Straits Echo, 1 October 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1162 1 ASAHI BEER 0 o ■3 ui j -i < P a uj r aj W) 3330IHVSV BAN K S Chartered Bank of India, Hongkong Shanghai Australia and China. Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid- uf-Ca pita l Rkpkkvk Fund—- l'hOOO.oOO Capital Paid-up Rewrve Fund Ihwerve Liability! of Proprietors Hoad
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    • 18 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT Km m a 45 <5 X a 03 'HIV SiSSVfI TIAfVG LE£ A CO
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  • 175 2 Ths Kino For bios rrs Use on Anniversaries. The Loids of tile Admiralty have notified iu a circular letter to the commanders-in-chief at the various ports aud the officers commanding H.M. slops that the Koval •Standard, being the flag of the Sovereign, is by Ids .Majesty
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  • 241 2 Relative of Mk. J. Burns Claims a Laiuik Fortune. Mr. C. E. P. Drouet, who is related by luarriage to Mr. John Burns, m.i\, is a coulidcut claimant to a large folium*, Recently he casually came across a notice in the newspapers announcing the death of Mr.
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  • 592 2 A ctowded meeting of the workeis of Blackburn was hel l in the Town Hall for the purpose of p.tssitig a resolution expiessiug sympathy will; the Russian workers in their stiugg'e for free'out. The chief eake’* was Mr. J. Keir llatdie m r., who
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2774 2 NOTICE. TO LET. O N and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. TELEPHONE LIM SENG *****, 25th July 1905 Managing Director MUNICIPAL NOTICE. PLICATIONS are invited tor the appointment of Overseer of Mai kets at a salary
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  • Shipping.
    • 207 3 Flintshire, I’*’. 2.47«», Cimdj. 80th S*pf., London, 2(sih Alt'.', Gen.. B. A o. Palamco ta. Hr. »>..2.203, Babb, Ist U t.. Singapore. 29. h Sept, Gen ll.f .A Co Sado Marl, Jap ss, 8 800, Anderson, Ist. Oct, Yokohama, sth S*pt., Geu., B. A Co. Hebe. Hr. s s.,
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    • 47 3 Ist Goto he r. Afirar, tor Singapore and Hongkong. Taw Tony, lor Asa liar. C'inttm. tor Paugkor and Teluk Anson. Unite, ter Deli. Pula inn,tta, for 1J rugoou aud Calcutta. Hoy Wan for Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow aud Amov. Fhj ng Dragon, for Port Weld and Taiping.
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  • 21 3 Ve stein Fr< tu A *]*,*/> i Due Cioli tiling Siuyapore jA.A.A Co. 1st Oct A. A {.car Calcutta A.A.Co. IMi
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  • 25 3 fa ft fir. h in 1 l.fnnfa ■Ja lent hi A A A Co. l«t O.l A. Ajwir Singapore A A A Co Util
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  • 113 3 F»k Sit,**apore, China a j«1 Japau—Per Prittfe* A lift, t<> iikitow. II Per leut/t/ee, tomoirow. r>.m Panu IVr Petre l toIlitUlOW, in. I’ *Swet tenlia in an*l Singapore—Per Pin Seng, 10-niorruw, 3 p in. I nit Swh teuliam and Singapore—Per Perak. to morrow, 3 p
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1339 3 (SHIPPI NG.) m X i S. N. Co. bisected Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. j i I hiH.H .Delta connecting with S S. Muoltu H INTENDED SAILINGS. British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Intended to Sail. Sat Idtli Oct. 2 p.m Fob Steambb., Madras, Pondicherry, Cuddalore am Karrical.
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    • 274 3 ASIA 1 1C STEAM NAVIGATION Co l.ld. indo-java line. A S. N. Co.'s Flbkt. li’V'- J oils. I»< jj. Tons. ss .Ma lit rani 1047 ss Shahj-di ill I PJ3 ss Shah/. nla I-PM-ss Koliiimr 1404 ss Malta ra j- 1 I 11'» ss Nawait 2041 ss Nadir 2041 ss
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  • 100 4 Justice gall's ties everybody and justice alone Kn-er o Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sunday".» AT Till CRITERION PRESS, 1.1*1., No. *226—232, Beach Street, I’eiian; TRICE DAILY LOCAL l*** r OUTSTATIONB Postage Kxrra. MAIL EDITION «Poet Kree» fli CARLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephone No. 188. f/.8.
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  • 1657 4 We have time anti time again tried to impress upon our numerous reader* that ;i newspaper is a newspaper, that it is not a laundry for the washing of dirty linen, nor a means of working off a personal spite upon somebody or other. There tire
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  • 490 4 As we predicted there was a bumper house at the King Street Theatre on Saturday night to witness the Wayaug Indian Katoe’s entertainment, in fact nearly a huudred extra chairs had to lie brought iu anl, even then, some of the audience had to be content
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  • 506 4 A mketing of the Chinese community 1 was held at the Chinese Towu Hall on Saturday last, at o p m when the following were among those present: Messrs. Lini Hua Chiam, Oou Boon Tan, Lini Teng Seaui;. (Jug Theau Seug, lvhoo Eu Toll, Lim Hooi, Lo
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  • 99 4 WK are courteously iuforme 1 l.v the .VI, Yeoli Kong see that, a steam launch'has chartered by them to proceed to the Germ u, Mail Pri nze** Alice tc-morrow inornim' t<. receive Mr. Yeoli Goan 8jok ou his arrival iu Penang. The lauuch will come alongside
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  • 805 4 Th« Government Gazette of S p e.nIHM 28 coutains the following items of information His Excellency the Governor has U r pleased to make the following a point nient* in the Cadet Corps attached to the Peuaii" Voluuteers:— Sergeant YV. Hamilton, Peuaug Volunteers. Sergeant J. A. Murray. Penang
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 142 4 STRAND HOTEL, i RANGOON. The Leading Hotel in Burma, i ELECTRIC LICHTS, FANS, BELLS. Latest Sanitary Arrangements. SARKIES BROTHERS, 4 Proprietors Branch Houses: Raffles Hotel Singapore. E. &O. Hotel Penang. The Crag Hotel, “Sanatorium" Penang Hills. MOHAMED AURIFHEEN, Drapers and Provision Dealers, 43, BEACH STREET, PEHANO. WE HAYEIuST UNPACKED ,4
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    • 73 5 further Development (/.’>•/<*/ Special.) .Siugapoie, liDili September.—There have been turther developments in I lie Hogan ease. Mr. Oeo. Smellie, l lie ex-secretary of the Company, lias given information to the police mil charges the directors, auditors mil nearly all concerned in the Company vith cheating. Mr. Smellie
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    • 41 5 Absconding Cashier Arrested {Echo Special.) Singapore, 2Pth September.—lioluiberg, the absconding Kurasian cashier of Messrs. Allen and Oledhill, the lawyers, has lieeti arrested in Hongkong for swindling the firm out of ten thousand dollars He was disguised as a 'hinaman.
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    • 46 5 Singapore Scores (Echo Special* Singapore, Ist October.—The Singapore RiHe Association has scored !t llt shooting against Selangor and IH>7 against Ceylon and Burma Taiping s Wins. Taiping, Ist October.— Taiping lias again won the Osborne Shield tor shooting, and also five prizes out of ten.
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    • 39 5 Loss of a Propeller. (Echo Si c ill.) Singapore, Ist October.—H. M. S. Terrible, which arrived from Hongkong yesterday, reports the loss of her starboard propeller. Both her propellers had given trouble during the voyage.
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    • 40 5 European Sentenced. (Ei lm S/iecial.) Taiping, Ist October.—Mr. White, the Inspector of vehicles, who was tried on a charge of receiving bribes, has been sentenced to four months’ imprisonment on each of three counts, the sentences to run concurrent!v.
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    • 402 5 The Army {Sin /'tied ly Reuter.) 1 joUthiu, 291 h September.—Mr. liahlaue, *pc king at Haddington, sai I that it was impossible to reduce our means of sell’ doleuee aud «lisseuted from the view that we could uni improve Ihe Army without imbuing the people with a spirit
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    • 99 5 Lord .Mihier’s Warniug Sujt[rti*nl by Renter. I oudou, 2!>th September.— l,onl Milner, iu receiving an address signed l»v 25,009 inhabitants of Oaf»e Colony a„ a tribute to bis services, said that the dauber in South Africa was disuniou. but a far greater danger was the growth of a
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    • 123 5 The Damages in Ame'ica. (J&u/'plied I'h Reuter.) liondou, 2Vth September.—Twenty per cent, of the cotton crop has been damaged on some sections of the Mississippi. Mobile is the chief sufferer, the entire business tectiou of the town lieiug tive feet deep in water. Several blocks of buildiugs have l»eeu
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    • 35 5 Boundary Qiestio:i Sctikd [Supplied t y Reuter.) London. 29th Feptem'oer—The TureoEgvptiiii boundary lias been finally demarcated and the Turkish troops withdrawn from Kuseimeh, the principal poiut di.-puted by Turkey owiug to its strategic value.
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    • 117 5 The Revolution. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, doth September.—Au American Provisional Government has assumed possession of Cuba. Mr. Taft has formally proclaimed himself Governor aud declares that the government of the Island is only undertaken by the United States for the sole purpose of restoring order aud public confidence until
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    • 50 5 A Police Strike i Su/>jdied by Renter.) Loudon, Ist October. —At Shanghai eight v Sikh police refused dnlv on Saturday aud were disarmed aud confine 1 to Iranacks. This dissafectmn is reudered m >:e serious owing to the recent decision <»f the Municipality to increase the foice of Sikhs.
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    • 48 5 Preferential Tariffs (Su/iplied by Renter.) London, 29til S»p c'nb-r—ln the Mc 1 Irotirue House of Representatives Mr. Deakiu announce 1 that a treaty of reciprocity ha«l beeu arrauged with South Africa and li** hoped that the Commonwealth Parliament would pass it before the end of the session.
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    • 41 5 Railway Questions (SHfifitied by /tenter.) Londou, Ist October.— L>r. Jamieson has Ikhmi twice «lelayed iu his return to South Africa, as ucgotia'ious with Lord Elgin and Lord Selborne, regardiug the South African railways, have uol vet l>een definitely c«*ncluded.
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    • 28 5 Last of the Cojlies Sui>jdied by Reuter.) Loudon. Ist October. —The last batc'i of Chinese coolies to Ik* imported to the Rand have arrived at Durban.
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    • 25 5 South Africans Again Victorious (Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, Ist Oetobei.—'l he bouth Aim. m Kugby footballers ha-?* i! m ’iio;.,,]I>\ 37 p"iuts to nil.
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    • 26 5 Another I’ogiom Pending. I Suf>i h -'d !-y Reuter. Loudon, Ist Octobe»'.—The million'ies at Odessa are now making spasm.«lie eff«uts tc proveut a pogrom (massacre
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    • 24 5 The New Commissioner Suj'plied by Reuter.) Londou, Ist. October. —M. /un is has beeu formally invested at Athens as High Commissioner of Crete.
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    • 16 5 Reinforcements (Supplie l by Renter.) Loudon, Ist O^tolier.—The First Coldstreams Guards have embarked for Egypt.
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  • 184 5 The recent typhoon, as was but to be expected, hit mauv insurance companies in Hongkoug. The following is a rough estimate of the claims made upon them for iiiaii! e insurance cp to the 22nd September Commercial Uuiou 8109,000 Union of Canton $1 r >o,ooo China Traders SIoO.OO
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    • 483 5 To in e Km *m >i rin Stu vi rs Koto. Stu, Iu your valuable issue of the 28th Bepiember you published a brief sketch of the brilliant cartvr of the al ove scholar. It is u* j cdl«*.' s to sav that Mr. V eoh
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  • 1595 5 Mi de<rest Fanny.—Tne new Hougkoug Bank building is goiug to la* a perfect paradise. T iiey an 1 goiug to have an electric lift iu il, dear, so that there will be no nasty stairs to climb and I am told that, ill order to |topulari*e the institution,
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  • 64 5 To-day. 1 l li i\ of Blli Aloou. Town Baud, Kspl.tuude, G to 7 in Chimse Recreation Clul>, to 11 |*.ui. Oomeily ludiau Baton Theatrical C>■ “Abo? 11 tssan.” lviii<j Stieet Theatre, 1* j\n>. I'o-MOIiKO.V 15l il 1 lav 8« it Min» Foot bill A!.itch A. M. C A
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  • 20 5 Cliin.i I*. Jlehu'irh) l!ud O’t Cor mi n I'. .Mire.) 3rd Knulish {hula) lOtli China (Oceana) 11l li
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  • 17 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mai Seivict. OU'IWAKItV 11 t./ll* w a Ih'ff't IO Oct i)tl Malta > Delhi
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 15 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, North am Roa<l. lioculaleM, lioiibom Deaabrt b ouduut A* U*-tiv>)na}l* Print
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    • 53 5 Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera anl Diarrhoea Remedy. Tiie uniform Miceess of ti is remedy has male it the most popu’ar pfpar it ion in use for howel <vm plaints. It is everywhere recognised :is the one remedy that tau always he depended upon and that is pleasant to tad;e f 01
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    • 254 5 Just si Vuttterof Piuporliou, NO OTHIiR BICYCLE Cun give the experienced Cyclist lull the long anil cuinp ele sf.iclinn of a MASSEY-HARRIS, MASSEY -HARRIS, MASSEY-HARRIS. FOR—NO OTHER IS HALF SO GOOD. Municipal Notice f|l!lKlw*xt On! nmt M(h*i mir J t’u* Al mii JL i*i■>:>l ii**i*?. v» mI i♦> held
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    • 181 5 TO LET Comfortable Compound House (rfungalow), 18, Barrack Road, entry Nov= ember Ist, good situation, rent moderate. Apply to Mr. YOUNG, «*/•> K*tz lira'he s 1-10-0« «1« KING STREET THEATRE. To-night! To-nicht!! Tit K COMEDY INDIAN RATOE THEATRICAL CO. WII.L STAGE mu charming opera, ABOE HASSAN.” Charming Actresses! New Dresses!
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  • 243 6 KeMAKKAHI.K IN ST RUCTIONS t> kne kai. 'ferauclii, A 1 mister tor War, lias issued general instructions to tiie se army ruLtiug to the divuigeuce of uulitarv secrets, to the following effect Of'late certaiu matteis in the category of military secrets have been divulged. I' is
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  • 837 6 AIaRKIAGE IhtOK EKAUE. Mr. Charleswoith, the editor of the Ma- 1 Ininontal Botl, regatds Ictiflt s icvelatious of mariiage brokerage iu high hie as the every day transactions of a recognised business, call ug for no more astonishment than the operations of a servants registry Ilice. < In
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  • 128 6 Penang, Ist Octohbk. Ihj courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) Loudon Demand Hank ...2/4 T V 4 months’ sight Hank 2/4^ 3 Credit 2/m 3 Documentary ...2/44” Calcutta, Demand Hank les 173 j 3 davs* sigh* IVwate 175 B unbar. Demand Hank 173 j Mouiniein, Demand Hank 172 21 days’
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  • 175 6 Gold leaf 0400 I>. Peppier/W.Coast -tills. *<»/. Sill. 1 te lets White Peppier 27. a'es Traug Pepper 21.00iwwiiiial Cloves (picked) n<> dock Mace $76 —sales Mace Pickings €6. —sales Nutmegs tlOs 31. —sellers C No. 1 5 20 ppl Sugar < 2 no st«K.*k Haske* $3 20 sale-* I'apioca
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  • 936 6 Capital. I«H>3 1300 300/00 17-5.000 190 l 1903 1301 130-5 1301 1899 1300 130-5 130+ X 8 JL' Jt* 600.000 •400.000 100 000 30.000 1 20.000 00.000 100.000 1-50 000 4 *.OOO 1900 1304 X 250,000 120,000 1905 X 27,0(0 j 832 200,000 190-5 X 10,000 1898 G 2.000,000
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  • 138 6 Penang, 1st October, llKKi. Beef e tfSoup per catty 1-1 RoWSt n »1 Steaks -4 Stew or Curi'V Meat 18 Rum i» Steak ‘‘4 Ox Tail each A* Tongue ’8) Feet Heart 30 Liver per catty 2-> Pork— Pork i. 32 Pig’s Hea<l 24 Feet Tongue .1 4Fowl
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 Chamberlain's C011J1 K'rmuiv Cu es ColJ*. Tilth UMiteilv acts <>n mi I lire’s plan, al avs llf« Onii**! iv|.eve< tin* luiier, aids expel o|atfon, «•|**iix 11 o mvm I ions, aii<) axis uatute ill rehh’i ini' I l.e ’YhIciii lo a iieahliy con tlilion. H ;k faniouH lor its chick
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    • 132 6 BORDER'S PEERLESS BRAlD!Andrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAM. bsolute Parity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co., PENANG. o vma?9 iunuiftUi > m x i 1 m <n X "> n\‘\ s vJK j v>\ v*4\'Xw I;l -i \M i f mm ■I I 111 .■•aPffl "n i,” y' j i llii O
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    • 327 6 mackays THE celebrated LIQUEUR WHISKY. “S. B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sntulit/nuls, liuttery <5- Cn. G testers’ Champagne, GOOD HEALTH is preserved toy drinking FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFRFSHFR Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4 dozen pints. TIANG
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  • 335 7 The London correspondent of the Manchester dumdum has drawn attention to several blunders in the conditions of «TO New Federal Mail contract, which, quoting the opinion of a ship-builder, he inalutaiuS; is loosely wordtd and bids fair to opeu the way for legal disputation in the tuture.
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  • 327 7 Makaui>ino Motorists A crown which was constructed at a cost of £20,000 when the Pope decreed the honours of coronation to Saint Michel m 1875 has mysteriously disappeared from the ancient church which ciowi s the rock of Mont St. Michel off the coast, not
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  • 388 7 Remarkable Endurance of the London Cabhokse. The proper coustructiou of a pack is one of the problem» of war which concerns evei v soluier. An army travels on its fellv, aWit the nourishment for that bellv must, be suitably packed lot transport on the maud The recently-formed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1283 7 RUBEBOID ROOFING. P, Hloir Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. Sand Hand» Buttery Co. John Bazley White Bros.’ PORTLAND CEMENT, lion brand.” Adamson, Gilfillan H Co. Ltd Sand Hands, Buttery <£■ Co.. agents. JUST UNPACKED PENANG A F M S T i 7 A Large Consignment Jeyes’ Puri/ier, Gramophone Records. TURKISH, ARABIC, BENGALI,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1274 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER notice 1 Dealer in Gold uu<l Silver Watches, Gruphophoues, Records, Pins, &c., Ac. Prices Very Moderate, liepairer of auy description of Musical lustruiuents uud Grapliophoues, &c., <Uo. No. 21, Market Street. 78c Lim Sun Ho, CHOP rtt'NC IVIOH Sc Go., It, 4, Beach Street, Penang. V
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  • 3059 9 No. 3. Conclusion. (Specially irritten/or the Straits Echo.) I wii.i. now try and show that tropical apiculture cuu ouly be profitably conducted l,v cheap lalnMir—a thesis quite unueces„,iiv to b<‘ dwelt upon for your readers, since they know it already. But 1 shall go t'urther and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 South African Carpenter Cured by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Taylor, a carpenter at l’ort 1/..1 1 <*«!,. Cajie Colony, who had a very ilt lv of crauip oolio ami dysentery, K,UK; “I "as to bud I had logo to bed, w ii 11 friend of mine gave
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    • 80 9 Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic, cholera morbus ami dysentery come on without wanting and prompt relief must, be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the espouse «fa physician’s service in such cases if Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i« at baud. A dose of this remedy wlli
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    • 45 9 Indications of Kliciimntisiu. Soro and swollen joints, sharp, shooting pains, torturiug muscles, no rest, no sleep—that lueius riiumatisw. It is a stubborn disease to but Chamberlain’s Pain Halm lias conquered it thousands of times. Cue application gives relief- For sale hv 11 I S'*.re heepeijj
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    • 249 9 FACE ACHE IS CURED WITH FINISIN, Graham's Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-acne cannot continue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you will advise others. Finisin is unrivalled for face-ache and neuralgia.
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    • 830 9 J. \l TENNENT’S BOTTLINGS: PALE ALE, XXX STOUT, MUNICH PILSENER BEER A i i r-t. GUTHRIE SOLE AGENTS: &> Co., Ltd., Penang, INSURANCES. tH E I. ON DON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER A.D. 172<». fIYHE undersigned having l»eeii appointed I Agents for tbe above Corporation, ar° now prepared
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1074 10 POP Si^Lß. JOHN |HARTI|4, MINER. VACCA MILK. A ROMANCE OK MODERN MALAYA. .J *y iiy r? IN IUV TENT-SWOP HE It ED GLASS HARDWOOD TIMBER. (BLUE GUM.' OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF t.lee of tltc Fen” Chronicles of t'ie Carburettor Chib,” “In Peril in Penanj,” etc. PRICE 50 CENTS CAN UK
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