Straits Echo, 24 September 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1120 1 IQ L£E CO, ASAHI BEER z p H33SIHVSV AGENTS. BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED 11V KOVAL CHARTER. S 1').000,000 X800.000 X975.000 X800,000 (Jjpital Paid.up Reserve Fun-1 Reserve Liabiiity|of Proprietors Head Office: IIA1T0N CO (JUT, TllKEADNE F.DLK STREET, LONDON. Paid-up-Capital Rkhekve Fund— Sterling
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    • 12 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. os s Co B o c ‘HIV S.SSVg
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  • 322 2 The Durr Development Co Ln* 'J’he Company's Concession being situated in ilie Southern pait of Kelantau is admir- l»ly suited to planting. There is a large number of indigenous rubl*;r trees glowing in the Concession, and Rimboug lubbei trees from five to twenty years in age may be
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  • 629 2 Conflicting Views on Sir Victor Hoislej’s Dictum. Bkjti.'H Stamina I)ub to Bkkb. WHY TEETOTAL NATIONS OO TO TUB WALL. Much comment lias been excited m medical circles by Sir Victor Horsley’s indictment ol alcohol a- a drug. Addressing the Dominion Temperance Association at Toronto, Sir Victor said
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2673 2 FACE ACHE L 8 CURED WITH FINISIN, (Jrahnm’s Neuralgia Cure. It acts splendidly: promptly: efficiently. The pain goes: instead of agony—ease and relief. Everyone says so: won’t you try it Face-acneeannotcontinue with Graham’s Neuralgia Cure. Be advised and you will advise others. Fini:in is unrivalled for face-ache and neuralgia. Thirty
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  • Shipping.
    • 141 3 Coen, L>uf. s.s 823, Potjewjd, 21th S«pt Singapore, 22ml Sept., Oei., —U. L. Co. Fitzpatrick, Hr. s s.. 730. Hrggie, 24’h Sept., Rangoon, 19th Se t., (Jen H. M. Co. Lady Weld, Hr. s s., 24-3, Quine, S'pf Teluk An sou, 22mi Sapt Gen., S'laits S. S. Co. Hebe.
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    • 41 3 24th September Taw Tong, for Trang :ind Paug Nga. Tong Cltag Un, for Hatu Halir.i ami Asahan. Canton, for Paugkor and Teluk Anson. link Canton, for Edie, T. Seinawe, Segli, Oleiileh and Sabaug. Corn, tor Pulo Well, Oleiileh aud Padang.
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  • 37 3 1 rxfiei'n Frmn Ajhll> Due Fox le v Singapore 4 L ACo. 28tliSept. C. A fear Calcutta A.A Co. 9th Fight niug Siuga pore A.A. A Co. 1st Oct. A. A j car Calcutta A.A.Co. liih
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  • 38 3 J »>«**/> Fur A nil* f'Mr?* C. A | Singapore A A.A.(Jo. 2l*thSept h ox lev New Yoi k H.l, A Co. 2i*i h loglituiug Calcutta A A.A.Co. l't Oct. A. Apctr Singapore A A A Co. mil
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  • 104 3 For Calcutta—Per .1. Ajtcar, to-morrow, 11 a.hi. l»atu Ha lira—Per Pintail/, to-inor.ow, 1 p in Asahan—Per It. Halavyn, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Laugkat—Per Mary A rutin, to-morrow, 1 pin. Poit Swettenham aud Singapore.— Per Perak, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Poit Swettenhain and Singapore—Per Pin Seng, to morrow. 3 p.m. leluk
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1461 3 (S HIPPING.) TA* m 5 N. Go. Expected Arrivals and Departures Mail Service. Outwards. -7 b.s. (jet. II s.s. Della 25 s.s. Malta connecting with s.s. Britannia do 8.8. Mod tan do s.B. Himalaya Homewards. Kb ,.4 *)<• s Jhtanlta connecting with 8 China 0.1. INTENDED SAILINGS. British India
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    • 218 3 ASIATIC STEAM NAVIGATION Co., Ltd. INDO-JAVA LINE. A S. N. Co.’s Fleet. Reg. Tons, ss Naming 2862 ss Nurani 287 U ss linjpi.t ss Ranee :>(;:> t ss Rajah 3634 ss Pundit 3832 ss Piislia 3830 J’iie Company iraiutains a first class service of steamers carrying both passengers and cargo
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  • 101 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone— Em>r «i Established June Ist, 1903 Published daily (except Sundays.) at rn CRITERION TRESS, Ltd., No 22(5—232, Beach Street. PniiaiiJ PRICE C DAILY LOCAL per annn OCTSTATIONS I’ostage Kxir*. MAIL BDITION (Poet Free) $l5 CAULK AUD&KSS: Echo—Penang.” Telephoue No. 183. S.R.—
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  • 943 4 News is filtering tiirough very slowly from Hongkong, but, us the days pass, it is evident that the tirst estimate ol the* damage wrought bv the recent typhoon was, as we predicted at the time, ii uch under-estimated. The loss which Reuter reports as being sustained by the London
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  • 385 4 P. C. C. vi. Ladies. The above match which was left unfinished on Fr day afternoon, was continued on Saturday afternoon when the innings of the P. C. 0. XI dosed for 71. the highest scorer leing Bradbery who score 1 20. Muglistou would have done just as well,
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  • 148 4 Presentation of Prizes. Shortly after the cricket match was over and refreshments ha<l l»een served, the winners of the recent La wn Tenuis Tournament were paraded opposite the Pavilion and, after a short complimentary speech by Mr, A. S. Authouv, received their respective prizes from
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  • 640 4 Thebe is no doubt that the Wayang Comedy Indian Ua toe has established firmly in thegood grace* of the theatre-going public of Penan/, and for the last six weeks each Saturday night,—the great night, from the theatrical manager's point of view— saw the King Street
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  • 337 4 We are asked to remind meiubeis of I lie “lies Cloches de Coruex ills” Coinpauy of the rehearsal at the Town Hall this eveuuii There is no rehearsal for the orchestra, however. We hear that Mr. S. Kassim has enured a new actress who, together with her husband,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 404 4 PRITCHARD CO. Sole Agents for ROM CYCLES. THE FAMOUS WAYAN6 KASSIM, Thelndra Zanibar Royal '1 heatrical Company of Singapore. Ity Request. I>>J Sped a' Request. Two .More Nights Only Two More Nights Only KING STREET THEATRE. Owing to the arrival of new Actresses w r will give two more performances.
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    • 110 5 THK TYPHOON. Kntice Kieet Lost (Supp'ieu by lie liter.) London, 22ud September. Hongkong’s entire Meet of fishiug junks, amounting to mx hundred sail, were lost in the recent typhoon, thus augmentiug the mortality to ten thousand souls. German Generosity. Loudon, 23rd September.—The Norddeutscher Lloyd has given six thousand maiks
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    • 154 5 Outburst of Anglnphnb';’. (.S applied by /{enter.) London, 23rd September, —There has U-eii a fresh outburst of Anglophobia in (ieimanv arising out. of the insignificant incident id a German tourist, yacht, the Meteor, attempt iug to moot to a Government huov in Portsmouth harbour and being requested to move
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    • 46 5 German Threats {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 24* 1 1 September—The German Consul-General to Australia has lodged a protest with the Australian Federal Government against the new preferential duties in favour of Gieat lhitain and threate s that Germany will retaliate unless they are with drawn
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    • 132 5 The Revolution {Supplied by Reutir.) Loudon, 22nd September.— It his now transpired that the reason why the Tsar did not attend the funeial of General Trepoff was on account of the discovery, at the last moment, of a de»p laid »evo!utionary plot. Main arrests have been made in connect
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    • 80 5 The Insurrection. {Supplied by lieute Loudon, 22nd September.—Thera is a growing feeling iu Washington that the differences between the Government aud the insurgents iu Cuba ate irreconcilable aud List intervention on the part, of the United States is likely to take place at any moment Loudon, 24 h September.
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    • 55 5 tree Fight in the Chamber. {Supplied by Reuter.) Londou, 24th September. —M. Ziimis, a Lreek, has beeu appointed High Commissioner to Crete in succession t) Priuce beorge of Greece. London, 24th September. —A discussion "l* "i International control in the Cretan 1 handier, resulted in a lice figli*. The
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    • 31 5 The Arsenals {Supplied by Renter.) London. 22nd SeptemWr.—The Council of Army Organization at Peking is taking over all the Chinese arsenals, which have hitherto Wcu controlled by the proviucid Viceroy?.
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    • 34 5 The Colonial Secretary’s Tour (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 22nd September.—Herr Deruberg, the new German Colonial Secretary, proposed to make a year’s tour of the Germau colouies after the opeuiug <>f the Reichstag.
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    • 62 5 Whiter vs Blacks. {Supplied I'if Reuter.) London, 24» 1i September.—Assaults committed bv negroes at Atalanta, Georgia, U. S. A-, have lesulted in a genera! attack upon the negroes, fifty-five of whom aie reported to have Wen killed and injured. The Congo Loudon, 24th Sept,—President Ilooseve t has sent
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    • 42 5 Opinion of Kxperts. {Supplied by Renter.) London. 23rd September.—The experts of the Great Northern Railway are investigating the Grautham railway disaster, hut are unable to explain the emse, «-xeept on tl.e hypothesis of the driver of the train being ill.
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    • 23 5 Prince Edward Handicap. {Supplied by Reuter Loudon, 24th SeptemWr.—The lesult of the Prince Edward Haudicap is Amina 1 Polymelus 2 Kuroki 3
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    • 25 5 A Steamer Ashore {Supplied by Renter Loudon, 24*4i September.—The steamer Gated nia is ashore iu the Sue/. Canal and is discharging her cargo.
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    • 394 5 A Carriage Accident. {Kcho Special.) Taiping, 2it li September.— Mr. Bratt’s victoria containing bis nurse and infant, was upset and both were seriously injured. but are now out of danger. It apjrears that the svee descended from the box to go to the horse’s head, the horse being scared
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  • 400 5 The Typhoon. The Siujapore Free Preen contains the following telegrams from Hongkong: Hongkong, Sept. 20. Ju continuation of my wires of yesterday, I am able to inform you that, all vessels which were expected here (from Singapore, and elsewhere,) have a;rived. '1 hey uioieover report having encountered go d
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  • 431 5 The Government Gazette of September 21 contains the following items of information Whereas an Order was made by the Governor in Council on the 3rd instant dissolving the registered Society known as the “Yi Toll Club of Penang, and whereas certain representations have since lieen made to the
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  • 1533 5 d Ordinary Meeting, Friday. Mill Sept Present J Hon. <Jupt. A li. Young (Col. Secretary), i ills Excellency the General Officer Command iug Ike Troops (Major-General R. luigi -i Jones, c.v.0.. c I Hon. J. 11. liiues (Act. Attorney-General). Hon. A. Murray, c.E., m.i.o.e. (Col. Engineer) Hoii. J.
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    • 252 5 To Tui. Lditob of tih: Straits Echo. Dhak Sri:, —With reference *o the entice published in vnur valuable journal above tie sigeatuio of 11 a j ‘>e Moh lined Cassini Sahib A 1 Sdlanv, calling for a m"eting of the“ A] dill eis of the Muslim S
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  • 62 5 IN r Pr' fro n Singapore aid Port Swetli uham Sell I*l Abdulla, R<i» N<ai. Mr. E. M To£*r. Mr. Houkwe'l. Mr. N G. Pat i<k, Mr. ai d Mrs. L. Frauche aud childrr li. Per V>rak, for Port Swittenham and Singapore: Mr. aud Mrs. Pasijnal, Mr aud Mis.
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  • 88 5 To-day. 7lh Ih. v of Bth Moon. Football League Meeting. 6 p.m. Town Baud. Esplanade, 0 to 7 p.m. Comedy Indian llatoe Theatrical Co. Sham shir Alan»,” King Stieet Theatre, ft p.m. ayang Kaosim Peter and Magdeh u Diury Liue Theatre, 9 p.m. To-morrow. Sfli T). v of Bth
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  • 18 5 English (Simla) 27fla Sept China (Deranha) 29. b China (P Heinrich) 2nd Oct German (P. A!ire)
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  • 38 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Wail Service. .Outwards. Homhwarix». Simla 27 Se,d. I Drvnihn 29 Sept Peta 11 Ort. j Ocetu i 13 Oct kxira Service. Outwards. Homkw im>« Pern Oct. I Socotra 6 Ort, Sumatra 16 Mani'a 3 Nov.
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  • 30 5 First Quarter Sept.2s-h 1 115 pm. O Full Moon ()ct. 2nd 7484. p m. Last Quarter 10th 10 39 3 p.m. 0 New Moon 18th 542.7 a m.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery, 17a, Northam Road. Chocolates, Bonbons, TVasort Fondant, At Ht<i*onabl* Pr\c«s.
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    • 405 5 PALMER TYRES. PA LM ER TYRES are claimed to be now the most sup *rior Tyres manufactured for Cycles and Motors, for the following* reasons: 1. The Quality of the Rubber is of the purest, and will therefore resist wear better tliall inferior mixtures, which are liable to crack and
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 51 5 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindl v supplied by flie Signal L)irector of Fort Cornwallis rh. Wr. \V(i 5 1 fsterrtjtj S|«. Fur iV.N'.W. •> a.m. Toilaj7th Far routli noon. Tc-H't r Cl»w: Cloudy B.K. 1 lio rainfall di'i'iug tn** 'J4 Iiuhm oiide I it 9 to-day was
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  • 158 6 Rejoicing in China. Canton, September 10. Tbe auuouucemeut that China is to Lave a constitution presently lias called forth great rejoicing here among the intelligent portion of the people The Chamber of Commerce ar* ranged a great fete for Sunday last in honour of the promise. The
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  • 232 6 Thk object of the game is to do uuto others as iliey would do uuto you. It’s a game you can lose your money at; also your temper. The game goes by tricks some people are full of them. Honours count in the game, but not always
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  • 499 6 New York, Aug. 2. An inventory of the estate of Russell Sage, begun tbiee days ago by representatives of the executors, liad established bv to-day to the satisfaction of the executors and lawyers the value of the estate was net below 9150.000,000. Iu the Sage
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  • 122 6 Pbnano, 24th September. By courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...2/4j 1 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4 jj 3 Credit 2/HJ 3 Documentary ...2/4’,” Calcutta. Demand Bank lvB 174 3 days’ sigh* Pr /»te 175 B Miibav. Demand Bank 174 Mouiiiieiii. Demand Bank 172-1 3 dav»’ sujlit
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  • 174 6 Gold leaf 6490 B. Pepper(W.C.-as; xIU.-W. SHU mV* White Peppier 27.20 sales Trane Peppier -1 GO sales Cloves picked) 42. —sales Mace 76 —soles Mace Picking» 67. —sales Nutmegs 110» 31. —sellers SNo 1 535 ppl 2 ii" stock Basset $2 00 Tapioca Flour 1 82i sellers Copra 8
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  • 877 6 'o Number of p Capital. Shares ir 8 f ue I Last D.videud. Name. Quotations. 2 I 1 Value, i .r issued I Mining. 1903 3OO,00t> 30.000 10 10 [Beiat Tiu Mining Co. Ltd. 1900 3 175,000 400(1 ,Vf 1'* Bersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. 510. 1901 000.000 60
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  • 16 6 I’knang, 24tk September, 1900. Pineapple Mauritius each 5 Country 5 Egos per 100 $2.30
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 60 6 Indications of Rheumatism. Soro au«l swollen joints, slurp, shooting pains, tort mi nmscii*-, no rest, no si **p that meins iT.ennmt ii-in. It is a siuhlioin iliuMte to I .lit ('iiamtiei Iain’s I’aiu Ita)in lias con<|Urir<i it thousands of tin’i»«. One application «ives rcliof. Oenr«e Town l>ibpeuKiir y, (Jtonnil A
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    • 88 6 BORDEN'S PEERLESS BRAND I Andrew Usher Co.’s EVAPORATED CREAM. baolute Purity Guaranteed, AGENTS: SANDILANDS, BUTTERY Co.. PEN A NO. SPECIAL RESERVE O.V.G. Whisky. SANDILANDS. BUTTERY Co., AGENTS FOR PENA NO F. M. .S li.i* i > CO X U o Lu v& < v'* ■o »nv'** o m -*S9«~ TO
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    • 297 6 MACK AY’S LIQUEUR WHISKY. Cieslers 9 Champagne, THE CELEBRATED M Sm B. Co.” GIN IN RED CASES. Sandilands, Buttery Cn. GOOD HEALTH is preserved drinking ASAHI BEER. FOR IT IS PURE AND UNADULTERATED. INVALUABLE AS A REFBFSHFB Can be obtained in small cases of 2 dozen quarts or 4- dozen
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  • 150 7 lilMHOi* MoUI-KH RETIREMENT AfTKR 50 Years’ Service. Ht ti e retirement, at llie age of seventyeight, of Mishap Moule. the Church Missionary Society is losing the services of one f its ablest men. The first. European missionary to settle in an interior Chinese city away from a
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  • 280 7 I.AMKNTABLE PREDICAMENT OK Empire's Smallest Colony. What is to be the fa’e of St. Helena Having conduced to the establishment of our Gieit Empire through being a s eppmg stone to South Africa and India, has i f not some claim ou the consideration of Great Biitain?
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  • 519 7 Women nil Non-Oratorical Parliamentarians. Will tiik M.P. “Bite?’’ Dear Sir, —I liked tl e last twelve speeches you stnt me. Please for “-aid another dozen ou the same terms —I am, etc. The above letter from a well-known politician in the Antipodes is the sort of tiling
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1308 8 YOON SUN, WATCHMAKER JEWELLER Dealer in Gobi ami Silver Watches, Graphophoues, Records, Pins, Ac., Ac. Prices Very Moderate. Kepairev of any description of Musical instruments and Graphophones, Ac., Ac NOTICES. 7 JEWS of l'euaug, Singapore. Perak. Selangor, and Sumatra. Photos enlarged, various sizes up to d ft., on Bromide paper.
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  • 1964 9 Spelling Reform. Conservative lingland Unfavourable to Phonetics. Russian Terrorism. Another Actress to join British Aristocracy. LIBERALS AND LABOUR. LIBERAL WHII'S OUTBURST. i From Our Own Correspondent.) IjoNlmjw. August 31st. —The Simplified Spelling Board, tiuanoed by Mr. Andrew i’aruegiP. aud conducted m the United States, with Professor Brander
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  • 1050 9 Wk have been having quite au invasiou of sympathetic strangers this summer iu Paris, consisting of girls of various ua-i j tioualities, who come over in groups. Firstly came the “peaches” of America that is the chosen repr. seutative girl of each citv. They travelled
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  • 127 9 The New York American savs .—Tiie chief office*-, Air. Spicer, and the third officer, Mr Cunning, of the sieunship Ft. Andrew, belonging to the Plienix Line, on their arrival here on Aug. 10, swoie affi lavits to the effect that, while off Land’s End, outward
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  • 174 9 According to the Shanghai Mercury he would be a bold man who would sav that Peking has lost all claim to the tit'e of Sleepy Hollow, for Peking is like the giaut who could only awaken one eye at a time, and as he was possessed
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 94 9 South African Carpenter Cured by Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Geo. Taylor, a carpenter at Port Klizabeth, Cape Colony, who had a very bad attack ot cramp colic ami dysentery, says: I vvuh so bad I bad to go to bed, when a triend of mine gave me
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    • 88 9 Unnecessary Lxpensc. Acute attacks of colic, cholera morbus and dysentery come on without warning and prompt relief must be obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physician’s service in such cases if Chamlierlaiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this remedy
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    • 70 9 Bilious Colic Prevented, Take a double dote of Chamberlain s Colic, Cholera and Ibanhota Kerned y ax xonii as the liist indication of the disease appears and a threatened attack may be warded off. Hundreds of people who aie subject to attacks of bilious colic use ihe ieinedv in this
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    • 273 9 Cuts, Bruises and I'urnsQaickly Healed. Ubamberlniu’s I’ani IV'lm is an antiseptic liniment anti when applied to cuts, bruise* and burns, causes them to heal without maturation and much more quickly than by the usual treatment. It allays the pain of a burn or scald almost instantly. Unless the injury is
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    • 982 9 UPTON’S WINES SPIRITS. Messrs. Tek Thyc Cathiravaloo, WHOLESAIiE AGENTS, 34. tteach ?t eet. Retail from Penang Commercial Company, 60, Beach Street, and Heap Lee and Company, 5*5, Beach Street. ALSO ON SALE At all Respectable Hotels. Specialit ies Lipton’rt Special Scotch Whisky, Lipton’s Special Irish Whisky, Crown Standard Invalid Port,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 1012 10 FOR. SALE. JOHN MARTIN, MINERJ A ROMANCE OF MODERN MALAYA, i I.Y OLIVER ASHWELL, AUTHOR OF Tale of the Fen," Chronicle* of the Carburettor Chib," In Peril in Penang e/c. PRICE 50 CENTS. CAN UK HAD AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., 226. 232, Reach Street, Pena ng Ini Pantun Karang-Karangan.
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