to (Quebec by six hours, the mail bags and all
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 252 4 TIANG JOO CO., PENANG, HAVE JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Real English-made Red rubber soled TENNIS SHOES, with canvas, calf-leather, or buck-skin uppers. Very elegant and durable for tennis-playing wear. Also Just Unpacked, GENTS’ BOOTS, OXFORDS LANCTRY SHOES. Most elegant stylish in shape. PRICES MODERATE. TIANG JOO Co., 117, Beach
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    • 93 4 Mistaken Diagnosis e are many people wbo have paius i" k an<l imagine that their kidueys ;,,t 'iheie the back ami imagii affected, while their only trouble is liieuiua* I ism of the muscles, which cau be cured b' a few applications of Chamberlain’s 1 Hll j Balm, or by
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    • 27 5 Libri Action. helm Special.) Singapore, 2nd October.—The Montagu Harris Hauler u Daily Mail libel action commenced yesterday. Mr. Montagu Harris claims fifty thousand dollars as damages.
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    • 38 5 Another Typhoon. {Supplied by lleuler.) Loudon, 2nd October.—The Hongkong rorrespoudeut of the Daily Mail wires that another typhoon struck Hongkong on Saturday, the repair works on the wharves were destroyed and the whole seafront sliewu with wreckage.
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    • 85 5 The American Occupation (Supplied by lleuler.) London, 2nd October.--Four hundred ,ind fifty Ainoricau marines have been lauded at Havana and one (oue hundred at L'ieufuegos aud other places, to trauquilize the native mind. Six thousand American troops will Iks lauded in (Juba within ten days. London, 2nd October. —There
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    • 67 5 Narrow Escape of Scotch Express. (Supplied by lleuler.) London, 2nd October.—'The Scotch excess from King’s Cross had a narrow eseape. After passing the high level bridge on the Tvne, it colliiletl with a light engine liefore reaching Newcastle station. Tiie engine was derailed and the track torn up,
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    • 34 5 The South African Rugby Team. Stt/i/iUcd by Renter.) Loudon, 2nd O-tobw. —Ills believe 1 that the Kuavss of the South Africiu IJugby lootlullers ii> Kuglaud will equal that of lie New Zealau le:>;.
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  • 150 5 (Jit uton, September 17. railway shareholders propose lo lot hi a shareholders’ association iu Canton in "ider to protect the Company till tha road is completed. Handbills have lie *n distributed atnoiijr ibe various shareholders inviting them to i>o to the Cloth Guild ar Slieuug Km l*o to
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  • 196 5 LfcAIIKK? CaI'IUKRP. Canton, September 17. Ihk Chinese authorities have at last succeeded in capturing two riugleadeis of •he gang who pirated the s. s. Sainani and I lie capture is an important one, as they "<>w hope to root out this uesl of pirates euSeven of the gang
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  • 2106 5 Future Prosckcis. (Spreiatly Wr.lten fur (Ue Strait* Kelt.».) Ihk story of Liirish colonisation and the opeuiug up of foreign lauds is a remarkable one aud aflords pai f icularlv interestiug reading to those of our own nafioualitv. Hut remarkable as some—l might say manv—- of the
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  • 965 5 Viceroy. Simla, 21st Scptenil e H is Excellency the icerny and Governor- <» *i«oml will leave Simla ou Saiurdav, tiie b*li < fetober l9oti. by landau about 9 30 a m. ILs Excellency’s departure from Simla will be private. 11 is Excellency will visit Sauawar Quetta Uhatnau, Nuskki,
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  • 34 5 Kinta Tin Minch Tim tbi» This followii g are the returns for the mouth of September Output 200 picul». Approximate Value... $ll,OOO Receipts from water reut $7,185 Working expenses $4,500 I’t otit 13,085
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  • 196 5 Mi li°\\is and Peat, iu their India i Kublier Kepoi t of 7th September 1900, write: Para.— There lias bem extremely little do- i*»g dining the past wet k in Para sorts. In Hard tine only a few tons near delivery sold at s*. U.J. per lb. and soft
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  • 77 5 To-day. I tii I>av ol Sili At,, Foot In.II Mutch V. M. C A <•< A. <’ 8. Cornedv Indian ll.he Thealrrui Co 1 Kiel or Faust,” Kin/ Stnet Theatre, 9 p.m town D.iiid, Esp'auade, 9 to 11 pm. 10-mok now IHIII |)av of Bth Moon. S*. Amlie>vs Society
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  • 20 5 China < P Heinrich) 2nd Oct. German (P. Aii- e) did English I Pe'tii)’ l«»t|i China (OcniH'i Id h
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  • 44 5 P. O. SAILINGS .ii? 'if vii n i Am*** a Delhi IO Qrt. j Ore mi /.7 Ort o 1 Delhi 17 t\■ i. v*viit 1 Ir-i wtltli* Sntnolri Ifj (h i i S,, (> f). For ten <a L'.'l \l,w t .7 A*»r
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  • 32 5 O 101 l Moon (tot. 2nd 7H 4 i’M Ut It 10 3113 i’ \t ‘t A**» VI 18 .7 42 7am First Quarter 24 h 849 8 i« m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, Northam Road. 'liocolutu*, ItuubuuK. UttK«eit Foii'Jaut At Jtearnnal 1* Prim.
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    • 52 5 Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The uniform euceass of this remedy has made it the most popular pveparitinn in use for bowel complaints. It is everywhere recoifiiued us the one remedy that can always be depended upon and that is pleasant to take. For sale b\ all chemists and
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    • 69 5 Lame Back. This ailment is usually cause*] l»v rheumatism of the muscles au j may be cured by applying Cliamberlaiu’s Pain Hi!in two or three times a day aud rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this do?s not a ilord relief, bin i a piece of tlauuei slightly
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    • 56 5 Chamberlain’s Coufh Remedy Cures Cold®. This remedy acts ou nature’s plan, ahays the euugb, relieves the tunes, aids expectoration, opens the secretions, and aids nature iu residing the system to a healthy condition It is famous for its cures over a large part of tbe civilized world F t s
      56 words
    • 215 5 J ust a Vatllyr ol Propyl! ion. NO OTHIiR BICYCLK 1 tan give 111: experienced Cyclist half Ihe long and compete s«l sfjetion of a HI ft SSEY-HARRIS, HIftSSEY-HfIRRIS, HI ft SSEY-HARRIS FOR-IMO OTHER IS HALF SO GOOD. V Anheiiser-Busch’s Manager Cured of a Heavy Cold. Mr. Albert ft. Stiasuey,
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    • 388 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE.- riMIK Municipal CoinmisHoneis of o»>rp« 1. Town, Penang, her* bv invite tenders for extension of Logan It >ad drains. f Full part icul i*"* can I*3 obtained and phiiits and specifications insjeeted at tlie Municipal Engineer’s OfHre. I’enders which sliou'd l>e endorse 1 "Lotcan I vend drains will
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  • 120 6 Penang, 2nd Oci'obkk. (lly courtesy oj the Chartered Hank.) London Demand Bank 2/4 4 months’ sight Bank 2/di; 3 Credit 2/m 3 Documentary ...2/4!,!; Calcutta. Demand Bank Id 173 j 3 days’ sigh* lVva»e 175 B nni»av. Demand Bank 173* Mouimein. Demand Bank 172 3 days’sight Private 175 Madras,
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  • 184 6 Gold leaf G4W B. Pepper(\V .Coast 31b5.5 $lO.l se levs While Pepper 27.— a'en Traug Pepper 21.00 nominal Cloves (picked) «<> ttock Mace 870 —rales Mace Pickings 08. —rales Nutmegs 110 s 31. —sellers No. 1 5 20 ppl Sugar 2 no stock Basket $3 2't sa J e*
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  • 486 6 t^uotatiuiis N am-*. Last Dividend Mining. Ileiat Tiu Mining C\>. Ltd. 514.50 buyers liersawah Gold Miuiug Co. Ltd. 51.0 lliuseli Hvdraul'C 1111 Miuiug Co. Ltd $l9 st/ ers Guff Development Co. Ltd. 0 lor year ending 31 lo 5. Gopeug Tin Miuiug Co. lit<i. 1900 Karuugan lin Mining Co.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 88 6 PEERLESS BRAND!Andrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAM. bsolute P-rity |O.V.G. WhlSKy. Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG. SANDILANDS. BUTTF.ttY Co., AGENTS FOR PENA NO F M. .S > CO o -J u < o «hum w -"•r "r: g k s:_sss. ~.v •4^l ShrOH 1 'Sj.lii T TO BE HAD RETAIL
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    • 450 6 FOR IT /S PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRESHER. Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. Ask for it of:EASTERN ORIENTAL HOTEL CRAG HOTEL INT ER X AT' ON A L CO I) EG A NEDERLAND HOTEL... UTAH LEE Co. GOON YEN
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1075 7 P, Molr Cranes' CYLINDER OIL.' Sandiland*. Buttery <£■ Co. John Baziey White Bros.' PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sand Hands, Buttery Co., AGENTS. PENANG F. M. S. Jeyes’ Puri/ier, nS m m A! HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLUE OUM.> All sizes of Scantlings, Beams, Blanks and Piles in stock. More durable and cheaper
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1268 8 YOON SUN, WATCHiMAKHR JKWBLLLR Dealer iu Gold ami Silver Watches, Graphopliones, Records, Pius, «fee «fee. Prices Very ModerateRepairer of any description of Musical instruments and Graphopliones, Ac., Ac. Nu. 21, Market Street. 78c VOTICB. VIEWS of Penang, Singapore. Perak, Selangor, and Sumatra. chin joo co., Photos enlarged, various sizes up
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