Straits Echo, 31 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1417 1 ASAHI BEER u U) J O z < h 8 U33S IHVSV e r UJ V 3 BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCOUPOUATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid-up-Capital Kkskrvk L'uni $10,900,000 Capital Paid-up Reserve Fund Reaerve Liability! of Proprietors £800,000 £800.000 Head Oflice:
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  • 706 2 Crematorium. Calcutta, loth May. At ihe invitation of the Chairman of the Calcutta Corporation, several members of the Bengal Crematorium Society aud others attended at the Crematorium, at eight j o’clock yesterday more ing, to witness a trial of the apparatus, which was a complete; ■access. The Crematorium
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 180 2 Children When Teething Tins is ti e most dangerous in the life of a child. At this time they have more or lews diarrhu.'», which weakens the system and rendo*» l lie child more smceptilde to disease. Any uuusual looseness of the •owel* should lx> promptly cent rolled, which oau
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    • 410 2 PAIN NEURALGIA PAIN NEURALGIA! j PAIN NEURALGIA; PAIN NEURALGIA FINISIN i The World-Renowned Neuralgia Cure Removes it. The dreadful pain of Neuralgia ceases with Finisin and we strongly i advise you to try it. We have re-, je ived favourable reports for thirty: years past, and as a relief to
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    • 1503 2 THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a. Northam Road. VOON SUN, oulv give WATCHMAKER JEWELLER HONGKONG JIN ON INSURANCE Company, Limited. Wish it to he distiuctlv understood that their cakes are of the best quality aud nothing but the finest ingredients are used. They teel sure that a trial will perfect satisfaction Theoruair.eutatiou
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  • Shipping.
    • 105 3 Japan, Ur. h 2,795, Notley, 30th May, London, 28th May, Geu.,—P. &G. Rostock, Ger. s.s, 2.871», Trulseu. 30th May. Singapore, 28tli May, Geu., li M A Co Thonuwa, IV. s s>, 3,420, Whitehead, 31« t May, Madras, 24th May, Geu., 11. L- Co. Gi.kxoolk, L»r. ss. Larkins, :>oth May,
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    • 70 3 31st May. Uc KocL, tor Deli, Bajau, Ldie aud T. Serna we. liostoc/c, for Cohuubo aud Tuticoriu. Hau Whalt Soon, for Laugkat. Hole Canton, for Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Olehleh aud Sabuug. Canton, for Paugkor aud Teluk Ausou. Gtenogle, for Singapore, Hougkoug, Swatow and Amoy. /aid*, for Siugapore. Hongkong
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  • 72 3 1 r es*el* 1' rum 1 Ajentn Due Macduff Liverpool S li.&Co. 2udJune C. A peat Singapore A. A. A.Co. Hli Peuvenue Siuga pore SI! A Co. '.tli Alesia Hamburg 1>.M &Co. 7 tb lleuartv London S.B.&Co. 10th 0. 1’ Laeisz China B M A Co. 1th G. A
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  • 63 3 1 cs*el* /'W A ijentg Leave* Macduff Singapore S. L ACu, 2ndJuue <J. A pear Calcutta A.A A.Co. oil. Benveuue Loudon S.B itCoot ll Alesia ■Singapore B.M A Co. 7tl. Bcuurly Siugapore S.B.ACo. 10th U. I 1 Laci? Hamburg I> M At Jo. lltli C. A pear '•Singapore A.A.
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  • 81 3 For Port Swelteuliam and Malacca Pei Cornelia, to-morrow, I p in. Port .Swetteuhum and Siugupire—Pei Perak, to-morrow,1 pm. Teluk Anson Per Lady Weld, to morrow, o p in. lliiiuroon and Calcutta taking mails ofr Europe, etc., via lioinbav —Per llharaln, to morrow, p.m. I’ort Swetfenliam Per Mary An-tin,
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  • 29 3 I’er Ja/tau, from Loudon Messrs. Clias. Samuel and It Hewlett. Per L tdy Weld, from Teluk Anson Dr. and Mik. Dowdeu, Mr. VV. Duncan and Mr. A Stewart.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 962 3 (S HIPPIN G.) i S. N. Co. Expecled Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. Outwards. FAKES BY MAIL STEAMERS. To Loudon by Sea M To Maraoillea or Gibraltar i«t Clasa £60 2nd CiaM £40 £56 £38 EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. ITU excellent accommodation for a limited number of passengers. Outwards. IIomkw^rds
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    • 75 3 PASSAGES to EUROPE, via MADRAS. I’ASHAOES mu lie hooked per British India St emu Navigation Company's Steamers fVom Penang, via Madms, to Port Said, (ienoa, Marseilles, Plymouth and Condon. HUTTENBACH, LIEBERT Co., AGENTS. 11-4 06 2ft! BAXTER Cos BEST NAVY CANVAa. SANDILANDS, ItUTTEKV Co. DAVID COHSAK S SON'S WELL-KNOWN EXTRA
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  • 98 4 Justice satisfies everybody and justice alone.— Emerson. Established June 1st, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THI CRITERION* PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Peuaug. PRICE DAILY LOCAL *21 per annu® OUT8TATION8 Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) *10 CABLE ADDRESS; Echo —Penang.” Telephone N<*. 188. y.B.
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  • 20 4 PmKI H. At Kampar. on 28th inst., the* wife of .1. Metcalfe Chill, Settlement Officer, of i sou.
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  • Current Topics.
    • 331 4 It is always pleasant to note any advance in Penang, and to-day we are enabled to state that the first electric train has run out to Aier ltain successfully and the next day or two will see the opening lip of the line right through from the Jetty
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    • 1233 4 Samslxgs appear to have been growing abnormally bold of late, as is shown by w the letter which we published yesterday from a resident of Toll Aka Lane. It is, we think, a great pity that the police are not called in when these men come round with their
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  • 97 4 Further particulars to hand shew that Tuuku Sbedau and three Malays, of Kedah, have been arrested on suspicion in the case of the missing Cbetties. It is alleged that Tuuku Sbedau, who had beeu dealing with the Chetties for several years, tent the tlnee Malays for them
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  • 129 4 Ou the 24th April a man named Lai obtained entrance to Mr. W. Audorson’s bouse, Spring Grove,” ou the plea that lie wished to repair a telephone. He afterwards disappeared aud, at the same time, clothing to the value of two hundred aud fifty dollars was missed. The clothing
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  • 162 4 In July next there is to be a Conference of Collectors of Land Reveuue, says the j Perak Pioneer, at which land administration will be discussed ge erally and suggestions for improvement made. The subjects will include (i) Auv suggestel amendment of the Laud Rules (ii) The prevention
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  • 421 4 The following are the Ageuda for the Ordinary meeting of the Commission toj morrow: 1. Miuutes of last uieetiug to te real and confirmed. 2. Any special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. t lie Peuaug Baud. 5. Application from Mr. Lees for water to la>
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  • 357 4 Harmston’s Circus, which is to arrive a little over a week, will bring a whole IJ of new attractions to amuse tin* p eu f public. It will be the first time that we have seen the loop looped ou a bicycle, aud we shall see the teat
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  • 666 4 1 have thoroughly made up my mind that L will not go to Burma. Things are bad euough here where we have the festive penchuri ayam aud the flowerpot lifter constantly ou the prowl, but iu Burma, if a Rangoon paper is to be believed, the picker up of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 319 4 "BIRO’S-NEST” brandy. Thĕ “Sarang Burong” Brand. Can be obtained at Messrs. Ban Seng Co., Ghiat Seng Co., Chin Joo Co., Gini Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends etc etc., SOLE IMPORTERS: GALDBECK, MACGREGOR A Co. c j[ Samples on Application at Corner of Beach Street dt Church Street Ghaut GUAN
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    • 132 5 .SPEARMINT WM A Record Established. (Supplied h>j Reuter.) la>udou, 30th M*v.—Tire result of the Derby is as follows Spearmint (I), Picktou (2), Trout beck (8). v Loudon, 81 at May.—The Derby was run iu fine w ather. Twenty-two horsed started atid passed the post in the following order:
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    • 61 5 Further Fighting (Supplied by Neuter.) Loudon, 81st May.—Colouel MacKeuzie, with a strong force, lias attacked the Natal rebels iu the luruzi Valley aud is pursuing them iuto the bush, killing forty. A Natal trooper was killel in the fighting. The rebels have fiercely re-attacked Leuchars aud lvrautzkop, and have
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    • 75 5 Disasters to Warships. (Supplied by Reuter Loudou, 31st Alay —The British battlesliip Montana is badly ashore iu the Bristol Channel She has lost bot propellers aud it is doubtful if she will be refloated. The crew were saved, though several were iujured. Several of the vessel’s compartiueuts aud
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    • 132 5 Ministerial Readjustment Rumoured (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 30th AJay.—There are strong rumours prevalcmt of au mipeudiug Ministerial readjustment. The Marquis of Hipou is mentioned as likely to retire from office as Lord Privy beal aud it is expected that Mr. Wiustou Churchill will be promoted. A Denial. Loudou, 31st
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    • 47 5 The Royal Marriage. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, U 1st Alay.—The Spanish marriage contract bet wean Kiug Alfonso and Princess Ena has l-eeu sigued at El Prado. A banquet was given at the British Embassy iu Urn oveuing iu honour of the Prinee nud Pribcoss of Wales.
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    • 42 5 Japanese Colpny for Texas (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 30th May.—Plans have been completed iu New York for the formation of a colony of several thousand Japauese in south-western Texas, where 520,000 acres of laud have been acquired for the purpose.
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    • 38 5 More Bomb Throwing. (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 31st May.—Kx-Goveriur-Gcueral Alikb uoff has hail a bonil» thrown at him at Kutais, in Trans-Caucasia, and lias l»een wounded in the tltigli. A bystander was killed and three people wounded.
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    • 29 5 The Budget i4V (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, H 1st May.—The anticipated deficit ou the Freuch Budget is nine uiillious sterling, which is partly due to extra naval expenditure.
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    • 28 5 Pressmen to Visit England. (l'/te Oetasiat welter Lloyd Service.) Berlin, 81st May.—The Augio-Germau h Headship Committee has invited a number of Germau press delegates to vist England.
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    • 23 5 The Cabinet Resignation. The o*la*uth teller Lloyd Service. Beilin, 81st May——The Emperor Praucis Joseph has accepted the resignation of the Austrian Miuistry.
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  • 704 5 Duke Tsai Tze aud the members of the Chinese Missiou were entertained at luncheon on 4th iust. bv the Comite de l’Asie Fran- caise. The Vice President of that body, M Seuart, iu welcoming the distinguished g< ests, expressed ti e hope that the Chinese authorities would
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  • 939 5 Messrs J. Russell Grant Co/* l Shake Report. r Loudon, 10th May, 1900. The market for Malay and Ceylon Rubber Company shares lias been very irregular during the week. Anglo-Malays, owing to the article iu the Financial Nea-e, dropped to 2j) to 2k, but quickly recovered aud close buyers
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  • 245 5 The, Cost of Lano. Planter writes to the Times of Mala no as follows: W lieu oue daily reads of the enormous tracts of country being given out in Johore <)ther neighbouring States, for comparatively uoiliiug, iu order to encourage the planter to go there aud settle, the comparisou
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  • 348 5 ,,NK morning, soou after Mr. Joliu Bums took command of tlio Bocal Government Board, a short, thick-set, vhitehuired jjhut(email stood iu the entrance hall at Whitehall. aud with his back to the tire aud his bauds iu his pockets, watclie l the staff its they sauntered slowly
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  • 73 5 To-day. 9th Day of liileiv ih.iy Ith Moon. Public Meeting to discuss the Band t Question, Town Hall, 8 30 p.m. Town Baud, Chinese Recreation Club, 5 to 7 p.m. Matsuo's Japauese Cinematograph, Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m To-morrow. 10th Day of Intccalary 4tli Moon.
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  • 16 5 English De’ta 7ili .B in China ((Rean-t) 9th German (Ruon) I2tli China (ClHeisottiie) 13th
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  • 41 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Scrv'ce. Outwards. llon k wa nos. Delta 7 June, j Oceana 9 June. Dcvauha j Domjotu ViS I.xtra Service. Outwards Homewards. Sardinia 12 June. <Jeylon 2 Jure Nubia 2b Paleruio to tsT For particulars see Page 3
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  • 29 5 First Quarter May 31st 1237. l* u O Full Moon Juue 7ih 4117. am Last C/muDe 14th 2.34 4. A m O New Moon 22nd 0.5.0. a.m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 10 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Nortlinm Roa«l. tonight, I :X'ufe«e wl
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    • 59 5 A Safe Medicine Mothers of small children need not hesitate to administer ChamlxMlain’s Cough Remedy. It contains no oj iate or narcotic in any lorni mid may lx> giren to a baby with as much confidence as to an adult. It always cures and cures quitfkh Geor *e IV wu
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    • 68 5 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. “1 hare been selling Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy in my retail shop of this place tor six years, says Adolph Abrahamson of J)urbanville. Cape Colony. 1 find »t t> give satisfaction with the people who use it and it is the best seller of any
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    • 69 5 Give Chamberlain’s Pain Balm a Trial. other iiuiineut affords such prompt relief from rheumatic pains. No other is so valuable for deep seite 1 pains like lame back and pains in the chest. Give this liniment a trial and l*es»nie acquainted with its re markable qualities and you will never
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    • 264 5 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swalow and Amoy. riIHL s.s. \\aihora. Captain \V. Brown, will leave for the above porta, ou Monday, the 4th June, at 3 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co, Owners IVuaug. 31st May. 190 G. 31-5 OG 351 WHIT MONDAY. Banks will be closed
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 24 5 WEATHER. Thf. following report iskitbllr supplied bi flw Signal Director of Pori Cornwaliift 11m raiufail duuug the 24 bouifc raided m. to-dAy was nil.
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  • 1557 6 The girl looking out of the third-class compartment remarked that the train seemed a long time making up its mind to start; her friends reproached her for excessive anxiety, and she hastened to explain that she herself felt iu no hurry; the remark had been fftompted by a
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  • 119 6 Pksanu, 31st May. {lly courtesy oj the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 2/4£ 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4, 7 ff 3 Credit 2/4$ 3 Documentary 2/4-i Calcutta, Demand Bank Ls 1744 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bombay. Demand Bank 174^ Moulmein, Demand Bank 173 4 3 days’ sight Private
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  • 237 6 Gold ieaf S 64.60 B. Pepper \V. C«»asi Slls.asz.l out oj stock While Pepper 30. —sales Traug Pepjer 21 sellers Cloves (picked) 42. —sales Mace 79 Mace Pickings 68 Nutmegs I lOs 334. sales j f No. I 5 55 Sugar I 2 n** slock. Brisker $2 65 sales
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  • 655 6 te. f c Number of p t Capital. Share* i I«ant Dividend. Name. Quotations, sg 1 alue. .s issued. -i W Milting 1900 5 175,000 14,000 10 K Bersawah Gold Mining Co. Ltd. $12 50 sellers. 1D01 000.000 60 000 10 K ,Hiuseh HydraulicTin Minin#Co. Ltd $15.25 sellers. 1903
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 215 6 JOHN TYNDALL C 6J% CELEBRATED PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. Certified by Dr. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tvmkll ti' Peacock Brand Tea 1 liave used and much appreciate Excellent in flavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents -which tend to produce digestive trouble*. Arch. Donald, Ihe above teas are
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  • 452 7 A Device, which its inventor names the leVuiobiloscope,” for preventing collisions at sea, has receutly been invented and patented bv Christian Hulsnieyer, <111 engino *r of Dueeldorf, Germany. The apparatus utilizes Hertzian waves, such as are used in wireless telegraphy, and it
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 570 7 P. /IYo/r Cranes’ m* CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands. Ruttery Co. CHIN JOO CO., 95 Sr 158 Reach Street, HAVE JUST RECEIVED Petler's Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE OUT. NOTICE. Native Clive L<h*h! made Coffins aud Coffins already mounted, of host quality, areaiso'obtainaitle, au«l orders promptly executed, at
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1295 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop «INC IVIOH Co., ft 4, Beach Street, Penung. DENTISTRY. importers of aH kinds of European Cloth and General 'Commission Agents. 61o W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late nf Dr. Allen CoPha, U.S.A. Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RBSIDING AT !\o. 2la, Penang Road. A few doors from the
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