Straits Echo, 29 May 1906

Total Pages: 8
1 8 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1322 1 C/} c r* Q m ft. ASAHI BEER. I a d33fl IHVBV > Z o r m m O O BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. Hongkong St Shanghai Banking Corporation. INCORPORATED BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid-up-Capital Rkservk Fund—*10.000.000 Capital Paid*up Reierve Fun<l Roaerve Liability 2 of Proprietors £800,UU0
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    • 13 1 SOLE AGENTS. GUINNESS’S STOUT. 2 o *HTY s*ssva 1 lAIVG LEE A to.,
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  • 84 2 11. E. Sir Matthew Nathan has» appoiutc.l Commission to enquire 1. WlieUier the administration of tie feumtary and building regulations emested \\ft Public Health and Guildiugs OrdiuVrnee,’ as now carried out is sutisfaeVory.'uud, it' not, improvements can l>e yiiade. r 2. Whether any irregularity or corruption exists or
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  • 695 2 Thk licit >1' Medical Jouniii' gives the following kindly notice of the above iustitutim&« We hnre bp-ni favoured bv the {Secretary of btate for the Colonies with a copy of the rules drawn up for the Government Medical School by the Council and Governor of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 164 2 Give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a Trial. No other liniment alhnds such prompt relief from rheumatic, pain*. No other is so valuable for deep foiled pains like lame hack and pains in the vie<t. Give this liniment a. tral aud become acquainted with its ie in likable qualities aud you wijl
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    • 1782 2 ITETTHALGIA. CURED. CURED. F/RIN REMOVED WITH FINIMN THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17a. JNortham Road. Wish it to b« distinctly understood that their cakes are of the best quality ouly and nothing but the finest ingredients are used. They feel sure that a trial will give perfect satisfaction. The ornamental ion of
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  • Shipping.
    • 122 3 Corn, I ut. as., 1.331, Hartboou, 29th May, Acl.cmi, 28th May, Oeu 11. L. Co. Mal.vta. Ger. 8> 348. Jjoewo, :9th May, l>e!i,2Bth Mav, Gen., —B. M. C<». Pt Koch, Dul. s.s 338, Hut, 2Dvh May, Ac been, 28th May, Oeu., —H. L. Co. Vioak. Hr. k.s 124, Gully,
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    • 61 3 29tb May. Avayyee, tor I>eli. Petrel, for Paugkalau Biuudau. Ta to Tony, for A bah u. I£. Hal etc yn, for Traug and Paug Nga. Pin tfeny, for Port Swetteuhaui Singapore. Lady Weld, for Teluk Auson Both, for Singapore. Plying Fish, for Port Weld and Taipiug. Priaz Heinrich for
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  • 75 3 Vetseit trout Aijeuti i Due Lightning Calcutta A A A Co dlstMav Macduff Liverpool S B AC» JudJuii C A pear Singapore A A.A.Co. (th Beu remit* Singu pore S. 1 l.&Co. •>tli Alesia Hamburg I5..M A Co. 7th Beuart v L< >lld nil S. B.JfcCo. lutii C. K.
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  • 68 3 1 esxel* For A jenln Leaves Lightuiug Sitigapoic A A.A Co. 31st May. Maedufl Siug.ijHjre S.B ACo. 2 u«l June. C. A psjir (Calcutta A A A.Co. 5th Benvenue Condon S.B ACo5th Alesia Sing;» p<*ie B.M ACo. 7th Beuart v Singapore loth C. F. Laci»/ Hamburg D M
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  • 110 3 For Singapore. China aiul Japau—Per Zielen, to-morrow, 7 am. Tong kali—Per Roturua, to morrow, 1 p.m. Paugkor am! Teluk Anson —Per Lavgkat, tomorrow, 2 p.m. Siugapoie, Hongkong, Swatow aud Amoy—Per GLn/allo h, to-morrow, p.m. Calcutta—Per L-ii Snug, to-morrow, 4- p.m. iiaugoou— Per Latpovrn, to-morrow, i p m. Singapore,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 978 3 (SHIPPI N G.) ,TAt 9 r. o. iicm ii. Co. Ejected Arrivals and Departures. Mail B«rvic«. Outwards. To J ioudou by Sea To Marseilles or Gibraltar lsi Ula«* £6O 2ud Claw £4O £56 £3B EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. excellent accommodation for a limited uumber of passengers. OUTWARDS. lIOMIff ARDS ts.s.
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    • 143 3 NOTICE. TITIIK Uienuyle is expect?*] here on the JL 30ih instant aud will leave ou tbe 31st, at 4 p m., for Singapore, Hongkoug, Bwalow and Auior. For freight or nansage applv t.* CHIN HO A SONS, Aye ni t. 28-5-00 345 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r s.B.
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  • 96 4 J aetioe natidfiea everybody and justice alone.—Emerson. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY LOCAL *24 per auuub OUTBTATIONB Postage Extra. MAIL EDITION (Poet Preet ftO CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—Penang.” Telephoue N<>. 188. AM.—All business
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  • Current Topics.
    • 403 4 W l note that the hint which we dropped to the police yesterday, aiient the grent inconvenience occasioned by tlieir stoppage of empty bullock and hand carts entering Beach Street, lias been taken, with the result that business i> proceeding to-day as usual. We must congratulate the police, however,
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    • 1121 4 A Question that may very well he asked at the present moment is, is there such a tiling as an Euiperor of China at the present time V China has always been a land of mysteries and has, for a Ion" number of years, been controlled by the Empress
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  • 113 4 May Monthly Medal. Mr. Goodrich 52 47= 99 —l7 #•> Whitehead 52 +59 111 —22~ 89 FJ. Hallifaxs6 +53 109 —lB 91 J. Rodgers 51 +49= 100 8 I>2 D. M. Ford 51 53 104 12 92 P. T. A lieu 55 f 54 109 —l4= 95 G.
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  • 244 4 Dutkict Judge Killed. A tlight tul collision on the Madras Railway occurred at about one o clock on the morning of the 11th iustaut. The Bombay Mail, which was due iu Madras at daybreak, collided with a goods train new I Ivodur. Four people were killed including Captain
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  • 423 4 E have always been under the impression that Ipoh prided itself on being such a very wideawake place, a sort of humuiiug, whirling hub of Malaya, where people never slept aud where Peuaug was looked upon as a Nirvauha, or Siuiporua, as the Malays put it. Now, however,
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  • 239 4 4 rom further inquiries made by Detective Inspector Sheedy intothis matter, it appears that a Chinaman named Loll Lew Koou at about 9 p. til. on the 27tli iust., after having taken a piut of beer aud some suudries to the value of thirty cents at shop No.
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  • 569 4 Ahmad, said to be a notorious Malay samseug, was arraigned iu the Second Court, betore Mr. G. A. Hereford, yesterday afternoon,ou a charge of assaulting a Chinese lady ou the night of Saturday last. According to the prosecution the complaiuaut, who is the wife of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 149 4 BIRD’S NEST” BRANDY. The Sarang Burong Brand. Can be obtained at Messrs. Ban Seng Co., Chiat Seng <fc Co., Chin Joo Co., Gim Tek Bee Co., Goon Yen Friends etc etc., SOLE IMPORTERS: CALDBECK, MACGREGOR h Go. Samples on Application at Corner of Beach Street dc Church Street Ghaut. YACCA
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    • 65 4 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. “1 have been selling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Abraliamsoii of l>urbanville, Cape Colony. 1 find it. to give satisfaction with the people who use if. and it is the 1 test seller of
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    • 57 4 A Safe MedicineMot Imvk of small child reu need out hesitate to administer Chamherlaiu’s Cough Reined v. It contaius no opiate or narcotic in any form and may be giren fo a bubv with as much confidence as to an adult. It always cures «nd' cures quickly. George .Toijji .-Agents,
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    • 83 4 Children When Teething. This is I lu* most «longerons agein I' l of a child. At tliis tin»»» they have more »»r less diarrhcea, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible te disease. Any unusual looseness of the bowels should be promptly controlled, which can l*» done
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  • 66 4 Obituary. Mr. No Ah Mian. We regret to auuounce the death of Mr. Ni» Ah Miau, a well-known sugar, tapioca him! rubber planter, which took place at his residence m Street, ou Suuday last from heart failure. The date of the funeral’ is not vet fixed. Much sympathy will Ire
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    • 123 5 GOV hi KN M KNT It K BUFFED. liproar in the Reichstag (Supplied by Renter.) Loudon. 28th May.—The German"iHeiclist.ig lias practically rejected the *lkole of the Supplementary Estimates for SouthWest Africa and subsequently refusedsto grant the Government the money to establish a Ministry of the Colonies. This severe rebuff
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    • 148 5 Democracy vs. Bureaucracy. {Suppiieti by Renter.) Loudon, 28th May.—There were general rumour* iu St. Petersburg ou Saturday night that the Russian Duuia was to bo dissolved when it met ou Monday, but these were dispelled by an official statement, issued at midnight, declaring that, the Duma will sit till
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    • 100 5 The Pearl Fisheries (.Supplied by Renter.) Loudon, 29th May.—The correspondence regarding the Ceylon Pearl Fisheries has laeu published aud concludes with a despatch from Lord Elgin on 9th May, sanctioning the Ordinance for the leasing of the Fisheries aud answering various objections raised by the memorialists. He declares that,
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    • 73 5 The Royal Wedding (Supplied by Reuter.) L mdou, 29th May.—Madrid is crammed to oveiflowing with foreigu Priuces and migsious. Every nation is represented aud all are to figure iu the marriage procession to the Church, thus lending exceptional eclat to the display. They foreign repress utatives will occupy lifty-six
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    • 114 5 SThe CttttMM Question A {Skpplied by Reuter.) London, 29th May.—Speakiug iu the House of Lords, Lord Edmund Fits Maurice said that China’s final Note ou the Customs question was expected shortly aud the Government did uot iuleud to allow the question to be protracted or delayed, fully realising its
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    • 38 5 President Castro’s Retirement. (Supplied by Reiiler.) Loudon, 28th Alav.—President Castro Ins proclaimed his decision to rot ire permanently from the of Vene/.'tela. It is luinourdl tiiat there will he a popular demand for his return to power.
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    • 18 5 The New Cabinet. {Supplied by Reuter.) L udou, 29th May.—Signor Giolitti is forming a new Italiau Cabiuet.
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    • 26 5 A Royal Visit (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudon, 28th May.—The Prince aud Princess of Wales have arrived iu Paris and paid a visit to President Fallieres.
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    • 48 5 The New Battleships {Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th May.—The Japanese bat'leship Katari has arrived at Portsmouth, where she is to remain a fortnight. Bhe will be joined by tiie battleship Ktvs'ima on 2nd June. Homeward Bound. London, 29th May.—The .Japanese tiaiuiug squadron has left Sydney for Japan.
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  • 145 5 The Customs. Thk lluuykouy Te'eyrapfi ha- the foiiowiug telegram, dated Siiaughai, 18th May It is reported from Pekiug that Sir Ko belt Hart has tendered his icsiguat’ou to the Cbiuese Government from the luspec-torate-Geueral of the Imperial Maritime Customs. It is stated tliat Sir Robert Hart's resignation has been
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  • 207 5 The Pioneer Consignment. The first consignment of opium to couie from Yunnan, arrived in Hongkong yesterday morning, says the China Mod of loth iustaut, being brought by Mr. A. C. Cattaiiuich, of Mougtze. As (his is the pioneer effort to opeu up the trade it is worthy
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  • 360 5 In these days wheu we are fairly iu the euibraee of the amorous summer the you ug tuau’s mind, to say uuthiug of that of the discreet persou who admits middle aye, or J the venerable individual who is on the downward slope and does not care who
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  • 174 5 I Whilst Beugal continues to employ its tiiue in wildlv creating a geuerai contusion :over Swadeshi, says the liangoon Times, Bombay patriot* are otiueiujj their iuterest iu tin* Swadeshi movement in a quiet and practical tuauuer. One of the largest and i most important undertaking» started reeeati ly under
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  • 767 5 A Blague Officer's Testimony. At a 'iieefiug of the Royal Asiatic Society, at Calcutta ou the 2ud iustaut, a j paper ou a subject closely touching eveiyI day life was read by Dr. Hossack. ou the Rats of Calcutta. The intcreit of the sub ject, of course,
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  • 775 5 J Jhe following quaint appeal appears iu tli3 Free Pretr j To the Editor. Sir.—l beg aud kindly ask to publish tins Jon your paper to recover u»y shame. On the 19th lust there was a shameful article being 1 published on the above paper. It seems to l*e
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  • 48 5 To-day. 7th Day of Intel diary it L Moot.. Matsuo s Japanese Cinematograph. Corner of Penang Road and Campbell Strevt, 9 p.ui. To-morrow. Bth Dav of Intercalary 4th Moon. Town Baud, Esplanade, I» to 7 pm. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of PeLuiig Road aud Campbell Street, 9'p.tu.
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  • 20 5 China yl*. Hei n > ieh I 29th May. German {Zieleu) oUtii English {Delta) 7th June Chiua {Oceana) 9th
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  • 42 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Service. Outwards, Uo>mkwak<»k. Delia < June. Oceana H June. Thrunlin V/ j IhmytJa V-V i \ira Service. Out w aui»>.- Hour, wards. Japan fi9 May. j .TJtyluk Jute Sardinia l.‘J June. Palermo la (jp For particulars see Page 2.
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  • 32 5 First. Quarter May 31st 128 7. p m.. P Kuli Moou Jgue 7tli 4117. a m f I«.M»r Quart* 14‘b 2 c»4 4 am. O Ajo.oii 22ml 6.5 oa m
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 13 5 The French Confectionery. 17a, Norfchaitt„Roa(l- ice#.. tfcrowborry and Leraou; nnd*n o* F»»'/ Cakes.
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    • 84 5 A Safe Speculation. If you bavo-au attack of rlMlittialiMii and Chamberlain Pain Balm gets you back to •york iu a few days, will it not pay for itself several times over? There is no need of suffering from rheumatism for a mouth or six weeks incurring the expense of a
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    • 155 5 Penang' Sales Room. The undersigned is instructed to sell l»y Public Auction All Unserviceable Government Articles, AT THE Public Works Department TOWN STORE, ox THURSDAY, 31st MAY. 1906. AT 11 A..M. Usual Conditions of .Sale. Terms Cash l>efi re delivery. KOH ENG IIIN, Lice ir'til Auctioneer, l! o 0G :U8
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 1520 6 Rangoon to Haiphong A liAUr'l EXPERIENCES. Ai rEßuearly five mouths’ absence from the comforts eveu of the civilisation of Eurojieau 1 jCOiamunities iu the Orieut, there arrived in the Colony the other day the first woman, or at auv rate, one of the very few of her
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  • 128 6, 29 th May. (/it/ courtesy oj the Chartered lianli.) i London Demand Bank ...2/4# 4 months* sight Hank 2/4-,- 7 ir 4 Credit 2/1 4 Documentary ...2/4ji 1 Calcutta. Demand Bank Xcs. 1744 4 days’ .sight Private 177 Bombay, Demand Bank 174 A Moulmein, Demand Bank 173;j 4
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  • 250 6 Gobi leaf f 04 do B. Pepper \V. C**a*t :-tit>».?*•*/.. out of *tocl. White Pej'per 40. sole* j Traug Pepper 211 sellers 1 Cloves (picked) 42.— tale* dMace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings 081. —sellers I Nut megk 11 Os 344 sale* (No I r»00 ISugar -j 2 u<* stock.
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  • 547 6 2 Number of J I C p,Ul Value 8 Ij 5 1 Dividend. Name. Quotation*. 1900 3 175.090 14,000 1«) 1« u t r i 1901 600.000 60 000 10 K Ou!d3l,mn U. 140 teller*. 1903 Jt 400.000 350.000 I 1 Brujeh Hf dmulm lin Mining Co. Ltd 3l5.2o
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 18 6 John Bazley White Bros., PORTLAND CEMENT, “LION BRAND.” Sandifunds, Buttery Co. f AGENTS PENANG A F M 8
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    • 339 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co CELEBRATED Jfc PEACOCK BRAND CEYLON TEAS. I Certified by l)r. Donald of Penmig as followsMessrs Tv,.H„li t ,< Peacock Brand Tea 1 have used and Excellent m tiavoiu and freedom from the vegetable astringents -which tend to produce digestive troubles. Arch. Donald, The above teas are sold
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  • 420 7 I»iu. to 1»M8K Tile Flash Point. For the purpose of raising the Hash point of petroleum, a Bill has Leeu introduced by Mr. J. W. Beuu, and is backed by Mr. Aldeu, Mr. Whit well Wilson, Mr. Pickers* gill, Mr. Powerman, aud Mr. Steadman. The object of this
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 795 7 P. Molr Cranes CYLINDER OIL. Sandilands. Buttery 6e Co. /0141 NOTICE. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR of iheHh riIJJL uudeihiguvl lo iuf.nrui the public of Penally and the need A States t hat thov have l***u appointed Agents for Messrs. JngaT] Co., htd. of London, and have
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1226 8 Lim Sun Ho, chop rtfc'NG IVIOH Co., Uj4, Beach Street Penang. dentistry. importers of aM kinds of European Cloth and Genera] Commission Agents. do W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. THEAN CHEE&Co Charges Moderate, Consultation Free. RESIDING AT /Vo. 2/a, Penang Road. A fen doors
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