Straits Echo, 28 May 1906

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1350 1 .A c rm i». O fu 2 AS AH I BEER.?! 1 I s* T > 2 O r m m O O 8338 IHVSV •!<*<! M' UtH ,t% j BANKS. Chartered Bank of India, .4 Kf Australia and China. Hongkong Shanghai Banking: Corporation. Nederlandsche Handel INCttttToUATED BY ROYAL CHARTER.
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    • 24 1 GUINNESS’S STOUT. TIAKG LEE Co MBS a a BP i W) "»7 Vv UA to <2 a v SOLE A GEM S. BASS'S ale
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  • 921 2 How a Fortune War Saved From The Sea. To buy a wreck for £350 aud subse- 1 1 queutly to acquire from it a fortune of I nearly £200,000 is a stroke of <»0011 luck j < such as falls to the lot of few ineu.
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  • 1181 2 Tuesday .list July r Thursday 2nd August and 1 Saturday 4th August. First Day. Tuesday, Jlst July, 1906. 1. —The Maiden Plate. Value 8600. A Race for Maiden Horses. Weight as per scale reduced 14 lbs. All animals imported into the Straits
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1479 2 NOTICE!. ON and after this date, all small advertisements intended for insertion in the Straits Echo must be paid for in advance. LIM SENG HOOI, 25tb July 1905 Managing Dircc'or. THE FRENCH CONFECTIONERY, 17», NORTH AM ROAD NO BRANCHES IN PENANG. MTOTICB. Hi l he Penang Steam Saw Mill. Co.
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  • Shipping.
    • 123 3 Avagyee, Br. s.s., 247, Crichton, 27tb May, Deli, 2dth May, Gen.,—K. G. Co. Laoy Weld, Ur. s.s., 24-3, Quine, 27th May, Teluk Anson, 26tb May, Gen., —Straits S. S. Co. Bethel, Br. s.s., 124, Edwards, 27th May, Braudau, 20th May, Gen., —K. G. Co. Stentok, lJr. s.s. 4,308. Jacksou,
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    • 39 3 28th May Tony Clnii/ Un, for Uatu Uahra and Asahau. Man/ Austin, for Bort Swettenhain. Padany, for Uatu Uahra. Canton, for Baugkor and Teluk Anson. Chan Tai, for Beilis and Setul. b'hj'ny Dragon, for Bort Weld and Taipiug.
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  • 50 3 Vennei* Fro in A'jenlt Due M ;ic<1 utt Liverpool l iS Ii.ACo. '2 ud Juue. Feuvenue Singapore S. 1! ACo. '•Ill Alesi.i Hurnburg ii. VI A Co. 7,1, i'euart y Loudon 8.B ACo. 10» li 0. V. Lieii-Z Chinn li M A Co. lieu alder Smgapo>e S li.JtCo.
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  • 45 3 1 exxrlit For A'/eu/a Leave» Mat'd lift Singapore 8.15 A Co. 2nd June. lleiMCMUK London S.l*. A Co. 5t|i Alesia Singapore i;.M ACo. 7i li I’ena if j Singapore S.H.AC». lOih C. F. Litoitz Hamburg 1*. M ACo. ini. Beualdor London 8 B.ACo. I5tli
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  • 117 3 For Deli—Ber Amjijee, tomorrow, 1 pin. Uaugkulun Uraudan -Ber Prtre l tomorrow, 1 p in. Asah u Ber TatcTnng, to morrow. 1 p in. Trang and Bang Nga—Ber H- ttahwyn, to morrow, 1 p in. l’oit Swettenham and Pingipore —Ber Pin Sent/, to inoirow, 3 pm. Teluk Anson—
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  • 101 3 IVr t int yce. from Djli Mr. Thompson. Per Lnhj We'd form 'i'eluk Anson Messrs Loke Clioug Sum ami Mark JUI Cl me. Per lih vuta. i’ro'ii I’angoon Messrs. W. Scliadd. F. West la, Ett<4 lvau Kliiu, Lee Sin Hoou, Lei Cliwee Sim and Couiorati A ***** st. Per
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 1075 3 (S HIPPI NO.) P.&OJ M^ m tijcpeded Arrivals and Departures. Mail Service. 9’ Outwards FARBS BY MAIL STEAMERS. 1st Class To Ijoudou by Sea £60 To Marseille** or C*ibraltar £56 2nd Class £40 £38 EXTRA STEAMERS Intermediate Service. excellent accommodation for a limited number of passengers. Outwards. Homewards ts.s. Japan
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    • 103 3 For Singapore, Hongkong, Swatow and Amoy. r |MJE o.s. (ileufullorli C«tpt G. Kiujjhulll, 1 will leave for the above ports, on Wednesday. the SOtli inst., at 3 p.m. For freight or passage apply to KOE GUAN Co, Aijtulti for Wee Hin Co., -ti-o-Oti >4 i of Singapore. PASSAGES to EUROPE,
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  • 92 4 Justice sat iatteeeverylxxlyaudj mtice aloue.— Smtrnon. Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday#.» at mi CRITERION PRESS, Ltd., No. 226—232, Beach Street, PRICE DAILY LOCAL $24 p r anna» OCTSTATIOSS Extra. MAIL SDITION (Poet Free) SU CABLE ADDRESS: Echo—-Penang.” Telephone No. TBM X.K. —All business communication.'should
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  • Current Topics.
    • 315 4 That the .policemans life is not a happy one lias grown to be an aphorism. This was at hist applied to the case of jtlie policemen of Great Britain, but if their lives were uuhappy. the lives of the European Policemen in the Straits are far more unhappy
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    • 1290 4 We are always having to grumble and growl about the traffic muddle in Beach Street and whenever we do so we tind that I the police wake up for a time and make a slight improvement, but at the end of 1 a week or so things drift back
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  • 1518 4 My uLAKtM .have had an other rather giddy week, my dear, from which wo are but just, recovering. You see we have hail the Empire 'Day Gymkhana, the Volunteer Dance aud the Meeting of im friends the Commissioners on the Baud question, to say nothing of the Dog
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  • 101 4 Another tramway accident, which has ended in the death ’of a llokten Cbiuese, aged 26, occurred at Dato Krauiat Rond on Friday afternoou. It appears tbat.wvhile Car No. 8 was proceeding along the road iu question at the rate of about 8 miles au hour, u Chinese
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  • 105 4 A Chinaman was arrested last uiglq bv a detective whilst attempting. to change a counterfeit note iu a Chinese shop at Peuaug R ad. Wheu his person was lieiug searched he managed, it is alleged r -i.o swallow auother uote which jiiid beeli seitret%d iu his belt. He
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  • 403 4 It will be reiuemberet that a few days ago we reported that the steam launch Sportsman had picked up six Chinese .from a foundered junk. W.e have just received further informatiou ou the subject and also uews of another accident which occurred about the same time, close,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 Eastern Oriental Hotel, PE NANO. r***Li_ vi.. Electric Light throughout. BRANCH HOUSES. t RAEFLES HOTEL. Singapore. STRANO HOTEL Rangoon. THE lit AO HOTEL. Penang Hills. SARKIES s: s *r- 1. BROTHERS, Proprietors. t TOW’S HEAD BRAND. Full Cream, Sterilized, Unsweetened Condensed Swiss Milk. Cream Unsweetei SOCIETY INSUUR REGULARLY SUPPLIED TO
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    • 225 5 <- Til a DUMA. 9 t’ Cabinet Resignation Demanded. (, Reuter London,'Jifctb May. -The Russian Duma has reail the Halieoa Corpus Dill a drat time. M Goremykin lias delivered a reply to the Duma's address, which declares that the grouting of au amnesty is wholly prerogative and that, the
      225 words
    • 124 5 Disarmament. (Supplied' by Reuter.) o 'ljoudou; 27th May. —Duriug the disanna.'iiwU debate tiu the House of Lords, the Marquis of ltipou drew a distinction between reduction of expenditure ami disariuauient aud said that, while the Government would do its utmost to reduce expenditure, it.yas its duty to provide ample
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    • 84 5 British Naval Visit (The Otta*iati*chcr Lloyd Service.) Uprliu, 27th May.—The Genuau Goveruine*it, has granted tiijj reepost of the British Goveruuieuf for it*. British squadrou to viait Pillau, on tlie Gulf of Lubeck, at the end of August.. The Alliance., „,B«rl»» 27th Maf.T-Couut TscUirsky s Hieoiaraliou auent- tW Triple Alliance
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    • 52 5 Greek Baitdf to be Suppressed by Renter:}- r London. ‘2Bth —Yielding to tho repreOenlat ions’of the Powers 6U the reoeut massacre uf eighty 1\ utzoVulachs iu Macedonia' by a. Greek baud, the Porte has ordered Hilmi Pasha to commence operations with a vjew to tlie rapid extermination qf the
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    • 45 5 A Denial. rV. p (T/i* OiiutiatMcher Lloyd's titmice.) Berlin. 27th May.—The Shah is better. The standard lias published a false report reirardiug Geruian plans, in Persia, wlvicii has only had the' effect of making Uussia more favourably inclined towards the wishes of Great Britain.
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    • 40 5 The K«y»l Progress (Supplied by Reuter.) London, 28th May.-Kiug Alfonso and Vritlcesß Eua li»M made a triumphal proves* through Spam. Enormous crowd* collated at the. stations e* route owinciiif? delirious enthusiasm «'»'l delating the tram. which handiotgirl* w,,h H
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    • 60 5 Our Allies at SyUne>. f r i. 1 {Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 26th May.—ln Sydney tlie officers of the Japanese training squadron have been enthusiastically feted, though rain marred the outdoor functions. Iu a rifle match of fifteeu a side, under service c >udi. tious at moving figuies, the
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    • 31 5 Prince Tsaitse’s Mission. (Supplied by lleuter.) Loudou, 26th May.—Prince Tsaitse’s Missiou has gone to Brussels for .ten days an: from tlienee will leave for Marseilles eu i viue for China.
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    • 36 5 A New Combine. (Supplied by Reuter.) Loudou, 26tli May.—The Cuuard Ste unship Company, the Peuiusular and Oriuutal Steam Navigation Compauy and the OrientPacific Liue announce the opening of a joint Eastern aud Australian ter vice
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    • 82 5 Saturday’s Resul s (Rcho Special.) Singapore, 28th May.—Following are the results of the principal races on Saturday Thk Stewards’ ur. The Bridge Kougsi’s Essiugtou 1 Mr. H. Fort’s Highlander... 2 Mr. Hood’s Tease 3 The First Scurry. A walk; over for Jiui Gosper. The Second Scurry. Dr. Travers’
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  • 1426 5 Thursday’s Results. The following are the remits of Tliurs dav’s racing 1 —TH E FIRST. GRIFF IN HANDICAP —Yaiue $4OO, and $5O to the Second lioise provided there are live starrers the property of different owners. A Handicap for Griffius that have enterel for the First Griffiu Race
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    • 287 5 To *|i[ KuitoiXqf the lrs K« no Sin, —crave some space in your valuable journal tb"A'eiitilate the unjust treatment uieted out hv tlie Police to hu*l'>ck carts, hand carts and -rikisbas V Siuee your agitaliun alient the traffic muddle iu I’each Stre»l, the Police have realised
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  • 122 5 Du Ei.m Boon Kkno’s Java l'oua. Dr. Eim Boon Keug returned to Singapore from his educapoual mission to Java by the M. M. steamer La Seyue <* Suuday last, says the Fr.e Prt**. Ou the eve of his departure from Batavia Messrs Lie 11 iu Liang. Lie Iliu Liam.
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  • 281 5 Poou Pnosevcrs. The inure recently joined of our CaPets are dissalisrieil with their piospeets, aud there is uo doubt that their position is. inferior to that of their brethren iu the, Colony, says the .I fa'oy Mail. They both pass the same examinations, aud therefore have
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  • 301 5 A Test Case: tlrr Wedi.eel.iy morning liefore Mr. Michell. at Singapore, four lieugalis were charge 1 with pi act sing medicine without having their names legisfered as require! bv Sec. 2b of Ord. 9 of lbti.3, luspector Howard prosecuted and Mr 1. Dudley Parsons was for the defence.
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  • 49 5 To-day. Glli Dav of Intorcalarv 4tli Moou. Town Baud, Esplauade, 0 to 7 p in. Matsuo’s Japanese Cinematograph, Corner of Per.aug Road and Campbell Street, It p.m. To-morrow. 7th Day of lutetcilarv 4th Moon. Matsuo's Japauese Cinematograph, Corner of Peuaug Road and Campbell Street, 9 p.m. A f
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  • 19 5 P. O. SAILINGS. Mail Servite. Outwards. Uomkwaros. Delta 7 June. Oceuiui U June. Dr van ha 21 Donyola 23
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 17 5 The French Confectionery. 17 a; "North iwn Road; TO-NIORt, Icw Coffee aud V.4* 1 M <l u **>*•
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    • 335 5 Municipal notice. r |1|IE next Ordinary Meeting of the X Municipal (Jonunis*loner* will be held ait the Municipal Office, at 4-30 p.ui., on Friday, the l*t Juue next. Ii A. Coutikk BIGGS, Secretary. NOTICE. K s.s. G’enojle is expected here on the j X :JO.ii instant aud will leave on
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    • 177 5 CENTRA!. SALES ROOM. TO Hi SOLO i V Public Auction, AT “SEFTON” NO. 16 SCOTLAND RO OK Tuesday, 29th May, tfWP’ at 11.30 a.m.* Valuable Handsome Household Furn Pure, OOMPRlellNti Iron ih* lt»lc.ida complete, I lining Table», Waggons, Almirahs, Dressing TfMe with mirror attached, Hal tan anti Ilentwood Suites, Unique
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 28 5 WEATHER. Thk following report is kindly supplied hy Hie Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis The rainfall during the 'JI hours eu ie< •it St lo was nil.
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  • 1515 6 ■SCKNK OK INTENSE ENTHUSIASM. Loudon, April 2b. The utuiosphere of His Majesty’s Theatre last night was charg'd with electricity. The gallery, the upper circles, the pit, the stalls were crowded to their last capacity with an j audience determined to make the eve of Miss Ellen
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  • 123 6 Henano, 2b rn May. (Ity courtesy oj the Chartered Bank) London Demand Hunk 2/ 4i 4 months’ sight Bank 2/4q 7 8 Credit 2/ 3 Documentary ..2/41 Calcutta, Demaiid Hank Ls 174 A 3 days’ sight Private 177 Bmiuay. Demand Bank I 74A Mouiuieih, Demand Bank 1735 3 days’
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  • 226 6 Gold leaf t 04.00 B. Pepper (W. (J**a»t 3lb*.. r >o/.. l out of stock White Pepper f 30.— sale* Traug Pepjer 21s sellers Cloves (picked) 42.— gale* Mace 81 —buyers Mace Pickings Ob.',. —sellers Nutmeg* 110 s 33.', —sales No. 1 5 00 i Sugar 2 u<> slock.
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  • 554 6 'S i Number of j Capital. Shares Value! Last Dividend. Name. Quotations, f issued. '5 Eh ft* Mining i’S’HIS 1125 J' Kersawah 0o!d Miuiug Co. Ltd Sl*2$0«tffci». J or'! V I J Hioseli HvdrauKcTiu Mining Co. Lid $15.25 seVers. ]J*{? f Duff Development Co. Ltd. #5 .—tellers. 12,(MX* lO
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 47 6 A Safe Medicine. Motherx «if small liil.lien m«.| not hesi tate tn administer Chamberlain's Oot:<»li Keinedy. It couluius no opiate or narcotic iu auv 4 oil»» and may be given to a baby wiib as inu«-|!i i nnfiileiua* as Joan adult. It always ii;«i Town irtxrfn.rf«.r s.ileTiv
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    • 358 6 JOHN TYNDALL Co.’s CELEBRATED PEACOCK C E YLON TEA S Certified by l>r. Donald of Penang as follows :—Messrs. Tyndall Co.’a Peacock Brand Tea I have used and much appreciate. Excellent in'fiavour and freedom from the vegetable astringents which tend to produce digestive troubles. i Arch. Donald, M. D„ Af,
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  • 284 7 A CV MPaIHINBIVK Ijl-T. A catalogus has jus» lemi published l»y the military authorities of die various ait'cles raptured—from I eav v artillery to leather straps—by the Jupuuese forces during the late war. The following aie lu principal items:— Sworus 0,292 Lances 163 K'H ‘s 110.548
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1226 7 Pi flio/i* Cranes' CYLINDER OIL. f i U lie jl Sandiland s. Buttery <* Co. Petter’s Patent Petroleum Engines. THE MOST PERFECT MOTOR OF THE DRY. For Quotations and Catalogues APPLY TO SANDIUNDS. BUTTERY O, Sole Agents, PE NANO a F. M. S IF YOU WANT NEW OR SECOND-HAND Boilers,
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    • 71 7 Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Gives Satisfaction Everywhere. “I have been selling Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu iny retail shop of this place for six years, says Adolph Abruhamsou of Dur> hauville, Cape Colony. 1 find it to give satisfaction w ith the people who use it and it i& the best sellei
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 1207 8 Sun Ho, chop rtli'NC IVIOH Co., It 4, Beach Street, Penang. DENTISTRY. importers of aH kinds of European Cloth and General Commission Agents. 610 W. MANSON, American Dentist, Late of Dr. Allen Co., Pha, U.S.A. Kim Keng l.eong Co, 127, BEACH STREET. immiEKS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Charges Moderate, Consultation Free.
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  • 1364 9 “Cousin Jack’s Smile,” n, J J Henry Harris. Wl,eu tiu booms Cousin Jack smiles auu lie is smiling now. This tune it it s bum a long smile, a continuous smile, a smile wllicU commenced a vearoi so ago, broadening and deepening as the market
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  • 1430 9 By A Member of the Bar Will bis Majesty's judges oppote tiie I Criminal Appeals Bill introduced by Lord i Loreburu iu the House of Lords r It seems i likely that the majori y will do so. The general public, too, is keenly
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 84 9 A Safe Speculation. If you have hu attack of rheumatism and Chamberlain's Pain Balm gets yoi hack to work in a lew days, will it not pay for itself several t imes over? There is no need of suffering from rheumatism for a neoith or «i* weeks inclining the expense
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    • 81 9 Children When Teething This is the most dangerous age m the life of a child. At this time they have more or less diarrhoea, which weakens the system and renders the child more susceptible to disease. Anv unusual looseness of the bowels should lie promptly controlled, which can he done
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    • 319 9 PAIN NEUKALGIA ‘PAIN NEUKAI.GIA IP.-» IN NEUKALGIA PAIN NEUKALGIA FINISIN The World -Renowned Neuralgia Cure Removes it. Ihe dreadful pain «>t Neuralgia ceases with Pini&in anil we stronglv advise you to try it. e have rejC ivetl favourable reports for thirty j years pas», and as a relief to your
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    • 942 9 l! IHTSXJR.i|.Ba‘ OSS. r it e LONDON ASSURANCE CORPORATION. INCORPORATED BY UOYAI, CHARTER A.L). 172c. r piiK uudersigned having I**!, appoiuted Aiguls tor tlii? aI > vc Corporation, an* now prepared to MARINE and HUE risks at current rates. PATERSON. SIMONS Co Hongkong Goon On Insurance Company, l td.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 633 10 WROUCHT-IRON TUBES AND FITTINGS. Large Stock. Always on Hand. ADAMSON, GILFILLAN CO.. LTD. NATUHA STERILIZED MILE •:o:~ USE ONLY and USE ALWAYS Atkinson’S A Luxurious Perfume In Health. MOST REFRESHING. Far Superior to the German Kinds. A NECESSARY RESTORATIVE IN SICKNESS. Eau «Cologne IN CASES OF 48 l-lb. Tins $8-00.
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